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7074257 No.7074257 [Reply] [Original]

How do i become better at conversing? I feel like i have nothing to say, especially to people that don't share a common interest.

>> No.7074260

~ j u s t - b - u r s e l f ~

>> No.7074264


>> No.7074266

Ask questions, show interest. 90% of charisma is making people feel interesting.

>> No.7074271

If you have nothing to say, ask questions and listen instead.

>> No.7074272

I like the silence

>> No.7074283

I'm in the same boat. I can't figure out what to ask and no one is into the stuff I am.

>> No.7074298

I think you expect way too much of a conversation with a random person. You aren't going to have deep, interesting, long-lasting conversations with someone you just met most of the time. I'm also 'bad' at conversing, but it's piss easy to have a conversation for 5 minutes with someone by just finding something they did (vacation, study, etc.) or like (music, sports, etc.) and asking a few questions about it, If it doesn't click then move the fuck on after the conversation dies out, if it clicks congratulations you probably have found a new friend.

>> No.7074307

is this New Sincerity?
what the hell is going on with this board

>> No.7074312


>New sincerity

You realize you are not in the 1990's dont you?

>> No.7074313

>waaaahhhh muh safe space for being edgy

God forbid "your board" should be infected by the menace of decent people.

>> No.7074317

Dont be so self absorbed.
You are probably one of those people who love listening to themselves talking.
Become interested in what other people do or like.
Ask them about it.
People love talking about their lives and what they do.
Just keep asking questions about their lives as long as its not something absolutely ridiculous or obvious.

>> No.7074322
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pic related
yes, yes i do
Never said it was my board -- it just feels ... different. Comfy, but not interesting.
Spent too much time on other boards I suppose; gotten too used to shitposting.

>> No.7074352

There's plenty of shitposting here too, but threads without meme value tend to go under the radar and avoid it.

>> No.7074377
File: 66 KB, 554x439, Colored whatevs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>conversing with people that don't share a common interest

either you don't have enough interests or you've met a boring person who doesn't have enough interests

>> No.7074383

don't attempt to talk to plebs

>> No.7074404


Just make observations about the world around you, that's what conversation is about. Don't talk about yourself or your ideas very much, weave your self and your ideas into your observations about the experience you're sharing with the person you're with.

That's basically it, I'm not saying it's easy, if you've been staring at the idiot box for years it will take lots of practice, but that's what being a good conversationalist is about.

>> No.7074408


>ask questions

Not too many, nothing is more annoying than an interrogator. If the other person wants to reveal things about him/herself that's cool but you don't just ask question after question. That's something Americans do that's extremely irritating.

>> No.7074431

Can you give some example?

>> No.7074442


I think that you should be able to befriend everyone or WW3 will soon occur

>> No.7074447

Is being a good conversationalist a necessity for writing good dialogue?

>> No.7074482


Writing is different from speaking, and reading from hearing

>> No.7074486

Lose your self consciousness, say whatever the fuck you want. Assuming you're not a stupid person in your nature, it will usually turn into charm (after people are done being shocked)

>> No.7074560

you could take a hit-or-miss approach. talk about the stuff you like, what you found funny, or insightful WITHOUT being pompous or hard to understand. when you get the hang of it, you're pretty much talking about what you care about while still making it understandable. of course, this gives it more polarity since it's closer to you, and people can dislike that. but a more honest approach has served me well

or small talk all the time but i hate doing that so i don't mind being a little strange. not awkward, but distinct. if you are doing small talk, then follow it up. ask about why they chose to work there for example, and give a response to that. not just nodding and smiling. or you can enjoy the silence. that really is fine, but it'll trigger asspie alarms and most people don't know how to deal with silence

my humor seems to catch on well for example, even though i borrow heavily from 4chan and just dilute it somewhat. more importantly, it's fun entertaining people. you'll know when you get to make someone laugh real hard or give them a new perspective, not that that should be the only goal. the goal is making an honest effort to enjoy sharing your time with someone else, because it's a unique opportunity and time is limited. it's when i'm not doing that that i don't give a fuck about the conversation. hell, i got a tricycle driver (transport in my country) to get me off for free and i was just having a good time

