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File: 914 KB, 1460x2244, 9780140449334[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7534566 No.7534566 [Reply] [Original]

Is pic related a meme book?

The often quoted passage of "oh my enemy isn't as wise" seems to be a pretty classic case of inversion of morals/fedora tippers feeding their sense of superiority.

However, I'm not sure if it's all just senseless compliments to how powerful and superior you are and whether it contains actual advise.

>> No.7534583
File: 128 KB, 870x575, basedphilosopherking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meditations went right over your head, mate. Do you understand Stoicism at all?

>> No.7534584

DESU I haven't read it, but checked out at a few pages a while back when I was in a bookstore.

It seems like a normie accessible stoic text that effectively if curtly conveys a spirit of Rome which is, I think, far more interestingly conveyed through Livy.

The difference being that Meditations is like 100 pages, and Livy's surviving 35 books span about 2000.

>> No.7534586

Since fucking when has t .b h changed to desu

>> No.7534596
File: 594 KB, 1920x1080, ZK8XdTo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aurelius was giving advice to intelligent, anxious people like himself.

>> No.7534603

Roman trash.

Aurelius is retarded. Read some taoist thought if you want something that approximates some stoic positions without the idiocy.

>> No.7534608

He spoke to me the most in this quote:

>“You can strip away many unnecessary troubles which lie wholly in your own judgment.”

After Meditations, I made an effort to be more contemplative and have stopped being so damn quick to judge. It has improved my outlook on life, and honestly, made me happier.

>> No.7534614


Cool your jets there, bud.

>> No.7534617
File: 497 KB, 1024x432, gladiatoraurelius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aurelius is retarded
This is objectively false. At the very least, he was an extremely competent leader with a top-notch education.

>> No.7534622

>this is what english students in 2016 believe

sad times for the university

>> No.7534625

I feel like being a judgmental cynic is integral to my character. I might become happier, but I'm not sure if I can change or if I even want to.

>> No.7534648

>treat people the way they deserve to be treated
>I thank the gods for giving me healthy children
(introduction/Byzantine interpretation)>Read this book if you want to conquer yourself. But be warned of its numbing effect. For your pain, your fear, your heartache. Are all sand to the passage of time
>The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury
>Today you will meet people who don't like you, who decry you, who are completely indignant. But that is because they cannot understand the difference between good and evil.

There is another quote I'd like to make, but there is a chance I'd get it wrong
I should buy a copy it was so beautiful, I literally cried when I read this book

>> No.7534667

Being judgmental, unless you're in court, just makes you look like an ass. It serves no purpose, and certainly doesn't make you look any smarter. On the contrary, people who criticize others make themselves small, petty, and insecure, even through jest.

Wisdom is understanding that you can do nothing to enlighten the dumb, and that you must content yourself to expanding your own knowledge, power, and happiness.

>> No.7534675

>latinfags think they belong at the university

βάλλ' εἰς kόραkας

>> No.7534686

>he was an extremely competent leader with a top-notch education.

And an absolutely shit thinker. Nothing wrong with not being great at everything you do.

>> No.7534716
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>> No.7534756

I didn't read it, I'm asking if it's any good.

You fucking idiot.

>> No.7534764
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>thinking Aurelius wrote in latin

>> No.7534778
File: 326 KB, 611x545, tf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

latinfags are classicists who study romans, bro...

>> No.7534920

since the chinaman took over

>> No.7535062
File: 92 KB, 450x326, genia-decline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The idea behind the book is basically to conduct yourself in a way that no matter what the external forces acting upon you are, you will not become subject to them, and thus, you will act accordingly to something greater (the Logos).

An example of this would be to not call someone a "fucking idiot" just because they misinterpreted your message or because they are trying to enrage you. If they misinterpreted your message, you should clarify such message to them without letting your rage get the best of you; if they are trying to enrage you, you should not let them.

The book tells you in a really straightforward way how he accomplished this in his day to day life.

The book is not BS, since Marcus Aurelius was actually one of the closest living rulers able to reach a level close to that of the "Philosopher King," in my opinion.

I hope this helps.

>> No.7535096

Bro.. He wrote in Koine.

>> No.7535149

the people doing it in courts are asses aswell

>> No.7535215

fedoras on suicide watch

>> No.7535759

i have never read anything like this before, but i am interested

i am thinking of picking up meditations and the republic by plato

anything else i should grab to get me going?

>> No.7535766

Instead of Republic, read Alcibiades or the Trial/Death Dialogues. Much better Plato starter.

>> No.7535771

if you're not confused by the latinfag remark then why did you think i thought marcus wrote in latin?

>> No.7535797


If it got you to reply civilly to a provocative message on 4chan, sign me up.

>> No.7535801

I got those exact books at the same time hehe
haven't finished them lmao

>> No.7535803

what about the symposium, or the last days of socrates?

>> No.7535806

lol im gonna finish them before u haha race ya

>> No.7535823


I should tell you that that there are two distinct strains of philosophy.

