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/lit/ - Literature

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7354460 No.7354460 [Reply] [Original]

Is literature inherently fedora?
Is calling yourself patrician about the most fedora thing you can do?
is /lit/ the most fedora board?
How would you define 'fedora' as an aesthetic quality?

>> No.7354468

Pretty much, prose is fucking cringe

>> No.7354472

no fedora is all about pretension and delusions on grandeur, and poorly done pretension at that.

on second though yeah maybe /lit/ does qualify

>> No.7354473

Fedora things don't require effort.

>> No.7354477

I prefer trilbies, my good sir, as a cultured millinophile.

>> No.7354480

No, fedora things require effort and a lack of self awareness

>> No.7354485

the opposite of fedora is total ironic self awareness.

>> No.7354489

how to i become more self aware? im worried im a little fedora-y sometimes

>> No.7354506
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Is new sincerity all about embracing the fedora?

>> No.7354523

Yes to everything. Stop coming here if you don't want to be a fedora, OP. It's contagious.

>> No.7354533

Fedora is an internet meme or buzzword that has no bearing on real life

>> No.7354560

Fedora is more mindset than anything but you'll find the people who use the pleb/pat dichotomy likely to be them. The smug alone 'cool' prick at school.

They are an unaware sort of people who have genuine naive beliefs. They have pretense to many good qualities like class, honor, intelligence, wit and what not. However they are rude, unkempt, and whatever intelligence they feign is usually just slightly below surface. Instead of 'normie' pop science like ifls they will dig slightly deeper and comprehend less than the guy who read 12 Interesting Facts About Mars. The biggest defining feature thing with them is they are usually either intellectually or physically lazy or both. If they want to be something they merely play dress up and materials needed, like the hat from which they are hated with. So literature can be fedora as fuck as an accessory.

Funniest thing is the unawareness of it all.I think it's best exemplified with "It's a tribly not a fedora"

>> No.7354563

any fedora .gif that ends with text could easily, easily end with the word Patrician

>> No.7354571


You probably were that kid in school.

>> No.7354575

4chan is full of that kids making fun of other different that kids.

>> No.7354584

>Is literature inherently fedora?
>Is calling yourself patrician about the most fedora thing you can do?
>is /lit/ the most fedora board?
no, that's /r9k/
>How would you define 'fedora' as an aesthetic quality?
an aura of delusional smugness and externalised selfhatred

>> No.7354587
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What does the word "patrician" still mean for us nowadays? How does the patrician betray himself, how is he recognized under this heavy overcast sky of the commencing plebeianism, by which everything is rendered opaque and leaden?-- It is not his actions which establish his claim--actions are always ambiguous, always inscrutable; neither is it his "works." One finds nowadays among artists and scholars plenty of those who betray by their works that a profound longing for patricianhood impels them; but this very NEED of patricianhood is radically different from the needs of the patrician soul itself, and is in fact the eloquent and dangerous sign of the lack thereof. It is not the works, but the BELIEF which is here decisive and determines the order of rank--to employ once more an old religious formula with a new and deeper meaning--it is some fundamental certainty which a patrician soul has about itself, something which is not to be sought, is not to be found, and perhaps, also, is not to be lost.--THE PATRICIAN SOUL HAS REVERENCE FOR ITSELF.--

>> No.7354610

this is probably the most fedora thing I have ever read.

>> No.7354612

nietzsche is the most fedora philosopher in history

>> No.7354658

I see fedora as being a smug dilettante.

The type of person who believes he's superior than others because he has a little more knowledge than the average person or perceives that he does but he doesn't realize his ignorance or how mired he is in his ideology.

The type of guy who's arrogant and proud over that which he does not possess, who feels control over things he does not own.