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/lit/ - Literature

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7985766 No.7985766 [Reply] [Original]

By Crom! Steel is strong but flesh is stronger.

Selected stories:

Tower of the Elephant
Red Nails
Beyond the Black River

Old thread >>7981275 → #
Selected: http://i.imgur.com/3v2oXAY.jpg (embed)
General: http://i.imgur.com/igBYngL.jpg (embed)
Flowchart: http://i.imgur.com/uykqKJn.jpg (embed)
Selected: http://i.imgur.com/A96mTQX.jpg (embed)
General: http://i.imgur.com/r55ODlL.jpg/ http://i.imgur.com/gNTrDmc.jpg (embed)

>What are you reading right now?
>Got any weird tales like those mentioned above?
>Post your favorite Frank Frazetta art

>> No.7985773

Come on guys, this shit isn't hard

>> No.7985778

No femshit allowed.

>> No.7985785

What is the most aromantic and asexual epic fantasy series that currently exists?

>> No.7985788

How old are you guys and what's your favourite series?

I'm 18 and I've only read GotM and Deadhouse Gates.
Both are my favourite.

>> No.7985790

Stormlight Archives. Closest thing to a romance is a girl squeeing that her arranged marriage partner's a hunky prince. Gruff old general literally sold his wife's memory to the Devil and hunky spearman only likes his bridge-bros (platonically) and JUSTICE.

>> No.7985791

LOTR. There's no sex and only passing mention of romance.

>> No.7985796
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>> No.7985811

If you speak true you may have finally convinced me to read Sanderson.

>> No.7985833

Is LotR really the closest to darksouls

>> No.7985848

As an 18 year old I have to say no.
The blade itself is

>> No.7985864


Discworld, without any doubt. They are the world and all its workings, blown open and reassembled in a beautiful shape.

Book of the New Sun is a new favourite as well and please, don't call me pretentious. I'm just fascinated by Wolfe's writing and use of normal techniques, which is mot exceptional but fairly interesting nonetheless.

By the way, anyone has read the Vorrh? Thinking about buying the paperback when it comes out - and what about Michael Cisco? Any of you guys know where one could find pdfs/reasonably priced editions?

>> No.7985908

Any sci-fi or fantasy with a little girl protagonist?

>> No.7985913

Anita Blake the Vampire Layer had a bad ass loli vampire villain in the first book.

I hope she gets a back story prequel novel one day

>> No.7985950
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>> No.7986024

Not gonna happen, and if you read past Obsidian Butterfly you know the series is porn now.

It may be like that but the story isn't focused on those parts, you have to find it out yourself.

>> No.7986028

There's no blood spatter in the bottom left panel...

>> No.7986032

I know, it's a real shame Anita Blake became so crap so fast.
First book had so much promise, but everything just had to go south.

>> No.7986034

That is obviously the first picture in the sequence.

>> No.7986070

Anita Blake has gone from a good Urban Fantasy(even though it was written by a woman ), to a joke focused on Anita and her personal harem and why other people with a vagina always hates her, and how she is self conscious and calls herself ugly because her stepmom called her that like 30years ago, even though tens of men literally line up to run train on her "so wet, so tight"vagina.

There is also the police hate because she is a US Marshal now, but they come around by the end of the book. There is also the mother of darkest who they killed(which the first like 15+ books was building up to) and the series still isn't over even though Anita's vagina has a godhood now, once you stick your penis in there you get qn automatic power up.

What more can she do? I don't want to read about you and your 30+ boyfriends(they are aware of each other, so it's cucking with intent and consent), I want to read about zombie raising and killing vamps and wereanimals.

>> No.7986362
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Is this any good?

>> No.7986367

It is alright but dated. People tend to say Malazan and Traitor Son Cycle are better versions of it.

>> No.7986384

Everyone knows my favourite series, Solar Cycle, Lankhmar, Amber, Gormenghast.

>> No.7986391

Why do you guys hate Abercrombie?

>> No.7986406

I've only read Tolkien,asoiaf and Malaz. Would you recommend me the Traitor Son Cycle?

>> No.7986411

Definitely. Great series.

>> No.7986413

He is irredeemable in just about every aspect. There is nothing good in his writing. Characters are boring caricatures, writing is empty of style, he doesn't even have even the most basic descriptions, the world is generic and lacks imagination, his action scenes are a mess.

>> No.7986421

Thanks! Will read.

>> No.7986456

That is a confusing set of panels.

>> No.7986460

That's what gives the chapter with Faramir and Eowyn so much of an impact.

>> No.7986478
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This thread needs more awesome pulps in it.

>> No.7986553

Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser
A Song of Ice and Fire

>> No.7986562

Can't tell if new guy or Wolfe anon trying to fit in by mentioning ASoIaF.

>> No.7986650
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Any good books based on fairies? Looking for more Pan's Labyrinth or Changeling: The Lost style stuff.

I know there's a few paranormal detective series that deal heavily with fae, (Mick Oberon, October Daye, Dresden Files a bit) but I'd like some more options.

>> No.7986656

>unironically reading urban and paranormal shit
>that fucking picture
end life

>> No.7986663
File: 144 KB, 312x475, Red Knight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Red Knight series. Set in fantasy counterpart England heavily featuring Fae and other shit like that.

>> No.7986667

Red Knight is the first book, series is called Traitor Son Cycle.

>> No.7986680

Dune's probably my favorite series, but other than that I'm a way bigger fan of Delany (Stars In My Pocket... is the best damn scifi book I ever read)

I started getting into the series that starts w Ancilliary Justice but have finished the second one yet

so I guess that just leaves Dragon Ball Z
thats sci fi, right? (it is.)

>> No.7986683

Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell. It's worth it, trust me.

>> No.7986686

You are quite the fag

>> No.7986708

Nah, I'm the guy who asked and I know they're not very good books. I just like them and don't care. Sometimes it's fun to wonder if a native american skinwalker babe will find love while hunting monsters.

Those both look great. A bit nervous about Jonathan Strange since having a story set in Victorian England (or thereabouts) is a HUGE red flag for me, though I'll definitely give it a shot.

