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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 90 KB, 412x300, MeditationsforEnlightenment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7858544 No.7858544 [Reply] [Original]

What is some well written literature that can help me achieve enlightenment (whatever that means), preferably science fiction.

>> No.7858554


>> No.7858556

What's so funny?

>> No.7858557
File: 739 KB, 3844x1824, reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>well written
No idea if the ones on the Brown Pill reading list are, perhaps someone can confirm.

>> No.7858561

What is the Prometheus book under the green pill? I can't make out the title.

>> No.7858586

Prometheus Rising.

>> No.7858592

Thanks, I'll check it out.

>> No.7858627

I've read way too many green pill books and authors, lmao

>> No.7858629
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choose one

>> No.7858631

The Bible if you don't read it with the mindset of a whiny child

>> No.7858633


>> No.7858637


>> No.7858638

Do you feel better as a person after doing so?

>> No.7858640

I don't read fairy tales.

>> No.7858647

Actually this. Read hero with a thousand faces and then the new testament. You realise Jesus was actually a genius.
Honestly only VALIS, HWATF and Jung's books on the list, probably still too many. Yeah but youve got to meditate daily to actually get your mind in the right state. The Tao that can be spoken(written, read) is not the eternal Tao.

>> No.7858655

You've got to meditate
Isn't this basically just clearing your mind for long periods of time?

>> No.7858680

Yeah, that's the way I practice it, there are other methods involving visualisation I haven't tried yet. Trust me I though, it's proven to help you with just about everything in life. Just Google meditation and neuroscience or something, you'll see.

>> No.7858694



read those and do the things

>> No.7858695
File: 130 KB, 988x488, 1418354777029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Truthful words are not pleasant,
Pleasant words are not trustworthy;
Those who are good do not dispute,
Those who are disputatious are not good;
Those who know are not learned,
Those who are learned do not know.
The Sage does not store up things,
The more he does for people, the more he has;
The more he gives, the more he gains.
The Way of Heaven,
Is benefitting, not harming.
The Way of the Sage,
Is acting, not contending.

>> No.7858707

>You realise Jesus was actually a genius.
Assuming what is written in the new testament is true. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and check it out.

>> No.7858735

>you've got to do the thing dude
>idk just half ass it lol

listen to this guy

the basic principle is contained in asana and pranayama. Respectively, control of the body/posture/stillness and control of the breath/dynamic aspect of life.

After asana and pranayama comes stilling of the mind- for if the body is not minimized in cognition (by way of stilling all extraneous motion and establishing extremely regular breathing/heartrate) the mind has little hope to realize true stillness.

all of this was said very clumsily and is expounded upon much more clearly here>>7858694

>> No.7858738

Yeah but Laozi never lived in the age of ironic shitposting

>> No.7858758

Can you elaborate on the connection between HWaTF and the new testament?

>> No.7858768

I invite you to read Koan 21 of the Mumonkan:

"A monk asked Ummon, "What is Buddha?" Ummon replied, "Kanshiketsu!*"
*shit stick - what people back then used as toilet paper"

zen shitposting

>> No.7858830

Atlas Shrugged

>> No.7858866

I couldn't get past the first chapter. I'll admit I'm a pleb.

>> No.7858886
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"Forget the years, forget distinctions. Leap into the boundless and make it your home!"

>> No.7860036

First be clear what are you actually looking for. To be 'enlightened' means to be free from the concept of being a person. So when there is 'enlightenment' there isn't a separate 'me' who has understood something. Its just a process of getting rid of everything that isn't original to us, i.e. dwelling in the state where the sense of being isn't combined with anything else. This is the most straightforward approach I have come across but many people don't find it very fascinating because it leaves their egos with nothing to do. However, I would recommend reading Nisargadatta Maharaj's I Am That and Ramana Maharshi's Be As You Are.

>> No.7860256


You aren't brown pill until you've read the Akashic records. Iron pill list needs revision.. Jack Donovan and some other shit needs to go.. Von Liszt, The Prose Edda, Poetic Edda, Stoics and Evola are iron pill canon someone change it..

>> No.7860263

If you don't know what it means, how do you imagine you'll find what will help you achieve it?

Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.
After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.

>> No.7860374

By asking /lit/

>> No.7860378

the bible desu

>> No.7860383

try Heese- Siddartha.

