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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 24 KB, 426x312, Terry Pratchett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6257826 No.6257826[STICKY]  [Reply] [Original]

Good night sweet prince ;_;

>> No.6257829

duh, no

>> No.6257834

Rest in peace, m8. You're no stranger for the Grim Reaper, at least.

>> No.6257835

only 66

>> No.6257837

You bullshitter you, you even changed the wikipedia article. Good job, could have caught me 4/10

>> No.6257838

meh never read his stuff

>> No.6257839

Inb4 edgy posts.


RIP IN piece

>> No.6257840
File: 15 KB, 304x171, _51606573_fa1d16c0-9c6c-4f82-b0b8-ab66ddd94f78.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, he sucked. RIP in pieces.

>> No.6257841


Nah mate, the official Facebook group just stated it 5 minutes ago.

>> No.6257844

inb4 sticky


checking in

>> No.6257846

Never read him
Never will

>> No.6257849


>> No.6257850

Welp, time to go to the liquor store.

>> No.6257851

literally who?

>> No.6257852 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6257854


>> No.6257862

apology for poor english

when were you when terry pratchett dies?

i was sat at home reading ayn rand when karl ring

‘terry is kill’


and you?????????????

>> No.6257864
File: 78 KB, 620x372, Alzheimers-disease-brain--010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>dying from Alzheimer's literally on the day its cure is discovered



>> No.6257865

I am crying now. I was reading Thud! not even an hour ago. He was the only author that always made me laugh and that constantly re-kindled my love for literature when I was despairing. I'm upset.

>> No.6257866


>> No.6257868

he influenced my childhood so I will miss him

>> No.6257872

I'm not a fan of genre fiction, but he at least tried to raise the bar with cultural references to Shakespeare, homer, etc. He was also a really good guy; campaigned for Alzheimer's, kind-hearted, funny, loving. I will not miss him for his body of work, but for his humanity.

>> No.6257873

> First Spock
> Now Sir Terry
> they always come in threes

No sir I don't like this

>> No.6257874

He sucked, love /vg/.

>> No.6257875

Who's next, anon?

I've got a horrible feeling that it'll be David Bowie

>> No.6257876

it must be another sci-fi/fantasy hero
goodbye Christopher lee

>> No.6257878
File: 93 KB, 580x387, Pratchett - Blair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He influenced a lot of childhoods, Anon. How he avoided prison for it is a mystery.

>> No.6257879

called it

>> No.6257881

Morrissey just missed his latest concert due to illness. He has cancer.

>> No.6257882


STicky this.

/lit/ finally got a worthwile death. No more /tv/ domination!

>> No.6257884


Man, he totally looks like a younger, healthier version of my grandfather (plus a funny hat).

If only he didn't have skin cancer spending every waking moment in agony just being alive, comforted only by the ability to forget any truly searing moments courtesy of his dwindling metal capabilities. I really wish my grandma were still alive so he could be happy, but at least one or two of his kids are still around for him to see most of the time.

I don't want to be old.

>> No.6257886
File: 42 KB, 500x323, feels bad mayne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels game too strong

>> No.6257891

By less than 1 second ....... nice

>> No.6257893

He was a human not a mouse. But I guess I can't expect /lit/ to know the difference.

>> No.6257895

You fucking take that shit back right now motherfucker

>> No.6257897
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>> No.6257898
File: 316 KB, 1920x1200, discworld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's sad.

>> No.6257899

>what is a model organism

>> No.6257900

>genre fiction

>> No.6257901

>93 years old in a few weeks

>> No.6257903


dubs and Morrissey dies in Bowie's place

>> No.6257904

>But I guess I can't expect /lit/ to know that we don't do basic experimental research on humans

>> No.6257905

You guys
Q-quit it

>> No.6257911



>> No.6257912
File: 23 KB, 400x320, le sticky man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The thread is now a sticky.
>The thread is not a sticky anymore.
>The thread is now a sticky.

>> No.6257913

Oh God, hear me

>> No.6257915
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>> No.6257917



>> No.6257918
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>> No.6257919


>pay f to pay respects

>> No.6257920

The gods smile on you this day

>> No.6257921

Don't you put that evil out there.

>> No.6257922
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>> No.6257923
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was terry pratchett autistic or was artemis fowl?

or am i confusing him for the curious incident of the dog in the night time

youre late, i called it here >>6257844

>> No.6257924


>not realising Morrissey is the world's greatest cultural asset
stay pleb

>> No.6257926



>> No.6257928

Why the fuck do /v/ermin and crossboarding plebs need to shitpost here whenever a pleb author dies?

>> No.6257929


>> No.6257931
File: 34 KB, 640x360, GoodOmensRadio1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my favorite authors. The Grim Reaper that I have tattooed on me is named Mort, and Good Omens is my favorite book. I'll miss him. At least he finally got to see Good Omens adapted like he always wanted, and even had a cameo in it.

>> No.6257932
File: 175 KB, 1920x1080, 1410663891354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck me

>> No.6257934

palin looks frailer

>> No.6257935

>quality philosophical rumination, not

>> No.6257937

he still has a fair point you idiot, it's not as if you directly know the dosis required for humans in model organisms

>> No.6257938


>> No.6257940 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6257941

>favourite author dies of alzheimers
>almost exactly four years after my grandfather died of alzheimers

i did not need this

>> No.6257942


>> No.6257943
File: 112 KB, 500x375, 2013-01-25+hugabug+02_pic+04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I'm actually broken up over this. I loved his stuff and he always seemed like such a good man. Damn.

>> No.6257944

Good night sweet prince, seems you made it out before rush hour too.


>> No.6257945

Damn, goodbye Terry you brought me a lot of joy.

>> No.6257946

No ;_;

>> No.6257948

Thing is, Morrissey is a cunt

>> No.6257949


>> No.6257951

Never been to that board. Odd how you think everyone you don't like is from there. Do they ruminate, or they just ruminants?

>> No.6257952

>not understanding the troll

>> No.6257953
File: 156 KB, 728x518, 1413432417200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it's time I tried reading one of his books.


>> No.6257955

Crossboarders fuck off

>> No.6257956

You don't directly know, but the point of model organisms to demonstrate the ABILITY of a treatment


>> No.6257957

mod is english, huh

>> No.6257958

noooooo ;_;
one of my favourite authors ever.

>> No.6257959

As someone that is diagnosed with a similar illness to Alzheimer's (Huntington's) and a huge fan of his books I am very sad. His campaigning for euthanasia was really important to me.

>> No.6257960
File: 18 KB, 500x500, readpost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did he die? Did he forget to breath?

>> No.6257961

inb4 fags from other boards flood /lit/ and shit up our board

>> No.6257963
File: 82 KB, 695x715, 1349465492098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't this upset even when my grandfather died. Fuck.

>> No.6257965

it can't be made any worse than it already is.

>> No.6257966


Hide rodent threads
Ignore rodent posts
Do not respond to rodent posters

>> No.6257967

If you are a regular here, you are one of the reasons that people who actually love to read books, not fap about philosophy, come here a few times and then never come back. How about you *fuck* off?

>> No.6257968

Never really been into his stuff but I watched that documentary he did a few years ago about living with Alzheimer and it was tragic as fuck.

>> No.6257969

what a terrible thread.

Pretty sad to hear this, his last few books were a bit shit, but he had an amazing capacity to have such a great quantity of great material. Great humour, great genre work, and no small amount of literary merit.

If he didnt work mostly in fantasy I think he would be more widely regarded than he was. Really a modern PG Wodehouse.

>> No.6257970

Too late, just look at this thread.
Fucking plebs and their shitty genre fiction.

>> No.6257971
File: 51 KB, 202x228, bane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the first time ive been on /lit/ i only came here because i knew thered be a sticky since an important author died

>> No.6257973

your pic reminds me, he actually invented FOR YOU


>> No.6257974

Betting Stan Lee is next

>> No.6257975


never read him but his books are pretty popular in the bookstore I work at so I guess lots of people will be sad today. I am also guessing my boss is currently ordering many copies of his books

>> No.6257977


>> No.6257978

Yes it can
Things can always be worse

>> No.6257981

Literally who?

>> No.6257982
File: 13 KB, 538x362, 1425560289560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're all cunts, you know that?

>> No.6257984


>> No.6257985

maybe then comic books will die as they should have upon inception

>> No.6257986

His books were ok. I hoped Steven Erickson would've died before him though

>> No.6257987
File: 18 KB, 320x240, George-RR-Martin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

George R.R. Martin had better hurry the fuck up and finish his books, he doesn't have long left either.

>> No.6257988


>> No.6257989

Its a shame but I'm not terribly sad. I've been prepared for this for about 6 years or so.

>> No.6257990

nudge-nudge wink-wink level fantasy adventure for Brits

>> No.6257991

I think you could benefit from euthanasia, you worthless fucking cock.

>> No.6257992

I'd love to say inb4 /lit/ uses a dead man to profess how cool they are for not reading genre fiction, but I'm not that fast.

RIP Terry, now I'll have to read all those Discworld books I missed.

>> No.6257993

unseen academicals was his last good book imo

>> No.6257995

thanks death, you're a cool guy

>> No.6257996

About time.

>> No.6257997
File: 11 KB, 300x300, MFW 32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fucking crying, godammit.

>> No.6257999


>confirmed for never having read any

>> No.6258001


>> No.6258002
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>> No.6258003
File: 60 KB, 580x350, p13-pratchett-580_72347a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that before he died, Terry Pratchett made a sword out of a motherfucking meteorite.

You all have eighty years to do the same, but you never will. Pratchett got that shit under his belt within his last decade while fighting alzheimers.

>> No.6258005


HAHAHAAHAHA! YOU BASTARD. That's ridiculous. 10/10.

>> No.6258008

so it was suicide then?

>> No.6258009

Maximum gay. Got it.

>> No.6258012

>author of humorous books dies
>you can't even joke about his death
What's even the point

>> No.6258013


>> No.6258015

who /goingpostal/ here

>> No.6258016


Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

>> No.6258019


>> No.6258020

Damn, we all knew this was coming, but still.. he was one of those people you cannot imagine actually dying one day.

>> No.6258021

Alzheimer's isn't fatal you dunce. Do you think they'd announce it if they'd done something illegal?

>> No.6258022
File: 203 KB, 1200x1600, Trash_Can.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May he forever rest in the celestial garbage can along with all other genre fiction writers.

>> No.6258023

As I said on the /tv/ thread, thank fuck, no more piss-poor watered down Douglas Adams for suburban dweebs.

>> No.6258026

please close this toxic thread and just have this play on /lit/ in the background.

>> No.6258027

you're a cunt

>> No.6258028

Saul Kripke is dead?

>> No.6258032

> watered down Douglas Adams
he's much better than adams lmao

>> No.6258036

Except Pratchett never wrote anything as bad as the last two Hitchhikers books or Dirk Gently

>> No.6258037


>> No.6258038


>> No.6258039

Fuck the edgy comment's, this man is a pinnacle of modern British literature RIP

>> No.6258040

Never liked his sword choice. Terry was also fucking knighted.

>> No.6258041

I forgot, who is this guy again?

>> No.6258043



Ah fuck why did THAT make me cry?

>> No.6258044

the pinnacle of comic fantasy novels
not the pinnacle of literature

>> No.6258045

his early Discworld very mcuh were watered down Douglas Adams. But by the third book they had become very much more.

>> No.6258046
File: 64 KB, 708x404, pls no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, it's real.

>> No.6258047 [DELETED] 

THeRe's ɴo justJce, tHeRe's just me.

>> No.6258048

i loved the bromeliad and i still do. i wish it was better known

they both catered for autismal fuckwads such as myself. embrace it

>> No.6258049
File: 9 KB, 272x185, bang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're gonna carry that weight.

>> No.6258050

came here looking for this
RIP in peace

>> No.6258051

Couldn't finish Raising Steam, wonder if it was effecting him at that point or something

>> No.6258053
File: 146 KB, 1366x768, Big Guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6258054

They weren't expecting the traffic.

Oh, now it's working

>> No.6258055
File: 30 KB, 500x500, 5123416135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I literally bought The Wee Free Men yesterday
>it was going to be my first book of his

>> No.6258058
File: 20 KB, 191x191, 1411856626462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be literary pleb with no taste
>discworld are my favourite books
>this happens
sorry for polluting /lit/ but this hit me right in the feels

>> No.6258059


This came after a link to the announcement of his death. I don't think they'd be quite *that* cool about it even if they'd decided to lie.

>> No.6258060

>starting with his shitty kids books

>> No.6258061

Rest in peace.

Let's have some discussion to honour him, what is your favourite work of his ? Mine is either "Small gods" or "Guards! Guards!"

>> No.6258062

Boo hoo, another silly scribbler kicks the bucket.

>> No.6258063

Goddamnit this fucking sucks. I thought that he might be able to push on for a few more years.

Snuff was still really awesome and showed at least that his mind had not dulled. This shit is just too fucking soon.

>> No.6258064

Theif of Time or Lords and ladies

>> No.6258065


You must be new to /lit/. This is the best (least-worst) thread that's been on this shitty board in weeks.

>> No.6258066

anything with Death tbh

>> No.6258069

I really liked the stuff with Moist Von Lipwig, and how he was improving the technology of the world and stuff.

>> No.6258070


They'd become very much more shit.

He was the father of fedora. Envier of J. K. Rowling, pisstaker of suicided B. S. Johnson, friend of Neil 'Scientology' Gaiman, purloiner of already-famous jokes. He will be missed by the provincial and inadequate.

>> No.6258071

My favourites are Interesting Times and The Last Continent.

>> No.6258074


>> No.6258076

>Ouija board would you work for me
>I have got to say hello to an old friend
>Ouija board Ouija board Ouija board
>would you work for me?
>I have got to get through to a good friend.

>> No.6258078

woah lit has a sticky

>> No.6258081


Men at Arms, forever and always

>> No.6258082

Ah, yeah. I am here for the first time ever because this.
Like coming to /tv/ when actor dies.

my main board is /out/

>> No.6258085

Christopher Lee is immortal, pleb

>> No.6258087

>tfw my mum bought me one of his books but I never read it

Oh god im sorry terry

>> No.6258088


because i am one of those deviants who actually like christmas

>> No.6258089

Guards! Guards! and Snuff, I loved Vimes.

>> No.6258090

get /out/

>> No.6258091

witches abroad. other books of his were more 'worthy', but witches abroad was like a literary security blanket for me, i must have read it at least 20 times.

>> No.6258092

>Literally the most published author in the world.

>> No.6258093

I'm kind of glad that all my favourite authors are already long dead.

>> No.6258094

well shit. I can't be the only one who bought half a shelf of his books. they are essential 13-yo core.

>> No.6258095


We're all here to pay respects. Why must we fight?

>> No.6258096

>no more Morrissey
Thank you, anon

>> No.6258097

i have most his books but never read any of them. Sorry sweet prince

>> No.6258099

Godspeed, Terry.

>> No.6258100

only 66? way too fucking young, he should be atleast a 90er.

>> No.6258101

had all of them between me and my sister,

>> No.6258102
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>> No.6258103

Hey I loved Moist's stuff too. Mainly because I have a hard-on for any novel where building something from nothing is central to the story.

I only ever read the ones my school library had, so I read stuff like Jingo and Feet of Clay and Wyrd Sisters but I never read Guards! Guards! Or the other 'essential' ones.

>> No.6258104


Guards! Guards! is the first Terry Pratchett book I read. So it will always have a special place in my heart.

>> No.6258106

fuck off pleb I bet you like daft punk

>> No.6258107

rip in peace Terry Pratchett

>> No.6258108


AH HA HA. You said he should "get out" because his primary board is Outdoors, which is abbreviated /out/!

Truly you are the philosopher-king of /lit/.

>> No.6258110

God damn it, I practically learned to read from his books.

>> No.6258112


>> No.6258113

I bet you like men, gayrod

>> No.6258114

Mort and Reaper Man.

>> No.6258115

oh shit

who are the bbc going to have commenting on eurovision now?

>> No.6258116

Pyramids, Interesting Times, Night Watch.

>> No.6258117


>> No.6258118
File: 23 KB, 600x238, 1356981844002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still remember when Douglas Adams died.
This is even worse.

>> No.6258123



Terry Pratchett's humour is a suburban beardy dad misquoting Hitchhiker's while eating an egg sandwich.

>> No.6258126

Ken Bruce, as usual.

>> No.6258127

Don't start with that one man. They really aren't his best. Either start at the beginning with Colour of Magic or a one of like Small Gods. Considering the circumstance Small Gods might be the way to go.

>> No.6258128

nobody likes you

>> No.6258129

I'm reading it right now. My first was Hogfather and then Reaper Man, because after Hogfather I wanted more death.

>> No.6258130

w-we have mods?

>> No.6258131

david Attenborough
>tfw he will be dead soon as well, like his brother

>> No.6258135

Came here for the first time to see if this elitist shithole is truly better than rest of 4chins. It isn't.

>> No.6258137


I love that you know Wogan retired years ago but decided to make that joke anyway. It barely works and it's dated, but the pointless malice of it is its own reward. Good work anon!

>> No.6258139
File: 60 KB, 570x374, o-RODIN-570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Turns to the Discworld books on his shelf and salutes*
Didn't know what else to do.
Don Quixote, The Brothers Karamazov, Catch 22, And all these other "Literary" books. I wouldn't be reading if I hadn't gotten into reading in the first place, and I wouldn't have done that without Discworld.

>> No.6258140

I love any of the ones featuring Rincewind. I know they aren't the best books in the series but I love the character and they always feel the comfiest.

>> No.6258143

Cormac McCarthy will never die.

>> No.6258144


>> No.6258145



>> No.6258147

Didn't much like his last few books. They got all too dark and humorless since Monstrous Regiment or so.

But before then, it was a great ride.

Fare thee well.

>> No.6258149

damn, and at 66 too

>> No.6258150

it is
still that's like being the first tallest dwarf

>> No.6258151 [DELETED] 

*unzips dick*
Pshhh, nothin' personal, kid.

>> No.6258152

no fun allowed on this board, good policing anon!

>> No.6258153

da fucking fuck, not entering in /lit/ for years and first thing in my face is knowing Terry Pratchett died.

I hate this. I hate all. This is your fault. fuck.

>> No.6258156

I haven't even started reading Snuff yet.

>> No.6258157

oh fuck i already offered my opinion on this but then i remembered that the last hero was a thing

i mean kidby did the heavy lifting but still

>> No.6258158


They could have done without you, and they haven't helped you, you're still a dullard if you capitalize literary and put scare quotes around it.

>> No.6258159

my parents have insisted since I was a kid that I read discworld and I never got around to reading it. maybe I finally should?

>> No.6258160

There is a light that never goes out

>> No.6258162

For some reason I hope for most people to reach an age of at least 70, provided that they don't suffer through their last years.

Good bye, you old hoot

>> No.6258163

tbh that is what slowly dying does to your writing style

>> No.6258164

fuck you

>> No.6258165

we'd probably find out like a month later

>> No.6258166

never was the biggest fan of the Moist stuff. Seemed a bit repetative of his earlier work.

>> No.6258167 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 500x714, 1376317805177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

66 get

>> No.6258171


No, your parents are a pair of volkisch spacks, you should ignore their recommendation.

>> No.6258172

Yeah, I know. I can definitely understand why they ended up that way, and those books weren't even bad per se, I just greatly preferred the funny ones.

Fucking Alzheimer's.

>> No.6258173

he's been dead since the road but nobody has even reported it

>> No.6258174
File: 297 KB, 866x685, 1423066643496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6258176

i was on holiday once, i got food poisoning, throwing up every couple of minutes, shitting in the gaps between puking, non-stop for about 36 hours. I read Witches Abroad cos i was freaking out a bit and couldn't do much other than read. it kept me sane. i'll always love terry for that bit of escapism he provided me during one of the grossest, most unpleasant times i've ever had.

>> No.6258177


Nah I'm betting it's gonna be John Williams

>> No.6258178


I am so fucking SICK OF YOUR SHIT.



>> No.6258179

RIP in peace you magnificent bastard.

>> No.6258180
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>> No.6258181

>tfw it is impossible to adapt his work well to other media because of how verbal his humor is

there was a good radio version of Weird Sisters but everything else has been cringe-inducing.

then again maybe this is actually a good thing.

>> No.6258184

Pratchet>>>>projectile shitting
Hella recommendation!

>> No.6258186

I wanted to go to the last Discworld Convention to meet him but he cancelled his appearence. Now I'll never get to meet him.

>> No.6258187

>His death was announced on his Twitter account, on Thursday afternoon.

>The first tweet was composed in capital letters - which was how the author portrayed the character of Death in his novels.


>Terry took Death's arm and followed him through the doors and on to the black desert under the endless night.

>The End.

RIP in peace Sir Terry. You were like a funny Douglas Adams.

>> No.6258189

I just posted a picture you twat

>> No.6258190

What's he a Cormac of

>> No.6258191

I can't get to sleep anymore without Nigel Planer or Stephen Briggs reading Discworld in my ears.

RIP you wossname.

>> No.6258194
File: 24 KB, 409x409, 1356810796730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's really sad

city watch books are the best

>> No.6258195

"All the little angels rise up, rise up.
All the little angels rise up high!
How do they rise up, rise up, rise up?
How do they rise up, rise up high?
They rise heads up, heads up, heads up, they rise heads up, heads up high!"

>> No.6258196

I would imagine there are many more audio plays, aren't there?
I mean, Douglas Adams was also well suited to both literature and radio and his verbal humor goes somewhat in the same direction.

>> No.6258197

Ability of a treatment which has to be verified, then tested again, then languish for years in ethics committees before we can try it on humans, and then tested again and again, then sit in some more ethics committees for a while, then a second wave of testing to double check, then development of how to do it as cheap as possible, then maybe it will work in some people but hopefully in quite a lot. It's not as if it can go straight from this to human patients.

>> No.6258198


>> No.6258199

George RR Martin

>> No.6258201


Both are better than any writing anyone on /lit/ has or will produce.

>> No.6258203


>> No.6258205
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Alzheimer's must be extremely painful.

>> No.6258208

RIP OG Fedora

>> No.6258211

Looks like this Chucky needs a trip to the olllld international breeding grounds ;)

>> No.6258213
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>tfw i love the books
>tfw i enjoyed the going postal TV movie

>> No.6258214

My wizards staff has feels on the end.

>> No.6258215
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>Don’t think of it as dying, said Death. Just think of it as leaving early to avoid the rush

>> No.6258216

did he killed himself finally?

>> No.6258217

Do you think Lord of the Rings is real my friend?

>> No.6258218


>> No.6258219


The Radio Adaptation of Good Omens was fucking perfect.

>> No.6258224

Loved his body of work. Sorry to see him go.

Weren't they going to make a live-action adaptation of Good Omens? Or was that canned?

>> No.6258225

For him :(

>> No.6258226

No. NO! I'm not saying it.

>> No.6258227

his brain ate itself

>> No.6258228

So did he kill himself? Because he talked a lot about euthanasia and 66 is a bit young to die of old age.

>> No.6258229


>> No.6258230

No pain for the patient, just confusion and anger and stupidity and frustration. Lots of pain for your caregivers.

>> No.6258231

alzheimer's kills, anon

>> No.6258232


>> No.6258233


It was canned. They took the cast and did a radio drama instead.

>> No.6258235

His funniest joke was ripping the piss out of BS Johnson, a far less commercially successful writer who committed suicide because he couldn't provide for his family, leaving an impecunious widow, just as Pratchett's career was beginning.

What a mean little cock. No wonder he was mates with that necrophile homunculus Tony Robinson.

>> No.6258236

he had alzheimer's

>> No.6258237

Literary who?

>> No.6258238

no, alzheimer's beat him to it

>> No.6258239


>> No.6258241



>> No.6258242

A literary person?

>> No.6258244 [DELETED] 

Literally google it.

>> No.6258246

>that necrophile homunculus Tony Robinson.

>> No.6258247
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Genre fiction is not literature, mod please unsticky this thread.

>> No.6258249



>> No.6258250


>> No.6258251 [DELETED] 

>old person dies


There are hundreds of thousands of deaths DAILY in Gaza because of fucking KIKES and American ZOG

>> No.6258252

>Terry Pratchett has also known the former British Home Secretary, Alan Johnson, for a number of years and is believed to have based B.S. Johnson on him .[citation needed] Cf The Post Office Mail Sorter below - it is no coincidence that Alan Johnson used to be a postman. B.S. Johnson's name and abilities are also a parody of Capability Brown and also, perhaps, a reference to the experimental writer B. S. Johnson. B.S. Johnson's name and work with organ building is also a reference to famous organ composer J. S. Bach, who shares Johnson's initials reversed. Johnson's last name may be a reference to William Allen Johnson, organ builder and founder of Johnson Organs; he also bears several similarities with architect Philip Johnson, best known for building a Glass House. On the same expanse of land that the iconic House is built are several artistic pieces described by some as "Johnson follies."[3]

>> No.6258254

As long as there will be Saxons Christopher Lee won't rest

>> No.6258255

the /v/ of literature

>> No.6258260

>hundreds of thousands

>> No.6258261

>Pinecone dies
The memes can finally end

>> No.6258262
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20 years ago this game came out. It was my first meeting with Pratchett's universe.

>> No.6258263

>Thread full of edgelords going on about how terrible writer he was and how happy they are that he died

How does it feel to be so edgy?

>> No.6258264

>How does it feel to be new here?

>> No.6258265

There's a penultimate tweet that links to

What was he trying to link???

>> No.6258266
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Probably the main reason I studied lit at uni and became a teacher.

RIP in peace. You were like an uncle to me.

>> No.6258267


Why are they trying to pretend it isn't a really obvious dig from a comfy hack at a writer who made people like him feel stupid? Nobody who knows who they both are is in any doubt about the intention, it's not obscure, it's pointed, obvious and bizarrely petty.

>> No.6258269

why do you keep spamming this?

Why the hell would be base BS Johnson on someone also called BS Johnson? Especially since they have nothing in common, the character is one who is an engineer.

>> No.6258270
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The quality of his books was steadily going downwards lately, but still a damn shame.

>> No.6258271
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Came here to post this.

Now I'm going to introduce my gf to the Discworld

>> No.6258272

We like jews here


>> No.6258274

His last book is a Tiffany Aching book? I always thought those were terrible, at least compared to his other mini series. Oh well, I'll read it and love it.

>> No.6258275
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>Reading genre fiction

>> No.6258277


(The Joke)

(Your Head)

Fucking English majors...

>> No.6258278

You misspelled *dick*

>> No.6258279


Have you been up in court for touching up the kids yet?

Sorry, but fantasy readers, you know. Weirdie beards. If it quacks like a duck - and most of you kinda do.

>> No.6258280


Adams was originally a radio writer. The Hitch-hiker books are novelisations of radio plays, not the other way around.

>> No.6258281

Honestly hard to blame him for that given what he was going through

>> No.6258283

I can introduce her to my dickworld if you like, cuck?


>> No.6258285

I don't see what that has to do with anything. Are you somehow obliged to projectile-shit on somebody's memory because you don't read their books?

>> No.6258286


Slip her the D, brah.

>> No.6258288

What? Because it's the "home" ip address?

>> No.6258289

I'm not American, pal

>> No.6258292

They don't think you can read for fun. All you're allowed to read is Joyce's gibberish while pretending he was anything but a hack.

>> No.6258293

All fiction is part of some genre, brah.

>> No.6258294


It's not spamming, his BS Johnson is a direct analogue. A landscape gardener whose work you can't walk around in = a writer who refuses to worldbuild, from the point of view of Pratchett. The blatant quality of it is precisely why it's so horrifying. When Pratchett started out in England, nobody was unaware of Johnson. It's like writing about a pompous cabinet-maker called Martin Amis.

>> No.6258295

Oh, that's a hard question.
Night Watch is the best one in a series sort of way, but I'll always love Thud! and it's "WHERE IS MY COW" moment, That got me right "in the feels" seriously, the idea of one day being a father and coming through like that
Small Gods is such a good stand-alone, but then again if you want to talk about stand-alone novels that are genius, you have to recognize Nation, even though it's not a Discworld.
It's impossible, can't pick a favorite, not this time.

>> No.6258302


nice justification for reading trash. intelligent people have fun reading real literature.

>> No.6258303

BS Johnson is not a landscape gardener in the books. You have never read his work.

>> No.6258304

>implying it wasn't Robin Williams

>> No.6258307
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I met the guy back in 89 when he was releasing Truckers. I knew very little English back then and I was a wee boy anyway so no deep conversation was ever going to take place. Even so it left me with the impression that this guy was the most intelligent person by far that I had encounter so far in my short life (that and the only adult outside of movies that wore what seemed to me like a cowboy hat).
Funnily enough I do not enjoy his writings that much. My brother on the other hand swears by it.

Good Night Sweet Prince.

>> No.6258308

He designed the Patrician palace. He does a lot of thing

>> No.6258309

BBC's Night's Watch radio adaptation is solid, gave me really good Vimes vibes.

>> No.6258310

That was over six months ago.

>> No.6258311


Yes he is - he invented the hoho.

>> No.6258312

Please not Terry Gilliam

>> No.6258313

almost a year ago

>> No.6258314

Night Watch and Thief of Time for me.
Being the idiot I was it took me months for it to click they both took place at the same time.

Honourable mention to Pyramids for making me shudder when the death toll rang out from the disorganiser

>> No.6258316

my first foray to /lit/. what a horrible bunch of edgy elitist cunts you have here.

>> No.6258317

Do you mean the Watch death toll? Then that would be Jingo

>> No.6258318

he is not one single thing. He first appears as the designer of an Organ, and appears periodically from then on. He designs all kinds of strangely mystically broken devices that appear through the series.

>> No.6258319


On one occasion he is. Are you American? There is no fucking way an English writer of Pratchett's generation accidentally called a laughing stock B. S. Johnson.

>> No.6258320

Pratchett's works aren't particularly literary, but they're by no means bad. I read them when I was younger, so their appeal for me is much more nostalgic than it is artistic

>> No.6258321

What are they gonna do, arrest him?

