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/lit/ - Literature

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6862392 No.6862392 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6862401

is this like a watered down version of the turner diaries for the 21st century?

>> No.6862415
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this is shaping up to be a great thread
amerifats amirite?

>> No.6862420
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Just had to look it up to see if this is actually real.


It is. And it's gotten even more positive reviews.

>> No.6862432

What was the last book written by a European that displayed their affection for their birthplace?




I'm still waiting, anon...



>> No.6862437



>> No.6862443

>Science Fiction

I'm talking aout real books, anon..

>> No.6862448

Mein Kampf?

>> No.6862452
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>Europe is an Islamic Stronghold

>> No.6862458
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>tfw I read this for a laugh
>the evil commie Muslim atheist president recalls all the troops on foreign soil at once and halts all oil drilling and also repatriates a terrorist to his not-Iran homeland as a "gesture of friendship" because dumb liberals am I right

>> No.6862464

>my birthplace desperately needs my affection
Never understood that tbh.

>> No.6862478

>Never understood that tbh.

not surprised, euroshit

>> No.6862505

Next you'll be telling me that you've never shed a tear when you hear your national anthem

>> No.6862523 [DELETED] 

It's funny cause americans can't conceive the concept of actual affection

Europe isn't a clusterfuck of 'muh states', every country has own culture, unlike united states of no local and no overall culture, you know

Each country has a ton of novels which display such affection, not all of them having been translated to english, and if you can't list some, you only prove that you're a self-absorbed and ignorant piece of bliss

>> No.6862531

It's funny cause americans can't conceive the concept of actual affection

Europe isn't a clusterfuck of 'muh states', every country has its own culture, unlike united states of no local and no overall culture.

And each country has some novels which display such affection, not all of them having been translated to english, and if you can't even list some, you only prove that you're a self-absorbed and ignorant piece of bliss; as little as I care about them, as an average inhabitant of Europe I can at least name a few great american novels

>> No.6862532

>americans can't conceive the concept of actual affection
you have that backwards my friend. In Europe it's a social crime to publicly like your country

Nice examples of novels that display affection btw

>> No.6862540

>I can at least name a few great american novels
>unlike united states of no local and no overall culture
>I can at least name a few great american novels
>united states of no local and no overall culture
>a few great american novels
>no local and no overall culture

>> No.6862550

>In Europe it's a social crime to publicly like your country
You know so much about Europe from dank memes and lurking /int/ xDDDDDDD

And you seriously don't know Gorski Vijenac or even Pan Tadeusz? How new are you?

>> No.6862552

what is European culture?

>> No.6862554

>/pol/ unironically will defend this shit
holy shit you are so fucking retarded.

You realize that one of the biggest books that came out in France in the last 2 years has almost the exact same premise as this book except without the pants on head retarded Tom Clancy hollywood action shit right?

Fucking pick up a book every once and a while god fucking damn.

>> No.6862565

There is, however, no display of any 'culture' in the novels. Just family problems, bad economy, drinking habits and restaurant names. That's hardly ''culture''. And book in the OP is only different from GAN in the way that it doesn't describe contemporary moods and >feels.

>> No.6862574

>You realize that one of the biggest books that came out in France in the last 2 years has almost the exact same premise as this book except without the pants on head retarded Tom Clancy hollywood action shit right?

What book are you even talking about?

>> No.6862577

Shame none of you cucks can take pride from your heritage...

>> No.6862585


Just because we're laughing at a hilariously shit book doesn't mean we hate america

Jesus you /pol/ fags get triggered easier than tumblr feminists sometimes.

>> No.6862587
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How about a novel written by a guy who hasn't been dead for over one-hundred fifty years? You know, something that reflects contemporary attitudes of Europeans

Now what kind of environment would cause a man to seriously write a book about the destruction of his home country and culture and have it purchased by half of France? Clearly not a proud or affectionate one

>> No.6862588


>> No.6862591


>> No.6862593
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I do!


>> No.6862595

Can someone explain to me who fucking wrote this? Says William W. Johnstone, but he died in 2004, and it was apparently written "with" J. A. Johnstone in 2011.

>> No.6862597

English: our national anthem is shit

>> No.6862598

>when America does it it's "affectionate"
>when France does it it's not
>I have to insulate myself from being wrong in whatever way possible so that I can feel smug no matter what the facts are

lol okay bub

btw how is an American writing a book demonizing half of his country as evil "LIBERALS" affectionate anyways?

