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7843603 No.7843603 [Reply] [Original]

What words are cringeworthy and make the writer look like a tryhard with a shit vocabulary? Most often seen in modern news articles i.e. blogs. I'll start:


>> No.7843608

I hate the word "pampered"

>> No.7843609

fuck off back to /r9k/, frog homo

>> No.7843617


>> No.7843624

How can any word be "tryhard" or "cringeworthy" when, objectively, the best vocabulary includes all words?

>> No.7843625

this tbqhwu fammi

>> No.7843629

Because he has a limited vocabulary himself and gets mad when people he deems inferior to him use words that he doesn't know.

>> No.7843643

ass poop

>> No.7843654


Hard to say. It depends on the article and what it's about. Certain words will feel like they're just out of place. Like wearing a tux to a hoedown.

I'm less forgiving of blog/news writers being tryhards than I am of fiction writers but, I have to admit, as I get older I'm becoming less tolerant and forgiving of the tryhards in literature, too.

>> No.7843655

The word folly

But any author that insists on using a large vocabulary when a more simple one would suffice just fine, or even when a simpler one would be more appropriate. Looking at you Harold Bloom

>> No.7843687


Because it becomes painfully obvious when someone has learned a complex word and they try to inject it into their piece when it really doesn't fit in well.

>> No.7843712

This, OP is a pleb and acts like some jock in an 80s sitcom when someone pulls out a word like "ambiguous" or "nonchalant" or "obsequious".

"hey mr dictionary brain, you make me want to cringe"

That said, whenever a person uses the term "redpill" it makes me want to laugh and shake my head, so there's one.

>> No.7843718


>> No.7843724

unless the writer really knows old modes of speaking well, this word makes my gut try to implode.

>> No.7843728

I agree. "Myriad" is Faulkner's word, and anyone who isn't Faulkner isn't allowed to use it.

>> No.7843733

Damn, guess I'll just start saying cornucopia instead.

>> No.7843734


>> No.7843738


>> No.7843750


Its kind of cringey that you think its cringey

>> No.7843754


>> No.7843764
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>that picture

>> No.7843769


I'm going to start using that line

>> No.7843778

boipussy and cringey

i feel this

>> No.7843868


>> No.7843945
File: 32 KB, 512x432, Garrulus_glandarius3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking racist

>> No.7843954

Are thou inaugurating a garrulous dialogue with the Garrulus?

>> No.7843955

>the wan light
>she smiled wanly

>> No.7843965
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>Are thou
I am a Garrulus

>> No.7843966


>> No.7843975

Soft-pedal thou orifice HEATHEN!

>> No.7843983
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>> No.7843997

I only yearn for a witty exchange in dialog. Is that too much to ask?

>> No.7844013
File: 80 KB, 500x669, 1457545479909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ows this fer ya, m8??

>> No.7844017

"... and you believe it!"

>> No.7844039

It is like they never read C.S. Lewis or something.

>> No.7844042

>Pure gold.
For shame Anon.

>> No.7844054

>For shame Anon
calling other people anons makes me cringe

>> No.7844061

I'll keep that in mind anon

>> No.7844069
File: 13 KB, 200x136, Coracias garrulus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forgot pic

>> No.7844077

Think about words like "utilize." There is literally no situation where you couldn't just use the word "use" instead. Its sole purpose is to sound fancier.

>> No.7844091


t. liberal that is triggered by Dolan Trumps rhetoric :^)


>> No.7844110


>> No.7844118

The difference is that utilise to put something to use, not just use it.

For example, I could use a car, that implies any end-goal involving that car. But I will utilise that car to drive to my friend's house.

>> No.7844120

What school did you go to? Like jesus that is easy.

>> No.7844131

You find me a poem where the word "azure" is used and doesn't feel forced.

You're right that it's easy, but it's not just that, it's lazy.

>> No.7844161

egads xDDD

>> No.7844181

He clasps the crag with crooked hands;
Close to the sun in lonely lands,
Ring'd with the azure world, he stands.

The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls;
He watches from the mountain walls,
And like a thunderbolt he falls.

>> No.7844182

You can still replace it with the word use and not change that sentence's meaning at all. It's

>> No.7844187

He clasps the crag with crooked hands;
Close to the sun in lonely lands,
Ring'd with the azure world, he stands.

The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls;
He watches from his mountain walls,
And like a thunderbolt he falls.

>> No.7844192

Ezra Pounds canto III

>> No.7844198

Nice, 70 seconds apart.

>> No.7844199

Did I post this twice? Or is there another fellow out there with exquisite taste?

>> No.7844206

Did you read that in DFW's little new dictionary thing.


>> No.7844207
File: 7 KB, 552x104, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's two of us.

