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/lit/ - Literature

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6898675 No.6898675[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Shouldn't /lit/ be the board that deals best with women? A bunch of spiritualists that know how to talk good and spend their entire day in coffee shops, and yet still sperg about the inferiority of women? Not exactly the most NEET demographic, but you all act like it.

>> No.6898685
File: 42 KB, 133x240, hi!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? A lot of us are NEETs that spend their days reading and re writing the first chapter of a novel we'll never finish because it has to be absolutely perfect.
Reading doesn't correlate to speaking.

With that being said I don't hate women and have very little problems interacting with people in short bursts, I'm sure a lot of people here is like that.

>> No.6898687

>know how to talk good

>> No.6898688

Y-yeah, exactly

>> No.6898692

I count staring blankly at your screen wanting to cry and asking god why you suck so much as rewriting.

>> No.6898697
File: 103 KB, 1080x720, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree I wish this board would give me the respect I deserve instead of derailing my threads to make everything about my pussy.

I am intellectually valid and demand to be treated as a human being, not a peace of meat!!!

pic related it's me. (:

>> No.6898701

no, but there are a surprising amount of women who browse here

>> No.6898713
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>> No.6898722

Reading seems to be a pretty 'female' hobby, apparently. Not sure why, but women seem to way more into reading than men.

>> No.6898725

I want to cuddle the glasses qt

>> No.6898732

which one of these are you, hibari? >>6898713

a couple of them look manly enough.

>> No.6898733

thats doesn't seem to be the case though because the majority of posters here are still men

>> No.6898734

no because half of lit is concerned with the welfare of their ideology and not the needs or desires of women

>> No.6898754

Please no.
Somebody will point out why and this thread will devolve into polposting.

>> No.6898755

You cam read without posting on /lit/.

>> No.6898768

bad bait mate

>> No.6898769

But this is the literature board of 4chan. 4chan is so male-dominated that even the boards about subjects with more women interested in them are going to be majority men. With the exception of /cgl/ this whole site is a sausagefest.

>> No.6898812

Now I want a camwhore who reads while scantly dressed.

>> No.6898846

bottom right a best

filtered hipster glasses selfie queen a worst

>> No.6898864


> A bunch of spiritualists that know how to talk good and spend their entire day in coffee shops,

More like a bunch of adolescent loners who think in prose but can barely talk to cashier in a convenience store.

>> No.6898868

and you can also read without reading in public like most girls you see if thats what you are going on

>> No.6898885


Sometimes I find the interaction with the cashier difficult and stilted. Yet I find areas that would traditionally be found to induce social anxiety, such as public speaking or interviews, quite comfortable.

>> No.6898894

maybe most girls you see reading are outside because you can't enter their houses to check

>> No.6898926

you may be a sociopath

>> No.6898931

is there any question from a stranger more excruciating than "so whats that book about?"

>> No.6898936

I don't think it's possible to have unstilted conversations with a cashier unless you're 75 and talking about how you used to tie onions to your belt.

>> No.6898943

One of those qts goes to my uni

>> No.6898960

I'm a published ss writer with a high power level
Also i'm a chad, fine w women

>> No.6898975
File: 16 KB, 182x255, bloomh2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying being being popular with the ladies means you can't say women are inferior

The first 2 sexist people I think of are studs. If anything if you are unlucky with the girls you're gonna try to compensate with being "a nice guy" and wonder why girls go for "jerks." Women will be harder to define and judge the further they are.

>MFW people constantly contradict themselves to try to insult people that hurt their feelings

>> No.6898992

Once I had one trying to make jokes about what I was buying and my ID photo, but I was too nervous about the hair loss shampoo I was buying so all I could do was smile and politely nod while slowly closing my eyes.

>> No.6899000
File: 863 KB, 277x300, for_you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess the guy above me has thought along these lines too, but when I just read your post OP I wondered:
How is considering women inferior something that would hinder you from being good with women, especially if you got at least some level of self-relection?

>> No.6899046

>be good with women
>tfw I don't like any of them
Now I feel lonely, thanks /lit/.

>> No.6899050

The standard here isn't the ideal
I'm good looking, smart, socially aware, have a slightly older fuck buddy who pays when we hangout and I'm still pretty bad with women

I've had intense anxiety, groping a girl in public and I was too nervous to talk to her

I'm not mentally stable

>> No.6899062

Not one of those girls has realised the danger of her situation as a cute girl. They are all being cute and thereby ostentatious. All the girls are doing practiced smiles or pulling faces that they know on some level are cute, or girly, or quirky. The reason they do this is because the world they are born into is one that tries to force a feminine facticity on them from birth by bombarding them with male affection.