>> No.6258322

neither am i mate

>> No.6258323
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>The librarian says there will always be a shelf for his works in the UU Library. (accessible through L-Space for the knowledgeable)

>> No.6258326

Wow, I guess time flies when you're a faggot

>> No.6258327

Yeah, sure, I'm cool with people having different sort of tastes and debating them, but again, why do they need to come here to tell us how retarded we are and how the world is better off with the author dead and all that shit? They could just shut up and keep their thoughts to themselves for once.

It just feels really weird and mean-spirited.

>> No.6258328

Guards! Guards! and The Truth, probably. Good Omens as well, but it's a collaboration so not sure I can count that.

>> No.6258329

This. Night Watch was the pinnacle and conclusion of Vimes as a character, but Thud! had a quote that always stuck with me:

No excuses. He'd promised himself that. No excuses. No excuses at all. Once you had a good excuse, you opened the door to bad excuses.

>> No.6258331


Yeah, but that other guy said he wasn't a landscape gardner. He was, amongst other things.

I always thought he was a Capability Brown expy myself, with some extras.

>> No.6258332


>> No.6258333

lol u moran it es fatal

>> No.6258334


It's not weird, no. Pratchett took the piss all the time, he was a bitter little cunt until he got saintly because he was about to peg it. Fuck him, the runtish little sperglord.

>> No.6258335

no i don't

>> No.6258336

Glad to hear it
Now never come back

>> No.6258337

Small Gods, Night Watch, Interesting Times and Jingo.

>> No.6258339

Night Watch and Thud are two of his best, I think Vimes was by far the most well written character.

>> No.6258340

have the games aged well? I've never played them despite reading every single novel up to Making Money

>> No.6258342

I never thought this day was ever really going to come.

Goodnight, sweet prince. You will be missed.

>> No.6258343

At least he didn't have to suffer Alzheimer's further. RIP, Sir Terry Pratchett

>> No.6258344

what exactly was it the shower that Ridcully used did?

>> No.6258346

I wouldnt say accidentally. I would say incidentally. BS Johnson was never hugely popular. Pratchet was a genre writer.

Particularly, since, as I said, the character in the books cannot even be remotely compared to the writer.

>> No.6258351

Confirmed for being part of a group he satirized.

>> No.6258352

I hope David Cameron dies next

>> No.6258354

Nation has a terrible ending
>b-but it's supposed to be a parody of good endings
it's still shit, ruins the entire book

>> No.6258355

Vimes is my favourite character, the only thing I dislike about him is that he seemed to take over from Weatherwax and what could have been some of her development.

>> No.6258356

Lord Vetinari was quite fun as well, but I agree that Vimes was probably the best character.

>> No.6258357

Connected to a grand organ , so i assume a whole lot of wind/noise

>> No.6258358

Ah right yes, got that mixed up. Been a few years since reading them.

>> No.6258360

Indeed. I get where all the trash talk is coming from, there are many flaws with many books throughout the series. Vimes however was so damn real, I excuse every single meh Discworld book I've ever read.

>> No.6258362

Honestly. Not really!

But my nostalgia have made them my favorite since childhood. So I can look past their faults.

>> No.6258365

You can't get any edgier without sewing razors to your dick. Stay angry, attention whore.

>> No.6258366
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>> No.6258367

Fuck I hope this doesn't bring more new posters here like when moot btfo of /pol/ and they took refuge here

>> No.6258369

He turned on a tap that did something and he wouldn't speak of it afterwards.

>> No.6258371
File: 16 KB, 300x360, Samuel_Vimes[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't say I liked Vimes going from anti-hero/accidental hero to crystal clear undefeatable superhero. Overall his books were slowly loosing grit, shadiness and dark irony in favor of optimism, happiness, equality and peace for all etc. Not that interesting IMO.

>> No.6258372

old faithful is a famous geyser
it's a hot spray of water into your ass

I'm mad that Terry stopped writing about the witches, who the fuck cares about tiffany holy shit
I'm even madder that we could have 4 more discworld books if not for those

In which ways have they aged badly?

>> No.6258373


You give 6258334 too much credit. He's nowhere near interesting enough to be part of a group. He's just a faggot. These posts we make about him will be the height of his fame.

>> No.6258375

the amount of plebbery in this thread is staggering

>> No.6258376


You don't die of the memory loss component of alzheimers anon, you die of strokes

>> No.6258378


>> No.6258379

I liked Rincewind, even if he didn't

-I need volunteers!
Rincewind: I don't want to go sir
-I never asked you
Rincewind: I know how my life works.

>> No.6258381

Eh, I agree that he overstayed his welcome. As I hinted earlier, Night Watch should have been the last Vimes book.

>> No.6258382

Why, cruel world! Why!

Rest in peace, Sir Pratchett. You'll be missed.

>> No.6258383

He's a rugby player.

>> No.6258384

>intelligent people
>Doesn't capitalise
I bet you're 14

>> No.6258385

I'm here for the first time. I think I'll stick around just to annoy you snobs. ;)

>> No.6258386


thread theme

>> No.6258387


>> No.6258388

Any other good books like Pratchetts'? I keep hearing good things about this thing called Infinite Vest which sounds like it could be funny. Or The Brothers by Kara Mazov.

>> No.6258391

Discworld got me into reading books and his campaigning for the right to die was inspirational.

Sad day.

>> No.6258393

This is so sad. I gew up reading his books. I think I even learned half of my english vocabulary from his books, even though the swedish translations were excellent as well.

A brilliant mind with a great sense of humour, I'm going to re-read Thief of Time in honor of his memory this weekend.

>> No.6258394

It's too late, we're going to have cross-boarders out the ass for the next month because of this.

>> No.6258395

both are shit anyway
start with the greeks

>> No.6258396

>His campaigning for euthanasia was really important to me

That will something that seriously pissed me off about him actually.

>> No.6258397


It's not incidental for a rich man to take the piss out of a suicided poor man, no. Never.

B. S. Johnson was, in his life, well known and admired, though never widely popular. He couldn't have failed to be aware of him. The relative popularity is WHY I say it's obscene. Pratchett had no need to make such a dig, but he deeply resented the acclaim accorded literary writers, and Johnson's attitudes to the novel probably fucked with his sense of the dignity of his dogged, plagiaristic, uninspired cranking.

>> No.6258398


>> No.6258402

It's gonna be Wladimir Putin

>> No.6258403

>being this angsty
Imagine being this insecure that you had to piss in a grief thread to show that you were superior to other people. Nothing you read is ever going to be enough to make you not be the person who did that.
Judy Blume and Stephen King are going to go in your lifetime, are you going to go on the internet and be a prick in their memorial tributes too?

>> No.6258407

>not this

>> No.6258409

Why? I should be able to choose when I want to die.

>> No.6258410


The only people who didn't get 'satirized' by that piece of shit were the kind of vermin he represented, so it's no stretch to imagine I would have been on his list.

>> No.6258412

What is your favourite book?

>> No.6258413

his Witches and Watch books

>> No.6258414

/sp/ here. the football discussion's a bit slow til evenings, i might stay here and talk pratchett all day from now on. what was your favourite pratchett character?

>> No.6258418

Vimes started out great, but then Terry had him rise in rank in each book. And Vetinari became more and more ridiculous in the books, like being in the train undercover in 'Raising Steam'.

Carrot also seemed to go nowhere from The Fifth Elephant onward.

>> No.6258419

oh do fuck off with your stupid Christianity meme

>> No.6258420


>> No.6258421

>literally just finished reading Mort before going to sleep last night
I....I did this /lit/...shit.

>> No.6258422
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>> No.6258423

Good Omens remains my favorite comfy book of all time. RIP

>> No.6258424


>posting Jeff Buckley

It's like you're trying to destroy me, anon.

>> No.6258425


He was! It's just true.

>> No.6258426

I'm such a pleb I normally only read manga and translated light novels.

>> No.6258427

What? Why? Did you watch his documentary on it?

>> No.6258428

he did like to satirize cunts so probably

>> No.6258429

Night Watch, probably. Or Pyramids.

>> No.6258431
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>> No.6258434

>babby's first exposure to Horatian satire

Ayy lmao.

>> No.6258435

but there was no dig, except in your own demented mind.


he is a comic device. The discworld series has many, from the assassins guild, the unseen university and so on.

Pratchett was not wealthy at the time of his early disc world novels either. They were also not even remotely contemporary.

>> No.6258436


>> No.6258437
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>> No.6258440

>tfw no ellie gf

>> No.6258441

>In which ways have they aged badly?

The first one has a lot of bugs, and if you have never played the games before the puzzles operate on insane logic, how I managed to solve the game without a walkthrough I have no idea. I recently tried playing them and solving the puzzles with only the info from the game and it's insane.

The backgrounds are good, but the animations suffer. Sometimes Rincewinds lines are read by Rob Brydon.

The second feels like three separate ideas strung into one game, with the last three acts becoming shorter and the plot not going anywhere.

The third has very date CGI.

>> No.6258442

I'd make some shitty reference to it now but I forgot everything that happens.

>> No.6258443
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Who /a/ here?

>> No.6258444

>reader of manga and Japanese light novels tipping a fedora at somebody else
hypocrisy thy name is anon

>> No.6258446


I'm not insecure, I'm doing it because it's fun to tell the truth to self-deceivers. Outside of your mittensy Pterrified worldview, virtue exists, discipline exists, seriousness exists. It's a duty and a pleasure to remind you of that.

>> No.6258447

Rincewind or Vetinari
No, Leonard of Quirm. He lives the comfiest life imaginable

>> No.6258448
File: 34 KB, 200x259, Stitch Sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP Terry. You were the best fantasy author.

>> No.6258449

I just found an essay I did on Vimes back in 2006.

It's rather short and the .doc has broken encoding in some places (I assume there used to be pictures). Also it has tons of typos and terrible mistakes, probably because English is my second language and I wrote it in the middle of the night back then.

However, it has some of the best Vimes bits in its appendix, at least the ones 17 year old me liked.

Anyone wanna have it?

>> No.6258452




>> No.6258453



Oh well, he doesn't exist now, like the moral reasoning of his readers.

>> No.6258456
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>> No.6258458


What? He's for suburban porkers, it's not his place to judge his betters. Do grow up.

>> No.6258460

Are you psychotic?

>> No.6258461

how does it feel that the next government will be an SNP/Labour coalition with 319 seats to the Tory/LibDem/UKIP 310?

>> No.6258463


No, there was a dig. Terry's first book came out in the seventies, didn't it? GROW UP. Your hero was an anus.

>> No.6258464
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Who would be Terry's waifu?

>> No.6258466

I'm sorry, are you a fucking knight? STFU

>> No.6258467
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/fit/ pays respects

>> No.6258468

/tg/ here.


>> No.6258470
File: 19 KB, 236x395, bill door.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wyrd Sisters
>Small Gods
>Reaper Man

>> No.6258471


>> No.6258472
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Bad, because 5 years of labour will be a death knell for the UK.

>> No.6258473

>Known for his striking dress sense and large black fedora,

>> No.6258475

He died in Venture Bros.

>> No.6258476
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Fortuitously, as RAH noted, :Your status in Heaven is determined by how you treat cats here below," so he should be fine.

>> No.6258477


Oh wow, I can only assume you're American.

>> No.6258478

Taking a shit while checking my email.

Saddest shit of all time.

>> No.6258480

Fuck man, RIP

Then again, he was pretty far gone w the Alzheimer's anyway, about time to go I guess

Still, he wasn't THAT old. Did he even see wwii?

>> No.6258482


>> No.6258483

I actually like /tg/

hi /fit/

>> No.6258484
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>> No.6258485

dear lord

>> No.6258486

Bloody hell, you're already up to about 17 posts in this thread.

>> No.6258487
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Haven't read as much of his novels as I'd like to, but I could tell he was a fucking genius.

RIP mate

>> No.6258489

>Any Major party playing ball with separatists
Top kek, what be next Sinn Fein in coalition?

>> No.6258492

I don't even have enough fedoras for this post.

>> No.6258493

who's betting he became a hero to spare his family any more deterioration?

>> No.6258494

Thank god he's not judging his betters then, aye? It's not like B.S. Johnson has written anything noteworthy, he was just some irrelevant fuck that offed himself when his fifteen minutes of fame ended and he realized he couldn't actually do anything.

>> No.6258495


No, I'm just reminding you of the world outside the hugbox.

>> No.6258497

Obviously not, but the alternative is going straight to humans

>> No.6258498

Man didn't Terry struck a nerve with this one

>> No.6258499

I think you have a severe mental illness if you actually believe Bloody Stupid Johnson is a dig at BS Johnson..

As I have stated above, and you refuse to acknowledge, literally their only similarity is the name. With Johnson being a very common name.

>> No.6258500

are you dumb?

>> No.6258505


The point is, I'm not a fedora, your boy there was a fedora.

>> No.6258507

>Liberal Democrats
>Siding with Tories

nah they rather do a deal with Labour than the Tories

>> No.6258510

What are you on about? I think you're losing it.

>> No.6258516

trying to put together a discworld XI. librarian in goal obviously:


Vetinari managing.
going with a 4-4-2 to start with but open to alternative formations. add your players.

>> No.6258517

Try Piers Anthony

>> No.6258520

Reaper Man, Small Gods and Amazing Maurice were my favorites.

Good Omens gets Honorable Mention, would score in the top three but NG gets some of the credit.

His later books, I think, begin to show signs of his disease, and it makes me really sad to read them. But when he was at his peak... damn.

>> No.6258521


Even if B. S. Johnson hadn't been an infinitely superior writer to Pratchett, he didn't take the piss out of a husband and father who took his own life.

You're typical of genre shit nerds - you think you're the underdog but you think like a sociopathic bully. Demeaning Johnson was okay because he wasn't famous anymore, eh? Fuck you.

>> No.6258522

even more reason why ukip won't get in

>> No.6258525

I can only assume you enjoy the musk of your own asshole.

Show of hands. How many Americans here read Pratchett?

>> No.6258528

>tfw this is thread is better than /tv/

Ok /lit/ I think I'll stick around, recommend me some books

>> No.6258530 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 500x638, Tips+fedora+grooms+neckbeard+throws+cape+over+shoulder+refills+chalice+_9d7feb97a66d1fb29b48b2d3ee146198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not a fedora
>do grow up

>> No.6258533

Harrison ford won't pull through.

>> No.6258535

mods start banning plz

>> No.6258537


Bromeliad trilogy

For younger readers, but then I was younger when I first read them.

>> No.6258538

>>Even if B. S. Johnson hadn't been an infinitely superior writer to Pratchett, he didn't take the piss out of a husband and father who took his own life.
good thing he did no such thing, yet you still deny this.


>> No.6258540

Not the guy arguing with you, but you're fucking deluded.

>> No.6258542

He literally wrote a book about this you retard, it's called Unseen Academicals you degenerate fuck. Probably above your reading level though.

>> No.6258543

try game of thrones ;))

>> No.6258544
File: 15 KB, 236x236, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only book of his I remember.

Read some stuff with that red wizard too

>> No.6258545

Night Watch was the end of Vime's character growth, except for those brief moments in Thud! that centered around him being a father. But I liked when he cameo'd in things like Going Postal or Monstrous Regiment That really felt like the way his best character should go, Like the way Granny Weatherwax was just a supporting character in the Aching books.

>> No.6258548


I hate it when people who have nothing to be bitter about are bitter, I'll admit it.

You must be American. British literary life just doesn't work like that, it's too insular for it to have been coincidence - nobody writing or reading here in the seventies was unaware of who he was.

>> No.6258551
File: 13 KB, 214x317, poetry george lucas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what would be like poetry, like it rhymes?

Just a thought...

>> No.6258552

Suppose that's how BS Johnson family felt?

Now he was a talented writer and will be sorely missed but he had some pretty big Fedora moments with his social political views

>> No.6258554
File: 136 KB, 700x1144, DKR_Cvr_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6258555

The animated versions of Wyrd Sisters and Soul Music were quite good I thought.

>> No.6258556

install gentoo

>> No.6258559


Pratchett was not a particularly nice man, nor a particularly talented one. The truth remains the truth even if it hurts you.

>> No.6258561

Start with the Egyptians

>> No.6258563

wtf are you on

>> No.6258564

All fiction is genre fiction

>> No.6258565

John dies at the end

>> No.6258566

Going postal was his best work

outside the death and Susan series

>> No.6258567

I was not alive in the seventies, so I do not know that. But the wikipedia article claims he was largely unpopular, even with critics at the time of his death.

There is also the fact that, you know, the BS Johnson of the novels has no traits in common with the novelist. Something that I keep posting and you keep ignoring.

>> No.6258571

begin with the byzantines

>> No.6258572

that's why the librarian is in goal you spacker. proven his worth hasn't he. but i didn't want just the university in my team. it's a discworld XI, the talent pool is much bigger than just a bunch of wizards, an ape and knut.

>> No.6258574


Your not having heard of Johnson doesn't make the dig less obvious to those literate and versed in UK publishing history, sorry. Educate yourself.

>> No.6258575

As an old /lit/ poster I'm always baffled at how new people take jokes and memes seriously in order to fit in, or so they think, until they make up the majority of the board and newer people think we were serious all along. I mean, does anyone remember when we actually liked ASOIAF? Or when Joyce was only a maymay, or when the very concept of pleb was ironically used to satirize /mu/? Now people are pretending to hate genre fiction to the point of being edgy in an obituary thread because they took a meme seriously...Jesus.

>> No.6258580


BS Johnson did choose when he died. He committed euthanesia of the self.

>> No.6258581

>because they took a meme seriously

that's literally what you're doing

>> No.6258582


No, I'm correct.

>> No.6258585

Nanny Ogg at CB, i reckon she could put in a good tackle.

>> No.6258588
File: 121 KB, 620x620, mandrill-snarl_2110219i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May I just add, FUCK ALZHEIMER'S!!!! May I?

>> No.6258590

still ignoring the fact the two have literally nothing in common.

>> No.6258591

Good meme my friend

>> No.6258593


No, not at all. 'Fedora' doesn't mean 'more serious than I have the guts to be', it means 'pretentious lower-middle-class class traitor on the autistic spectrum'. Which is a good profile for a Pratchett reader.

>> No.6258596

CROSSBOADERS GET THE FUCK Over to the other sticky to check the wiki please don't make shit threads enjoy your stay ^_^

>> No.6258597
File: 90 KB, 275x294, Saddest face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6258598

Probably Guards, Guards! and Mort.
Fuck, I loved anything with the night watch/Death.

>> No.6258599


I always say there's only one good book I need, it starts with a man and a woman in a garden and ends with the wicked being cast into the lake of fire :)

>> No.6258601
File: 13 KB, 250x198, dementia_signs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw all my great gradparents and half of my grandparents have had alzheimer's (so far).

>> No.6258602
File: 246 KB, 1480x690, CORN FATHER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to initiate the newfags

>> No.6258603

RIP Jurassic park guy

>> No.6258605

>class traitor
I can't imagine anyone typing that with a serious face.

>> No.6258606

Commence with the Celts.

>> No.6258608

>Vetinari managing
>not Sam Vimes

>> No.6258609

he wrote comic books?

>> No.6258610

BS johnson is a hack anyway

>> No.6258612

please no, corn father

>> No.6258615


I wasn't either, I know it because I real read books. He was not widely enjoyed, but he was also famous. That happens with literary writers all the time. There is NO WAY that Pratchett was unaware of him when he chose the name, or attached the basic concept of not performing functions correctly to him. Pratchett's view of writing was a hack's, and the idea of a writer being acclaimed - and Johnson was critically acclaimed - for not performing a hack's functions probably pissed him off.

>> No.6258617

please no, corn father

>> No.6258618

I think it clearly was even back in Unseen Academicals. You can see a but more coarseness to the language, more repitition of phrases, etc. That may have been the disease at work, o it may have been the consequence of the disease forcing him to switch how he wrote from typing to essentially dictating, or even just him getting more pissed off as life kicked him in the balls unexpectedly -- but either way you could see the impact.

Still, I continued to buy and read anything he wrote -- even Long Earth -- I felt I owed him that for the work he had done in his prime, and how much I enjoyed it.

>> No.6258620

It's more likely to affect females of the family iirc, you might be ok.

>> No.6258623

Who is he? Regular fantasy writer for teenagers?

>> No.6258624

>class traitor
Whoa, he actually hit really too close to home, didn't he?

>> No.6258625


Nobody's being edgy. I have always opposed the discussion of non-literary product on here, whenever I've visited.

>> No.6258628

initiate with the inca

>> No.6258630

literally who

>> No.6258631

/fit/izen here.

Sucks that pratchett died.

Your board is shit

>> No.6258632

I only read his first book in the Discworld series and thought it only okay, but I'll still miss him just because of the hole he left in the fantasy and writing communities. RIP Terry, I'll miss you!

>> No.6258633


That's because you're a toilet, but meanwhile, the people you treat like Jews in Nazi Germany continue to try to maintain the value of art.

>> No.6258635

How does it feel to literally have meme tastes?

>> No.6258636

>vimes as manager
the fuck are you talking about? he's not got the brain for any advanced level tactics. he'd make a good captain though, he's got previous. maybe stick him at CM

>> No.6258638

I enjoyed Wee Free Men, though the series got weaker as it went along, and I'm not sure how much enjoyment there will be in the later ones if you don;t already know some of the characters that come over from other books.

But it's a good read, bear in mind that it is a juvenile, as is Amazing Maurice, which I also enjoyed the Hell out of.

red it, since you got it, then go back to the beginning -- but bear in mind that the first few books are pretty standard parody's of sword-and-sorcery fantasy stuff, he his his stride 4-5 books in.

>> No.6258639

>the no homo board is bullying us

>> No.6258640

No, you and the other pissy anons like you want to take a shit in a thread other people are using to commemorate someone with. You're doing that because it gives you a sense of satisfaction to disrespect the guy, because you don't think his novels were written well enough that he deserves respect, or because you wanted to laugh where others were crying, or for some other psychological reason that I won't even attempt to identify or explain.

No, you don't understand.
Accusing you of being Insecure was a compliment, At BEST you're insecure, and need to feel good about being superior to random strangers, That's the BEST excuse you could hope to claim. You should rush to embrace it, because the other explanations are all worse, and if any of them stuck, then you wouldn't be worthy to shine the shoes of the anons who were just shitting on genre fiction because they were insecure.

>> No.6258641

Quick, someone post the Gallic Wars one.

>> No.6258643

>Johnson was critically acclaimed
Not until after he died

>> No.6258644

still ignoring the fact that the character has nothing in common with the author I see.

According to the wikipedia he was not critically enjoyed either. He was an author who's fame came later. Pratchett was a Press Office worker who quite to work in genre fiction. He was not a part of the literary scene.

BS Johnson has nothing in common but the name. Johnson is not an uncommon name.

>> No.6258645

It was class class traitor by the way, so like double traitor.

>> No.6258648

no, its true, he started on a good wave around Maskerade, finding a suitable style and a good world, but then his last books had things like racism, holocaust, goblin rights, orcs being treated badly blah blah.

>> No.6258649


Just calling it by its name, most Pratchett fans are dreadful.

>> No.6258650



>> No.6258651

Ive never seen him talked about on /lit/, isn't he more of a /co/ guy?

>> No.6258652

Latin-fags won't get this.

>> No.6258655

It is a sad day.
Пoкoйcя c миpoм.

>> No.6258657
File: 338 KB, 1024x671, 11-reaper-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was your first Pratchett book,and what did you think of it?

I picked up Reaperman, the colour of magic, and the light fantastic from a small bookshop in Belfast. I couldn't get into the colour of magic, but reaperman blew me away. The concept was entertaining, the characters and dialogue were funny, and the imagery was both bucolic and insightful.

The light fantastic was pretty good too.

>> No.6258659

I wonder if the press will now start reporting allegations about his conduct with children dating from the early eighties?

>> No.6258660

then you haven't been here very often.

>> No.6258661


>> No.6258662

Thanks anon, we're all going to make it

>> No.6258663

His work is too well known for /lit/ to pay any attention to, or admit to paying attention to, at any rate.

>> No.6258665






Lower-middle-class class traitors. Learn to read, it's not too late.

>> No.6258669

kill yourself

you too

>> No.6258670


>> No.6258672


----?--------------G. Ogg-----------------------?-------------------------?--

Vetinari managing.

>> No.6258673


Sssh... not yet.

>> No.6258674

almost cried, for fucking christ's sake this amazing writer had to leave us forever at only 66.

>> No.6258675

Good Omens, pretty damn good, own all the discworld novels now.

>> No.6258676

Sounds like he did hit too close to home. Man, 40 books of being laughed at. I can't begin to imagine the resulting hemorrhoids.

>> No.6258678

call in incorrect if you want. It appears to be the case.

The fact remains that this "dig at BS Johnson" shares nothing in common with him bar the name. I mean literally nothing.

>> No.6258681


I never see gadda being talked either anon or pirandello.
The first two, because /lit/ know jack shit about them, for terry it's a matter of being an obnoxious board.

>> No.6258682

Damn shame, I would've thought Death would've given him a pass considering all the good press he's written about him.

Ah well, video related.

>> No.6258684

cross boarder detected

>> No.6258686

I suppose you say ATM machine as well then?

>> No.6258687

kill yourself

>> No.6258688
File: 2 KB, 126x125, 1363710598322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's nothing to be done about it, Robin Williams thread had them too, these "good, I'm glad he's gone, wasn't funny anymore anyway" idiots. as if it mattered, as if there was a bare minimum of quality that had to be met before someone was allowed to be mourned for. You can't argue with them, you can't shame them. Just ignore them, they're the westboro baptists of the internet.

>> No.6258689

kill yourself.

>> No.6258690

What the fuck is a class traitor you pretentious fucktard.
This board makes /mu/ look good.

>> No.6258695

never read anything from him


>> No.6258696


>All the little angels rise up, rise up.
>All the little angels rise up high!
>How do they rise up, rise up, rise up?
>How do they rise up, rise up high?
>They rise heads up, heads up, heads up, they rise heads up, heads up high!

Night Watch always makes me feel

>> No.6258698

They got better, by a lot. First few were standard parody of the genre stuff, then he began to spread out and get comfortable. You ought to try again.

>> No.6258701
File: 124 KB, 475x800, Cover_Lords_and_Ladies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reaperman is a wonderful book, and I think it probably has one of the most beautiful endings of any of the books.

Mine was Thief of Time, and it's still one of the very top ones.

I've just realised that that' the last we'll see of Susan, now. I guess at least she got a nice ending with Lobbsang Ludd.

Other Favourites:
Lords and Ladies
Night Watch
Feet of Clay

>> No.6258703

Detritus, right of Gytha.

>> No.6258705

As a /lit/ veteran I've never felt so warm and fuzzy inside to see that many cross-boarders defend one of my favourite authors against the resident pseudo-intellectual vocal minority.

>> No.6258707


Anon you can't even imagine the kind of mescaline induced dream some of the people here are living.

>> No.6258711

Detritus CB
Angua SMF
Bursar FW

>> No.6258712

Daily reminder that jetpack faggotry isn't /lit/

>> No.6258713

Shitty genre fiction author

>> No.6258714

fuck off nobody cares about your opinion

>> No.6258715

That's what books do to your brain

>> No.6258717

Fortunately a lot of cross-boarders share it.

>> No.6258718

Thief of Time, one of the few books where I turned it over and read it a second time when I was finished. It gave me that kind of feeling of the perfect ratio of humor to adventure, that I had been missing since reading The Hitchhiker's guide and in retrospect, the humor and adventure actually blended smoother in Discworld than in Hichhiker's, Then I found out how many other books he had in the library, and had one of those "welp, I'm going to be here a while" moments.

>> No.6258719


No, look, this isn't hard to understand:

Outside of the hugbox, you don't get to make moral stands. Your money is spent degrading the culture, lowering standards, sponsoring degradation. You can declare yourself appalled all you like, you yourself are dire to contemplate.

People like you are part of the problem, surely you understand that? You're the millstone round the neck of western culture.

>> No.6258721


I share your feelings, with the only difference that i stopped coming here 1 year ago, there's a limit to being obtuse.

>> No.6258723


Nobody in England in the seventies who read books seriously was unaware of him, and it's clear to me Pratchett read some decent stuff, or he couldn't have ripped stuff off from it.

>> No.6258724

Reaper Man and F-a-Eric

>> No.6258726

what do you care, i don't usually post on /lit/ but i just want to read some good stuff about an author i loved so much and who will never ever write another book.

>> No.6258727

lots of people supported the Nazis you faggot

>> No.6258729

You sir are a traitor and a pleb

>> No.6258730


sticking with an attacking 4-4-2 for now. need someone pacey at RW

----?--------------G. Ogg---------------Detritus------------------------?--

Vetinari managing.

>> No.6258731

Thank fuck /lit/ is patrician enough to give based Sir Terry a sticky! Fucking /tv/'s doggerel mods won't.

>> No.6258734
File: 11 KB, 200x273, pratchettDuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started with Colour of Magic and read the Discworld books pretty much in order, adding in his older stuff as I could find it. (Johnny and the Dead is very good.) I am confused that he liked Nation so much -- I thought it was pretty "meh."

>> No.6258735

So this dumb pleb author gets a sticky even though Gore Vidal didn't? Mods = fags, they need to be replaced

>> No.6258739

yet another retard who took the traditionalism meme seriously. the kali yuga will end soon, muh institutions, le wrong generation, ride le tiger, muh decline of the west yadda yadda. no one cares about your kind, you're like zoo animals to normal people.

>> No.6258740


What better time?

I heard about this from a friend of my sister's.

>> No.6258741

Rincewind pacey

>> No.6258746
File: 19 KB, 460x288, tony_blair_1553707c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gore Vidal
>not pleb

>> No.6258748

Pratchett's early work is clearly derivative of Douglas Adams and genre work.

His books are full of parodys of real persons. The names are all distorted versions (such as Jeremy Clockson) and are similar to the person being mocked on some level. There is nothing like that with his BS Johnson character. He's not based on the novellist.

>> No.6258749
File: 820 KB, 240x171, SA_rape_culture.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet it was the Jews.

>> No.6258750

Yeah I don't nearly come here as often either. It's gotten to a point where I miss the D&E brigade, and that's saying a whole fucking lot.

>> No.6258751


I'm not remotely a traditionalist, and I've never read Evola or Spengler. Normal people don't read serious books, a writer of which I'm 'defending' against a really chippy man who his fans think was likeable for some reason.