>> No.7074563


>pretty day out
>yeah this has been a pretty mild summer
>yeah that's what I love about this state, it's so temperate. It gets nice and hot in the summer and nice and cold in the winter, it's balanced as hell
>I know what you mean
>we haven't been hiking in a while man
>yeah it has been some time
>well I'm off this weekend let's go stomp through the woods a bit
>ah I hate hiking in the summer it's too buggy
>the bugs ARE annoying but I also love the noise of them, it's a constant song, every time you step outside you hear this overpowering "REEEEoooREEEEoooo", I think it's very cool


I dunno if a real conversation would go like that, and in a real conversation the other person would have more to say, but that's an example.

>> No.7074572

weather is such a big no-no, really.
whenever someone tells me somthing about "the heat" or some shit I just wish the entire conversation to end.

>> No.7074620

Weather talk is usually an indicator of someone just trying to be friendly or intiate a conversation. It's a non commital test of the waters. If you hate it move on from it, but its something you can always begin with just about anyone... exclusing aspie misanthropes ;)

this guy gets it. It's cool to ask questions as long as you aren't interrogating but you need to also share some of yourself. Make them feel comfortable enough to do the same.

>> No.7074649
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Don't do it if you don't share some interests. If you should, try let them talk and ask questions.

>> No.7074657


Yeah I agree, that was just a generic example with a generic topic. Usually you'd actually have something in common with the person you're talking with, like work or school, and you could talk about that, or the place you're in, etc. There's always something happening around you to talk about.

>> No.7074671

Weather is a good opener because it's the one thing everyone doubtlessly has in common. You don't know anything about any of the strangers in your city, but you do know they've been experiencing the weather of the day. This is the ONLY reason anyone ever mentions weather.

In theory it's supposed to go like this:

I can't believe the thunderstorm we had last night.
>I know, I'm mad the baseball game got rained out.
Oh, you had tickets to that game?
>Yeah, I've got season tickets; I actually don't use them most of the time, but that game I did want to see.
Yeah, they've been doing good this year, etc, etc.

It's supposed to lead to other topics that the parties might have in common.

>> No.7075045

I spend so much time alone the few times I do speak with others, I talk like a retard: stumbling over words, messing up sentence order, barely able to get a flowing paragraph together, choppy pauses when I'm trying to get a simple word and I just come off as a general sperg.

>> No.7075203

Spout random memes, and you will be loved

>> No.7075616

This is so insipid and meaningless though.

It's just wasting time and I feel like no actual bond will ever be fostered. What's the point?

>> No.7075655

are you just now realising that the majority of what people say is inane, useless, pointless, meaningless shit? and that people rarely, if ever, think before they speak to consider if what they're saying is worthwhile?

seriously I sit in lecture halls before the lecturers arrive and listen to the conversations going on around me and the stuff people say and talk about is simply mind-boggling in so many fucking ways

try it at whatever your easiest equivalent situation is, like a cafe or something

>> No.7075668

I'm not just realizing it. I've never had good friendships. Just acquaintances I saw from time to time for the purpose of work or necessary diversion.

Why should I care for conversation like this? It's excruciatingly boring. It's like trying to pick a lock at another's person mind and your attempts are continuously fruitless.

>> No.7075676

oh no don't get me wrong you shouldn't care at all, I'm completely on your side here, most of the stuff I hear actually drives me crazy trying to comprehend how little almost EVERYONE thinks before they speak

>> No.7075781

>Why should I care for conversation like this?

Do you want to have friends? If you do, having inane conversations is often the first step. And you can't have interesting conversations if you don't have any friends.

Like it or not, most people that aren't autistic wont open up very much if you haven't gone through the rituals of "getting to know each other," which includes that initial boring conversation.

Are those conversations truly "excruciatingly boring," or do they just make you uncomfortable because you're inexperienced and insecure?

>> No.7075786

What if there are women around?

>> No.7075802

>>7075781 here.

I just wanted to add that you're right: a lot of people--and the things those people talk about--are dumb.