>> No.7844229

>pathetic user of "myriad" spotted

>> No.7844639
File: 308 KB, 1080x1920, insensitivecucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a word for me but for about a month I read too many cringey articles that had "with tongue firmly in cheek"

>> No.7844685

>that picture

kek we sure live in some odd times

>> No.7844699
File: 3.59 MB, 298x224, 1424032508526.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, Notch is a confirmed cuck. That's no surprise of course, but hearing it from his mouth is still hilarious.

>> No.7844743
File: 152 KB, 978x136, Screen Shot 2016-03-23 at 2.03.53 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it stigmatizes people who enjoy that fetish
is this real

>> No.7844754
File: 169 KB, 408x402, 1456882450738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bein' a cuck is cool ;0)


>> No.7844779

There is nothing inherently wrong with the fetish you pollacks

>> No.7844796

Other than getting your wife fucked infront of you?

>> No.7844803

>have this fetish
can confirm it does

>> No.7844817

If I am enjoying it then why is that bad?

>> No.7844822

t. modern westerners

>> No.7844906

still waiting for you to explain your reasoning

>> No.7844918

my biggest cringe word is "comprise" when used incorrectly as a substitute for "compose."

>A is comprised of B, C, and D

Instead of using "compose," people use "comprise" because they think it sounds smarter, and they don't even use it right.

I also hate the word "plethora."

>> No.7845098
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>Hermeneutics of [x]
>[x] qua [x]

>> No.7845118
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>If I am enjoying it then why is that bad?
jesus christ

>> No.7845119

>anything to do with the obscurantism of academia

>> No.7845123

I use both words because I think they have slightly different applications. Your example would sound right if it used "composed" instead of comprised.

>> No.7845144

>misogyny towards men


>> No.7845149

your enjoyment has no bearing on the moral content of actions

>> No.7845153


So much this. I've yet to see a single use of the word that didn't sound strange and ridiculous.

>> No.7845161

people still don't know misandry is a separate word, also cuck.

So what is /lit/ doing for tropical hot dog night?

>> No.7847129

joseph conrad?

>> No.7847459

>What words are cringeworthy and make the writer look like a tryhard
I hate My Little Pepe.

>> No.7848033


>> No.7848070


>> No.7848206

>per se

>> No.7848226


>> No.7848250

That is true. But what exactly is immoral about consensual cuckoldry?

>> No.7848263


>> No.7848281


Literally the worst

>> No.7848288


>> No.7848291


>> No.7848338
File: 1.99 MB, 400x240, 1429917642790.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The two words I can think of that best fit your description are "cringeworthy" and "tryhard." I bet you use 4chan lingo when you talk to your friends, i.e., your mom. I also don't think you know how to use "i.e."

>> No.7848375




>> No.7848398

Tf u got against kvothe u nerd

>> No.7848431

They seem ordinary but every time I see these in critique threads they're common denominators for people trying to "elevate" their work with academic/historical/thesaurus prose. That might be all right if their characters were academics, in the past, or shitty poets but no, they're normal modern day Joes.

>> No.7848467

Doesn't that mean it's more about context than a word itself? Of course some cunt tossing "fancy" words into shitty writing is going to make them cringey, but the words themselves are still capable of being used well.

>> No.7849045

>misogyny aimed at men

Something doesn't add up.

>> No.7849237


>> No.7849242

Heh stay bluepilled, cuck

>> No.7849263

haha fucking swedes

>> No.7849283

he meant that since there's no word for hate of men since men created hate that the word cuck is ALMOST like a misogyny but aimed towards men with a unique and open minded view toward sexuality and pleasing their partner :--)

>> No.7849288
File: 46 KB, 960x620, 1458155994318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No word for hate of men
>What the fuck is Misandry?

>> No.7849301

thats the joke you tard

>> No.7849302
File: 90 KB, 1080x519, 1458376421790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a cuck.

>> No.7849324

I Have nothing against the word itself, but the writer needs to clarify if it means for a city or countryside

>> No.7849376

I use this ironically

>> No.7849378

Le wut

>> No.7849385

I love qua so much

>> No.7849389


These are the two I hear the most from fat fedora tipping faggots that spend way too much time playing video games.

>> No.7849392



>> No.7849396


esp when used by non-britbongs/australians

>> No.7849407


>> No.7849462

I started using it ironically and now I can't stop. Be careful, mayhaps.

>> No.7849584


>> No.7849613
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pic related is especially guilty of this. Tryhard weedlord cunt.

>> No.7849625


Anything conceivable that pertains to the written word will find someone on /lit/ to be negative about it.

>> No.7849692

Hi OP,
You do realize that worrying about whether you're coming off as a tryhard is the tryhardiest of all behaviors?

Hope this finds you in good health.

>> No.7849700

pls, nacreous is patrician
also the other option is 'pearlescent' which puts to mind stage jewelry

>> No.7851232

How does /\lit feel about "quotidian"?
I'm a fan, but it seems like it could easily be abused

>> No.7851249

Anything with swear words; "Crescendo".