>> No.7986712

Red flag for what? It's not a shirtless Darcy romance, but it is quite tedious in many parts. It's a very good imitation of an actual Victorian novel.

>> No.7986719

Jonathan Strange isn't exactly unknown, it's a pretty acclaimed book. Low fantasy and very slow pacing though.

>> No.7986728

Some meta level shit

>> No.7986736

Stirner pill me on ASOIAF

>> No.7986767

I find that most books set in that period tend to be very derivative and they rely too much on the setting. They tend to all be very samey with just character names changed I've been able to guess entire passages from books I've never read before.

>> No.7986781


Who hype for GGKs new book?

>> No.7986789

Ah. No, you won't be able to do that.
>tfw Jonathan Strange brings back the Portuguese soldiers from hell to interrogate them but he can't send them back after and they're just on a wagon screaming for weeks till he figures it out

>> No.7986820


Just finished reading The Red Knight this morning.

It's written from multiple perspectives in a similar fashion to ASOIAF, but I enjoyed it more than asoiaf.

The central premise is a large siege, stealing Poul Anderson's nature/chaos vs christianity trope from Three Hearts and Three Lions.

The most fascinating part of the book is the historical accuracy. The descriptions of troop composition, architecture, etc are fairly good.

It's biggest fault is the overuse of magic. By the end of the book it seems that every single character can use magic and is an invincible god who has unlimited potential to heal and blow things up. There is literal deus ex machina where an angel appears and brings people back to life.

The fight scenes are fairly weak.

The plotting is decent and draws together several strands without seeming forced.

The setting isn't forced on you. This isn't a book where the author wants to show off his special creative special snowflake world. It's generic fantasy england, and that's that.

6/10, because I enjoyed it more than I didn't enjoy it.

>> No.7986827

>By the end of the book it seems that every single character can use magic

They can.

>There is literal deus ex machina where an angel appears and brings people back to life.
That ain't an Angel. Oh so fair and dressed in white.

>> No.7986830

That's a pretty harsh rating, but book 2 and 3 get much better, with 3 being considered the best.

What books do you consider 9/10 and 10/10?

>> No.7986836

No particular favorite but a fan of old weird fiction/sword and sorcery from the likes of Howard, Leiber, Smith, etc
And more poetic or mythological type fantasy such as Dunsany, Tolkien, and such.

Also WoT of course, the Ryhope Wood series by Holdstock is nice also

I guess if I had to have an absolute favorite book it would probably be the Silmarillion.

For a series... I don't know, maybe WoT the whole setting is more or less burned into my mind though that may be more a result of reading it as I was growing up in the 90s, but I do love it.

>> No.7986844


(Spoiler) I know, I think the angel and de vraili are the most interstitial part of the book. He's supossed to be an asshole but I liked him. I also thought the hints that the angel is lying to him and using him and that the angel isn't really an angel was a nice touch (/spoiler)

>> No.7987000


>harsh rating

6/10 indicates a better than typical book, and one I enjoyed.

>what books do you consider 9/10 and 10/10

For fantasy:

Dunsany's short fiction: Poltarnees Beholder of the Ocean, In the Land of Time, Bethmoora, Idle Days on the Yann, The Fortress Unvanquishable Save for Sacnoth, etc

Burrough's heroic novels: Tarzan, A Princess of Mars

Tolkien's Farmer Giles of Ham, The Hobbit

Dodgson (Lewis Carol)'s Alice in Wonderland books

Eddison's The Worm Ouroboros and trilogy

Any Vance, his wit and beautiful language and absurdities are delightful.

Smith's Tale of Satrampa Zerios and Dark Eidolon, Lovecraft's Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath, Lieber's Bazaar of the Bizarre, Howard's Tower of the Elephant

>> No.7987001

31. It's a bit hard to come up with a favourite, but I guess [the first and second Chronicles of] Thomas Covenant fits the bill. Also the Cugel stories of Jack Vance.

Ha, I know what you mean. I don't think I'll ever come to dislike WoT considering how I grew up with it.

>> No.7987038



>favorite series


Not fantasy, but a hell of a lot of fun

>> No.7987094

Sup /lit/, I'm about to self-publish a satiric YA fantasy novel about a Mary Sue saving the world. A lot of the inspiration comes from Greek mythology, Dante, Tolkien, Joseph Campbell, and Manly P. Hall.

Any advice while I get myself ready to market the hell out of it in the streets of New York City?

>> No.7987097

I'd read it if not for the >YA. Good luck

>> No.7987112

My friend wants a primer on sci fi and fantasy books, I'm not an expert and I tried to distill the list into like 5 books I feel you should start with, based on my favorites:

Starship Troopers (I am an armyfag, I'm legally supposed to love this book)
Sirens of Titan
Fahrenheit 451
American Gods
And I told him to skip the first Ender's Game book (he saw the movie) and just read Speaker for the Dead

What would you add to the "further reading" category?

>> No.7987117

Give free copies to people, not just reviewers. The premise sounds abysmal and might scare some people off; it would definitely scare me off. But, if I was given a free copy, I'd read it (and I'm sure others would also) giving you a chance to prove me wrong. Get that word of mouth/word of blog going.

>> No.7987128

Lord of Light & Lion of Al-Rassan, for SciFi and fantasy respectively. Both very good stand alones.

>> No.7987137

What's the name?

Is the Mary Sue a little girl?

I WILL read it.

>> No.7987152


The Great and Secret Show & Weaveworld by Clive Barker

>> No.7987190


Pretty much my idea. The cover is definitely eye-catching enough to create interest so if I can get enough teens reading it in public, it should spread like that cancer Twilight.

What turns you off about YA? Your criticism can be pretty useful.

>> No.7987202

Just tell the name so I know what I should buy.

>> No.7987220


Did you name the main character Mary sue?

>> No.7987224
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>> No.7987229

anyone has a bigger more detailed cyberpunk recommendation list other than the section in the op?

