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/lit/ - Literature

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7541458 No.7541458 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, so seeing as your board is totally inundated with newcomers currently, should we have a QTDDTOT (questions that don't deserve their own thread) thread to try and tidy things up?

Anyways, I'll start with a few I have.

>what Dostoyevsky do I need to read before Karamazov?
>what are some good resources for checking on the quality of various editions/translations of a book, so I don't buy a shit one?
>what are some good online resources for learning better grammar, prose and for learning to analyse a book for themes, characters and prose?


>> No.7541469

> What Dostoyevsky do I need to read before Karamazov?

I read his shorter works - Notes From Underground, The Double, The Meek One - and then read his other main novels - The Idiot, Devils and Crime & Punishment - before tackling The Brothers Karamazov. There's no real order to do it in, but if you've not read Dostoyevsky before, his shorter works will be the least taxing. Hope that helps, anon.

>> No.7541478

Thanks. I've been lurking here for a couple of weeks and Notes from Underground seems popular. I might get that and/or Crime and Punishment. How do I assure I don't get a crap translation? Spelling mistakes and stuff also drive me mad, they always kill my immersion.

>> No.7541481

Do I treat The Divine Comedy as one book with three main parts or three books?

>> No.7541483

Learn Russian.

>> No.7541494

Do local libraries accept donations? I have a bunch of books I don't want that they might find use for.

>> No.7541502

that's a pretty massive effort for the sake of reading one author when you're brand new to literature.

>> No.7541513
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PENGUIN CLASSICS (Yes, at times they use older translations - - as do others)




It's a meme you dip

>> No.7541525

hi rei, hows life

>> No.7541526

Thank you based shouting Pictish man of literary knowledge.

>> No.7541539
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No problem, I'm not that knowledgeable desu. You just learn these things over time as you read and research. Hope you have a fun reading experience my buddy.



>> No.7541544
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Why is Dracula never mentioned on /lit/?

>> No.7541547

So in one post you say McDuff or Magarshack and in the other you say Maudes, which is it?

>> No.7541553

McDuff and Magarshack for Dostoyevsky and Maude for Tolstoy.

>> No.7541559

Tolstoy and Dosto are two different people buddy

>> No.7541560

Thank you very much for your help anon. I think my reading comprehension failed me there.

>> No.7541590

Is anyone else unable to search project gutenberg or is it just me?

>> No.7541603



>> No.7541622

not in New Zealand or America :'(, just donate them to a good second-hand bookstore that doesn't overcharge (or sell them if you're so inclined)

>> No.7541626

Read The Idiot and Demons, which are so good they render the rest of his work obsolete (and that isn't to say his other work is at all poor)

>> No.7541637

How would I go about learning simple Latin in preparation for classes on introductory and intermediate Latin? I know reading more complex texts and listening to lectures in Latin will help once I've learned the fundamentals of the language, but have no clue of how or where to begin.

>> No.7541640

la lingua latina

>> No.7541646

Where should I start with Vollmann pater f^milia?

>> No.7541647

Buy a dictionary/glossary of Latin terms and proverbs. That'll see you on your way.

>> No.7541658

My first Dostoyevsky was Karamazov. It wasn't the best move - I would've started with Crime & Punishment - but I fell in love with the novel then on so I can't say I regret it.

>> No.7541662

so why would you say it isn't best to start with it?

>> No.7541694

Because on my first read some of the things Dostoyevsky introduced that were enriching (I can't think of another word, excuse me) went over my head which otherwise wouldn't have happened if I had read C&P first, which is a much better introduction I think.

If you want to read Karamazov first, do. All I am saying is that your second read is when you will fall in love.

>> No.7541721
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I have a major hard on for Burrough's syntax (leaving out words, tenses etc) and that rushed feel it creates but I'm growing tired of the "Welcome To My Twisted Mind" aspect of his work. Any reccomendations?

>> No.7541729

I'm reading the Coulson translation (published under Oxford). No major screwups yet, and I'm ~210 pages in

>> No.7541737

good opening and then the book goes to shit

>> No.7541738

Get Shelmerdine's Latin if you can find it in a library or online for free.

If not, torrent Wheelock, but ignore Lingua Latina as it is horseshit. Wheelock is fine but Shelmerdine is just more condensed, and what you mostly want now is a leg-up on the rote memorisation (both the actual things to memorise and the process itself).

Start working through the chapters. Don't move ahead until you understand things. You don't have to be absolutely perfect, but yes you are supposed to be able to produce a paradigm of the first declension when you finish the chapter on the first declension. It is not hard. The starter vocab you get - and practice drilling it WITH the principal parts, when provided - will overlap significantly with whatever you use in class.

If you want an easy A+, plow through the materials on your own time. Chapter a day, that sort of thing. When you get to class, it will be review - all it is going to be is what you already did, i.e. working through the book, but with a teacher there to 10% explain the occasional thing you find tricky, 90% to order you to actually do the work every week (and many students won't even do that). If you're capable of a bare minimum of discipline, you can literally simulate an entire semester of college Latin at a good university in like three weeks of intensive (not even intense) study.

Just start working through the shit. When you hit the class, you'll find 80% of the vocab you already know, and 95% of the grammar you already memorised. You will then be able to focus on getting the final 5% of the tricky grammar better than you did the first time, and otherwise focus on actually organically using the language. It's a lot more fun to take an exam when you aren't mostly worried about remembering vocab, paradigms, and principal parts, and you can actually just look forward to the exercises as grammar puzzles exercising what you already know.

>> No.7541743

>not in America

Where in America are you talking about? I've donated books to a public library in two of the three towns I've lived in (didn't try to donate to a library in the third). I would think just about any library would take donations.

>> No.7541754

Does anyone have any experience with the Martin Hammond translation of The Iliad?

I am currently reading and enjoying it, however questionable reviews online are making me second guess whether I am receiving an authentic translation of the story.

>> No.7541762
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The book starts off great, then gets boring, then at the end it gets ok.

>> No.7541766

Anyone else having trouble getting through Notes from Underground? It's slow going for me right now

>> No.7541792
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I have a question about this book too

I want to listen to this on audiobook at work. Is it too hard to follow in audio form?

