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7511387 No.7511387 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7511404

Actually Sam Hyde did it in this 2-hour long talk he gave at Rutgers University: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Hkov3QcCpQ

>> No.7511409

Most people who have not studied the disciplines of pure mathematics, or brain surgery, or rocket science, will usually be quite reluctant to pronounce on any aspect of these disciplines, since they are completely ignorant of them.

Despite this, most people seem to have no problem pronouncing on philosophical issues, despite being totally ignorant of the discipline.

Why is this?

>> No.7511414

>Despite this, most people seem to have no problem pronouncing on philosophical issues, despite being totally ignorant of the discipline.

Because Philosophy is feelz > realz

>> No.7511420



>> No.7511426
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Feelings are irrelevant when you're objectively objective

>> No.7511429

He probably just got mad that it includes a science word (quantum physics) with all the philosophy words

>> No.7511430
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Humanities are cancer.

>> No.7511434

Humanity is a cancer.

>> No.7511453


Because it's a completely fruitless field of study. People just don't respect it.

>> No.7511465

Because STEM has an air of unfamiliarity to them and philosophy hasn't since everyone engages with philosophy to a degree, even if's something like "hurrr we should kill all the pedos" or something. Being able to do something a little makes them overly confident and Dunning–Kruger effect sets in.

Kind of how people think writing is easy because every can write a bit, but don't know enough about writing to know how bad they are at it.

>> No.7511475

Lol are you defending pedophilia ANonymous????? Is taht really where you want to take this?

>> No.7511477

And then their whine about their rights in the same breath unironically, not realising rights are a meme made up by philosophers.

People don't notice philosophy's fruits most of the time even if they use it or call upon it constantly. Ideology which really works never perceives itself as ideology and so on.

>> No.7511507

Except philosophy and philosophers created most of the biggest subjects in academia. Science, for instance, is just applied philosophy.

Philosophy is literally the most meta subject there is, it's entirely about the pursuit of wisdom in all of it's most holistic forms. Psychotherapy, experiments, mathematics, religious experience - all of it comes under the subset of the wider philosophical search for truth.

Now, the lack of current truth in our post-modern culture is by no means a damnation of the subject; really, it should be very exciting to any young philosopher. It's like Stoppard said: for the first time in a very long while, we know nothing. There's a door opening for us again, and the room could be anything.

>> No.7511524

<3 you lit

>> No.7511557

He forget to adds that the same happened in physics and mathematics.

>> No.7512397

If you haven't studied maths, brain surgery or rocket science aka engineering it's extremely easy to tell you're full of shit.
Mostly because these are fields of absolutes, you either get it right or you get it wrong.

Philosophy has a colossal margin for error, you can be completely wrong about something and it will never matter.
Also the people who study it tend to be the biggest blow hards, claiming intellectual superiority with no applicable skill set.

>> No.7512435
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only one of those 4 things is engineering

>> No.7512892

>Why is this?
because everyone does philosophy

you have monks, neets, mad men, milk vendors, etc,

i mean, Spinoza made lens for a living and you complain the biologist speaks on philosophy?

>> No.7512898
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>Science, for instance, is just applied philosophy.
kek, nice one anon

>> No.7512902

>can you say pretentious

>> No.7512921

what is this guy about? tried googling but got more confused

>> No.7512929

he's just a comedian

>> No.7512947
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the vulgar face of accelerationism
the love child of DFW and Nick Land

>> No.7512961


Is that the thing Tim & Eric have been doing now for almost a decade?

>> No.7512980

go away sam nobody wants to give you money.

>> No.7513036


>> No.7513252

>who is Aristotle
>what is empiricism

Educate yourself, you're on /lit/ and this is just basic.

>> No.7513266

because Religion is the best philosophy and Dawkins Hates it.

>> No.7513303

Because everyone THINKS.
I don't see you building a rocket.

>> No.7513304

It is.

>> No.7513374

>Except philosophy and philosophers created most of the biggest subjects in academia
Note the word "created" not "creating"
There is no money in it anymore

>> No.7513385

Oh god, this guy is just so stupid, it is embarrassing.

>> No.7513395

history will lol when he is remembered as a philosopher instead of a biologist.

niggas acting like philosophers bashing philosophy is new.

>> No.7513406

you sound like the pleb my friends invite to our little soirées so he can lighten up the evening with his plebbish quips as we drink wine.

>> No.7513418

yes, precisely

>> No.7513433

Sam is closer to Ancap freaks like Stephen Molenyeux

>> No.7513435

He hasn't written a peer reviewed article in 30 years

>> No.7513450
File: 1.66 MB, 1500x7180, 1422824633567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Big Boys of English Speaking academia
The philosophical equivalent of Judge Judy, Singer's self-contradictory pap ("abortion and infanticide are acceptable because these immature humans are incapable or rational preference" vs. "rationality is not a requirement for ethical conduct. Any irrational being will avoid pain, which is why cruelty to animals is unethical", which are flatly contradictory positions). Makes money by writing books that tell Liberals 'doing what you want is A-OK"
A buffoon.
A decent linguist, his work in every other field is no more (or less) than self-serving rent seeking which he publicly admits that he, himself, does not believe.
Darn good at making a buck of gullible college students, but (unless you are speaking of linguistics, where he is very good) not a big academic.
A mediocre-at-best scientist who will leave exactly zero mark on actual science, he became popular as a writer of PopSci books. When that income source dried up (because his theories were soundly thrashed by scientists) he switched to a series of popular books trashing what he thinks religious people might believe.
Never was a great thinker, never will be.
A man who counted on his readers having never heard of Gorgias, Rorty took facile rhetoric, relabeled it neopragmatism, and sold it like snake oil.
About time an actual academic appeared. although, to be fair, while he does a fine job of reminding everyone of the hard problem, he has no answers. Which is no one's fault.
Refuses to use proper terms, mainly to hide that, deep down, he he knows any clear statement of his theories leads to eye-rolling
Not a serious academic.
This list is a list of "People that stupid people think are smart"

>> No.7513452
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history will remember him for inventing memes desu

>> No.7513459

Biology is shit tier

>> No.7513462

>A mediocre-at-best scientist who will leave exactly zero mark on actual science,
Dawkins killed group selection, he had massive influence on the way Neo-Darwinism is laid out

>> No.7513467

uh no

>> No.7513643

Ding ding ding we have a Heidegger

>> No.7513751

No, he's just a sarcastic attention whoring faggot.

>> No.7513753

isn't this quote from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sokal_affair