>> No.7987253

that chapter of Dalinar at the end of WoK, when he threatens Elokhar and then tells him "btw I'm fucking your mom, get used to it"

>> No.7987261


I'll be on the lookout to deposit shekels into your account

>> No.7987282

Much obliged, anon.

I did not. Her name is Anastasia.

>> No.7987316
File: 50 KB, 455x600, ubib1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hes anyone here ever read the Tschai quadrilogy (Planet of Adventure), written by Jack Vance in the '60s?

It's the first scifi book I ever read, and I remember it being absurdly good

>White Human American Male™ crashes on alien planet
>proceeds to export democracy and fucks up the equilibrium between the several alien species that had been at war on the planet for centuries
>fucking obliterates one of the enemies cities in a matter of two pages, leading the enslaved semi-humans around the planet to rebel against their respective alien lords
>finds the time to fuck several women among princesses, daughters of chiefs and mind controlled subservient slaves
>one of the enemies he faces is a cult of batshit crazy raving fat women who tries to have a princess raped by an alien troll and then burned because she's young and hot, and they hate her because they'll never have that
>kills, steals and plunders in his steel-strong conviction that his ways are the more civil and just
>fuck Star Trek's rule of non-interference, he steals a spaceship and vows to come back to bring the True American Dream to this godforsaken planet full of alien sandniggers

I had so much fucking fun reading that book, it was obviously a power fantasy of the author, but the worldbuilding was amazing

>> No.7987321


>> No.7987365

I want to give johnathan strange and mr. norrel another shot but the first time I tried it was just so boring. I got maybe 5% in before I put it down and never picked it back up

>> No.7987368

Where do you find older books, /sff/? My local chain bookstore only has newer authors, the uber popular stuff like Tolkien and Asimov, and like one book by Wolfe. Should I be going to used book stores?

>> No.7987371

I loved the original Conan stories, and pulpy sword ad sorcery in general. Is the subgenre dead though? Are there any good sword and sorcery books written in the past decade or two? Seems like everything is "epic" fantasy and if it is anything less than 6 books long it isn't getting published, so the books are bloated to hell with huge casts.

I miss that old heroic feel where authors weren't afraid to get really weird and mix in some scifi and horror.

>> No.7987399

1/10. It was a shit book. Didn't even have pages.
>That's a pretty harsh rating
No worries my brother, I still gave it 5 stars on Goodreads.

>> No.7987423

It was mentioned in this thread already, but Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser, the first book being Swords and Deviltry I'm pretty sure, is a great addition to the genre.

My favorite entries to the genre used to be Conan, but honestly, Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser took his place, just check out the first one at least, it's great. Still pretty old though.

>> No.7987442

I just go to thriftbooks. Though I do feel bad buying used if the author is still alive

>> No.7987446


Planet of adventure are the worst of all Vance's writing.

It's absolute garbage, and this is coming from someone who loves vance

>> No.7987458
File: 14 KB, 177x285, download (142).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this get better after the first book? It was way too formulaic and it never feels like there's an actual conflict. Everyone assimilates perfectly, everyone falls in love, they have unlimited power, food, and ammo, and only a single unnamed good guy died.

>> No.7987460

Dude no
I loved it
Pls no

I don't know why, maybe it's because it was one of my first books, but I find the different parts of Tschai as they were described actually amazing, thay have an atmosphere and a feeling that I tried to find in other works of fiction but that I was never able to replicate exactly

>> No.7987482

What are your favorite Vance novels?

>> No.7987496

Yeah Leiber is great too. I've read and loved most of the big name old sword and sorcery authors. Was more curious about any recent books that fall into the category. Sadly seems like a pretty dead genre these days. Everything is grimdark epic fantasy or urban fantasy.

>> No.7987497

It's been dead for decades, the format which made it possible is no longer a thing and the fantasy audience went from normal teenagers and young men to millenial faggots and nerds.
It was also kind of a literary movement and those appear and disappear.

>> No.7987548
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What's the best fantasy novel/series with a non-European aesthetic?

>> No.7987554

Bridge of Birds

>> No.7987560

It could be argued that ebooks are the new pulp. Look in the Kindle store, you'll find a shitload of SFF titles, the vast majority of which are trash pumped out for a quick buck - a lot like dime novels or Weird Tales. We just have to identify the Lovecraft/Howard style talents who are doing good work within that format. Unfortunately there's vastly more cheap ebooks than there were pulp novels, so it's harder to separate, but they're sure to be out there.

>> No.7987615


I don't like Planet of Adventure, I'm not a huge fan of The Demon Princes, the second compilation of Cugel stories is a let down, and the later books of the Cadwal Chronicals are weak.

The Lyonessee trilogy, Araminta Station, The Dying Earth, The Eyes of the Overworld, Rhialto the Marvellous, The Dragon Masters, The Miracle Workers, The Languages of Pao, The Last Castle, The Moon Moth, The Brains of Earth, are good stuff. I honestly can't remeber everything I've read by vance.

>> No.7987626

What should I give a shot of his if I thought Dying Earth was hella boring plot-wise (dropped it under 100 pages in I think) but I thought the prose was neat, something with better pacing perhaps?

>> No.7987670

>Not liking The Demon Princes or Cugel's Saga.

I'm glad someone else recognizes how great the Rhialto stories are though, they're usually handwaved away as being "not Cugel".

Almost else anything Vance wrote. The Dying Earth was the first thing he ever wrote--written during the 40s, published a little later--and it shows. However, he was publishing quality work well into the goddamn 90s. The Dragon Masters is short and really good, probably a good place to start.

>> No.7987678

This gets asked every thread.

And like clockwork, the first response will always be Bridge of Birds, and rightly so because it's brilliant. Then I'll come along and recommend Under Heaven and River of Stars.

>> No.7987697

Thanks lads

>> No.7987714

What's wrong with erikson, /lit/?

>> No.7987723

Shit prose, for one.

>> No.7987725

Hey friends. What are some good dark fantasy novels? Like the type of shit you see in metal album covers, or like dark souls I guess

>> No.7987734
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I looked at a couple novels of his and I'm probably gonna go with Lyonesse if for no other reason than that I fell in love with this picture. I'm weak to cute girls in green backgrounds.

