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6350159 No.6350159[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why can westerners only write books about how depressing life is yet endorse the very things that make it even more shittier?

>> No.6350162

How do you know it is also an endorsement?

>> No.6350164
File: 2.96 MB, 4622x3683, Red Pill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's what we learned how to do in school.

>> No.6350166

>my opinions are objective

>> No.6350169

c/lit/s will dismiss this


>> No.6350170

I don't get how the Frankfurt School took over Social Sciences.

The Frankfurt School was in incredibly elitist, almost reactionary to the culture that was developing at the time (rock music, protest songs etc).

They were obscure then and are still obscure now.

Get your facts straight.

>> No.6350177

>(rock music, protest songs etc).
You're pretty off in your time scale. Rock music wasn't the thing in east europe in the 40's, maybe jazz and Adorno ended up liking that. The new culture they rejected was things like cinema and photography.

>> No.6350178


>> No.6350180


Somewhere around the Second World War a bunch of left-leaning academics were trying to understand why nothing had gone the way Marx had predicted. Among others they built on the thoughts of Antonio Gramsci (not a Jew) who argued that Marx had underestimated his own claim that the opinions of the ruling classes are those of the subjected classes.

In the eyes of the Frankfurt school, mass-culture (such as Hollywood movies, commercials, and technology) force us into obedience Brave New World-style, by giving us so much dull pleasure we don't mind the fact that we are being stepped on by the rich. If only we listened more to Beethoven, and read Proust in candlelight, we would once again become stimulated enough to realize our plight. Unfortunately, that's not going to happen except for a few angsty snowflakes, such as themselves.

An example of how Freud comes into the picture, is the concept of "surplus repression". According to Freud, we're all violent sluts who have to work hard to live up to societies standards. The critical theorists note that we have evolved sufficiently as a society to be able to produce everything we truly need working just a few hours a day. So we could spend more time giving in to our primitive, inner instinct, being "free". This is a surplus. Sadly, the capitalists instead of giving us free reins to this surplus, instead use it to make us work more, to create more useless products, so we will buy them, and they will become even richer.

Sure, a hell of a lot of them were Jews. After all, it was a German school of thinking consisting of emigrants from nazi-Germany. The local Americans were not very interested, it being a fairly continental approach to philosophy, as opposed to the more pragmatic American. Also, it's not surprising either. There are not many Jews in the world, but they still have an awful lot of Nobel Prizes, and are a big part of the population of the greatest universities in the world. It could be genetics, it could just be the culture is particularly bookish. Could be both. There has never been any evidence of any kind of Jewish conspiration though. In the world of Wikileaks, etc., is that realistic if there really was?

On the other hand, what in the wildest fuck is "cultural marxism"? Well, according to /pol/ and the like, Western cultures are destroying themselves not to discriminate over foreign ones. According to them, this is brought on by the cultural criticism of the Frankfurt school. As we have just seen though, this is a completely different kind of criticism of culture than the one they are concerned with. The critical theorists were highly impractical, cynical ivory tower idealists who had little influence on the pop music-infused 68-generation, and in their obscurity have had little influence on modern thinkers, least of all mainstream politicians!

>> No.6350181


Didn't he say at one point jazz is a degenerate genre that could only be produced by blacks?

>> No.6350190

Adorno kept being a public figure years after the FS stopped being a thing. I'm not discussing that he wasn't against popular music, I'm saying that by the time it became a thing most of the core of th FS was either dead or exiled.

>> No.6350193

shut up loser

>> No.6350196


Maybe not the authors, but /lit/ will break a lance for their retard Zizekian Maoist uprising ( which is as likely to happen as the /r9k/ beta uprising ).

If not that, they're liberals thinking chicks with dicks getting main roles in Hollywood movies is a real issue today.

Some of the conservatives ( not the /pol/ joos-r-deh-reason-im-not-getting-laid ) on here are actually one of the smartest people I've ever seen posting though.

>> No.6350197

So what? He is still a member of the Frankfurt School.

>> No.6350201

>dont tell me why I am retarded!

>> No.6350202

This is a serious request.

I have never seen a convincing argument about why conservatism is good.

I would really like to see one, especially one from here if you are so adamant these people are smart.

>> No.6350208

>I don't get how the Frankfurt School took over Social Sciences.
They didn't you ignorant cretin. Most social science work is naïve instrumentalist garbage.

This is followed by naive social constructivism of the capitalist kind.

Even amongst the Marxists, analytical Marxism, autonomist Marxism, post-Trot vulgar Marxism, structuralism, or Lukacsian schematacism are all most influential than Frankfurt.

