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/lit/ - Literature

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7174772 No.7174772 [Reply] [Original]

>Some guy goes apeshit after tripping out in the woods

>> No.7174782

Shit, typo in the title.
And have other anons guess it*

>> No.7175287

a boi with a worm mount

>> No.7175291


>> No.7175300


>> No.7175302

Guy gets cucked by his wife and her brother, then rejects several top-tier waifus in order to get back with her.

>> No.7175308

He also bludgeons his brother-in-law's subconsciousness to death with a bat.

>> No.7175311

Guy is literally THE Edgelord but jk not allowed to be one, gets punished

>> No.7175321

>guy turns on the lights
>has a LOT of opinions

>> No.7175324

Guy writes a satire and everyone today takes it seriously

>> No.7175342

The Prince

tbh i'm pretty sure it wasn't satire, just incredibly self-aware.

>> No.7175344


>> No.7175345

the stranger.

>> No.7175349

Crime and punishment

>> No.7175355

Young Goodman Brown?

>> No.7175356

this fucking faggot man, get this, he goes to a clock shop. FUCKING CLOCK SHOP. Fucked up already right? Covers himself in gas and jumps off a bridge.

>> No.7175360

That tl;dr whale hunting manual/Pinocchio/Book of Jonah.


>> No.7175364

Then he realizes the makes him become the Smoke stealer

>> No.7175373

dude doesn't feel like doing his job anymore, gets naked

>> No.7175377

This guy who might be a bit simple follows a bear around for the whole book because he thinks it's god.

>> No.7175418

The jungle book?

>> No.7175519
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>>Some guy goes apeshit after tripping out in the woods
Is it the book of Exodus?

>> No.7175527

Fuck this insect in particular

>> No.7175545

So theres this girl.
And she got two brothers with mad beef.
And then one of them is kill.
And gurl is all like "gimme dat boday"
And the living brother is like "fuck no"

>> No.7175643


dante's le infenrno

>> No.7175714

See a bad billboard
It's actually a part of hell

>> No.7175725

The one where the lady eats a cockroach

>> No.7175773

Smoking; existential crisis. Relationship with father; existential crisis. Relationships with women; existential crisis. Career; existential crisis. War; existential crisis.

>> No.7175781

There's an incident with a dog at night

>> No.7175786


>> No.7175787

He rapes his sister, Phoebe.

>> No.7175794

Easy. Lispector, The Passion Accordion to G.H.

>> No.7175810

A collection of short stories written by an arse full of farts

>> No.7175838


The Wind up Bird Chronicle

>> No.7175842

Correct. Great book.

>> No.7175853

It just has to be "The Adventures of Captain Underpants," it must.

>> No.7175854


Needed the second bit and then it was obvious. Agreed, great book.

>> No.7175857


>> No.7175874

>Kid runs away from home and nobody seems to care
>My or may not fuck his own mother and kill his own father
>Also talking cats

>> No.7175952

I just started reading this you asshat.

>> No.7175958
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My bad, bruh.

>> No.7175978

>Guys mad he can't afford real animals
>Takes his frustration out on fake humans
>But who is the real human?

>> No.7175990

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep

>> No.7175994


yeah, kinda easy I guess

>> No.7176010

>Not-Sherlock-Holmes and the mystery of the man who hated fun

>> No.7176027


The Hardy Boys and the mystery of the ....

>> No.7176034

Not even close.

>> No.7176035

Trouble-man doesn't want to be engulfed.

>> No.7176039

>you can't fuck your relatives!
>history repeats itself
>everyone dies

>> No.7176055


Abbott and Costello meet Frankenstein

>> No.7176057

>dad, can we go?
>everyone dies
>i hate dad
>i've had my vision

>> No.7176067

>man gets sent to labour camp
>i was only trolling!!!
>cucks the man who screwed him

>> No.7176076

Even further from the answer.

>> No.7176121

>young man in college
>has a weird friendship with mysterious guy with a mysterious family
>becomes an artist
>has an unhappy marriage
>bangs mysterious guy's sister
>aristocracy and catholicism are the best!

>> No.7176194

Brideshead Revisited

Waugh must have been absolutely insufferable in person.