Look at the picture of DFW by comparison. He's making an awkward smile because he wants to look somewhat professional in an official photograph. That's it. That's where it ends for him. He's a human who wants to seem "professional," but not obsessively so, and the unpracticed nature of his smile reveals he doesn't even think about it all too often. He's doing his best to conform to a minor social grace. The girls by comparison are all thoroughly practiced in looking "cute," in knowing how to get the best possible picture of themselves. Do you think their hair innately arranges itself like that? In a cute little unnecessary hat, perfectly angled on their head? Why do you think that shirt is designed to accentuate their secondary sex characteristics to begin with? How often do you see men posting undignified pictures of themselves like that, or pulling completely self-conscious "coy" faces? How often do you see men taking self-portraits at all? Or altering the contrast or filter of one, to make a picture MERELY OF THEIR OWN FACE into something "artsy," as if their face is already intrinsically an objet d'art? How often do men base their public representation entirely on a preference in the opposite gender for neoteny, juvenile behaviour, the exaggerated display of sexual organs, or narcissistic self-worship of their own mere physicality?

All those women are shit tier because they have never once become cognizant that they are essentially walking bags of false authenticity. They are shallow pools mirroring male lust, not people. They have no souls. 0/10.

>> No.6899072

The problem is, I think, that these people feel the need to tell woman how inferior they think they are and of course that's a bad idea with any person.

I'm as much of a virgin as the next anon but I have no issue talking with girls, even one I don't know (yes breaking the ice can be tricky but once it's done I can talk for hours).

My problem lies in that at any point I show sexual interest, even if there is or they show any to me, I'll just be friendly guy. Basically I don't get friendzoned, I do that to woman unintentionally.

>> No.6899074

I know this feel, meanwhile I get anxious as fuck around guys but I don't want to go after some fairy fag.

>> No.6899104

I'm great with women. It's not my fault you faggots never ask for my advice.

>> No.6899144
File: 20 KB, 776x112, At parties, I'd rather write humanity's greatest novel than talk to anyone else..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're fucking crazy, and not the fun kind

>> No.6899171
File: 331 KB, 640x427, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6899264

Yeah, the vaginas of 4chan are sadly misinformed if they think that guys who get laid frequently are any less chauvinistic than their virginal counterparts. In fact, that's probably the difference: 'studs' are chauvinists (they see women as inferior and exploit them for it) and 'nice guys' are misogynists (they see women as inferior and resent them for it).

>> No.6899268

>Not one of those girls has realised the danger of her situation as a cute girl

there are two cute girls at most in that image

the premier /lit/ qt will always be the qt with the short dark hair and dark circles round her eyes. she had her mouth covered. does anyone have the pic i'm speaking of?

>> No.6899276

I enjoyed reading that. Stinks that I won't know who you are so I can't read your future work. God Speed.

>> No.6899279

Ah yes. Zooey D'chanel. Exquisite taste, sir.

>> No.6899285

I'm sorry but the premier /lit/ qt is hibari-kun

>> No.6899287


Your post is too long to be right

>> No.6899297
File: 41 KB, 177x232, cómo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t-thanks anon, but I'm sure I don't deserve it.

>> No.6899325
File: 22 KB, 250x341, hume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stopped reading

>> No.6899331

All these women have been taught by society that their worth lies solely in their looks, and have never been given the chance to be judged by their intelligence or talent. Which is why they put so much time and effort into trying to look good.

Would you say a starving beggar has no soul because he puts all his effort in staying alive instead of creating timeless art?

>> No.6899344

If a beggar loses any intellectual capacity and turns into a machine that can only act on instinct in order to survive, yes, I would say he has lost his soul.

>> No.6899361

the true/false qualities of your post are irrelevant, i'd rather comment on how butthurt about women you obviously are

>> No.6899366

My main qualm with woman is that as soon as I find a literary qt and hit it off I ask her to fuck niggers while I watch and they cut me off with serious disgust.

>> No.6899372

We were talking about the girls in the pic above, right? I don't believe they would be on /lit/, or reading at all, if they were "machines that can only act on instinct".
I was only trying to explain why women tend to take their looks very seriously, not implying that looks is all they think about.

>> No.6899375

learned helplessness is a bitch


>> No.6899378

he is talking about the anime character

>> No.6899383

I just have to point out again what terrible bait this was
Learn to post lad

>> No.6899391

You are probably an american and a woman, basically the dumbest combination to ever exists. Most writers were woman haters, especially the ones who were good with woman. Honestly you sound like your whole world view is an Ideology stemming from TV and pop-culture.