>> No.6350210

>In the eyes of the Frankfurt school, mass-culture (such as Hollywood movies, commercials, and technology) force us into obedience Brave New World-style, by giving us so much dull pleasure we don't mind the fact that we are being stepped on by the rich. If only we listened more to Beethoven, and read Proust in candlelight, we would once again become stimulated enough to realize our plight. Unfortunately, that's not going to happen except for a few angsty snowflakes, such as themselves.
I more or less agree with all this, what would be a good introduction to the FS?

>> No.6350211

>It could be genetics, it could just be the culture is particularly bookish. Could be both.
In many countries where the religious, cultural and ethnic minority (all at the same time) are christians they tend to excel in commerce and intellectual analysis. In Nigeria the third main etnicity, the three of them blacks though, used to be more focused in commerce and politics to the point that even after a genocide plan a few decades ago they now are over represented in government.

Being a minority with strong clan bonds helps a lot.

>> No.6350216

I was reacting to the image, not just making a random statement about the Frankfurt School. Don't be rude.

>> No.6350219

dead on
please actually read the frankfurt school, /pol/, you might realize they are a lot closer to the way you feel than hayek or whoever the fuck you pretend to read
they wrote about how capitalism makes us all mental slaves, they are "red pill" before you even thought up that bullshit

>> No.6350223
File: 839 KB, 1868x1401, Arnie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that you're unable on your own to find any redeeming qualities in conservatism (even if you disagree with the ethos as a whole) is proof that your inquiry is not worthy of serious consideration.

>> No.6350225


Conservatism doesn't mean "let's never change our course"
Read Burke f.e.
Conservatism to me means less heroic and memorable street skirmish romanticism ( no wonder it appeals to young men, these ideas ).
I don't mean to say "kill all the progressives" either. Because we kinda need edginess to keep our society on point. Like artists their main task is just that: stir the social pot with creativity.
I just don't think a progressive take-over is ever good, because they get ahead of themselves and live up to ideals to the most extreme measure, losing sight of the havoc they cause around them.
Again, look at artists and their mess of a life sometimes.

>> No.6350227

dialectic of enlightenment

>> No.6350232

>we need progressive artists to stir the social pot with creativity
>but progressiveness is bad, just look at the lives of artists

>> No.6350247

>that weird asian fetish internet conservatives always seem to have
What's with this?

>Maybe not the authors, but /lit/ will break a lance for their retard Zizekian Maoist uprising ( which is as likely to happen as the /r9k/ beta uprising )
>Being this Amerifat
Left wing politics are a thing in most countries. Hell, I live in Canada and even we have our own left wing environmental groups fighting the government right now.

I agree with the liberal part though, fuck those guys

>> No.6350248


>le good/bad duality

I know that's how you think, but that's not how I think.

Someone can coin a great idea, yet still be a horrible person.
Go figure, hu?

>> No.6350249

what does it mean to you?
you may only be saying this because you are american, maybe you are used to conservatism meaning neo-liberalism ("free market" corporate cocksucking) and so you can't see how this could have redeeming qualities (you would be correct)

>> No.6350252

I am only deducing your underage post

>implying I created the dichotomy, and didn't just take it straight from your words

>> No.6350256

well what are the redeeming qualities?

>> No.6350258

Don't reply to off topic posts you rude cunt.

>> No.6350260

The entire thread is off topic.

>> No.6350261


No you didn't.
Ctrl + F : no results for "PROGRESSIVENESS is bad" except in your post.

>> No.6350268

asians are seen as privileging community bonds at the expense of the individual (relatively)

you can be leftwing without being liberal, this is what is happening now, with the collapse of a functioning capitalist system people will no longer see the purchase of identity as a sensible option

>> No.6350269

>I just don't think a progressive take-over is ever good
>then goes on to say look at the lives of artists, previously saying we need their progressiveness
I think that can equal bad.

>> No.6350275
File: 39 KB, 1024x576, kod17-00062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any Westerners have plans to escape? Flee the liberal warmongers, they will win inevitabley, but how long can we hold up our flags for?
I hope I'll have enough money to burrow off to America from the UK, America is probably the largest domino Lefties will topple so I hope I can feel safe there for a while, I feel unwelcome in my Country and I'm unsure what to do when the Lefties fully dominate the UK.

>inb4 go back to /pol/

>> No.6350278

you're misunderstanding
i'm saying that isn't conservatism outside america. even britain has defected from that thatcherite nonsense (though ukip grasps at straws)
conservatism is simply about organic social structure

>> No.6350286


Progressives and progressiveness is not 'bad'.
We need them amongst our midst.

Them having a say in POLITICAL power, that is usually bad. That's one field I'd like to keep them out of.
Doesn't make the whole movement or people across the line bad.

The thing is, the vast majority of people just want to watch the game and have a nice meal and not think about bullshit like pronouns.