But I think you should still try talking to them. The practice is still valuable so that you're ready when you do meet people that you like.

>> No.7075827

Everyone knows small talk is mostly bullshit.
It's just like talking to women, it takes practice.
You have to be smooth, just let the words flow. If you are sperging out at every word, you end up looking like a faggot.
Be confident, keep your chin up and fake it til you make it, buddy.

You can do it!

>> No.7075831

>Are those conversations truly "excruciatingly boring," or do they just make you uncomfortable because you're inexperienced and insecure?

Not the guy you're replying too, but I dislike them for both reasons. Even as I've become more comfortable making small talk, it's never been very fun. I've also been the one to initiate and carry a lot of boring, introductory conversations too. That's particularly tedious and the possibility of making a friend out of it doesn't seem worth it. Then again I rarely connect with people on an emotional level, and I've come to a point where I view having friends as more of a luxury than a necessity.

>> No.7075875

I've had one good conversation with a guy about a theological issue. I like having conversations like that.

Last group of "friends" I had I was with them for over a year. It was the same inane bullshit throughout. I have better conversations online here and a forum I'm on with people I've never seen and don't know anything about.

Face to face conversation though is more intimate and more real. I want it but like most things out there, it's muddled in fatuous shit.

Maybe I am inexperienced. I don't know. Maybe I should practice. Maybe I'm arrogant and think I'm too good for this bullshit. I don't know.

How do other people keep going with it? Even listening to supposedly good friends from a distance, it still seems pointless.

>> No.7075897

Mostly if there are women around.
Just talk what's on your mind, and lead the conversation. Women are more than glad to hop on the boat when they meet someone with a strong personality. For me at least, being somewhat rude/judgmental towards are woman often leads to her wanting me. And it's not like im good looking or anything.
You should obviously filter yourself a little bit, but generally just talk free.

>> No.7075988

you guys are missing the point of conversation in the first place.
it's not to have some deep conversation about politics, art and literature.
it's food, you know the sims? you know how if you don't talk to anyone your social bar will fall and eventually you hallucinate and talk to your imaginary friend?
if you don't talk to anybody you will inevitably start to suck at talking to people and you will also feel like shit.
and it's not just talking to people, it's connecting with the other person. if you don't have that connection you don't get your "food".

i tend to befriend weirdos and tbh i can't stand them when they think we're best friends after we have a talk about art/politics/whatever, it's like they haven't connected with anyone in forever and they think it's the fact that we're talking about something "deep" that makes it so special. it really isn't, it's the fact that they only deem it worthy to connect with someone else on a basic human level when it's something "important".
i get that common interests matter and you generally want friends with similar interests, but to starve yourself in this way is just plain stupidity.

>> No.7076024

I often mess up my grammar when talking to people, due to my mouth going faster than my brain, or at least that's what it feels like.
I asked people about it and they don't even notice it though.

You might just be exaggerating it in your head mate.

>> No.7076039

True, it really is a skill that most people unconsciously go about once they encounter a stranger. The problem is that plenty of people just can't do small talk; they want to get straight into conversations that matter. The problem with this is that the average pleb has various walls up because they're ashamed of letting strangers know their inner-thoughts (assuming they have any). So you have to work through so much mundane small talk just to get them to open up and be comfortable enough to tell you their philosophical/political/social/etc. views on things.

It's boring as fuck. I just got a new job and when I hear my coworkers talk it really is the most surface level, elementary tier exchanges. They seem to enjoy it though, unless they're faking it. I lean towards the latter, because most people seem to end up depressed and craving more substance out of life and these shitty exchanges we have daily probably contribute to it.

>> No.7076059

>if you don't talk to anybody you will inevitably start to suck at talking to people and you will also feel like shit.

This bummed me out. I've literally never connected with another person my whole life.

>> No.7076082

Most people haven't, whether they consider themselves to be social or not.

You have to become versed in the false reality that most people exist in if you want to thrive. How To Win Friends and Influence People, Social Engineering: The Art of Human Hacking, and the Definitive Book of Body Language are good starting points.

