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/lit/ - Literature

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8113976 No.8113976[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you have a fb account?

What do you use it for?

>> No.8114010
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I use it for sharing leftist propaganda and watch as retarded /pol/shits embarrass themselves by replying with paragraphs on paragraphs about race; the more people that alienate themselves from others, the less likely they will succeed, and therefore the more likely I am to succeed.

>> No.8114050

I've never had any social media. Too autistic

>> No.8114059

To chat with friends
To see what is up on memes

>> No.8114060

No, but if I did I imagine I'd use it to keep in touch with friends and family and to widen my circle of acquaintances in a way that would allow me to get to know them without having to meet up and so on. It's a useful tool, but I am a solitary person with mild paranoia and intense dislike of seeing images of myself.

>> No.8114065

I have it, mostly for chatting to friends and organizing our meet ups on the weekend. I never post anything on it though. In fact I rarely even use Facebook itself; I do everything through Messenger.

>> No.8114070

To keep up wit my dawgs from da country jail

>> No.8114073

• Keepin up with pals and family
• Networking with musicians
• Luring conservashits and /pol/ posters into publicizing their beliefs

>> No.8114074

Family pictures and events, watching highschool "friends" gain weight and destroy their lives

>> No.8114087

Every time one of my bleeding heart friends or family posts in support of trannys in bathrooms, another Trump voter is born. And then they go HOW CAN ANYONE VOTE TRUMP when Hillary has somewhat cheerfully been involved in killing brown people for like 20 years.

Lefties on fb are the worst.


>> No.8114090

>implying I support Hillary


>> No.8114102

US political ideology is a poison, and you are part of it.

I unfollow anyone who posts anything political immediately.

>> No.8114105

I tend to only post profession-related stuff. Things like new conference acceptances or new work that's been put somewhere online.

I use it for keeping up with people, and as an RSS feed. I choose not to actually "follow" most "friends," since they don't post anything I want to read. I have a lot of other translators and people in the publishing industry on mine, which still feels a bit weird.

>> No.8114107

Bloo bloo bloo

I bet you have a tough time reading books cuz they perturb your world view

>> No.8114108

Drumpf is a joke candidate. You've been memed on.

>> No.8114113

Watching the profile of someone who I'm obsessed with

>> No.8114116


>> No.8114119


this essentially.

I also very much think that it corrupts how human relations should work

>> No.8114126

>follow favorite authors
>they sperg out over every college protest or black shot

>reading works on politics is the same as getting ideology from an undereducated stay at home mom, uncle or acquaintance that works at walgreens on fb via meme pics

no shit, but he is the only possibility for getting in a constitutionalist supreme court justice


>> No.8114131

The problem with ideological casts of mind is that they politicize more and more areas of life.
The idea of using a social networking site to trick your ostensible friends into revealing WRONGTHINK is quite frankly positively absurd.

>> No.8114133

Used to do this until i realized how fucking sick it is. Just fucking rape them and get it over with

>> No.8114135

ITT: self erected pedestal snowflakes

>> No.8114137

Collecting pics to fuel my hebephilic masturbatory habits.

>> No.8114139

I use it for school mostly. And to chat with my gf and friends.

>> No.8114141

>not watching your oneitis life progress 15 years down the road while grinding your teeth and saving her pics from other peoples profiles because she has blocked you

>> No.8114144

She doesn't even have any profile picture. I just like to see that she is there and yes I'm probably sick

>> No.8114148


>> No.8114151

it's an empty profile
i use it to log into every few months to see if the girls i wanted to have sex in high school are still getting fatter and fatter
then i log out again

>> No.8114153

I just want a nice Scalia clone, or better yet a clarence thomas clone.

Would vote in a geneticist who's only promise is to fill the court with above.

>> No.8114155

any of you have a link for the /lit/ discord?

>> No.8114159

No, I don't even know what it's for but I've heard of it and that there's a movie about it but that's all. Would you recommend using it? I heard it's for friends and family, but is that all? Because I don't have those.

>> No.8114162

But the Elastic Clause is built into the Constitution, giving the government the constitutional right to do anything necessary and proper for the betterment of the Union

>> No.8114164

I will be your friend, anon

>> No.8114167


>> No.8114171

I dont have many friends so none really talk to me. Pathetic. So yeah, i desactived it.

>> No.8114184


At this point "betterment" is letting the governors and state legislatures usurp a degree of autonomy, and that is only achievable with a strict constitutionalist

>letting California lefties, dis-attached billionaires, and southern evangelicals dictate your community's future.

local government best government

>> No.8114194

>all people in the country shouldn't have access to health care as a citizen of the country


>> No.8114220

Yeah. All fake shit and an image I got from a stock photo.

I just mess around and correct people in comments for my local news pages. I question newspeak or just about anything really. I often just type the stupidest shit I can think of and at least one person will like it.

I have a groupie though that likes a lot of stuff I say, is good looking, and doesn't seem to be retarded. She's okay.

Niggers and older women are completely devoid of any humour though so they usually call me out on my stuff. I have one cunt saying nothing I ever say is funny or smart. Words hurt, bitch.

>> No.8114251

Not really, a pedestal suggests being above others, while my insecurities and mental defects obviously place me below them if anything.

>> No.8114260

Like my meme page called the indifferent fish for stolen lit memes

>> No.8114272

Question, English isn't my first language but why does it sound weird to me "a fb account"? I feel like it sounds better as "an fb account".
And I use fb to keep in contact with few friends and family.

>> No.8114276

i use fb to keep up with friends, communicate with friends/family, browse info on local events, research, and to post and read interesting and funny shit. i also use it to look up girls i meet at bars, shows, events, etc.

>> No.8114283

I use it to sell shit.

>> No.8114297

This is how I feel. The person I'm obsessive with is someone who abused me and I just like to check to see "where they are". When they don't appear online for a long time I start getting worried.

>> No.8114298

yes, to "stalk"

>> No.8114299

You're right that it should be "an." You use "an" before vowel sounds and "fb" starts with the vowel sound "eh."