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/lit/ - Literature

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6584252 No.6584252 [Reply] [Original]

If you haven't read Evola you need to get the fuck off /lit/

>> No.6584264

No, if you have you need to fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.6584268

>It was Evola's custom to walk around the city during bombing raids in order to better 'ponder his destiny'. During one such Soviet raid, in March or April 1945, a shell fragment damaged his spinal cord and he became paralyzed from the waist down, remaining so for the remainder of his life

>> No.6584271

>I take pride in my ignorance

>> No.6584276


>I believe in magic

>> No.6584279


>> No.6584283
File: 227 KB, 1200x1101, 1385773359373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't believe in magick

>> No.6584289 [DELETED] 

Can some one make an image of famous Marxists/ Hegelian leftists juxataposed in a way that they resemble famous roman catholics?

>> No.6584312

I personally just don't want to revert to a traditional hierarchy based society and become an illiterate serf again.

That's just me tbh

>> No.6584317
File: 26 KB, 600x450, fat fedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I believe in magick

>> No.6584318

Do you know anything about older societies?

The way you are typing you sound like one of those 'Bazinga all of historical organizations of people were the same for thousands of years and its only the last few decades that are even semi suffer-able'-types

>> No.6584323

If you would have been an illiterate serf then you're probably an illiterate serf now

>> No.6584327

As would most people on 4chan, buddy.

Don't kid yourself into having noble lineage.

>> No.6584328

He's right. Communism is the capitalism of the lower classes.

>> No.6584339

If castes didn't mix serfs would be born of serfs and noblemen would be born of noblemen 100% of the time.

>> No.6584345

No it isn't

>> No.6584346
File: 71 KB, 803x688, 4ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone has different views from me
>spout le epic pol meme

This sums up every liberal argument on this board

>> No.6584361

>all non-fascists are liberals
are you American?

>> No.6584373

I've read evola. That doesn't mean I blindly accepted everything he said.

>> No.6584413

Evola wasn't fascist

>> No.6584424

>evola is pol

Can't be real.

>> No.6584441

Never heard anything about Evola except for shitposting here on lit, usually in an unrelated thread. Can someone offer me a useful non-meme opinion on his work?

>> No.6584450

He was

>> No.6584456

" Evola ha una sua influenza, anche se difficilmente quantificabile, nel variegato mondo della cultura fascista: con lo scopo di indirizzarne l'impostazione culturale ed ideologica verso posizioni più affini al suo pensiero, scrive numerosi saggi, collabora intensamente con riviste e giornali di grande tiratura e partecipa alla vita accademica del suo tempo in veste di conferenziere, sia presso alcune prestigiose università italiane e straniere che nell'ambito dei corsi di mistica fascista" me cojoni

>> No.6584463
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can we get some real mother fucking posts up in here please

>> No.6584492

Anyone who believes this should be banned from /lit/. Anyone cool either has noble lineage, deludes themselves into thinking they have it (see Nietzsche), or is a badass free as fuck American who doesn't believe in that shit anyway. If none of these three options describe you, you will never be /lit/.

>> No.6584546

At the very least read the introduction to his wikipedia page, Jesus Christ.

>> No.6584688

great argumentation

>> No.6584792

i read it in italian and posted a bit but you ignored it

>> No.6585341

The hermetic Italian freak? What the hell does he have to do with literature? Fuck off.

>> No.6585360


You know nothing of one of these, or maybe even both. Evola in no way shares views with /pol/.

>> No.6585501

Erm... i read ride the tiger. Sort of half-bright nietzsche, pessimistic, vaguely fantastical.

>> No.6585571
File: 42 KB, 480x454, Muhvola not looking like a haughty retard only retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh dadaism
>muh "spiritual" racism
>muh co-opting of Guénon
>muh drugs
>muh 1337 SS guard
>muh life as an idle rich
>muh chacra
>muh inspiration to terrorists
>muh abolishment of industry
>muh hand-made wheel chair

>> No.6585602

I love Evola. But he isn't the alpha and omega of Traditionalism or Reactionary political theory. These threads are usually dissapointing.

Evola explicitly pointed out that his goal was not a simple "return to the past" but to salvage what we lost from those time periods and bring them into our era. He also openly claimed that his portrayal's of past civilizations were idealized for this end.

