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/lit/ - Literature

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7149144 No.7149144[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>What school do you go to?
>How do you like it?
>What's your favorite book?

>> No.7149193

>my local junior college, planning on transferring in 2 years. it's nice, like all of my current classes except english, ironically enough.
>its a well kept campus and the teachers are pretty knowledgeable. there's a few idiots that eat up time with stupid questions but for the most part it's a good college
>the count of monte cristo. man when i finished that book i felt like i came hundred times.

>> No.7149505


>> No.7149512 [DELETED] 

Quite a lot

>> No.7149516

>University of Tennessee
>I hate football
>The Western Lands

>> No.7149525

NEET (self-educating)
moby dick

>> No.7149532

>Carnegie Mellon
>I don't
>Invisible Cities

>> No.7149539

>Berkeley drop-out
>Wuthering Heights

>> No.7149549

NEET, hs dropout
I don't, but working on ged for community college
Flowers for algernon because I'm a retard

>> No.7149565

Carleton U here.
Not bad.
Infinite Jest maybe.

>> No.7149604

can't complain
can't think of one that stands out but ill say
One Hundred Years of Solitude
just because thats what im feeling right now

>> No.7149606

>ryerson university
>inferior to U of T
>brothers karamazov

>> No.7149613

Local university
Way too many liberal LGBT marxists. Uni administration wants to expand school so tuition rates are climbing fast
Brothers Karamazov

>> No.7149637

>Dartmouth College
>Bretty good

>> No.7149695

UC Davis
Just got here, but it's all good so far. Nice campus to bike around on.
Tropic of Cancer

>> No.7149704

University at Buffalo.
I'm a Political Science major and it is really cool. A lot of the people in my major are very knowledgeable and I enjoy my classes a lot. There is a significant lack of weeb trash which makes me happy.
Leaves of Grass, Moby Dick.

>> No.7149708

>Oxford (balliol)
>probably the happiest I'll ever be
>Heart of Darkness

>> No.7149715

umass med
people are shallow
master and commander

>> No.7149722

Applying to CMU this year. Wanna network? I have 2390 on SAT and pay full tuition so pretty sure I'll get in tbh fam

>> No.7149728

>Vanderbilt University
>Only complaint is that it's too fratty
>Heart of Darkness

>> No.7149729

This year kinda sucks but not because of the school, so I guess I like it
East of Eden

>> No.7149750

>local CC; finishing up my application to UT Austin tomorrow (spring semester hopefully; maybe later if I don't feel up to it)

>CC is fine. Most of the people there are either taking classes as seniors in high school or are completely apathetic to education. Happy with my piano class and my creative writing class has helped me write some stuff that I like.

>> No.7149754

Oops, Confusions of Young Torless is my favorite at the moment.

>> No.7149790

2390 on the SAT and all you want is CMU? Smh tbh.

>> No.7149826

CMU has the #1 undergrad computer science program in the world

>> No.7149840

>Ohio State University
>It's OK. It's fucking huge so there's tons of opportunity, and it's well connected with the greater Columbus area so I easily got a job after undergrad even though I was an LOL psychology major. What sucks about it is that it's so huge your classes are sometimes 300-400 students, my advisors were different every time I went to see them, and if you aren't in STEM the University couldn't give two shits about you
>Kokoro by Natsume Soseki

>> No.7149846

>York University
>King Lear

>> No.7149847



>> No.7149853

University of Toronto
Its a very well regarded Uni so that's good, and it's big. Can be a lot of work though.
The Trial or The Rings of Saturn

>> No.7149858

>New York University
>I'm the poorest person here, but I'm enjoying it

>> No.7149877

>Virginia Tech
>it's cool, senior year
>Infinite Jest, probably

>> No.7149878

Man sensie was so annoying. But it was really amazing how similar that book was to modern time, in USA no less. I saw a bit myself in sensei and boy am I glad to have overcome those nasty thought patterns. The book I felt was limited by its original form being written for a newspaper. But sensei was just like so many here on 4chan: depressed, anxious, covertly narcissistic,avoidant ruminators, except he managed to not be tfwnogf because arranged marriage or whatever

>> No.7150004

School of NEET.