>> No.7076098

This sounds slightly sociopathic. Much better it is to just relax, not trying to impress anyone and go with the flow. Yes, it is hard at first to get into it.

>> No.7076100


This is a board about literature.

>> No.7076108

I agree 100%. You don't have to dominate every social situation, especially if it goes against your natural tendencies. Those books at least help in allowing you to be aware of certain things.

>> No.7076115

Same. I've resolved to not care anymore. I feel empty around other people. Sad as it may be books and you guys are my friends.

>> No.7076139

put it on tumblr

>> No.7076155

>That's something Americans do that's extremely irritating.
I do this INSIDE America and my fellow Americans find it annoying, actually.

>> No.7076164

Sorry, I don't browse tumblr so I'm not aware of what type of post would be suited for that website. :^)

>> No.7076204
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>never know what to say
>feign interest in the other person by asking them a bunch of questions about their life

i'll say "that's cool" after everything they say too

>> No.7076268

>A while back I saw that and thought it described a complete faggot
>Now, outside of the music and a few other things, it describes me really well
I do what you do all the time also

>> No.7076438

When meeting someone you can talk about the present, the past or the future. All three can be talked about in conversations of every level depending on depth.
I like to talk about immediate present and immediate future because it brings me and the person together, that way the discussion is focused on both of us.
Then, when I have achieved interest, I can move in for a question about the person past (immediate, medium or far past), depending on the situation. This gives the person the opportunity to retaliate with a similar question. Comparisons arise, which leads to matters of taste, history of the individual, and brings on complicity.
Next I usually bring the subject back to the immediate present with a clever sommersault (something in my past reminds me of something now), and I can ask the person about the immediate future.

>> No.7076479

Are you in college? Take a theater class (not theater study but actually acting) or a public speaking class.

>> No.7076501



All you need to do is show an interest in the person and ask open ended questions to sustain the conversation. It doesn't matter if you have absolutely nothing in common, just act interested in what they say and get them to talk about themselves.

I work in sales and this is what I do to create a bond between the customer and I.

>> No.7078528
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Words are just a mask for the emotions that come with social interaction. Its almost irrelevant what you say, your purpose in interacting with another person is far more important

People that are rusty or anxious in conversation should focus less on what they say and more on feeling comfortable. The easiest way to do this is create positive emotion in the other person who will, if they're socially competent, will do they same for you in turn. Conversation isn't a mechanical, prepared script kind of thing. Try to feel good with another person and the words will flow

>> No.7078903


Aspie detected

>> No.7078909

I'm fine talking to people one-on-one but in larger groups there often doesn't seem to be a way to contribute anything. No small talk hangups though so it could be worse.

>> No.7079038

I did a bunch of E this weekend. Really helped out in conversing with strangers.

>> No.7079060

Just say what comes to your mind.

When you're walking, your thoughts will always come up, the weather, what a girl is wearing, that book someone's reading, that neat little thing you noticed and then you just speak your mind and mention it.

If you're a good conversationalist, you would be listening more than talking as you're asking the relevant questions while sharing parts of yourself to them, enough to seem amusing and interesting without letting them know who you really are to keep the mystery. People don't need to share a common interest to talk to each other, they just need to have their personalities hit it off.

>> No.7079073

People WANT to converse, it's a matter of asking questions like you're at least a little interested. If you feel like you're quiet that's often because the person you're talking to isn't great at keeping a conversation going.

A good question isn't "Do you work?" it's "What is the coolest thing that has happened at work the past months?"

>> No.7079081

Yes I agree with this.

Most people all have something interesting that happened to them and have a story to share, listening and learning from these stories is what make authors great as they learn from this. People LOVE to talk about themselves, that's their favourite topic but most fail to have a chance of having an open ear.

There's nothing that pleases their ego more than a stranger listening to them and seeming genuinely interested in their lives.

Every human is like this.

