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7102793 No.7102793 [Reply] [Original]

How do I accept that I'm not special or unique or significant in any way?

I'm having a hard time accepting it

>> No.7102797

but op, you are special

special ed that is


>> No.7102803

spend the rest of your life looking in the mirror

>> No.7102808

I denied that by becoming redpilled.

Join /r9k/ and /pol/ and you will realize that you really ARE SOMEONE, because you're presumably a white heterosexual male. This makes you inherently valuable and sets you apart from nonwhites, women, and gays (the latter we call 'mentally ill')

>> No.7102810

Embrace average. Do the things you do not for greatness but for yourself

>> No.7102814

I'm a non white woman so...

>> No.7102815

if youve realized it and have done nothing to change that youve already accepted it.

>> No.7102819

But HOW do I embrace average? What's the point of just doing things for myself? I'm just so insignificant

Even above average people are insignificant and not special

>> No.7102825

It's totally freeing, actually.

Here's why: when you're special and talented, expectations are high. You're smart, why aren't you curing cancer? Why aren't you getting into a better college? Why aren't you making tons of money yet, I thought you were special?

Being smart or talented makes you a failure unless you achieve what people think you can. The floor of your expectations is set way up high near the ceiling. But if you're not special, then your floor is right there on the floor and any progress you make is all gravy.

Humility is so much better than arrogance.

>> No.7102826

But there's absolutely nothing you can do to change it

If you don't like the word accept, how about "feel a lot better about" it.

>> No.7102833

Even smart and talented people are not unique or special, they're just above average

I'm talking about doctor who or Jesus level significant here

>> No.7102834
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top fucking kek

this is some perfect irony given the "how can I accept I'm not special" subject of the thread

>> No.7102840

You don't embrace average. You embrace self-control and self-discipline, without giving attention to externalities like prestige and wealth.

It's called stoicism and it fuelled the most noble individuals in history.

Read the Enchiridion of Epictetus.

>> No.7102841

I am better than you insofar as you are gay, non-white, or a woman because MY ancestors created civilization.

This is fact. Take the redpill and see how special I truly am

>> No.7102857

>entire worldview is based on an argument to authority opinon

"my dad can beat up your dad" doesn't really work on the playground either lol. Rest on the laurels of your forebears all you want, you're still a failure.

>> No.7102869

I am inherently morally worth more than women, gays, or non-whites.

There is nothing you can say to disprove this obvious fact.

>> No.7102870

But your ancestors aren't you, take the black pill, and see how worthless you truly are.

>> No.7102877

OP you are unique, you need to understand that while unique you still share many traits with your fellow Man.

Embrace what you have

>> No.7102884

>special or unique or significant
Define these.

>> No.7102889

define inherent
define morally
define fact
define disprove

>> No.7102904
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>I am inherently morally worth more than women, gays, or non-whites.
>How do I accept that I'm not special or unique or significant in any way?

lel. I fucking love the irony of this guy's delusion.

>> No.7102905


What do you mean exactly by special? Sure you could say everyone's special so no one's special; or that statistically there's bound to be a few pearly outliers like Elon Musk or Harold Pinter or Napoleon, but then how are you defining 'outlier'? Simply as somebody who's well-known? If that's your definition, then the pearl serves as the perfect analogy for about 1 in 10,000 people are famous, the criterion being having a Wiki page, this is the same number of oysters in nature that produce pearls, hence their value. So by that formulation, yeah you're probably not special, but then again neither is 9,999 other people, but that's only judging using a very limited metric. People are far more complex and nuanced to be labeled as something or another, and they influence and interact with eachother in so many multifarious ways that you could grant responsibilty of massive worldly events to wholly unknown figures, secretaries, advertising agents, anything. The world is a system in which every mechanism is necessary: this is assuming that you're a participatory member, however. And what is that? Someone who gives more than they take, a producer as in an ecosystem; and there are many ways to produce my friend, uniquely at that. Special's just a mindset, like most things–decry the delusion.