Not saying because you'll all make fun of it.

>> No.7150045

thanks for contributing

>> No.7150087

Where the ausfags at?

>university of melbourne
>love my faculty, have done a couple of lit subjects too (unrelated to my major) and the staff have been cool
>winesburg, ohio

>> No.7150117

>community college
>it's aight
>through the looking glass and what alice found there

>> No.7150120

Sydney clocking in
>Doing my HSC right now at SMCC (Yeah, the school with the paedophile ex-principal), going to UTS or USYD next year
>It's alright I suppose
>The Twelve Caesars

>> No.7150123

Same here anon

>> No.7150135

>Utrecht University
>Pretty good
>Don't have one

>> No.7150144

>Truman state uni
>bitches complain about sodexo being unhealthy, then only choose the shitty food
>catch 22

>> No.7150164
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>University of Notre Dame (pls no bully)
>It's great. My politics professor is a twat. But I'm loving history, and sociology is bretty good. Probably going to end up doing post-grad in America.
>Jakob von Gunten

>> No.7150193

How's ND like compared to the more established unis like USYD? Is it worth getting that 97+ ATAR for a law transfer?

>> No.7150208

It's just as good, if not better, than the other unis, and its just as reputable as well. People just like to make fun of it because its young and little.

>> No.7150231

Thanks man - Law at Notre Dame might make it in my preferences after all

>> No.7150247

Law degree
One Hundred Years of Solitude or Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki

>> No.7150259

>none, gunsmith/machinist by trade
>easy money
>Notes From the Underground

>> No.7150307

>Sat here wishing I was good enough for oxbridge. Feels like mediocrity tbh
>The Fall

>> No.7150309
File: 44 KB, 200x200, Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts (MCLA)_200px.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MCLA, for English and Philosophy
>only about ~1500 undergrads, of which approx. 7 are also Phil majors, none of whom are retarded, we can literally just talk to our professors about what we want them to offer and what books to use, feels like fucking Plato's Academy
>The Painted Bird

>gunsmith/machinist by trade
9/10 would read your novel

>> No.7150316

I'm from Buffalo and I know a lot of people at UB and Buff State. I moved though

>a college in Albany
>it's okay
>A Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.7150762
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>oklahoma state university
>the diary tbh

>> No.7150774
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Patriot Bible University.

It's pretty good, once you put the whole atheism meme aside and focus on the theology you will understand the value of the classes and the importance of Christian morality.

King James Version.

>> No.7152329

>Pratt Institute
>It's pretty fun, everyone is very sjw though
>Ham on Rye

>> No.7152360
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Badass faculty. Get to watch Dan Dennett putter about and several of my professors (not an art student) have had their work in the MoMA. The SJW stuff has reached a hilarious extreme, especially when it clashes with the Hillel foundation and the campus media is nothing but claims of chauvinism on one side and anti-semitism on the other. I get to run around to other campuses and fuck girls from Harvard and MIT because the guys there who aren't athletes are huge betas. Don't even get me started on Welleslely girls.
Mason & Dixon

Where tf is that?

>Atheism meme
Wow they got you good.

>> No.7152403


Classes are based, social life sucks

A River Runs Through It

>> No.7152422


Not enjoying myself at all.

Anna Karenina/Paradise Lost.

>> No.7152582

UNC – Chapel Hill
Beautiful campus ruined by bullshit social justice vandalism
War and Peace

>> No.7152645 [DELETED] 

>Fordham University: College at Rose Hill to study Philosophy and Mathematics.
>As with everything I do, I could be doing much better.
>Witty's Tractatus - sue me.

>> No.7152692

Fordham University to study Philosophy and Mathematics.

I want a restart in life. Still: Some very good professors, others unregenerate cunts; hate most of the students. Rather comprehensive curriculum in most respects - the Jesuits are thorough.

Philosophical Investigations.