>> No.7541802

The first part of the book is the toughest as it's meandering and contradictory rants, but it provides a significant insight into the mentality of the underground man.

Push through it, anon, as the book is rewarding and much better in its second part.

>> No.7541804

What does Hegel mean by the concept "Force"?

>> No.7541826
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I like the meditations of Nietzsche, and I haven't read Max Stirner yet, but from what I have seen here, I get the feeling that they complement each other. Is it true?

>> No.7541829


Where should I start with Tolstoy?

>> No.7541838


>> No.7541841

>what Dostoyevsky do I need to read before Karamazov?

I have a reply elsewhere that's relevant:

>> No.7541855
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>Google translate

>> No.7541858


This >>7541762

I finished it 5 days ago.

It starts off good but then pretty damn slow. It is good at building an atmosphere, just not the atmosphere you'd expect from the numero uno Vampire novel. Rather it is the atmosphere of victorian chivalry made up of chivalrous men and of women being women.

I thought it was pretty nice though, but in no way what I had expected(except the first part of the book)

>Crippling sadness of certain characters accompanied by chivalrous response by the others, over and over again.

Is how I would describe the book as short as possible.

Again though, the first part was really good. It set a really nice gothic vampire atmosphere, without that I doubt the book would ever become the classic it became.

>> No.7541863

>implying anyone actually understands vodka runes

>> No.7541868
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I want to...*sniff *...get into Zizek unironically and so on and so on

how would I fucking do that?

>> No.7541875


>> No.7541876

NY and Ohio state in my experience

>> No.7541955

For the most part, read Gramsci, read secondary works on the Frankfurt school, understand what poststructuralism is, Foucault. The way his ideology thing is used on places like /lit/ is basically repackaging stuff like that.

If you want for some reason to go deeper into him, keeping in mind he is a philosopher in the same way Neil de Grasse Tyson is a physicist (maybe even less), I guess get some basic dumbed down version of "Hegelian dialectic", read the least intolerable cliff's notes memebook on Lacan because Lacan himself is not a real thing, and try reading his earliest stuff.

Five minutes of research into just how aggressively Zizek hams up the lecture circuit and manages his PR will make you pretty wary of giving a shit about his books. There is no especial reason to be interested in them. It's not like they were so good that he became a celebrity. He became a celebrity independent of them, and even now that he's a celebrity, still basically no one reads them, among his fans and especially among academics. You might find him being used in the only place Lacan is used, which is upper level lit classes, but (with both) it's always in a very formalised way of presuming there is some Properly Understood Zizek/Lacan which the professor then dances around, leaving a safe space around ever actually interacting with their writing. You don't read Lacan, you "apply Lacanian ideas," which are intersubjectively decided by pretentious lit scholars who roleplay that they all understood some meaning in Ecrits by mutually creating what that meaning is like they're playing with a fucking Ouija board.

>> No.7541979

Ignat Avsey translation is best.

>> No.7541995 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7541998

Try "The Parallax View" -- he takes the time to define Lacanian and Hegelian concepts before going too far into abstract jargon. His examples also help if you get too lost. Happy reading.

It's helpful to have a background in Hegel, Lacan, Kant, Deleuze, and Nietzsche, but not totally necessary.

>> No.7542012

Everybody step up the elitism and do your part to send the new scum packin

We grew here you flew here. Locals
Only brah

>> No.7542016

I'm a novice reader and I'm reading Karamazov Brothers right now, first ever Dosteovsky book I've tried. I'm about 270 pages in and I think I'm coming along pretty good, sometimes I forget or get confused about characters at times but I have a pretty good sense of the story
Did I fug up

>> No.7542029

I started with one of his short novels, "The Cossacks". Its a really fantastic read. You could probably do War & Peace first too. Do AK after.

>> No.7542044

It can get a bit confusing later when all the lawmen come. That's where I had difficulty remembering whose name was attached to what since they didn't each get their own chapter introducing them and the last 10 years of their life like Feddy Dost did for every other character.

>> No.7542054

Don't read Stirner, his ideas are either outdated or rubbish.

>> No.7542089

Nice spooks

>> No.7542408

Post the blue QTDDTOT next time, OP. We might need to make one of these every day now, given how fast the board has been lately.

>> No.7542464

Fuck I'm reading p&v for Tolstoy.. then which translation is good for Gogol? And Kafka?

>> No.7542747

How can one idea be outdated? It's simply an idea.

>> No.7543026

fuck off grisha

>> No.7543035

wait, p&v is the good one that took years instead of a few afternoons. yeah, you're not getting the same experience hemingway and joyce got, but you are actually reading something closer to the original and not what a housewife would had wrote with the original plot in mind.

>> No.7543264


>> No.7543300
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Anyone have a copy of this? It's rare as fuck and the only copies I can find are selling for $500+

There used to be a pdf floating around but I've given up searching,

>> No.7543337

I'm been reading a lot of bad things about P&V. A lot of their hype is driven by their publisher. This is why you see people who review these books say the exact same things over and over again about P&V translations

>Their combined effort, with one who speaks Russian natively, and the other who speaks English natively, produces the most accurate work possible!!

Anthony Briggs for War and Peace
P&V or Bartlett for Anna Karenina

>> No.7543354

>he fell for the marketing hype

Maudes for Tolstoy

>> No.7543888


I can't find any McDuff or Magarshack of that one. Is Modern library a good publisher? It has a collection translated by Magarshack that contains Notes from Underground.

>> No.7543897

McDuff hasn't done Notes, and Magarshacks is in the collection. Modern Library are great -- good quality production.

>> No.7543915

Thanks, looks like I'll order the Modern Library one then. Maybe McDuff's war and peace too.

>> No.7543919

ill finish Count of Monte Cristo today, loving it so far.
what should i read next, Slaughterhouse 5 or Ulysses?

>> No.7543928

He hasn't translated that. Go with the Maudes--the 2 volume edition by Everyman is noice.


>> No.7543933

>war and peace
topkek. I meant to say Crime and Punishment.

>> No.7543934

3 volume*

>> No.7543935

Not Ulysses.™

>> No.7543958

why not?