>> No.7987743

The Sad Tale of the Brothers Grossbart

>> No.7987748

Compared to anyone else in the genre I've read he easily has the best.

>> No.7987755

A really bad first book. Otherwise he's alright.

>> No.7987761

Read more.

>> No.7987773

Got any recommendations? Cause from what I've read in fantasy, Erikson is easily the best. Obviously there are a lot better authors, but specifically within fantasy?

>> No.7987774

>he hasn't read Wolfe

>> No.7987782

B a k k e r

>> No.7987793

Going all out with the bait tonight?

>> No.7987813
File: 90 KB, 321x497, Vance-Lyonesse[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lyonesse is good, but it's also pretty long (~1000 pages for the trilogy), and a tad more mellow than average for Vance. Still, I don't think you'll be disappointed.

>> No.7987828

> thinking Erikson writes better prose than Bakker
>thinking Erikson writes better plots than Bakker

Not that Erikson is bad, he's just not as good as Bakker

>> No.7987830

disgusting racist piece of shit

>> No.7987839

Wolfe and Vance are both excellent prose stylists.

>> No.7987848

haven't read Wolfe. Should I start with New Sun?

I read the darkness that comes before and couldn't really get into it. Are the other two better?

not me

>> No.7987864

If you read Darkness and didn't like it, you probably won't enjoy the rest of the series. His writing does improve, but it's all more or less the same style, unless it was just one PoV you didn't like.

>> No.7987896

What are some fantasy book with some "Dark Souls" vibe?

>> No.7987898

Have you read the Malazan books?

>> No.7987909

Nope, been on my "to read" list for a while.

>> No.7987924

Fair enough. I read it a while back, can't really remember the specifics. I'll give it another whirl then.

>> No.7987959

What makes it shit? I've always read consistently stellar reviews about it.

>> No.7987969


Lyonessee is strange.

The main plot and politics and wars are very badly plotted, although that isn't Vance's forte.

Everything concerning the magicians is absolutely fantastic however.

The parts of Suldruns Garden concerning shimrod are insane, the adventure in the alternate world in The Green Pearl is fantastic, and Madouc is a very solid story all around.

>> No.7987974

What did you think of Dhalgren?

>> No.7987987


I love vance but can't get into wolfe's style of prose.

Any suggestions for reading it?

>> No.7988007

I like how the climactic war near the end of Madouc is probably about five pages long. That could've been an entire separate book.

On the other hand, if you want to write an epic fantasy and not end up producing something that's thousands of pages long, you've got to prioritize, and that's what Vance was doing.

>> No.7988017

Another anon, which Wolfe's books would you recommend me? Only fantasy series I've read are Tolkien and Asoaif.
Want to check Wolfe since they told me it has a Dark Souls vibe.

>> No.7988048


Regardless of the setting, vance seems to care the most about food and booze and witty assholes lying to each other and the colors of the sky at different times of day.

>> No.7988049

Just finished the first Malazan. I was definitely in the right mood for this book. I'm glad I was weak and returned to snag all the rest. Only missing two of them.

>> No.7988052


I've heard the torturers apprentice is the best.

I picked it up a copy, but I'm having trouble startin it.

>> No.7988088

The first book is the worst in the series too, so it's all up hill from here. As much as people shit on Malazan, it's a great rainy day read and a hell of a ride the whole way through. Worth noting the first one is better the second time through. I stopped following the series for awhile due to other circumstances and when I picked it up again I reread through the first few and found a lot I missed in Gardens of the Moon first time through.

The other books by Esslemont are pretty decent, and fill in some nice spots the main books gloss over or don't touch much on.

>> No.7988095

>The first book is the worst in the series too
>toll the hounds
>Crippled God

>> No.7988108

C. J. Cherryh's Chanur series. Pretty much anything she's written is gold.

Two books that really impressed me recently are For a Breath I Tarry and A Voyage to Arcturus.

I'll read, and likely enjoy, pretty much anything SFF. Only subgenre I tend to shy away from is Urban Fantasy.

>> No.7988119

Are better, yes.

>> No.7988130

>Worth noting the first one is better the second time through.
Wouldn't surprise me. I kept checking the map for certain place names until halfway through the book when I finally realized that the Malazan were from a different continent entirely.

>> No.7988164

>admiring the beauty of muchness twice in the same post
Kill me please desu senpai.

>> No.7988403

Why is it that in most scifi the setting seems so irrelevant to the story that's being told?
If you're going to the trouble of writing an in depth world couldn't you at least use it properly?

>> No.7988631

Modern scifi is more "[other genre] in space" than it is science fiction.

>> No.7988769

>tfw the best sci fi novels came out 60 years ago

Will anybody ever top the big three?

>> No.7988795


Problems with developing settings weren't something the big three were immune to. Clarke was an early pioneer in concocting settings so detailed and original that he completely forgot to include a plot.

>> No.7988803

This is the reason why most genre fiction that tries to be deep is shit

The best way to do things is just focus on creating a world that is fun for fun's own sake

>> No.7988843

That chapter in the first book with the talking mountains was cool as hell

How are the second and third books compared to the first?

>> No.7988990

>From the author of Legion and the #1 New York Times bestselling Stormlight Archive comes an action-filled novella about privilege, culture clash, and expectations.


>> No.7989016

I actually had to look that up to see which Sanderson book it was even though I'd read Perfect State. Not how I would have described it or tried to market it. I thought it was a fun, quick read but nothing really stuck with you or made you think about it afterwards.

>> No.7989023


Should I read it?

>> No.7989027

His prose isn't boring in a bland way that just describes events plainly, but is still serviceable enough to enjoy the story, like say Sanderson; it's actually actively bad, and detracts from the story because he doesn't know how to set a scene or describe action.

I get the feeling he was trying to emulate traditional mythological texts with the massive scope where loosely defined gods with vague motivations play with the lives of flat and boring mortals who all have the same speech patternrs, leading to lots of deus ex machina twists and resolutions.

