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7035844 No.7035844 [Reply] [Original]

Whatever doesn't lead to happiness is a spook.

>> No.7035847


>> No.7036002

Happiness is a spook

>> No.7036016

OP's post is a spook.

>> No.7036019

happiness is distraction

>> No.7036021

What if believing in spooks leads me to happiness?

>misunderstanding Stirner this hard

>> No.7036056
File: 35 KB, 246x172, Yotsuba sip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spook is just another way of saying "social construct" and just as retarded.

>> No.7036072

No, what's retarded is saying that 'x was created by society to keep you under control'. The spooky part is believing that because it wasn't you ought to surrenderer your will to it.

>> No.7036075


>> No.7036083

I'd do anything for something I believed in, but how can I when I don't even believe in myself?

>> No.7036086

>I haven't read Stirner

>> No.7036105
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>> No.7036121

Stirnerposting is the baneposting of /lit/

>> No.7036133

So it's the best thing the board has ever produced?

>> No.7036161


>> No.7036193

spooks can be used to reach happiness

>> No.7036202

what is that? you are assigning spooks to stirnerposting? somehow talking about it a lot discredits it?

>> No.7036228
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if they lead you to happiness they are not a spook, friend. :^)

>> No.7036257



You don't know shit about Sterner or philosophy in general, please go

>> No.7036266

i think you're confused by your own materialism thinking that you know what's real and what is not, because if you gave it a little thinking i'm sure you would understand why what makes you happy isn't a spook

>> No.7036299

Happiness is L I T T E R A L L Y a spook. A thing for itself. And ethical end without foundation. That's what spooks are. Go back to /b/

>> No.7036303

No, whatever leads away from happiness is the spook because they don't hold your interests in common.

>> No.7036316

Yes then I suppose Christians are stirneites as long as the belief in slave morality makes them happy, right?

/b/, /pol/, /soc/, /jp/, /mlp/

Go back to whichever hell you belong, illiterate fuck.

>> No.7036320



>> No.7036430


Methinks you don't know what happiness is.

>> No.7036618

everyone itt need to go back and read Stirner's definition of "spook"

>> No.7037757


Or maybe they should read the book proper instead of recapping memes they've seen.

>> No.7038528
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reading books is a spook

get with the time gramps, people learn through memes now