>> No.7079136
File: 17 KB, 303x259, haha he misused 'hegelian' someone ought to decapitate him.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impressive snobbery in this thread

>and listen to the conversations going on around me and the stuff people say and talk about is simply mind-boggling in so many fucking ways

People talk so they can use their voices you idiot, if you just LISTEN to it instead of PARTICIPATING of course you'll find it pointless because conversing is the point and you're not doing it, conversations aren't audio products to suit you, and they aren't making any sort of Show or Entertainment for the listeners, they are creating a medium of communication that is inclusive—and you exclude yourself, so you can't comment on it.

If you judge those people by the content of what they say then let me tell you that if I were to judge you by the content of what you write you know where I'm going with this.

>it's excruciantingly boring
>excruciantingly boring
>so insipid
>no actual bond will ever be fostered

what are you 15

>a lot of people--and the things those people talk about--are dumb.
you blind fucken idiot you're missing the point too

>But I think you should still try talking to them.

I'll accept what you said about the "people are dumb" thing if it was some sort of rhetorical persuasive tool, but you don't meet people that you like, you like the people you meet

>how little almost EVERYONE thinks before they speak

¿ Would it be best if conversations went like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7MlY56Gj3Y ?

>> No.7079197

Why can't I be the one talking about my life and what I do?

>> No.7079242


Its great you let everyone know you are responding to snobs so we all know what to make of your post, because otherwise we might end up thinking your long winded post has no real point or substance :^)

>> No.7079255


>> No.7079323

good post

buncha underage faggots itt

>small talk is so empty heh

>> No.7079334




>> No.7080400
File: 1.34 MB, 3218x2430, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey gais I made a diagram of this dilemma

>pic related

>> No.7080422

How do you get to be a better talker? I'm a good listener, I think, for the most part and I like listening to people's stories. But most of the conversations I have are one-sided and I think it bores people when they're the only ones who talk. I just don't have many interesting stories or anecdotes to tell.

And how do you handle topics like sports and shit that everyone seems to talk about but you can't give the slightest shit about?

>> No.7080444

Keep up to date about soccer, it's a cultured sport that most meat head American sports fans will also know about and respect. Most soccer fans I know are young professionals and it's easy to just google rankings. Even if you're not the slightest bit interested, think about it as a tool in your arsenal.

>> No.7080489

Give me the basics on how to be a soccer casual. I know people get upset/rabid over Manchester United and Arsenal.

>> No.7080554

I just follow countries national teams bc UK football is a cult. Super easy to google random country<soccer team. Albania tied Holland recently, which is a miracle from a little unknown country, so I'd probably use that as a slide into a discussion about greater geopolitics or something (not that you should talk about politics with friends but it's an example of something deeper than small talk). As for UK just always call it "Manchester 1-0." Half the time you'll be right and the other half no one can blame you.

>> No.7080583

I like your drawings >>7078449 I encourage you to make drawings to make specific points when you see fit, creativity is needed a lot here

>> No.7080672

just want to correct you here that holland != the netherlands

>> No.7080765


>> No.7080828
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The Netherlands just got raped by Turkey in the Euro 2016 qualifier

>> No.7080837

You'd sound like an idiot calling a team Manchester to anyone who likes football.

>> No.7080887

If they're playing duh

>> No.7081031

I think we finally have the solution. Talk about sports.

>> No.7081047

Presumably he is pointing out that there is more than one team with "Manchester" in their name.

>> No.7081070

You're hinging your entire argument on something that is blatantly false. People don't talk "to use their voices", what is this bullshit?

People have surface level convos because that's what interests them. It doesn't mean someone is an "underaged edgelord faggot xD" for not finding it interesting themselves. Should I also watch prime-time TV and eat at McDonald's because everyone else does? Fuck you.

>> No.7081100

So what?

>> No.7081106
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it feels like to smash these keys doesn't it, like a tribute to what you read, and then maybe hnng lemme click your number again >>7081070
I love smashing these keys and I love writing poetry on paper (I love the sensation of the pencil on the paper and each word, each line makes the paper tremble like a small pulsation and each sentence flows like a


flowing thing

No, but seriously now. Why does the bird tweet? picrelated, might interest you. Although I said "people talk to user their voices" in a breeze and didn't directly have this in mind. The "content" of conversation is absolutely irrelevant and people are willing to talk about things that don't interest them as long as they are talking, because the talking is itself the content of the conversation.

