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/lit/ - Literature

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7005093 No.7005093 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any other active literature discussion forums/image boards? The aggression, hubris, and generally negative attitude of the people who post here is beginning to bore me.

>> No.7005097

Marxist faggot detected

>> No.7005103

So do you just want a hugbox?
A different set of memetic ideas and jokes to play with?
What are you honestly looking for? You're not going to find any community 'smarter' or 'better', not just because those terms are subjective but because there's no means of providing a higher standard of communications without restricting speech.

>> No.7005105

people are nice to me
maybe you are the bad

post good stuff and people wont make mean at you

>> No.7005107

fuck I forgot my links
oh well

>> No.7005109

>there's no means of providing a higher standard of communications without restricting speech.
Sure there is, just have an difficult entrance requirement to weed out the idiots.

>> No.7005113

Tbh I agree. No one's been rude to me personally on here but it seems like with everyone else they're all looking for a fight.

Not that they aren't allowed to do as they please. It's just a bit hard when you wanna talk about lit and they wanna argue w each other

>> No.7005115

that's interesting
like you have to submit a 10,000 word essay and everybody already in it votes on whether you should get in.
could be pretty cool

>> No.7005120

You're an annoying cunt.

>> No.7005121
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I don't want speech restrictions, I want to interact with the sort of people for whom free speech is not an invitation to provoke. Yes, I want a "hugbox", not in the tumblr sense of hating anyone outside the dominant culture, but in the sense of a genuinely open and accepting environment. I don't want "intelligence" or "quality", which, as you say, are subjective, I simply want to discuss literature with people who are passionate, humble, and respectful. 4chan is fine for those who enjoy it, and as an isolated deviant it was a nice thing for me to have for a while. But I think now it's time for me to part ways with it.

>> No.7005123

lol nigger nigger nigger.

>> No.7005126
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No one is being mean to me either, but the threads that get by far the most replies are the ones indulging the same violent polemics over and over again. I'm not offended or trying to pass judgment on anyone, I'm just wondering if an alternative exists.

This sort of elitism is also something I'd like to avoid.

He'll grow out of it.

>> No.7005136
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It sounds like you would like reddit. unpopular and negative opinions are downvoted to hell on there.
You can hear the same opinion over and over again, along with cat pictures.

there's not really any other sitesof course, since everything has at least one of the following
>post count
which destroy the community.
have you tried making a good thread on here? Like talking about a book that you liked that you wanted to present your argument for? Or participated in a thread where you can give other people critique?
If you spend all your time in marxism threads with the other teenagers you are going to have a bad time.

and the alternative which is better than everything is actually joining a writers society.
And that's your options!

>> No.7005145

Hey anon, I'm weary of /lit/ lately too. I don't know of any online alternatives, but if you'd like to talk lit you can email me at aelcawinter@gmail.com.

>> No.7005168
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The literature subreddit is very slow and inactive, and reddit in general is much less conducive to back-and-forth discussion. And yes, but the threads I make and the threads made by another anons that interest me generally don't get many replies. I think the majority of people here are just on a very different wavelength than me.

A writer's society sounds nice, but unfortunately not well-suited to a socially anxious suburban semi-NEET such as myself.

I'll do that, thanks anon.

>> No.7005170

sounds like a great way to make a stale elitist community full of insecure, judgmental faggots who take turns smelling each others' shit

>> No.7005174

>restricting speech is inherently bad
Well spooked, my friend.

>> No.7005185

yeah, but only if you made it in

>> No.7005188

And so Man created Academia.

>> No.7005197
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Yup, exactly why I don't see academia as a suitable alternative. Really all I want is a nice little commune of people into literature/art/music/film/etc, work would be split and people would be able to casually discuss whenever they felt like it. Oh, to have lived in the time of Epicurus.

>> No.7005202

>bore me

Why not just say your feelings got hurt jesus christ, people are harsh as hell on /lit/ everywhere except REBBIT, the negative attitude is what makes it so fucking entertaining. I know everyones said this but



faggot who can't appreciate good banter and got his work criticized cause it was crap

>> No.7005204

OP it's called a group of friends
My friends, gf and I share many tastes in most literature and we often discuss books we've read or lend and recommend books to each other
Get a literate social circle and you won't need internet basement dwellers to validate your tastes

>> No.7005207

You could create a board on 8.

>> No.7005216
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>having IRL conversations about literature
>not being able to reeeeee at normies
>not being able to insult plebs to their faces
>not being able to tell sjw fags to fuck off to reddit
>not being able to green text

>> No.7005220
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I have a group of friends who I love, but they're leaving for college and none of them were ever really into reading much anyway. My social needs are largely satisfied, but it would enhance my enjoyment of the things I read if I was able to discuss them with others. And like I said above, social anxiety and general isolation make meeting people a bit difficult.

I don't take offense at anything, I just don't get much out of "banter" anymore. Even something as fascinating as watching people fling shit at each other gets old after a while.

>> No.7005228

I can't tell if these posts are satire or not, I really can't

oh fucking lol
you aren't even 18 yet! fuck you
I'm hiding this thread and am going to pretend it never happened. kill yourself
don't even bother lying to us either
just fuck you

>> No.7005229

I want that too
Too bad I don't have the skills to make a website that caters to that

>> No.7005233


>posts lots of tumblr worthy pictures tripping himself with his idealistic/creative/artsy photos

>probably just graduated highschool

Mmm i think you should go back to school soon you'll fit right in.

>> No.7005236
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Exactly the sort of attitude I'm talking about. I'm 18, just finished high school, taking a year off between hs and college to see how far I can get writing independently. If you have some great wisdom gained through your many years of experience, feel free to share it. If not, there's no reason to be dismissive.

Not really my reasons, but all quite valid points, Mr. Stirner.

>> No.7005239


You're a nobody like almost everyone else on the board you expect people to respect you or hold you in some kind of high esteem? Write nice /lit/erature and you'll get praise.

>> No.7005248
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Neither do I, I might work on it or maybe try this >>7005207

Thank you for your contribution. All of these wallpapers are from 4chan, /wg/ is a wonderful board.

>> No.7005255
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I don't expect any esteem. I try to treat others as well as possible, and I would hope that they would do the same for me, but I certainly don't expect it.

Nor do I expect to achieve anything with my writing, I simply want to be able to make a living and have enough spare time to write and read for fun. I'm perfectly content being a nobody.

>> No.7005256

8ch is pretty dead though and somehow I don't think that it'll be much better than here

>> No.7005283

>have you tried making a good thread on here? Like talking about a book that you liked that you wanted to present your argument for? Or participated in a thread where you can give other people critique?
sadly, in my experience this doesn't work at all if the subject is outside /lit/s 'safe zone'

>> No.7005287

stop skirting around the question
what work have you submitted? come on, just link me to some.
it's all anonymous anyways.

>> No.7005398
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Making a thread doesn't necessarily entail submitting work. Is it really so hard to believe that someone might dislike this board even without having been insulted?

>> No.7005448

This. But it should be a secret board (doesn't appear in the board list) to avoid contact with 8 /lit/ and the rest of that cancerous community.