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/lit/ - Literature

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7847750 No.7847750 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Books you hate

>> No.7847765


>> No.7847780

Anything by Hack Green
Anything by Cormhack McFraudthy
Anything by Kurt Frauddagut
Anything by George Fraudwell
Anything by Neil Hackman
Anything by Terry Hackshit
That about covers it

>> No.7847796

anything by pynchon

>> No.7847803


Zen and the fart of Motorcycle Maintenance

>> No.7847812

unbearable lightness of being

>> No.7847817

you mean corncob tortillas YeCarthy

>> No.7847818
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what's the matter? too DEEP for you?

>> No.7847850

he's a shitty juvenile genre fiction writer who caters to freshmen hipsters who try to read depth into 'dude weed lmao'

>> No.7847855

I like you

>> No.7847873

you just described literally every author ever

>> No.7847884

Understandable choice. I kind of liked the start but the longer it went on the worse it got.

>> No.7847900

the alchemist
the kite runner
the catcher in the rye

>> No.7847901

blood meridian

>> No.7847906

remember when /lit/ loved mccarthy

>> No.7847907

Why would you even bother reading it?

>> No.7847917

because he's a recent redditor refugee keen to demonstrate his /lit/ credentials and mix with the big boys

>> No.7847923
File: 44 KB, 250x374, Gatsby_1925_jacket.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The great Gatsby, I don't understand why people think it's this accomplishment of the English language, it just read as a normal boring short novel.

Those of you who would like to call me a pleb I would rather you tell me why this book is good.

>> No.7847924

I think there's like 2 dudes who hate him to be contrarian.

>> No.7847929


>> No.7847930

The Iliad

>> No.7847934

unoriginal eurofag

>> No.7847937

it's pretty much unheard of outside america
plenty of proper american literature is appreciated though

>> No.7847938

THE BIBEL AMIRITE *tips fedora*

>> No.7847944

at least post the hat gesture as a reply to your obvious bait
learn 2 meme

>> No.7847957

i've never read it. i dont like that a certain kind of person likes it. rather i don't like people i know who've liked it. yes, i know i'm a petty cunt

>> No.7847961

You mean women?
It's not bad as a read, just too long, too feely and sentimental.

>> No.7847984

i meant flighty shallow cunts of all genders

>> No.7848009

Wasn't bait, it was irony but point taken.

>> No.7848075

Wasn't into "If on a Winters Night a Traveler" for the first half or so. Some of the stories were better than others

>> No.7848243

>unreadable lightness od being


>> No.7848284


That bitch was born in my state and we got to hear about how great he was all through school, come time to finally read his shit it was so boring and cruddy I just used sparknotes

>> No.7848307
File: 39 KB, 375x500, amdreamz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, it's so derivative and unimaginative.
It's just a basic bitch parable that Americans wank over because of muh American Dream

>> No.7848391

fathers and sons

>> No.7848402

To the lighthouse

Fuck this shit

>> No.7848408

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

>> No.7848410


Meaning of Night - Cox

Sleepwalker in a Fog - Tolstaya

>> No.7848964

You do realize that its not a masturbatory presentation of the American Dream right?
It's a deconstruction of the American Dream. Gatsby and Nic fight for their country and when they come home they find that the world and the people in their life aren't any better to them than they were before. Their lives get worse after WWI, so Nic plays it straight and gets shafted while Gatsby bootlegs his way into high society but as "New Money" who gets the guests to his party but never the respect that he thought the money would bring. Because he earned it, he didn't inherit it and the people at his parties and the 'friends' who surround him and Nick in the book know that so they don't respect Gatsby. No matter how much he makes or how great his parties are or how nice he is to shitty people he will never be a member of the American Aristocracy, the "Old Money" isn't just about the money, its about the "Old". And the whole book is about how the American Dream of working your way up in society is a lie because the people at the top will never stop seeing you as you were, a peasant. This is best exemplified in Daisy who even after remeeting Gatsby as a rich man, who worked his way up and strived his whole life to make things better for himself and for her, drags her feet because he doesn't have the old name and the respect of society she longs for no matter how rich he gets. It's about how the American Dream is a lie.

>> No.7848987
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This hack's work. Holy fuck, I'm pretty open minded and enjoy lots of works even by authors who I strongly disagree with but this guy was too much.

>> No.7849012

hs seniors English
couldn't get past ch 2
failed class but oh well

>> No.7849032
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>hasn't read M&D

>> No.7849042

Wuthering Heights

I've never read anything so dull. It's been years since I gave the book the ol' lickity split, but I distinctly remember a whole fucking page describing a single dresser.