>> No.7176201

>farm raised pseudointeolectual
>gets into drugs
>gets into rugby

>> No.7176215

>Bram Stoker is shite
>here's an "undead" character kek
>jokes about venereal diseases

>> No.7176254

Yes. But I'm an unabashed lefty and an atheist and I can't help but love his novels, his prose was too fucking good.

>> No.7176544

American Psycho?

>> No.7176628

guy imagines his friends older brother is a superhero who gets defeated by his own daughter who turned into a supervillain.


>> No.7177126

some FEDORALORD gets TROLLED hard by a pup MANY TIEM then is DIE

>> No.7177227


>> No.7177342

>asian dude and his boss have wacky adventures in the desert

>also prostitutes

>> No.7177772

>he kills his best friend and fucks his sister

ya'll plebs will never get it

>> No.7177773 [DELETED] 

check em

>> No.7177776

>White kid walks over a line and black people start freaking out

>> No.7177778


Holden Caulfield and the Catchers in the Rye

>> No.7177779

100 years

>> No.7177782

I don't remember Holden killing anyone...

>> No.7177783



>> No.7177788


He imagined himself responsible for Allie's death

>> No.7177789

Oh shit, completely forgot about Allie. But wouldn't Stradlater be his best friend? That is, until he found out he was dating his crush.

>> No.7177832

Your diary tbh

>> No.7177875

A man drinks and drinks and drinks and drinks and drinks and drinks and then some asshole hurls a dead dog at him.

>> No.7177988


>> No.7179963

Kitchen Confidential?

>> No.7180046

White man discovers he's decedent from ape, goes bananas.

>> No.7180085

ancient greek comedy are not booqs

>> No.7180174



>> No.7180180

>the hidden danger of MILF's

>> No.7180185

The Graduate.

>> No.7180210

a load of jews die and some dont.

>> No.7180253

I'm thinking of something way older

>> No.7180258

Oh. Ohhhhh.....

>> No.7180454

>3 books in one, symbols within symbols within symbols. Steppe niggers, ass>tits

>> No.7180483


>> No.7180499

You're a retard

>> No.7180505

shit homeboy at least guess the book

>> No.7180583

It was Oedipus Rex

>> No.7180658

I know, I was starting to spell it out slowly, piggybacking on >>7180258, for no good reason.

>> No.7180873

Starship Troopers

>> No.7180970

Old guy fucks a bunch of chicks and gets drunk all the time

>> No.7180992


>> No.7181012

Women - Bukowski

>> No.7181022

A series of aphorisms on why it is okay to be a bitter virgin

>> No.7181039

My diary, tbh

>> No.7181041

Kafka On the Shore

>Honey it's time to get up and go to work
>Thing is kill

>> No.7181052

Sad man sees ad in paper to "save the world"

A gorilla behind a glass case chews on celery and chuckles heart chuckles


Dude, agriculture, like like duuude the Takers & Leavers, maaaaan

>> No.7181055

> guy falls in love with qt3.14
> but he needs to leave for battle, gets lost ina woods
> friends want to rescue him but he won't come back, so they recruit a second qt3.14 to distract him
> a third qt3.14 joins them, helps them
> guy returns to his country, goes behind bars for his war crimes

>> No.7181089

Smoking, I smell gas. A lot of women remind me of my step mother.

>> No.7181124

>man runs away from productive job to be a homo with his sodomite sailor friends, is punished by god

>> No.7181136

Invisible Nigger?

>> No.7181141

Plot twist is literally a mother fucker figuratively blinded by revelations.

>> No.7181415

Moby Duck

>> No.7181436

The Metamorphosis

>> No.7181570

The Book of Mormon

>> No.7181588

Oedipus Rex.


>> No.7181591

Oedipus Tyrannos

>> No.7181601

There's a typo on the mail... or is there?

>> No.7181604


>> No.7182204


>> No.7182242

The crying of Lot 49?

>> No.7183198


>> No.7183223

The Shadow of the Torturer

>> No.7183242

Guy gets jaundice while in Italy

>> No.7183280

Nerdy virgin with weird name falls in love with quirky girl who also got a weird name.

>> No.7183297

Guy becomes Satan Jr. but he's very bad at his job

>> No.7183307

Man has a bad headache, kills the guy who cures it, and feels really bad about it

also, talking cat

>> No.7183334

Is it Murakami? It has to be Murakami.

>> No.7183340

Guy goes to an interview, thinks about his entire life, smashes a tiny robot and gets the job.