>> No.7543986

Did you get to what happened to Villefort yet?
one of the few things in literature that made me sick to my stomach, I cannot imagine a crueler end than to be undone by mental strain alone

>> No.7544009

what's the best edition of Brothers Karamazov in spanish?

how wrong is to read the odyssey and the divine comedy in prose?

>> No.7544018

not yet, i just finished the part where the duel with Albert was called off thanks to Mercedes. I was so mad when the Count tells mercedes that he would let Albert kill him in order for Albert to stay alive, what a cuck
great book tho

>> No.7544043

Ya he's pretty torn between love and revenge at this point. I believe at some point he says he was "a fool not to tear out his heart the day he resolved to revenge himself."

>> No.7544324

I'm not entirely convinced that he wasn't hatching yet another plan desu. It's not outside the realm of his character at that point.

>> No.7544328


>> No.7544330

I didn't write desu, what the fuck

>> No.7544332

wordfilter newfag

>> No.7544372

"At that point"?

>> No.7544543

To be honest, abbreviated.

>> No.7544637

I've never seen that word filter before, when were they added?

>> No.7544648

When Murakami took over 4chin

>> No.7544653
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why do you fags read fiction

>> No.7544660


Don't listen to that other anon, if you think Stirner's ideas are outdated you're a retard who's only read about him on /lit/.

I'd say that Nietzsche and Stirner complement one another. Stirner does strike me as more of a proper "philosopher" in the sense he spends more time rigorously deconstructing various ideologies. Nietzsche's approach was more along the lines of

>muh slave morality

>> No.7544664

4chan turns cyrillic characters into their latin lookalikes- it renders everything untranslatable.

>> No.7544665

>if you think Stirner's ideas are outdated

they were outdated the moment the german ideology was finished tbqfh

>> No.7544671

I haven't been on that much since around that time, I probably should have guessed that.

>> No.7544672

any interpretation of anything is filtered thorugh the mind, it's all fiction. why not read when people are really trying to exploit that?

>> No.7544673

Stirber is muh fuck hegel edginess and you have never read Nietzsche

>> No.7544675

>who roleplay that they all understood some meaning in Ecrits by mutually creating what that meaning is like they're playing with a fucking Ouija board

>> No.7544677

oh the tiresome cantknownuffin.

>> No.7544679


>he thinks Marx's polemic wasn't just white male tears
>he doesn't realize Stirner BTFO'd Feurbach and idealism, converting Marx into a materialist even though he refused to admit it

>> No.7544684

>opinion differs from mine
>can't interpret one line of text
>assign a meme to it and pretend it's equivalent

The mind of a shitposter.

>> No.7544685

>totally inundated with newcomers currently
Yeah, what the fuck is up with this? Was it the imgur thing? I don't think it was completely this, a lot of them seem like board hoppers from /v/, /tv/, and /mu/.

>> No.7544690

>It's all fiction
is a canktnownuffin

>mind of a shitposter
are you ready for shitposting generators? /g/ created one couple of days ago.

>> No.7544692

>hasn't read the german ideology


>> No.7544695

I say you just go for it and read Karamazov. It was the first Dosto I read front to back and I loved it.

>> No.7544696

>are you ready for shitposting generators?

They already exist-- you for one.

>> No.7544699


Marx's attack just attacks Stirner's lifestyle

there's no legitimate refutation, there's a reason hegelianism disappeared from Marx's theories

>> No.7544700

is cool fɑm, there's always windows character roster tɓh

>> No.7544707

Best edition of Herodotus' Histories?

>> No.7544710

>white male tears
Consider killing yourself
It's cool, I ordered a collection of his short stories and it should be here in like two days anyways.

>> No.7544716


>> No.7544722

Reminder you haven't read Dostojevski unless you read him in his original language as intended.

>> No.7545520

You meme an author you haven't even read. How pathetic.

>> No.7545611

Does anyone here speaks French? I need someone to translate a paragraph that I encountered in the book I'm reading and I simply don't know where to ask.

>inb4 juse use Google translator

>> No.7545791

I'll try

>> No.7545844

Oh boy, thanks in advance. Here it goes (sorry if there is any typos):

Bayle (Tom. IV. art. Zénon, not. E.) hence says of Aristotle’s answer that it is “pitoyable: C’est se moquer du monde que de se servir de cette doctrine; car si Ia matiere est divisible a l’infini, elle contient un nombre infini de parties. Ce n’est done point un infini en puissance, c’est un infini, qui existe réellement, actuellement. Mais quand même on accorderait cet infini en puissance, qui deviendrait un infini par Ia division actuelle de ses parties, on ne perdrait pas ses avantages; car le mouvement est une chose, qui a la meme vertu, que la division. Il touche une partie de l’espace sans toucher l’autre, et il les touche toutes les unes apres les autres. N’est-ce pas les distinguer actuellement? N’est-ce pas faire ce que ferait un géometre sur une table en tirant des lignes, qui désignassent tous les demiponces? II ne brise pas Ia table en demi-pouces, mais il y fait néanmoins une division, qui marque Ia distinction actuelle des parties; et ie ne crois as qu’Aristote ent voulu nier, que si l’on tirait une infinité de lignes sur un pouce de matière, on n’y introduisit une division, qui reduirait en infini actuel ce qui n’etait selon lui qu’un infini virtuel.”

>> No.7545888

what caused the sudden influx of plebs? was it the imgur post?

>> No.7545894

it's new year. what imgur post?

>> No.7545909



>> No.7545921

The comments are giving me cancer.

>> No.7545939

>From skimming this list, 4chan seems to think the best books are almost exclusively written by white men
>no pratchet? Awww....

>> No.7545974
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This was funny to me because my school assigned us Fahrenheit 451 and I actually read it, what a madman

>> No.7545979
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>bachelor's in english
>just got a copy of 1984

>> No.7545982


>it's 2016, CMON

>> No.7545993

>spend a year reading eastern thought and/or bottom of the barrel trash
what an awful idea.

>> No.7545994

I'm doing my best to only read white straight cis male authors in 2016. Which is a shame because I actually was looking forward to some female and queer writings.