>> No.7849079

Why is this book read in highschool?
Why send that message to kids at such a formative moment in their lives?
Seems counter-productive and borderline retarded.

>> No.7849121

It's about dispelling the cultural myth in American that the world is fair. That if you work hard and pay your dues you get the respect and admiration of your peers. When the truth is that you don't the world doesn't always reward hard work. It sounds like a fucked up thing to tell to high school kids but thats because it is. Its because its so fucked up that kids have to deal with it, at least when they are presented with the idea that the cultural myth of "hard work" = "success" they can choose what to do with the information. The fact is that the world isn't fair and the sooner people realize that the better off they'll be. We can't count on the world to treat us right all the time, so we have to make the best decisions we can with the information we have available. Like Nick does at the end of novel, he chooses to leave behind the world that Gatsby wanted to get into so badly, the world of the rich and the elite, because he knows that everyone there are opportunistic hypocrites. They drank Gatsby's liquor and partied at his house and took full advantage of his hospitality but still talked shit about him while they were there and none of them showed for his funeral. That's fucking high school in a nutshell, the point is that people will be all smiles and courtesy and fun-loving when you have things they want but it doesn't mean they respect or care about you. I was lucky and had a great teacher who actually cared so the book was taught well and even if you don't like the writing or the characters the central message is borderline undeniable.

>> No.7849173

idk man that seems like a harmful message... why crush people's hopes before they even get to try? it seems a little presumptuous to assume yours or Gatsby's experience is a universal experience. there are plenty of people who work hard and are rewarded for it. you certainly won't be rewarded if you don't work hard. and you wont work hard if you dont BELIEVE you should work hard. why is this MESSAGE being taught in SCHOOLS to kids who have their entire LIVES ahead of them and have to make CRUCIAL decisions about it before they graduate from highschool? why not send a more hopeful, encouraging, and inspiring message to the youth of the nation, especially considering it's coming from the platform of a State-Certified institution? sending the message that people are hypocritical and opportunistic, even if it were 100% true, doesn't seem like a good idea to perpetuate... and besides that it's completely immature. if you understand that money is a recognition of your ability to help other people then you would realize that 'being greedy' or 'chasing success' is ironically the most altruistic way to live your life. seeing yourself as just 'being used' by others is a really shallow way of looking at life. the whole thing just doesn't bode well at all. bad idea. well written, perhaps enjoyable for people with a taste for noir, but ultimately a bad choice for teaching to highschool kids. schools should aim higher than that. i'll admit the opening chapter has a few nuggets of wisdom, but then it just goes way downhill after that. bootlegging is like drugdealing... and then there's all the parties, etc. it just encourages rotten behavior under the guise of fancy language and pseudo-wisdom. it's disgusting, really...

>> No.7849209

stranger in a strange land

not socially insightful, just a bunch of 2D characters

>> No.7849252


you type like you're 18 calm down. the message is going to hit as hard as seeing a commercial pleading to donate to starving africans

>> No.7849272

It's not that the whole world is evil and out to get you its that even with the hardest work and taking every step to better you situation the world can still decide that you aren't deserving of respect. But we are given the other side of this as well through Nick, Nick sees Gatsby as he is, a man who worked hard for what he wants in life and even though he isn't getting it he isn't giving up either. He feels bad for Gatsby but he also admires him and seeing what he is going through leads him to see Gatsby not just as a collection of wealth and a means to enjoy himself but as a person with hopes and dreams, who has had disappointments and fears for the future and takes his life as it comes to him. Besides that I disagree with the idea that just because there is debauchery in the book that the books endorses debauchery as a life style. It uses the setting of alcohol crazed parties to show the excess and debauchery of the "Old Money" elites while the chapters in the poorer parts of town show what life was like for the everyman. Think about a movie like Scarface, there are drugs and debauchery and sex and greed and ambition in the movie but the movie is in no way saying that this is how someone should live their life, it shows us that greed and debauchery and a mindset of endless ambition can be a person's destruction. This is how that movie gets its message across, by not shying away from its subject matter and The Great Gatsby does the same thing by showing that while the parties and debauchery and high society life may be impressive to someone like Nick, for Gatsby it is the perfect symbol of how paper thin the veneer the cultural myth of the American Dream is. Depicting an act is not the same as trying to sell that act to people, if we pretend it was then all media tackling issues of drugs, sexuality, greed and violence regardless of the context are the problem and can't have any meaning beyond the simple physical act. It's all about context and I'm not saying that this Gatsby's experience is universal but it certainly isn't wrong to say that people who work for their money and people who simply inherited it are very different in nature. One knows the cost of wealth and the others are detached from the sacrifice because they've never known anything else. Plus, I just don't believe that kids need coddling from the idea that maybe the world isn't perfect. A teacher's job is to teach facts where they exist and present ideas not the hide ideas or history or facts that the kids might find uncomfortable. Kids who play violent or sexual video games don't turn out any worse than kids who don't because humans for the most part can differentiate between fantasy and reality fairly well. It's not really any different with literature and film. Media can influence humans sure but I don't believe it dominates them in the way you seem to think it does.