>> No.6258753

Not him, but normal people are despicable and vile, and I don't see why anyone should care what they think, especially a traditionalist.

>> No.6258754

Don't bring your homosexual degeneracy here.

>> No.6258757


That developed later.

It's spelled 'parodies'. Good old Pterry, teaching you how to read, eh, you fucking worm.

>> No.6258759

talentless hack

>> No.6258761

Ah, you're more of a Bloom guy then? Still upset that the Cervantes of DFW shared an award with one of your best buddies?

>> No.6258762

My first book was Wee Free Men, but I was too young to really get it (my mom had a shelf of Pratchett and I grabbed one at random). It was charming, though, even though I didn't understand much of it.
The first one I read when I was old enough to understand was Hogfather. Still a really important book to me. I even have the movie.

This whole thing makes me want to take my signed Wintersmith and curl up for a while. Goodnight dude ;-;7

>> No.6258764

and has the correct initials. he's in the team.

----?--------------G. Ogg---------------Detritus------------------------?--

Vetinari managing.

need a tough tackler next to vimes at CM.

>> No.6258765

>/tv/ death
>/lit/ death
/mu/ will be next, R.I.P Morrisey I say

>> No.6258768


Why don't you stop at all ?
It's not like sharing your thoughts on boccaccio or nietzsche with these poor fucks filled with drugs is going to do something good.

>> No.6258769


It wouldn't work as an argument on a traditionalist, no. Nor does it on a modernist, which is what I'd describe myself as, temperamentally and aesthetically, though I'm sure someone will now come and swear that everyone's a postmodernist.

>> No.6258772

>literally correcting someone's fucking spelling

back to plebbit you stupid faggot.

>> No.6258774


>you have given all you can sir
>no not cancer, Alzheimer


>> No.6258775

No anon, you are the one who is despicable and vile. You're simply too self-centered and autistic too notice it.

>> No.6258776
File: 25 KB, 720x480, 1393800086035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Colour of Magic holds a special place on my heart as the first book I read in English.
Requiescat in pace

>> No.6258777

I am on my phone at the moment.

What "developed later", exactly?

Why would you choose to parody someone by creating a character that has nothing in common with hem, but the name?

If you dont respond to my point I wont respond to your next post.

>> No.6258782


No, I'm not American, and Bloom's act only sells in America.

>> No.6258783

Angua is too minor
get Moist as the guy in front, Susan back, Death somewhere

>> No.6258785

This is objectively true.

>> No.6258787


>> No.6258788


Nah, never been there. Stop trying to project shit on everyone who commits the crime of not being into the narrow-gauge railway of writers.

>> No.6258790


/m/ run, i know you have a high tolerance to trolling, given the situation with tomino.
But here you can find only desperation.

>> No.6258799
File: 221 KB, 1024x1024, 1423219831478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6258800


The sophistication of changing the odd letter.

What Pratchett's Johnson does, make useless things and make out that other people are getting them wrong, is how small-c conservatives like Pratchett reacted to Johnson's books and public statements.

>> No.6258801

>Doesn't say where he's from
>posts CIA


>> No.6258804

Didn't he settle out of court with a girl, buy her a corner shop or something?

>> No.6258810

Rincewind (LW)
Cohen (RW)

>> No.6258811

You fucking twat, possible cancer and alzheimers cures are found all the time in testing, most require further research or die by the time it gets to human testing due to being impracticable.

>> No.6258813

Welp, I started a few threads those last months, not much.

I started reading the first three, and then proceded to get any of his books I could lay my hands on, wether by borrowing them at a library or spending the major part of my pocket money.

>> No.6258815
File: 12 KB, 224x224, 1413430129251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meme writers

>> No.6258818

Mine was The Discworld Video game.
It encouraged me to read the books and I started with The Colour of Magic and read them all in order.
Guards! Guards! and the watchmen series of books are the ones I read the most.

>> No.6258820

No, You're being a dick. You don't understand, because you're young, So you think it matters, you think any of the philosophy that you studied, the social theory, the logic, the economics, the politics, YOU THINK IT MATTERS, you think it means when you're being a shithead, that it's justified because you've "transcended societal norms" or because "this or that authors work only contributed to this or that meta-narrative" Or whatever derivative "intro to philosophy" bullshit justification you have that you think rationalizes your behavior. You don't understand that you're being a dick, and you won't understand until you're older and you look back on your behavior and go "Man, I was being a dick." And nothing will take that away, nothing you ever read will be patrician enough to remove that behavior. I get that you're not ashamed of it now, but just wait, the day is coming, and it's not going to be easy on you when it hits you.

That you didn't respect him, that you didn't think he was worth commemorating, that you think his work was pleb and shitty, or detrimental to society, that's one thing. That's fine. But that you, and the others like you felt you needed to interject and fuck with people who are respecting him, it makes you needy little insecure children AT BEST. Don't be too quick to try to throw off the accusation of insecurity and attention whoring behaviors because that is the BEST defense you have.

>> No.6258822

Paying respects. My favorite author. Rest in peace. Really upset about this.

>> No.6258824


No, that was his friend Jimmy Savile.

>> No.6258826

>make useless things and make out that other people are getting them wrong
but thats not what BS Johnsons character does. He is a comedic character who is so incompetant at engineering things that the develop into cthuluesque monstrosities.

Literally nothing in common with the novelist. Pratchett was never a conservative with his novels. He made extensive use of footnotes and never made use of chapters. Not the most experimental behavior, but hardly one of a reactionary against the new.

Its not an attack on him

>> No.6258828


>Using meme pictures
>Le ironic shitposting.

>> No.6258829

Yep, but there is good in /lit/ as well.

Let's make good threads

>> No.6258830

Gene Wolfe is next.

>> No.6258833
File: 30 KB, 600x646, 310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Small Gods
Jesus fuck that was a good book. RIP Terry.

>> No.6258835

Nothing ironic about it, this Pratchett cunt is reddit tier misery and now all the plebs will flood this board talking about him. Do not want.

>> No.6258833,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.6258838

I hope to God he doesn't get offed by some faggot wielding a banana.

>> No.6258840

Ah, another idiot who took the /mu/ meme seriously. Do you also dream of living the so-called literary life?

>> No.6258843

>a meme

U wot m8?

>> No.6258844

The irony is palpable.

>> No.6258846

4chan isn't better than reddit these days

>> No.6258847

Did you get the number of that donkey cart?

>> No.6258849


Cunts like Morrisey shouldn't get to rip in pieces

>> No.6258853

It is sad. He was a fantastic author and he gave me a great joy. At the same time, you know, it was coming; at least it wasn't too long in coming, given that he was sick.

>> No.6258854

One down two to go.... All Authors with Terry in their names are bad.... Now Goodkind and the other just have to fug off

>> No.6258856

Not a /lit/ meme but a general meme. Just like that Galaxy Hitchhiker le so random cunt.

>> No.6258857

then what do you read? you do read right?
your not just here to shit on other peoples tastes right?
because that seems like a pretty awful thing to do

>> No.6258858


Anon please go on, i need to laugh a little more.

>> No.6258859


>Still having Discworld books that you've yet to read for the first time

You lucky bastard

>> No.6258860

reminder that on top of being a wildly successfu\l author and a british cultural icon terry pratchett also has a degree in particle physics

>> No.6258862

It's the /lit/ rationale that anything popular is shit.

>> No.6258867

>reading a >>6258860

>> No.6258874

talentless hack

>> No.6258876

Just read your space fantasy, friend.

>> No.6258877


No, it really doesn't work like that, and you misread my posts entirely. I am not here to pretend to have trascended societal norms, I am here to remind you of societal norms - the real ones, the ones the industry Pratchett worked in tried to make you ignore. I don't talk about meta-narratives, and I never have. You seem to be scared of educated people - I think your fear is misplaced. People like you are the ones who will endanger the survival of everything we value - your rant here is a sob against Enlightenment values and moral seriousness.

I'll never be ashamed of treating know-nothings, crypto-fascists and smug suburban conservatives the way they ought to be treated. Ought indeed to have been treated by their families, if they'd loved them.

Nobody cares what people like you think. Haven't you noticed that, in your daily life? Why do you think you cleave to the Forrest Gump shit you're jabbering? What force do you think any accusation from a servile peasant like you could bring to any literate, sentient person? Stop blubbering, waster.

>> No.6258878


In america ?
Because they lust over a lot of authors that are common stuff taught in school in my country.

>> No.6258879

So how did Pratchett insult B.S Johnson?

>> No.6258880

This. I literally witnessed the transition when ASOIAF went from a niche nerdy soap opera to a mainstream popular TV-adapted series, the difference is stunning. Of course new people and people who think they aren't new but still are won't understand.

>> No.6258881
File: 138 KB, 434x599, 1401671202394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw reading all of these recommendations.
>mfw finding Paul Kidby discworld books in stores.

Monstrous Regiment is my newest favorite, I had no idea The Truth and Reaper Man were supposed to be so good.

>> No.6258886

ASOIAF has always been shit.

>> No.6258889

i bet we wouldn't get a /lit/ sticky if an actually /lit/ author like pinecone died

>> No.6258891


Just popping in to say you are absolutely tanking here. Tolder than told, that's you.

>> No.6258895

I'm embarrassed to have not read anything of his before he died. Where does one start with his books?

>> No.6258897

are you implying he isn't even a conscious being, or simply that he is like an animal?
because if it is the latter, sapient would likely work better

>> No.6258898

The moon and the bonfires, my favourite book

>> No.6258902


How can you be so literal-minded? You think it would have to be based on a real engineer who did that? It's an analogy from the point of view of a world-building writer. What I've said is correct, it's an attack. As you had no fucking idea who he was until I told you, you're in no position to defend that fucking cunt Pratchett.

>> No.6258903


Anon i finished reading "quer pasticciaccio brutto de via merulana" and "il bottone della palandrana".
See ? kids like you love the assumptions that the interlocutor is an ignorant fuck, i don't have any problem in readings terry, philiph.k.dick, pirandello, gadda, verga etc all together, you just need some maturity son.

>> No.6258905

Small Gods and Pyramids are a bit seperate, Color of Magic is the easiest start but most basic.

Guards! Guards! is good too.

Monstrous Regiment

>> No.6258907

Are you me?

>> No.6258908

And Johnson was not a cunt? Killing himself when he had a wife, kids a family. How is that not traitor behavior. The lowest of the low.

Johnson was a shit, a stain. If anything, Terry should have mocked him more clearly.

>> No.6258909

“So much universe, and so little time.”
Farewell, old friend.

>> No.6258910
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Remember old friend, he can never recall how the one that looks like a horse is supposed to move.

>> No.6258911


The former. His kind breed themselves for the tables of their exploiters, and that may be as it should be. Pratchett argued for fascism constantly in his chuckling prose, in his little arsewipe books, satires of anything different or challenging. After a certain age, you do wonder if these people should just be left to it, but they're livestock who are putting the rest of us into cattle trucks, that's why some protest must be made while we still have the freedom and 'mental fight' to do it.

>> No.6258912

some extremely good shit here imo

>> No.6258913


Depression is a terrible thing, I hope you never have to deal with it.

>> No.6258914

Small Gods then go back and start reading in order.

>> No.6258915

Okay now I have literally no idea what you're rambling on about. Terry's a fascist now?

>> No.6258917


Thank you, I'm glad someone gets it.

>> No.6258918

smoke weed every gay

>> No.6258919


That's not what /lit/ was saying in the past.

It's not only a /lit/ thing though, it's a 4chan thing in general.
>X is niche and unknown
>Everyone likes X
>X becomes popular
>everyone hates X

>> No.6258922


He has multiple storylines set in the same world so it's probably the best idea to pick the character that interests you the most and follow their storyline from the start. Rincewind, witches, Town Watch, Death.

Personally I'd start with Mort, first in the Death series.

>> No.6258923

Looks like we got ourselves a crusader lads.

>> No.6258925
File: 57 KB, 330x500, bara+du+kan[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what to say, fucking shit. I never wrote that letter.

Thanks for building my childhood, Terry. Your books meant so much to me.

>> No.6258928
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>weebs on /lit/

>> No.6258930


Yes, lower case fascism. Dislike of the unlike. That's why suburban farts dig him so much.

>> No.6258931

this thread is unspeakably awful,
I am not even sure what it is right now, it was obviously a obituary thread, it remained that way for a few posts, then descended into a single continuous shitpost, I don't think /v/ or /mlp/ could match the horrific amount of shitposting going on here
I have never seen a thread so divided, jesus

>> No.6258932

Because I'm not weak, because I can value other lives over my own, because I focus my intention outwards when I have problems, seeking therapy throughout the world, not within.

Good riddance anyway, weak willed fools should off themselves, suicide is clear example that Darwin is right.

Even amputees in wheelchairs can learn to appreciate life, and say it was the best thing that happened to them, and some boo hop depression causes you to slit your fat wrists because your trite books about nursing homes didn't sell. boo hoo.

>> No.6258935

Exactly the same. I actually gathered his agent's adress three days ago and I haven't written.

Shit, I feel like a shit stain

>> No.6258936


You see? 'Lads'.

>> No.6258937

literally the biggest meme author of them all

>> No.6258938



>> No.6258942


>I have no idea what depression entails but I enjoy talking about how hard I am on the internet

>> No.6258943
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>> No.6258944

That would be Joyce or DFW

>> No.6258945

Truckers had an excellent stop motion series that carried over most of the humor.

>> No.6258948

>finished reading Mort yesterday
>Pratchett is kill

>> No.6258949

Discworld series. First three books are a bit naff, but get better from there.

Its not literal minded though. The concept of a Folly is well known. The world is filled with strangely designed devices and infamous engineers. Thats the joke. It has nothing to do with the novelist.

Yes, I did in fact know of BS Johnson long before this conversation.

>> No.6258950


>> No.6258953

That's like the literal opposite of what his books were about, you sociopathic elitist commie.

>> No.6258954

yes you are

>> No.6258957


NO, THAT IS Bababadalgharaghtakamminarronnkonnbronntonnerronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenthurnuk !!!

>> No.6258958

*respectfully tips fedora*

>> No.6258959


You are aware Pratchett intended to commit suicide?

Johnson was incredibly gregarious and generous with his time, the idea that failing to direct 'intention' outwards was his problem doesn't really hold water.

A brief and cursory Google you've done there, Johnson wrote only one novel set in a nursing home.

>> No.6258960

See you later, space cowboy

>> No.6258961

You should.
For some reason people are coming into this thread to hate on terry pratchett.
Ignore stupid elitism rise above it.

>> No.6258962


I loved with Lords and Ladies how he mixed the original folk-lore version of elves with the 'modern' post Tolkien view of them.

But then a traditional world being dragged kicking and screaming into modern times is a running theme of his books.

>> No.6258963


It's awesome. There's better, more creative writing here than in its subject's ouevre. I love the energy in here, it's crackling, can you feel it brah?

>> No.6258964

RIP /lit/

>> No.6258965

Why'd Terry have to die when the bitch behind 50 Shades of Grey is still allowed to live?

Why is the world so unfair?

>> No.6258966

RIP :(

>> No.6258967
File: 254 KB, 1567x1024, terry-pratchetts-discworld-reading-order-guide-en.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small Gods, Mort, or Wyrd Sisters are all good starting points but don't be too worried about continuity, because they're all good stories worth the reading even if you read them out of order and already know a bit about the characters ahead of time.

>> No.6258969


Are you American?

There is no way a British writer of Pratchett's generation unknowingly referenced Johnson. End of.

>> No.6258970

We are 265 in here, and most of us are genuinely gathering without will to shitpost loudly

>> No.6258971


Anon, this is a containment board, and will survive as one, don't worry.

>> No.6258973


But it's fucking not though, is it? I've tried reading his shit and it's just a friend's pissed dad attempting humour.

>> No.6258974

you keep repeating this point. Again and again. He did not reference Johnson.

The character is nothing like him. Only the name is in common.

>> No.6258975

>We are 265 in here, and most of us are genuinely gathering without will to shitpost loudly

Are you part of hivemind anon ?

>> No.6258976


The discworld series is the best comic fantasy series around.

Read in chronological order (although you can keep to sets of characters if you want).

Colour of Magic and Light Fantastic are when Pratchett was finding his feet and are a bit less polished than most of his books afterwards so don't be too put off if you can't get into those.

>> No.6258977

Why couldn't this graph have been around when I started on discworld?

>> No.6258978


Why are you a misogynist? Do you think reading wizard shit for so many years could have something to do with it?

>> No.6258979

Depression, the socialite 'disease' of the first world. Go on, please. He was so depressed his nursing home, housewife porn didn't sell. He was so ashamed he tried so hard to be intellectual, but none could take him seriously until the mob needed another dead hero they could mourn.

Fascism? You've never even seen fascism, it's something you read about in a book, or saw someone warn you about. The great contradiction here is in your abject distaste of castes you hate. You are a fool, and you don't even see how you are one.

>> No.6258981

1/265th at least

>> No.6258983

Eh, I'm reading it, and it's not that bad. Doesn't deserve the attention it gets either.

>Pratchett argued for fascism constantly
I don't remember his books being overtly authoritarian or conformist.

>still thinking liking animation produced in a certain country makes you a wannabe member of said country
It's as if all those kids watching Spongebob overseas are Ameriboos.

>> No.6258989


The name is the reference. Answer my question, are you American? In the British literary scene of the time there is no way it was unintentional.

>> No.6258990


I always loved his Johnny books too.

>> No.6258991

Came onto lit just to say R.I.P.
Childhood right there

>> No.6258992

>We will never read another night watch

>> No.6258994

I literally only now noticed that it misspells The Truth as The Thrut. Weird.
It's okay, I read them out of order myself and they were still great.

>> No.6258995

>if you don't like what i like you're not mature

>> No.6258996

I hate celebrity culture and don't care when most celebrities die. But, this death affects me. No more Discworld :(
Thanks for the laughs and thoughts, Mr. Pratchett.

>> No.6258997

RIP in peace, terry. Here's my favorites of your books:

1. Small Gods
2. Good Omens
3. Guards! Guards!
4. Feet of Clay
5. Jingo
6. Thief of Time
7. Going Postal
8. Men at Arms
9. Colour of Magic
10. Reaper Man
9001. Any of the witches books

>> No.6258998

His daughter is slated to take up his pen, right? Did anyone else get the feeling that Sam Jr.'s aging was sped up to get him in a position to be the launching pad for her to take over the Disc?

Prior to the Tiffany books, Moist von Lipwig books and the last few Vimes books after Sam Jr. was born, there wasn't much "change" going on in the Disc but once his diagnosis became public, he started working more ongoing story arcs in. I believe that out of respect for Sir Terry, she may relegate all of his "main characters" like the Lancre Witches, UU senior staff, Moist and Adora Belle, and Watch officers as background/cameo characters and begin a new "age" with the more technologically advanced Disc

>in b4 she shits it up with steampunk bullshittery

>> No.6258999

Bs Johnson was first mentioned in Men at Arms, the book came in 1993, long after Johnson took the easy route out.

>> No.6259000

>Good riddance anyway, weak willed fools should off themselves, suicide is clear example that Darwin is right.
some gold star posting right here

>> No.6259001

Really fucking sad about it man ;_;
>dat heart in all of his books

>> No.6259004


Plenty of people took him seriously. There's no point trying to busk this shit.

That anon is not the one who addressed fascism, I am. Of course we've seen fascism. You're a fascist and you like fascist books. Your entire attitude communicates that perfectly clearly. We don't need to be under a fascist government to identify fascist elements in society.

>> No.6259005


The BBC are doing a TV series of it. It's being written by his daughter (and has had a few pythons connected to it at various points).

Latest word is that it won't be books adaptations but will be canon and set after the last one

>> No.6259006

Just heard the news. Came here first thing.
Sad times : (

>> No.6259007
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/sp/ death tourist here.

His books were terrible, and he was a horrible arrogant cunt, until imminent death mellowed him out.

RIP anyway, I suppose.

>> No.6259008

no, I am british.

Its not relevant though, since I very much doubt you were around to judge the early 70's British literary scene either.

>> No.6259010
File: 70 KB, 1053x790, The_Thrut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tru dat

>> No.6259011 [DELETED] 
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>a sticky for a genre writer
>people from other boards attacking b.s johnson one of the greatest writers of the twentieth centur, in a sticky for a genre writer

>> No.6259012

She doesn't want to write further entries, but create shows, like the Watch and new video games.

>> No.6259014

why did you spam /co/ with him?

>> No.6259015


Probably deliberate given it's a running joke in the book.

>> No.6259016

Yes you do; you do not understand MY version of fascism you retarded spastic.

>> No.6259017


Google the word 'völkisch' and you'll encounter a description of Pratchett's sort of fascism.

>> No.6259019

Why not just let the series rest?

I don't think theres anyone in the world who can write like Terry could. Just let it all end, let the curtains fall.

>> No.6259020

own all his books

used to love them when i was 16

this hit me really hard

>> No.6259023

>steampunk bullshittery

Something something Leonard of Quirm

>> No.6259025

you could try Flann O Brian, an actually funny author

>> No.6259026

You've never seen fascism.
I grew up in the final days of the Soviet Union. You have never witnessed the true mob of fascism, your professors have taught you, news try to warn you of extremists, but you have never watched. Ever.

>> No.6259027


Yeah, people had heard of him then too, and plans were beginning for republications and the biography.

>> No.6259028

Detritus is an obvious choice, or Carrot

>> No.6259030
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>> No.6259029



>> No.6259031


Snuff clearly had some ghostwriting involved, probably by her.

Was a bit TOO in love with the character and used a swear word casually that Pratchett never used.

>> No.6259032

The true face of Pratchett fans.

>> No.6259033

>>Pratchett argued for fascism constantly
>I don't remember his books being overtly authoritarian or conformist.

It's Vetinari, this anon clearly thinks that this parody of Machiavelli's The Prince was not a joke but instead a political manifesto, for some reason.

Whereas he would only have to look at the behaviors of so many of his other characters, and how they are treated both by the narrative and by the narrator to see that it wasn't the case.

>> No.6259034

Only good post ITT

>> No.6259035


Anon you assumed i read only certain books, while it's not true at all, you didn't say "i don't like it, but i respect other opinions, or at least i can argument like an intelligent fellow about this"
No, you just wrote a comment filled with words you usually find in a 13 years old diary, enraged with people that have different tastes from him.

>> No.6259037


Yes, it is. Like I said, I read real books, that's how I know this. No fucking way was it a coincidence. There's no debate to be had on this.

>> No.6259039

This, I read all his books when I was a teenager.

>> No.6259042


Know that feel Pepe.

>> No.6259043

I'm not a Pratchett fan. Have you even read his books.

I suggest Thud, see how Pratchett makes analogies to american slavery with goblins, how he wants you to feel guilt over the poor goblins being treated so badly. Accusing Pratchett of fascism has to be the stupidest trite I've ever heard. It's like hearing Mccarthy complain of communists.

>> No.6259046


It was Interesting Times and it hit me like a tonne of bricks. I'd never laughed at a book, had never seen a world with such depth or read anything that communicated itself with such light and gentle artifice. I felt different for having read his books.

Terry's work existed in a vacuum, his writing was his, his perspective was his and I'm happy to have shared it with him.

>> No.6259047

>mfw the sticky on /co/ has much less shitposting than this one

>> No.6259048

>not reading chronologically

>> No.6259050


There we go. We don't need the specifics, you're an avowed fascist, thank you for not wasting anyone's time with denials. You're the Pratchett kind of fascist, that gives us a pretty good bead too, enough to dispense with the unpleasantness of engaging with you. Crawl back under your rock.

>> No.6259051

Oh yeah, I remember those, my favorite was "The truth shall make ye fret."

>> No.6259053

at least he was ready

>> No.6259054

What? There are excellent things in the witches

>> No.6259055

>Being this edge
It's only genre fiction if you don't like it anon, that's how /lit/ works

>> No.6259056

that was not thud you dunce
that was snuff

also, don't read snuff
read night watch, the truth and going postal

>> No.6259059
File: 93 KB, 1280x986, tumblr_mj0c5un65g1s72ilwo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could some body shoop a terry on this?

>> No.6259060

I absolutely agree, Snuff was the first Discworld book I struggled to finish. It's not even that bad, just like a note out of tune in an otherwise familiar song.

Ahh that's news to me, but I would be ecstatic for a new vidya

y-you shut your mouth

>> No.6259061


>> No.6259063

because less of them know who he is

>> No.6259065


Do you know where you are anon ?
Do you really expect any decency from a board that open a thread every hour about "I have X problem, what drugs should i use to overcome it ?"

>> No.6259067

I finished reading the discworld series a month or so. God damn, I fucking hate this world sometimes.

>> No.6259068


Think someone's going to finish Raising Taxes?

>> No.6259069


You should look at western Europe now, as I am. Those forces are unmistakably waiting their chance. They may not have the numbers yet, but they're there. I don't have to wait for an open onslaught to name them when I see them.

>> No.6259070

He was all for democracy. As long as there was only one voter, Vetinari

>> No.6259071


I felt Snuff was more Terry-ish after the horror that was Unseen Academicals. Terry is known for his great dialogues, but UA was just monologue after monologue and felt like it was written by someone else.

>> No.6259074


No it's not that, it's völkischness as I've already said, try doing some reading outside Pratchett for once.

>> No.6259076

>Terry didn't live long enough to write "64 Shades of Octarine"

so many ideas, so little time

btw, is it true that his last dozen books were effectively ghost written due to his Alzheimers?

>> No.6259079

Hey anon
I'm >>6259023 and >>6258447. Leonard was my favorite character due to his innocent nature and love of napalm.

>> No.6259080


Nah, everyone can tell the difference.

>> No.6259081

Wait ?
Are some anons here accusing the guy for saying that he wanted to kill himself if alzhaimer took his mind completely ?

Monicelli fucking killed himself throwing himself out of a window from the 14th store of an hospital because his anus was bleeding for fuck's sake.

>> No.6259086



>> No.6259088 [DELETED] 


>> No.6259089 [DELETED] 
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who /sp/ here?

>> No.6259090
File: 2.25 MB, 320x240, stalin-stares-into-your-soul-o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Soviet Union

Crossboarders GET THE FUCK OUT

>> No.6259093


I'm not sure about it being a dozen. He forgot how to type so his later books were dictated to his assistant. His daughter might have ghost written some parts as well. Overall I think that Unseen Academicals felt like it wasn't written by Pratchett while Snuff had parts that also felt as if they were written by someone else.

>> No.6259094

Supposedly he dictated them and someone else wrote them down.

It's pretty clear some liberties were taken though, the style and plot lines of the later books were pretty different.

>never again will we see the adventures of Rincewind

>> No.6259095
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How was Raising Steam? When I read Snuff and (especially) Unseen Academicals I felt like they both were a pretty big step down from what I'd come to expect.

>> No.6259096

> The Last Continent
> Oy classmate what you reading?
> Why is there a stupid kangaroo with a stupid hat on your book?
> Give me that, I wanna read it
> Consequences were never the same.

>> No.6259097


Calvino wrote genre fiction and fables, i guess he couldn't see the difference.

>> No.6259100

Keep telling yourself that

>> No.6259104
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>Have you even read his books.
Yes, all of them except for the fourth Science of Discworld book and the second in the long earth series, The Long War,
Ya got me, I haven't gotten to those yet, I feel so uninformed.

But while I've read his books, I haven't felt the need to run everything I read through a sociopolitical sieve to mine for the smallest hints of an offensive meta-narrative or ethos that I can extract some didactic value from.... Because I'm not a tumblr user or a college freshman.

>> No.6259107

>radical authoritarian nationalism
Sounds like the Soviet Union to me.

>> No.6259108
File: 87 KB, 684x576, sadsosad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading discworld cheered me up often when I was really down. This has made me sad as fuck. I know he was going down hill but still.

>> No.6259111

>skeleton wearing a black robe and carrying a scythe found in Christopher Lee's with a 4.2mm hole through the forehead

>> No.6259115

You never expect the big people of the world to die. Harrison Ford coulda died a few weeks back, Lee won't hold forever

>> No.6259116
File: 159 KB, 1024x1024, MP900408987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terry Pratchett will never sign my books
I never got to meet my favorite author

>> No.6259117

>The BBC are doing a TV series of it. It's being written by his daughter
Outstanding! I really liked the tone she brought to the Overlord series of video games. You could definitely tell it was a Pratchett work.

>> No.6259119

Hopefully, Snuff was off tone but it wasn't so far gone to be un-entertaining, and unlike the witches, death, the wizards, Tiffany Aching and the City Watch, Moist feels like he's got a little ways to go before his character rests. I'd like to see it tied up even if it risks being written poorly.

>> No.6259121

Oh god damnit

>> No.6259122

What a fucking cunt, dragging race into this

>> No.6259124

I'm now imagining one of those High School movie Jocks ripping The Last Continent out of the hands of some pimply nerd and becoming a nerd himself.

>> No.6259126
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Someone else that liked overlord ?

>> No.6259129

>The ear of white guys who really are as funny as they think they are is ending.

Did someone else beside Pratchett die or what?

>> No.6259130

Damn, I know those feels. I've had far too many books destroyed by my classmates, fucking bible belt

>> No.6259135

your mom liked my overlord

>> No.6259137
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>> No.6259139



>> No.6259142


Don't try to be clever when you're a nigger who earns his family's rape when he bandies words with his master, I tell you truly, Calvino and Burroughs etc. aren't comparable to the notorious stinky-hatted pedophile Terry Partchet.