I still thoroughly enjoyed Malazan for the mythic vision Erikson has, but it's not as perfect as it's built up to be outside of /lit/.

>> No.7989039


Is Malazan a meme series or is it actually readable?

>> No.7989049

Anyone who uses "meme" as an adjective should probably just stick to Sanderson and Jim Butcher.

>> No.7989065

Is that description accurate?

>> No.7989069


But you did not answer my meme question

>> No.7989073

You might be interested in Delany's books on the language of science fiction, The Jewel-Hinged Jaw and Starboard Wine

>> No.7989076

This was ok, but I liked The Enterprise of Death way more (even though the ending made no sense).

>> No.7989089

Malazan in my opinion was not worth it. It was overblown and I found it dragged quite a lot. Is it readable? Yes, it is, it's not as bad as Sword of Truth or anything but I just didn't enjoy it as much as others say they did.

>Sanderson; it's actually actively bad, and detracts from the story because he doesn't know how to set a scene or describe action.

How did this retarded idea actually gain traction on this board?

>> No.7989094

>How did this retarded idea actually gain traction on this board?


>> No.7989097

>touching delany
Did he fuck underage boys and get fucked in the ass in those 2 books also?

>> No.7989113

Have any of you Erikson haters tried reading one of the ICE books?

>> No.7989119

>>recommending esselmont ever

I like Erikson and even I know esselmont is trash

>> No.7989120

While I can agree that the general plot is nonsensical, filled with ridiculous powerups at crucial moments to save the day and none of the characters develop at all, certain scenes are just so beautifully well done that it makes me forgive everything else. And he really learns how to piece it together in forge of darkness, goddamn that book was spectacular.

>> No.7989123

Lets just say its like 4chens.
/v/, /lit/ and /tg/ inhabit /g/ and the elitist on lit looks down on v and tg.

If you read the book this would make 100% sense.

>> No.7989124


esslemont is just riding the coattails, his books are awful.

>> No.7989132


he gets another bump up because he doesn't take 15 years to write a book either. dude started and finished the malazan series in the time it took martin to write 3 asoiaf books

>> No.7989163

>the general plot is nonsensical, filled with ridiculous powerups at crucial moments to save the day and none of the characters develop at all


>> No.7989179

anime written by a phd archaeologist

>> No.7989186

But anime.

>> No.7989224

I love Malazan

The characters are so masculine and strong and buff and attractive it's so awesome

>> No.7989236

fuck off bredd

>> No.7989260

I'm wondering too.

>> No.7989266



>> No.7989273

A considerably large number of anime.

>> No.7989284

Does she have to stay a little girl?

>> No.7989288


Anime is a spook

>> No.7989294

spook did NOTHING wrong!

>> No.7989299 [DELETED] 
File: 174 KB, 1280x720, 1458541018533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw not even save from Stirner on /a/

>> No.7989300

what is /lit/'s definition of spook? isn't it just a derogatory term for black people

>> No.7989302

Spooks are real if I'm real.

>> No.7989305

Second Foundation.

>> No.7989306
File: 19 KB, 218x348, egoandhisown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought I was browsing /a/ for a moment.

Pic related.
Beat it

>> No.7989308


I thought she was a teenager.

>> No.7989309

>meme philosophers
It's a good meme though.

>> No.7989310
File: 42 KB, 615x409, M-John-Harrison[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worldbuilding is a spook.

>> No.7989311

/lit/ is the biggest Stirner stronghold.

>> No.7989312

Teenagers are little, right? They're little to me.

>> No.7989313


I don't understand the meme about spook? What does it mean can anyone explain it to me in leymens terms?

>> No.7989314

This isn't /lit/ though, this is /sffg/. Different animal.

>> No.7989315


The cutoff for Little Girl is 13 years old.

>> No.7989319
File: 43 KB, 750x534, 1461418856623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See >>7989306

It's not a big book and you can download it legally.

>> No.7989321
File: 82 KB, 600x462, ChbfKT8XEAA63DS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things that exist because people agree on them, like laws and society, and are thus totally not real, as opposed to things that exist because you agree with them, like your own self-interest and access to booty, which are completely real.

>> No.7989324


So our eyes are a spook because mirrors aren't real yet we agree they are real and therefore we only see the mirror because we agree our eyes are real and therefore our eyes are a spook?
Am I getting this right?

>> No.7989326

You've got it, now take what you own (everything) because you're the only one keeping yourself from your desires.

>> No.7989598

>Start reading Malazan
>The first book's preface is already filled with vulgarities

I'll have to find a new book series to read now, one that isn't written by a 13 year old

>> No.7989604

What vulgarities?
I don't remember anything vulgar from GotM, Deadhouse Gates had Felisin though.
But I wouldn't call the biggest majority of it vulgar.

>> No.7989613


In here, "Preface to Gardens of the Moon redux"

He's cursing and cursing and writing like a drunken sailor, it's too problematic for me to keep going.

>> No.7989615

>marines swearing is problematic

In other news, I was offended that grass was green today.

>> No.7989618

The cursing isn't a problem, it's the general shit tier writing in the book.
Peake and Wolfe as far as series go have really great prose.
Did you go through the usual shill list for people with at least some taste?

>> No.7989619

They're also boring as heck.

>> No.7989622

"Boring" is the measure used by retards.

>> No.7989624

Try Mistborn.

>> No.7989626


No I was asking around for decent fantasy books with interesting stories and strong female leads, I had just finished Mistborn, I just loved Vin in that series, but when I started reading this one? Nope.
So I am looking for a new series now.

>> No.7989627

How are they 'boring'? Do you enjoy anything other than generic pop fantasy doorstoppers?

>> No.7989629

There isn't a single good fantasy novel with a female lead that I know of.

>> No.7989631

So I read the preface real quick, and I noticed he said hell once.

Have you ever met a sailor?