>> No.7102919

I am saying that by accepting the objective truth of the redpill, you CAN become SPECIAL and UNIQUE, insofar as you are a white heterosexual and preferably property-owning male.

>> No.7102931

>I am saying that by accepting the objective truth of the redpill, you CAN become SPECIAL and UNIQUE, insofar as you are a white heterosexual and preferably property-owning male.

Is this an argument for intentional self-delusion?

>> No.7102942

>I am saying that by accepting the objective truth Jesus Christ, you CAN become SPECIAL and LOVED BY GOD, insofar as you are a god-fearing christian.

Is "redpill" a code word for "kool aid"?

>> No.7102950

Oh some guy is arrogant in the posts following an op that's talking about humility, how funny.
Aren't they ridiculous enough on their own? They legitimately almost feel like a satire of that ideology.
I don't find humor in its just being in this particular thread.

>> No.7102953
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Civilization is built on the back of average people. It's built on the bones of countless faceless workers and soldiers. The ideas of great men would have remained ideas if it weren't for those people and yet they do get any credit, lost to time.

It doesn't matter OP.

>> No.7102957


>> No.7102973

>people are falling for this

>> No.7102977

People are ACTUALLY falling for this b8.

>> No.7102993

Well it obviously matters to me

>> No.7102998

Yes, to a certain extent. But it's not IRRATIONAL self-delusion, because it's grounded in scientific fact

>> No.7103006

>how do I embrace average?
>what's the point of just doing things for myself?

The fact that you are asking these questions proves that you haven't really grasped the concept.
Everything you do should happen out of some personal desire; you shouldn't just write for writing's sake but for some deeper motivation. If you cannot find such motivation right now, wait a couple of years.

>even above average people are insignificant
Exactly. And this is a good thing for you, because it means that you are on one level with them.
Forget about success and find a personal motivation for the things you want to succeed in. Btw, succeeding in something doesn't mean getting published or that your work will be viewed by a large audience. It should just mean that you are content with the way in turned out

>> No.7103043


Sorry, but how can you agree that 'even above average people are insignificant'? Insignificant in reference to what? I find it hard to completely disregard the value or importance of anyone that we–and I mean anybody by 'we'– haven't decided to designate as 'special,' whatever that means.

>> No.7103097

I was just trying to say that feeling insignificant isn't being insignificant. It doesn't matter how small you feel, you still make a difference just like all the other average people in history. What would the state be without its people? What would Alexander the Great be without his army? In fact, Julius Caesar broke down in tears as he felt he, in comparison to Alexander, he had not achieved much in life.

Would you be glad if the world was rid of it's geniuses and great men just so you could seem significant by comparison?

>> No.7103098


>> No.7103146

> you still make a difference just like all the other average people in history. What would the state be without its people? What would Alexander the Great be without his army? In fact, Julius Caesar broke down in tears as he felt he, in comparison to Alexander, he had not achieved much in life.

You have a smaller perspective than me.

Even the great men and the biggest differences are insignificant in the grand scheme of the universe.

For me to feel significant I would need to feel like one of the most interesting things to have popped up in the universe. Otherwise I'm just nothing.

Also I disagree with you that I make any difference as an average person. I'm an easily replaceable cog I'm not doing much at all, and as a person I'm not much either.

>> No.7103149

this so much.

also you must remind yourself that all the constructs of society are just that. no one has a gun to your head forcing you to be a certain person.

>> No.7103158


>Everything you do should happen out of some personal desire; you shouldn't just write for writing's sake but for some deeper motivation. If you cannot find such motivation right now, wait a couple of years.

I don't see how this has anything to do with being insignificant and not special. So what if I do things for my own pleasure, how does that make me feel better about not being notable?

>Forget about success and find a personal motivation for the things you want to succeed in. Btw, succeeding in something doesn't mean getting published or that your work will be viewed by a large audience. It should just mean that you are content with the way in turned out

I don't care about work or success, I never have

I'm talking about insignificance in the universe and in history here.