>> No.6899406

So how's the virgin NEET life treating you?

>> No.6899414


>> No.6899422

>yet still sperg about the inferiority of women

Not all books preach the equality of women. Many great thinkers/writers have considered them inferior or different.

>> No.6899430

>You are probably an american and a woman, basically the dumbest combination to ever exist


>> No.6899437

This is bullshit but I believe it.

>> No.6899456

they weren't literary enough

>> No.6899546

>is there any question from a stranger more excruciating than "so whats that book about?"
What's so excruciating about that?

>> No.6899558

>I'm as much of a virgin as the next anon
I'm 20, and I never got laid, but I sucked on a woman's left titty once and spooned with her in my bed. Am as virginal as you, or slightly less so?

>> No.6899560

What is your advice?

>> No.6899566

>a meme arrow
stopped reading.

>> No.6899580

stopped reading

>> No.6899588

>a post on the 4chan website
stopped reading.

>> No.6899590

the sense that im responsible for the strangers first impressions of both me and the book

>> No.6899600

the entirety of 4chan and all its boards is composed of 3 people. You, me and the third guy who's neither of us.
If a board seems full of neet sperglords who get sweaty talking to the cashier, then all boards are full of the same people.

I'm also a grill :D

>> No.6899607

>a website on the internet
stopped reading.

>> No.6899615

>photons of light entering my eyes
stopped looking

>> No.6899618
File: 403 KB, 504x395, Watchmen Dr._Manhattan steak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but do I have any stake in you?

>> No.6899619

>compelling imagery
stopped imagining

>> No.6899624

>basic human existence
stopped experiencing

>> No.6899630

what do you mean?

>> No.6899634

Oh anon I'm glad to make you feel better. 25 turning 26 in a few months just kissed like 4 girls at 23 (no french kiss or something more elaborated). I have never seen naked tits in my life.

A combination of excuses, fear and inability to show sexual interest because as I said I have a couple of girls show interest in me but only if I talk I can't pull shit at clubs and stuff.

>> No.6899636


>> No.6899641

We should be friends, anon! You gotta skype?

>> No.6899652

>sexual inadequacy
stopped masturbating

>> No.6899655

>sucking on human female udders
stopped respecting

>> No.6899667

>judging other people's lives
lest I start judging you.

>> No.6899671

I've slept with about a dozen women and three men, I'm not sure why so many /lit/ posters are shit at this.

>> No.6899675


Is the new eben maymay?

>> No.6899678

>I've slept with about a dozen women and three men, I'm not sure why so many /lit/ posters are shit at this.
Advice please?

>> No.6899681

If you can still count the number of people you have slept with, you are small time. I'm not even an 'alpha' or something, it's just so easy.

>> No.6899699

>If you can still count the number of people you have slept with, you are small time. I'm not even an 'alpha' or something, it's just so easy.

>> No.6899711

Just b urself

>> No.6899713

......Just be yourself............

if that doesn't work get them drunk in social situations. White girls will fuck anything when they're drunk. With gay dudes just go to a club or a rave and wait until you're approached. If you're above a 5/10 you'll have a nice selection of dudes, I've fucked male models before who flat out told me they were just trying to get their numbers up.

no homo

>> No.6899715

I'm very measure with that, I just do it once a week.

And it's not a problem of desire I think I just think too much and really don't know how to show sexual interest. I will talk to anyone be friendly and shit but If I want to fuck you you will never know.

>> No.6899720

I blame the porn boards on 4chan.

All you have to do to get laid is to stop watching porn. Porn fucks with your brain and makes you spergy and underconfident. Cut out the porn and stop masturbating and you will be a new man. It has nothing to do with ones views on feminism and the like ( though if you are too far feminist/beta then you will be a cuck, it won't stop you from getting laid a bit though).

>> No.6899728

I'm not trying to claim to be "big time" or anything, just that it's not so hard, as you say. I've been actively avoiding new partners lately.

>> No.6899730
File: 948 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_0837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but If I want to fuck you you will never know.
Do you want to fuck me, anon?

>> No.6899732

its difficult to not have sex

>> No.6899734

Sure just post an email or something

>> No.6899740

Will not watching porn cure my social anxiety?

>> No.6899742

Thanks man

>> No.6899748

>All you have to do to get laid is to stop watching porn.


ofcourse not.

>> No.6899750

Not really tbh, it's only difficult if you interact with qts.
>talking to people

>> No.6899762

>Sure just post an email or something

>> No.6899770


Yes, it has been working wonders for me. I've also switched back and forth a few times to eliminate other variables, and the porn seems to be the main thing. I start noticing a difference within a week to two weeks after I stop watching porn.

