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/lit/ - Literature

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6601734 No.6601734 [Reply] [Original]

I remember a thread not too long ago left wing literature. I was wondering if anyone has the recommendation chart that was featured in that thread?

>> No.6601740

*a thread not too long ago about left wing literature.

>> No.6601748
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there's another, I can't seem to find it tho

>> No.6601753

how is mcluhan left wing?

>> No.6601755

ah yes thats the one, but if there is another someone who has it should definitely post it.

>> No.6601773
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i got u

>> No.6601783

cheers moite

>> No.6601815

>wells, london, steinbeck
basically high school lit

>2 science fiction novels
are those really some of the top 5 pieces of leftist fiction you can think of? It really says less for leftism than you think when you look to the right for comparison and see Elliot, Hamsun, Lawrence, Junger, Early Mann, Nabakov.

>> No.6601826

>left wing literature
>left wing
literal retard detected

>> No.6601834

nice meme m8

>> No.6601847

I've never read anything to suggest Nabokov wasn't mostly apolitical and otherwise liberal.

>> No.6601856

>muh communism
that's the meme you uneducated, naive retard with no life experience

>> No.6601894

this thread turned out really well; the shitposting started almost as if on cue right after the purpose of the thread was served.

>> No.6601910


>> No.6601979

>with no life experience

God, now you got me trying to remember that Trotsky quote about how those who seek strenght in pseudo-realistic conservatism are always armed to teeth with their life experience that never went beyond the office desk or something like that

>> No.6601985

Btw is nobody going to question how stupid OP's pic? It's hilarious because the dude is apparently a leftist but he's buying on the "national socialism is left-wing" ruse even though it was pretty much the only party being financed by industrialists everywhere and systematically reprivatizing firms during the 30s even though almost no other country was doing so at the time. Our political ignorance is reaching the level where what was explicitly intended as a marketing strategy is being taken at face value

>> No.6602005

>someone says you have no life experience
>try to come back with someone elses experiences and not even your own
boy, you're really just textbook

>> No.6602012

>boy, you're really just textbook

I'm not even the person you were replying to, you just got me seriously trying to remember that quote. Also, I'd love to hear about your "life experience" and see if at least you could, like us, fill an entire textbook.

>> No.6602019

>Right wing literature
>a vast cornucopia of diverse ideas, politics, and philosophy that ranges from hardcore traditionalist authoritarianism, nationalism, neopagan sprituality, abrahamic religious conservativism, American conservativism/capitalism, right-libertarian/anarchism, etc...
>left wing literature
>Marx, variations on Marx, derivative Marxist Frankfurt school degeneracy, capitalism bad, muh victimhood, muh exploitation, muh Marx...

>> No.6602031

you forgot to mention that many of the things you'd associate with the Right today such as patriotism, nationalism, liberalism, republicanism were literally the agenda of what composed the "Left" when these terms were invented and the "Right" was still fighting for a constitutional monarchy, clericalism and feudalism. other things such as the religious traditions definitely appealed more once to reform-minded people than conservative people at their inception

so many of the things that makes the Right diverse were once part of the Left, you just happen to be 200 to 2000 years too late

>> No.6602040

you're stupid

>> No.6602053


I didn't forget to mention it, it's irrelevant because we're talking about today, not 200-2000 years ago. Today, the steady stream of monomaniacal Marxist garbage and variations on the theme define the entirety of left wing thought, whereas the "right" is defined to be anything in opposition to the left.

So we are at a point where both a military-bootlicking junta supporter and an anarcho-capitalist are considered Righ wing, simply because they are not Left, even though they a priori have nothing in common.

>> No.6602072

keep throwing these potshots at safe distance, but don't get ambitious

the Right will always have more diversity because the past is always richer than the foreseeable future. even complete relicts of the time such as monarchism and mystical nationalism will find its adherents on the right.

plus, you're neglecting the fact that the theoretical foundations of marxism help the Left understand the engines at work behind the historical necessity of every "ideology" so they become somewhat superfluous. the richness and variety is in how you apply that to come up with an alternative to the present one, and here you have a lot of diversity as evidenced by a lot of internal conflict.

>> No.6602097

>plus, you're neglecting the fact that the theoretical foundations of marxism help the Left understand the engines at work behind the historical necessity of every "ideology" so they become somewhat superfluous.

Are you trying to tell me that Marxists believe the entire historical development of philosophy and politics is subsumed/irrelevant/in service of their own revolution and ideology? I already know that. I "neglected" to mention it because it's obviously wrong and uninteresting to me. Good night.

>> No.6602130

no, I'm trying to tell you that human society and its particular socio-economic arrangements are a consequence of the available tools of production and distribution, that each system is nothing but a link on a chain of an evolutionary process made possible by this changing material nature and that wanting a particular arrangement back when the very economic base that made it possible is gone forever is stupid, just like praising a group for tying together all these futile desires is like praising a store today for having a wide variety of VHS players. good night.

>> No.6604357

That's a fucked up chart.

>> No.6604402

>what is left libertarianism
>what is mutualism
>what is the postmodern/post-structuralist vs marxista divide in the left
>a vast cornucopia of [[different ways of arguing/rationalizing the status quo]]
Except for the anarcho capitalists and libertarians but they are hardly left or right