>> No.7851293

Adverbs in contemporary writing. 90% of the time they're fucking awful.
"Hipster" as a descriptor of an object.
"She slipped on her horrendously hipster purple pants" was probably the worst sentence I've ever read.

There is so much about this picture that is perfect.

>> No.7851355

you clearly know get it either, its MAYHAP not MAYHAPS,
short for may it hap

>> No.7851362

Azure Eyes Are Blue—Lee Harwood

If you don't get the joke you're a pleb

>> No.7851369

don't dont do not

>> No.7851380
File: 222 KB, 391x352, 1455896360619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I thought you were not allowed to post pony outside /mlp/.

>> No.7851394

Lol fucking btfo

>> No.7852527

i tried to use it once and failed miserably

>> No.7852663

Are you me, anon?

>> No.7852971


Utilize implies something is being used beyond its original purpose.

ie not using a book, but instead utilizing it as a hammer

>> No.7852982

>mysogynistic language aimed toward men

You fucking what?

>> No.7852994

Nothing. /lit/ is just overflowing with buttmad christians.

However, you do realize that all fetishes are, by definition, abnormal. Use of the word doesn't stigmatize anything, the fetish inherently stigmatizes itself.

Furthermore, I see no way the fetish could be enjoyed in a way that doesn't involve stigma. It is a fetish entirely about stigma. Foot fetishists don't necessarily need to be aware of their own weirdness to enjoy themselves. Cucks do. So what is really even your point here? That people shouldn't think you're weird for enjoying a fetish about being weird?

>> No.7853000

That sounds like a personal problem.

>> No.7853002

Then his issue may be narrowed to the misuse of utilize as a synonym for use. Though at the same time, one could still utilize the word use in that example sentence.

>> No.7853086

When modern authors use 'tis.

>> No.7853106

Not really a specific word, but when ever someone tries to use words like thou, thee, thy and thine.

If a thing has these and was from a time when they were normally used it is fine.

And if someone uses them in addition to making all of their writing fit the old style, then it can work.

It seems lots of people think they can pull it off but just fail and it makes me cringe.

>> No.7853138
File: 3 KB, 125x125, żaba pali szluge miniaturka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7853220


>> No.7853239

>no euphoric

>> No.7853829


>> No.7853854


>> No.7853869

But instead using it as a hammer. Nope still the same.

>> No.7853939


Mayhaps a myriad of pampered ass poop ostensibly to the folly of the egregious cornucopia of rhetoric. The wan boipussy garrulously cringed...

this sounds better than what i normally write

>> No.7854070

-benign (I know someone who uses this word with the opposite meaning intended!)
-use of "truncate" in normal conversation; or any of the above for that matter
-"scientifical" and any other failed attempt at adding extra pretense to your vocabulary

>> No.7854128

no one uses "euphoric" except ironically

>> No.7854139

Give me a better word that conveys the same meaning.

>> No.7854144

Should courses in rhetoric be retitled "arguing"?

>> No.7854145

Why? It's a pretty word.

>> No.7854151

I was the shadow of the waxwing slain
By the false azure in the windowpane

>> No.7854171


God, I know a girl who says this word in almost every sentence. She thinks it make her sound smart. Fucking liberal arts majors.

>> No.7854195



>> No.7854207

It's almost always used incorrectly by people trying to appear smarter than they are.

>> No.7854223


>> No.7854229


>> No.7854260


>> No.7854313


>> No.7854336

I like delve because it sounds like dive, at least that's why I think it's satisfying to use when I am saying I am learning (delving into) something.

I cringe at: baseline

What I don't really cringe at but completely fits the OP: tribulations

>> No.7854395

What a pretentious thread, most of these are perfectly cromulent words. Scrutinizing them embigens no one.

>> No.7854411

I want an incisive, inquisitive, insightful, irreverent mind. I want someone for whom philosophical discussion is foreplay. I want someone who sometimes makes me go ouch due to their wit and evil sense of humor. I want someone that I can reach out and touch randomly. I want someone I can cuddle with.

>> No.7855268


>> No.7856387


>> No.7856399

Kill urself my man

>> No.7856409


>> No.7856410

always already

>> No.7856415

Redpill and cuck are the two most cringeworthy expressions used here.

>> No.7856420

cuckolding is a fetish that some men actually enjoy, though. cuck is an abbreviation.

>> No.7856432

I've heard other people say they hate the word "intriguing" because it's a stuck up version of the word interesting.

>> No.7856434

>She didn't use the self help book, instead she utilized it to weight down her bills and payment reminders
>She didn't use the self help book, instead she used it to weight down her bills and payment reminders
Which sounds better? [Spoiler]replacing use with read and utilize with use

>> No.7856440

You'd hate Gene Wolfe then.

>> No.7856510


>> No.7856632
