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6892859 No.6892859 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6892870

She crazy lol

>> No.6892872
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She was a racist and The Bell Curve has been used to justify some srs misbehavior.

>> No.6892876

She cute tho

>> No.6892880

I'd do her

>> No.6892881

Shit Nigger What Are You doing tier

>> No.6892883

She def. liked it rough.

>> No.6892891

Pretty metal way to off yourself.

>> No.6892898

But also a very influential poet and I know many of my friends enjoy her. Can't say much otherwise as I haven't made the time, nor has anyone with a solid opinion (to me) implored me to do so.

>> No.6892971


I'm reading The Bell Jar right now and I'm enjoying it so far
I like that it's written as some diaristic memoir without much pomp, but some of the words she uses are pretty odd
Like I've never heard words/phrases like "scallopy" "blue-chinned" or "scrunty"
The scene she talks about where she confuses a finger bowl with cherry blossoms floating in it for a clear Japanese soup was really funny though
It reminded me of the similar scene in Shrek 2

>> No.6892976

I thought the Bell Jar was a good debut novel, but her most important work is all her poetry which she wrote with such ease it's amazing.

>> No.6893010
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She's a fantastic writer in both verse and prose, but a lot of young men get put off of reading her by the weird cult of personality made up of girls with self-diagnosed mental illnesses who can't differentiate between the quality of prose in The Bell Jar and that of Twilight.

>> No.6894626

Actually just finished The Bell Jar yesterday, but I haven't read any of her poetry. It was enjoyable, and from what I can tell was important in a lot of women becoming open to ideas they otherwise not have been. It's not bad at all, but it definitely reads like an author's first novel. There is almost no subtlety in the messages she's trying to get across, it's all fairly straight forward or outright explained by the main character. Also what >>6893010 said.

>> No.6894645
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>> No.6894659

Your typical narcissistic bimbo spoiled whore whining about the world not catering to her needs every time all the time.

She's fucking awful.
>boo hoo this
>boo hoo that
>oh no i dont want gifts
>daddy doesn't give me all his money all the time

It's just a shame she had to produce before killing herself.

in other words

/lit/ loves her

>> No.6894667

C02 is not that metal.

It's kind of a pussy thing to do.

>> No.6894686

She was Tumblr before Tumblr existed. That said, "The Bell Jar" is admittedly pretty entrancing and "Ariel" is a good collection

>> No.6894695

Without hyperbole, she is the most overrated author of all time.

>> No.6895409

Sylvia, get your head out of the oven.

>> No.6895428

really dig her poetry, Lady Lazarus maybe my favourite. The bell jar isn't bad either.

>> No.6895456

One of the only spoiled girls to have her head somewhere other than up her own ass. Because it was in an oven. Still smelled like shit though.

>> No.6895482

A shitty author nobody should have cared about.

>> No.6897112

>It was a queer, sultry summer, the summer they executed the Rosenbergs, and I didn't know what I was doing in New York.

That was a bad summer for Sylvia.