>> No.7849299

I'm all on your side in this argument, really, but God damn it, your writing is tedious, you write too damn much, you keep hammering, softly but still hammering. Fucking nail it, don't hammer.

You remind me of my wife when she knows she's right. I love her, but that's not a compliment.

>> No.7849303

Yeah its a flaw I have when writing and at this point I doubt it'll ever get any better.
authorial intent > what physically happens

>> No.7849323

Isak Dinesen's Winter Stories.

True, I've only read three of them, but I felt visceral repulsion clotting my judgement so I had to put the book down. Fuck that preachy highbrow bitch.

And you know what I hate the most? I hate it that my hate of her writing puts me in the same pot with a pack of juvenile whining twats moaning about her being "privileged" and a "neo-colonialist", and that's not why I hate her at all.

>> No.7849357

hey nigger I agree with you

>> No.7849360

You fuck right off

>> No.7849382

>people on this board are this retarded

>> No.7849419

Calvinist propaganda.

sorry it's late and i'm going to bed. no time for a
thought-out response.

sweet dreams /lit/

>> No.7849437

>if the kids see it they'll do it
holy shit I bet you're one of those people that think Marylin Manson caused Columbine

>> No.7849449
File: 40 KB, 620x368, modern classic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"A Song of Ice and Fire" was easily one of the dullest franchise in the history of television franchises. Each episode following the boy cripple/lovable rogue and his pals from Winterfell/Kings Landing as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects? all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when G.R.R.M. vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody? just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for his books. The "A Song of Ice and Fire" series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>But at least the books are ggood though!
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "squatted in the grass."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Martin's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that he has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of A Game of Thrones by the same Stephen King! He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading A Game of Thrones at 16 or 17, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "A Game of Thrones" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.


>> No.7849455

Cloud Atlas

A book that keeps telling you how clever it is but never actually provides any evidence. Insufferable dreck from start to finish.

>> No.7849456

>be GRRM
>write lesbian scene between 14 year old girl and a slave
>"how does he do it?"

>> No.7849492

>le ebin pastaman
Fuck off, fusilliman.

>> No.7849794

Try using a spacebar sometimes. It helps a lot when people want to read your shit.

>> No.7849826
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>> No.7849945


>> No.7849948

LOL keep telling yourself that mccarthyfags

Corncobs man is genre trash and is getting rightfully mocked

Stephen King tier

>> No.7850378

> hasn't read Pynchon

>> No.7850621

Youre cancer, and your writing is shit.

>> No.7851149
File: 50 KB, 510x680, stargirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Sacrifice your standards for a beta girlfriend" - Stargirl's moral

>> No.7851187

kek she was the dominant one in their relationship

>> No.7851194
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>> No.7851195

Anything by Stephen King

>> No.7851528

>tfw Muslim
>tfw just beat my 13 year old wife out of anger

I hope you're happy.

>> No.7851534



>> No.7851541


How long have you been married, a decade?

>> No.7851899

it is anti-james bond in that it isn't dreadfully predictable and cliche.

>> No.7852339

Fuck you.

>> No.7852350

And there's one of them.

>> No.7852376

The anti james bond book is The Spy Who Came Out From the Cold.

>> No.7852406


Anything I had to read in hs/uni.

>> No.7852464
File: 26 KB, 259x400, love_in_the_time_of_cholera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, and about 95% of the whole 'magic realism' meme.
>Muh NESB/minoriy 'voices'.

>> No.7852488

damn I was going to read this but I might put it off now

>> No.7852512
File: 108 KB, 250x250, 1458767948036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact: Colombians aren't a minority in Colombia.

>> No.7852550

Not yet, anon.
Not yet....

>> No.7852555

The Bean Trees, or whatever the fuck that pile of shit was called.

>> No.7852624

I would give it a try, I personally enjoy his work. However, if you can, I would recommend reading in Spanish.

>> No.7852647

Ignorance is better

>> No.7852795

Beloved by Toni Morrison. Fuck that book.

>> No.7852813

>minoriy 'voices'.

Gringo marica.

>> No.7852965

Like, I mean, totally, like, I know, haha, right? :D Add me!