Found the Oxbridge fag. jk But, you are living what would be the life for most of us here with inferiority complexes.

>Heart of Darkness.

>> No.7152721

>I'm loving every second of it
>Abaddón el exterminador, by Ernesto Sabato

I'm going to UCL as an Exchange Student on January next year. Any advice? What should I expect? Why are you not enjoying it?

>> No.7152734
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>Any advice?
Build. Wall.

>> No.7152752

>NEET atm, going back to school in Spring for a STEM career, studying math like a mad man and being a productive NEET in the meantime
>Moby Dick

>> No.7152798

>implying I want to go to your country

Thanks but no thanks.

>> No.7152803

I know you're jealous of our magical toilets that can flush toilet paper. Just come to the fence and I'll explain how that works.

>> No.7152809

I would, but I don't think I would hear you over the roaring sound of thousands of hands clapping and mouths munching hamburgers.

>> No.7152819

Nah, the Mexicans have established a wide enough buffer zone on this side of the border that it would just be the smell of used toilet paper and the sound of lawnmowers getting in the way.

>> No.7152835

>Community College
>It's pretty good as far as CCs go, but I won't miss it when I transfer
>Paradise Lost

>> No.7152841

Northeastern University
It's okay, pretty boring. Bad at socializing so haven't really done anything. (Freshman)
Maybe Ulysses or East of Eden

>> No.7153068

middlebury college
too many preps and finance bros and neo-liberal environmentalist do-gooders, but it's a good education and i can afford it despite the absurd price tag
too loud a solitude?

>> No.7153077

>UC Santa Cruz
>It's alright, beautiful campus but I don't really take advantage of it. Also disillusioned by American education system in general.

>> No.7153083

I'm at CSU transferring to OSU next year. Kokoro is probably my second favorite after Great Expectations.

>> No.7153126

>University of Wisconsin
>hate it, my expectations for college were so high that disappointment was inevitable
>If on a winter's night a traveler

>> No.7153145

Wait dude. CSU, like Colorado state university?

If so, lets kick it yo.

>> No.7153155

>What school do you go to?
school of hard knocks

>How do you like it?
it's the hard knock life

>What's your favorite book?

>> No.7154027

>2nd biggest tech college in the country
>Don't have one.

>> No.7154045

>University of Toronto
>Pretty big campus, really big student body, good professors, nice residences
>Tales of the Dying Earth

>> No.7154064

>Trinity college Dublin
>Love it, 10/10 college
>Swanns Way

Holy shit OP, that's it in the opening post, you go there?

>> No.7154134

Newcastle University (UK)
Undergrad was pretty shit (especially the building we were situated in), but some of the lecturers were pretty good. Postgrad is a lot better.
Catch-22 (I'm not well-read at all).

>> No.7154163
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- Oxford University (Linacre College)
- I would compare it to going to cleaning your house. It's not fun doing it, but when you're done, you're happy you did it.
-Kafka - The Trial

>> No.7154165

>compare it to cleaning your house.*

My bad.

>> No.7154207

> York
>schools shit program is great though

>> No.7154221

> not liking oxford

The fuck's up with that man?

>> No.7154233


I enjoy it in a broad and abstract way. But actually/practically doing it? The work load is so bad, I spend all day studying (4 am-9pm, eating not included). In the end, I'm even thinking of ways to improve my time-efficiency in fucked up ways (reading books while taking a shit, lifting weights while reading, etc). You can't sit back and enjoy the ride.

>> No.7154244

>Where tf is that?
Dude, c'mon. It's in the goddamn image.

>> No.7154247

Pace University

Hate it here. Its the largest LGBTQAXYZ school in the U.S., so you can imagine the student body. Only going here cause free tuition.

Atlas Shrugged / Julius Winsome

>> No.7154251

>Wayne State University
>I do like it. I like Detroit and Wayne is in the hip neighborhood with lots of new restaurants and bars. There are better schools in the state, but I'm getting a good education for the price I'm paying. The school's reputation appears worse than it actually is because so many underprepared Detroit kids go here and drop out after a semester or two. I'm not very involved with campus life because it's grad school and I already did all that goofy college shit at my undergrad.

