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6957482 No.6957482 [Reply] [Original]

I'm writting a lovecraftian novella but I've never read lovecraft. What are some authors who are similar to lovecraft.

>> No.6957495

>I'm writting a lovecraftian novella but I've never read lovecraft.

>> No.6957505
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... y

>> No.6957702

I saw a picture of cathulu and I thought it was a really cool idea to write a book about giant monsters. and I've been a fan of that type of scifi horror, B-movie, genre for a while. Is lovecraft worth looking into. How do his books hold up.

>> No.6957738

>I saw a picture of cathulu and I thought it was a really cool idea to write a book about giant monsters

I hope you are trolling.

>> No.6957748

It's shit, Jim.

>> No.6957752

learn how to spell things, OP, thats a good start.

If you write, you need to read, dont look for shortcuts.

Also, if your not a troll, you should probably kill yourself, or at least just your hopes and dreams...

>> No.6957760


I am not a troll. This is my first real novel. I've written several popular nosleeps and feelt hat I have the skills to tackle a bigger work.

>> No.6957782

Subtle trolling, I like it

>> No.6957785

then fucking read Lovecraft before you pretend to identify with his supposed B-Movie genre. The arrogance is strong with this one.

>> No.6957787

>I'm writting a lovecraftian novella but I've never read lovecraft.
And what's stopping you from reading Lovecraft? You can find all of his works for free online.

>> No.6957788

You can't write about Cthulhu if you don't know what Cthulhu is... That's fine if you want to write Lovecraftian horror (read: Cosmic Horror) but at least read the basics first man...

I'm too lazy to check my shelf for various authors, but one that comes to mind is Laird Barron.

>> No.6957795
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I used to watch this movie often.

>> No.6957796

I haven't read it because I don't have any of his books and because I'm hesitant about older science fiction because it generally doesn't hold up to modern standards.

>> No.6957801


oh god please die immediatly

>> No.6957802

Holy shit, kill yourself immediately.

>> No.6957809

link me, liebeskraft.

>> No.6957813

4chan was clearly the wrong place to ask for serious advice for a serious writer. I'm going to finish my novel and I'll worry about reading lovecraft later.

>> No.6957815

please show us when its finished.

>> No.6957818

All joking aside, you can't fucking call yourself a serious writer if you refuse to read. God damn you're just insulting.

>> No.6957823

I am going to finish it and I will upload it somewhere so you guys can see how wrong you are telling me to an hero. Then I'll work on getting it published.

>> No.6957834

Read jerry spinelli.

Definite lovecraftian cosmic horror undertones

>> No.6957843

Thank you for actually giving me a real answer. I will check him out.

>> No.6957849

Bait is obvious in retrospect.

>> No.6957851

Don't forget >>6957788
That wasn't a joke answer hah

Seriously though... Read Lovecraft if you want to write his genre.

>> No.6957853

>serious writer
>can't be arsed to read some short stories


>> No.6957855


>> No.6957864

get a tripcode so we can recognize you.
how long will it take?

>> No.6957869

A month or two. Probably nore more than a couple hundred pages if that.

>> No.6957870

>I haven't read it because I don't have any of his books
Like 3 seconds on google.

>> No.6957892

That length should take two years minimum to write of any quality. Minimum. For a fast writer.

>> No.6957901

I've had this idea for a while and have already been working on it. I'm just looking for more inspiration.