>> No.7183344

Everything written by John Green.

>> No.7183511


>Idealist meets world; he is crushed by the encounter

>> No.7183605

paradise lost

>> No.7184413

If you play with microwaves, you're going to get burnt.

>> No.7184418

Heraclitus fragments?

>> No.7184448

Farewell to Arms

>> No.7184452


>> No.7184477
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some Jews try and figure out how they got rich from being firemen while a bunch of retired firemen try to stop them

>> No.7184506

a fat ugly /lit/ poster gets a job

>> No.7184518


>> No.7184522


Farenheit 451?

>> No.7184527

LOTR faggot 2 ez

>> No.7184535

confederacy of dunces

>> No.7184536


>> No.7184541

faggot goes from sleeping in crib to aunties place to sleeping in friends house to sleeping in boarding school then goes to some sporting event like 4 books later and it all ends up being 6 books too long and not really worth the work

>> No.7184547

It's like 'Dragon' with an 'E'

>> No.7184550

Harry potter

>> No.7184552


>> No.7184566

No I was corrupted I can never become a wizard

>> No.7184632


>> No.7184751

>"tfw too poor to write"

>> No.7184816

A guy has a pretty chill time but jokes on you he was miserable the entire time because tfw no erections

here's a hint: it's not my life story :^)

>> No.7184817

you realise not everything with the word 'fireman' in it is Fahrenheit 451, right?

>> No.7184825

guy has a big crush on a girl. girl has a big crush on a guy. they meet and then have some great sex. best character dies (but maybe not really i don't know) at the hands of second best character in a really well written way.

>> No.7184830

Satan fucks shit up

>> No.7184831

The case of a bipolar doctor in victorian era.

>> No.7184833

jekyll and hyde

>> No.7184870

FEAR AND loathing in LAS vegas?

>> No.7184874

A Series of Unfortunate Events

>> No.7184876


>> No.7184898

Some guy with daddy issues kills himself.

An unmarried mother does drugs while pregnant.

>> No.7184901

A bunch of assholes drive a blind man to suicide.

>> No.7184913

>muh valve

>> No.7184925

>uh oh, what have I done
>mum's gonna FREAK!

>> No.7184949

Hello /lit,
/fit here. I am looking for the name of a book. This thread seems suitable, since I only know a bit of the story.
The plot of the book is a man is pushing a big rock up a mountain just to see it roll down everyday. That is all i know about book. Does anybody know the name of the book?

>> No.7184973

You're describing the story of Sisyphus, an ancient greek legend.

>> No.7184999

Ah nice. Thanks

>> No.7185489

Sounds interesting.

>> No.7185600


>> No.7185607


>> No.7185609

My diary tbh

>> No.7185612

Paradife loft

>> No.7185620

Native American beta fgt goes to white high school.

>> No.7185630

Sherman Alexie, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

>> No.7185664

The shit also rises

>> No.7185676

some profs head to this city where a writer really isn't likely to be, looking for that writer. also the writer was a nazi once? but it's not his fault really. meanwhile lotsa irrelevant bad stuff that altogether dwarfs everything this writer and these profs are worried about has been going on in this same city, but like i said, it's not that relevant. as it happens, the writer thinks he might pay a visit, but first, he's going to buy an icecream.

>> No.7185690

>Old guy spends whole book talking to his son
>Marrying black people is troublesome
>God is great

>> No.7185693

Blood Meridian tbh

>> No.7185703

It's Dune Messiah.

>> No.7185712

A woman argues with her suitcase.

>> No.7185803


Hey, these things aren't true!
for a book as opposed to a (single) story

>> No.7185829
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>a woman loves a man without seeing him

>> No.7185842
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>> No.7185848

...The Name of the Rose?

>> No.7185851

Master and Margarita

>> No.7185852

A bunch of fucking faggots get drunk and search for some magic doo-doo land.

>> No.7185868

Children stories' villains are actually real and I want to kill them since, matter-of-factly, they've killed my family.

>> No.7185871

The catcher in the rye

>> No.7185886

pitcher by the wheat

>> No.7185891

Foucault's Pendulum?
Joyce's love letters
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Me? Is it me?

> God dammit Marco Polo stop playing charades and tell me about our neighboring kingdoms Jesus fucking Christ

>> No.7185897

more like invisible shitties haha am i right lads?

