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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.50 MB, 1878x2382, Joshua_Cohen_BBF_2010_Shankbone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6938672 No.6938672 [Reply] [Original]

Is he any good?! A future meme author!? Witz is frequently compared to Gravity's Rainbow and Infinite Jest.

What the fuck is he looking at?!

>> No.6938685

he is looking away from those numbers of yours, anon

in shame

>> No.6938700


For what purpose?

>> No.6938724

Those are nice glasses. Can we get some product info?

>> No.6938741


>> No.6938777
File: 22 KB, 567x622, the murders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What the fuck is he looking at?!
He's recalling the murders he's committed.

>> No.6938784

Book of Numbers deserves to be a meme classic on the level of McElroy and Gass.

>> No.6939417

Looks like James Joyce II

>> No.6939431

Just ordered this. How is it? Witz seemed like load of pretentious shit but this looks good

>> No.6939493

i want /fa/ to leave

>> No.6939582

>Being a hero usually isn't much fun. It's terrifying, most of the time, right up until the point you make it out safe. It's being scared to do the right thing and doing it anyway.

joshua cohen pls gb2 tmbler

>> No.6939645

He has the same glasses that Jake Jarmel has and Kramer loves on Seinfeld.

>> No.6939646

So you can make out every little wisp of peach fuzz on his nubile twink face

>> No.6940381

how is that tumblr?

>> No.6940422
File: 151 KB, 564x715, 1433936096669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>A future meme author!?
>What the fuck is he looking at?!

this smells suspiciously like a shill thread

no thanks don't need boring academic hacks

>> No.6940431


>> No.6940456

I really liked the first line, "If you're reading this on a screen, fuck off."
But then I didn't like the line after, "I demand to be held by both hands," or whatever it is.

But I'm curious to read the whole thing too. A few weeks ago I was having some pretty strong vibes that maybe it's a beautiful thing to have been.

>> No.6940477

100 pages in... It's so bad... but that Unread Guilt keeps bringing me back... and it's just so bad...

>> No.6940486


There is something about this guy that really annoys me. The more I hear about him the more he seems like an ass.

>> No.6940490

Why does /lit/ frequently obsess over nobody authors? Seriously what is your guys's deal?

>> No.6940499

this is literally the first Joshua Cohen thread i've seen on /lit/

>> No.6940501

“In Mr. Cohen’s hands, a meme is a matter of life and death, because he goes from the reality we all know—the link, the click—to the one we tend to forget: the human.…Mr. Cohen is ambitious. He is mapping terra incognita.”

“Like [David Foster] Wallace, Cohen is clearly concerned with the depersonalizing effects of technology, broken people doing depraved things, and how the two intersect in tragic (and, sometimes, hilarious) ways.”

“What dazzles here is a Pynchonesque verbal dexterity, the sonic effect of exotic vocabulary, terraced sentences, robust puns and metaphors, and edgy, Tarantino-like dialogue.”

>> No.6940515

>Tarantino-like dialogue
well, i was interested...

>> No.6940520
File: 35 KB, 512x388, bloom_why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>In Mr. Cohen’s hands, a meme is a matter of life and death

I've had enough of this ride now.

>> No.6940525

>a meme is a matter of life and death
Do you think he browses 4chan? Could he be in this very thread?

>> No.6940526

But not the first nobody author thread I've seen

>> No.6940543

I've seen several and I don't even come here that often