>> No.7989632

>guy who reads a YA novel can't deal with swear words
Why is this not surprising

>> No.7989633
File: 129 KB, 776x1024, Brandon-Sanderson-author-photo-776x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mistborn has girl protagonist
>But is written by Sanderson
I don't think I'll read it

Oh you're that guy.
Malazan has a few strong female characters but there are more men in it.
There's Felisin though ;^)

The first Anita Blake (Guilty Pleasures)
But stop reading after the first novel.

>> No.7989636

Yes, they didn't curse at all because they aren't swine when around their family members.
Not the YA problematic cuck reading female strong lead anon btw.
Swear words don't mix very well quality literature for the most part, I haven't read any that use curses and would consider a good book so far.

>> No.7989638

>I haven't read any that use curses and would consider a good book so far.
Lies of Locke Lamora

>> No.7989641


>> No.7989642

Yeah, I said good

>> No.7989644


>> No.7989645

Oh look, it's the contrarian 'I only like dead authors and pulp' guy again.

>> No.7989646

Isn't that like 40+ novels?

>> No.7989647

female MCs are a big immersion breaker.

Females can't write and shouldn't be mains because it's unrealistic.

>> No.7989649

Having taste isn't being a contrarian son, if I wanted to be one I'd go to reddit where people are known for shit taste and not here as this wasn't infested with retards when it started.

>> No.7989650


>Wanting strong female leads makes me a cuck

I know how sexist this site can be but come on.

>> No.7989653


Well yeah, but a good portion of them have female protagonists. Most notably Monstrous Regiment and Witches Abroad (and its various sequels),

>> No.7989661

No, reading YA and calling cursing problematic in combinaton of wanting "le strong female protagonist" makes you a cuck and a retard.
Don't you get bored of this?

>> No.7989665

>What's wrong with erikson, /lit/?
>shit prose
>well which fantasy writers write better then?
>those two guys only

>> No.7989670

And they don't even write better, just more pretentious.

>> No.7989676

I havent seen one modern author do a character intro on the level as the Chef in Titus Groan so stop talking shit

>> No.7989681

i think his point was

>give erikson a tidal wave of shit
>can only come up with two people in the genre who are better

>> No.7989683

A bunch do, I just didn't feel like giving the same list for the 3rd time this thread.
It's thousands of pages across 5 authors and we'll soon add GKK, Delany and Wright to the meme list so finding something across those authors is hardly a problem.
Peake is a seriously underappreciated author, he's one of the best modernists l know of. It's also quite unique as a mixture of Proust and a drawn out saga. Too bad he died young.

>> No.7989703


Guy Gavriel is in that list.

I don't know anyone can seriously recommend him.

>> No.7989708

>Gavriel Kay has never written a bad fantasy novel. He always populates his worlds with fully realized characters. His female characters are always strong, with sassy personalities and strong intelligence.
I don't see the problem?

>> No.7989712

>Write a guy
>call it a girl
>this now constitutes to good writing

>> No.7989719

>sassy personalities

In Sanderson maybe.

>> No.7989724

>gritty when a male does it
>sassy when it's a female

>> No.7989737

There are a lot of bad lists with good books. Goodreads top 100 with all the shit that it has on it has Tolstoy and Dostoevsky. There are often elements that plebs will like and lists like that should always be ignored.

>> No.7989745

Like "strong" female "protagonists"

>> No.7989787

Honestly, Sanderson is miles ahead of Erikson.

Sanderson's prose actually makes sense and doesn't detract from the story, even if it is workmanlike. Because plotting and worldbuilding are his strong points, he presents the smallest possible barrier between the reader and the story. Better than Erikson shooting himself in the foot with his overwrought attempts at dense prose.

>> No.7989818

What a faggot.

>> No.7989832

Aren't you getting bored of this by now?

>> No.7989860

Are you fucking retarded? The list of literary fantasy authors is posted every 5 minutes in these threads.

>> No.7989865

Nobody asked for an exhaustive list of authors who can write well. I could name 50. The respondent asked for *recommendations*, and I provided some.

>> No.7989928


Thanks for this list, greatly appreciated.

>> No.7989929

Now you know what to avoid.

>> No.7989933


The exact opposite I'm afraid.

>> No.7989966
File: 69 KB, 1280x720, steinsgate-18-ruka-male-shrine_maiden-embarrassed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>books for girls
>it's not entirely full of of cute boys doing cute things

>> No.7989979

Cute x doing cute things is a thing that appeals to men

Women like drama heavy shit much heavy

>> No.7990012

Why are men incapable of writing proper female characters?
Is it that they have never interacted with them?
They are all cliches or troupes or something

>> No.7990017

what are the cliches aside from the tough girl and the manic pixie one?

>> No.7990022

Why are females incapable of writing proper anything?

>> No.7990024


Why are you a virgin?

>> No.7990028

>false assumptions
Not an argument

>> No.7990030

Brandon Sanderson writes the same girl.
Every book.

>> No.7990031

And what is that?

>> No.7990037

Not him, but I doubt very much you are not a virgin.

Do youeven have a life outside of thisthread because you seem to be lurking here 24/7 constantly shitposting about women.

>> No.7990050

All my posts have been on topic, I don't know what you're on about.

>> No.7990083

If you spend your reading on trash fantasy this is certainly how it seems.
Yes. By choice to some degree at least.

>> No.7990140

The smart, strong, hot, snarky girl.

>> No.7990146


>> No.7990150

>he doesn't want to fuck Vin in the ass

>> No.7990154
File: 33 KB, 600x347, John-C-Wright-600x347[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was represented by a historical record number of nominations for my short fiction: no one in his right mind can look at my archaic diction, concern for the highest philosophical matters, erudite allusion to the classics, and consummate craftsmanship and claim my work is not literary, but that grotesque experimental stories about lesbian were-seals being splashed by dinosaur water from nowhere onto Tibetan gay men when the world flips upside down because a punk loser lost his cheating harlot because priests murder people is literary.

>> No.7990155

He is right mostly. He is a good writer, but gives himself a bit too much credit.

>> No.7990156

Is this the Rohtfuss of science fiction?

>> No.7990161

No, because his writing is good. Not great, but on Hyperion level.

