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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 757 KB, 1515x1119, 0895-theodor-adorno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6272099 No.6272099 [Reply] [Original]

Adorno on popular music:

"I believe, in fact, that attempts to bring political protest together with "popular music"--that is, with entertainment music--are for the following reason doomed from the start.
The entire sphere of popular music, even there where it dresses itself up in modernist guise is to such a degree inseparable from the commodity character, from consumption, from the cross-eyed transfixion with amusement, that attempt to outfit it with a new function remain entirely superficial.
And I have to say that when somebody sets himself up and for whatever reason [accompanies] maudlin music by singing something or other about Vietnam being unbearable... I find, in fact, THIS SONG unbearable, in that by taking the horrendous and making it somehow consumable, it ends up wringing something like consumption-qualities out of it."

What do you think?

>> No.6272121

He's right, as usual, but that has fuck all to do with literature.

>> No.6272122

It's basically true, pop music is inherently frivolous and ready-made for quick consumption, and any attempt to become a serious form of discourse will probably have most academics laughing.
But that doesn't mean it cannot inspire action, I mean just look at the 60's counterculture.

>> No.6272182

He had a similar stance about literature that deals with ww2/the holocaust. ('To write a poem after Auschwitz is barbaric')

>> No.6272197

lol wut

>> No.6272199

Way to misread him, that was his stance on all art, not only on that which dealt with ww2. Also, he later sort of retracted that statement, since even if culture is dead and farcical, despair still needs to be expressed.

>> No.6272205

Why are the humanities so obsessed with these two chucklefucks?

>> No.6272219

That's just one chucklefuck, and they aren't.

>> No.6272229

I've rarely seen this man's name not presented alongside Horkheimer's.

>> No.6272230

I know that he retracted this statement later and that the statement refers to all art. Still the train of thought is similar his statement in the OP

>> No.6272252

Well they were BFFs for sure, and wrote one book together, which is -undeservedly imo- the most popular work by either author. Which already tells you how 'obsessed' with them the humanities really are.

>> No.6272259

Because they're all cultural marxists.

>> No.6272262
File: 2 KB, 636x574, 1421013938039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Critical theory

>> No.6272263

Not really, in OPs statement he talks about entertainment music. Serious music, on the other hand, was to him, if done right, a proper medium of critique and utopian thought.

>> No.6272289

Took you long enough, but welcome to the thread anyway.
Is critical theory
(A) a jewish plot to exterminate the white race and destroy civilization
(B) a bourgeois plot to undermine the revolutionary effort of the movement
(C) a satanic plot by sabbatean-frankists to sacrifice everybody ln the altar of sacred transgression or something

>> No.6272291

Mostly B, partly A, and if A then also B.

>> No.6272298

what i meant is that he refers to the disparity between what art can/does express and the cruelties of the holocaust and a similar disparity between pop music and political protest in OP's post.

But you're right that it isn't a 1:1 comparison, especially with the special role of the German language/German art wth respect to the holocaust.

>> No.6272312

Wait so they destroy civilization by preventing a communist uprising?

>> No.6272318


>> No.6272325

I suppose it's the most popular work because no-one knows about Eclipse of Reason and no-one can understand Negative Dialectics.

>> No.6272335

meme theory is nonsense, but if it wasn't, wouldn't that apply to all theories?
lolwut, I thought the problem is they're evil satanic jews?
>death cult
how so?

>> No.6272343

Oh well, there's still Minima Moralia, but that book gets zero academic attention, even if it is comparatively popular.

>> No.6272358

Would he say the same thing about his books

>> No.6272361

No, they're not for entertainment.

>> No.6272368

None of those, just a retarded ideology popular among champagne socialists.

>> No.6272369

Maybe political songs are just as much entertainment as his books

>> No.6272374

Yes, I am aware that Adorno is heavily influenced by reactionary thinkers like de Maistre.

>> No.6272375

That's still a B then, I guess.

>> No.6272378

There was a good treatment of it in J. M. Bernstein's Disenchantment and Ethics... I suspect academics interested in trauma also find it a useful book

>> No.6272382

Yes. Capitalism is as destructive as communism.

>> No.6272391 [DELETED] 

>le volkish face

>> No.6272393

Haven't you heard? Secular Protestants and secular Jews have always been in league with each other in countries where critical theory has a foothold.

>> No.6272397

>le Catholic face
Step up, heathen

>> No.6272403 [DELETED] 

papist scum

>> No.6272411
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Enjoy your heresy and lack of tradition
Enjoy your secular Protest and death cult

>> No.6272414

No. The songs are much more entertaining, otherwise they wouldn't be popular. And that's what's wrong with them.
>everyone not going in the exact direction I want them to go is a hostile plotter
I miss being 12

>> No.6272418

>countries where critical theory has a foothold
There are no such countries. Also, that's a retardedly simplified view of the connection between secularism, protestantism, jewish emancipation, modernity and marxism you have right there.

>> No.6272426

They're not that popular. If he's so concerned about consumption why doesn't he forego profits on his books, fuck this guy

>> No.6272433

Cultural Marxism has infected every first-world country, through the universities.

>> No.6272437

it's too bad 4chan will just never be board that isn't full of losers

>> No.6273097

>It's basically true, pop music is inherently frivolous and ready-made for quick consumption
That's only because the contemporary critical discourse has undermined the simplistic popular=good conception by tying it to consumerist/capitalist ideologies simply because of the normative space it occupies. Being anti-normative is just a knee-jerk reaction to the realisation that pop music has broadly been applied in order to homogenise culture, but it shouldn't encourage you to dismiss pop music on the whole. Why would you refuse to use a hammer if a carpenter used it to bludgeon his wife to death with it?

>> No.6273133
File: 2.96 MB, 4622x3683, Red Pill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>by taking the horrendous and making it somehow consumable, it ends up wringing something like consumption-qualities out of it.

Similar to academia, no?

>> No.6273137
File: 431 KB, 512x384, defiance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're stuck with us.

>> No.6273582

And yet it's accurate :^)

>> No.6273601

>Someone edited that from the original version
>time spent

>> No.6273821

spot the clod who doesn't belong here

>> No.6273832
File: 1.51 MB, 250x250, doc-rivers.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic
>that post

>> No.6273867

Your epistemology will never escape its inherently reactionary dialectic and as consequence all 'research' presented will for ever be tainted in its own futile attempts to resolve the aporia of its existence.

"What a condescending image"

>> No.6273876


This is ONE HUNDRED percent correct.

>> No.6273884

LOL did he actually state that all art is inherently barbaric?

>> No.6273905


It's all 3 but also more than that. The most interesting element of the Frankfurt school actually rests in the astral plane, where it attempts to advance dark energies from the underworld against the forces of light, by surreptitious means. I even considered for a time than there was a 5th, even higher level, where it was actually a legitimate philosophical project, but I've since rejected such foolishness.

>> No.6274121

Does /lit/ finally hate critical theory?

>> No.6274132

>What do you think?

I think he's right, though I usually can't abide "entertainment music" regardless of its message.

>> No.6274146

Sort of, as culture had completely collapsed due to WWII and the culture industry. He still placed a high value on art though, and saw it as the only means capable to give any critical impulse.