1) In the common use of the word: the synthesizing life by some principles kind that will actually give you advise on how to lead a "good" life (this is where Meditations would come in, as would most eatern philosophy, Buddhism, etc) (The works of Aristotle and Plato tend to edge on the next category, especially the more epidemiological works of Aristotle like On Analytics).

2) In a more academic context: the logically rigorous, almost epistemelogically obsessed kind that focuses a lot on analytics, think Kant, Hume, Desecrates, Bertrand Russell, Wittgenstein. These philosophers tend to stray away from "things to live by" philosophy and more into "does this make sense? does this make sense? what about this?" territory, hard to explain if you don't know what I'm talking about.

In the words of Durant, who was quite put off by this dismal side of philosophy that got into all sorts of boring epidemiological bickering, "Doubtless numerous philosophers have had all sorts of wisdom except common sense, and many a philosophic flight has been based on the elevating power of hot air".

One might say the continental "tradition" of philosophy leans more toward the first description with the analytic philosophers ranting about things described in the second description.

>> No.7535830

>the continental "tradition" of philosophy leans more toward the first description

no idea what you're talking about: the post

the continentals are every bit as unconcerned with how people should lead their life as the analytics, only they're bitchy about it besides abstract

>> No.7535831

Hegel fits the second. Its only in the 20th century that maybe you could put continental philosophy in the first category.

>> No.7535838

haha nice man you're on ;)

>> No.7535846

I suppose I'd hold that the cuntinentals are less logically rigorous, I'd club them with all those other fools in the first category who probably wouldn't pass a single course on Real Analysis.

>> No.7535850

>less logically rigorous

you mean, like yourself, what with your inconsistent, vague definitions, then?


>> No.7535879

irrelevant, he was high on drugs all the time, so its not really "philosophy"

>> No.7535882


See >>7535062

Maybe you should try reading some more category 1 philosophy.

>> No.7535892

no thanks, i've had all the chicken soup for the soul: 200 ace edition i can stomach.

>> No.7535999

This is the same poster who thought Cicero contributed nothing to Western rhetoric in a different thread. Maybe find a different greek phrase to copy/paste next time

>> No.7536021

>This is the same poster who thought Cicero contributed nothing to Western rhetoric in a different thread

no, that's all you. i said the only two worthy authors to come out of the roman tradition were ovid and virgil, and maybe a case could be made for cicero and horace. i never said anything about anyone contributing anything, you cockmuncher.

> Maybe find a different greek phrase to copy/paste next time

i have a different insult for non-latinfags.

>> No.7536032
File: 325 KB, 776x517, S.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why?

>> No.7536048

>The idea behind the book is basically to conduct yourself in a way that no matter what the external forces acting upon you are, you will not become subject to them, and thus, you will act accordingly to something greater (the Logos).
>An example of this would be to not call someone a "fucking idiot" just because they misinterpreted your message or because they are trying to enrage you. If they misinterpreted your message, you should clarify such message to them without letting your rage get the best of you; if they are trying to enrage you, you should not let them.

I'm not sure I understand this completely. Is your own rage an example of an "external force"? Wouldn't your suggestion of how and when the anon uses rage fall under the category of an "external force"?

>> No.7536053

>When your autism transcends these threads.
I genuinely feel sorry for someone who expends this much energy to go out of his/her/xir way to affirm his/her/xir insecurities about...Latin? I've never seen someone this upset about another field of study and am genuinely curious what's causing you to refresh /lit/ every other second to hunt down Classics thread lol

>> No.7536101

Read the book, it would be much more educating than strangers.

>> No.7536104

Sorry, what?

>> No.7536119

I ordered it and am waiting for it to arrive.

>> No.7536124

(Live happily!)

by Wittgenstein

An advice how to live a good life.

>> No.7536185

Not what his "philosophy" is know for.

Russell also had a book on happiness.

Just because they're into epistemology doesn't mean they're dicks.

>> No.7536186

its not a 'meme' book
it doesnt contain compliments, just reminds you of your abilities and that there's no shame in using those abilities in a world where most shy away from using them because of non legitimate reasons

>> No.7536193
File: 128 KB, 1173x925, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He said, boneless hand thumbed around a suspender, his other tipping his out of date hat, eyes very serious.

>> No.7536200

But Wittgenstein doesn't have a book on happiness, it's just a remark from his notes.

His philosophy brought him happiness.
>Tell them I've had a wonderful life.

>> No.7536201

how is my comment fedora tipping? i found it a usefull book
have you even read it? why do you not like it?

>> No.7536481

You seem put off by a stranger on the Internet net calling you a pseudo intellectual with no good reason.
Aurellius would not be proud...

>> No.7536827


The passage is actually pretty great as the latter half not shown in the meme image goes into theodicy. Aurelius actually propounds a theodicy rather similar to St. Augustine's; they both think that the enigma of why good things happen to bad people and reverse can be solved by asserting that these supposedly "good" things are not actually good nor are there "bad" things actually bad. Although they have different reasons to believe this, one stoic the other catholic.

>> No.7537241

rekt desu

>> No.7539028

>integral to my character.
A quality 'integral to one's character' is about one of the most obvious and most common spooks I see.