>> No.7154313

Why don't you like UCL?

I almost went there last year but then I fucked up my exams ;_;

>> No.7154318

Syracuse University
The classes are great, but there's nobody interesting here, and my STEM major certainly isn't helping.
Ulysses, by James Joyce

>> No.7154327
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Mai nigga.

>How is it
Too progressive, I can see the poison of identity politics seeping into the school paper and English department. It annoys me to see superfluous feminism essay questions constantly, or this IDIOTIC question of "safe space".

People shouldn't be coddled, they should be questioned and challenged, that's the POINT of an academy. Instead, these unbelievable pussies insist on the dogma of objective truth, and of a dichotomy wherein ANY opponent is inherently immoral.

>Favorite book
Nabokov's Lolita or else Orwell's 1984.

>> No.7154349

Are you doing science? I'm at the other oxbridge doing art and yes the workload is heavy, but more like a lot of essays heavy, which is fine if you like the subject.

>> No.7154357

you guys mind me asking what you like about HoD? I didn't find it special

why not bud?

>> No.7154367

>tfw i didn't go to williams

>> No.7154371


>> No.7154380
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>Smallish private college in FL (graduated now)
>Was good at first, had good friends but by the end the different SJW clubs and groups were running the show pretty much. Nothing was done in the school without their approval or mass shaming if you didn't. Even great professors I had from the beginning started acting differently by mast year. Didn't want to risk tenure by standing up for principles they otherwise might have.
>I only started serious reading (like /lit/ approved sort of books) the beginning of this year. But I'd have to say Infinite Jest probably. I feel like that will probably change as I become more well-read.

>> No.7154382


History of international relations. It's nothing but reading endless amounts of papers and writing essays.

>> No.7154384


Just started my third gap year. I am going on my Grand Tour of Europe. Going to interrail for 3-4 months. Munich, Salzburg, Vienna, Budapest, Florence, Milan, Nice, Cannes, Marseilles, Montpellier, Barcelona, Madrid, Paris, Bruges, Amsterdam, London, Dublin. It's going to be a blast. I'll be reading non-stop, and becoming more patrician than anyone attending universities short of Oxbridge/Ivy meme. Literary lifestyle, bitcheeez

Actually am having considerable existential angst as to what to study at uni. Can choose anything due to awesome grades. Yearning for philosophy but scared at future of vending burgers or retail

I am enjoying my part time job saving money for my tour a lot. Affords me all the time I need to read what I want.

Brothers Karamazov for sodeep4u and Count of Monte Cristo for comfy.

>> No.7154391

where you from fam

>> No.7154397


To be fair the teaching staff are brilliant and the tutorial system is great as well. That's pretty much all it has going for it, though. Nine contact hours a week and an essay a fortnight is nowhere near enough for £27k/year. It also annoys me that no one here seems to take it seriously. Fair, that's kind of what you expect from students -- but at a top 3 institution? Even the professors don't seem to take their lectures or seminars seriously. For two courses (Milton and Modernism), I ended up just watching the lectures on OYC and taking my notes from there instead of from my own classes because the OYC ones are so much more more focused.

>> No.7154410

florida state university

i transferred here from University of Tirana so i could have an excuse to see the US

mfw i've been arrested three times ranging from criminal mischief to burglary
mfw i've been getting all As
mfw i think i'm getting deported unless the state attorney agrees to a second diversion program
mfw it doesnt matter since im dropping out next semester anyway
mfw i'm only here to waste time until my father's estate transfers in my name

>> No.7154415

Small (primarily) liberal arts university in Canada
It's everything I want it to be
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.7154420

also my favourite book is nausea
study philosophy and go into law

>> No.7154424

No college degree really gurantees you a job, even the most focused stem degrees will only help get your foot in the door, honestly your internship will make the most difference. Study what you enjoy, life is short and honestly you have no idea how the future will play put or if you will be happy. A certain degree isn't going to change that.

