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/lit/ - Literature

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7214642 No.7214642 [Reply] [Original]

List your top life-changing books

>Crime and Punishment
>Thus Spake Zarathustra
>Eyeless in Gaza
>Beautiful Losers
>Catcher in the Rye

>> No.7214646

>>Crime and Punishment
Why and how?


>Waking Up: A guide to Spirituality Without Religion

>> No.7214651

He rapes his sister, Phoebe.

>> No.7214655

The gOD Delusion

>> No.7214662

I agree CitR has a profound effect on one's life as it subtly rewires their brain through cleverly arranged phoenetic and semiotic patterns which are likely to be subvocalized and turns you into a sleeper agent for the illuminati. Ever since I read that book I have wanted to rape my sister and kill important political figures.

>> No.7214667


It's not the particulars of the story itself that helped me develop/change as a person (i.e. no issue in the book really mirrored one in my own life). The pure craftsmanship of such and excellent book over so many pages just made me sit in awe before it.

It also knocked me down a peg or two, enough respect the written form that much more and realise:

'I will never be as good as Dostoyevsky...'

>Siddhartha = excellent book (if not too short)

>> No.7214671

Cool theory bro

>> No.7214674

My Siddhartha bro! That book was the final catalyst in me leaving Catholicism. Thank you, based Hesse.

>The Idiot
>Cyrano de Bergerac
>The Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are
>Iliad (epic poetry is what got me obsessed with literature)

>> No.7214688

Hmm, I'm reading it currently and I'm not really all that impressed by the book.
Reading the McDuff translation, could you specify what makes Dostoyevsky so good in your eyes?

>> No.7214697

>Catcher in the Rye

Only life-changing if you are 15.

>> No.7214698

Stop this shitposting.

>> No.7214701

I experienced something similar from a Mentos commercial.

>> No.7214713

>Mein Kampf
>The God Delusion

>> No.7214752

somebody post the pasta

>> No.7214762

No Longer Human
got me into reading

made me realize the mundane can be beautiful and started me to check out more books that aren't all just about plot

Death of Ivan Ilych
cousin died while reading it, really made me contemplate life/death

Notes from Underground
really made me think

just the opening was enough to ring in my head for days to come.

>> No.7214782


>go to big chain bookstore
>pick up Mein Kampf, Lolita, and The God Delusion
>waiting in line for ages
>light up a stogie
>start loudly chatting up old ladies and families in line next to me
>thumb through the expensive knick-knacks next to the checkout, knocking several onto the floor, and repeatedly tell my fellow line-goers to “look at all this horseshit”
>complain that there are too few cashiers per customer, allege that this is the fault of “kikes”
>finally reach the checkout
>array the books so their covers are all facing up
>toss them onto the counter in a radial formation, all facing directly at the cashier, a slightly overweight girl in her early 20s
>she looks down at them and pauses, her jaw dropping in disbelief as the fuhrer himself stares back up at her
>blow smoke into her face and ask “some kind of problem, toots?”
>she coughs and nervously stutters the name of the book, as if to verify that someone could ever purchase it intentionally
>“yeah” I reply, before placing my index finger on the cover of Lolita, and leaning across to her side of the counter
>“and this one’s about a pedophile”
>her face is now wan with shock and horror
>“oh my god,” she mutters
>“God’s dead, honey”
>everyone around us goes dead silent
>pick up the books and leave without paying
>no one even calls security

>> No.7214793

a masterpiece, thank you

>> No.7214804
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>“God’s dead, honey”
10/10 pasta

>> No.7214805

Infinite Jest, made me think about my soon to be problem with alcohol, and just about every little thing that happened that I took for granted

>> No.7214810
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Just trying to give an honest answer tbh

>> No.7214836
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Nabokov is the author with the highest IQ

>> No.7215057

Wait was it the one where the guy shoots the other guy over the pokemon cards?

>> No.7215077

highest AQ[1] tbh

[1] Autismal quotient: a measure of an author's autism as noted by obsessions like little girls, purple prose, and silly games that appeal to fellow autists

>> No.7215079

i dont know about life changing. but this is a list of books that changed the way i saw literature:

shakespeare: hamlet, lear, macbeth, as you like it, romeo and juliet, sonnet 5
flaubert: madame bovary
tolstoy: anna karenina, war and peace, death of ivan ilyich
roth: zuckerman bound, sabbath’s theater
beckett: molloy, malone dies
nietzsche: beyond good and evil, thus spoke zarathustra, on the geneaology of morals
keats: ode to a nightingale, ode on a grecian urn, to autumn
marlowe: doctor faustus
whitman: calamus, 1855 leaves of grass preface
dante: divine comedy
homer: iliad, odyssey
austen: sense and sensibility, pride and prejudice
nabokov: lolita, pnin
joyce: ulysses, dubliners
chekhov: easter night, panikhida
kafka: metamorphosis
kant: critique of pure reason
rorty: contingency, irony, solidarity
borges: “tlon, uqbar, orbis tertius”, library of babel, funes his memory
milton: paradise lost, comus
dickinson: “the heart asks pleasure first”
wordsworth: “a slumber did my spirit seal”
cleanth brooks: the well wrought urn
henry green: loving
norman rush: mating
yeats: “aedh wishes for the Cloths of Heaven”
plato: symposium, early dialogues
ashbery: as one put drunk…, a man of words
rimbaud: illuminations
melville: moby dick
crowley: little, big
fussell: poetic meter and poetic form
baudelaire: “the dancing serpent”
merrill: “a renewal”

>> No.7215085

nothing about nabokov's prose is purple. you don't know what purple prose is

>> No.7215174

Harry Potter got me reading
Fight Club + Linkin Park carried me through high school
Da Vinci Code made me question everything
Ayn Rand got me through all the college liberal brainwashing

>> No.7215381

Please be a troll.

>> No.7215431

Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.7215472
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The Sorrows of Young Werther

>> No.7215479

such good pottery it makes me weep.

>> No.7215506

>Da Vinci Code made me question everything


>> No.7215517

>shits on brown but praises hacks like eco

>> No.7215543

Poe's tales introduced me to literature, Werther made me love it, Pound's poetry made me decide that I wanted to dedicate my life to it.

>> No.7215902

Autismal quotient is a real thing though. Measures raw logico-mathematical ability. Contrast with EQ or empathic quotient, which measures mind reading and the ability to understand the state of mind of others.

>> No.7215914


>> No.7215930

Yeah, and most people read it when they were like 15

>> No.7215931

i actually fell for this. made the last couple of pages with his sister nail-bitingly tense

>> No.7216666

"A boy and a bear in a boat," by Dave Shelton. It's very YA, but transcends the genre.

>> No.7216679

>Have you read The Brothers Karamazov? That will rock your world.

In order:
Fahrenheit 451
The Demon-Haunted World
The Gay Science
The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.7216682

>not KJV for beauty or D-R for exactness

>> No.7216693


I was gonna send you to >>>r/books but they'd probably chew you out too.

>> No.7216697

>Epictetus' Discourses
>Meditations by Aurelius

fiction books don't really have life-changing effects on me.

>> No.7216711


How have I never seen this before.

>> No.7216714

Let me guess, you stopped reading after college?

>> No.7216716


Everybody look at me haven't I read lots of books.