>> No.7103161

ha! underrated post fo sho

>> No.7103191

You live out your life on earth though. In the grand scheme of things the rest of the universe may as well not exist. You could discard the achievements of man but then what is an 'interesting' thing? Because, surely, nothing that matters in the universe will come out of the mouth of a hairless ape living on some tiny,shitty rock?

Why do you even aspire to be above-average and significant? What benefits do you gain from this? Would your life magically become better? This just feels like general dissatisfaction with life blamed on the feeling of insignificance.

>> No.7103197

you just need to shrink your world down to a relatable size, work on your identity relative to your immediate surroundings.

or you can kill yourself

>> No.7103218

Out of something like 80 billion people who have lived on this planet, the vast, VAST majority of them are forgotten and will never be remembered. Unless you are Einstein, Shakespeare, Lincoln, Napolean, Hitler or something to this degree, you will probably be one of those 80 billion people once all your family and friends are dead.

But that's just something you're gonna have to accept. I understand the need to want to leave something behind, proof of my existence, to be able to know when I die that I won't be forgotten. We tend to define the value and worth of our existence based on how well will we be remembered long after we die.

But almost all of us won't be remembered 100 or even 500 years after you die. How many best selling authors or rich billionaires nowadays will be easily recalled in the year 2568? How many best selling popular writers from the 18th century can you recall without using Google?

These are simply such massive and unrealistic standards, expectations and metrics to impose on the average individual (and be average in this context I basically mean 99.99% of all humans ever). You must accept the fact that you will become obscure sometime after you die, or live in this kind of pensive misery.

>> No.7103222

If by ancestors you mean peasants and factory grunts, then sure. This is assuming your ancestors weren't the minority of educated aristocracy, which I don't think they were.

>> No.7103230

Fail considerably a repetitively in something you put tremendous effort into.

Trust me, it works

>> No.7103232

>But that's just something you're gonna have to accept. I understand the need to want to leave something behind, proof of my existence, to be able to know when I die that I won't be forgotten.

No, that's not it at all. I just want to be notable and an interesting thing, regardless of whether the rest of the world clocks on to it or not.

>> No.7103236
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Man lives consciously for himself, but is an unconscious instrument in the attainment of the historic, universal, aims of humanity. A deed done is irrevocable, and its result coinciding in time with the actions of millions of other men assumes an historic significance. The higher a man stands on the social ladder, the more people he is connected with and the more power he has over others, the more evident is the predestination and inevitability of his every action.

"The king's heart is in the hands of the Lord."

A king is history's slave.
History, that is, the unconscious, general, hive life of mankind, uses every moment of the life of kings as a tool for its own purposes.

>> No.7103237

>Marxist shit detected

A proper /pol/-redpilled person doesn't care about class struggle, but identity politics.

>> No.7103242

Yeah, I love how >muh ancestry fags always assume their forefathers were aristocrats or the ruling elite rather than them being much more likely to have been poor as shit peasants.

They then cherrypick their race/nationalities great men and then piggyback off of their achievements rather than creating their own self worth.

>> No.7103250

so you tell yourself your ancestors didn't spend the majority of their lives shitting in fields

>> No.7103251

Those poor as shit people CREATED Western civilization together with the rest. So they're valuable too.

>> No.7103257

Not gonna lie, I know that feel

>> No.7103265

So, you admit that your ancestors most likely didn't 'build civilization's, as you so put it, but were for the most part illiterate, replaceable, lower class, up until a few generations ago? And you admit you're just associating yourself with the minority who did advance civilization, simply because you happen to share the same skin colour as them, so as to inflate your ego?

>> No.7103266

Same here.

>> No.7103270

Yes, I know , I don't deny the average joes role in history. I was talking about deluded fucktards who believe believe their ancestors were the minority of privileged nobility and then believe they are entitled to the achievements of anyone who happened to look like them.