>> No.7990173

Pretty interesting interview

>> No.7990184
File: 169 KB, 1586x700, Muh List.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based on what i have here recommend me some shit.

>> No.7990188

None of other two books had anything as melancholic as Suldrun's arc. The second book is a great adventure, the third tied up some loose ends in a very rushed manner but overall a good finish.

>> No.7990190

Did you manually name all those folders?

>> No.7990209

Are you saying you already read all of those?

>> No.7990264

It's sorted by title instead of author. How do you live with yourself/are you using software to organize this?

>> No.7990266

Isn't it standard to do the "the" behind the word as (the)
Because your way does not seem the proper way.

Hope I worded it out well enough, English isn't native to me

>> No.7990268

The Diamond Age

which i think is good btw

>> No.7990325

No follow through.
His stories are quite slow, but he gets there. The characters almost always turn out to be really intriguing and they keep you invested in the story.
But he abandons his cast at the end of every book, starting the character building again from scratch. Eventually you'll hit a character you don't like, and you'll have no reason to stick around. The overarching plot is just not given the focus it needs.

>> No.7990367

No chance, the series went to shit during 8 and 9.
1 was actually quite good. Better than 2 which gets all the praise.

>> No.7990376

probably meant gook

>> No.7990394

Yes, yes I did, and I have 100 + new books/series to update but I cba... I keep procrastinating and the list just gets bigger.

>> No.7990478

>No I was asking around for decent fantasy books with interesting stories and strong female leads

>Kushiel's Dart by Jacqueline Carey.
Whore/Priest (synonymous) fucks politicians, becomes a sex slave, saves the world. I wouldn't recommend the second or third since that formula never changes.
>Garth Nix's Abhorsen
YA. Alternate world with rather complex magic. Follows the lineage of a family of necromancers. The second novel is the best.
>Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier
It's a super girly story. Endless self sacrifice on the protagonists part, which is usually an annoying limited perspective that all female fantasy writers default to, but it had some great survivalist camping passages, some romance, and was more fairy tale then epic.
>Graceling Realm by Kristin Cashore
A smallish percentage of the population gets assigned a random super power.
In the first book the protagonist, female supernatural fighter, falls in love with a mind reader (and therefore better fighter?).
In the second: half demoness tries to get past the abuse of her father (the king). They both have some Jedi-like force persuade ability. You meet the king from book 3 before his rule.
In the thrid: Princess, now Queen, tries to put her kingdom back together after the death of her father: a commoner who became a king by abusing his power to never be disbelieved. The government ends up quite corrupt and everyone wants to turn a blind eye because fixing things means recalling the things they were made to do.

Happy reading.

>> No.7990506

Naive with a sudden transformation from timid to reactionary and headstrong.
Certainly not well balanced enough to be considered smart. Certainly not smart enough to be considered strong. The force shall free me.
Wishful thinking on your part, I think. Generally unless there's a pretty detailed description you go by correlation. Attractive people are confident and high in self esteem. Sanderson's characters usually lack the latter, even by the end.

>> No.7990514

That is indexing convention, yes. But it's not necessary with digital records since you can search by substring.

>> No.7990515 [DELETED] 


>> No.7990557

That sounds painful. Have you tried using ebook management software like calibre?

>> No.7990567

what's wrong with sanderson?

>> No.7990582

I had that folder since 2008, as I downloaded more books I updated the same time, so it wasn't a problem.... but my system died sometime last year(or the year before) and the spare system I was using didn't have the ports to put in book hdd.... I kept downloading but not updating, now I have a terribly large backlog that was read but not updated.

>Have you tried using ebook management software like calibre?
I use goodreads as my "list" archive, those are just my ocd/autism that has me wanting to organize my digital books, by series name.
they are all audiobooks

>> No.7990600

>unironically reading all of that trash and proudly displaying it in public

You genre trash cunts are really shameless

>> No.7990611

Still better than Wolfe desu

>> No.7990623

I'm somewhat conflicted about old joe because he writes decent page-turners. His first law books seem to be boiling down to a fairly dedicated fantasy interpretation of an Ayn Rand novel. It's all power dynamics and despotism and class struggles. The other half is characters suffering in some manner to accomplish a very clean character arc. Not a happy fantasy realm but that's the way some people like it.

Seems very workshop-y to me. Perhaps that's why people don't like it.

>> No.7990945

>no one in his right mind can look at my archaic diction, concern for the highest philosophical matters, erudite allusion to the classics, and consummate craftsmanship and claim my work is not literary
>genuinely has fedora and neckbeard
Bloody hell this man is a walking meme.

>> No.7991215

I just read Eyes of the Overworld (Dying Earth #2). It's pretty good (holy shit, a book with an ending that's actually not shit), if a little slow at times. What should I read next /lit/?

>> No.7991261

Guilty Pleasures, Anita Blake.

>> No.7991312


Not into the whole vampire thing

>> No.7991314

Jemisin is good, especially The Fifth Season

>> No.7991340
File: 158 KB, 1600x1159, The_Pride_of_Chanur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7991366

This book was such an unexpected good read. I didn't realize until I read it how much I needed a magic story told in a Dickensian way. Stroud is good with Bartimaeus trilogy but compared to this book he's like training wheels

>> No.7991407

Who did this?

>> No.7991418

Anyone else shed a tear at the part with the elephant in the Tower of the Elephant? Didn't expect to let Conan affect me emotionally. Howard's book marchers of Valhalla also had some tolkeinesque romance, though.

>> No.7991424

>actually reading this trash.

>> No.7991425


it's the guy that reads trashy urban fantasy with le feminist woman on the covers I think

>> No.7991447

Good series with demons?

>> No.7991455

Gospel of Matthew

>> No.7991473


>> No.7991476


>> No.7991482


Soz lad

>> No.7991498

There's 4 with a tie in series of letters by characters of the original

>> No.7991549

Some IRL women are in troupes.

>> No.7991572

What are some good SciFi books that you think someone who doesn't really like SciFi (in particular the tech babble and spaceship kind) could like?