>> No.6862607

You're boneheaded.

Actually spend some time in different states and see how different from each other they can be.

>> No.6862611

When America does it, it becomes a meme on 4chan and is purchased by nobody. When France does it, it becomes a international sensation that causes Frenchmen to cry tears of bitter, impotent nationalist pride that they know they can never express for fear of accusations of racism

>> No.6862615
File: 24 KB, 252x393, Turnerdiariescover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprised you had never heard of Soumission: it's a very French response to nationalism. The main character at the end considers converting to Islam because they have failed to defend France against a political invasion of Muslims.

The Turner Diaries is seriously one of the books that got me into reading, it should be required reading in public high schools for sure.

Gonna go ahead and add my captcha was to select pictures of pick-up trucks.

>> No.6862623


>comparing a novel by a world renowned novelist so some complete adolescent wish fulfillment garbage written by an illiterate Americlap whose primary literary influences are probably Tom Clancy and Stephen King.

Why do you even come to the literature board if you don't read books?

>> No.6862641

I didn't make the original comparison actually. You were the one who pitted Soumission and whatever the name of this book is against one another. I was simply following pushing you down the chain of logic until you were forced to admit a contradiction in your analogy

Thanks for playing

>> No.6862644

>''all I can say is HOLYCR@P''

>> No.6862702

i want to enter jake lantz

>> No.6862724
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>you actually contradicted yourself and I was trying to trick you into doing it

Let me explain why this is wrong.
You said that Europeans don't write novels "showing affection for their countries" which implied this book did.
I gave you an example of a European novel that actually had literary merit which had almost the exact same premise as this other novel, which is pants on head retarded garbage tier not even airport novel quality.

You said that when America does it it gets attacked on 4chan but when France does it it's okay.
I said you were making a mistake by thinking the two novels were comparable in terms of quality, which is something I never said.
As you can see from this I never contradicted myself whereas you have demonstrated yourself to be an ignorant /pol/tard and frankly an illiterate nigger.
Go back to your containment board please.

>> No.6862735
File: 49 KB, 240x260, Ross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Turner Diaries is seriously one of the books that got me into reading, it should be required reading in public high schools for sure.

You want to have a book that celebrates Militants, Racial Conflict, and Genocide, in a time of highly publicised Police and School shootings, as required for American Children?

Can't see anything wrong with that.

>> No.6862746

>tfw you're American and agree with Heidegger that America is an ahistorical rupture

>> No.6862757

>tfw iktf

Being surrounded by these Amerilards is the reason I stay inside my apartment all day long.

>> No.6862765


No that is not the reason. The reason is that you never learned to socialize growing up.

>> No.6862768


Its not so much a Muslim political invasion as much as Islam simply stepping into the place of those that stopped defending themselves and stopped having children, the book is most disparaging of the native Europeans, particularly the elites. The core of the novel is essentially that secular enlightenment led France down a dead-end, but now Islam has come along to save us.

The new President is a Napoleon figure who carves out for France a new place in the world. Its actually a very pro-Islam book. The only people who lose out are feminists (who Houellebecq dislikes anyway) and the Jews (who he does have a weird affection for)

>> No.6862776

I can socialize perfectly well I just hate being around mongoloids because my IQ is over 170 so if I don't have any intelligent people I know I can hang out with that day I stay at home and read or browse the internet.

>> No.6862790
File: 51 KB, 534x446, 1425626376734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Too intelligent to hang out with other people
>Spend all day engaging literal autists on the internet in discussions about shit that doesn't matter


>> No.6862813

>spending your time on 4chan when you could be spending your time doing some mongoloid normalfag shit like yikyak or snapchat
>implying I go to 4chan because it's good

lol okay bub

>> No.6862824


>> No.6862825

You're a coward to assume those are the only people outside the internet; contradictory of you to in essence do so anyway here.

The joy of a high IQ is the toned ability to rationalize your way out of anything.

>> No.6862828

It actually has some legitimate artistic and cultural merit though. I don't see how 1984 is any different, which is about terrorists, or Brave New World, which disparages modern society as useless and broken. It's just good dystopia fiction.

Honestly, I would have never eventually read American fiction or probably fiction in general like Moby-Dick and Gravity's Rainbow had it not been for The Turner Diaries.