>> No.7185902

>guy likes to fuck bitches and then marries one who liked to read and got sick at his house but they agreed that he still gets to fuck bitches and also her mom was a total cunt when she was a kid and then she fucks a dude and then he fucks this one chick who gets naked with his bitch one time and they later die while driving.

>> No.7185905

The unbearable lightness of being

>> No.7185916

The Savage Detectives?

>> No.7185925


Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.7185926

Eeeee Eee Eeee


>> No.7185962

Hunger by Knut Hamsun
Book of Job

My turn:
A dwarf pretends to be retarded and survives WW II, but maybe he is just crazy.

>> No.7185965

The fall of the Roman Empire, but in SPACE.

>> No.7185967
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>> No.7185968

Die Blechtrommel

>> No.7185973

I'm actually searching for a book that I've forgotten the title of. It's a very comprehensive history book that basically covered everything from Egypt to the Reformation, but it is not a textbook. I believe that it also had maps and drawings, at least in the edition that I read.

>> No.7186032

Right. Maybe it was too easy.

Another one:
Girl is childish and asiaphobic, though there are no asians far and wide. She is bored all the time and we have to know that. She cheats on her husband and after a while she dies young. Classic.

>> No.7186075

The Awakening? I've never read it tho

>> No.7186083

I love my mom. I'm gay. I'm bourgeois. People around me are living their lives. Fuck it I'll be a writer.

I'm literally my author

>> No.7186093

Sound and the Fury

>> No.7186097

Beyond Good and Evil

>> No.7186100

No, sir, but close enough for the consolation prize - or you might try again?

>> No.7186107


>> No.7186111

sorry i'm new, why do you guys say he rapes her?

>> No.7186112

Negative Zero-Point-Zero-Zero-Recurring-One Or Fewer

>> No.7186128


>> No.7186141


The Invisible Landscape?

>> No.7186213


That would be Žert.

>> No.7186216

I'm a homeless furry and this rad sax man won't leave me alone

>> No.7186228

Orientalism in SPAAAAAAACE

>> No.7186246
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crime and punishment

dante's inferno

on the origin of species

mein kampf

my twisted world

>insecure man is marginalized by a copy of himself

>> No.7186261


>> No.7186262


>> No.7186264

It was actually >>7185851
Good try though

>> No.7186272

I mean you're right but that's not the one I was thinking of

>> No.7186296

Things Past?

>> No.7186302


>> No.7186311

Bunch of a faggots travel around with literally a giant baby, the sky looks like piss and the sun is a giant dick.

>> No.7186316

fuck yea!

>> No.7186322

Surprised no one got this.

>> No.7186324

Anything by murakami?

>> No.7186331


The Bible?

>> No.7186335


>> No.7186336

Farm boy becomes a literary expert because his English 101 professor was a dick to him.

>> No.7186342

I'm reading that right now. It's really neat stuff.

>> No.7186345

Working class dude has a shit life. At least he got his hole, though.

>> No.7186356

A man writes a letter to his friend and then his old senile dad throws a fit and he kills himself.

>> No.7186364

Notes From Underground.

>> No.7186365

Das Urteil

>> No.7186368


>> No.7186379

Nah. We're talking high-school shit here, boy.

>> No.7186403

A bug ruins everything.

>> No.7186408

A man really wants to go into a certain building, but can't.

A student becomes crazy, because someone tries to sell him glasses.

A man dies on his vacation, because he is a pedophile.

>> No.7186410

the trial

>> No.7186411

Are these three different stories or all one story?

>> No.7186414

Three different stories.

>> No.7186432

>A man really wants to go into a certain building, but can't.
Before the Law?

>> No.7186434

Woo escalator rides, son!

>> No.7186476

Not quite, but you are close.

>> No.7186483

A sad guy with a fucked up dick drinks with his hip friends in Spain.

>> No.7186488

Fiesta by Hemingway

>> No.7186546

The Mezzanine?

>> No.7186815

The trial

>> No.7186866

That fucker never showed up.

>> No.7186918

Waiting for Goshott

>> No.7186942

You Godot right.

>> No.7186945

The Temptation from the New Testament?

>> No.7186947

Don't tell the computer that the only other humans are dead.

>> No.7186959
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>> No.7186964

Colonialism and pedophilia

>> No.7186980 [SPOILER] 
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Nobody even tried mine...