>> No.7991575


A Canticle for Leibowitz

>> No.7991581


Book of the New Sun, the most literary sci-fi there is out there.

>> No.7991584

Oh and I read a Dick novel (Androids Dream) and found it pretty disappointing. It wasn't bad, but I thought it was a little too low scale and underwhelming, I guess.

Looks cool, what's it about? Goodreads description is pretty scarce of information.

>> No.7991594


>> No.7991600

Description vague. What kind of things do you want to read about?

>> No.7991615

Leibowitz is a story about an order of monks who dedicate their lives to preserving mankind's knowledge after a nuclear war. It's broken into three parts, each set at a different stage of civilizations recovery. Lots of ruminating on the role of technology in man's life and religion's role in society. The thing that makes it stand out in my opinion is the way it handles tone; it's got just enough humor to keep the setting from seeming completely bleak. Don't know what else there is to tell you without just summarizing the entire plot.

Also Androids Dream is easily Dick's tamest novel in my opinion. His books tend to lie somewhere on two spectra- one running from simple to complex thematic structure, and the other running from narrative coherence to narrative incoherence. Androids Dream is at the near end of both, which is part of why it's his most widely-read novel. If you want something a bit more out there I would recommend The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch.

>> No.7991618
File: 130 KB, 736x523, A_Canticle_for_Leibowitz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Looks cool, what's it about?
Post-apocalyptic monks. The cyclical nature of history.

>> No.7991626

What are you reading?

I've read a shapeshifter romance. I don't think I'll pick one up on my own. I found a 21st edition of the book series.

>> No.7991647

I'm not sure myself. Anything with an intriguing, well paced story with a bit of substance to it other than philosophical rambling. I like a mysterious world where stuff slowly gets unraveled. My favorite "SciFi" work outside of literature is probably From The New World (Shinsekai Yori). It was very refreshing and interesting, especially the "death feedback" thing (humans are physically unable to hurt others). Stuff in that vein.

>> No.7991662

I have a question I have been a little confused with. Mainly I read non-fiction and poetry. Fiction generally sickens me unless it's something like Finnegans wake. I hate reading about how a character liked his eggs or something similar. But when I read sci-fi or fantasy, I am not annoyed by things like that at all. Any ideas?

>> No.7991668


The settings are abstract enough that mundane details don't bore you?

>> No.7991691
File: 337 KB, 800x1200, mb03_fadrex-webres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought of "ROTHFUSS IS SHIT SANDERSON IS ANIME" anon today when I was injecting marijuana with my aunt.

>> No.7991695

You have autism?

>> No.7991696


>> No.7991724

Did you like any other of the other books recommended here?

I'm just trying to get a feel for your taste.

>> No.7991751

SF? Haven't read much really except Never Let Me Go (interesting premise, questionable development) and Hitchhikers Guide (hated it). Been mostly reading fantasy and Murakami lately, so I'm wanting to broaden my horizon.

I just discovered Hyperion and the description of it sounds just like my kind of thing. 'Mysterious entity' and people trying to find answers to the riddles of their world. Probably gonna read that sometime soon. Got anything more like that?

>> No.7991775

'Spin" by Robert Charles Wilson is a good gateway book for SF. Well-written, good characterization, interesting ideas, but no weird vocabulary or autistic flourishes.

>> No.7991778

Hyperion is kinda hard scifi but because it is a collection of different stories some of them will probably appeal to you.

>> No.7991823

Thoughts on Blindsight (Firefall) by Watts? And it's sequel?

Worth reading?

>> No.7991829
File: 390 KB, 1530x2128, alloy_broadsheet-webres.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was cool. I heard the sequel was a lot inferior.

How were the sequels?

>> No.7991834

I heard they weren't that great, so I didn't read them.

>> No.7991874

I just started reading Gardens of the Moon and I find it kind of hard to follow what's going on. Will the entire book be like this or will it get better later?

>> No.7991879

Malazan is known for a pretty weird first book, but after that it will get better

>> No.7991890

Why did Harmony not reverse the Koloss?

>> No.7991904

I liked Stephenson until I read that book

>> No.7991916

I sure hope so because so far I've no idea what's going on.

>> No.7991921

Beats me. May have been impossible to keep them alive otherwise since they were a Hemalurgic creation. Although they were changed for the much better.

>> No.7991924

He's writing with the expectation that you have no idea who Rake is, or why the Siege of Pale happened. Just keep reading and it gets explained.

>> No.7991930

>being this pretentious

>> No.7991953

Seemed pretty obvious the Siege of Pale happened because it was the next step in this Empire's expansion. Also as far as I gathered this Rake guy is the lord of this floating city full of mages, seems like they are some seperate race from normal humans. Is there more to it than that?

I'm not that earlier anon but I just started reading it again recently. I stopped for awhile halfway through the back. Debating if it is worth going back and started from the start since I probably forgot some important details.

>> No.7991960

It's one of my favorite books.

>> No.7991969

I just read Gardens of the Moon. About halfway through I started to see what was going on, and was pretty confident by the time I hit 3/4.

>> No.7991976

meant for

>> No.7992046

I read urban fantasy with female leads but I never posted or used redshit, make sure who you are generalizing.

>> No.7992049

Hi Grandpa, no one likes tolkeinesque books. That is why it is frowned upon when it appears.

This is the current year, no one wants that shit anymore.

>> No.7992067

>is there more to it than that


If you've forgotten shit, it's definitely worth it. Every book draws heavily one the previous ones.

>> No.7992128

>Bakker not on the list

Feels good man

>> No.7992144
File: 34 KB, 313x475, 40997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that part where Latro is judged by the 42 Gods

Damn, this book was great, I think I almost prefer it to Latro in the Mist.

>> No.7992368

It's only been a few months, but I feel like it probably would be worth re-reading those 300 pages again just to get my bearings.

Are the books by that other author worth reading?

>> No.7992399
File: 136 KB, 293x449, seveneves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

paperback comes out may 17th

>> No.7992431

new bread


>> No.7992474

Only if you really, really like Malazan. I'm a huge fan and it was still a struggle to get through them.