>> No.7546000
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>> No.7546004

I'm still struggling to come to terms with the fact that queer is socially acceptable again

>> No.7546005

Tbh you could spend a good year reading works by Straight Cis Chinese Males like the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and the Journey to the West.

>> No.7546010

Isn't it great? We just have a catchall term for people with abnormal sexualities.

>> No.7546018

slants are just white men in disguise , I don't trust them to be honest
It's a pleasant sounding word too. Rolls of the tongue.

>> No.7546034

Would de Sade classify as queer? Can we conflate queers with sadism?

>> No.7546045

why, is not like a translated poem will be faithful

>> No.7546325

Watch out everyone, Puritan in our midst.

>> No.7546914

Anyone know of any good online bookstores in the UK? Besides Amazon that is.

>> No.7547548

Any good sites where one can ask for critique of their work on different languages?

Preferably Spanish

>> No.7548145

Stupid question here. I'm pretty much an uncultured weeb. The last thing I read that wasn't a erotic VN was Harry Potter 3 when I was like 12.
Where the fuck do I start? Preferably something good and easy to digest if possible please

>> No.7548165

The Stranger is short and sweet.
Also the greeks.

>> No.7548188

The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka is a great short story, and what made me decide to read seriously

>> No.7548194

Just read The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.7548210

How'd ya like it

>> No.7548271

Reading Crime and Punishment, just finished chapter 1 of part 6. Am I missing something? I really enjoy certain parts of it-- that chapter about the dream of the horse being beaten was terrific, the chapters where people have conversations as a way to show Dosto's philosophy are also great, but they aren't that common. For every part, there are maybe two chapters that are really memorable and enjoyable, the rest are dedicated to propelling the story and aren't all that interesting. I felt like half the book was Rodya being sick and insane. Is this the general experience? Will it click in the end? I am enjoying it, but I thought it would be a bit better I guess.

>> No.7548303



>> No.7548315

Slaughterhouse 5. I banged it out in two days and it was pretty good.

>> No.7548345

How do I write for characters of the opposite sex?

>> No.7548372

I suggest spending more time with them.

>> No.7548377

a little late, and not the anon you were replying to but here's my go at it

pitiful. Using this doctrine is mockery; for if matter is infinitely divisible, it contains an infinite number of parts. It is therefore not a potential infinite, but an infinity that really, presently exists. But even if we accorded this infinite potential, that would become an infinity through the physical division of its parts, we would not lose its advantages; for movement is a thing, that has the same virtue, as division. It touches a part of space without touching another part, and it touches each part one after the other. Is this not actually to distinguish them? Is this not what a geometer would do on a table by drawing lines, which designate each half-inch? He does not break the table into half inches, but he makes a division nonetheless, that marks the existing distinction of its parts; and I do not believe that Aristotle would have denied, that if one were to draw an infinity of lines on an inch of matter, one would introduce a division, that would reduce to an existing infinite what was according to him but a virtual infinite.

It's my first time doing this and a few words gave me grief (infini en puissance, the different meanings of actually used so close together). Can any other anons comment on the quality/accuracy of my translation?

>> No.7548398

Couple IJ questions. I don't believe they deserves their own thread.

Both Hal and Gately have visions at the beginning and end of the book of digging up Himself's head al la Hamlet. Is this implied to be a prediction of the future or just another Hamlet reference?
It seems like the commentary in IJ on Himself's movie's are commentary on IJ itself - especially the stuff concerning 'Found Drama', the relation of the audience to the creator and commentary about the book (especially the ridiculous amount of backstory).
What was the point of the wraith? All he seemed to do was dialogue with Gately, nothing actually seemed to come out of it, from what I recall.


>> No.7548407


>> No.7548437

My plan is to self-publish fiction free through Amazon until I build up enough of a fanbase to support later paid-for endeavors and attract a publisher. But right now I only have a few really good ideas, and I worry that if I release them for free then I won't have any material for the actual books later to come.

What do I do!

>> No.7548439

How taboo is it to begin a piece with "I" or "The"?

>> No.7548448

Just charge ~$5

>> No.7548456

I suppose my question has less to do with price point than conserving content. I'm worried about publishing my only good material as the bait to draw in customers for later material that may very well not be as good as the bait. The initial book's sole purpose is to build a fan base.

Should I put together some trash as bait and conserve the good stuff for the later books?

>> No.7548490

just DO IT

>> No.7548491

I'm unfamiliar with Burrough's writing but you make it sound very interesting. What piece of his best conveys his style?

>> No.7548495

What was the name of that Asian writer that /lit/ had a full on boxxy-style war over a few years back? He didn't capitalize anything, had lots of mispellings, etc, and IIRC the argument was over whether he was doing it to convey the characters as idiots or was actually an idiot IRL

>> No.7548532

Hey guys I wanted to know if some of you know about Wordsworth, they release a lot of classic books in a special edition. I was wondering how the translation? I'm not an English native speaker and I don't want to buy something that I completely wouldn't understand. The books in the edition are also really cheap. Any one knows what I'm talking about?

>> No.7548563

If you believe the trash will be enough to pull in the readers and then they will continue to follow you when you put in the 'good stuff', then sure, do that.

>> No.7548569

Oh boy, here we go.

They are really cheap because they use public domain translations/works.

If you don't care about that stuff or the quality of the cover, then go for it. They are really cheap as you say.

Go to bed Tao Lin .

>> No.7548575

From my experience the translations are sub par and the cover art is really bad if you care about that.

>> No.7548638


I don't care for the cover but if you say that the translation isn't quite good then I guess I'll have to buy from some other release.
A shame really, it was too good to be true.

>> No.7548641

What books are you looking for? Penguin, Oxford World's Classics, Vintage Classics, tend to be reliable for translations

>> No.7548652

A lot of the classics. Mostly Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy and the rest of Bulgakov that I haven't read yet. Not only Russian authors but this is what I am most interested in right now.

I'll check them, thanks man.

>> No.7548713


Wordsworth = Shit

just get books online with free shipping

>> No.7548715

What are some good books on writing novels?

>> No.7548722

How do i write a script for a film?