>> No.7103280

So are the workers in South East Asia who produce a myriad of products for the West from Clothes to Electronics. So the /pol/tards claim to supremacy is still idiotic.

>> No.7103304

Who's going to determine whether you're interesting? Others, or yourself? If the latter, then things should be relatively easy.

>> No.7103309

Pretty much. Looking for validation through other people is asking for disappointment.

>> No.7103331

White society is clearly superior to savage Asian society. There can be no debate about this

>> No.7103347

In what way? What constitutes white society?

>> No.7103351

Non-degeneracy and Christian values.

>> No.7103361

You decide whether you become special or not.

>> No.7103363

Alright, you either make effort into becoming extraordinary or you remain ordinary like any other faggot living on this Earth.
Now, with that said. There is nothing wrong in being ordinary. It's, imo, the safest path to go. There are so many examples of extraordinary people who will be remembered for centuries, even millenias. Many of them were either murdered for it or committed suicide on the way. Many grew old also, but with a life to look back at which consisted of merely displeasure.

I can give you some examples right away.

>Alexander the Great
I bet there are a shitload of other examples out there, but my point is that achieving greatness or uniqueness isn't easy.

>> No.7103365

Oh fuck. This is too good.

What's degenerate about Asian societies? The Philipines is majority Christians btw

>> No.7103367

>Jesus existed
This is what catholics literally believe.

>> No.7103370

They aren't white

>> No.7103374

I'm not religious, but it's pretty clear that Jesus of Nazareth existed

>> No.7103381

Read The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins.

>> No.7103384

The person Jesus existed, faggot. He was probably not the son of God, though.

>> No.7103391

>LOL stupid funDIEs rejecting scholarly consensus on evolution
>DAE think Jesus never existed?

>> No.7103393

Ah, so Viking raiders were 'Non-Degenerate'

>> No.7103404

Do you vilify Japan as well? Of course you don't because they make your animu but I guess they're 'honorary aryans' since Hitler-sama said so.

>> No.7103406

Read The Richard Dawkins Delusion by God.

>> No.7103411
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>/pol/trolls guaranteed replies!

>> No.7103421

Embrace the delusion and give your all to whatever you think you're gifted at. The real world will handle the rest.

>> No.7103429

They have honor like the white man. And they stay to themselves and don't force degeneracy through interraciality and similar attempts at white genocide

>> No.7103463

This. These Jewish shills are paid by Israel to denigrate the proud and noble dignity and truth of the redpill

>> No.7103465


>> No.7104306

You make yourself special, but for you, for the world, not only for people to see.
Cliché, but follow your passion, if you're not sure you have any, then dive deeper into the things you find more interesting. That's how you should live, and if you do it you'll do good things, and rise above the shit of averageness most people feel comfortable living in.

Feel like shit because you're only a 7? (not phisically) Then good, most people feel ok when they're 7's because their highest is 10. Fuck that shit, aim for 20, then 50, then 100 and so on.
A wise man is never fully happy with where he is, you can always be fucking better, and I don't mean thte usual kind of shit gym jocks say, what's the fucking use of lifting 300 lb? None!
Develop something, write something, study think, hypothetize, contribute to the advancement of science and arts.

You could also immerse yourself in self destruction, but do it in a big way, whores and cocaine, heroine, fuck up your relationships, etc,

>> No.7104357

You are unique, but you're not better than anyone else. Accept a quiet life over dreams of fame or fortune, it is the best walk of life a man could want.

>> No.7105010
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>why people join hate groups: the post

>> No.7105024

>your experience is the only experience you can ever experience
>not special

>> No.7105065
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>tfw you have to accept that you will never be able to gain enough skill in something to even be considered average and you just have to sit on the sidelines like some sad disabled kid watching a sport.

>> No.7105081
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90% of asians are like that

China has like 800 thousand immigrants in a country of billions. Lowest per capita on earth or close to it. They also score really high on iq tests. I'm totes mixing my genes with a qt asian gf.

>> No.7106313
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