>> No.7081114

If I do that I'll sound like a stoner/weirdo because I observe the most weird things...

>> No.7081116

First of all, it sounds like you fall on the autism spectrum, so have fun with that.

Second, you presented yourself as someone sensible who is able to converse freely with strangers, but it seems now that strangers probably don't enjoy the experience of dealing with you.

>> No.7081121

birds tweet for a lot of reasons, the author of that image should have specified a specific species. There are birds that sing simply for amusement and expression, some that sing to attract a mate, some that sing to claim territory and scare off other birds, and some that sing for all of those reasons...

>> No.7081129

You denounce snobbery but your post is the snobbiest one in this thread.

>> No.7081175

This makes a lot of sense.

>> No.7081207

I'm anxious as fuck about it, I always worry that anything that I say will make the person I'm talking to think I'm a weirdo or anything bad. I also worry about my facial expressions, hand movements, voice, body language.

All of that makes me second-guess everything I want to say. I'm always imagining "Should I say about this? Should I ask this?", I feel like I have only one chance to cause a good impression and every time I feel like I fail.

>> No.7081257

Niklas Luhmann calls this scenario double contingency. This means that for both of you every possible subject matter is valid enough to start a conversation, but there is no reason to start it. The contingency is doubled because borh conversational partners experience the same effect and it's difficult to chain each others thoughts. The logical solution would be to follow your own personal agenda, so you have a reason to initiate, or find a common topic to talk about, to make it easier to chain the thoughts

>> No.7081454

these were funny when there were maybe four lines, not walls of text.

>> No.7081480

Honestly, and I'm not just saying this to shitpost: start with the greeks. Read Aristotle's Rhetorics and Poetics

>> No.7081494
File: 26 KB, 733x579, are_you_trying_to_donut_me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is still a thread about small-talk, right?

>> No.7081558

>met a relatively qt girl in ITAL 101
>said in highschool she was voted most shy or something like that
>told me she loved reading
>asked her what she's read/ what she likes
I don't know /lit/, not sure if I'm interested. Should I just use this as an opportunity to string her along until she gets /lit/? She said that she likes reading, so that's a start.

>> No.7081647

Common interests are just one avenue to a relationship pal, there are many aspects of a person that you might find valuable. She might have a subtle sense of humour, she might be a nymph in bed, she might be very supportive or compassionate or whatever. Most of the interesting stuff about people only comes out after talking to them 4 or 5 times. Dont be a meme

>> No.7081662

Do not listen to this pleb, taste is the most important outwardly-facing trait to find in a person. It is the trait that will percolate into everything in their lives. Bad taste means they are intellectually inferior, and that's all you really need to know.

>> No.7081680

lol! so quirky anon haha xD wow you are really good at drawing haha wow

>> No.7081688

Real talk: Most girls are pretty much idiots and most girls who have a hobby got there due to the male influence from their boyfriends, fathers or brothers.

So who gives a shit if she likes to read garbage, all you want to do is get into her pants first. If this ever blossoms into a real relationship, you have more than enough time to teach her the nuances of literature and to lead her into better books of your picking. A man's role in a relationship is to guide and lead the girl and you'll eventually be given that position if you're able to. Besides, I doubt you'll be able to have a true intellectual discourse with a girl and you'll feel more comfortable shitposting on /lit/ while getting your sexual and relationship needs met by this girl.

In other words, go get laid faggot. Who gives a shit what she likes.

>> No.7081692

You're really pretentious and don't seem to have any meaningful relationships. I don't have only dull superficial conversations with my two friends.

>> No.7081699

If you thought that post was good, look at his second one: >>7081106

>> No.7081706

CLASSIC misogyny, anon! I rate it a 10 out of le 10 possible upboat points XD

I tip my le hat to le you

>> No.7081707

Like i said, what you're feeling is anxiety and unease and that manifests in your conversation. A lot of people in your situation, who havve a hard time w small talk, often have pretty good social skills but dont ever use them, because they never actually engage w other people. Its a long story but you should check out this link:

>> No.7081710

Maybe what people want isn't to get rid of the BS small talk that they have to listen to and partake in within their lives but instead to have more quality conversations because they find that more enjoyable?