>> No.6862838


I know some people who aren't shit outside the internet we just don't hang out all the time every day because that's pointless.
I'm not rationalizing anything. But this is getting off topic so w/e

>> No.6862843

Everyone in this fucking thread >>>/int/

>> No.6862851

>You said that Europeans don't write novels "showing affection for their countries" which implied this book did.
No it doesn't?
>I gave you an example of a European novel that actually had literary merit which had almost the exact same premise as this other novel, which is pants on head retarded garbage tier not even airport novel quality.
Yes, your need to be smug accidentally ruined your argument
>I said you were making a mistake by thinking the two novels were comparable in terms of quality, which is something I never said.
>I said ... which is something I never said
>I never contradicted myself
You just did again, see above
>whereas you have demonstrated yourself to be an ignorant /pol/tard and frankly an illiterate nigger.
I don't browse /pol/, please stop assuming that everybody who thinks eurocucks are funny wants to genocide black people

In short, it was a bad example you chose, we all agree on that point.

>> No.6862859


>> No.6862860
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you either have zero reading comprehension skills or this is bait so I'm done.

>> No.6862876

this is a perfect example of general psychosis in a nation whose main ideology is postmoderm narcissism.

>> No.6862878

I'm not blaming you for reading it. What you read is up to you. It's just that skimming the wikipedia summary gives me the impression that the book is nothing more than a bad neo-nazi's fanfic.

1984, Brave New World had events which were at least plausible within their world. But a group of Terrorists launching Nuclear Weapon's against other Nuclear Armed Nations, while the terrorists remain largely Unscathed in the ensuing Nuclear holocaust, it just don't add up.

Add to that the comically evil caricatures of Jews and Blacks, someone flying a "cropduster equipped with a nuclear warhead" into the Pentagon before the US government can order the liberation of California, and that somehow stopping the planned Invasion, as if the entire US government could be disabled by the destruction of one building, the book is just pants on head retarded.

>> No.6862883


fuckin rekt

>> No.6862923

>It's just that skimming the wikipedia summary

Not that anon, but this is where your post should've ended.

Jesus christ /lit/ I thought you guys were joking about reading wikipedia articles of books so you could talk about them as though you've read them.

>> No.6862967

I'm not talking about the book as though I've read it. I doubt anyone here has read the book in OP's pic either, but the information from the blurb is enough to get an idea of what the book is about, and criticize it's implausible plot. Likewise I wasn't criticizing the Turner diaries prose, or it's characters, I was talking about it's plot points.

>> No.6863611


>> No.6863964


>> No.6865296
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>> No.6865369

My nation has it's own epic.

And it's not fantasy.

>> No.6865399
File: 169 KB, 1564x900, 4e3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reply to this post if you're smarter than the average ameritard

>> No.6865408
File: 974 KB, 396x222, throw+book+out+the+window.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6865412

Because you've been raised to support superior Islamic culture and radical feminism Yurocuck

I'm LMAOing at your lives

>> No.6865422

You realize Houellebecq was sued numerous times and almost censored by the government because he said he disapproves of Islam? Some freedom of speech Yuroshites.

>> No.6865427

/pol/ is full of people who hate America and jerk off muh Yuro heritage

>> No.6865428

With the amount of food Murrica throws away that might actually work if those kids were willing to go dumpster diving.

>> No.6865429
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>> No.6865450
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Looked through the reviews and the only one with a comment is the one I saw that was critical of the book.

>Interesting review... This book is a work of fiction. Take it for what it is. In fiction nothing is "way too over the top".
>In fiction nothing is "way too over the top".

These are people that get their news from facebook and think that being able to write a book is an indicator of intelligence.

>> No.6865452

>>I said ... which is something I never said
congrats on being a dip

>> No.6865455

What makes lit any better than them?

>> No.6865467

Specifically, I'd like to believe that no one who's spent even a few months here gets their news from facebook or thinks that simply being able to write a book makes you intelligent to some degree.

>> No.6865479

I mean a lot of the people here think they're geniuses for reading books a couple levels above John Green

Not defending the reviewers, just pointing out that this board isn't as smart as it thinks it is

>> No.6865485

people sometimes actually into dumpster as ecologists

>> No.6865493
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>> No.6865502

being able to understand, interpret and critique a work 'several levels above John Green' doesn't make someone a 'genius' (that's just silly) but is an indicator of a sort of intelligence