>> No.7852975

I enjoyed the Unbearable Lightness of Scones much more, to be honest familiar

>> No.7852981

>he doesn't know what magical realism is supossed to be
Missing out quite a bit, aren't we, old sport?

>> No.7852990

Umberto Eco - The Name of the Rose

Probably the first book I stopped reading somewhere in the middle.

>> No.7852995

Magical realism is for plebs who enjoy having their intelligence insulted for the sake of diversity and the current year. I'll be glad when I'm done my English lit class and can go back to reading books I like for my own amusement.

>> No.7853014

I quite liked it, but I do see what you mean. It doesn't really help that Mitchell has used basically the same formula in Cloud Atlas, Ghostwritten and number9dream. That said, I do still like his stuff. I only recently read it but I did really enjoy it, and I really liked the ending, especially the last paragraph, even though it's so fucking cheesy.

>> No.7853168

>not liking James Fun

>> No.7853442

It's not a bad book but I agree. It's very normal.
I can understand why girls love it.

>> No.7854928

I've been trying to read this shit in the past two weeks, but everytime I try I can't get past 30 pages without getting bored.

>three pages describing a place
>four pages talking about life achievements of a character THAT JUST died

How the fuck am I supposed to care when it seems like he's adding worthless lines just to pad that shit? Everything seems pointless, getting past the intro was a drag of its own

>> No.7854997
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This book was an assigned reading that I had to read at a point when I was struggling academically and emotionally. I had ton of difficulty reading and analyzing this book at the time. It almost made hate reading.

>> No.7855078

Nietzsche's The Birth of Tragedy

It was bullshit and he acknowledged it in the foreword

>> No.7855084

That's his most consistent and sane book.

>> No.7855092

I was going to start reading his stuff but this one really was a chore for me

I'm still going to read Zarathustra and Gay science when I have time tho

>> No.7855106

i've never read anything bei paulo coelho nor do i have intentions to do so but why is he and the alchemist in particular so detested on /lit/?

>> No.7855114

Never liked him.

He's an uneducated hack who never learned how to write.

>> No.7855223

Struck me as the kind of book that's more fun for the author to write than it is for the reader to trudge through. But I think I was also pissed off with it because for a long time I couldn't talk about books with any one of my friends ─ most of whom aren't big into literature, it must be said ─ without hearing about how amazing Cloud Atlas was, how Mitchell plays with language and interconnects massively different narratives and so forth, and then you read it and it's a bunch of self-aggrandising genre crap with a bit in the middle the language play of which consists of replacing certain letters of certain words with apostrophes. I mean, sure, you like what you like, but I just thought it was badly written, condescending drivel.

The worst part was when I told my friend (who was among the crowd ) I hated it and he said: "Oh, was it too difficult for you?" And I wanted to be an autistic bitch and shout at him that I read Joseph McElroy for fun, but then I realised he probably wouldn't know who that was, and then I caught myself in that thought and felt pretty guilty about it, because I knew I was judging him for reading popular fiction. I can't remember what I said to him in response, only that I had a moment of clarity about feeling superior to him and that it was an unpleasant feeling, but we're still on good terms so I'm guessing I explained myself properly instead of being a cunt.

>> No.7856164

the outsiders

>> No.7856169

it's popular and popular things are degenerate

>> No.7856220

every time you post this, the world gets that much gayer

>> No.7856227

Every book. I hate books. Anyone who likes books is nothing but a memelord.

>> No.7856241

you won't find prose that beautiful anywhere else. the theme of the american dream is also presented with a clarity, wisdom, and prophetic power that you won't find anywhere else

>> No.7856251

No, if you've read it you wouldn't be saying that. It really is that horrible and you'd find it difficult to come up with more horrible new agey bullshit that's anywhere near as popular. It isn't even in the realms of "entertaining but guilty pleasure", it's just plain bad and simply takes the form of a juvenile parable.

>> No.7856261

>learn how to write

>learn how to write

>learn how to write

You can't teach creativity, you pleb

>> No.7856293


>> No.7856310
File: 25 KB, 579x329, orangutan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it all makes sense now

>> No.7856315

Ulysses by James Joyce :)

>> No.7856338


He uses basic punctuation. I think the myth of McCarthy has outgrown the reality of his writing. I think if you went to McCarthy expecting someone not to use any punctuation you'd be really disappointed.

He doesn't use speech marks but that's actually really common in literary fiction. His use of grammar is sometimes odd, but not especially so for someone that is trying to replicate speech.

Most people wouldn't even notice McCarthy's use of punctuation unless you pointed it out to them.