>> No.6259144 [SPOILER] 
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so what exactly are you suggesting here, that we people who enjoy the books of a single (admittedly popular) author, or even fans of Genre fiction, are going to drag the world down with them when the world goes to shit?
I find that a tad hard to believe, you seem to be confusing correlation with cause, his books are not popular because he wrote them to turn people into fascist assholes, people were already fascist assholes and liking his books was just a consequence. the cause of people being stupid is because people are, as a whole, fucking stupid. all the literature in the world doesn't change the fact that when you strip us down to our most basic, you get a specialised pursuit predator. all facades of culture and religion are just lies we use in an attempt to distance ourselves from this fact, the fact that we are not objectively more valuable than any other living thing. the human race is in denial, everyone is, about the inevitability of death, and with it our cessation of existence, of the doom of our world, and with it everything we could ever leave behind, of the inevitable destruction of all that is, and the end of everything, even these petty arguments on a irrelevant little board made by irrelevant little people on this irrelevant little dot we call a home are lies we use to distance ourselves from the truth, the only truth, The End, that's why I am a shameless enjoyer of escapism, because our whole life is one massive search for escapism, as Pratchett's own caricature of The End once said

>"Take the universe and grind it down to the finest powder and sieve it through the finest sieve and then show me one atom of justice, one molecule of mercy, and yet, you try to act as if there is some ideal order in the world, some rightness in the universe by which it can be judged"

I am of course, cherry picking that, as "Death" later spouts some nonsense about a lie believed by all becoming the truth, a hopless endeavour, like any other, another lie told to us so we cannot grasp the truth of the end
now I am afraid I have gone and upset myself,
so I am going to go play a mediocure RTS to waste a few more hours till my inevitable demise, I hope you can find a way to keep yourself similarly distracted, and to everyone in morning of the death of this man, I say, do not grieve for him, for if you were to morn the passing of everyone who dies, your life would be a miserable one, instead, distract yourself with something pointless and profane, you will only lead yourself to further pain otherwise

>> No.6259147


Goddamn, will the third one have as many hairs as terry and robin ?

>> No.6259148

Okay, not him, but you've used that term so many damn times, I have to ask, are you trying to sound like a substitute primary school teacher who wiki'd the topic they were supposed to instruct upon on the way to work? Cause that's what you sound like. A perfect mix of authoritative condescension and naive ignorance. Like you know just enough about the subject to throw jargon around without using it too incorrectly, but not enough to know that your argument's thin as fuck.

>> No.6259152

"For the Overlord!"
"For the master!"
"For you!"


the gay liberal elves and gluttonous halflings cracked me up too.

>> No.6259156

Stallman better be carefull

>> No.6259158


Jesus Christ, fuck you. I literally teared up for the first time since my dad died reading that.

RIP Sir Terry.

>> No.6259160


You've just admitted you think you're livestock, so that seems a logical end point. One last thing:

> in morning

You learned NOTHING from reading genre fiction. NOTHING. You can't fucking spell, you can't fucking think, you've no sense of moral seriousness. Thank Pratchett for his share in your intellectual beggardom.

>> No.6259162

Nah, Putin will never die, that's just wishful thinking.

>> No.6259163

>Don't try to be clever when you're a nigger who earns his family's rape when he bandies words with his master, I tell you truly, Calvino and Burroughs etc. aren't comparable to the notorious stinky-hatted pedophile Terry Partchet.

Povero disgraziato, ho letto il 90% dei suoi libri in lingua originale, e devo pur essere offeso da un vero animale, che non ha problemi ad utilizzare senza remore il razzismo per difendere le proprie opinioni...

Oh you, you poor child...

>> No.6259164

Tell us about how you hate Justin Beiber

>> No.6259165

>I read real books

[citation needed]

>> No.6259166

Vetinari and Vimes
and Death

>> No.6259167

It's a typo, man. This may be a literature board, but still. Cut him some slack.

>> No.6259169


The problem for you is threefold:

1. I don't.

2. There's no point in lying to someone about *themselves*.

3. Pratchett was a völkisch, fascistic writer.

>> No.6259172

Jingo and Maskerade.

>> No.6259173

i would've done anything to have his obituary end with "His last request was for a potato."

>> No.6259175


It doesn't matter if you're offended, the truth is the truth is always the fucking truth. Spero che i vostri bambini vengono violentate.

>> No.6259176

Small gods, On Clay legs and Night Watch

>> No.6259179


No, he's said what he is, and I've concurred. Nothing to add to that.

>> No.6259181

>Spero che i vostri bambini vengono violentate.

First they will have to ask permission to them http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%27Ndrangheta

>> No.6259183

Tell us about how you pretend Justin Bieber has "at least a few decent songs" for the sake of not looking like an outdated dadrocker

>> No.6259186
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>Pratchett was a fascist
Considering how all politicians in Discworld was either portrayed as an idiot or evil, I don't really see it

>> No.6259192

> important
> genre fiction

Pick one

I enjoyed the colour of magic

>> No.6259194

I'm calling Gene Wilder or Mel Brooks as the next casualty.

>> No.6259196

I'm not sure. I've only read all the Discworld books, excluding the ones about Tiffany and the most recent one. I think I like the books about the City Watch the best. But I like nearly all the Discworld books, maybe excluding UA and Monstrous Regiment.

>> No.6259198


Anon you have been burned badly, go take that ice.

>> No.6259199


see nothing. If you really possess knowledge about Pratchett being a fascist, you can give a source.

otherwise all you ranting about western standards/enlightenment and so on are debunked as utter bullshit.

tl,dr show source or scientific paper with just conclusion with given source 'google it'

>> No.6259200
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/co/ here, today is a sad day.


>> No.6259201

he probably means that there's no real democracy portrayed, and that there are many good unvoted leaders as popular characters

>> No.6259204

Don't worry, people were saying the same of Tolkien.

Also, what is important is what he wrote, we are not going to establish who the man was on a tibetan animated-pictures plank

>> No.6259206

So you mean to say that's the guy who called him fascist is an idiot.

>> No.6259207


top kek

Do fuck off, internet tough guys are old news on the English-speaking web, Don Finnochio.

>> No.6259208

Small Gods. I believe in belief.

>> No.6259209

anyone remember when he fucking watched that guy die in that documentary about assisted suicide. that was fucking metal my nigga terry bumping out back whilst this old fag be a coughin and a dyin

seriously though this is a sad day for genre fiction

>> No.6259210

Don't forget the socks and sandals.

>> No.6259211

Ankh-Morpork is a democracy though. One man, one vote.

>> No.6259212

Oh Jesus fuck I just woke up, this hit me like a train ;_; Time to reread some Discword

>> No.6259213


You don't see how dismissing the democratic process might aid folksy dodginess?

>> No.6259218

I've seen the film about his suicide

It was bleak. Especially watch that other guy dying

>> No.6259220

The dwarfs live in anarchic syndicalist societies. Isn't that democratic?

The books constantly talk of how Ankh-Morpork has been ruled by tyrants (and still is) and that they are real buggers too.

>> No.6259221
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>says the man on /lit/

>> No.6259225


What is it you're trying to say? Your English is too broken up, man.

>> No.6259228

raising steam was a return to his usual self, i thought

not his best, but not in the lower third of his works

>> No.6259232


Oh fuck yes, socks and sandals!

>> No.6259235
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I have had my 3rd

and nobody to replace them

>> No.6259236

I think this man is having an aneurysm.

Inaccurate, he wore an Akubra, which is still kind of weird.

>> No.6259237

one man
one vote

he's the man
he's got the vote

>> No.6259238

George looks like shit. I don't see him hanging in there for another 10 years.

>> No.6259239

Let's take someone from /a/. Anno or Miyazaki.

>> No.6259241

Is it true he used to pay hookers to piss in his mouth? Heard this at Comic Con a few years ago.

>> No.6259242

Please be that hack Miyazaki
I don't want Christoper Lee to die

>> No.6259244
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>just lies we use in an attempt to distance ourselves from this fact, the fact that we are not objectively more valuable than any other living thing. the human race is in denial, everyone is, about the inevitability of death, and with it our cessation of existence, of the doom of our world, and with it everything we could ever leave behind

Alright, You get a clap and a half for pointing out the bullshit of these literary utilitarians who analyze literature through the lens of a political filter, crying "What good is comedic fantasy escapism to society!" as if society was anything more than a mixture of an ephemeral cultural residue and evolved herd behaviors.

This bemoaning wail of "But what about its effect on society!!" from the pseudo-intellectual is about as tedious as the wailing of the conservatives crying "But what about the children! Won't somebody please think of the children!"

Judge genre fiction as being a lower form of art if you want to, that's cool, nobody's going to argue with you, but for fuck's sake don't act like it's mere existence in some way nullifies the value of high art or in some way works counter to some supposed progress that you think literary works are making. Like some kind of chicken little running around saying, "oh no, genre fiction is being enjoyed, and when I was in line at starbucks somebody made a fart joke, now it's because of people like you that I won't get to enjoy the singularity!"

>> No.6259248


I'm doing fine, Pratchett readers have shit themselves a little though.

>> No.6259252

who cares

shit writer

might as well off his sweaty self right now

>> No.6259253 [SPOILER] 
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And i know who will dance.

>> No.6259258

>Monstrous Regiment.
Oh man, I loved it so much.

It was just so simple compared to normal discworld fare, like 5 total footnotes and very scarce paragraphs of puns.

>> No.6259259

A true patrician

>> No.6259263


This is bullshit too.

Genre fiction readers who pretend to be adults are like virgins trying to describe the grip of a fanny. It never, quite, comes off, does it, son?

>> No.6259264


Equal Rites proves Pratchet to be a platonist - what a tit haha!

>> No.6259268

Is it true that he wore tracksuits so he could get his tackle out and at kids with relatively quick turnaround?

>> No.6259269

you mean the evil jewish dwarves in thud?

>> No.6259270
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this thread, man. this thread.

>> No.6259271

disgusting banter tbh

>> No.6259272


welp now to be depressed for the rest of the week.

Gone too soon...

>> No.6259274


>> No.6259277


Thanks m8!

>> No.6259279

>Murakami won't die in your lifetime

>> No.6259284


Wait until you find out he left his money to Nigel Farage.

>> No.6259290

Pratchett and Williams, the world is getting less and less funny, even Joan Rivers was a loss, though she hadn't been really funny for a couple decades.

>> No.6259297

It's standard /lit/. Nothing to see here, move along.

>> No.6259299


>> No.6259300

Maybe I should read it again. It was a long time ago. It really is very different from almost all the other DW books. I don't remember what I didn't like about it.

>> No.6259303
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>Passes out at 66
N-nice dubs, Terry

>> No.6259306


It's popularity makes high art increasingly hard to fund, eventually it'll just stop, because money is a real factor, and yes, that will be your fault. No amount of bloviating will change the fact that your money is making a vote for degradation.

>> No.6259310

Came here to post this.
“Is this the bit where my whole life passes in front of my eyes?”
“Which bit?”

>> No.6259312

Well it was pure feminism and gender politics, but I liked just reading about the countryside and new countries instead of just AM.

>> No.6259320

ur a faget

>> No.6259322
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Oh fuck then i shouldn't have started that project on kickstarter.

>> No.6259324

My favourite Terry Pratchett moment was when he took the death shit a few hours ago, filling the room with a stank you could cut.

>> No.6259330


Judging from that crap you wrote, no, you shouldn't have, cos it's probably bad art if that's your level.

>> No.6259332


That would make me happy though.

That and if he had stashed away another 30 or so watch books so I could enjoy Vime's kid growing up

>> No.6259337


top kek

>> No.6259338
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Totally TUBULAR duuuuude !

>> No.6259339

What's your favorite series/book? Guards series is the best one imo, no doubt.

My personal favorites are:
1. Night Watch
2. Men at Arms
3. Thud
4. Guards! Guards!
5. Jingo!

I also loved two of the Rincewind books (mainly due to Unseen University crew appearing in them): Interesting Times and The Last Continent.

>> No.6259340

Gene Wolfe is very old.

>> No.6259341

You should add some cyanide to yourself.

A person who achieved knighthood through his writing, a person who brightened the lives of millions, is no longer with us.

And you're gloating because he's a "fascist" and writes "genre fiction", which is bad because /lit/ told you so.

I would rather see you die than Sir Terry. But since it is impossible, your death will be an improvement nonetheless.

>> No.6259342


> That would make me happy though.

There we go, so that's three Pratchett fans on here who've voiced populist fascist viewpoints.

>> No.6259343

why do yout think so

>> No.6259345
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>> No.6259350


Come on anon, share your thoughts on jodorowsky.

>> No.6259352

I'm so far up /lit/'s ass that I've never heard of him. Is he one of the better modern fantasy authors? I've never been huge into the genre. If you're a fan, where would you recommend someone start that wants to try his works?

>> No.6259356
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You're not even trying m8.

>> No.6259357

Death does not use contractions.

>> No.6259361

Burn them. Burn them all.

>> No.6259362
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“No one is actually dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away...”

>> No.6259364

Guards! Guards!

then google "Discworld reading order" or just read books in the order they were coming out, as I do.

>> No.6259365

I'd say start from the very beginning - The Colour of Magic.

>> No.6259366

Fuck this hit me hard. I've lived such a lonely life, and in my loneliest times I've always read Prattchett and he made me feel better.

>> No.6259367

Sam Vimes is probably the best character in the series. Night Watch was my favorite book, I think.

>> No.6259368
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And you are right, if you want something good, you should go full kitano.

>> No.6259370

start with the greeks

>> No.6259376

Actually people die when they are dead.

>> No.6259377

>start with the Ephebe


>> No.6259380


same here friend.

My wife did tell me that since my kid hasn't read any of the books I can revist discworld with him....

>> No.6259381

This and also Light Fantastic afterwards, because they are one story.

Then just read them chronologically (every new book also described the new events in the Discworld timeline) or by series (there are 6 of them: Rincewind series, Guard series, Witches series, Death series and Tiffany miniseries).

>> No.6259382


Start with the Hittites.

>> No.6259384


I keep hearing that there is something odd about Unseen Academicals, but I haven't read it yet. Anyone know what's up?

>> No.6259385

>Genre fiction readers who pretend to be adults
>top lel
Wtf validates someone as an adult in your eyes?That's even giving you the benefit of presupposing there's some objective virtue in being adult. God, I can't even describe the irony intrinsic in your post, attempting to virgin-shame and throwing around "pretending to be an adult" as an insult, when only teenagers feel the insecurity needed to care about being seen as adults or virgins. Protip actual adults don't want to be adults, just wait, you'll see, paying rent and student loans suck.
The main reason you project with these kind of accusations is because you're still young enough to equate age with some kind of authoritative leverage, assuming that whoever you're arguing with is trying to pretend to be older than they are because of some seniority or wisdom you think they're trying to claim, as if the world wasn't full of people who are dumb as fuck all the way up into their seventies.

>> No.6259386

>modern fantasy

He writes comedic fantasy with a very unique style of his own, creating a massive world of his own called Discworld that mashes up all sorts of things and makes fun of them. He then has various different sets of characters who have their own storylines. Good place to start is to pick any one of the storylines that catch your interest and start from the first book of those characters.

Personally I'd start with the first book on the Death (Mort) or City Watch (Guards! Guards!) series.

>> No.6259389


No, I shouldn't. Weep some more.

Jimmy Savile achieved knighthood. You write like someone who doesn't read books at all, so if you're one whose life was illuminated by Pratchett, I can only assume his light gave off fumes.

I'm not gloating, I'm telling the truth.

You've wished death on me for not being a Terry Pratchett fan. A great tribute to his influence, and exactly the sort I'd expect.

>> No.6259390

>He writes

Where do you think we are?

>> No.6259392

Top tier fantasy writers:
1. Tolkien
2. Pratchett
3. Sapkowski

Prove me wrong. Protip: you can't.
>Inb4 Martin plebs

>> No.6259393


I've been in tears for an hour.
Pratchett's work was the thread that held my teenage years together.

I had the honour of meeting him several times over the years and admit to feeling shocked when, on our second encounter, he still remembered my name a year after we'd first met.

I can't believe he's really gone.

>> No.6259394


Nothing of any merit there, Fellini for hippies. Did you fund something to do with that old faker? Dear me!

>> No.6259395

Not a bad start, but he did improve a lot over the years.

Looking at the DW series as a whole, I think he developed the setting in a pretty impressive way, especially how it started out as "just" a silly parody.

I agree.

>> No.6259402

Fuck no, you're parents are a bunch of plebs who read and like genre fiction.

>> No.6259405

I agree with you, I am nothing, none of us mean anything, and I realise that even by posting this I have already lost anything I could have hoped to gain, but you are right, I am fucking useless, my mind to degraded to even think of an intelligent metaphor, I am likely going to finish my last year of six form with mediocre grades, enter a nearby mediocre university, pass with mediocre honours if I can find the willpower to make a reasonable attempt, lead a mediocre life and die in my mid 50's because of my mediocre diet, I am nothing, and will never be anything, indeed I had to use auto correct as a crutch to even spell mediocre, how fucking pathetic is that? you are correct, I am worthless, and know it, but if there is one thing that brings me even a small shred of inner peace, its that I have accepted the lie, I used to be like you, I raged against my own oblivion, I was filled with such hatred towards those who simply refused to think, who lived there lives without ever questioning themselves and the world around them, likely as part of a knee jerk reaction because those same dullards drew pleasure from the simple act of kicking my shit in. there was no escape at home either, as my father was a man with a hair trigger temper, and a fanatic of physical fitness, of course I was spared from his wrath by the fact that my sister was quite possibly the most annoying mother fucker who as ever lived and was very useful as a scapegoat to keep the mans aggression away from me, which worked most of the time, except when it didn't, eventually, after a particularly horrendous incident that ended with my sister acquiring a dislocated shoulder and myself with a sense of guilt that I doubt will ever fade, my mother got a divorce, and took custody of myself and my three younger sisters. he returns to visit us sometimes, and seems genuinely repentant of what he did, but some things simply cannot be forgiven. after this unhappy incident, we moved to a different city and a new school, which surprisingly did not mean new bullies, perhaps they considered me below even there less than stringent standards, or perhaps they simply found more fragile people to pick on, it matters not, my education into mathematics and the sciences progressed at what I was told was a marginally better than average rate, so I was placed into the higher sets of these fields, oh the animalistic joy I drew from this, finally, I thought to myself, something I am good at! something to give my life meaning, so I threw myself into these subjects, and gained an appreciation of "Sci-Fi" sometimes, when I engrossed myself in this genre, I dreamed of bringing us to the stars, of getting mankind off this dot and claiming the stars as our own "just like in star wars" of course, adolescent arrogance is a fleeting thing and reality checked in, as It often does, when two close relatives passed away, I will not say who, but needless to say it gave me a new appreciation of human mortality

>> No.6259406


No, I love being an adult, thanks. Adulthood is nothing to do with age, adulthood is a question of moral seriousness. Genre readers in their thirties are not adults.

>> No.6259407

David Bowie is pleb tier anyways.

>> No.6259408

it would be a mistake to descibe him as a fantasy author in a genre sense. He's more like Wodhouse. Bit like describing Douglas Adams as sci fi

>> No.6259410

>No, I shouldn't.

Read your own posts. How do you not see it?

>Jimmy Savile achieved knighthood.
For his massive charity work. As opposed to you, who would kick a homeless person and call it art.

>You write like someone who doesn't read books at all
That is exactly what I needed in my life: my posts on a Sudanese carpentry newsgroup being analyzed by by some two-bit pseudo-intellectual.

>You've wished death on me for not being a Terry Pratchett fan.
No, I've wished death on you for being a festering sore instead of a human being.

Pop the sore. Let the pus drain.

Take the knife.

>> No.6259411

It's a whole book of football hooliganism juxtaposed with a strange, polite, eloquent, and extremely well-learned goblin who turns out to be an orc with the terrifying strength and speed associated with orcishness. It is a weird book. Easily the most annoying protagonists of any Discworld novel too.

>> No.6259413

>muh comp sci
Comp Sci is a shit tier STEM major too.

>> No.6259415
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As a newpleb, what would be a good Discworld novel to start on.

>> No.6259416

>Genre readers in their thirties are not adults.
[citation needed]

>> No.6259417

lol kill yourself faggot

>> No.6259418

Lucky bugger.

>> No.6259420

>Being this green
That you think the competition between popular art and literary art is evenly distributed across demographics and that they're competing for the same dollar, supposing that if Burger King ceased to exist, that its customers would learn to cook or go to a four star restaurant instead of flocking to mcdonalds or one of its equivalents.

That's bad enough

But not being savvy enough to understand that the competition between art today is about attention and not about money is another thing altogether, and don't waste anybody's time with "money spent is an expression of attention" and other bullshit defenses. You're just so cleverly inserted up your own ass that it's precious.

>> No.6259423


Let's hear how genre fiction is in any way connected with moral seriousness, since you're dispensing wisdom.

>> No.6259426

The Colour of Magic

>> No.6259427

Wow anon, that's incredibly emotional.
Hope you settle okay with the loss.

>> No.6259428

Guards Guards.

>> No.6259429

It's not a very good book. The quality of the writing is lower than usual. The protagonist is not interesting, and quite annoying. It's probably the only Discworld book without an enjoyable protagonist. As to the plot, nothing much of interest happens.

>> No.6259430

Stay, we need more good Quotes

>> No.6259431
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A better place. Yesterday

>> No.6259434

>It's popularity makes high art increasingly hard to fund, eventually it'll just stop

For a self-proclaimed ultra-genius you sure don't understand the concept of slippery slope fallacies.

>> No.6259437

Retarded pleb detected.

>> No.6259438


No i just like some of his movie, it seems you don't like him just because he doesn't cater to the masses, and don't give me the "no i meant hippies as a group of people with no real identity that follow a shallow and utopistic ideal"
As always on /lit/ nothing is discussed properly or respectfully.

>> No.6259439


For the most part he wrote satirical high fantasy, often inter-spliced with other genres depending on the series. Surprisingly philosophical and a lot of social commentary in many of the stories. Definitely worth checking out; unless you complete loath fantasy it's likely you'll enjoy at least some of his work.

If you're going purely Discworld, then I'd read them in order of release, othrwise I'd start with the unrelated but delightfully inventive Nome trilogy .

>> No.6259441
File: 89 KB, 407x500, tumblr_ljg87ilgub1qftig4o1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here. I could always escape into his world and forget my unhappiness, in a way that no other books, video games, or comics could ever replicate. When my parents divorced, when I felt lonely, when I moved away from my family to another city. I remember the first time I traveled alone, and after about two weeks I broke down and could barely leave my hostel room in Vietnam. I asked the hostel manager if there was an english bookstore in the city, I took a taxi there and luckily they had some Pratchett novels there, bought them all and got through the next few days until I felt better. English always fails me when I need to write about my own emotions, it never seems close to correctly describing how I feel and what I wanted to say when I read it, but his work meant so very, very much to me.

>> No.6259442

It's amazing, /lit/ is acting like a fucking baby.
No surprise you are the laughingstock of 4chan.

>> No.6259443
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This is actually a perfect way to put it.

>> No.6259444


what would be the point in that, it would shorten an already pathetically short time I have here, its the only action I can think of that is truly and objectively wrong, there is nothing worse than death, and those who say otherwise don't know what it is

>> No.6259445
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Feels bad man.

PIP in piece

>> No.6259446

I don't come here often, but when I heard the news I was sure there would be a post.

What with all the hate? Whats wrong with genre fiction? I'm honestly just curious. Is everyone here an edgy fuck who think reading books by obscure European writers makes them cool?

The reason I'm bummed out over Pratchett's death is because I only got into him a few months ago and binge read everything. I'll never have a chance to be excited for a new Discworld book, more specifically a new Rincewind book.
Can anyone suggest similar light-hearted writers?

>> No.6259449

I know you're probably doing it sarcastically, but I loved JDatE.

Most laughs I've had reading a book in years.

>> No.6259452 [DELETED] 
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heh...my trips beats your singles

>> No.6259453

Fuck off retard, someone doesn't remember D&E

>> No.6259454

>we will never have a literature board where it's acceptable to discuss genre fiction in any way

I want to talk about some fucking Glen Cook or Jim Butcher ffs

>> No.6259456

The Discworld is a mirror held up to our own.
It reflects twisted versions of ourselves so we can learn more about ourself.

There are so many books in so many genres it's hard to recommend one blind.

Tell us what type of book you normally read and we'll tell you something like it.

>> No.6259457

In case you can't tell from the formatting of his posts, it's a single poster posting that bollocks.

>> No.6259461

well there is Douglas Adam...oh wait

>> No.6259462

Go to r/books.

>> No.6259464

its one extrememly autsitic guy who thinks a gag character was based off one of his favorite authors, despite that making no sense whatsoever as they share no traits.

>> No.6259466


No, we all mean something. That's why throwing your time away on genre crap is obscene, and naturally leads to that feeling of 'What's the point of anything, we're all livestock'. The media you're consuming adds to your feeling like that, it's like refined sugar. We needn't feel like that, or think like that.

Rage against oblivion? Not at all. I'm raging against the embrace of oblivion. I'm not interested in any metric of achievement outside the human, so our relatively short lifespans and history don't strike me as uselessly fragile. Genre fiction offers stories that are all the same, manufactured awe, and a sense of lessness about the human. Not productive. We are all we have. We must understand each other, not just fantasy figures who are ourselves under other names.

>> No.6259467

Fuck off pleb

>> No.6259469

GNU Terry Pratchett

>> No.6259470
File: 313 KB, 474x341, 1377997583120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, I love being an adult, thanks. Adulthood is nothing to do with age, adulthood is a question of moral seriousness.
>Thinks Authentic Adulthood comes from moral seriousness
>Is shitposting in a memorial thread

Enjoy intellectual materialism and only reading to enhance your own sense of superiority. Have fun convincing yourself that the only purpose of literature is to "challenge yourself" and gain knowledge.
Just understand that you're the literary equivalent of /fit/ and god help you if you think that's a compliment

>"genre fiction" bah humbug, do these plebs even READ?

>> No.6259472

Fucking pleb

>> No.6259473

Can all the cross-posters just return to their boards ?
This side of 4chan is shit, let them be, it's not like they ever come out of this shithole.

>> No.6259475

I just get sad when I look at the map of Ankh-Morpork I have on my wall now

>> No.6259478

I love the series, but I think the colour of magic was written before the series really picked up and came into it's own. It's decent, but a lot of the books are better.

Maybe picking up stand alone novel might be better. Reaperman, Small gods, and the truth were all very good. I really enjoyed Thud! too, but that's part of series.

>> No.6259479

What is genre fiction? I read the wikipedia page, not very clear. Sorry, I'm not a huge literary kind of person, just like reading things that are funny and/or have dragons.

>> No.6259481

Don't worry guys, we can always get Eoin Colfer to do some sequels.

>> No.6259484


The problem for you here is, I stated facts and you just got hysterical again.

Jimmy Savile fan too, eh? Don't read newspapers much I guess? The knighthood was for helping Thatcher prove an invalid point about charity being adequate to replace state funding of NHS hospitals, not for the balance of his charity work. We also know now that there were other elements, of course.

Because I stand against drivel - no big achievement, we can and should all do it - you're ranting that I should kill myself.

>> No.6259488

I'm interested in the character Death if maybe that can narrow things down.

>> No.6259489

Genre fiction is plot-driven fiction that fits into a literary genre.

According to two-bit intellectuals, that fact means that it holds no literary merit.

>> No.6259493

>No surprise you are the laughingstock of 4chan
You must be new here, you have no idea how bad 4chan gets if you think getting sentimental over a genre author is the threshold for embarrassment. Go ahead, cruise the boards. You're in for a treat.

>> No.6259494

>literature is to "challenge yourself"

Have you ever seen those threads that start with "I have obstructionism with an hint of materialistic post-modernism mixed with marxism, can you suggest me a book that could improve my life"

>> No.6259495


>> No.6259496
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Well sheeeeeeit. Guess these will be worth a lot in a few years.

>> No.6259497

ASOIAF was only popular in genre fiction threads, which were always shit on anyways.
If it's popular then it appeals to the lowest common denominator, so it is shit, unless if it's lauded in academia (they know more than your average pleb)

>> No.6259498


You're simplifying an issue far too important to me to want to cretinise it for consumption by a genre fiction fan, so rave on.

>> No.6259500

Mort is the first book to focus on Death

>> No.6259502

>Because I stand against drivel
You do not stand against drivel.

You peddle it.

>you're ranting that I should kill myself.
I am not ranting.

I am trying to make the world better for humankind.

Pop the sore. Take the knife. You know you want to.

>> No.6259504


Worst than /v anon, worst than /v/.

>> No.6259505

I think it would also be a mistake for someone to base his opinion of the Discworld series on the first few books. The style and tone of them are quite different from the bulk of the series.

>> No.6259506
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its also the sneering elitist who seems to believe that anyone can be any better or more worthy than anyone else by any factor more than one so infinitesimal as to be utterly irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, yet can only call others fascist for enjoying genre fiction from a man who he seems to have daemonised, but who knows, maybe those rumours of terry being a bigger nonce than your average catholic priest are true and this poor deluded madman was one of his victim's

>> No.6259508

r/books is a nice place, friends, your genre fiction gets discussed to death there and everywhere else on the internet, don't try to bring that plague here

>> No.6259509

Read Mort then.

>> No.6259510

>Whats wrong with genre fiction?
Good, genre fiction is unartistic trash.
Go have shit taste somewhere else.

>> No.6259513


No don't worry, i have seen those threads that try to list the best drugs to overcome the depression here on /lit/.

>> No.6259514

Genre fiction is the weakest insult lame critics can offer if they can fit a category around a work. here's a wizard in it, therefore fantasy, therefore genre fiction.

I only read one Pratchett, thought it was lightweight pap but I still have more respect for genre fiction readers than people who feel smug about themselves for not reading genre fiction.

>> No.6259515


You stand against drivel whilst posting nothing but.

>> No.6259516


I haven't proclaimed myself anything of the sort.

Why is 4chan now full of people who hate thought? I thought so many of you were coders. Why is rationality now your enemy? It's sad.


No, I don't like him because he's not actually that good. Judging stuff by the demographic it's perceived to appeal to I leave to paranoid populist fascist genre fiction readers who are so fearful of being judged that they refuse to exercise their own judgment.

>> No.6259518

Every news story I read is listing him as
England's second best selling fiction author (behind JKR)

He would have hated this.
He always preferred his title of
The world's most stolen fiction writer

>> No.6259521

Thats dumb. Thanks for explaining.

>> No.6259522

>genre fiction is unartistic trash.
Citation needed.

Memespouting pseudo-intellectuals are the plague.

>> No.6259523

Nothing is worse than /v/. see >>6259510
>here's a wizard in it, therefore fantasy, therefore genre fiction.
Wrong, then again an idiot like yourself who likes genre fiction wouldn't understand.
Hint: ASOIAF isn't genre fiction, but it's still shit.