>> No.6350290

what is organic social structure?

>> No.6350294

what do you see in america?

>> No.6350300

based on an existing culture
not claiming universality

>> No.6350305

what makes that 'organic'?

>> No.6350307

>I feel unwelcome in my Country

You are. You should leave.

You never will, you're too afraid. You'll talk about it until you die though.

>> No.6350331
File: 29 KB, 480x480, 1414533271583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I want to live in a place where I can shoot deer, somewhere far out, where I can take my books and escape everything, America seems to welcome many patricians of this nature whereas in the UK this is impossible.

I want to fit into a community with like-minded ideas, the UK is so multicultural it is no longer dominantly Christian, America is, I am atheist myself but my morales are Christian.
Am I searching in the right place? Did these places exist years ago but no more?

I'm so depressed and have thought the battle for a decade, I'm already giving up after the May 7th results and know UKIP will not win, I'm still at university currently and just want to escape the daily feminist rallies, the daily 'bankers are bastards' monologue. Anything I want to say is wrong, I want to go somewhere where I'm not always, at least debate with me and why I'm wrong rather than calling me a privileged c*nt and where people aren't winning battles with attrition over reason.

>> No.6350338

>some of the conservatives on here are actually one of the smartest people ive ever seen posting though
sorry to day but that means absolutely nothing. I could say the same thing and place anything else in the slot of conservatives. I also dont see a lot of conservatives posting around here, most of the time just troll socialist opposition.
And yes im saying this with my own ideological convictions, sue me.
>conservatives tend to be rather stupid but think theyre really smart.

>> No.6350357

it is characterized by natural development
also it is pesticide/GMO free

>> No.6350358

There's no point in debating you. The only thing to do with you is take you to a place, somewhere far out, and shoot you in the back of your head.

>debate is the manner in which societies resolve political problems.

Fucking cretin. Read history.

>> No.6350359

what makes it natural development

>> No.6350364

like Nabokov.

>> No.6350366
File: 72 KB, 500x500, Princess Yvonne and Prince Alexander of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn in 1955..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those kids were aristocracy, they died less than 20 years after that pic was taken so their vices didn't mean much in their life

>> No.6350367

how is nabokov a horrible person?

>> No.6350370

Stupidest post in forever. Definitely conservatives are the smartest posters.
You know absolutely nothing about america, nothing, you stupid, whiny child. The US is multicultural as fuck, you retarded fucking dumbass.
You want to live some stupid little individual fantasy that you somehoe associate with politics. Wtf does a lifestyle of hunting and reading have to do with politics? Why do you walk the streets and see a minority of dark and think the whole world is engulfed in shadow? Its because youre stupid af.

>> No.6350385

You misunderstand me, I'm tired of being told I'm a shitlord because of my beliefs, I just want to hold hands with someone else who has my beliefs, like so many on here do, I don't want the stars to realign themselves- I just want peace.

I ate the propaganda that your Govt. fed me, in America "Anything is possible".

>> No.6350393

you may be able to find this in montana or colorado
or rural new england
i fear you may merely have constructed a fantasy, though
i don't see how you can be pro-Christian and pro-bank
those in the type of areas you seem to want to move to are largely anti-finance capital
perhaps you are merely pro-finance capital because you those who yell on the subject are largely sluts? you seem to have not thought it through very well other than being sad

>> No.6350406

Thank you, at least now I have somewhere to circle on a map for an adventure

>> No.6350420

read philosophical investigations
or a dictionary
i really tried

>> No.6350432

Well its fucking not. Youre just going to be stuck in a capitalist superpower nightmare where you drive by the big house with a bunch of richies getting ready for their charity event democratic party funded school donation drive then take a couple blocks to the bad neighborhood where a group of minorities will kill you for your hub caps.
Then youll start complaining about how you dont live in germany or something.

>> No.6350444

that's why i told him to become a wyoming ski bum instead of living in philadelphia

>> No.6350460


>can't shoot deer in the UK

what the fuck are you on about you mong?

Honestly, I think I speak for most of the UK when I say that wankers like you aren't especially welcome in any company and you might want to consider fucking off.

The yanks are going to really appreciate your condescending bullshit and I fully expect you'll experience a fatal hunting accident quite quickly.


It's like you don't even know what usury means.

>> No.6350493
File: 7 KB, 113x142, 1343056252620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when Labour and the SNP form a coalition

>> No.6350511

>You misunderstand me, I'm tired of being told I'm a shitlord because of my beliefs, I just want to hold hands with someone else who has my beliefs, like so many on here do, I don't want the stars to realign themselves- I just want peace.

That's nice. I have no class interest in saving your soul. As I said you need to be shot in the head. You could do it for us!