I can get about a million pounds from people to get this film made. I just need to have a script.

All the scenes and the story is in my head it needs to be on paper how do i get it done?

>> No.7548728
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Pfft. More like threads that don't deserve their own threads. This is bad comedy.

>> No.7548735
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Does A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man get any better? I'm a couple pages into Chapter 2 (the Whitsuntide play) and it's just not clicking for me.

>> No.7548736

>from people
You mean "parents", right?

>> No.7548771

A white van sped towards Jacob who sat uncomfortably on a hard curb. It screeched to a halt in front of him and out came a white haired man with a wrinkly face and yellowed mustache confidently displaying his pack a day habit. He mechanically spits out a greeting to which Jacob doesn’t reply. Jacob shrugged off the robotic greeting because of an overwhelming nausea that jutted throughout is body. He was being sent off to a rehab center by his bible thumping parents for smoking weed out of a homegrown granny smith.

I am trying to get better at writing, my question is how can I refine this?

>> No.7548784


>> No.7548791

Don't ask /lit/

>> No.7548803

A few breakings of "show don't tell" make it flow a bit hard - don't tell the reader that the kid is being picked up, put that into dialogue

You also need a few more commas, you sentences are too long for my taste

I think "jutted" is the wrong word here, it means "protrude", you want "spread"

>> No.7548814

thanks for the tips :)

>> No.7548816

No, from executive producers.

>> No.7548819

"Jutted in to his body" is better.

>> No.7548826

Thanks Anon.

>> No.7548945

A white van sped towards Jacob who sat uncomfortably on a hard curb. A white haired man stepped out of the van and hobbled over to greet the young boy. He had a wrinkled face and a yellowed mustache confidently displaying his pack a day habit. “Fine morning aint it?” he spat out mechanically and outstretched a cold hand that made Jacob shiver. “What are you in for?” he asked coldly, “I don’t know” Jacob replied not in the mood for conversation in his anxious state. They drove in silence, the van humming along empty morning streets, the never ending street lights passing by in a blur. The man pulled up next a two story stucco building that was covered in splotches of decade old dirt. “Well here we are, home sweet home” the man said followed by a forced chuckle that wasn’t his own. Jacob got out of the car and walked up shyly to the front door. A large man in a suit opened the it for him, he smiled brightly making is skin jut out over his collar. “You must be Jacob” he said happily, “follow me”. The boy stuck closely behind, walking through a labyrinth of hallways and finally coming to large room with windows from ceiling to floor overlooking a small pool. The large man squeezed into a squeaky office chair behind a desk cluttered with papers. “Please sit” he offered in a friendly tone. Jacob sat opposite, nausea burning through is body like a wildfire. “Let me introduce myself” he began, “My name is Fraser Hatcher, but you can just call me Fraser” he flashed crooked teeth coated with a yellow primer. “I am the head here at Lakewood Rehab Center and will be showing you around the facility today and helping you get comfortable” Jacob shifted in his seat, “first off, I would like to ask you a few questions about yourself to get to know you a little better” he winked, Jacob refused this invitation. “Who referred you to the center?”.

added a little bit to it

>> No.7548966

Apparently there is no "the" in Russian

>> No.7548974

A white haired old man in a white haired old van.

>> No.7549060


No, there is no definite article at all

>> No.7549190

then why is it translated as the brothers karamazov?

>> No.7549219

I'm new to /lit/, so as much for my own benefit as yours I decided to just rewrite the passage. Everyone let me know what you think.

Jacob sat pensively on the curb, watching as the van in the distance rapidly came towards him. An aged man hobbled out of the van towards Jacob. The scars of time across is his face contorted into what may have been considered a smile, his yellowed - and often times missing - teeth poked out from his course, yellowed by nicotine and tar moustache. “Fine morning aint it?” he bumbled out, offering his cold, clammy hand to Jacob. He did not reciprocate.
The white van rolled along in silence, humming along the empty streets of the cold dawn. Houses passing in a relative blur. "Well here we are, home sweet home" the man spoke as they pulled up to a two storey stucco building, it's walls betraying the same characteristic pitting and scars of old age and disrepair that the man did. Obediently, Jacob got out of the vehicle and edged cautiously towards the front door, which swung open to reveal a large, balding man in a baggy grey suit. "Aah! You must be Jacob!" he proclaimed with an unsettling level of enthusiasm, a great, crooked smile split his face in two; causing his chin to recede and a fold of neck flab to jut out over his tightly buttoned white shirt collar.

>> No.7549272

from the op. This is so much better well done.

>> No.7549425
File: 225 KB, 640x1022, lolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, anons.

Just wondering if anyone else had a similar reading experience with Lolita like mine: sure, it's a short book, but I've found myself re-reading certain passages (because I enjoy them so much or they went over my head initially) and I've not managed to finish it as quickly as over 300-page novels. Usually I can read 100 pages in a day but this book has really slowed down my reading pace.

How did you other anons find Lolita?

>> No.7549428

You definitely get a lot of the meme-sters from /mu/. I think they hopped onto our board because they like the impression of appearing cultured that discussions about literature bring but all they really do is shitpost like on their own board.

>> No.7549438

I honestly hate /mu/tants so much. People talk about /pol/ and /tv/ but relative to board size /mu/ are easily the biggest shitposters on the whole of 4chan.

>> No.7549440

It happens surprisingly often, anon. People are more aware of its legacy rather than it.

I know many people with MAs in filmmaking and film studies and barely any of them have watched Kurosawa or Fritz Lang.

>> No.7549452

Is it the first Joyce work you've read? Have you read Dubliners yet?

It's just people often recommended Dubliners first as it's an easier piece of work to appreciate.

IMO I think Portrait of the Artist does get better but Joyce's pacing, prose (and even punctuation - he has a thing against the comma, it'd seem) isn't for everyone.

>> No.7549455

/mu/ is an entirely plebeian board.

>> No.7549475

I'm a thesis away from a film studies MA and I haven't actually watched as much as a lot of people. I really prefer watching stuff I really care about and thinking it over and over again than just consuming everyhting I'm "supposed" to watch. Just in your examples I've watched a bit of those both, but I haven't ever watched Kieslowsky or a ton of iconic french authors. I don't want to be an encyclopedia, you learn more doing and selectively studying than filling up requiered material just because.