>> No.7186983



>> No.7187005

Some fugitive buys a little child from basically the black market and has a bunch of inner crises when she becomes of age and wants to marry a rich man.

Also, there's some shit about Napolean

>> No.7187011

I mean Napoleon. Please forgive me.

>> No.7187435

Metamorphosis tbh

>> No.7187895

This sounds interesting. What is it?

>> No.7187914

How the fuck do people not know these?


>> No.7187916

as a mormon
>top kek

>> No.7187939

Zeno's Conscience

>> No.7188398

Think its one of the short stories of stephen king. If im right you find it in everything is relative

>> No.7188401

Is it the passion?

>> No.7188579

The last one is Death in Venice

>> No.7188580


>> No.7188684

A dozen of people try to keep appearances about setting a plot when they are individually against said plot.

>> No.7188830

The Divine Comedy?

>> No.7188872


>> No.7188943

Hell Screen?

>> No.7189012

A bunch of bros walking

>> No.7189074

The anwers are:

1. Das Schloss / The Castle (Kafka)

2. Der Sandmann / The Sandman (E. T. A. Hoffmann)

3. Der Tod in Venedig / Death in Venice (T. Mann)

Thanks for playing.

>> No.7189165

No, it's French

>> No.7189269


the answer is Ficciones (Fictions)

>> No.7190310

fuck, don Quijote, Man

>> No.7190396

Some dude criticizes palaces and spurns a hooker.

>> No.7190423


the bible

>> No.7191780

Trifling bitches cause every problem. Everyone dies.

>> No.7191791

>Farming sucks
>What is Shakespeare saying to you across the ages?
>My wife is a crazy cunt
>lol bangin an undergrad
>Shitty book in the college library dedicated to my memory

>> No.7191822

Antigone, but it's Creon (Antigone's uncle) who forbids the burial of Polynices. The other brother (Eteocles) is dead too, but he can be buried because he was defending Thebes.

>> No.7191999

Heart of Darkness?

>> No.7192007

Notes from Underground?

>> No.7192019

A man and woman rise against the government only to be turned against eachother and the thing they once fought for

>> No.7192020


>> No.7192021


>> No.7192036

Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family

>> No.7192111


>> No.7192119

The Metamorphosis

>> No.7192121

Infinite Jest

>> No.7192134

Under the Volcano

>> No.7192176


>> No.7192179

To the Lighthouse by William Faulkner

>> No.7192183


>> No.7192189

Les Miserables

>> No.7192282

One of the Culture novels?
Use of Weapons?

>> No.7192287

The Beast God Forgot to Invent?

>> No.7192290


>> No.7192296


>> No.7192306

Romeo and Juliet

>> No.7192861

>tries to cheat on his wife with 3 year old girl at the beach
>girl rejects him
>goes back to his hotel room to blow his brains out afterwards

>> No.7192887

All wrong. It's The Third Policeman by Flann O'Brien

>> No.7192922


>> No.7192947

>Creator of the world tells people not to do the thing
>They do the thing

>> No.7192989

Screwtape Letters?

>> No.7193019

The Bible.

>> No.7193430


>> No.7193440

pretentious french guy doesn't care about anything

>> No.7193449


>> No.7193617

the strangler!

>> No.7193646

my diary tbh

>> No.7194854

Edgelord: the book

>> No.7194876


>> No.7195245


someone guess this, it sounds like a cool story premise and i want to read it

>> No.7195261

some guy is in a holiday camp in the snow against his will with a bunch of other cunts, he wakes up feeling like he's got the shits and when he goes to the doctor he gets asked bare questions. he has to eat grass paste or something for breakfast. then his boss says him and his mates have to go work building stuff n that out in the snow. then he helps out his smart buddy by standing in lines and such. the book ends with him being reminded of the values of friendship before he goes and has a sleep.

>> No.7195273


Man's Search for Meaning?

>> No.7195280

Everyone shits themselves because some guy wrote a book about our timeline

>> No.7195283


noooo, far less existential

>> No.7195289

portrait of the artist?

>> No.7195294

Servant boy is my only friend

Watch him get raped

To scared to do anything

Guilt haunts me so I make him leave

Feel bad about it later


>> No.7195714


>> No.7196322

two chicks hang around too long, guy axes them, they explore reality

>> No.7196710

The Kite runner.