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6802488 No.6802488 [Reply] [Original]

is Stoicism the best philosophy to adhere to in the modern age?

>> No.6802495


>> No.6802502

Yeah, pretty much

>> No.6802504


>> No.6802512

expect the worst :^)

>> No.6802567
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>> No.6802578

No, Islam.

>> No.6802600


Worst form of monotheism tbh

1) Zoroastrianism
2) Eastern Orthodox
3) Catholicism
4) traditional Protestant denominations
5) Conservative Judaism
6) Shia Islam

-----Power Break------

6) American Evangalists
7) Sunni Islam
8) Reform Judaism

>> No.6802607
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Stoicism is based.

stoicism in a nutshell: don't be a little bitch, get a handle on your shit, be a good person, see the beauty and order of creation, and oh if some bitch ass nigga gets gully brush yo shoulders off lil homie

acquire virtue, get money

>> No.6802611


>> No.6802614
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>not praising Ahura Mazda and him filling you with truth

>> No.6802618

Fug my power rankings are ruined!

>> No.6802641
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>> No.6802652 [DELETED] 


>get money

You forgot about the part where you cultivate indifference to external events and circumstances, and passively accept whatever's 'allotted' to you by so-called Nature or logos; so that if you're rich or poor, healthy or sick, it's necessary.

Stoicism = resignation and inaction, renunciation of passion (which is futile), an over-emphasis on principled virtue and 'rational' control of one's perceptions rather than being a genuine person.

Everything, every interaction and experience, is filtered through the stupid idea that one has to be absolutely calm (which is antithetical to the type of thing that we are).

Stoicism is the intellect raised above actual human experience.

Also, it entails accepting modernity and industrialism--for those of you who are cognitively dissonant and try to be a Stoic while also being critically minded of society/culture.

>> No.6802664

Is Meditations the best place to start with Stoicism?

>> No.6802683

I'd recommend Seneca. He's slightly more accessible than Aurelius.

Seneca, then Meditations, and then Epictetus who is elder god-tier

>> No.6802693

Alrighty, thanks friend.

>> No.6802696

Explain this memery

>> No.6802719

Yeah, no.
1) Sikhism
2) Hasidic Judaism
3) Eastern Orthodox

---- Power break ----

4) All others

>> No.6802723
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>> No.6802726

This tbh
Pantheism > everything else

>> No.6802730
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>Implying Hasidic Judaism is a specific branch of Judaism

>> No.6802734


>> No.6802758


>> No.6802772
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I grew up a Shia Muslim tbh.

fedora tipping is the only way.

>> No.6802778

why the fuck did you leave it

>> No.6802791

while technically they are not a seperate branch people in the orthodox world know that there's hasidim, and then there's everyone else.....and then there's chabad

>> No.6802792
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because its Islam

>> No.6802795

Recommend me books on Hinduism and dank Eastern stuff plz

>> No.6802806
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just smh

>> No.6802819

Zen is based. Like a non-intuitive, pre-rational Stoicism. Same principles: get your shit together, be aware of your physical self and mental energies etc.

I'd recommend "Beginner's Mind" by Shunryu Suzuki and "Three Pillars of Zen" by Peter something or other.


>> No.6802829
File: 732 KB, 600x712, 'Amitabha_in_Sukhavati_Paradise',_Tibetan,_circa_1700,_San_Antonio_Museum_of_Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

opinion on Pure Land Buddhism?

>> No.6802832

Alan Watts, The Secret Teachings of Tibetan Buddhist Monks

>> No.6802853

>anything but epicureanism

>> No.6802856

eh, im wary about giving out recommendations. im still too new to this stuff to consider myself qualified. just look around a bit and see what interests you. then read some books on it.

i guess i could atleast namedrop rene guenon whose perspectives i found very helpful in getting started. and regardless of what people say about julius evola: the yoga of power, the metaphysics of sex (lots on taoism in this book), and the doctrine of awakening are all excellent.

>> No.6802870

I think the most important thing is to not get cucked by suffering.
This is only done through complete indifference.

Putting this into practice is the hard thing.

>> No.6802881

Not a fan from what little I've read.

I tend to shy away from the abstract philosophizing of the Mahayanists and any sect that distances itself from practice and the here and now. The gist is good but my eyes glaze over if a third of a response to a problem on a buddhist forum is in sanskrit. People get too wrapped up in the scriptures. I just can't interface with them that deeply.