>> No.7549706

I understand, anon, but I've always personally felt it was best to consume as much film as possible and then comment on what works/what doesn't work effectively in it. Even watching awful films is a good learning experience for me as I can pick at everything that is ineffective and know that I shouldn't make the same mistakes as that film.

I understand people do have different learning methods, I appreciate that. I certainly appreciate what you suggest: selectively studying an area of film you're interested in is definitely more focused (and you don't want to name-drop theorists or filmmakers for the sake of it in an essay).

To each their own, as they say. The best of luck to you on your thesis, anon.

>> No.7549715

>I know many people with MAs in filmmaking and film studies and barely any of them have watched Kurosawa or Fritz Lang.

This can't be true. I don't even care about film that much and even i have watched Kurosawa and Lang.

>> No.7549814

I can vouch for it. I'm on a filmmaking course (BA Hons) and most people I know refuse to watch b&w films because they're in b&w. Say hello to the future of filmmaking.

>> No.7549846

Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Hesse and so on (authors who believe in god / were christian) Actually believe in incarnation, Jesus Christ as the Savior and so on? Or they believed in the christian doctrine of love and caring like the modern so called "progessive christianity", without ignoring the logical fallacies in the bible and without having actually faith in the written history of the bible.

>> No.7549850

Is reading the bible required to be a christian?

>> No.7549853

I just noticed that Joyce's "The Dead" is being sold stand alone as well, outside of Dubliners. Can you appreciate the story without reading the other short stories first, since I think it was the last one in the book?

>> No.7549913

The definition of Christian is "follower of Christ", and not only does that require reading about his activities and sayings in the Bible but he himself quoted from it extensively. So yes.

>> No.7549933
File: 1 KB, 90x90, questioning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please can someone explain what you mean by "DFW memes"?

I get that it stands for David Foster Wallace, but I don't understand what memes there could be about him.

>> No.7549939

Lurk more

>> No.7549951


Sure, i will do, but id still appreciate an explanation about in what way is he memeworthy

>> No.7549955
File: 54 KB, 520x757, Alternatives to the word said.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always been raised never to write anything except "say/said". No "gasped", "shouted", "cursed", "spat", etc. Are there any good authors who make use of these alternatives for say/said?

>> No.7550121

does anyone here actually read literary critiques and essays? it feels like most of yall only pretend to like literature

>> No.7550130

the consensus on /lit/ is that if you read literature for plot, you're a pleb. So I'd imagine some do. A lot of people are weary of essays because they think it's too easy to be "told what to think" and just use essays as a crutch rather as a way to introduce views you might not have considered.

How do you get into this stuff? I'm new here, only read two pieces of literature, got some Dosto arriving at my house tomorrow, and lolita a few days after. Teach me how to appreciate prose, themes and deep characters m8

>> No.7550134

are you a student?

>> No.7550138

I want to learn more about the different political systems and the case for each of them so that I can form a proper opinion, but I don't know what to read. So far all I've read is Atlas shrugged and The communist manifesto. What else is there?

>> No.7550142

I am a student, but I don't study humanities.

>> No.7550148

Das capital, reflections on the revolution in france, mein kampf and on liberty. The wealth of nations too.

>> No.7550155

Oh and leviathan too. Maybe check out Pinochet for more fashy literature but beyond Mein Kampf I don't know any titles.

>> No.7550162

Don't. It's shitposting and shitposting ruins everything ever.

Just thank your lucky stars you don't know what it is and read good literature. You'll be a better person because of it.

>> No.7550224

Jesus Christ

>> No.7550236

>it feels like most of yall only pretend to like literature

It's not that people here pretend, it's just the fact that a lot of people are beginners

>> No.7550242

I found an essay answering my own question. Posting it for anyone confused by the third part of "Consciousness."


>> No.7550253

History of Political Philosophy by Strauss and Cropsey

>> No.7550267

Are there any dank /lit/ memes besides start with the phoenicians?

>> No.7550382


>> No.7550415
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>> No.7550429

you can appreciate it but you won't understand why it's a masterpiece. Dubliners is not a "collection of short stories" it's one entity meant to be read together. The fact that The Dead can be read standalone is a testament to how good it is, but it will be even better (crucial) for you to read the whole thing.

>> No.7550430

I finished the first half of this book and really enjoyed it, but it was so long it got boring to read though. Should I even bother with the second half?

>> No.7550437
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Forgot pic related

>> No.7550571
File: 19 KB, 400x300, 7465745622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When people ask how do I get into Tolstoy, Melville
why would you ever not read them in chronological order if your looking to get into any author?

>> No.7550587

read anythong before Herodotus histories?

>> No.7550599

what's your wpm?

>> No.7550601

authors get better with time, they also might change their target audiences. at the same time certain works will be more open to novice readers while others requiere a certain knowledge to understand what they actually mean.

>> No.7550643

Not autistic enough to know.

>> No.7550649
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where should I start with Mishima?

>> No.7550653
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>> No.7550668


>> No.7550852

are there flowcharts like this for other authors?

>> No.7550866
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>> No.7550871

are these on the wiki? This is my first time seeing them. If not, how did you find them?

>> No.7550873
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>> No.7550877

Yeah I think a lot of them are on the wiki. I just save all the ones I see posted here

>> No.7550916

What books do you recommend for begginers?
I read 1984 and I didn't like it at all.

>> No.7550976


What did you dislike about 1984?

What kind of reading have you enjoyed in the past?

>> No.7550980

Boring plot, didn't really enjoy the characters and the romance was gay. Ive' read the harry potter series which wasn't that great but I really like GoT and have been thinking about getting into the books, but came here because I need something more complex for my mighty intellect and wit..

>> No.7550998


Have you ever read anything besides Harry Potter?