>> No.7860820

>seeking enlightenment
>asking on an anonymous Mongolian swordsmith forum
>you'll just get further from it dummy

Get off this website go outaide, look at the world meditate

>> No.7860954

Hmm? I wouldn't have discovered Prometheus Rising if not for /lit/.

>> No.7860985

Why not?

>> No.7861032


Cosmos by Carl Sagan

I don't care what you call me, but reading the book as an impressionable youth changed my life. I don't necessarily believe in hard spiritualism, but having at least a slight grasp of universal perspective brings so much clarity and beauty back into individual reality.

>> No.7861055

Check out any works by Alan Watts. Although no physical object can or will bring you enlightenment, reading Watts will help to get you in the right mindset to begin your search

>> No.7861060

Then you shall not obtain enlightenment.

>> No.7861087
File: 1.94 MB, 370x257, 1442781046669.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Enlightenment is a lie, unless you were to illuminate the true nature of spacial dimensions by ascending them in order as a cosmic being, you will never have perspective outside of the third dimension.

Learn how to lucid dream and learn to explore your subconcious. You will run into things that you can't change in your dream with your mind, as if those things came from an outside source. Such as people, places, etc. It's extremely interesting and unexplored by most people. In my opinion reality is just perspective, an sensation we all share as conscious beings but a sensation that all have differences based on our genetic makeup. I feel if we learn to explore our dreams in a self aware and lucid state, we explore the essence of our own individual realities.

Pic related BTW

>> No.7861206

If I've already seen the movie am I tainted?

>> No.7861222


The movie? Are you referring Contact instead?

The book was turned into a television series in the 80s. No you aren't tainted, it was just a way to reach audiences who didn't read books, and also provide better visual representation for concepts.

Even though the Cosmos reboot by Neil Degrasse Tyson has updated science material, I feel the lack of Sagan's genius way of explaining things is missing the point of the original material.

Sagan was a pretty good writer, there is a real stamp of creativity and beauty in the original book and the TV series, despite being an educational thing. I feel like Sagan wanted to exemplify that science wasn't just a body of knowledge and a way of understanding, but a way of life. A way of looking at the universe while living in it.

>> No.7861268

Oh I was thinking of Contact with Jodie foster, never mind.

Is Cosmos kind of pop sci like or is it good?

>> No.7861318


It's educational material for understanding the fundamentals of our universe and how it relates to our every day lives as individuals and as a race of sentient beings. It's not a science fiction novel like Contact. I don't really like Sagan's non-fiction, but he was such an important figure for the late 20th century.

If you already have a large background in science, it either isn't necessary, or it's something you have already read as a youth that inspired you to take a scientific field. It deals with the history of science in humanity, it deals with where we sit on the grand scale of time since the big bang, it deals with our solar system, our galaxy, our universe, and what might be beyond. All within the bounds of all the scientific knowledge that existed in the 80s.

It's considered fedora tier because it happens to be in the highschoolers startkit towards euphoria, but I think that's a stupid classification.

It's an important piece of work for everybody, it's suppose to ease anybody no matter who they are into the world of science, and the implications of our current knowledge put into a human perspective that anybody can relate with.

I would either check the book out or you can watch Cosmos on youtube.


This isn't from cosmos, but an audio transcript from "pale blue dot".

I mean yeah Sagan is pretty entry-tier for science, but I still think his way of explaining things is beautiful. Check it out if you haven't.

>> No.7861328

I wonder if there is a more up to date 21st century version.

>> No.7861359


There is, that is what I am saying. Black Science Man did a remake of it on Fox, and I think it sucks on a presentation standpoint.

Even if the original has some outdated science, you are missing the point if you discredit it for the remake.

"the big picture" is what is important, and Carl Sagan was more elegant in this respect than Tyson's presentation. Sagan was awarded for his skills in science literature.

"the big picture" is why im even bringing up Cosmos in this thread, because I think scientific perspective can bring "enlightenment" to people, whatever enlightenment means anyways.

Also, I just checked out youtube, Cosmos on youtube has removed audio, so I wouldn't check it out on youtube.

>> No.7861384

I mean an up to date book. The new Cosmos show is too memey for me. A guy literally tips his Fedora in the new show.

>> No.7861399


Really? Jesus christ. I didn't watch the whole thing because even the first episode made me kind of cringe.

I am sure there is something out there on the internet that brings some of the concepts in the original Cosmos up to date with modern science, but as far as the basic important concepts brought fourth in the book, there really isn't much to change as far as I am aware.