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/lit/ - Literature

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6953500 No.6953500[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Literary banter thread

>> No.6953524
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>yfw Americans have been running literature since the late 19th century

>> No.6953541

People who read into Marx can be either one of the following: they're either still in high school, or have never actually studied economics

>> No.6953561

oh yeah dude totally one of the most influential thinkers of all time isnt worth reading into

>> No.6953567

Running it into the ground

>> No.6953576

There's nothing wrong with reading him. What you're describing are the people that /believe/ him.

>> No.6953596

Anyone who seriously reads Infinite Jest and thinks it's good literature, then they are easily impressionable.

>> No.6953608

Anyone who likes a book I don't like is a pleb. Also they are easily impressionable.

>> No.6953609

Weak banter.

>> No.6953638
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>> No.6953645

H E G E L' S B A G E L S


>> No.6953660
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Is this where all the cheeky lads hang out?

>> No.6953667

Maybe for a few decades because all the publishing houses in Europe were in fucking ruins. Hasn't been true in awhile though. Welcome to the global village you uncosmopolitan troglodyte.

>> No.6953731


is this the new meme everyone is talking about?

>> No.6953742


Yes you doglotryte.

>> No.6953815

Why can't non-whites and women write good books?

>> No.6953889

Let's have a faff over how to pronounce 'Goethe'.

et cetera

Xe said "read into", not "read".

There's nothing wrong with going over the guy's work; it's when you start following it that you look like a dolt.

>> No.6953929

Marx didn't believe in Marx.

>> No.6953956

If Blood Meridian were written by anyone but McCarthy, it'd be interesting and fun to read

>> No.6953975

dats how i say it idk

>> No.6953976

>and literature has become shit

>> No.6953981


>> No.6954014

looks like GOATH to me

>> No.6954059

it's like they're always trying to prove themselves in their writing

>> No.6955655
File: 140 KB, 500x470, toasoevsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where da hot memes at

>> No.6955667

Is cuckoldry the most intellectual fetish, lads?

>> No.6955826
File: 866 KB, 5196x2250, modern white woman and her cuckfaggot husband.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is cuckoldry the most intellectual fetish, lads?
given that it is common, clearly not

sex and intellectualism do not go together. sex goes very well with semi-inllectualism

>> No.6955840
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>If you can put your five fingers through it it is a gate, if not a door.

>> No.6956004

>that pic


>> No.6956011


checkmate, /r9k/fags

>> No.6956034

contrary to a semi-intellectual, an intellectual do not care enough about sex

>> No.6956037


>> No.6956040


>sex and intellectualism do not go together

I somehow smell the delightful scent of virginity

>> No.6956042


>> No.6956044

a milf wouldnt ccall herself that. also the whole do at your place is suspect af.

wouldnt be surprise if its r9k making up fake shit again just for keks

>> No.6956057

MILFs on dating sites sometimes do. But only if they're over 30.

The teen moms that sometimes pop up on Tinder rarely do. They are surprisingly clear with how you must take care of their kids though.


>> No.6956070


>intellectual do not care enough about sex

intellectuals should care JUST enough about sex that they can still take pleasure out of it while not suffering because of it.

Your definition is simply misguided.

>> No.6956101

Intellectuals never makes mistakes? I don't suffer much because of the sex I'm having but I could see how someone who I would call an intellectual could fuck around and still suffer and still be called an intellectual.

>> No.6956132

>pronounced GOO-TEH

>> No.6956140


I'm talking about the hypothetical perfection in intellectuality.

As in the image of the wholy enlightened intellectual. He who has achieved completly and lasting eudaimonia.

In that sense, the perfection would be to be able to like sex but not be shackled by it.

>> No.6956154
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>intellectuals are not interested in sex

>> No.6956204
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>> No.6956227
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There's literally zero points in reading fiction if you want something in return from the book. It is also pointless to read what some human wrote some years ago - pouring his mind onto paper and such...

>> No.6956247

That's pretty clever actually. If you've never seen a wooden or iron gate on a castle. They tend to be hole-less.
Or a flood gate.

>> No.6956252

>Tequila Mockingbird

>> No.6956264


Reading his Nicomachean Ethics, he is pretty based tbh

>> No.6956266

i would drink that drink

>> No.6956269

I did, it was trash tbh

>> No.6956295


why do you think that?

>> No.6956297

not enough banter

>> No.6956299

that's a fucking rrr sound in there retard.

>> No.6956319

quick question, does he actually rape phoebe?