>> No.6259524
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It's raining here.

>> No.6259525

100 posts and counting.

Ultimate trilby.

>> No.6259526

Mort it is then, thanks.

>> No.6259530

>it's perceived to appeal to I leave to

Anon what the fuck ?
Improve your writing.

>> No.6259531

Nice. I've tried to find a set for a while, but now it's probably not realistic anymore.

>> No.6259534

>Citation needed.
Nice meme friend :)
Genre fiction is just the same shallow story with the same cut and paste characters and themes, but without the decency of having good prose at least.

>> No.6259535
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>because I only got into him a few months ago and binge read everything. I'll never have a chance to be excited for a new Discworld book,
you have no idea man, it felt good, especially way back when I didn't have internet and only knew a new discworld book was out when I went to the bookstore or the library.
One of the pitfalls of the information age, and it's not like you can enjoy yourself and manage to keep yourself in the dark at the same time. So there's less and less of a chance for you to have that "Surprise, here's a book for you!!" moment. It's just not the same.

>> No.6259537

Genre fiction is fiction that is written with the conventions of a specific genre in mind
>I'm going to write a fantasy novel.
>The main character is a farm boy who discovers he is the lost heir to the kingdom.
A reader can pick up a murder mystery novel and to some degree knowing what to expect from it in terms of tone and structure. Genre fiction tends to prioritize plot and action.

>> No.6259538


please go ahead and prove to me how we can possibly mean anything when everything that we are or could ever be could be utterly eradicated at any moment, and is doomed to fade regardless of what we do? I am genuinely curious as to how you can give a definitive answer against the nihilist philosophy that does not amount to sticking your fingers in your ears and pretending everything is fine you frothing at the mouth madman

>> No.6259539


>> No.6259540

>Why is 4chan now full of people who hate thought?
I don't know, why do you come here?

You do nothing but complain about genre fiction and "populist fascism".

Name a fascist society in Discworld that is portrayed as perfect.

>> No.6259541


> Whats wrong with genre fiction? I'm honestly just curious. Is everyone here an edgy fuck who think reading books by obscure European writers makes them cool?

What's wrong with genre fiction is that eventually, those who read it always say inverted snob jock shit like that third sentence. What's wrong with genre fiction is it doesn't engage reason to the point that you wouldn't try to fucking other people who read books by authors you don't happen to have heard of. Those of us who read literature get treated like Jews in Nazi Germany all the fucking time by you people, and it's impossible not to conclude that this is going to harm society, and particularly those members of it who enjoy those books.

>> No.6259543

Still need a citation here.

>> No.6259544


He's stoned.

This is why all his posts reek of stream of consciousness guff.

>> No.6259545

>Judging stuff by the demographic it's perceived to appeal to I leave to paranoid populist fascist genre fiction readers who are so fearful of being judged that they refuse to exercise their own judgment.

Anon leaving aside the shitty grammar, you wrote "fellini for hippies" you are a fucking hypocrite

>> No.6259548


That's not what I mean - the fabric of the author's sensibility is effectively populist fascist.

>> No.6259549

So what, in your opinion, is a good high fantasy book? One that isn't genre fiction.

>> No.6259550


>> No.6259553


Read the whole sentence.

>> No.6259556

>those who read it always say inverted snob jock shit like that third sentence.

it's the same reason it's practically impossible to discuss anything other than mainstream cinema on /tv/ without some retard spouting fedora memes all around

>> No.6259557

>Those of us who read literature get treated like Jews in Nazi Germany all the fucking time by you people

Wait a second.

I need a recap here.

You say that the books I read are garbage because they belong to a genre. I make fun of you for it.

And that is somehow equivalent to six million people being murdered for their ethnicity.

Do you understand just how much of a persecution complex you have?

>> No.6259558

>good high fantasy book?
None, what you're asking is for a good genre fiction book, which is impossible.
Now if you want a good book in a high fantasy setting LoTR is a classic example.

>> No.6259559


No, it's Fellini intentionally targeted at hippies. Jodorowsky was as sly as many of the older showmen who cleaned up in that era.

>> No.6259562

Small gods

>> No.6259563

>This is why all his posts reek of stream of consciousness guff.

He should try imitating pirandello then, he used that technique much better than joyce.

>> No.6259564

And I had just finished Reaper Man two days earlier

>> No.6259567

From what people have said, I've mostly read genre fiction books. I've tried other book (Catch 22 and A Confederacy of Dunces), but I've always gone back to what I now know is genre fiction because I like high fantasy and dragons and orcs and stuff. Can you suggest something that isn't genre fiction that I might like?

>> No.6259568

I got them as they released, I missed out two but they were the ones tgat had a bigger print run so they were cheap but still kinda hard to get.

>> No.6259569


Exactly, glad someone else here gets it.

>> No.6259570

If a book is imitated enough, does it eventually become genre fiction?

>> No.6259571

>a good genre fiction book, which is impossible

>LoTR is a classic example
LoTR is fantasy. It's genre fiction.

>> No.6259575

>dragons and orcs and stuff
but try Borges, Aleph and Ficcions respectively

>> No.6259576

>it's practically impossible to discuss anything other than mainstream cinema on /tv/
yeah like superhero movies

/tv/ loves those so much!

>> No.6259582

Not art.
>LoTR is fantasy. It's genre fiction.
Wrong, it doesn't have a cookie cutter story with characters straight out of other books with different names and slightly different pasts and it's prose is actually decent.
Go be an idiot who doesn't understand literature somewhere else.

>> No.6259583

true patrician taste friend

>> No.6259585


Who says that ?
You ?
What makes you so sure ?
Why this slight resentment toward jodorowsky ?
Do you hate jews anon ?
Is your step dad jew ?

>> No.6259586

Shamelessly stolen from another site.

The sun goes down upon the Ankh,
And slowly, softly fades -
Across the Drum; the Royal Bank;
The River-Gate; the Shades.

A stony circle's closed to elves;
And here, where lines are blurred,
Between the stacks of books on shelves,
A quiet 'Ook' is heard.

A copper steps the city-street
On paths he's often passed;
The final march; the final beat;
The time to rest at last.

He gives his badge a final shine,
And sadly shakes his head -
While Granny lies beneath a sign
That says: 'I aten't dead.'

The Luggage shifts in sleep and dreams;
It's now. The time's at hand.
For where it's always night, it seems,
A timer clears of sand.

And so it is that Death arrives,
When all the time has gone...
But dreams endure, and hope survives,
And Discworld carries on.

>> No.6259591


No, the attack invariably comes from genre fiction readers first. Culturally, we've had a situation for some time now where genre readers think they're in the embattled position, when in fact they are in the position of economic power. It's like how rock music listeners still think they're rebellious when in fact they're more establishment now than Bing Crosby fans were in the fifties.

The perfect image of that is Pratchett's attack on B. S. Johnson. He feels got at by literary writers, but he's got the upper hand. He could have used any other name for that, but he chose to kick a long-since defeated man.

>> No.6259593

lol not that particular wording, but yes.
"/lit/ recommend me stuff so I can level up, I want to be smarter." It's all got that paradoxical flavor of "I want to be an autodidact, but I still want people to help me." I want to research but I don't want to have to research what I need to research, that's too much like work.

>> No.6259597

but he has been practicing

>> No.6259598

>Not art.

>Wrong, it doesn't have a cookie cutter story with characters straight out of other books with different names and slightly different pasts and it's prose is actually decent.
That's not the definition of genre fiction. That's some shit you made up. Genre fiction is fiction within the confines of a genre.

Tolkien consciously imitated classic European mythology. His work is high fantasy. Genre fiction.

>> No.6259599

I hope his daughter doesn't ruin Discworld with THIEF-tier writing.

Why are you still alive?

>> No.6259603
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>Not art.

Oh please bitch, if you are going to call the art card, you are never going to be right.
What is art ?

>> No.6259604
File: 199 KB, 1060x754, great_a_tuin__wip__by_minceton_van_cough-d69ub1r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

De Chelonia Mobile

>> No.6259609


I think you might like Ada by Nabokov, in many respects it resembles a fantasy novel, and its length, which some find daunting, won't bother you if you're used to epic stuff, though the language is entirely other. He has a real sense of play, too. Good luck anon!

>> No.6259610

Imagine /lit/ and the influx of cross parsers when GRRM dies


>> No.6259611

I'll give them a shot.
Based on skim reading the books you mentioned, literary fiction is more..grounded in reality? More mature?

If that right then I totally get what this whole bashing on genre fiction is. I play fancy pants artsy games that the average consumer wouldn't even consider playing and at the same time rag on shitty mainstream games like Assassin Creed and Call of Duty. But I don't rag on people who play the games, because thats what they find entertaining.

>> No.6259612

Oh wait you're just a crossboarder who doesn't read.
>Genre fiction is fiction within the confines of a genre.
And LoTR isn't confined to the genre, Conan the Barbarian is.

>> No.6259613


Patricians, truly.

>> No.6259617


indeed he is, he also shifts goalposts like a mother fucker, agreeing with me during my rant about the pointlessness of my own existence here


and then claimed that this was not true and that I was letting my own "genre fiction" tinted perception trick me into believing this here


I wish he would decide were he stands already, its hard to argue with someone who changes there stance on a subject at the drop of a hat, I just want him to acknowledge that this argument is irrelevant as no one can waste there time on anything, as everything is equally worthless, instead he seems intent on believing that he is somehow worth something because the ink pictograms he looked at were penned by someone from the "higher" literature circles, it is depressing to watch

>> No.6259619


Nihilism is itself frothing at the mouth. Against what permanence are you measuring us? We could be eradicated at any moment, yes. Why does that matter? Worrying about what can't be changed will disrupt our attempts to do what we CAN make a difference to.

>> No.6259621


>> No.6259626

No, imagine what this place will be like when Stephen King goes. This place will totally implode.

>> No.6259627

>grounded in reality?
dunnoquite get how you deduced that, but Borges is far from that imo, read the nonfiction he wrote about literature as well, you might end up with looking up some of the stuff he recommends

>> No.6259630

I liked her work on Overlord, not a complex story, but it was entertaining.

>> No.6259632


This is all you have in the way of argument, isn't it? Pathetic.

>> No.6259633


At least he can chill with Mort forever now.

>> No.6259634

/mu/ should mourne too.

Ogg Vorbis is named after Exquisitor Vorbis in Small Gods.

>> No.6259640


Anon use your brain for a second and tell me what is art for you.

>> No.6259641
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>this whole fucking thread

>> No.6259645

How about you start reading or fuck off from this board dedicated to it?

>> No.6259646


No, you see, your existence IS pointless, right now. Human existence as a whole is not.

Has it occurred to you that the same thinking problems that make it difficult for you to remember how to spell words might also make it difficult for you to see real worth where it does exist?

I'm not going to throw out the history of Western civilisation because dudes who read fantasy feel like killing themselves, no.

>> No.6259649

You are Bloody Stupid Johnson elsewhere in the multiverse and there is some intra-universe crosstalk causing you to post over a hundred bumrankled turds about Terry Pratchett.

>> No.6259650

>No, the attack invariably comes from genre fiction readers first.
The fuck am I reading? Literary critics have a long history of denying books any literary merit if there are dragons in them.

The words "speculative fiction" mean anything to you? Familiar with the history behind the etymology?

>when in fact they are in the position of economic power

Economic power has little relevance to literary merit, which is for some reason judged by people like you.

> The perfect image of that is Pratchett's attack on B. S. Johnson.

Actually he's widely considered to be a reference to the British Home Secretary, Alan Johnson, which Pratchett has actually known for years and had friendly rivalry with. You would have had merit if Discworld Johnson was a writer of some sort, but he is genius inventor in fact.

You have no fucking idea what you're talking about, retard.

>> No.6259651


No anon, i want YOU to express YOUR opinion.

>> No.6259656


>> No.6259662
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>> No.6259664

You wouldn't understand it just like how you wouldn't understand simple harmonic motion without basic knowledge of physics.
Now are you going to read actual literature for once in your life or are you going to keep trying to avoid the topic?

>> No.6259666


You feel embattled and repeatedly claim to embrace intellectual growth whilst actively demanding that people narrow their literary horizons.

Your response will be to claim that genre fiction isn't real literature, but we both know that's not the actual point here.

You are attempting to leverage a moral high ground by claiming to be a victim of mob mentality but the reality is that you fabicated said mob by forcing this ridiculous BS Johnson claptrap. Nobody here has told anyone not to read anything, to avoid any form of art or entertainment, other than you.

That is tantamount to censorship, which is a pillar of any fascist society. Perhaps this post will help you understand why people don't take you as seriously as you seem to believe you should be taken.

>> No.6259667

A genre is a set of conventions, elements of setting, values etc. If it's written to conform to a genre, it's genre fiction.

Literary fiction certainly doesn't have to be more grounded in reality.

>> No.6259670

How is a short story by Oscar Wilde a citation that proves books you don't like don't count as art?
>And LoTR isn't confined to the genre
LoTR is pretty heavily confined to the genre. It's nothing but high fantasy.

>> No.6259675


I was that anon reading gadda, pirandello, super elio gabalo and verga.
Anon, instead of making assumptions and diverting from my questions.
Express your shitty opinion.

>> No.6259677

>your argument has no merit because you made a spelling error, I win

maybe reddit is a good place for you?

>> No.6259679

Some works are genre-defining. They weren't written with a genre in mind, but others imitated or borrowed from it so often that a genre was formed. What do we say about them?

>> No.6259680

My argument is far better than anything you have written in this thread.

Anon, it is time.

>> No.6259681


Literary critics have no effect on the marketplace.

Here's the point: don't try to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds. Either your stuff has merit, in which case you shouldn't be worried what literary critics say, or you know it's fucking shit for the infantile, in which case, don't blame literary critics for saying what you can't. It can only BOTHER you if you think it's true.

Why would you care about literary merit if it's not related to the kind of writing you enjoy?

No he isn't. That Alan Johnson reference came right out of some Wikipedian's arse. I've never seen any reference to it before in my life, and it's even less apt that the more obvious B. S. Johnson analogy.

>> No.6259683

Anything that fits any broad convention of what a "genre" is is genre fiction. So, got swords in it? It's fucking fantasy, the lowest of the fictions. Got lasers in any way? It's science fiction, the lowest of the fictions. You have a mystery in the middle of your self-reverential masturbatory diary of the time you took weed and was high for 2 weeks? It's a mystery novel, the second-shittiest of the genres.

>> No.6259684

What is a non genre fiction work that is fantasy. I just want an example.

>> No.6259685

>short story
Swing and a miss.
They're essays on what art is.
>LoTR is pretty heavily confined to the genre.
It doesn't have cookie cutter characters and if it seems that way it's because so many others have copied it.
>Express your shitty opinion.
Again, you wouldn't be able to understand, but I'll give you a hint it has to do with aesthetic beauty and quality of prose.
Now read before you even bother replying.

>> No.6259690



>> No.6259693

>still -- STILL -- going on about B. S. Johnson
Your seroquel pill awaits.

>> No.6259694

How can a genre be shitty?

>> No.6259696

Who cares, he's trash like all Popular Music anyways.

>> No.6259700
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>Again, you wouldn't be able to
>aesthetic beauty and quality of prose

Anon, what a child you are.

>> No.6259701



Pratchett attacked a dead and bankrupt man because he was touchy about what literary types think of him. The facts will never change, and trying to shout them down as you have is the fascist behaviour in evidence here.

>> No.6259706


No, I'm serious, maybe he/you has/have a developmental problem which manifests itself in these ways?

>> No.6259707

Nice, epic, I like it

>> No.6259709

>Literary a hipster

>> No.6259710

>Pratchett attacked a dead man

You mean like how you are attacking a man who died only hours ago, you piece of shit?

>> No.6259712

Is this referenced in Going postal? I think I've seen it somewhere before.

>> No.6259713

The Book of the New Sun. Let's not have the sci-fi debate today.

I'd guess that a lot of "serious" authors stay away from fantasy settings because of the connotations of mass-produced trash for manchildren.

>> No.6259714


I wasn't the one who returned to the subject in that exchange.

>> No.6259716

Wasn't the Discworld B. S. Johnson presented as something of a mad genius? Isn't that less of an attack and more of "this guy's obviously clever in a way, but I don't really get it/it's not for me"?

>> No.6259717
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>9001. Any of the witches books

I'll cut you m8. I fucking loved how Granny Weatherwax and Nanny Ogg worked together. Shame he switched to Tiffany completely later.

You know, /lit/, I don't even feel sad. The man spent his life doing what he loved and left the world an amazing legacy.

I think I'm going to reread everything now, which shouldn't prove difficult since it usually takes me like 2 days to get through one of his novels.

>> No.6259719

>Cyril (coming in through the open window from the terrace). My dear Vivian, don’t coop yourself up all day in the library. It is a perfectly lovely afternoon.
Practically a peer-reviewed study.
>They're essays on what art is.
They are his opinions. What I need is a citation.

>It doesn't have cookie cutter characters"
You keep repeating "cookie cutter characters" whereas it's not the actual definition of what genre fiction is. Protip: genre fiction is something that is applied post-factum to books literary critics don't like. Example: Kurt Vonnegut has been given high praise for Slaughterhouse Five expressed as "this is not science fiction!" and was strongly annoyed.

And if you're talking Tolkien, I'll have you know that most contemporary critics such as Edmund Wilson dismissed his prose at the time as unreadable garbage for children.

>> No.6259720


Just picked up his book, currently on lords and ladies. loved every single one of them

>> No.6259722


My god it's incredible how you are trying to defend yourself by putting yourself on a pedestal.
I refuse to believe you are older than 18.

>> No.6259723

You need to put Night Watch somewhere on there.

>> No.6259726


kill yourself

>> No.6259727

Who /sp/ here

>> No.6259728

A spook!

>> No.6259731
File: 109 KB, 634x922, 2611F81300000578-2968290-image-m-10_1424861793130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


stolen for /sp/ pasta

>> No.6259732

The Fifth Elephant.

>> No.6259733

>Jim Butcher


>> No.6259735

If you're new to Discworld and wondering where to start, here are your options:

> Chronologically (order of publish)
The Colour of Magic

> If you want to save the best for last
Colour of Magic and all Wizard Books
Equal Rights and all Witches Books
Mort and all Death Books
Guards Guards and all Watch books

>Best for First
Reverse it

>In universe chronologically
Small Gods then Pyramids

>Hardmode chronologically
Thief of Time

> My personal favorite
Reaper Man
>"Are you sure you're not...elvish?"

>> No.6259736

Both seem very interesting, I'll add them to my list.
Why aren't these considered genre fiction? I'm still trying to understand the term. Or will I figure it out as I read them.

>> No.6259737

I'm hoping that they'll re-publish the books in a hardcover collector's edition or something. I've got every single one of them, but they're all paperbacks since I was late to the party. I'd love to have them all in longer lasting bound versions.

>> No.6259739

>They are his opinions.
if you actually read the whole thing it would all come together, like how yes art is subjective but in a special way, which I'm going to leave it up to you to actually read to find out what that special way is.
>Protip: genre fiction is something that is applied post-factum to books literary critics don't like.

>> No.6259741


I like your absence of a personal opinion too, and the way you shield yourself with stuff others wrote is amazing.

>> No.6259742
File: 269 KB, 1200x900, rob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> "Death is no respecter of persons, and in his last weeks I'm afraid he wasn't the man we knew. At one point he reached out and grabbed Rhianna's crotch. She broke down. 'He hasn't done that since I was seven.'"

>> No.6259743

>Pratchett attacked a dead and bankrupt man because he was touchy about what literary types think of him.

Johnson is not that uncommon of a name.

Why not whine about characters that are Shakespeare, da Vinci or Casanova pastiches instead of bitching about Pratchett "attacking" a writer by making a character who ISN'T INVOLVED WITH WRITING IN ANY WAY?

>> No.6259744

>Many of the Crossboarders are being more considerate than natives.
I'm embarrassed, thank you crossboarders indeed, visit the sticky there's a hell of a lot of good stuff to check out.

fuck pseudo-intellectuals

>> No.6259748


I am not shouting anyone down, nor have I attempted to force anyone to read from a proscribed, anon approved list as you seem to be hellbent on doing. Unless you can posit a clear theory, or so help me god an actual piece of journalism to support your conjecture regarding the origins of this BS character, then everything you say will be taken as the baseless ramble of an unsound mind.

I would like you to prove me wrong but I anticipate more goalpost shifting babby's first Schopenhauer bullshit from you.

>> No.6259749

Wait. Is Ender's Game genre fiction?

>> No.6259752

>I like your absence of a personal opinion too,
I have one, but it won't make sense without any background knowledge about the topic at hand.
How about you educate yourself and then we'll talk?

>> No.6259753


He should kill himself because he likes something you don't, at the level of a 13 years old that is voice chatting while playing call of duty anon.

>> No.6259754

What the fuck?

Witches novels are excellent. Ogg and Weatherwax have an amazing power dynamic.

>> No.6259757

Okay, so what's your least favourite book of his? Mine's probably Equal Rites.

>> No.6259758

Came to /lit/ for the first time in months to post about this. Skimmed the thread and saw it was full of shit just as I was expecting. Miss u Terry

>> No.6259760

ngfh maybe with full color insets of the original Kidby illustrations

>> No.6259762
File: 52 KB, 499x468, it says your a heretic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I do not disagree with you there, I measure us to the enormity of space, against which all fades into pointlessness, however, that does not stop me from continuing my routine as if nothing is wrong, when I said that everyone lies to themselves about there own worthiness I meant EVERYONE, even nihilists are victims of the collective human delusion of grandeur, if I truly did nothing but contemplate my own irrelevance my life (such as it is) would be even worse than it is now, instead I do what everyone else does, I pretend it doesn't matter, my issue with you is that you seem to believe that any peace of literature can be held objectively over any other, as you seem to believe that anyone who liked Pratchett is automatically comparable to livestock, a blatantly incorrect argument when everyone could be compared to livestock.
>were you born
>have you lived
>will you die

if you answered yes to all three of these then you are no different from any other animal in the grand scheme of things, if you answered no to any of them then I am even more worried than I already was about your relative mental health when compared to baseline humanity than I already was

>> No.6259764

I hated the witches.

>> No.6259765

I make a mistake, i meant Kirby but the Kidby ones aren't bad either

>> No.6259766


How about you educate anon?

Those who can't, teach, after all.

>> No.6259769


You're definitely American, British people don't say 'that x of a y', they say 'that x a y'.

You lied to preserve face on a faceless image board. You are a silly man, and I'm ending it here. If you lived in Britain, and knew how relatively small-scale and close-knit the entire literary scene is, you would not have tried arguing the toss over what is plainly a dig at B. S. Johnson. End of discussion.

>> No.6259770
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>> No.6259771


You said aesthetic and beauty and i posted fucking tommaso d'aquino.
Jesus kid i hope you will grow up someday.

>> No.6259772

>if you actually read the whole thing it would all come together
You're like the king of shitty arguments in this thread, "Go read this opinion piece framed in a fiction device instead of expecting me to provide the link to the definition I am fucking using and then you will see the light" "i'm not going to present an argument because you don't understand"
The history of speculative fiction in XX would be a good start. I gave examples.

>> No.6259777

this thread contains:
>Terry Pratchett
>Douglas Adams
>Kurt Vonnegut
>Neil Gaiman
>J.K. Rowling
>George R. R. Martin
>J. R. R. Tolkien
>Stephen King
>Eoin Colfer

I want /r/books to leave

>> No.6259778

cool I'm internet famous, what fun

>> No.6259779

I'd say it is. But it's not like there exists an infallible and objective test we can perform.

Genre fiction doesn't mean 'bad'. You could say that it's less original.

>> No.6259780

>being a Catholic
and you tell other people to grow up?

>> No.6259781

so do i start with colour of magic or guards! guards!? those two seem to be the most recommended starting points

>> No.6259784


And i want /lit/ to remain a containment board.
At least my wishes are coming true.

>> No.6259785


The issue is, it can be. Because relative objectivity can be gained in a discussion of aesthetics. The only reason genre readers dispute this is because nothing they like is of any particular objective merit. But outside, in the world of real books and real readers, it can and has been established.

Some people make their lives worth less than the lives of others on purpose. They make their lives a waste of their own time. This seems to be what you're doing. The rest of what you're saying is just self-pitying wank. Get over it, read real books, grow up. End of discussion.

>> No.6259789

>You're definitely American, British people
Yeah because the world only consists of these two countries

>you need to be British to understand, and I will provide no proof of my opinion

>End of discussion.
Glad you conceded. Two bit pseudointellectual piece of trash.

>> No.6259790

Equal Rites is definitely one of the worse books. UA too.

>> No.6259791

no fuck off

>> No.6259792


Mort and Reaper man.

Death is awesome.

>> No.6259793

CoM bro.

>> No.6259795


I'm not and you just made an ass out of yourself.

>> No.6259796

containment for whom exactly?

>> No.6259797

>my books good
>your books bad
>i have it as bad as Jews in Nazi Germany
>end of discussion

>> No.6259798

christ where is Tallis when we need him

>> No.6259800

>How about you educate anon?
I'm not wasting my time on idiots.
The information is there, and I led you straight to it.
And I posted the most comprehensive essays on art.
Expecting to understand what you want me to say is like expecting to understand Kant without having read the empiricists.
>I gave examples.
If you want examples read what I gave you, there's no point in replying to you if you're not going to educate yourself first.
Quit replying for the sake of getting the final reply.

>> No.6259802

My favorite ex girlfriend was a huge Discworld and Star Trek fan. This must be a bad month for her.

She used to read "Small Gods" to me over Skype. Now I'm gonna cry.

>> No.6259803

Literally who?

>> No.6259805

Unseen Academicals didn't stand up on it's own, but re-reading it in it's intended context with Snuff and Raising Steam, it works a little better. The entire foot the ball being banned retcon was a bit silly, i forget which novel it is but there is discussed the UU's foot the ball team in a much earlier book.

Other than that, my least favorite is the duality of Mort/Reaper Man. I feel like they should have been one book, in terms of the message, rather than 2 but I know that people are going to disagree with me here.

Interesting trivia: the blacksmith in Reaper Man who builds the reaping engine of the climax is the father of Dick Simnel in Raising Steam.

>> No.6259808

>You could say that it's less original.
Not necessarily.

Literary establishment denies that worldbuilding is a valid way of storytelling, for example.

>> No.6259809
File: 51 KB, 700x531, good omens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good Omens.

Crowley and Aziraphale being in love is still my headcanon, forever.

>> No.6259810

Either is fine. I think Guards! Guards! is a better book. I'd try to read the series roughly in publishing order though. It's nice to see the way the setting (and the skill of the author) develops.

>> No.6259811
File: 20 KB, 400x280, boris-johnson-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please explain what Boris Johnson has to do with Terry Pratchett? Some people in this thread just won't shut up about him. Does Boris have the 'Zeimer too?

>> No.6259812

Does it have anything to do with the fact that if you placed the same story in any other setting, be it orcs and elves or modern day Darfur the message wouldn't change?
Like, is the fact that the underlying message and theme don't rely on the setting what makes it literary fiction? The sci-fi universe is just a means to an end to deliver the message?

>> No.6259813

where is butterfree and REI?

>> No.6259815
File: 96 KB, 620x813, 138295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No kid, /sp/'s not what it was

>> No.6259817


Death and Ancient civilizations are probably the strongest

>> No.6259818

boris will be elected prime minister in 2020 after the failed 2015-2020 labour/snp coalition

calling it now. remember it.

>> No.6259821

alright, I'll start with CoM. Thanks, guys.

>> No.6259822

>And I posted the most comprehensive essays on art.
It does not contain the words "genre fiction" anywhere.
I need you to provide a widely accepted definition of art that excludes genre fiction.

Vonnegut and Tolkien in particular.

>> No.6259823


So you are given a chance to educate people, to expand cultual horizons, and you step back because... somebody else probably already did it?

You are not the tireless enlightened man you think you are, if that is your attitude.

>> No.6259829

Fuck off back to your containment board

>> No.6259831

>writes about aliens and time travel
>writes about dragons and goblins and orcs and dwarves
and you're trying to say this isn't genre fiction?

>> No.6259836

>It does not contain the words "genre fiction" anywhere.
Read it and I'll tell you how it's connected to genre fiction.
I'm not going to bother posting when it goes over your head.
Stop replying for the sake of replying, and I know you won't be able to read it before this thread archives so if you want to continue make a new thread when you're done reading it, I'll know who you are because it seems the rest of this board is too stupid for Wilde.
Where did I say that?

>> No.6259837


This is for containment too.

>> No.6259838

this guy said Tolkien is not genre fiction, which he definitely is, and got thoroughly shat on by the literary establishment at the time for writing "kiddie shit", but now he's literary fiction suddenly. Literary establishment caves in under pressure.

Vonnegut received "it's not science fiction" kinda reviews as a form of praise

>> No.6259840


>Where did I say that?

You implied it by spending this thread telling people what not to read.

>> No.6259841

he's just considered vaguely literary because he wrote in the 30s and 40s
dickens isn't really literary fiction, for example, it's basically Victorian YA. but now our rose-tinted glasses put him on a pedestal

>> No.6259844
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>Then again an idiot like yourself who likes genre fiction wouldn't understand

Oh so 4chan does allow immature middle school girls to shit post from library computers.

No wonder this place is so shit. Jesus.

>> No.6259845

How does that imply that I'm tireless?

>> No.6259846

>I'm not going to bother posting when it goes over your head.
You're an elitist, condescending piece of trash and you're fucking delusional if you think anyone would bother continuing a conversation with you.

It is a lengthy opinion piece on contemporary English literature, and not a fucking citation I express you from.

You claim that genre fiction is disqualified from being art. Prove it.

>> No.6259850


Can't you understand that he's trying to defend a medium that in his mind made him a mature and intellectual guy ?
He can't accept that literature is one of the many toys in the hand of humanity to pass time.

>> No.6259854
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About 6 or 7 years ago I made a Discworld binge. I Had a time when I had nothing else to do, I sat and read all of the books in a row, averaging or two per day. Holly shit was it good.
I never I been into books like that on any other occasion.

>> No.6259855

No, not necessarily. But I think it's safe to say that it's a tendency.

It is true that a mark of what we call 'literary fiction' is to focus on characters and thematic content rather than specifics of the plot.