He does a great job in his critique of modernity, which is close to Nietzsche's. The difference is that Evola believed that a certain brand of esoterism and politics ( which is explicitly anti-nationalist and anti-collectivist mind you) could solve the problems of modernity( he abandoned politics later in life). He was focused on heroic virtues and was against being too overly intellectual and academic. He had a very broad view of history and existence and covered allot of ground in his work, because of this some important details are missing as things are considered in such a "bird's eye view". He is great in that he presents this completely alternate worldview to our status quo, and does so with an incredible amount of internal consistency. His worldview works extremely well once you pull all his claims together instead of just reading a bit here and there, which will seem ludicrous to one who simply juxtaposes aspects of his traditionalist world view with our status quo, as they are two totally different orders. His metaphysics are a simplified Neo-Platonism mixed with a degree of Manicheanism between the masculine and "solar" aspects of life and the feminine and "lunar" aspects. He mixed all this with a kind of Zen Buddhist like focus on experience overly intellectuality. Evola wanted us to rupture bourgeois life with a love of danger and that which destroys our complacency and makes us test ourselves. The end goal that he set out is a transcendent state reached while still here and now, not in some far away utopia or in a heaven.

>> No.6585611


spiritual racism is a pol meme he is actually very meritocratic

>> No.6585626

No it isn't a "pol meme". It was his.

>> No.6585772

Yes he does. He believed a Jewish conspiracy was destroying the West. That's incredibly /pol/.

>> No.6586086

>No Guénon
>No Schuon
>No Coomaraswamy

>> No.6587853

>Communism is the capitalism of the lower classes.
no explanation

>great argumentation


>> No.6588049

No that's just true

>> No.6588149

Nietzsche actually did have some noble lineage.

>> No.6588237

Bet you weren't expecting anon to actually deliver like a freight train>>6585602

For a man who seems to be considered crazy by a majority of the people who know of him he seems to have seems to have some very reasonable, accessible and likeable ideas.

I've never looked far into him, but this quote (I'm assuming it's real) makes me think he might have at least had a good mind on him and some writing ability, if nothing else.

>> No.6588296

Just read Rudolph Steiner instead.

>> No.6588330

Started reading Ride the Tiger recently. His framing of the Global Protest movement of Western Youth is more relevant than ever

>there is a basic similarity, in terms of technological consumer society, between the system of advanced communist countries and that of the capitalist world, because in the former, the original impulse of the proletarian revolution is much diminished. This impulse has now been realized, inasmuch as the working class has entered the consumer system, being assured of a lifestyle that is no longer proletarian but bourgeois: the very thing whose absence was the incentive for revolution. But alongside this convergence there has become visible the conditioning power of one and the same "system," manifesting as the tendency to destroy all the higher values of life and personality. At the level more or less corresponding to the "last man" foreseen by Nietzsche, the individual in contemporary consumer society reckons that it would be too expensive, indeed absurd, to do without the comfort and well-being that this evolved society offers him, merely for the sake of an abstract freedom. Thus he accepts with a good grace all the leveling conditionings of the system. This realization has caused a bypassing of revolutionary Marxism, now deprived of its original motive force, in favor of a "global protest" against the system. This movement, however, also lacks any higher principle: it is irrational, anarchic, and instinctive in character. For want of anything else, it calls on the abject minorities of outsiders, on the excluded and rejected, sometimes even on the Third World (in which case Marxist fantasies reappear) and on the blacks, as being the only revolutionary potential. But it stands under the sign of nothingness: it is a hysterical "revolution of the void and the 'under- ground,'" of "maddened wasps trapped in a glass jar, who throw them- selves frenetically against the walls."

>> No.6588390

>>there is a basic similarity, in terms of technological consumer society, between the system of advanced communist countries and that of the capitalist world, because in the former, the original impulse of the proletarian revolution is much diminished. This impulse has now been realized, inasmuch as the working class has entered the consumer system, being assured of a lifestyle that is no longer proletarian but bourgeois: the very thing whose absence was the incentive for revolution. But alongside this convergence there has become visible the conditioning power of one and the same "system," manifesting as the tendency to destroy all the higher values of life and personality. At the level more or less corresponding to the "last man" foreseen by Nietzsche, the individual in contemporary consumer society reckons that it would be too expensive, indeed absurd, to do without the comfort and well-being that this evolved society offers him, merely for the sake of an abstract freedom. Thus he accepts with a good grace all the leveling conditionings of the system. This realization has caused a bypassing of revolutionary Marxism, now deprived of its original motive force, in favor of a "global protest" against the system. This movement, however, also lacks any higher principle: it is irrational, anarchic, and instinctive in character. For want of anything else, it calls on the abject minorities of outsiders, on the excluded and rejected, sometimes even on the Third World (in which case Marxist fantasies reappear) and on the blacks, as being the only revolutionary potential. But it stands under the sign of nothingness: it is a hysterical "revolution of the void and the 'under- ground,'" of "maddened wasps trapped in a glass jar, who throw them- selves frenetica
what page?

>> No.6588398

Thank you very much.

>> No.6588568

Dunno, end of Chapter 4. You can find it online

>> No.6588575

Why? What can I possible gain from reading him? There are better sources to learn about what fascism was.