Not everyone is a social butterfly or extrovert who likes being around chatter constantly. A deep conversation with someone smarter than you or on your level can be really invigorating, but I wager most of these guys who are "15 years old" or "speak like a Monty Python skit" don't have that opportunity.

So they're fucking off-put by all this trash and no gold nuggets to be uncovered, becoming more and more reclusive. And you're just telling them, go out and talk more when they see no damn point.

>> No.7081711

Practice. start at the Mirror, then service industry people, then associates, then friends, then grills

>> No.7081715

Fuck man.

I mean we all know we have to have inane stupid small talk with other people but I think the people complaining here have only experienced that in their lives. They've never had a good relationship with another person for whatever reason.

>inb4 they're just spergs

>> No.7081716

We know its you...

>> No.7081718

This is normal, nobody is born a great conversationalist, it is a skill like anything else that takes practice, practice and practice to become good at.

Try to force yourself or put yourself in a position where you have to talk to people or at least be in a class or something where you can talk to anyone and just strike up conversation. If you do this everyday, in a few months you'll notice you're a great conversationalist now that does not worry about the things you're worrying now.

People are anxious and nervous too but it's just a state of mind, you just need to learn that people themselves are too worried about themselves to worry about you.

>> No.7081769


I haven't had a conversation in a long long time. The hate is what bothers me.

And if you want to talk, you talk. If you have no one to provide you with a deep conversation, be the one who provides someone else with one. When I say you have to participate, I say that the conversation isn't lame in itself, I say it is what people make it to be. If you observe it from afar, you'll grow less aware of how its direction could so easily change by your presence. So is the nature of speaking: idle talk can be set straight by an unexpected intervention that makes people think, for example. Get rid of your anxieties and prejudices and dive in.
In the least of leasts just hear and observe in neutral quietness. It's easy to judge when you exclude yourself from something.

But me I barely utter more than a daily 200 syllables. It's everyone else's fault! Those damned idiots

>> No.7081792
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>the only person I talked to this entire weekend was the drive-thru guy at Bojangles

>> No.7081802

oh fuck, she mentioned that her brother's a weeb

>> No.7081806

So I bet she'll like anime and shit.

Enjoy anon, go get her. If she's open to making conversation with you, she's interested in you. Please ask her out asap instead of delaying it, the longer you wait the less chances you have.

>> No.7081831

Literally Plebeian.

>> No.7081839

woah there, I'm not just on 4chins, I'm also on /lit/. I've never kissed, fucked, held hands, had a gf, or whatever else there is that signals romantic intimacy. Why should I leave my forever alone bubble. I just started making it cozy and everything.

>> No.7081842

Good man. Stick with the Greeks. Never go outside.

>> No.7081843

Fuck, I just read my own post. I should probably ask her out.

Next point: How?

>> No.7081844

What a loser. I've talked to 4 people if you include saying "hi" in passing and a cashier. I'm a regular social butterfly.

>> No.7081855


>just started making it cozy and everything.


there are days I feel as big as the universe, everything that moves is an atom, nothing speaks and nothings matters and nothing is personal, humans are chimps and life is great, but then the banalities and social images are thrown at me at a brutal force that makes me recoil and implode and feel like shit, and it's not cozy at all

so, how

>> No.7081856

Say hello.

Say you want to go to a place that you'd usually go. Tell her that she should join you. If she remotely likes you, she'll agree and it'll be smooth sailing from there. Don't be stupid and ask her out for coffee/dinner/lunch or whatever that involves money that requires you paying for it.

>> No.7081864

oh shit son, I read in the university's gardens ~1 hour every day, so that could work. We're both required to be on that there mealplan, so I could ask if she wants to grab lunch sometime.