I don't have severe social anxiety though, I just find it difficult starting and maintaining conversations with women who I'm not close friends with. That pretty explicitly diminishes when I stop watching porn though.

>> No.6899771

its really difficult to avoid sex since almost everybody wants to have sex

>> No.6899781

>I don't have severe social anxiety though, I just find it difficult starting and maintaining conversations with women who I'm not close friends with. That pretty explicitly diminishes when I stop watching porn though.
I understand porn hurting your sex drive since you crave hotter and hotter shit, but how does it affect your confidence?

>> No.6899822

what kind of porn do you watch though?

>> No.6899842


This is speculation, but when you stop watching porn you aren't making the connection between sexual attraction and you being a passive observer as much. If you watch porn more than interact with hot women then you are teaching your brain that when you are sexually aroused by a women that you watch her like you watch your porn. The lack of confidence comes from you wondering why you can't go talk to the girl so to steer it towards sex, even though that is ultimately what you desire. Porn is a cheap and convenient substitute for the real thing, you watch it because you have a hard time getting laid, and the porn gives you something close to the rush of sexuality you are missing out on , but it doesn't give you all of it, and it can never fully satisfy you. There will always be something missing, and it will eat away at your confidence that you can never actually satisfy your desire. Continued use of the substitute makes you adapt to it and stops you from being able to truly satisfy your desire.

>> No.6899852

Everybody wants to have sex, nobody wants to have sex with me

>> No.6899881

have sex, my friend

>> No.6899895


I don't really have an answer to that, technically I don't watch any kind of porn anymore. For the last 3-4 years it has mostly been me just switching between different external features of the women and not caring too much about what kind of porn it is- sometimes I will go on a latina binge, sometimes I want petite blonde amateurs, ect. Though anal, stuff with black dudes in it, anything more than minor violence, bukake, and other stuff is all a red flag for me. So I have been a mild porn watcher in terms of content, but I did it allot- most days I would watch at least some porn. I'm telling you guys, it fucks with your brain.

This is why those poor immigrants do better than we do with women, because they grew up in a tiny house where they never had the privacy to watch porn like we did, and we have been fucked from a young age due to our exposure of it.

>> No.6899902

did you use to be really fat and got a gastric belt?

>> No.6899917
File: 143 KB, 500x333, Job-Cannon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the picture you were looking for

>> No.6899941

like getting a job, having sex is not a big deal after the first time

>> No.6899948

epic pic.

>> No.6899949

We read so we know women are objectively inferior.

Everybody in history knew it.

>> No.6899957

No homo.

What bothers me is that I don't see people with my explicit problem.

I don't blame porn because I don't see the women I talk with as sex objects (yes I think she has a good ass and stuff like that) but Im more interested in her opinions and shit.

The problem is also that Im not pretty so the woman that are into me are REALLY into me and me being extremely moral as I'm not looking for sex and how do you explain that your are doing things but no sex

>> No.6899982

>How often do you see men posting undignified pictures of themselves like that
implying smiling and taking care of yourself is undignified?
many dudes put on as much of a show as many girls. it's a different kind of show, but the same deal.

>> No.6899986

you can tell them

if abstinence from casual sex is that important to you then you should not be so anxious about talking about it to someone who might after all be the person you are looking for

>> No.6900007

Are you me? Fuck. That's accurate.

>> No.6900021

>I don't see the women I talk with as sex objects (yes I think she has a good ass and stuff like that) but Im more interested in her opinions and shit.
this is one of those things that i think people say because they think they are supposed to say it.

i think if you look at the strength of the sexual urge/interest that arises when looking at a fat butt and compare that to the strength of the interest that arises when the same woman opens her mouth you will notice that the sexual interest vastly overpowers the other.

there is nothing wrong with this

also the sex object complaint triggers my autism because people are literally a class of objects, there is also nothing wrong with this

>> No.6900059

I don't know, do you cry when something reminds you of your body and feel shame of being the less successful member of your family?

>> No.6900087

No i fucking hate feminist and of course sex urges is a very important factor. Its just something I do I guess my sexdrive is not the strongest.

>> No.6900163
File: 1.18 MB, 3081x2113, rsz_rokebyvenus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche, the patron saint of this little shithole, calls it ressentiment and spends no small effort denouncing it

How about that irony huh?

>> No.6900166

i was curious because i watch porn of womem masturbating and my sex life is alright

>> No.6900224

The problem is that I don't reach to the point were everyone is sharing their feelings or should I mention in friendly conversations?