Some say that literary fiction is just another genre.

>> No.6259857

I just came by to say that I've been where you're at. You're right, compared to the movements of the universe nothing you do will ever matter.

You talk of humanity's delusions of grandeur, but comparing yourself to forces that are so far outside your control is a grand delusion in itself.

You don't need to compare yourself to anything you don't want to, just give value to the things that make you feel good, and try to be introspective enough to figure out what will work for you in the long term.

>> No.6259859

I noticed from the witty comebacks such as "oh you disagree with me? you must play videogames"

>> No.6259861

real worth is an illusion of the human perception, do you really believe that anything can be held as objectively more valuable than anything else? you would be incorrect, rarity is a real thing, and deals with the difficulty of finding any one thing in a certain area, but worth? a human construct, prone to change
and therefore unreliable, did you know aluminium used to be worth more than gold because of its difficulty to refine? now we build disposable cans out of it, if you were trying to argue that "higher" literature is more difficult to find then so called Genre fiction then you would be correct, I know from personal experience as I tried to find a copy of catch 22 in an attempt to learn were the phrase came from and none of my shitty local bookstores were carrying it, however, you are trying to use the flawed concept of worth to claim "higher" literature superior to the genre variety, then using that as a crutch to hurl ridiculous insults at others in an attempt to inflate your own sense of self worth, which makes you about as pathetic as I am for responding to your deliberately inflammatory comments to begin with, congrats my friend, we are worthless together

>> No.6259863

>You're an elitist, condescending
Nothing wrong with that, Nabokov was exactly the same.
>It is a lengthy opinion piece on contemporary English literature, and not a fucking citation I express you from.
>You claim that genre fiction is disqualified from being art. Prove it.
Trying to discuss art at this level without reading it is like trying to explain physics without math, you can't.
Now quit side-stepping and read or just stop trying to get the final reply for the sake of getting the final reply.

>> No.6259865


Because you are not tiring.

>> No.6259868

I care little about whether something is literary fiction. It's a false dichotomy.

"Books are divided into two groups, one belongs to a genre, another has literary merit." Top kek.

>> No.6259871

omg do you realise how fucking moronic you sound right now? are you suggesting that all artistic works are just for fun and have no other value, and therefore we cannot have a judgement system? is Mozart as meaningless as miley cyrus? is michaelangelo as meaningless as banksy?

>> No.6259873

They are, aren't they? I thought it was pretty explicit.

>> No.6259874

>You claim that genre fiction is disqualified from being art. Prove it.
it is by definition not art

>> No.6259875
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>S-stop arguing with me I-i'm smarter than you s-s-stupid!

>> No.6259879

>Nothing wrong with that, Nabokov was exactly the same.

No problem guys, another famous guy was like that, so it's ok to be an asshole.

Holy shit, what are you a kid ?

>> No.6259883


>> No.6259884

K, got it, thanks. I wasn't a huge fan of Ender's Game because of that mark, but I'll give the other suggestions a try.

>> No.6259885

>Nothing wrong with that
There's plenty wrong with that.


>Trying to discuss art at this level without reading it is like trying to explain physics without math, you can't.
My physics professor always told me to learn to understand scientific concepts by explaining them to a janitor.

Methinks you don't understand what art is and just read some random shit by Wilde and feel smart now.

>Now quit side-stepping and read
No, you quit side-stepping and provide a citation.

(An opinion piece by Wilde is not a citation)

>> No.6259889
File: 490 KB, 449x401, laughing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks his opinion is as important as one of the most eminent and praise-deserving authors of all time

>> No.6259890

>it is by definition not art
citation needed

>> No.6259891

Advanced stages of Dementia.
Despite all his talking of killing himself, he didn't.

>> No.6259894

ok that did it. crying now. The Watch books are my favorite and Night Watch is my favorite over all.

>> No.6259897

doesn't mean hes not a cock smuggling faggot like yourself

>> No.6259899


>> No.6259901


>I'll have you know that most contemporary critics such as Edmund Wilson dismissed his prose at the time as unreadable garbage for children

Wrong, it was divisive. For example W.H Auden said that you couldn't trust the literary judgment of anyone who disliked LoTR.

>> No.6259906

lmao stemfag literature cannot be quantified it's all based on opinion pieces
if it were literary fiction it would have some aesthetic merit. as it is classified as genre fiction it has no aesthetic merit. take for example 'A True Story' by Lucian. it is literary fiction, a classic, yet is an example of sci-fi. it is not classed as genre fiction because it has artistic merit

>> No.6259907

But it does make sense to divide them like that.

If your looking for something more thought provoking, you'll probably find it in a literary fiction book than in a genre fiction book. I'm not saying genre fiction can't contain works that have a deeper meaning, Terry Pratchett's Death novels defiantly made me think, but most of the other genre fiction books I've read have been purely entertainment.

It makes sense to divide them based on what sort of mental stimulus they provide, not because "one is art and the other isn't"

>> No.6259908


>> No.6259909


>An important author can't be a shitty asshole with no morals worth shit as a human being.

Hey anon did you read the capital ?

>> No.6259912

Lobdell reviewed a number of contemporary reviews and said they are all condemning or completely clueless.

>> No.6259913

>He can't accept that literature is one of the many toys in the hand of humanity to pass time.
Of course it is.
Art for art's sake, use it as an escape from the imperfection of life, so it's meaningless, not that it's a bad thing.
Of course if you actually read what I provided you would see that, but you sound like you're from /v/, so continue to try to argue without any rudimentary knowledge :)
Whom are you quoting?
>famous guy
He was more than just famous.
>There's plenty wrong with that.
No, it keeps tasteless trash out.
>My physics professor always told me to learn to understand scientific concepts by explaining them to a janitor.
Ultimately you can't get anything done without introducing higher level concepts, which is all I care about in a board dedicated to literature as opposed to a general board such as /v/ or /b/
>opinion piece
You would see how the subjective becomes the equivalent of the objective in art if you actually read it :)
Oh and by the way it seems like you just hate academics in general from your other posts, but no they aren't trying to become "patrician" and change their opinions with whatever becomes popular, they are actually knowledgeable in their fields.

>> No.6259916

>doesn't mean hes not a cock smuggling faggot like yourself
this is the level of discourse we should expect from the containment boards (i.e. the rest of 4chan)

>> No.6259919

>An important author can't be a shitty asshole with no morals worth shit as a human being.
nothing to do with what I am arguing. he claimed Nabokov's opinion is unimportant because he's 'an asshole'.

>> No.6259922

>if it were literary fiction it would have some aesthetic merit. as it is classified as genre fiction it has no aesthetic merit. take for example 'A True Story' by Lucian. it is literary fiction, a classic, yet is an example of sci-fi. it is not classed as genre fiction because it has artistic merit
If we're going to use the term genre fiction and literary fiction, I'd prefer them to have some meaning beyond "bad" and "good".

>> No.6259923

>lmao stemfag literature cannot be quantified it's all based on opinion pieces
>genre fiction is not art and has no artistic merit by definition

>if it were literary fiction it would have some aesthetic merit
who determines that aesthetic merit of yours?

oh that's right, the literary establishment

yeah we should totally trust those guys

>> No.6259925

>He thinks he's entitled to be a dickwad because some second rate hack that's circle jerked over by highschool seniors on /lit/ was a dickwad

lmao get a load of this retard

>> No.6259930

>anon 1: "people who criticize genre fiction are pseudo-intellectuals"
>anon 2: "But the money spent on popular media competes with the money spent on Muh high Arts!!"
>anon 3: "That's not how economics works"
>anon 2: "You're oversimplifying things, and my argument is way too sophisticated for someone like you to understand, so I'm not even going to try to support my bullshit.
>anon 3: WTF?
You get accused of being a pseudo-intellectual and your response, once removed, is "my argument is way too precious to be allowed to be seen by the likes of you."

yeah, way to prove you're not an arrogant preening asshole.

RIP Terry Pratchett, my condolences to your other fans.

>> No.6259932

It doesn't because in the end of the day literary fiction is just genre fiction, everything that has been grouped in literary fiction used to be part of a genre at one point, like picaresques and bildungsromans, for example

>> No.6259935

>oh that's right, the literary establishment

>yeah we should totally trust those guys

says the STEMfag

>who publishes the scientific papers? the scientific establishment? yeah we should totally trust those guys

>> No.6259936


Such edge.

> real worth is an illusion of the human perception

This is what fedoras actually believe.

>> No.6259941

>he claimed Nabokov's opinion is unimportant because he's 'an asshole'.
who? where? sure you're not strawmanning?

>i can't offer a citation or explain the concept just read this uninteresting essay okay, wilde is never wrong about anything

Give a citation instead of telling people "you play videogames so I am right". That is all I expect you to.

>> No.6259942


Denial stage

>> No.6259945
File: 95 KB, 800x1000, Max.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is by far the spookiest thread on /lit/ right now

>> No.6259948

>1210 replies
Fuck off genre kiddies.

>> No.6259950

>trying to jinx things this hard

>> No.6259951

Terry Pratchett's estate to be split three ways, to his family, his agent, and an obscure organisation called 'The Library of Cunny'.

>> No.6259953

frankly I welcome the stirnerspooks over the /v/, /tv/, /fit/, /a/, /mu/ and /co/ hoi polloi

>> No.6259954 [DELETED] 
File: 121 KB, 459x387, Slavoj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say it's more of a pure ideology.

check em

>> No.6259955

The only containment is here, on this board, and its barely keeping even the slightest measure on your colossal homosexual vibes

>> No.6259956

>I'd prefer them to have some meaning beyond "bad" and "good".
If you actually read what was provided you would see why critics are important in this sense, but okay continue being crossboarding scum that thinks that everything can be 100% objective.
Here's something that might shock you but even the sciences aren't immune to subjectivity.
>yeah we should totally trust those guys
You should, they know more than you and you can verify that they're right through their critiques just like how you can verify a theory through its evidence.
I want the crossboarders to leave.
>wilde is never wrong about anything
He isn't, if you actually read his essays you would see how he's subjectively right.
If you reply without reading it then your post is asinine and I will reply with something of equal value, that is the price you pay if you want to play the game of just trying to get the final reply.

>> No.6259959
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a fair stance to take on the matter, and one I respect, however I have always found the nihilist philosophy to be one that works for me, It helps me keep a sense of perspective and usually helps keep me level headed, it may seem bizarre, but something about the concept of our self worth (or lack thereof) is liberating for me in a manner that I do not fully understand. however, you are correct that I should be more focused on that which makes me feel good, and the intolerable conversation with this gentleman
is does not, indeed pic related is the only thing I feel for him, however, he does have one point, I have been writing like a self depreciating wank stain for a while now, and I have quite frankly come to realise that internet arguing cannot end well, as often enough neither side are willing to back down, so I am going to give ground, I freely admit to having no taste by the standards of Mr "higher" literature, and concede my side of this argument, However, I would like Mr "higher" literature to present me with an example of a story he enjoys, so that I can add it to my list of books I must own, I also asks that he takes this victory with a modicum of grace comparable to what I would expect from a educated person and not go on some uncivil rant about me, my family, my social class, my country (may not have to worry about that, he is probably British too), my philosophical belief or my sexual persuasion, I mean he can still call me a faggot if he wants but that term lost all meaning a long time ago.

>> No.6259960

>homosexuality is wrong
go back to Mississippi

>> No.6259961
File: 37 KB, 544x272, B-xdEwPXEAEfArf.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If dubs these two fags finally stop their interminable tedious argument.

>> No.6259962

>coming to a Lebanese interpretive dancing newsgroup and being elitist in comparing yourself to any other board because your hobby has words in it

The delusion is palpable.

Inherent lack of understanding of how science works.

We believe things that are considered to be true not because of the scientific establishment, but because of the provable nature of science. Anyone can repeat the experiments or test the theories.

And a large coffee, please.

>> No.6259964

Holy fuck, I was told /lit/ was full pleb but I had to see to believe.

>> No.6259966

Terry Pratchett will be remembered when Douglas Adams is forgotten... but not before.

>> No.6259967

I'm in no way knowledgeable enough to argue that fact, but the way I see it is if you want a video game that has fresh ideas and isn't just "kill the bad guy, save the princess", you check the indie games list. The games on this list might not be the most polished and visually astonishing, but you have a higher chance of finding something mentally or artistically stimulating.
If you want entertainment, you'll have a better chance checking the catalog of a large company.
A game is a game, but having a 2 way split at the top makes it easier to find what you want.

>> No.6259969

*tips fedora*

>> No.6259970

nice blogpost faggot

>> No.6259974

> :)

I see you Reddit.

>> No.6259975

haha lmao /tv/fag detected
literal pleb

>> No.6259976

>Real literature for intelligent people like myself.

>> No.6259977


You can have a coffee once you've repaired by washing machine. What am I paying you for?

>> No.6259983

nice bait friend

>> No.6259985

Stop begging people to read some random opinion piece instead of forming a coherent argument in favor of your position.

> If you actually read what was provided you would see why critics are important in this sense

Critics are not important. Critics are never even 1/1000 as important as artists.

>okay continue being crossboarding scum that thinks that everything can be 100% objective.
>makes a bunch of objective claims without being able to provide citations for them

okay then

>> No.6259986

repaired by washing machine
by washing machine
ey b0ss

>> No.6259989

but you haven't tested all of the theories; it simply wouldn't be possible
you take them to be true because you have faith in science
*tips fedora*

>> No.6259990

rememeber when there was a huge backlash against elitism on /mu/? now it's populated almost exclusively by faggots listening to Kanye West, Taylor Swift, Death Grips and memerap

>> No.6259991


Yes but in those days human merchandise for the fucking glue factory didn't read, so books remained books. The notion that universal literacy was somehow desirable Bd quality TFO, for good. Most books are crud because most readers have no business possessing that skill in the first place.

>> No.6259992

>laughing at my lack of taste is bait

Like I said, I left /lit/ when it went to shit and I am glad to see that I've made a good decision.

>> No.6259994
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I am a fucking nihilist, we are to fedoras what fedoras are to you faggots

>> No.6259996

then why are you back

>> No.6259997
File: 43 KB, 480x360, 1395606108883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he reads literary fiction
>he does it unironically
>he pretends to like it
>he does it because he has no actual talents, and he defines himself by his ability to read
>he has to trick himself into believing his reading makes sets him apart from other people
>he will never achieve anything real in life except reading obscure russian books and shitposting about it
>his insecurities eat him alive every night
>he complains about "reverse snobbery" when people call him on his bullshit
>he's an Eng Lit major, and his precious lit fic is the only way he can escape the suffocating mediocrity of his unremarkable life

>> No.6259998

>opinion piece
>Critics are not important. Critics are never even 1/1000 as important as artists.
Continue being a illiterate pleb who doesn't read then.
>>makes a bunch of objective claims without being able to provide citations for them
The subjective is the objective when it comes to literature, you would know if you read the objective essays I linked.
If you reply without reading it again I'll just reply with a post just as asinine, /tv/goer

>> No.6259999


That worked. You autists are like appliances.

>> No.6260004

i hope to god this isn't the end of bearable /lit/

>> No.6260006

They aren't the ones shitting up a memorial thread right now.

>> No.6260008


What the fuck does that even mean?! That's hilarious. Are you a dago or something?

>> No.6260011
File: 18 KB, 678x472, unity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there we go! that's the 4chan I love

>> No.6260012

Being mediocre in life isn't a bad thing

>> No.6260013

epic meme appropriation fellow fa/tv/irign :^)

>> No.6260014

Oh we have a tough guy here huh....... *unsheathes my twin katanas* Well, let's see how tough you really are! *jumps into the air* TAAAAKE THIIIIIIIIIIIIS *spins around and slashes your face open* Not so tough now, huh????? *grabs you and throws you up* It's time to finish this little charade *holds my katanas above my head* YOU ARE FINIIIIISHEEEEEEEED!!!!!!!!!!! *jumps upwards so that you get impaled on my swords* Heh.... easy.....

>> No.6260015

Nice quads

you're still wrong doh

>> No.6260017

And it is AS bad as quasi-intellectual faggots who forgot that art isn't about recognition, self-perpetuating criticism but about aesthetic and personal, emotional response.

>> No.6260018

your AAA/indie dichotomy is actually pretty good but not in the sense that you think

people come to the indie scene expecting games that awe them with their originality and artistic merit and get two-bit retro garbage with shallow gameplay, the indie scene is astonishingly circlejerky in that regard

>> No.6260020

I don't think they're crud, they just serve a different purpose. Some people get their mental stimulation from books and watch dumbed down movies like Transformers for entertainment.
Others watch obscure black and white french films and read Harry Potter for entertainment.

>> No.6260021


> he identifies with vikings
> one day he gets vanned from work and everyone expected it
> apartment fetid, cunny pics glued to wall with jizz
> STEMsperger natch

>> No.6260022

I was wondering if /lit/ would be able to hold back the
>le epic genre fiction meme
not to shit up thread about some dead author.

>> No.6260023


in a nutshell, its the belief that life is meaningless
see? super fedora's

>> No.6260024

>muh feels

and there goes the equivalent of that now-typical /mu/ faggot poptimist

>> No.6260029

"indie" has nothing to do with artistic or intellectual merit, "indie" just means "independent", as in funded independently without the assistance of a publisher

it can be argued that there is some correlation with creativity and whether or not a game is indie but there is little evidence to suggest this, i would argue there are just as many indie games that are derivative and over reliant on nostalgia just as there are AAA titles that are generic

the same with the notion of "litfic" and "genre fic", you might as well just change it to "smart fiction" and "dumb fiction" because the labels otherwise make no sense, litfic is already made up of genres and in the end of the day it has little meaning other than marketing to people who want to feel smart

>> No.6260030


That's not quite fair anon, Johnson was a writer, Pratchett was an journalist writing for pedophiles.

>> No.6260034


your hat is like a shark's fin

>> No.6260037

You're right there is a lot of shit, as I assume there is in the literary fiction genre. But every now and then you get something like Journey or Hohokum. I showed Journey to a friend of mine who exclusively reads literary fiction, he called it shit and went back to playing Call of Duty. Everyone finds their entertainment in a different medium.

>> No.6260038

>Yes but in those days human merchandise for the fucking glue factory didn't read, so books remained books.
Yeah, you clearly were born in the wrong generation. Remember when music was good?

Oh, right, people who actually know anything about music tell you that the equivalents to Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus have always existed, but stood the test of time.

What is the most important work of Spanish literature?

I strongly argue it's Don Quixote.

What is it?

A parody of two-bit samey generic "brave knight saves fair lady" garbage that flooded the bookshelves at the time.

>Most books are crud because most readers have no business possessing that skill in the first place.

You accidentally claimed that books are worthless as ways of bettering the humankind, do you want to insist on that claim?

>> No.6260042

>muh feels as an insult
>on /lit/

Holy fuck, you are a funny guy, really.

>> No.6260044

>Dante, Goethe and Milton are obscure

This is what amerishits actually thinks.

>> No.6260047


It's alright chum, hierarchy is the key to all culture. Pratchett built up his treasure on earth, dare I say.

>> No.6260048

I don't need to test every theory by myself, scientific community exists for that purpose.

This doesn't mean that the findings of science are any less objective.

>> No.6260052

I know, it just what people have come to expect from the genre. Creative and intellectual games, but most of them are shit.
I'm sure litfic is drowning in shit too.

>> No.6260053
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I claim that 99% of literature out there is absolute fucking garbage. The remaining 1% ranges between "okay" and "bad".

Literature is, for the most part, simply fucking nonsense and irritation. It is a essentially perversion of artistic expression. Repulsive through and through. Anybody I speak to who mentions literature in a positive light goes down 5-6 pegs in my book. Out of 10. Braindead people read literature. Real thinking people watch fucking film.

Don't come at me with your fucking sobbing defense of classic literary culture either. I'm not anti-intellectual and I have great respect for the Classic tradition.

Literature, however, destroys my faith in humanity. If any of you are into literature: fuck you. I mean it.

>> No.6260054

Am I the only one who likes the Tiffany Aching books?

>> No.6260055


What? No, I'm not saying anything about pop music. Of course the technology of the book doesn't of itself improve anything, you can fill a house with books that ain't worth reading.

>> No.6260058
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>> No.6260059

the funny thing is that Journey is not actually indie.

it's a playstation exclusive. exclusives are designed to sell a console.

>> No.6260061


Go back to your containment board fag got.

All other crossboarding plebs pls go.

>> No.6260062


This sounds like Werner Herzog.

>> No.6260067


more like someone crossed a fedora with a nesting doll, every time I tip the biggest I have to remove it so I can tip the one underneath, then replace them all back on my head when I am done, its really fucking time consuming, nut its worth it to see the looks on some of the people faces, don't own a katana though, I am more a broadsword kinda guy if you know what I mean *wink wink nudge nudge*

>> No.6260070

It's a pity Terry died after Jimmy Savile, it would be hilarious to picture Jimmy in the morgue tonight giving him the gamaroosh.

>> No.6260071

nobody loves you Gabriel

>> No.6260073
File: 31 KB, 558x374, 1368801811998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: "Your aggressive hatred of genre fiction in a memorial thread is misplaced, illogical, sophomoric, and pointless."
Elitist Pseudo-Intellectuals: "Not if we hate hard enough!!!"

Fun fact: There's actually a falsifiable experiment that you can use to test your elitist theories, you see, If you take a copy of Thief of Time and sandwich it between the volumes of À la recherche du temps perdu and wait overnight, you can come back and you'll see that the Proust hasn't degraded into a comedy book about dwarves and trolls, Ergo, genre fiction in no way threatens literary fiction.
So this entire wave of shitposts is all about pedants trying to prove they're intellectually superior.

>> No.6260076

>Continue being a illiterate pleb who doesn't read then.
Prove that artists are less important than people who shit on their art because it has swords in it.

>> No.6260078

Good night sweet prince, please rest in peace and thanks a lot for everything that you did.

>> No.6260080



Well I raise my Capri-Sonne to you, broham.

>> No.6260082

Postan in a terry pratchett thread.

>> No.6260086

I've been on /lit/ for years and have no idea who this dead country singer is.

>> No.6260087
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I hope we only have nice things to say when Harry Turtledove dies.

>> No.6260089


The point of it in a memorial thread is to remind you that you're a bunch of fucking niggers, and Pratchett deserves to be falsely accused of bestiality for annoying me with his fucking face. I will bite deep into a whore' fucking face now because of that cunt, my fucking cock hurts with hardness for the rage of it, my cock, my arse, my cock, my arse, my cock, fucking maese, jmu

>> No.6260090

I still miss you, GGM

>> No.6260091

>because it has swords in it.
That never happens, they only shit on it because it's genre fiction, shallow unoriginal trash, not art.
Critics are artists too.
Now fuck off back to /tv/ if you're not going to read

>> No.6260095

This. Just look at your facebook and you'll be seeing all your plebby friends with under 5 bood read after high-school posting some Terry quote, especially the ones who only recently got into le epic nerd culture. It's like a sociological expeceriment.

>> No.6260097

No, I liked them too. RIP TP

>> No.6260099

>What? No, I'm not saying anything about pop music.
I'm making an analogy.

You're complaining that too many people read now so books are ruined.

>> No.6260100

Tonight his face will nestle gently between his daughter's bum cheeks.

I hope she didn't have chilli con carne for dinner.

>> No.6260101
File: 4 KB, 249x175, pepee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I became an avid Terry Pratchet fan like three months ago and I can't stop. I stopped shitposting genre fiction and I don't spend much time on 4chan anymore.

Here's how I did it.

-Remember the average person reads like zero books by Terry Pratchet a year. If you read 5 pages a day, you are 5 pages above the average person

-Don't force yourself to read. Commit to read 5 pages a day. I swear after three days you'll feel like reading more and after a month or so you should be reading 50-100 pages a day for pleasure

-Read various books from Pratchett's oeuvre at the same time. When I grab a difficult book or one that makes me sleepy I grab another and switch. This should refresh your head. Keep them thematically different. I read Mort and Unseen Academicals.

-It isn't a race. Reading slowly won't make you sleepy that fast. Try to acknowledge what books are for you to read fast and which aren't.

-Buy the physical copies. When you get the books from your own money you'll feel the need to read them to avoid the feel of wasting your money.

-Start with books highly discussed here so you feel motivated to discuss.

>> No.6260102
File: 1.24 MB, 227x136, nice.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you too dude, I don't even care if your taking the piss, this is still better than talking to Mr "higher" literature

>> No.6260104

/lit/ is a contamination board for morons who actually believe that you can objectively measure quality of writing and artistic expression. This toxic belief is nearly as blind as religious zealotry. You are not a shinning city on a hill, looking down at the rest. You are a ghetto. Too stupid for real science, too stuck up our own asses for real art, and too boring for fun boards.

>> No.6260109


good to see someone gets it

>> No.6260117



Into the trash it goes.

>> No.6260119


I'm saying that all these cultures are dependent on economic circumstances.

At one time, serious readers were the only people who read. Then literacy exploded, the publishing industry exploded, and popular fiction - books specifically aimed at people with little education - was born. Literature has never gotten off the back foot since. That's just economics. Teaching people to read who had done their jobs perfectly well for centuries without that skill was a terrible blow against literature.

>> No.6260120


>> No.6260122
File: 54 KB, 584x600, Greek Mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the meme so supreme you let out a scream

>> No.6260126
File: 308 KB, 1280x720, stewart-lee (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fun boards

you are 2pleb4ourhumour

>> No.6260129

>measure quality of writing and artistic expression
New Criticism

>> No.6260132
File: 16 KB, 255x352, 1425362590974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>genre fiction

>> No.6260133 [DELETED] 

this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this

>> No.6260134


Science isn't for intelligent people, it's for washing machine repairmen and aspies.

>> No.6260137


I know. What is most broken up? Really want to know.

As for the argument: Everyone can argue that Pratchett is a fascist.
But if one can't prove this statement by actual text passages, it is just a arbitrary opinion.

The anon I answered to pretends to hold up modern, western, enlightened ideals. But fails in the most basic methodology of reasoning, by saying 'google it'

>> No.6260138

>Too stupid for real science
this is the edgiest thing I've ever heard
science is literally 'memorise fact' 'test hypothesis'

>> No.6260139

>That never happens
Actually that constantly happens. ie spec fi in XX century

>shallow unoriginal trash
Because everything must be original and literary fiction is in no way full of people aping each other.

>they only shit on it because it's genre fiction
shitting on something because it has swords (= fantasy) or jetpacks (=sci fi) in it?

what a mature way of conduct.

>Critics are artists too.
Critics don't produce art, they only consume it.

>Now fuck off back to /tv/ if you're not going to read
never been to /tv/

>muh oscar wilde
prove genre fiction is not art. PROVE it. OBJECTIVELY. or refrain from making the claim.

>> No.6260140
File: 330 KB, 1600x1200, Sweet Corn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's too pleb for our highbrow corn jokes

>> No.6260142


Fox and grapes.png

>> No.6260147

don't fucking say that
do not fucking say that

>> No.6260149


You don't realize how revealing it is that you think this majority tyranny stuff will work. Truly, genre fiction is the delight of stupid aspiring bullies.

>> No.6260156


No, nobody envies aspies, we all pity you.

>> No.6260159

>nearly as blind as religious zealotry
>Too stupid for real science


>> No.6260160

lmao no I'm STEM but I'm not an aspie like you

>> No.6260164

Science is actually a complicated endeavour where scientists primarily lie to themselves about what they're doing. To understand science I recommend reading Science Technology Studies, a form of sociology, and of course History and Philosophy of Science.

Note: Feyerabend's 'Against Method' is a more accurate depiction of the scientific method than the positivist depictions written by scientismists who have never titrated. Science results are generally doctored by the researcher. Falsificationist depictions of science, however, look more like the results of torture.

>> No.6260165


It's been cool, but I must go and sleep now, goodnight anon and good luck with the nihilism!

>> No.6260166

you haven't read what I linked you which proves that the subjective is objective
so here's my asinine reply

>> No.6260169

Best Diskworld Book?

I always loved Mort. But I also liked Eric.

>> No.6260175

You mean /lit/ is a containment board for pretentious faggots who refuse to >>>/reddit or >>>/pol, people who think their ability to read and their willingness to read books outside of a highschool reading level makes them morally superior.
Unfortunately it draws in the anons who actually like to read for the sake of reading and not for the sake of feeling like we're earning our patrician badge.
And no, I don't know how to solve the problem, because, to put it crudely, reading is fucking awesome, and being able to converse with other people about books is so fantastic that it's actually worth putting up with the pseudo-intellectuals—most days.

>> No.6260178

Small Gods, for sure.

>> No.6260179


I'm sorry terry.

>> No.6260184

Oh I loved that one too, Nice and short as well so I'd always read it on the train.

>> No.6260185

Nightwatch or Guards! Guards! or Small Gods

>> No.6260186

not nearly enough love for witches abroad itt

>> No.6260189

Exactly, I can say that Terry Pratchett was a conspiracy theorist who believed the governments of the world were concealing proof about alien contact, but if I don't have evidence or at least substantial arguments ex libro, why the hell would I be throwing that around in a memorial thread.

You wouldn't, unless you were a troll. Ergo he's a troll, ergo you should stop feeding him.

>> No.6260190

> faggots who refuse to >>>/reddit

but you are mistaken, dear anon, it's you faggots who refuse to >>>/r/books

>> No.6260192

nobody actually reads to show off you do realise those are memes
everyone here loves literature

>> No.6260195

RIP in pepperoni

>> No.6260196


Do you know what general intelligence is?

If you're shit at maths you're probably not as much of an intellectual as you think.

You think David Foster Wallace didn't ace all his science exams?

>> No.6260198

>At one time
Which time? Which specific year?
>serious readers were the only people who read
What even the fuck?

Literacy was an attribute of noblemen, chronically bored people who liked to read how awesome they are inbetween bouts of debauchery.

>Literature has never gotten off the back foot since.

Since you claim that literature is worthless for the betterment of humankind, why do we give a shit?

>> No.6260201

not liking something does not make you bad at it

>> No.6260205


Why are you calling people pseudo-intellectuals for trying to improve themselves?

>> No.6260206

The moment where Granny Weatherwax used the other witches own belief against her

See, you don't actually applaud for stuff like this, because the book is in your hand and you'd bend the spine, but you want to.

