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/lit/ - Literature

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6649883 No.6649883 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit just finished this book. For all the shit McCarthy gets on this board, the writing in the book is overwhelming. I have a couple thoughts, about the book and I'd love to know what /lit/ has to say about them:
It's pretty much Moby-Dick in form (traversing extreme terrain, a small band of people, each with their own allegorical stake, the trichotomy of human interaction, boredom, and violence; the power of nature). Does that make the judge the whale? Is he the devil? I know there isn't one actual answer but he's such an interesting and complex character I'm sure he has a different analogue and meaning to each reader.
Is this a condemnation of America, or a resignation that violence and war are a necessity in life, and America took advantage of that fact and was simply better (ie. the last man dancing)?

Furthermore, does this novel have anything redeeming to say about humanity? If so, what? These aren't meant to be sophomoric prompts, but the questions I'm genuinely thinking about after reading.

>> No.6650050


>> No.6650067

In that sleep and in sleep to follow the judge did visit. Who would come other? A great shambling mutant, silent and serene. Whatever his antecedents, he was something wholly other than their sum, nor was there system by which to divide him back into his origins for he would not go. Whoever would seek out his history through what unraveling of loins and ledgerbooks must stand at last darkened and dumb at the shore of a void without terminus or origin and whatever science he might bring to bear upon the dusty primal matter blowing down out of the millennia will discover no trace of any ultimate atavistic egg by which to reckon his commencing.

And no, there's nothing redeeming about humanity. If there is, it probably has something to do with that retard who miraculously didn't kill the women in the river.

>> No.6650124

McCarthy does NOT get shit on this board, what are you talking about? I've been here for 5 minutes and everyone has jerked their dick off about The Road and Blood Meridian harder than /pol/ hates jews

>> No.6650140

this. he's a meme

>> No.6650260


Must depend on the time of day then.

I've seen several threads where the majority of posts claim his writing sucks.

>> No.6650264

It's one dude furiously spamming. Possibly Thomas Pynchon himself. or his faggot son. Fuck you Jackson.

>> No.6650265

Well he's 2deep4 some plebs

>> No.6650295

Other way around, actually. Plebs who like under-punctuated passages about tortillas and the bowel movements of horses think he's the deepest author ever.

>> No.6650394
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>wants to discuss book
>only discussion is about McCarthy's meme status

>> No.6650402

You started it yourself by bringing his meme status up in the OP.

>> No.6650406

what were you expecting from 4chan?

>> No.6650418

You ain't nothing.

>> No.6650424
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I have two great memes for this post! 1/2

>> No.6650428
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>> No.6650433

10/10 you got me
honestly with all the faux-intellectual dick-measuring that goes on on /lit/, I was expecting at least a couple of pretentious anons to attempt a discussion.
What I was hoping for was an actual discussion, but the bar was set too high.

>> No.6650438

Sometimes there are people that can actually say something smart. These events occur just a few times a week.

>> No.6650441
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Poor mans Lonesome Dove tbh.

>> No.6650446

wow you really are new

>> No.6650452
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Poorer man's The Beetle Leg tbh.

>> No.6650484
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Well so since I actually took the time to read the book and look up all the 19th century words about horses shitting and cactuses, lets throw down some BM memes:

The judge—think Wittgenstein—JH says shit like he is familiar with all things and all things exist at his dispensation.

No condemnation of Murka.

The Kid redeems humanity by telling the Judge he ain't shit. And he dies for that and the Judge dances furiously into the night while playing the fiddle.

Bundles of conflicting symbols can create the illusion of depth. Or maybe that IS depth. Because it gives you something to think about.

>> No.6650500
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>> No.6650508

most people shit on the road here, lurk more

>> No.6650545


>Lonesome Dove

legitimate pulitzer prize winner

>The Road

pity pulitzer

>> No.6650559

McCarthy is alright. I loved him until I looked at his books with a critical eye.

>> No.6650609

Was the Judge supposed to represent the Nietzschean overman?

>> No.6650618
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>> No.6650820

The Judge represented Pepe, and the rest of the world was Wojak

>> No.6650950

Summer meme /lit/:

Can anyone link scholarly analysis for someone who wants to explore this novel beyond "What happened to the Kid?" I just want to hear what smarter people than me came up with.

>> No.6650991

The kid is the whale.

>> No.6651053

oh sh*t, the judge is albino like the whale

>> No.6652125
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>> No.6652197

Elaborate you attention whoring faggot.