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/lit/ - Literature

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7472506 No.7472506[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Han Solo is killed by his son, Kylo Ren. Luke doesn't say anything and has 30 seconds of screentime. Kylo Ren survives the explosion at the end, leaving it set up for him to be the villain in the next movie.

What did he mean by this?

>> No.7472526

Are these star wars spoilers? Why are you posting this here? Do you think the average /lit/izen cares?

>> No.7472708

imagine what those spit-slick teeth would feel like sliding over your cock. imagine grabbing the back of her head and getting lost in your eyes as you shove your cock down her throat

>> No.7472713

M-my cat is sitting here though,

Do i rub my dick in catnip and make her lick it?

>> No.7472725

Imagine watching or reading shit solely for plot purposes

>> No.7472726


>> No.7472740



Here's a spoiler for OP: You are a manchild.

>> No.7472753
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it's fucking star wars. idgaf.

>> No.7472792

kill yourself with fire

>> No.7472800


>> No.7472837

>Thinking anyone would care about this here


>> No.7472847

Oh, wonderful...Spoilers for a movie that I don't intend to watch.

>> No.7472853

>Luke doesn't say anything and has 30 seconds of screentime.
honestly disappointed by this one
the rest I had already thought about

>> No.7472863

>Han Solo

literally who

>> No.7472886

underage detected

>> No.7472889

normie detected

>> No.7472897

Manchild detected.

>> No.7472899


>> No.7472915

I wonder if you say this out of self hate (most likely), if you really don't have any interest in Star Wars (you're too young and therefore are a literal child), if you really think wanting to enjoy the new Star Wars movie is something to be ashamed of, or if you just want to get this (you) out of me, in which case, here you go.

>> No.7472920

reddit pls go

>> No.7472927

what a life would that be?

>> No.7472931

>he's seen any star wars films at all
>being THIS normal


and i'm an oldfag

>> No.7472934

>He seriously can't grasp that some people don't give a shit about Star Wars

>> No.7472941

Implying there aren't normies who don't care about shit Wars

>> No.7472944

haha yeah bud

If you don't have any interest in Star Wars you either:

a)Hate yourself
b)Are too young (cause Stars Wars is only for sophisticated adults!)
c)Think liking Star Wars is shameful (we just don't really give a shit)
d)Are seeking attention (as opposed to berating people on a board which is nothing related to Star Wars for not being interested in Star Wars)

I bet you're the dipshit OP who is frustrated that their bait failed. Even if not, get lost, no one cares.

>> No.7472947

true but having seen any star wars would be pretty normie

>> No.7472949

People were writing Science Fiction more sophisticated than Star Wars 70+ years ago
But you with your neet /tv/ and /pol/ shitposting think its the bees knees

>> No.7472950

>I wonder if you say this out of self hate
>if you really don't have any interest in Star Wars
(most likely; maybe 20% of moviegoers are excited about Star Wars, everyone else is trying to fit in),
>If you really think wanting to enjoy the new Star Wars movie is something to be ashamed of
(it is)

>> No.7472954


It's funny because, down the line, I can see where each of you fit in to my taxonomy. Really, where is this anger coming from? I was the only one who replied saying I was disappointed by the spoilers. The rest is this aggressive "I don't care" shit. Explain yourselves. If not to me, at least to yourselves.

>> No.7472958

we are enlightened patrician intellectuals with no time for pleb wars

>> No.7472962

How is responding to spoilers saying we don't care being angry? You seem genuinely confused as to why some people don't give a shit about Star Wars and it's amusing.

>> No.7472965

Jesus Christ, Star Wars has already been shilled enough on these boards

Go away

>> No.7472970
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thanks cunt

>> No.7472974

I'm genuinely confused (not really, since I have my theories) why someone would make a show of chiding others for even being interested in Star Wars. Isn't it because it makes you feel good about yourself somehow? Isn't that pathetic and demonstrative of how you sustain your own self-image on delusions? What was the last book you read, by the way? I wonder what you're looking at while you're online. Works of high culture, I bet.

I'm also interested in why half a dozen people jump down my throat every time I post. It means I've hit a nerve and that's pretty interesting. I'm more interested in that than I am in Star Wars, I think.

Keep going, because I like quoting you all en masse.

>> No.7472985

>genuinely confused (not really

>> No.7472988

ok. here's the breakdown.

star wars: great movie
empire: good movie
jedi: eh
prequels: bullshit
enhanced originals: so unnecessary
the new one: hype hype hype

i saw star wars as a kid. since then i've read some brilliant sf/fantasy that i'm pretty sure the new movie won't come close to touching.

don't fall for fucking hype.

>> No.7472993
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>Keep going

You're bored. We get it.

>> No.7473003


>I wonder what you're looking at while you're online. Works of high culture, I bet.

pretty much.
also lesbian toe sucking videos.

>> No.7473007

>What was the last book you read, by the way?

>> No.7473017


I don't see any sign here that any of you have any say regarding what people should or shouldn't be interested in. One of these guys can't even name the last book he read. How fucked up is that on a literature board?

It's like working with at-risk youth. I'm trying to break through to you. Break through that shell you created around yourself to keep your self worth safe. It seems to make you happy now, but it won't do you any good in the long run.

>> No.7473022

just stop posting

>> No.7473024

>star wars is something worth talking about

wow new low /lit/

>> No.7473025

I just hope I was able to get through to some of you guys, tonight. I get it. It's not easy being you. I'm here if you want to listen.