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/lit/ - Literature

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6892395 No.6892395 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true? Like people with a lot of book at home? They never read them?

>> No.6892404

What does that hack know about classics ?

>> No.6892409

Books are like bowls
that are thrown in sinks
and we try not to think
about them

until we finally can
clean everything correctly
then we start slowly
filling them up again

>> No.6892416

I'd say he's right. You can see this shit on /lit/ very often. Considering what people tend to say, I think most of them have just skimmed through summary on Wikipedia.

>> No.6892884

That's pretty lazy, considering you only need to read Lolita and the Stranger to be /lit/ready.

>> No.6892887

stop shitposting every submission of your worthless lives god damn

>> No.6892917

Like the fucking pinecone banana meme... that's only in the first few pages of GR.

>> No.6892919

Is a droll after dinner quote, which is witty because it is true in a fair number of cases.

Remember: 4chan is an anime website, which let's you know a lot about people's actual tastes.

>> No.6892925


>> No.6892970
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>tfw you actually did start with the Greeks

>> No.6892978

if you are talking to someone who doesn't read sure. if you are talking to someone who does read then they will likely call what they have read a classic

>> No.6892996

>tfw you'll never be as witty as Mark Twain

>> No.6893001
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I've been reading through a lot of the classics and I've realized I'm just reading them to seem intelligent. It's like I'm in a college course and I need to get through a course bookl ist before I can start reading more current books. I really liked some of the classics I've read but I think they get so much praise because it's safe.

People have been praising and analyzing Nietzsche (choose any famous author) for decades so people will start praising him like sheep. I want to start reading more recent literature, break new ground on political analysis and keep a finger on the pulse of cultural trends.

>> No.6893073

What's wrong with liking anime and literature?
Also this quote is butchered, the original is much better.

>> No.6893083
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Praising a classic without reading it, like how someone who doesn't read much might use Shakespeare as a synonym for high literature for no reason other than it's part of the popular consciousness.

Or, reading a book and using the act of reading as a benchmark of being cultured or educated, without even attempting to understand, judge, or view it in context.

One of these is far worse than the other

>> No.6893092
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>tfw this doesn't apply to me

>> No.6893151

It's true. The classics are dead, but you HAVE them.


A hand translated quote:

>#1 in this peculiar and pretty languid series was some girl who wrote that because her friends loved Joyce's Odysseus so dearly tried to become as loving, failed, then tried to read it three times. Must be some kind of record in persistence. And maybe stupitidy.

>Do I have this magnificent light blue book. Certainly. Read? Well, maybe some pages here and there, but I HAVE it.

>> No.6893161

>which people praise without having read
Ftfy. People read classics

>> No.6893175

it's in inherent vice too

>> No.6893176

idk. he wrote a few of em

>> No.6893214

There's nothing inherently wrong with liking anime. Being "cultivated" and enjoying/studying/critiquing serious literature doesn't traditionally go hand in hand with low brow media.

>> No.6893226

Low brow/high brow is a meme

Yesterdays lowbrow is todays highbrow, and people jerk themselves off over the mere act of reading it for some reason

Better to just take each work as they are without applying such useless distinctions to them

>> No.6893236

It's only true in older people and vapid cunts. On /lit/ people tend to bitch about books they never read instead of praising them.

>> No.6893246

You may remember that Mark Twain preferred to lie supinely in bed while composing those rather dated and boring efforts which contemporary scholars try to prove meaningful. Veneration of Mark Twain is one of the roots of our current intellectual stalemate.

>> No.6893253

Rec me some manga, faggot. And btw
>reading it
>it being manga

>> No.6893265
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>dismissing literature because it is "dated"

>> No.6893267


>> No.6893271

Are you reading Death Death Demons De De De Destruction? You might like Ashizuri Suizokukan and Hell by PanPanya.

>> No.6893280

>not recognizing a quote from A Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.6893290

oh... my bad, Confederacy is still burred in my backlog. been wanting to get to it tho

>> No.6893305

actually, a classic is a book everybody wants to have read, but nobody wants to read

>> No.6893326

>You may remember that Mark Twain preferred to lie supinely in bed while composing those rather dated and boring efforts which contemporary scholars try to prove meaningful. Veneration of Mark Twain is one of the roots of our current intellectual stalemate.

are you quoteing a confederacy of dunces. ?

>> No.6893334

I only read classics tbh

>> No.6893413


came here to post this.

>> No.6893420
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>> No.6893616
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>> No.6893690

Sun Tzu's The Art of War is NOT THAT THICK A BOOK. I own it and it's in between the size of a brochure and YA novel.