>> No.6260209

>Do you know what general intelligence is?
A white fabrication in the early 20th century to justify sortition for military service?

>> No.6260212

i knew it would be soon but this sucks

>> No.6260213

>thinking the content should leave so the cancer can have the board to themselves

nigga what?

>> No.6260216

>you haven't read what I linked you
You're obsessed with literally one work by Wilde.

Try making an argument.

What you linked is an opinion piece. At best it subjectively asserts that the subjective is objective.

>> No.6260219

Seems like a lot of people have the witches as their least favourite.

>> No.6260221


No, this is something aspies tell themselves to feel better about what nature made them. Nobody seriously thinks scientists are intellectuals, scientists deal in data, not ideas.

David Foster Wallace was a shit writer, he was less of an artist than Adam Lanza. Know your place, coon.

>> No.6260223

>New Criticism
Taking into account only form, or mainly form, is even worse. Now you are trying to determine which opinion about a way the message is delivered, is more valid. It holds some merit, but only to itself. When discussing literature as a whole, it is merely a facet of what should be discussed. Unless you want focus solely on the form. But you can only present a subjective opinion on quality of form.

I am so sorry that a washing machine is too difficult of a technology for you to grasp.

Which is still more than trying to push opinions about something that is, in nature, subjective, as a fact. Science requires discipline. Proof. Effects. Literature is either tyranny rule of "most people like it" or self promoting royalty of critics. Who, while more educated than regular reader, are educated, molded by opinions of other critics. There is not a shred of objectivity there. And to pretend there is, is either dishonest or delusional.

>> No.6260228

That was beautiful, I teared up, no shame in admitting it.

RIP Terry

>> No.6260229

>Nobody seriously thinks scientists are intellectuals
I think scientists are intellectuals.

>scientists deal in data, not ideas
Ideas are crucial in science.

>> No.6260231

I have always found the oeuvre of Terry Pratchet to be more Pathos than Logos.

>> No.6260232

I see you have no idea what New Criticism was. That's sad. What's sadder is that if you took English in a BA at most universities you wouldn't either.

Go Canada!

>> No.6260236

such a good read. one of those super comfy stories that gives you a bit of everything, it's funny, and sad, and exciting, and dark, and dumb, and clever.

i'm going to miss new stuff from terry, i've been reading him for half my life.

>> No.6260237


Your consent is not necessary for other people to improve themselves.

Some people are more capable of being improved than others. Everyone's life experiences bear this out. Literature is for those who don't want to be dog food and ISIS fleshlights.

>> No.6260240



>> No.6260245
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Nobody is actually dead until the ripples they caused in the world fade away.

I'll be reading his shit to my kids.

>> No.6260247

Sounds like you got really frustrated with Tenth Grade Language arts

>> No.6260250

> scientists deal in data, not ideas
you have no idea what science is about

>> No.6260253


It's not, I'm just of a higher rank of humanity and don't repair washing machines.

The thing is, right - THAT'S HOW THE WORLD ACTUALLY WORKS. Not your bullshit, where you can go 'least I'm good at math', you bedwetter scumfuck murder candidate. How it works is, I have the will and the eye and the mind and the force in my hand and the rule of law at my back. You are a peon fucking zeeb whose cunt is mine by right, but I'll take your labor in return for JUST ENOUGH to keep you alive. Hierarchy exists. It is the one law. It is the one word.

>> No.6260257

And I think you believe that New Criticism is way better than it really is. It might have some merit over other forms of literary criticism but it does not make it any more objective.

I also think you are projecting, at least a little bit. Also, your ethnocentrism is showing, my friend.

>> No.6260258

>Some people are more capable of being improved than others.
And that capability strongly correlates with having rich parents, right? Since that's how you became literate in good old days.

>> No.6260259


OK, I trust you have extensive evidence contravening the several decades of phychometric consecus to back up that assertion.

>> No.6260260


That's right, Nobody thinks that.

No, there's no such thing as a scientific idea.

Nobody cares. Give up.

>> No.6260263
File: 57 KB, 220x261, ratkomladic003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you got really memed on, friend.

>> No.6260266


Hierarchy is real, and is beautiful.

Obey or be a niggerson whore. It matters little except to your ego. Try outrunning that, you fucking cunt.

>> No.6260268

>No, there's no such thing as a scientific idea.

>> No.6260271


I've always found it to be wank for nonces, you fucking cunt.

>> No.6260273

I cried.

There were a couple years in my early teens through which the only reason I kept my library card was to be able continuously to swap out the discworld book I just finished reading for the next one. Aside from Enid Blyton I've probably read more of Terry's books than those of any other author - he's not the heights of literature we grasp at here on /lit/ but he's had such a huge influence.

He wrote so much about death (as the current quote storm can attest to), and it was all so empathetic, real righteous anger and sadness and tenderness.

The absolute best we can hope for is that, when we die, the death we meet will be the one he wrote.

>> No.6260276


That's right, I don't give a fuck about any of it, I have a life, wit, taste and a functioning penis. Keep consoling yourself with how important your science is to you, aspie.

>> No.6260277

Is that some sort of /lit/ meme? Because I have to invoke Poe's Law.

>> No.6260278 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6260283

You exist because of science.

That is not an exaggeration.

>> No.6260289

>dense cunt takes lit's overblown elitism at face value

and this is how the myth is born

>> No.6260292


>muh dick muhfukka

I think the ghetto is missing a plebeian.

>> No.6260293

Terry Pratchett was the only male author who could write realistic, interesting and non-obnoxious "strong wimmin" characters.

>> No.6260295

I see you're playing the object/subject game. Let me interject with Hume for a moment. Fine? Good? Let us then posit that objective/subjective is a useless dichotomy for analysis of the value of truth systems.

In contrast, let us then deal with "replicable analysis," and "positable evidence of an exterior reality." When it comes to literary criticism, the second is the text. While there are some arguments about "what is a text" in terms of hypertextuality, we can clearly posit adequate evidence of external reality.

So the issue is with replicable analysis. All literary criticism prior to post-modernism produces replicable analysis in the form of texts.

So we enter, instead of the world of your subject/object dichotomy into the world of which analyses are either more pleasurable or have greater fidelity to the external reality.

>extensive (but apparently uncitable) evidence
Shut up Canada's diaper.

>> No.6260298

Given the amount of self-congratulatory wanking ITT can you blame anyone?

>> No.6260299

read more

>> No.6260302


I don't know what you think you're arguing about, what is it?

>> No.6260307


No, again, nobody cares aspie, fuck off.

>> No.6260315


Why are you linking that as if I'd read it or it would make the slightest fucking difference to anything? I don't care what washing machine repairmen think of their craft, their place is sucking my fucking dick, you monkey.

>> No.6260318


Why would you think I'm America?

Canada sucks too.

And you misread my post.

>> No.6260326


No, it's an entirely sincere statement of the primary truth of all our lives.

>> No.6260327

My favourite author as a kid and teenager.

Makes me sad as shit. RIP Terry.

Also your board is terrible, /lit/, no wonder I never bother coming here.

>> No.6260328

>argument invalidated because of spelling

I knew /lit/ is reddit the board, but jesus fuck

>> No.6260330


I don't fucking care, go play in traffic.

>> No.6260331


I'm not even studying STEM get over yourself.

>> No.6260335

Yes, friend, sloppy spelling and sloppy argumentation go together like your love life and the cheeto dust on your pubic hair.

>> No.6260339

You're trying pretty hard to make that repairmen meme stick. It's not going to happen.

I think you were too bullied for majoring in literary criticism or whatever the fuck and then being incapable to find a job outside of service industry.

>> No.6260340


Sex isn't plebeian, it's unbreakably hierarchical, not everyone gets to have it.

>> No.6260343

In the sense that attacking a person's spelling instead of an argument IS sloppy argumentation.

>> No.6260344

Houllebecq pls

>> No.6260350


I'm not trying to start a meme. Here's what you must learn today if you learn nothing else - some people genuinely don't care what you think. At all.

Wrong on both counts.

>> No.6260358

If someone can't identify the terms they wish to discuss, they have no argument to make. Identifying non arguments is good argumentation. You'd also see that I launched a second form of attack on the argument, in that it contained a man-behind-the-curtain argument.

>> No.6260362


It's true! He's dead right.

>> No.6260365


I'm posting from my phone.

>sloppy argumentation

I literally didn't even posit an argument.

You claimed the concept of g is nonsense, without supporting that

Then again you probably don't have the statistical knowledge to comprehend g, what with your disdain of STEM.

>> No.6260367
File: 14 KB, 225x300, 1366194565769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are you calling people pseudo-intellectuals for trying to improve themselves?
Let's only briefly touch on the fact that it's delusional, and go right to the fact that it's self-indulgent to the point of being obscene.
People who don't want to listen to Mozart for the experience, they want to listen to it because they read an article that it makes them smarter.
People who don't want to watch Casablanca because they want to study its narrative flow, or they want to observe the cinematography of Citizen Kane, or most importantly, because they heard that those movies were really good and they were curious, no, they wanted to check off some /tv recommendation list,
People who want to use /fit to bodybuild and not to actually become healthy,
People who /ic because they think they can make money with a webcomic instead of /ic'ing because they like to draw,
Do I need more examples?
Self improvement dulls the experience by focusing everything through a dull "is this useful" filter. It's "Sure, I could read Don Quixote, but what's in it for me?" without realizing that what is in it for you is that you get to read Don Quixote.

It's intellectual materialism, a cold utilitarianism, much like the spiritual materialism that some buddhists denounce when they talk about people seeking enlightenment simply because they've heard of it and they think it'd be a neat thing to have, (partially why some zen buddhists don't even believe in the concept of enlightenment, and others believe if it exists you shouldn't strive for it, but wait for it to come upon you.)

But all that aside, I'm actually not against self-improvement, not only because the drive to improve oneself is inherent and I think that pursuing self improvement is inevitable, but because I actually find value in it.

But to reduce the experience of life to ONLY seeking self improvement is folly, and to do that with reading? Blasphemy.

How dare they, No, seriously, I know I'm getting a little rant-y and a LOT preachy, but how DARE they take something as wondrous, and important and (yeah, I might as well say it,) Magical as reading and make it all about their insecurity, their sense of inferiority in the face of society, and their desire to compete with their peers.

And even that is bad enough, hey, it's their own lives, let them do as they will, but to not only ruin literature for themselves but to go on the internet and mock people who read for the experience? They deserve nothing but the firmest of "Fuck You's"

People who want to read to expand their horizons need to know that it doesn't count if they only want to do that because they want to be someone with expanded horizons, and not someone who actually cares what's out there.

tl;dr Self-Improvement is not the all encompassing end goal in reading.

>> No.6260369

Terry Pratchett gamaroosh

>> No.6260370

>I see you're playing the object/subject game. Let us then posit that objective/subjective is a useless dichotomy for analysis of the value of truth systems.

How about lets not? Yes, you can try to go from the perception of reality is subjective angle. But this notion is, in and of itself, subjective. And while you can create multiple thought experiments around the idea of subjectivity of perception or subjectivity of reality, it all falls apart when confronted with really objective stuff.

>So the issue is with replicable analysis. All literary criticism prior to post-modernism produces replicable analysis in the form of texts.

>So we enter, instead of the world of your subject/object dichotomy into the world of which analyses are either more pleasurable or have greater fidelity to the external reality.

But that is even worse. You are, not only, ignoring a huge part of what makes literature form of artistic expression, but also you remove the main problems with literary criticism only partially. How pleasurable analysis is, is hardly a good factor in judging anything. And trying to ascribe ANY fidelity to reality to the literary piece, beyond of course its reception and reaction to it, is futile. Because you are creating and upholding manufactured, faux preconceptions about quality that rely not on something that can be quantified, but on something that has assigned value.

>> No.6260375


>> No.6260376

Please tell me about the awesome job that your degree landed you.

>some people genuinely don't care what you think. At all.
That's why you're so obsessed with my opinions. "invalidated because stem" "washing machine repairman lol"

the service industry art student meme is a thing because it's actually true

>> No.6260378

I'm weird, I like the wizards the least, they're funny but it's hard to care about any of the characters. Not that you have to have sympathetic characters to like a book, but in a franchise if you're comparing characters, you're going to gravitate towards the sympathetic ones.

>> No.6260380

i like terry pratchett

>> No.6260382


I don't understand where you see them mocking people who read for the experience.

I'll say more but I just want you to clarify this please.

>> No.6260383

>hey /lit/ what do you think of this genre fiction book
fuck off you plebeian nigger all genre fiction is garbage and not art
>hey /lit/ i don't want to be a plebeian any more and what do you think of this literary fiction book
fuck off you self-indulgent plebeian garbage

>> No.6260387

>statistical knowledge to comprehend a non-entity
g falls down long before you need statistics, largely as it is a metaphysical concept that exactly coincides with the class interests of those who posited it.

Also we're waiting on your evidence.

>when confronted with really objective stuff.

Please read Hume now. If you can't manage that, read Popper immediately. No human can grasp "really objective stuff," except in tautologies of mathematics.

>How pleasurable analysis is, is hardly a good factor in judging anything.

It is one of the two sustained methods to interpret whether scientific theory is valid.

>about quality that rely not on something that can be quantified, but on something that has assigned value.

Read Hume in conjunction with Lakatos on the experiment.

You've just made a primitive argument against science in general.

>> No.6260393

Just because white people are generally more intelligent than black people doesn't make the concept of general intelligence not true.

That is just asinine.

Might as well claim that physical strength does not exist because women are weaker statistically.

>> No.6260394


All you can do is refer to 'memes', because nobody in real life wants to talk to you. You're asking me what my job is so you can go 'hah, mine is better!' It's so sad. Neurotypical adults don't behave like that. Tell me your job if you think it's relevant, and then I'll tell you mine.

I'm not obsessed with your opinions, I don't care what they are, you're obsessed with sharing them because you're a lonely dweeb.

>> No.6260397


> white people are generally more intelligent than black people

There we go, bye bye autist.

>> No.6260404

>You're asking me what my job is so you can go 'hah, mine is better!' It's so sad.
You're the one who keeps saying I'm a washing machine repairman. Let's hear what kind of a job YOU have, then.

Show statistics that prove that on average black people have higher IQ.

>> No.6260405

I'm legitimately sad about this. Not like the sorta sad when Michael Jackson, Robin Williams, or Nimoy died. An actual pain, a hole. I had really wished to meet the man one day and now I never will.

>> No.6260407

The Hex is started by pulling the GBL (Great Big Lever).

>> No.6260409

pictures of monkeys go in /an/...

>> No.6260413


The washing machine repairman thing is a joke. Haven't you learned yet that you can't interact with neurotypical people? You understand nothing they say.

>> No.6260415
File: 154 KB, 330x327, 1251763040631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jose Saramago dies
>no sticky

>Terry Pratchett dies

>> No.6260418


Oh my, is your Marxist worldview having a little run in with reality?

Better shitpost some more so the cognitive dissonance doesn't eat away at you.

>> No.6260421


Yeah, /lit/ is the worst named board on here. Should be /fic/, make it clear it's for genre shit, we can just leave it for dead.

>> No.6260422

>Please read Hume now. If you can't manage that, read Popper immediately. No human can grasp "really objective stuff," except in tautologies of mathematics.

I did. More Popper than Hume. And I find it funny that you think you can authoritatively state that "no human can grasp objective stuff" after you've supposedly studied them both. Claim that our perception of reality is so distorted, it is subjective, is not only older than both of those gentleman (even god damn Hobbes wrote about it) but also subjective in and of itself. Attempting to hand wave fields of studies like physics, chemistry etc. solely on the grounds of perception or, if we go by Popper, "undiscovered quantities" falls flat after the first successfully copied experiment.

>It is one of the two sustained methods to interpret whether scientific theory is valid.

What? Am I hitting a language barrier here? How pleasurable the analysis is, is somehow related to validity of theory? Care to elaborate?

>Read Hume in conjunction with Lakatos on the experiment.

>You've just made a primitive argument against science in general.

I am glad that you are trying to fall back onto entry level names in scientific theory. I'd be offended but we are on the anonymous board and that is rather nice.
But it's also slightly pointless given that you are trying to present a tiny subset of philosophy of science as be all, end all interpretation of scientific method. Because it fits your own interpretation of the scientific process. And how is that an argument against science in general?

>> No.6260424


Right, so general intelligence is confirmed for a Kentucky colonel concept.

>> No.6260425

really? its even worse worse than thought, our mods are faggots

>> No.6260427

>The washing machine repairman thing is a joke.
Jokes are meant to be funny, anon. Your degree is a good example.

>> No.6260432


Your sex life is a better example.

If you're the sperglord who wants to know my job, tell me yours first and I promise you, I will tell you mine. You should start because you brought it up.

>> No.6260436

>Just because white people are generally more intelligent than black people doesn't make the concept of general intelligence not true.

Undemonstrated and irrelevant.

We know the people who invented g were middle class whites. We know that g's purpose was sortition of middle class whites, we know the inventors were aware of the purposivity. We know that g is primarily a metaphysical interpretation of reality, and that it was not subject to falsification in its creation as a concept. We know that people who do not test their concepts against reality in the production of their concepts mirror their internal states.

That g selects for middle class white people is not a result of external reality—external reality doesn't need to be one way or the other—but as a result of the ideology of the producers of g.

If g is coincident with reality, it isn't because it is well founded as a concept.

Learn to fucking read and argue, and stop claiming you can directly interpret the noumenal.

>> No.6260437

Self improvers, no, but the people in this thread who have stridently mocked people who consume genre fiction, even the ones who read literary works as well? Fuck'em.

That they only read for their own benefit, fine, I feel they're missing out, but its they're own lives. But that they come on to a thread and espouse the idea that other people are inferior because they read for more than just intellectual materialism, I'm sorry, there's no more direct way of saying it than fuck'em. Some people don't read merely for the sake of improving their lives, some people read TO BE alive. And the bitch of it is that Terry Pratchett is somebody who understood this.

This quote isn't exactly about genre fiction and escapism, but it's close enough to be relevant.

They're pseudo-intellectual, because even if they don't feel the value of reading genre fiction and escapism themselves, they should be intelligent enough to understand its importance for others, and respect that, especially in a memorial thread. How can they claim any amount of intelligence and not understand the importance of genre fiction, and more importantly, if they're so damn utilitarian in their worldview, then why are they reading any fiction at all, even literary fiction, why don't the consign themselves solely to nonfiction, self-help books and textbooks?

>> No.6260440

Please do.

>Your sex life is a better example.

>You should start because you brought it up.

ctrl+f "washing" 11 matches

>> No.6260448

the sugar frosted nutsack

>> No.6260454


No, you're the autist, you've made that clear from the start.

It was a joke. Tell me what your job is first if you want to know my job. Trust me, I am going to tell you, but if the question is seriously being asked, you answer it first.

>> No.6260459

>I did. More Popper than Hume. And I find it funny that you think you can authoritatively state that "no human can grasp objective stuff" after you've supposedly studied them both. Claim that our perception of reality is so distorted, it is subjective, is not only older than both of those gentleman (even god damn Hobbes wrote about it) but also subjective in and of itself.

The argument against noumenal experience is tautologically true by self-reduction. Thanks for the demonstration.

>Attempting to hand wave…go by Popper…falls flat
You've not actually read or understood Popper.

>Am I hitting a language barrier
On this point probably. After the mid-late 20th century work on theory formation in science the two criteria for theory formation that have been sustained are:

1) Pleasure of the theory, usually described as simplicity. This exists to avoid the formation of epicycles.
2) The theory not being countered by major points of evidence. This exists because, obviously, we prefer theories that we view as "least wrong." Though it has been sociologically shown that we tolerate very very wrong theories for a very very long time, particularly if method and apparatus showing the wrongness are viewed as incomprehensible. Think of the phlogiston tipping point.

I mean hell, we tolerate Newton as useful lies for children and engineers. Because the "wrongness" lies outside of the scope of the use of the theory.

You're arguing against the value of phenomenal experience as interpreted by people. The phenomenal experience being texts or drips to titration is beside the point here.

>> No.6260461

This thread is a disaster.

>> No.6260463


>Muh ebul white people conspiracy

This delusion might work if intelligence testing wasn't devised primarily by Ashkenazi Jews who score highest along with East Asians.

>> No.6260465

I loved Pyramids because it made fun of my country and no, I don't mean Egypt and because of the utter absurdity of having a camel of all animals be the best mathematician in the world. Most of the jargon was genuine as well.

>> No.6260469


Oh right, you're just disingenuously defending evil, I thought you were doing something more interesting.

>> No.6260475


Terry Pratchett was a fucking dimwit who is wormfood now, and none of his books will still be in print in thirty years because he wrote too many.

>> No.6260476

All fiction is for plebs. Patricians read exclusively non-fiction.

>> No.6260477
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It's Hedonism without the pleasure, so it's pointless. They want to read the best of the best, but they don't want to do it because they like it but because they think they should like it, and they don't read it to read it, but to have read it.
Said it without so many paragraphs ;)

>> No.6260478

So you posit that the concept of g is irrelevant because white people.

Here's the thing: we're talking about science, okay?

The concept of g arises naturally from the objective fact that people's performance across completely unrelated mental tasks is strongly correlated.

It is irrelevant that at some point most people tested were white (which is not even true, considering Ashkenazi Jews).

The empirical evidence in favor of the concept of g completely overrides whatever the authors of the theory believed at the time.

>> No.6260479

>my personal interpretation race is identical with the cultural practice of whiteness of the early 20th century


>Methods of assigning g values have remained static since the early 20th century.


>> No.6260486

>your job is that of a washing machine repairman, prove me wrong

Again, jokes are supposed to be funny. You being butthurt over the superiority of science is not a joke, it's cringeworthy.

>> No.6260489

>g arises naturally from the objective fact
Read Hume if you think you can touch the noumenal.

Facts don't "arise" by themselves unless that fact is "Christ"—facts arise in men.

>is strongly correlated
Keep using the passive voice, it means you don't have to say correlated by whom.

>empirical evidence
>arises naturally from objective fact

Oh god. This is a laugh riot of scienticm.

>> No.6260490


This is absolutely true.

Fiction is trite entertainment at best.

>> No.6260492

Gee, I'm really going to waste time writing a tl;dr explanation of why these glib statements are wrong...No, wait.

>> No.6260494
File: 312 KB, 2197x1465, peter_o&#039;toole.jpg?1387204484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w-when am I going to get my sticky?

>> No.6260501


>> No.6260502

i dont get it

>> No.6260503

He made my life more colorful indeed, through the magic of his words.
He's now eternally in peace, in the private realm of Narrativia.

>> No.6260508

>Keep using the passive voice, it means you don't have to say correlated by whom.
The fucking space lizards.

It's not quantum physics, anon. Observation in this case does not actually get changed by the observer. Different people score differently on different mental tasks, but the same person scores the same on different mental tasks.

I believe that you are now trying to posit that methods of measuring g were specifically chosen to benefit white people somehow.

To which I say two things:

They must not have been fucking good at it then because Jews and Asians consistently score higher


the thing you're very familiar with

the thing you are very afraid of

the one and only

[citation needed]

>> No.6260510

British ISIS recruit.


>> No.6260511
File: 541 KB, 1920x1152, 7a60aefa-45e0-4098-9c94-c8598b0f1469-2060x1236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My new book? I can count to potato!

>> No.6260514


Life is life. Art that addresses life is art. Art that helps you avoid life is non-art.

I do understand its importance for others. I understand the importance of crack for crack addicts too. I still think they'd be better without it and will encourage them to free themselves of it. Why on earth should my intelligence lead me to respect the incorrect values of self-victimisers? Why does memorial matter a fuck when Pratchett is a blank tape now, nothing, a nullity.

I'm not watching a clip from Pratchett media, that can get to fuck.

>> No.6260516

The character doesn't make useless things and complain other people are just using them wrong, he is specifically described as a creative genius who just happened to have zero sense of the scale of numbers. Consequently, things by him are marvellous, but tend to be absurdly over/underscaled, have insane aspect ratios, or completely inappropriate power levels.

It sounds lke you're either complaining about something you've never read, or have such spectacularly poor reading comprehension and a chip on your shoulder about "unworthy" authors that you just leaped at any opportunity to interpret the name as an insult.

>> No.6260519


You're incapable of natural laughter, aspie, so your opinion of the joke doesn't matter. It made me laugh, and I'm the only one whose experience of this exchange I care about, that makes it a successful joke. Every fucking time.

So, what's your job? Tell me, and I'll tell you mine.

>> No.6260520

>Observation in this case does not actually get changed by the observer.
Again, you claim, you can touch the nomenal.

>different mental tasks
>the same on different mental tasks

But wait, the observer has created an apparatus. Obviously the apparatus can, as an extension of this Christ-Made-Scientist touch the noumenal just as well as the Scientist Himself.

>methods of measuring

No, friend, the concept itself. Unless you're saying that Christ Ordained g as a result of His Noumenal Studies.

>> No.6260521


Dubs and a double decker bus kills the both of them.

>> No.6260522


They're not wrong, though.

>> No.6260525

>Art is <...> non-art.
First, that is self-contradictory. Second, [citation needed].

People who don't like things you like are not "self-victimizers", anon, it's called having opinions, you should try one

>> No.6260530


You are more obstinate than a brick wall.

>> No.6260531



>> No.6260534

imagine the lit shitstorm when they discover that pinecone has been dead since 2007

>> No.6260536

I'm actually the President of the United States of America.

I can actually objectively prove that, and I will do so immediately after you prove that genre fiction is not art.

>> No.6260541

Its the personification from Death, from Pratchett's own works.

Basically some huge nerd wrote a short story about Pratchett finally meeting Death himself and he's like how he is in the books.

In the books, Death speaks without quotations and LIKE THIS.

>> No.6260545


No it isn't, and no citation is needed. You don't really read literature, do you?

>> No.6260546


When did the Hallmark cards start talking to you, anon?

>> No.6260550


Are you the same guy? If so, does this mean you suddenly twigged that I might have a better job than you?

I wasn't joking, tell me your job, coward.

>> No.6260554


Wait, what? When has that even come up?

There's so much you don't get that if I wrote it all out it would be nosebleedingly boring, so I might do some basic points.

>> No.6260555

>Again, you claim, you can touch the nomenal.
Empirical evidence exists and I can observe it.

>No, friend, the concept itself.
The concept of there existing a common factor that explains why people's ability to perform unrelated mental tasks is strongly correlated is... inherently racist is what you posit?

So wait.

Let's establish something here. You don't claim that people's ability to perform unrelated mental tasks isn't correlated at all, right?

I mean we can see how they perform on tests and everything. We can see that. Observe it.

>> No.6260561

Science has an obstinance in the face of people who claim to be the Totality and Know It With Perfection.

>> No.6260564

>No it isn't

A = !A contradicts basic fucking logic.

>and no citation is needed.
You made a claim.

>> No.6260569

Jesus you guys argue more than /pol/

>> No.6260573

>I wasn't joking, tell me your job, coward.

I'm not even joking, that is genuinely my job, objectively true, can prove it

but first you with the genre fiction thing

>> No.6260574

>The argument against noumenal experience is tautologically true by self-reduction. Thanks for the demonstration.

You are trying to twist my argument. I never dismissed the idea of subjective perception completely. I merely stated that disregarding objectivity completely is reductionist at best and dishonest at worst.

>You've not actually read or understood Popper.

That is an interesting claim. Untrue, but interesting.

>1) Pleasure of the theory, usually described as simplicity. This exists to avoid the formation of epicycles.
>2) The theory not being countered by major points of evidence. This exists because, obviously, we prefer theories that we view as "least wrong." Though it has been sociologically shown that we tolerate very very wrong theories for a very very long time, particularly if method and apparatus showing the wrongness are viewed as incomprehensible. Think of the phlogiston tipping point.

"Pleasure of the theory" is the weirdest term I've ever seen. Word for word translation from my motherland language would be "plausibility of theory". But thanks for explaining.

>I mean hell, we tolerate Newton as useful lies for children and engineers. Because the "wrongness" lies outside of the scope of the use of the theory.

See, and this is why I hate internet dicsusion. Because without human to human reaction it is hard for me to tell if you are trying to argue against Newtonism or against Newtons laws of motion or universal gravitation, probably form the quantum/scope angle. If former, eh, I can get behind that. If later, we have to set few things straight first.

>You're arguing against the value of phenomenal experience as interpreted by people. The phenomenal experience being texts or drips to titration is beside the point here.

Far from it. I am arguing against adding unnecessary interpretation and connotation to the phenomenal experience.

>> No.6260581


I like to think the impertinent bickering in the memoriam thread is what Terry would have wanted.

>> No.6260583

>implying dirk gently wasnt fantastic

>> No.6260587

>Empirical evidence exists and I can observe it.
Yes. You observe it. The apparatus used to observe it embodies you and your will also.

>The concept of there existing a common factor that explains why people's ability to perform unrelated mental tasks is strongly correlated is... inherently racist is what you posit?

I haven't posited that.

I have claimed that "g" was constructed by people for cultural reasons, and that they did not attack their concept of "g" to attempt to disprove it by reference to empirical reality. This means that "g" represent their cultural conceptions, rather than a useful theorisation of external reality.

You'd note that I've made no claims what-so-ever about whether theories with congruent content to "g" could be true, or what the nature of reality is. I have solely attacked "g" as the specific concept for its limitations, chiefly, that its purpose was sortition of white middle class males above all others.

>You don't claim that people's ability to perform unrelated mental tasks isn't correlated at all, right?
"mental tasks" is another way of saying "g" mate.

And I've made no claims regarding what is likely to be observed in empirical observations. I have no interest in that, or in what could be validly theorised from these observations, and then attacked with other observations designed to destroy the theory thus produced.

I'm interested in why "g" is a shitty concept.

>Observe it.
You're observing the apparatus of the test. The test is designed to verify "g", not to disprove it.

>I like to think the impertinent bickering in the memoriam thread is what Terry would have wanted.

You might like to think that, but if Terry was capable of want, then he would want to be alive.

>> No.6260589


Are you the same autist? Are you really so unfamiliar with how language works?

Right, so you've chickened out. Thought so.

>> No.6260593

>Again, you claim, you can touch the nomenal.