>> No.7550999

About this book, it's just because there's no hero and the final is boring as fuck.
I'm not that guy

I know a little about brazillian literature, and I liked Machado de Assis.
Should I read who influeced him?
Shakespeare, Schopenhauer, Xavier de Maistre, Montaigne, Pascal, Sterne, Swift

>> No.7551010

we did great expectations when I was still in school, honestly I never paid much attention though, always been a smart but lazy underachiever kinda guy
fuck you man, I was having fun.

>> No.7551022

> Boring plot, didn't really enjoy the characters and the romance was gay. Ive' read the harry potter series which wasn't that great but I really like GoT and have been thinking about getting into the books, but came here because I need something more complex for my mighty intellect and wit..

> we did great expectations when I was still in school, honestly I never paid much attention though, always been a smart but lazy underachiever kinda guy

This memeing is just too much man

>> No.7551145

I'd say go to the /lit/ wiki (link on sticky), go on recommendations > literature by type and take a look at the Novellas, then click on some (they link to their respective wikipedia page) and go with one that fancies you the most.

>> No.7551575

How long is the Count of Monte Christo? It should be around 1000 pages right? Trying to find a non -abriged version.

>> No.7551581

I heard you fags made a book with a bunch of bane stories and published it on amazon. Is this true?

I'm not from /lit/ btw.

>> No.7551592


>> No.7551601

Yeah. Two of them. They blow but that's okay.

>> No.7551611

Links pls.

>> No.7551629

pfd of the first one

>> No.7552245

Learn philosophy. Philosophy and thematic reading go hand in hand since you look at the interplay of characters and events in the book as examples of an overarching theme that supports a philosophical point. There's a lot of good books for this kind of thing: Siddartha, the Stranger, etc.

>> No.7552261
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>tfw I read The Brothers Karamazov in 8th grade
>tfw I got an award for it
>tfw I understood jack shit in the book and need to reread it
I'm still a fucking dumbass.

Anyway, I need something a little more on the short side after finishing a Confederacy of Dunces, what are some good/essential novellas?

I also want to hear what /lit/ feels about plays, what are some good plays?

I'm also thinking of reading A Hundred Years of Solitude soon, is it worth it? Is it complicated? What should I be looking for in the book to better understand/enjoy it?

Also, I've been using BookZ as my main source of acquiring new material to read, but I can't find some more obscure works like journey to the west or some eastern spiritual works, would gen.lib.ru or whatever it's called have it or should I look for more obscure books offline or on amazon?

Thanks in advance friends.

>> No.7552966
File: 152 KB, 535x633, Screenshot from 2016-01-07 04-07-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a good translation/edition?

>> No.7552970

the afterword is terrible but the translation is pretty good

>> No.7553021
File: 209 KB, 555x594, 1438492326273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I also want to hear what /lit/ feels about plays, what are some good plays?
The classics are worth reading ofc but it is pretty pointless to read plays rather than go see them.
I'd recommend New York Trilogy by Paul Auster. three novellas, fantastic.

I'd like to know what William Gibson I should read. Just finished Neuromancer, loved it

>> No.7553033

Plays? Check out Aristophanes, Euripides, Shakespeare, Ibsen, Lorca, Chekov, Pirandello, O'Neill and Beckett.

>> No.7553038

Same Anon. And also Moliere and Racine.

>> No.7553041

Good list, I would also add Tennessee Williams.

>> No.7553058

Hi /lit/,

I'm currently reading Infinite Jest. I'm 5 chapters in and am enjoying it. However, I was wondering if eventually there's going to be any kind of a formal plot or is it extensive character portraits?

Don't get me wrong, I like it so far. I'm just wondering about what I'm getting into.

>> No.7553061

No plot. The novel dances around the plot and you're expected to infer the plot from the moves in the dance.

>> No.7553064


I see. Thank you.

>> No.7553090
File: 71 KB, 1000x666, 1451990330813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has there ever been any book that loops?

>> No.7553096

Confrimed for not reading it, Marx destroys stirner. It takes him 500 pages but there's nothing left once he's done

>> No.7553118

marx also destroyed a billion russian and chinese by spreading poison ideology that should probably be treated about the same as CP lmao

>> No.7553128


read stirner lad, i understand Marx's critique is canon and you're obliged to follow it, but stirner can't be refuted because he denies the premises from whose fornicating resulted in communism

Marx can only really address Stirner's strange description of the epochs of history and his union of egoists, both of which are not central to his main point

voluntary egoism cannot be refuted if it is agreed upon that God does not exist, which Marx does

>> No.7553130

more than stirner ever did

>> No.7553131

>Marx destroys stirner

Jon Stewart brutally skullfucks this single mom homeschooler [link]
permalink; save; parent; give gold.

>> No.7553134

you've probably never even read the ego and his own you memeloving fuck

>> No.7553138

>at least he killed people
This is your defense of Marx?

>> No.7553406

I've been trying to think of a way to do this idea that doesn't come across as pretentious as fuck

>> No.7553433

Hey /lit/, I'm doing a psych thesis on guilt this year and I wanna read a bunch of fiction that features characters dealing with guilt this year. Can you think of any? Thanks

>> No.7553788

Finnegans Wake literally does this as the first line is a continuation of the final line

>> No.7553792

Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace is told in the shape of a fractal.

>> No.7553845

blame shitty tumblr discourse

>> No.7553849

/lit/, where I live, English translations for Asian works are expensive

Why is that?

>> No.7553874

You should just google 'IJ ending explained' and read all the 20+ links tbqh familia, it's all there I believe.
maybe except for the wraith bit, can't recall this well, but the Wraith is there so Gately tells Hal about IJ

>> No.7553881

Anyone know any well-written novels with gay/lesbian themes? I've already enjoyed Nightwood, Naked Lunch, TPoDG and The Color Purple.
Also, how good is the Anthony Briggs translation for W&P?

>> No.7553899

Forster's Maurice is pretty good for what it's worth, though personally I don't enjoy his prose.

>> No.7554358

It's a recurring theme in Yukio Mishima's books. I recommend Confessions of a Mask for that in particular, it's his first novel.

>> No.7554479

Why is Maude's Anna Karenina better than P&V?

i've already read P&V and wondering if i should reread maudes

>> No.7554494

What's the best version of War and Peace?