>> No.7154426


Dude don't worry so much about your undergrad major; if your grades are good, you can use the 4 years to focus and refocus your interests, and go to grad school for almost anything you want, regardless of your undergrad career (most social sciences, law, and philosophy will all be wide open to you no matter what you majored in). The fact that you're reading the Brothers K for fun suggests that you have enough interest of your own in real literature that you'll already be better off than the thousands of people in school who have nothing to show for their degrees but the classwork they did.

Treat college as an opportunity to grow and find new things, and to talk with academic professionals. Befriend professors and cultivate your own development as a person; the grades or the major won't matter within a year or two of getting a job/going to grad school, so don't sweat them too much.

Personally I switched majors halfway through college, and ended up wishing I could switch again; I got a degree in something that frankly I'm not that interested in, as I found out in the end. But I think college was infinitely more valuable to me not academically, but personally and socially; the connections I made leave the job market wide open to me, and the social environment of my school helped me grow tremendously as a person.

By the way
>how fucking great is the Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.7154445

Well at least it's something interesting, to do international relations or politics you have to do HSPS, which includes archeology and shit, so I was put off and did modern languages instead.
That might also be it, my stuff is all very tangible, actual history and language, not political theories and the like.

>> No.7154476


great academically (obviously), alright in the other sense
i'm here only to do my masters for a year though

breakfast at tiffanys

>> No.7154482

Muh nigga
>University of Tennessee
>too many fucking hills
>Jurassic Park

>> No.7154782


>history of international relations

God I wish that my college offered that major.

It was the only aspect of my Political Science degree I actually enjoyed studying and if I understood then what I understand today about the general uselessness of degrees I would have just picked crim or some shit so I could party all the time.

>> No.7154825

What year are you guys in and what are you studying? I am moving back to the city and want friends

>> No.7154837


Oxford doesn't really offer this master's degree, I kind of fabricated it myself. Officially I'm studying European history after 1500, but I've chosen only courses of political science (e.g. Theory of international relations, etc), and my master's thesis is on the diplomatic initiatives of the UK towards the Axis powers. So I made my own course, with the support of my professors.

>> No.7154877

USC (Business Admin/ Computer Science Major)
I am fine with it, but I wish our football did better. I do not see that many SJWs. They tend to be in the liberal arts school. Business School is pretty Republican. The neighborhood is not bad as long as you don't stray to far from campus.
Either One Hundred Years of Solitude or Slaughterhouse Five.

>> No.7154990


i went there, nice school with a lot of crybaby white dudes like yourself

>> No.7154992

Fordham Econ major Philosophy minor
pretty much exactly what the chick in Whiplash said. Entirely meh.
Absalom, Absalom! maybe or Blood Meridian but that's kinda cliche soo

>> No.7155001

What year? junior here

>> No.7155416
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>Salve Regina University
>Not bad, made some great friends.
>Stephen King's 11/22/63

Anyone else /seahwak/ here?

>> No.7155445

William Paterson University

It's getting better I think. Too bad I'll be gone in a year or two to see if I am correct. It's a nice place if you enjoy nature though.

Blood Meridian

>> No.7155488


why all the hate? i didn't say it was great or anything, but i've learned some shit.

>> No.7155538

I dropped out
Journey to the End of the Night

>> No.7155586

u of t
not enough sjw shit tbh. MRA shit in STEM buildings. white supremacist unions. way too much bullshit on campus.
mrs. dalloway

>> No.7155623

yo fellow jesuit-fag. i would be a junior but im on leave of absence for the semester and just taking some classes at a local uni

>> No.7155661

third year at emory university, it blows and i hate myself, probably Miss Lonelyhearts

>> No.7155677

It's ok
War and Peace tbh

>> No.7155742
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>> No.7155748

Forgot to add
>it's pretty good, you get you read a lot of books
>Mann's Magic Mountain

>> No.7155807

University of Florida
I'm having a good time.
A Personal Matter

>> No.7155823

Notre Dame
It's fine. Single-sex dorms are a bigger problem than I thought they would be.
I don't know. Maybe Blood Meridian.