>> No.7081877
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Not the anon you replied to.
I was upset because of tfwnogf for a long time. I came to a realization that I could either maintain my current lifestyle, which I more or less enjoy but is a turn off to women, or I could force myself to be more outgoing, which I wouldn't enjoy, and eventually get a gf. I chose the former obviously. Most importantly I have things that I really like to do to distract myself from life.
Also antidepressants

>> No.7081883

Good luck, if a girl enjoys your company or likes you, she'll make time for you. It's pretty much a golden rule. Also dont be a pussy and be the captain of a ship and the girl your 2nd in command. Act like a captain and know what you want and tell her. Males are inherently hunters and girls love commanding males more than pussy males.

>> No.7081887
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>I chose the former obviously

kek, same. I also like to think I've got a lot of extra spending money now, too.

>> No.7081895

Gotcha, she's been pretty beta so far, and was awed by how I "know everyone" despite me having a grand total of like 4 friends. Things could be looking up.

>> No.7081902

This sounds autistic. Look forward to her cheating on you when you're thinking about finally settling down with her.

>> No.7081904

What do you read about then?

You guys can't truly understand the most common plot/sub plot of all time this way. That's so sad.

>> No.7081908
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>You guys can't truly understand the most common plot/sub plot of all time

Wow, how horrible

>> No.7081913

I feel bad your you.

You don't really get the richness of lolita this way.

>> No.7081915


>> No.7081920

>living for plot

>> No.7081921

...damn, but she's skinny as shit and claims to like running/ hiking, so at least she probably won't get fat

>> No.7081925

I probably read about the same stuff as you. It's not that sad. Getting a gf would mean changing my lifestyle, and living the way I am has made me feel comfortable with myself and almost content for the first time in my life.

>> No.7081926
File: 119 KB, 1300x865, 34189180-I-hope-we-understand-each-other-Joyful-young-man-in-formal-wear-winking-and-pointing-on-you-while-st-Stock-Photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't feel for you at all!

>> No.7081977

>not understanding love as one of the most powerful and driving emotions in writing

step it up nigga

>> No.7081982

this du' actually tryina' make this argument

>> No.7082005
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>he thinks he's above being inspired by love, thinks people wanna read his spergy book about minutia only sexually frustrated die-alones give a fuck about

never gonna make it

>> No.7082040
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My dark past has brought me scars and nightmares that will haunt me forever. I cannot risk getting out of the sorrowful shadows I dwell in; perhaps in years to come light will shine upon the end of this chaotic mess of a tunnel that is Life, but in-as-much as I cannot feel happiness nor love (in fact, I cannot feel a thing—I am numbed, I am a victim of the injustices of society, of the depravities of this world), and in-as-much as I am alone, as I always will be, anything pertaining to the theme of... love... will always swoon me and transport me to this place in my mind that I cannot bear.

I cannot feel anymore, I cannot love, I cannot bear reading about love. The mere sight of the word announces my depression; it makes me want to cut my wrists and watch the blood slowly come out, while I stand hypnotized, numbed, contemplating what I've just done, and not giving a fuck. Because life is meaningless.

Enjoy your life, anon, live your lies and be happy. But I stand here, awoken to the realities of this world, and I cannot go back.

>> No.7082048

6/10 can't tell if you're serious or not

>> No.7082051

*tips fedora*

>> No.7082057


>> No.7082064
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>> No.7082068

This is so chuuni it hurts.

>> No.7082080

I like you.

>> No.7082085

>that furry simulacrum in the background

>> No.7082091
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>tfw you live for prose

>> No.7082100

>people start talking about doing house repairs/cars/ sports/ le sexy time
>finally someone brings up books
>stephan king

>> No.7082104


How many are even worth mentioning.

>> No.7082109
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>> No.7082120
File: 201 KB, 1180x1204, lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>h-hey guys has anyone heard of le bandanna man? hes much better than that HACK stephen king!

>> No.7082193

>tfw my life is notes from underground

>> No.7082201

I'd say it's mine to, but there's no way a woman would ever decide to come to my house

>> No.7082812

not him but thanks for that link

>> No.7083057


t. shlavoy sheeshek