>> No.6956331


>> No.6956356

The "ö" isn't a sound anglophones use in their language, --- it's close to the French "eu", but still a little different in German.

>> No.6956402

When it was taught to me in 10th grade my teacher made the case that mr. antolinni (or however you spell his name) didn't try and molest Holden, he was just admiring him the same way that Holden did with Phoebe!!!!

blows my fucking mind to this day

>> No.6956460


pretty edgy meme tbh

>> No.6956565

How dare you?!

>> No.6957613

Bear with me here, but if you are even moderately "intellectual" and you sleep with numerous women, isn't that just leading to disillusionment and dissatisfaction when the majority of them don't even provide good conversation or experiences?

>> No.6957688

its fine as long as you don't expect every dumb 16yrold floozy to be an intellectual. If anything the contrast should highlight the kind of value intellectualism brings to the table. Nothing will reveal the worth of intellectualism like having to deal with stupidity in order to get pussy (the obtaining of pussy being one of the few things that makes dealing with idiocy worthwhile)

>> No.6957721
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That's a pretty solid way of looking at it. Thanks anon

>> No.6957761

Who fucks people for their conversational skills?

>> No.6958028

When you're not paying people for sex, you usually have to talk to them before you fuck. Being boring is unattractive if you're not desperate for pussy.

>> No.6958064

i like the idea of making a game out of getting laid with as little speech as possible. I think my best score is probably less than 25 sentences (pierced up shorthaired "bad bitch" from tinder)

>> No.6958080

Yes, generally that's true.

I think being lead to disillusionment and dissatisfaction when someone doesn't provide good conversation or experiences is your own fault though. If the conversation isn't good you're not asking the right questions. If you can't see anything interesting in a person's life it's probably because you lack curiosity or approach things from the wrong angle.

Being disillusioned by some cute hairdresser because she's not familiar with Kant is on you, you should find something interesting in what she does and ask her about her experiences. I think boredom is the result of one's state of mind, not what or who he's observing/interacting with.

>> No.6958082

Remember basic content of these 25 sentences? Not for my use, I want to hear a story.

>> No.6958089


> * ruining

fixed for you

>> No.6958098
File: 246 KB, 736x1034, jeancarlu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with you, but not everyone is good at answering questions about themselves, expanding on conversation threads with their life experiences, and so on.

Plenty of people are just too run of the mill though, they listen to pop, watch the top sit-coms and dramas, watch a few blockbusters, read the same pop lit as everyone else (along with the classics they read once in high-school/college). While sure you can tolerate it, doesn't it get tiring when you're talking to someone who sounds like the last 25 girls you've gone out with?

Surely it's not your fault if you want someone beyond the average, someone who is actually trying to live the life they aspire to rather than idling having a vague ambition of success.

>> No.6958104

idling by,*

>> No.6958114


Why are white males always such poor readers?

It must suck to not bask in the glory of white male authors and minority authors all the same.

>> No.6958122

she had something written about how she didn't cook. first thing I said to her was something like: "short hair and you don't cook? if we got together I'd have to wreck you"
to which she responded
"wanna just wreck me?"
and I forget some of what was said from there but it was all coordination/getting together stuff. She came over to my place, called me, I answered "Hey, i'll come downstairs and let you in"
then there was some small talk while we walked up to my apt, she sat on my bed, talked a little, said something like "so do you wanna fuck?" and I said something like "yeah but there has to be the right kind of tension first", she agreed and then I got on top of her.

>> No.6958129

On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely is an STD from encounters like this?

>> No.6958136

The true fetish of intellectualism is scat fetish, using waste for production sexually.

>> No.6958144

I just interview people like a maniac and ask original questions, mostly works and I manage to drag something interesting out of them whether they want it or not.

That said, I haven't tried to fuck anyone for five years and outright refused at times. Fucking people just isn't worth the effort for me any more. Not because I don't want to have conversations but because of all the hassle and drama that comes with it for relatively little gain.

>> No.6958176

lol iuno, we used a condom. i'm a pig about hitting it raw and usually pull out, but I will not go raw the first time with anyone, especially not with any chick over 22, -especially- if they look 'alternative'
i'm pretty sure i don't have any diseases but I've also never been tested and I'm a bit skittish about learning i'm tainted tbh. if I am diseased, I don't know about it, so at least i have plausible deniability

>> No.6958214

this right here.

I should probably start cultivating a stable of whores, but the good ones are beyond my means and the cultural baggage of using a prostitute is a bit depressing.

>> No.6958352

The cruel irony is that you probably shouldn't fuck any woman raw that lets you (long term relationships excluded).