>> No.7155834

Too bad I've met so few people here with any interest in books.

>> No.7155835


>> No.7155839

How do you like it? I'm applying.

>> No.7155854

jamie pls

>> No.7155861

Transfer to York, it's paradise for tumblr fucks like you


>White supremacist union


>> No.7155864

>Not a fan, hate it more and more with each semester
>Voyage au bout de la nuit

>> No.7155866

I'm from Missouri. I live in Dobson: 2 north.
You at Truman too?

>> No.7155879
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>What school do you go to?
CSU Long Beach

>How do you like it?

Professors would rather be teaching in another university. For many students, CSULB was their safety school, or at best, third choice.

No one stays after class; everyone's gone by 5 pm. The classes are alright.

>What's your favorite book?
No Longer Human

>> No.7156085

It's been great. There are so many opportunities in such a wide variety of fields it's almost more difficult to not get involved. What are you planning on studying?

>> No.7156137

>we the drowned

>> No.7156141

>College in BC
>Love it so far, never been out west and the people are great as well
>The Night Boat

>> No.7156394

Space Engineering

>> No.7156819

>muh tumblr
I seriously hope you're able to communicate like a human being IRL and 4chan hasn't ravaged your brain that hard.

>> No.7156936


>University of Michigan
>It is okay, but I go to the less nice campus with a bunch of fucking arabs.
>I like Interior Space by John Irving

>> No.7156941
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>pic related
>It's alright but half of the campus is under construction at any given time. It's a pain to keep changing your route to class.
>Goethe's Werther or Storm of Steel by Junger

>> No.7156951

I know it's been a day since you posted that, but I thought I'd never see anyone studying there posting here. What career?

>pls respond

>> No.7156954

English Literature at FFyL, my man. And you?

>> No.7156958

What department where you in I know a few people at mcgill. Why drop out?

>> No.7157000

1. California State University, Northridge
2. Is a good school for the my major but feels really cliquey and non inclusive if you already apart of a certain group of people. So I pretty much finish my classes and drive home since I got about a 45 minute drive( longer with traffic).
3. At The Mountains of Madness maybe. Never really thought about it.

>> No.7157020
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Me too. It's pretty nice, there's certainly some beautiful views and neat looking buildings and stuff but it's all going to be wet and gray until spring.

I don't really have a favourite book, too hard to pick one. My favourite of the last couple years is Europe Central so I'll go with that.

>> No.7157039
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NWMSU checking in. What's good fam?

>> No.7157052

Welcome to Marxist /lit/.

>> No.7157119
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>mfw I'm in my last year and I still can't find a place to hang out and meet people who are into books

>> No.7157206

>Local community college. Not worth naming.
>It's complicated. I went to this same college for a short time just after graduating from high school and it wasn't long before I lost interest. I wasn't really dumb at the time, I was just lazy and foolish. I was 18 biologically, but perhaps 13 mentally. There were no chances of me ever being able to actually pay for college; I had to get a grant at the time and two semesters of extreme carelessness cost me that luxury. I left knowing that I was well-fucked academically.

I worked in a factory for a while. I hated it intensely, but it was the only work I could get at the time. My mom and stepdad had both worked there for years and they helped me to get hired. I made air conditioner parts in the hottest building I believe I'll ever set foot in. The sun certainly seems hotter in Alabama.

After a while in the hotbox, a friend helped me get some slightly better-paying work. I worked in a grocery store giving out samples. It wasn't a proud job, but I enjoyed it mostly. At the end of the day, it was little more than a sales job with a demonstrative flair to it. I got paid to feed microwavable food to ornery old men and the comically obese. I did this for over three years, playing music a bit, reading here and there, and writing a little when I was inspired.