>> No.7554500

Reads better. Get a short story and find out for yourself if you like it.

The Everyman edition is lovely.

>> No.7554506


well it's 3 bucks on amazon and i was already thinking of rereading

>> No.7554585

In my first year of uni I had to do a short presentation on a Critical Theory-related topic. I was assigned linguistics/language and the extracts were from Saussure and Austin. Anyway, I want to learn more regarding that area and from what I've heard Saussure is the OG. Is there anyone I should read before Course on General Linguistics?

>> No.7554606

Crime and Punishment is the most obvious one
The Metamorphosis has some of Gregor dealing with his guilt at being unable to provide
near the end of Moby Dick, Ahab shows complete guilt and regret for leaving his family for so many years

>> No.7554644

Can someone rec me the closest to the original editions for Paradise Lost, Canterbury tales & Thomas Middleton? I don't want updated/ modernized prose, spelling & grammar, I want to read it as it was originally published. Explanatory footnotes are important to me though.

I've even noticed Norton Critical "modernizes" the poems. I bought a Penguin of Paradise Lost and it was the whole damn thing in modern english.

>> No.7554673

Anthony briggs translation

>> No.7554698

You wouldn't understand Canterbury Tales

>> No.7555086

Metamorphosis also ends with his family feeling guilt too

>> No.7555107

Do you mean Paradise Loft?

>> No.7555146

How do you guys learn/recite poems ?

>> No.7555247

I apologize profusely if this has been answered prior to my asking, but as a poor college student, I find it difficult to afford books for my reading. Is ThriftBooks a trustworthy site?

>> No.7555265

Are the translations of Dostoyevsky's works by Constance Garnett adequate?

>> No.7555266

If someone could recommend the best translation of I Am A Cat, I would appreciate it.

>> No.7555278

No, Garnett is often one to stay away from

>> No.7555348

I've heard other people saying the exact opposite, that Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky miss the essence of the books. So I'm a bit confused who is "right".

>> No.7555383




>> No.7555405

honestly i don't care for either
garnett has her charm but has lots of errors and the style always seems to be her own at the expense of the author's, and p & v seem clunky and overhyped.
it's not like those are the only two options though

>> No.7555419

There's only one?

>> No.7555535

I love how 6 months ago /lit/ was sucking P&V dick and now we've dug up articles criticising them. We really can't stop being contrarian, can we?

>> No.7555544

i'll have you know that i've been criticising them for at least a year since i read war and peace and tried a few versions before settling on one that didn't read like shit

>> No.7555549
File: 2.83 MB, 290x210, 1391715197651.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really a question related directly to /lit/ or a newfag, but I don't feel like making a new thread for such a small question:
1) What would be a good introductory and general book about psychology, or a list of essential books about the topic (preferably more modern books)
2) Same as above but with International Relations and Political Science

I have general courses about those topics next semester, and I feel like checking out what's to come.

Thanks in advance.

>> No.7555561

Learn to distinguish the ponderously shifting tides of the sludge from the people who bypass the sludge to make their own decisions

>> No.7555569

Do you mean translation or edition? Best translation is a stupid question. It all depends what you want from a translation. There is no 'best' translation for anything.

>> No.7555576

No one is right. That's the point. Translation isn't something objective. People like different translations for different reasons.

>> No.7555579

You can lie to me, but you can't lie to Jesus

>> No.7555593

/lit/ isn't contrarian, they just don't have opinions of their own, especially about translation because they know nothing about it. They recommended P&V when it was hyped by everyone, but since internet opinion has shifted and the marketing hype of P&V has died down, you get people going against them.

Notice how no one ever says why they recommend a specific translation, it's just this one sucks or this one doesn't.

>> No.7555616

People had reasons for suggesting it, I've seen them be accused of (if not outright shills) just repeating what they heard from marketers. There really isn't any way to reach a definitive answer as to what's happening with an anonymous community like this. We're both starting from two opposite axioms (either /lit/ is contrarian or /lit/ needs to be spoonfed opinions)

>> No.7555646

They can be both at the same time, they aren't mutually exclusive.

/lit/ heavily supports the canon, and that could be seen as contrarian against popular opinion, but just spoofed opinions from literary critics and the like.

But it really comes down to my central point that most people here don't really know much about literature (especially translation)

>> No.7555949

This is roughly relevant to /lit/, but alright. Anons, I decided I'm gonna major in English and minor in Math.
Question: What school in Georgia, US, would be better for this: UGA or GSU? I'm at another state school for retards currently, figured if I'm gonna make myself unemployable I might as well do it at a reputable school. I tried looking it up myself but google gives me nothing aside from Emory which I can't afford

>> No.7555964

i live in georgia. UGA is way better. most people go to gsu because they weren't admitted to uga and hope to transfer there.

>> No.7556575

>Same as above but with International Relations and Political Science

>Understanding International Conflicts: An Introduction to Theory and History by Nye
It's an alright IR introductory course textbook

or read K. Waltz. basically majority of IR theories has been footnotes to his Theory of International Politics.

or just skim the syllabus and read ahead the required materials.

>> No.7556587

>Same as above but with International Relations and Political Science

>Understanding International Conflicts: An Introduction to Theory and History by Nye
It's an alright IR introductory course textbook

or read K. Waltz. basically majority of IR theories are footnotes to his Theory of International Politics.

or just skim the syllabus and read ahead the required materials.

>> No.7556597


>> No.7557580

Bumping this

>> No.7558645


Do watch Kieslowski, nobody makes films like he does.

If there's one filmmaker you absolutely can't skip it's him.

>> No.7558774
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What Philip Dick should I start off with? Ubik is what I am told.

>> No.7559039

How do I become better at analysing and understanding the underlying message of a story? I just finished reading "The Burrow" by kafka, and had problems understanding it.

>> No.7559590


Eh, Ubik might be a bit too "out there" to begin with, although it is his greatest work.

Maybe start with Man In The High Castle, its a lot more traditional.

>> No.7559708

What's the book called about a Polish prince that was locked up because he'll fuck everything up and the proceeds to fuck everything up.

>> No.7560011

My edition (Penguin) has 1276 pages including Notes

>> No.7560097
