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7249607 No.7249607[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hi /lit/ I'm an Asian guy and I've been looking for books about Asian men being cucks to the white men. Preferably written from Asian female's perspective. Thanks!

>> No.7249612


>> No.7249617

Interesting. That's where I'm frequent tbh.. I just have a deep cuckold fantasy that I don't share with AM lol

>> No.7249742
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>mfw the top post on asianmasculinity is about a guy who committed suicide because Asian women didn't like him

>> No.7249747

Goddamn that is pathetic.

>> No.7249771

Asian men are truly pathetic

>> No.7249780

is azngril holding plates behind whytguy's back?

>> No.7249793

t. white cucks

>> No.7249800

What's the t. mean?

>> No.7249804
File: 1.78 MB, 4500x4334, chiefpeep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I'm looking for books about Asian men being cucked"
>anons laugh at him
>"f-fucking white cucks!"
Commit sodoku fam

>> No.7249807

Jesus Christ asians are even bigger cucks than whites

>> No.7249809

this Hapas page is something else...

>> No.7249810

Has anyone ever noticed how fucking nuts most asian women are? They are literally undateable

I like submissive Mexican women

>> No.7249818

t. means "terveisin" which is Finnish for "regards" and is usually put at the end of letters before one's signature. It has been spread through the Finnish memesphere like ylilauta et al. before reaching the English speaking chans as a way to sign a post. It's very often used on krautchan.

>can't handle asian women
>he needs submissive women to be comfortable
cuckus maximus

>> No.7249835

I'm white tbh, I just find white people who laugh at Asian guys under the pretence of "higher masculinity" while being cucked by blacks are pathetic.

>> No.7249840

Kekkin hard

>> No.7249842

Examples for how they are more crazy than the average woman?

From the clip's I've seen on hitokus or whatever it's called, they just seem picky.

>> No.7249855

>cucked by blacks

O i am laffin

>> No.7249871

Every one I've dated has weird semi-neurotic behaviors, and self esteem issues. My last Korean date tried to humiliate me like three times and actually made herself look pretty stupid in front of a bunch of people. It was peculiar

>> No.7249872

I've cucked a few Asian men. Asian women will do anything to sleep with a confident white man that shows them a modicum of attention

>> No.7249880

Shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up SHUT UP

I can't FUCKING stand this cuckold meme. It's fucking everywhere. Miscegenation has been occuring for thousands of years and was expected to happen with rapid globalisation. Who FUCKING cares?!

I'm so fucking tired of seeing this shit about one race fucking another's women and vice versa. Even right now someone is going to respond by calling me a fucking cuckold. I can't take this shit anymore

>> No.7249885

Kill yourself, cuck

>> No.7249890

>asian american
>muh masculinity
Damn why are asian immigrants such cucks

>> No.7249894

Kek get mad beta cuck

>> No.7249907

hapas are all ticking time bombs tbh

>> No.7249915

Seriously. I've read like 8 posts and the roller coaster doesn't stop

So much anger

>> No.7249923

>My last Korean date tried to humiliate me like three times and actually made herself look pretty stupid in front of a bunch of people
It's a 'face culture' thing. I think it's based on the idea that the woman is less important than the man/doesn't really have her own independent status, so it doesn't really matter to her that she looks like an idiot, the important thing is embarassing him. Would have worked in East Asia, although presumably you're not East Asian yourself so the loss of face would have bounced right off you anyway.

>> No.7249947

I want the shitposters to leave.

>> No.7250012


>> No.7250148

Shit nigger, the only women we lose to you are ones we didn't want anyway.

>> No.7250328

/pol/-tier thread right here. White men are superior tbh smh lol fam

>> No.7250378
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One day Asians and Blacks will come together and subvert white supremacy. Are you scared?

>> No.7250382

Why the fuck would we do that? We're already teaming up to silently remove niggers. Why the fuck do you think abortion and Mexican immigration exist?

>> No.7250403

Being exploited by whites is not "teaming up". Racist cumskin

>> No.7250415

why are asian men treat themselves like such cucks? they actually have accomplishments and civilizations worth taking pride in. probably their educational systems destroy all their self-esteem permanently. if i were azn i would just entirely remove myself from white culture and read genghis khan biographies until i thought i was of the most alpha race on the planet.

>> No.7250433
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>> No.7250552

le small dick meme has got to be pretty emasculating, especially if you're a young asian male growing up in a predominantly white community.

>> No.7250574

Thinly veiled /pol/ thread. Reported.

>> No.7250591

life is emasculating. as a man, you either build yourself up and gain strength or get cucked to death by the swirling chaos of life and entropy. the asiatic man's history is proof that is capable of the former.

>> No.7250804

>Being exploited by whites

Lol more like succeeding alongside whites because of good work ethic and higher academic ability.
Racist shitskin