I had to get another job in another awful factory earlier this year. Though I liked my old job, I was starting to have a lot of increasingly terrible issues regarding management and the company I worked for was slowly going under so I knew it was time to go. So here I am, doing something I swore I would never do again. At least I'm going to college again on what money I've saved up, but balancing it with this schedule is pushing me to my limits. I'm trying to get better at managing time, but it's a kind of constant struggle. I just feel like I wake up, barely take a shower, eat an apple or something while driving, go to school for a few hours, work until 11 at night, study/read, sleep a few hours, and then start over the next day. I think if I can adapt to having little to no free time or go back to working part-time again I'll be okay, but right now I'm struggling to find time to do anything but work. I'm thankful that this week has been somewhat slow at least. I'm doing much better than before. Hopefully I'll be at an actual university soon enough. I really have an entirely different attitude towards it this time around, though I'm still not really certain which direction to go in. I think at this point I just want the satisfaction of knowing I finished this ordeal. I'm just terrified of running out of money, which is inevitable.

I feel like a piece of shit for writing all this in a thread where all you have to do is fucking list your college, how you like it, and your favorite book, but I just don't really have anyone to talk to these days and I feel a little better having typed it anyway.
>Not certain. Cat's Cradle maybe.

>> No.7157208

I fucked up the greentext. oh well.

>> No.7157209

yeah I thought it would be like, the "bad-boy" university. like it was just town pariah because it was misunderstood, a diamond in the rough - y'know, like ME. turns out its just not a very good school and UT is

At least we're not OCAD

>> No.7157212

oh and
>the once and future king

>> No.7157226

I'm sort of in the same boat. Went to community college at 20, killed it, but didn't do anything with it afterwards even though I planned to go to uni. Worked a few shitty menial jobs. Now I don't even work anymore.

>> No.7157228

Ryerson is college-tier.

>> No.7157299

because it's embarrassing that you think midd is good. you would 'learn shit' anywhere else

>> No.7157404

>army school in my city
>pretty shitty, exagerated patriotism with tons of discipline, made me a better man but I could learn that on my own
>Umberto Eco's The name of the rose

>> No.7157428

>What school do you go to?
Paris 7.

>How do you like it?
I thought college was useless and filled with unbearable normies thanks to /lit/ until I get there and discovered it was awesome. Everyone was well-read as hell.

>What's your favorite book?
I don't know. I don't have a favorite book. Probably some Racine plays, Athalie or Mithridate.

>> No.7157433
File: 484 KB, 2000x1000, DOMINVS_ILLVMINATIO_MEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7157438

You need a bachelors to enter a seminary, pleb.

>> No.7157466

This is a picture of Oxford, know. Dominus Illuminatio Mea is their motto.

>> No.7157616


So you don't actually go to Michigan. Why do you try and pass it off that you do?

>> No.7158891

>I thought college was useless and filled with unbearable normies thanks to /lit/ until I get there and discovered it was awesome. Everyone was well-read as hell.
Average American College =/= Paris 7

Just befriend your books. You don't want me as an acquaintance anyway.

>> No.7158898


What's the point of just posting the picture of your uni without even contributing to the thread?

>> No.7158908


>McGill, Chem. Engineering
>Out of school is hugely fun, in school the stress is unbelievable

>> No.7158926


That's Oxbridge cunts for you, nothing more than pretentious faggots who think that they're intelligent just because of their alma mater

>> No.7158931

I'm jealous. Enjoy the opportunity, mate.

>> No.7158977

Do people there still talk about the massacre?

>> No.7159032

Is it really that worse in American colleges? Paris 7 is barely “free” and quite easily accessible just like most of public universities here.

>> No.7159145

I was thinking of Paris IV or V - some Sorbonne place mentioned in my Contemporary French Philosophy course (which I fucked off in).

>> No.7159153


I'm a sophomore studying Comparative Literature. Email?

>> No.7159241

As far as I heard, there are few differences with other universities. Paris 7 is well-known for its literature department.