>> No.6802910

isn't that the one where you just say "om mani padme hum" and you're automatically liberated from suffering?

seems sus tbh

>> No.6803021


>> No.6803424
File: 334 KB, 663x581, 1423357246525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah bro I'm sure it's just as simple as that. Dumb fucking cunt

>a religion's validity is determined by how accessible it is to speakers of different languages

>> No.6803489

>>a religion's validity is determined by how accessible it is to speakers of different languages

lol you're a fucking clown.

the buddha strongly advised against over-intellectualizing his teachings, which I feel some Mahayanists do.

know what you're talking about first before you open your little faggy "lol plebs" folder

>> No.6803504

no it's just a meme tbh

>> No.6803505
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>what is the Simsapa Sutta

>> No.6803543
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>"In the same way, monks, those things that I have known with direct knowledge but have not taught are far more numerous [than what I have taught]. And why haven't I taught them? Because they are not connected with the goal, do not relate to the rudiments of the holy life, and do not lead to disenchantment, to dispassion, to cessation, to calm, to direct knowledge, to self-awakening, to Unbinding. That is why I have not taught them.

rekt by ur own riposte

>> No.6803552

Holy shit dude your right. I repent, as does everyone in my fucking monastery. Show us the path o Bodhi

>> No.6803554

So I'm about to read The Iliad, is Pope's translation acceptable?

>> No.6803602
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Let's be honest, Norse mythology is the top tier

>> No.6803622
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>escapism from acceptance of the absurd
>moral realism

no, sorry, it really isn't. everyone who's said it is is either religious or wishes they were religious.

try non-cognitivist egoism. it's much more based because you aren't lying to yourself at all about the qualities of the universe. You are looking at the universe for what it is, and choosing to be a master of your own mind. Stoicism involves escaping from aspects of your mind that hurt you instead of accepting their existence and using them to your advantage. That's weak.

>> No.6803659

shitposting on an Andorran potty training forum is unbecoming of buddhists.

namaste to you good sir

>> No.6803673
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>You are looking at the universe for what it is, and choosing to be a master of your own mind. Stoicism involves escaping from aspects of your mind that hurt you instead of accepting their existence and using them to your advantage. That's weak.

>"You should look to the faculties that you have, and say as you behold them, ‘Bring on me now, O Zeus, whatever difficulties you will, for I have the means and the resources granted to me by yourself to bring honour to myself through whatever may come to pass."

another /lit/ poster talking out of his ass again

>> No.6803809

Please help

>> No.6803933

this tbh
Based Epicurus knew the measure of pleasure and pain.

Fagles Bagels

>> No.6804126

Pope is amazing and the language is beautiful, but he changed a lot in translation. It doesn't sound much like the Greek. Fagles is mediocre, kind of dull to read. Lattimore is probably the all around best translation tbh.

>> No.6804403
File: 308 KB, 816x1024, gardens-of-the-generalife-1895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has always been Epicurus.

>> No.6804741

Just create your own values and morals and adhere to those.

>> No.6804820

Personally I see nothing wrong with diving head first into the Enchiridion.

I'd also recommend checking out the cynics if you have a true interest in stoicism.

>> No.6805094

I would think so.

>> No.6805110

>it's ok, i'll just retreat to my garden and till the daisies. no i'm not worried by the distant fires at night or the muffled sound of gunfire. what do I have to apologize for?

>> No.6805293

exactly, perfection

>> No.6805315

>sikh internet defense force
fucking faggots you are everywhere

>> No.6805342
File: 218 KB, 768x1024, Ireland_Powerscourt_Pagoda-1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The advice goes that you would do well to avoid the world gone mad.
Works for some. They can't take it. (most of 4chan is filled with this type) I have no actual garden though, so I'd like to get involved and help everyone put out the fires, calm the gunfire, get to a point where everyone has nice garden parties.

/lit/ is a bit of that garden after all, isn't it?

>> No.6805346
File: 814 KB, 1200x655, screen_shot_2013-06-18_at_11.41.44_am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is Stoicism the best philosophy to adhere to in the modern age?
well it is a good beginning, but you also must detach from your perceptions and sensations in being a state of equanimity towards them, just as you are equanim towards the fifth senses.

so basically, stoicism is the first step towards the budda's dharma where you put in practice the various meditations

stoicism does not make sense if you do not go further than stoicism

>> No.6805348

Atenism is the only true form of monotheism.