>> No.7159820

i'm a freshman attending their writing program. if either of you are interested i'm ikelley@pratt.edu

>> No.7159825

A community college, plan on transferring whenever.
social life is shitty, but professors aren't that bad and the main location (this college district is divided all over the county) is a very nice facility... I like to stay there after weekend class and do whatever.
favorite book is fuck I can't choose... No Longer Human probs.

>> No.7159870
File: 40 KB, 200x247, University_of_Vermont_212567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related
>not really. a lot of really dumb guys and boring girls. it's pretty much "weed lmao" the school
>heart of darkness or blood meridian

>> No.7159924
File: 70 KB, 443x664, antiromaticvisual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow uOttawa undergrad checking in

Really enjoying it, I had an incredible class with Jeffrey Reid last year, people gave him a standing ovation on the final day of the semester.

Mrs. Dalloway

>> No.7159981

Hello there, I'm at Paris 7 also

>> No.7160047 [DELETED] 

>Loyola New Orleans
>Majoring in Music Business/Music Composition. love it
>Absalom, Absalom!

>> No.7160055
File: 192 KB, 768x1155, 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Loyola New Orleans
>Majoring in Music Business/Music Composition. love it
>Absalom, Absalom!

>> No.7160067

>Stony Brook University
>can't imagine any other school being drastically different really. it's depressing as fuck but I love my department.
>Moby Dick

Ha, we have Sodexo here too. Seems like every day someone different finds a cockroach or caterpillar in their salad.

>> No.7160146


>> No.7160163

I like fucking your girls, but they are boring. Maybe if the guys weren't so boring the girls wouldn't jump on any dick that comes in from a better school.

Pretty sure you posted in an /fa/ thread I started about neighborhoods.

>> No.7160170


ayyyyy i'm warrior too. but i hated 100yos so we wouldnt get along i dont think. whats your second favorite book?

>> No.7160283

Yeah that was me. I'd meant to post it in a uni thread on /fa/

>> No.7160297

>look at me! I have sex! me! me! me! pay attention!

>> No.7160423

University of Central Florida
Can't wait to get out, glad I already have a degree from another school that isn't as SJW afflicted

>> No.7160570

I remember you /fit/ Vermont bro

>> No.7160574

Mad UVM cuck detected.

>> No.7160579

>u of t
>the campus is nice, the website it good, the profs are a mixed bag tending to mediocre
>the Lyrical Ballads

>> No.7160590

ahahaha i graduated from pace in may, good luck kid

>> No.7160752

ok big guy

>> No.7160758
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>> No.7160760

>the turner diaries

>> No.7160765
File: 38 KB, 500x395, columbine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7160782

>Columbia University
>No good, campus is too small and crowded compared to my undergrad (state school in the south), MBA and law students everywhere
>Durant's Story of Philosophy

>> No.7160813

Ayy, hey neighbour

> La Trobe
> I'm indifferent; just checkin' the boxes; getting my papers, you know?
> Snow Country / Kawabata

>> No.7160949

Well that's because you went to William and Mary Mothafucka. 1 up'd. Actually 5 up'd for the long distance snipe while thoroughly intoxicated.

>> No.7160960

The fact that you think that is precisely why I need people like you for acquaintances. I am not an Autist but a dysfunctional normie and I am drawn ever closer to the non-existence of normie-ism.

>> No.7160964

do you live in california?

>> No.7161032

>I do not see that many SJWs
they are literally everywhere

>> No.7161081

lmao do you go to midd too?

>> No.7161109

>Melbourne Law School.

>Its shit

>> No.7161144

Which major?

>> No.7161169

Nice meme!

>> No.7161377

I said "I am", but in fact I was. It was in sociology.

>> No.7161437

Nice. I was in LEA.

>> No.7161451

Nice. Was it good? Where were your lessons, in the Halle aux farines?

>> No.7161459
File: 172 KB, 480x561, logo_UFSC[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What school do you go to?
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
>How do you like it?
I don't what i am studying - electrical engineering - though i value the people i have met.
>What's your favorite book?
Caim - Saramago - or Notes from underground.

>> No.7161701

You should try and study lit at York St. John