Yes, and he is right. Hume was limited moron who tried to explain his inability to conduct proper experimentation with unilateral lack of availability of objective. Your attempts to deflect any argumentation with his ideas is just as authoritative and zealous as the other anons argumentation from "objective" stance.

>> No.6260597
File: 18 KB, 200x206, confederacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Life is life. Art that addresses life is art. Art that helps you avoid life is non-art.
>arguing that genre fiction doesn't address life.
You just hitting your head against the Ignorance tree hoping for an apple to fall don't you.
You literally avoid watching a clip and then wonder why other people are calling you close-minded. I can't even think of an analogy that's clearer. People are calling you close-minded, and pseudo-intellectual because you LITERALLY refuse to open yourself up to experience and then want a pat on the back for it.

And nobody is expecting you to watch Terry Pratchett's movies or read Terry Pratchett's books, You're under no obligation to watch the clip. It's not ignoring the clip that damns you. It's wanting the pat on the back, it's the fact that you want praise for considering yourself too good to watch something or read something, it's the fact that you're still lurking in a memorial thread to someone who wrote genre fiction, and bitching about genre fiction. It's about the fact that you equate genre fiction to crack, and consider what you read to be fine aged cognac.

Do you get it? Is there any way to spell it out for you? What you do that is obscene is not the avoidance of genre fiction, it's your fervent desire for people to praise you for being above genre fiction. Watching a short clip from a Terry Pratchett movie is a waste of your time, but making several posts complaining about Terry Pratchett isn't. You're so far up your own ass that you're getting high on the methane fumes.

It's about a quest for self improvement so blind that you've actually convinced yourself that the world gives any more of a fuck about an improved version of you. At other times you'd be pitiable, but in a thread devoted to someone who actually did shit instead of spending all of his time trying to polish his own self image? You're not pitiable, you're laughable at best and a damned annoyance.

You've gone full Ignatius J. Reilly, and you should never go full Ignatius J. Reilly.

>> No.6260598


>You might like to think that, but if Terry was capable of want, then he would want to be alive.

Oh, then I guess whatever the fuck you're attempting to do here is pointless and annoying.

>> No.6260602

>Right, so you've chickened out. Thought so.
I think it's YOU who have chickened out on proving your claim that genre fiction is not art.

Doing so would have given you proof that the President of the United States of America talked to you on an anonymous imageboard.

Why disregard such an opportunity?

Almost as if you have no proof.

>> No.6260603


It's perfect. Over several hours, at first working single-handed, I prevented them from mourning Pratchett properly. They deserve it, and so did he. Great night, much kek.

>> No.6260608

>See, and this is why I hate internet dicsusion. Because without human to human reaction it is hard for me to tell if you are trying to argue against Newtonism or against Newtons laws of motion or universal gravitation, probably form the quantum/scope angle. If former, eh, I can get behind that. If later, we have to set few things straight first.

"Lies for children" is a common science education concept in English. It means "we cannot teach children what we currently believe the state of the world to be, because children lack the conceptual apparatus to comprehend what we believe the state of the world to be."

So we teach them very good lies. Newtonian descriptions of reality are deficient against what we currently believe the nature of reality to be. But they prepare children for the emergence of post-Newtonian physics, and they also prepare children to calculate if bridges will stay up.

>against adding unnecessary interpretation and connotation to the phenomenal experience.

The phenomenal experience of texts and language exceeds any individuals' capacity to totalise it, as we can see above, we both have language problems in discussing theory of science and theory of science education, in part, because I don't know your native language, we know different technical languages, and you're (at least) bilingual and don't share the specificity of my use of English. Language exceeds us. The interpretation and connotation of language will exceed the user in the interpretation of literary texts. It is irreducible, and, its irreducibility is the chief interesting point of engaging in the study of texts for readers.

>> No.6260613

>Your attempts to deflect any argumentation with his ideas is just as authoritative and zealous as the other anons argumentation from "objective" stance.
Dealt with above: the phenomenal supports itself tautologically by reduction—all attacks on phenomenal experience due to its phenomenal nature emphasise the impossibility of noumenal experience.

>> No.6260617


It reflects badly on us that /tv/ and /co/ did a better job of mourning Spock than we did Pratchett.

>> No.6260619
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>Error: you cannot report a sticky

>> No.6260620

>Oh, then I guess whatever the fuck you're attempting to do here is pointless and annoying.

Welcome to /lit/, this is true of all human endeavour, time to read Camus and kill yourself.

>> No.6260621


Nobody's called me close-minded, I can only assume you're on two threads at once and got confused.

I've never used a cognac image or any comparable shit. I'm not the kind of person you're trying to categorize me as to avoid thinking.

Try to understand: I am not here for what you think of me. I am here for what I think of you.

>> No.6260627

>It reflects badly on us that /tv/ and /co/ did a better job of mourning Spock than we did Pratchett.

It reflects badly on you that you use /co/ and /tv/, that you believe that men should be mourned, and that you think you can speak for the fucking board.

Go hug a pony and die of syphilis.

>> No.6260628


Not really, I came here from /tv/ specifically to use you as playthings, and it's worked 100%.

>> No.6260632
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>> No.6260634

I hope you have health insurance for librarian attacks.

>> No.6260635

The assumption itself is phenomenal, not noumenal. It is a description of reality too and therefor might just as subjective. Meaning that in the boundaries of assumption itself, touching the objective reality should be possible.

>> No.6260637

>if Terry was capable of want, then he would want to be alive.
That might not even be true considering Pratchett wanted to commit suicide to avoid suffering from Alzheimers further.

>I have claimed that "g" was constructed by people for cultural reasons
That has absolutely no relevance on the fact that we can observe the same people performing the same on unrelated mental tasks.

>"mental tasks" is another way of saying "g" mate.
Actually the concept of g is an interpretation of results of people's performance on mental tasks.

So you're saying that mental tasks don't exist or what?

>And I've made no claims regarding what is likely to be observed in empirical observations.
Empirical observations is what matters, as opposed to complaining about those observations because people who initially made them were white.

Fine, jesus christ.

I concede that point for the sake of the argument.

Let's say that only people of the white race can perform the same on unrelated mental tasks. What does that infer?

>> No.6260639

Art is not about logic. Art is about pleasure, hierarchy, class and connotation.

We were all born in an era of screen media. Reading is not really physically enjoyable for us. It's a chore. It has to be a rewarding one. A serious novel like Bernhard's or Sebald's is rewarding. Plot-driven, samey genre stuff is not rewarding. It makes no sense to go to the physical effort of reading for something you could watch in a fraction of the time in a movie or on TV, unless you're an exposition junkie. I'm not. So I read fun prose, art prose, modernist prose. Not plot prose.

Only cunt, money and power matter to me. Cultural capital is a form of power.

>> No.6260641
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>Gets roasted

>> No.6260648

A(A) doesn't produce B mate. It is phenomenal turtles all the way down unless you're Kierkegaard and believe you can know the lack.

>> No.6260651


No, what happened was, you asked me what my job was, I said I'll tell you if you went first, and you suddenly backed out and attempted a joke.

Do you still want to know my job? I'll tell you, but the difference is, I won't be making a lame joke. Then if you want to be honest, go ahead and tell me yours. It would be more honest of you to tell me yours first, but whatever, if you want to know, ask again and I'll tell you.

>> No.6260652

You care what other people enjoy. Ergo You care what other people think about other things. Things which you embrace as an extension of your self image, either works of art you esteem or more abstractly, philosophies and virtues that you value.
In other words, you care what people think of your extended self. At least enough to fervently defend it as justification for crass behavior. The idea that you use to rationalize disrespecting the man's thread is that the man's work wasn't worth respect as it wasn't something you could embrace as a part of your extended self image. It's not something you could identify with so it's not worth respect.

This is all about you. You're just too deluded to see it.

>> No.6260653


Well, this thread is shit, and there's no question there are/were at least a few trolls in this thread.

>> No.6260654


>> No.6260656


When did I get roasted? Who am I?

>> No.6260666


>> No.6260672


What's your job? Not him, but you seem desperate to tell us.

>> No.6260676

>and you suddenly backed out and attempted a joke.
It's not a joke. Do you understand how jokes work?

A joke is telling a person 10+ times that he is a washing machine repairman because he disagrees with you that you don't have to prove your objective claims about books.

I'm genuinely the President of the United States.

It is a true claim, and the proof of that claim will come immediately after you prove that genre fiction is not art.

>> No.6260677

Just found out about this. Guess I really should check out Discworld.

>> No.6260682

not him, what's your job?

you seem to not shut up about it

>> No.6260683
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sweet dreams

>> No.6260684


>When did I get roasted?
The very moment you were born
>Who am I?
The man who was roasted

>> No.6260689

Fuck man. Genuinely sad ;_;

>> No.6260691

>So we teach them very good lies. Newtonian descriptions of reality are deficient against what we currently believe the nature of reality to be. But they prepare children for the emergence of post-Newtonian physics, and they also prepare children to calculate if bridges will stay up.

Really? You do that? Why not use the, ufck, I guess, it would be used the "foundation theory" of education. Assert that theories change and evolve at the very beginning, using some simple thought experiments. And then broaden the picture as the little snots go through the education process. This way they can get the basic understanding of, for example, mechanics, mathematics etc. without closing themselves to the ideas beyond those, without gaining authoritative bias.

>The phenomenal experience of texts and language exceeds any individuals' capacity to totalise it, as we can see above, we both have language problems in discussing theory of science and theory of science education, in part, because I don't know your native language, we know different technical languages, and you're (at least) bilingual and don't share the specificity of my use of English. Language exceeds us. The interpretation and connotation of language will exceed the user in the interpretation of literary texts. It is irreducible, and, its irreducibility is the chief interesting point of engaging in the study of texts for readers.

I don't know if I should be a hypocrite and attack you for even remotely suggesting that obstacles like language or personal perception could twist and change our experience of information. But like I said, it would be hypocrisy because I've pretty much based my BA thesis on that subject some time ago, despite the notion being highly scorned in the scientific circles of my country at the time.

Or should I stay true to my personal ideas and partially agree, with a side note that I find it interesting applied to literary criticism.

>> No.6260692

What's your awesome cool job? Picture and a timestamp as proof pls

>> No.6260693

hey I read Carpet People when I was a kid

rip :^(

>> No.6260695


No, I only care what some people think of things. I care that there are enough of those people to keep the things going. That's it. It's nothing to do with self image, it's to do with culture.

No, I only care what some people think of me. One of my moral bedrocks is the recognition that not everyone is of the same worth to me - it would be fatuous to pretend otherwise. It isn't crass to treat subhumans as subhumans, it's sport. I don't need to rationalize 'disrespecting' something that's disreputable. It's not 'the man's' thread, you baby, it wasn't started by him or anyone close to him in any case.

Of course it's about me, my presence here is for my own entertainment, I told you that - it's about what I think of you, not the other way around. Do you genuinely possess no sense of self other than what people signal back to you?

>> No.6260699

you might walk with death friend

>> No.6260700

>That might not even be true considering Pratchett wanted to commit suicide to avoid suffering from Alzheimers further.
>to avoid suffering from Alzheimers further
So he wanted to be alive.

>That has absolutely no relevance on the fact that we can observe the same people performing the same on unrelated mental tasks.
This is undemonstrated, and in particular you haven't produced a valid theory that allows you to observe this. You're reliant on "g" which you import into your observation as "mental tasks."

You need to reconstruct a theory of generalised intelligence, develop a strong set of attacks on it that can be tested empirically, and tolerate your theory only to the extent that you haven't yet managed to destroy it. Otherwise you're just replicating the same problem with the original construction of "g".

In particular you need a way to differentiate cultural specificity of intelligence from general intelligence. Personally I'd just measure "c" or culturally specific intelligence, say the purpose of my intelligence testing is to recruit officers for the military from the general population, and get on with the task without grandiose claims that aren't theoretically justified.

>the concept of "g" is an interpretation of people's performances on mental tasks.
The experimental apparatus contains the theory that they sought to prove. And they sought to prove their theory.

>So you're saying mental tasks don't exist
No, I'm saying that the concept of mental tasks is an experimental apparatus that can only exist in the framework of the concept of "g".

>Empirical observations matter
Sure they do. And when they're done positivistically through apparatus designed to prove the theory that only make sense within the theory, remarkably, the theory is proved.

>for the sake of arguement
>Let's say that only people of the white race can perform the same on unrelated mental tasks. What does that infer?

"g" was fit for purpose for selecting officers for the United States in WWI, that its cultural use has been in maintaining the structure of society that "g" was designed for, up until "g" was criticised, when "g" was modified to fit new structures of "whiteness." That "g" is actually a measure of cultural adaption, has been used as such, and is pretty successful in this use.

That science has been blinded to the natures of human intelligence by having a cultural measure acting in the place of a general measure, which has left research tracks unexplored.

That the concept of "general" intelligence needs to be questioned because of the cultural specificity of human performances, and that culturally specific performance capacity is a better avenue of research funding to explore the instrumental uses of intelligence.

That putting a "sheen" of science over a dog was popular in the early 20th century.

Lots of interesting and instrumentalisable things.

>> No.6260701

It's funny that you try to bad mouth Kierkegaard and yet use Hume as a shield.

>> No.6260709


Well he got me thinking it's kind of funny, but I was hoping he'd say what kind of programmer he is first. Anyway, the answer is:

I do various stuff in the arts but my essential job is nonexistent, I have a private income from family money. Which is hilarious.

>> No.6260711

Considering the amount of Horatian satire in Pratchett's work, which very much addresses life, you agree it's art?

>> No.6260715


Whoa, existentialism.

>> No.6260721


No, it's genre fiction, isn't it?

There isn't any Horatian satire in his stuff because it's for suburban drips who watch Time Team. Hierarchy, man.

>> No.6260726


Art is semantics. Pratchett's cultural relevance and importance is not contingent on what you may or may not call his work.

>> No.6260728

>You do that?
I don't. I have to teach the late adolescents whatever businessmen want universities to teach them. Academic freedom is illusory. But that's how science education happens in the English world, particularly in schools.

I don't think children are prepared for the non-authoritative nature of science until they're around 16 anyway, and that's when they get Galileo, Oxygen theory and model of the atom, etc. Not that they teach spdfgh, they teach "quantisised electron orbitals" as most useful for the level of chemistry on offer.

Most children don't take on the concept of the tenuousness of all knowledge ever. "Will this be on the test." "I'll just say what the text book says." "So what's right?" Fuck Undergraduates. Acquire Graduate Students.

>applied to literary criticism

The thing is, while situated and subjective knowledge is situated and subjective, it can still talk about observed external reality. Holden Caulfield says he is being molested by his father on page 1 of Catcher in the Rye. Only people conducting perverse misreadings can argue otherwise.

>> No.6260729

You know you could have just said "I don't have one"

>> No.6260730

Is the argument here that a man can't be a genius because of the nature of the thing he produces?
Is it that hamburgers are not haute cuisine, so therefore someone cannot be a genius at making hamburgers?
How far does that extend? Cause that sort of implicitly ties the intelligence of a product's creator to their creation and damns people like Marie Curie for finding out that radiation is deadly the hard way.
So if genre fiction is low class, then we're saying someone can't be a genius at creating it?
Like pop music is generic and tame as an overall genre, so we're saying there can't be people who are better at producing it and people who are worse at it?

Why is being a genius at creating genre fiction not worth acknowledgement, did the sticky take up too much attention that deserved to be placed upon David Foster Wallace gags and shelf threads?

>> No.6260733




>> No.6260736

>he thinks I'm bad mouthing Kierkegaard

>> No.6260740

I'm just arguing that from that anon's POV Pratchett's work is very much art, considering real life issues are the driving message behind quite a few books, just look at Small Gods, Equal Rites and Jingo.

You have to be a special kind of retarded not to see that.

Oh right, i forgot, sorry.

>> No.6260743

Carpe Jugulum or Equal Rights, Granny Weatherwax is the shit.

>> No.6260744


That would have created entirely the wrong connotation.

>> No.6260746

>did the sticky take up too much attention that deserved to be placed upon David Foster Wallace gags and shelf threads?

>> No.6260747

>So he wanted to be alive.
He wanted to be alive without Alzheimers. But since that is not possible, he wanted death instead.

>No, I'm saying that the concept of mental tasks is an experimental apparatus that can only exist in the framework of the concept of "g".
jesus you're one dense motherfucker.

Either mental tasks exist or they don't.

If mental tasks exist, then we can talk about g as a way to explain why people are good at all of them or bad at all of them. You're welcome to introduce some other theory that explains it.

>"g" was fit for purpose for selecting officers for the United States in WWI

And it's fit for measuring people's capability to perform mental tasks now! How are you incapable of understanding this? The cultural framework is irrelevant here.

Ballistics has been developed to accurately shoot arrows and stones at people.

We now use it to launch rockets into space.

>the concept of "general" intelligence needs to be questioned because of the cultural specificity of human performances

Actually cultural performance plays rather little into this, because general intelligence is strongly hereditary, also it is strongly correlated with race.

>> No.6260749


When did this 'is it art' thing come in, I can't remember saying anything about that.

>> No.6260750

Connotations don't matter. You're a trust fund baby and a leech on society.

While I am the president of the united states. We are on completely different levels.

>> No.6260751


To be fair, if you were told without context that the discoverer of radiation poisoning discovered it by dying of radiation poisoning, you'd be a little skeptical of their intelligence.

>> No.6260756

>Life is life. Art that addresses life is art. Art that helps you avoid life is non-art.

>> No.6260763

>Hierarchy, man.
Is that a new /lit/ meme?

I'm not keeping up with freshman philosophers who idolize Proust.

>> No.6260764


I'm glad you're getting the point now about hierarchy.

Here's the point, right: there are high culture practitioners who come from more ordinary and downright poor backgrounds than Pratchett. The difference is the understanding of hierarchy. The only thing preventing Pratchett from being an artist was the wrong view of what writing, and indeed culture as a whole, is about.

>> No.6260771



>> No.6260773

Ha, I've been here for two days.

>> No.6260777

>The only thing preventing Pratchett from being an artist
Actually nothing prevented Pratchett from being an artist because he was one.

>> No.6260778


Of course they matter! I'm not a leech on 'society', no, because I don't take a penny from any source raised through taxation.

>> No.6260780


How does one of your choices in entertainment correlate directly to your moral seriousness?

Also, where's the fucking spook patrol when you need them?

>> No.6260782

Calling it now Paul McCartney dies within the next few months.

>> No.6260785

>Either mental tasks exist or they don't.
Back to the noumena are we? You describe a set of phenomena that you believe you observe and that you believe are interdependent with a theoretical term.

The only way in which this term makes sense is if you already adhere to the concept of "g". The concept of mental tasks is entirely theoretically dependent on "g".

>You're welcome to introduce some other theory
No thanks, I'd rather demolish yours. I'm not required to build up some other positive shibboleth in order to demonstrate that your ideas are liquid faeces.

>And it's fit for measuring people's capability to perform mental tasks now!
>"g" measures "g" because "g" says "g" exists.
>How are you incapable of understanding this?

Because your theory is reliant upon:
1) Unsubstantiated claim about external reality
2) Tautological interpretation of its own theoretical terms to support itself

That's a pretty fucking good reason to reject the meaningfulness of your experimental apparatus in interpreting external reality.

>> No.6260786


No, he was a journalist writing watered-down Adams for suburbanites.

>> No.6260791


>genre fiction is not art
>please prove it
>actually no one can ever prove anything because nothing is objective
>so i think that genre fiction is art then

I think Pratchett would have wanted this.

>> No.6260792


No, it's something I'm saying now. Not a freshman, didn't read philosophy at university, do love Proust.

>> No.6260794


Ah right, well obviously writing about how rap music is bollocks in a thinly-veiled way in your wizard land is a way of avoiding life.

>> No.6260797


He was a big fan of subverting tone.

>> No.6260798
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>It's not 'the man's' thread, you baby, it wasn't started by him or anyone close to him in any case.
>A thread devoted to his memory has no value if it's not started by his close kin.
>Doesn't understand how celebrity works.

> it's sport.
>Of course it's about me, my presence here is for my own entertainment, I told you that - it's about what I think of you, not the other way around. Do you genuinely possess no sense of self other than what people signal back to you?

You just keep ceasing to amaze in your ignorance. You actually think being a troll is a better rationalization for your behavior than being a pretentious snob.
You said it, I didn't, but you don't seem to realize you knocked yourself down a peg. That you are only here for your own sake, that's obvious, nobody's bound and chained and forced to lurk 4chan....at least I think not, but I wouldn't be a hundred percent shocked if I was wrong about that.

So your behavior all comes down to how you behave, and what you get out of it. Your behavior is clear. Pissing on somebody's grave, what you get out of it, entertainment. And your rationalization? That you're superior to those who care about the grave you're pissing on.

I don't think there needs to be anything more said here. Since there really is no point in debating you. I'm going to end this little back and forth right here, whether you respond or not, I think this is the appropriate point to call it to a halt.
Only really posting this one because of my own self interest. See, I like to bookend things. I'm a bit of a long winded asshole after all.

Farewell Terry, you will be missed.

>> No.6260800


All your choices in every area of life relate to your moral seriousness.

>> No.6260805

No, I'm pretty sure he was a novelist, not a journalist.

>there can only be one good comedy book

Pratchett is wildly different from Adams in ideas and tone, you must not understand British humor in general.

>> No.6260807



What the hell does that even mean at this point?

>> No.6260809

People forcing memes. Every board has one. /ck/ has "flyover food", /v/ has "PCucks"...

>> No.6260812

>Academic freedom is illusory. But that's how science education happens in the English world, particularly in schools.

Preach to the choir. Well, not really. Eastern Europe here. Right after the fall of USSR and subsequent fall of communism we had real academic freedom around here. Between 1990 and 2000 it was free for all, meritocratic science market, both in schools and at universities. Good times.

>The thing is, while situated and subjective knowledge is situated and subjective, it can still talk about observed external reality. Holden Caulfield says he is being molested by his father on page 1 of Catcher in the Rye. Only people conducting perverse misreadings can argue otherwise.

Eh, I was thinking more about how the interpretation of Caufileds talk with two nuns would look through the eyes of people from different cultures and with different backgrounds. But I can see where you are coming from.

>> No.6260815

>I come to a Sudanese cardboard papercraft blog to discuss Bernhard and Sebald, look at how smart and powerful i am

>> No.6260825

>Eh, I was thinking more about how the interpretation of Caufileds talk with two nuns would look through the eyes of people from different cultures and with different backgrounds.

And New Criticism would let us say, "When we introduce the Deaf-Mute sequence with the nuns with context(A) we get context(A(Catcher)), and context(B) we get context(B(Catcher)) and the meanings remain stable (if well interpreted) between readers.

>> No.6260834

I began reading discworld novels when i was a kid so yeah, they were a part of my childhood. I was a odd kid, preferred books over everything else. Maybe thats why i felt at home reading about the discworld and its strange characters.

The books i had to read in school are a unpleasant memory. As an adult i value classics like Catcher In The Rye or Goethes Faust (Yeah, i read about everything) but as a kid/young adult it was the most boring books a teacher could pick. One could claim, Terry Pratchett is one reason why i never stopped loving books.

I will miss his pinpoint humour.

>> No.6260840


I 'keep ceasing to amaze'? I can't imagine what this means.

Finally, you get it!

Those aren't 'rationalizations', though, they're *the reasons*.

I'm not called Terry. OH, that asshole! Yeah, I guess he will be by some.

>> No.6260842

True, but isn't the majority of human progress not about humans realizing something is smart to do and therefore undertaking it, or is it realizing that something is stupid and cutting that shit out. Trial and error, my friend.

And you only have to ask /ic or /co about art and accuracy, I mean you will find beautifully, elaborately painstakingly crafted pictures, and you could justifiably say, "hey, that's anatomically incorrect."
And they'd say, yeah, but it's art and it's genius.
Or to not take the analogy quite as far, we just ask them to argue the merit of complex, psychological graphic novels and trade comics, and they would say that one is superior to the other, but that wouldn't mean that within the subcategory of trade comics that there weren't geniuses.

I mean isn't that all this argument is? A failure to sub-categorize. People saying, "literary art is superior to genre fiction" but not being able to see that within the category of genre fiction there are geniuses and there are crap artists?

>> No.6260849

"Everything changes everything, or at least it's supposed to, I forget why, but it's probably quantum, things like that usually are."

>> No.6260854


Journalists can write novels. George Orwell was a journalist who wrote novels. Jonathan Meades is a novelist who writes journalism. It's a question of how good the writing is.


It means people who live in suburbs.

>> No.6260856


That's Jimmy Saville you twat.

>> No.6260860

Eric Blair's novels were universally shitty or essays-in-a-novel's-clothes, with the exception of Keep the Aspidistra Flying where he wrote his own, pathetic, experience with honesty.

Even in Burmese Days Blair fails to comprehend his own sexual repression adequately to be honest about it.

>> No.6260865

>You describe a set of phenomena that you believe you observe
Science is not something that I observe. Science is something that you also observe.

You seem to be missing that part.

>The only way in which this term makes sense is if you already adhere to the concept of "g".

Mental tasks predate the g theory. You're literally arguing backwards.

>The concept of mental tasks is entirely theoretically dependent on "g".

So do mental tasks exist or not?

>No thanks, I'd rather demolish yours.

Do try, so far you haven't offered shit aside from complaining about whiteness and noumena despite not understanding the concept of empirical evidence.

Here is a thing. If you can empirically observe and I can empirically observe something, if every one of the seven billion people on this planet throws an apple and it falls to the ground, IT DOESN'T ACTUALLY MATTER IF IT SECRETLY ACTUALLY FALLS INTO SPACE ALTHOUGH NO ONE CAN OBSERVE THAT IN ANY WAY

talking about things we cannot observe is absolutely and utterly pointless.

and people's ability to perform the same on different mental tasks? that we can very much observe.

>> No.6260870
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> they always come in threes
Matt Groening just died this morning.

>> No.6260873


> I mean isn't that all this argument is? A failure to sub-categorize. People saying, "literary art is superior to genre fiction" but not being able to see that within the category of genre fiction there are geniuses and there are crap artists?

Dipping in here from the other conversations now they're over. No, I can see it fine, it just doesn't matter to me, because it's about hierarchy. A crap literary writer is still more interesting to a literary reader than a good genre writer, and always will be, because the literary reader ranks those kinds of experiences differently.

>> No.6260874

Very sad when I heard. He just kept writing so many books you kind of assumed they were never-ending. One of my favorite authors, for sure.

Just started reading Making Money, after having read the watch novels, death novels and the industrial revolution over the last 2-3 years.

>> No.6260876

What world do you live in that B.S. Johnson was a household name? Before Like a Fiery Elephant he was pretty marginal. Even if Pratchett was referencing him by name it could just as easily be a knowing shout-out

Go fuck yourself

>> No.6260879

>It means people who live in suburbs.
Now now, it could mean people who live below urbanites, have we really checked the sewers lately?

>> No.6260882


That was awesome, that gave me one of the keys to how I've approached this thread, whoever did it just made me laugh again when I moved over the post number.

>> No.6260884
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>> No.6260886

Yes. Only gators there.

>> No.6260890

wouldn't stop the simpsons, have no fears they've got stories for years

>> No.6260892

>It's a question of how good the writing is.

Actually, it's a question of whether you write news.

If you write news, you're a journalist. Pratchett didn't write news, he wrote novels.

>It means people who live in suburbs.
And they are somehow inferior to you?

>> No.6260903

1. That makes no sense because the dichotomy of genre fiction / literary fiction is meaningless, subjective and artificial
2. The "literary reader" in question is a complete idiot then, and his opinions have no value.

>> No.6260908

>dirty suburban scum
>not inherently inferior to the enlightened artists and warrior poets of the city

>> No.6260909

>despite not understanding the concept of empirical evidence.
I'm quite happy to say now no, mental tasks must not exist, you have not established the concept, nor have you established tests conducted against the concept.

>talking about things we cannot observe is absolutely and utterly pointless.
So you believe your theory is absolutely and utterly pointless?

>> No.6260911


I absolutely concur.

There's no reason why Orwell's novels should be more esteemed than those of his mentor Chesterton, except that Orwell's opinions are largely endorsed by those who decide these things and Chesterton's are largely rejected.

>> No.6260912

Not telling you to leave, cause I don't want this to be a flame war or even an argument, but instead am asking this out of legitimate curiosity.

If it is a matter of gradation, a literary reader preferring crap literary writers over genre writes, then why would a literary reader even be here. I mean it seems like any reader indifferent to genre fiction wouldn't be likely to be involved in the thread at all, and the thread would only attract those who either liked or disliked genre fiction.

>> No.6260915

I recommend a healthy dose of Koestler.

>> No.6260917


You've said what I've wanted to say for sooooo long. Some subconscious niggling creeping it's way out. Thank you sir.

>> No.6260918

> you have not established the concept, nor have you established tests conducted against the concept.

Actually the concept of g is tested plenty, mainly due to people like you whining about its whiteness.

Guess what though?

It stands.

>So you believe your theory is absolutely and utterly pointless?
People who are shit at math are shit at logic.

People who are good at math are good at logic.

I can observe that.

>> No.6260923

I think Chesterton was a enormously skilled writer. Is he considered acceptable by the /lit/ elite?

>> No.6260927


Yep. I know the internet has a bad reputation for this sort of stuff but fucking hell. The man was a national treasure. Why disrespect him in such a manner?

>> No.6260929


No, actually, it's a question of how good the writing is.

Usually, their aesthetic standards and level of cultural education is lower than that of people who read literary fiction. Not invariably, but Pratchett was a pro and knew full well the kind of people he was flattering.

>> No.6260930

What's g?

>> No.6260934

Bloody Stupid Johnson was a reference/parody of "Capability" Brown.

>> No.6260937


No, it isn't. Genre readers slip up like this time and again. Read Thomas Bernhard's Correction. Read a Discworld book by Pratchett. If you can't perceive the difference, I'll be very surprised.

>> No.6260939

>No, actually, it's a question of how good the writing is.
Citation needed, I'm pretty sure "journalist" means "person who writes news" rather than "writer who is shit because he wrote genre fiction and genre fiction sucks because i said so"

>> No.6260940

That's what we're afraid of.

>> No.6260942

>a : a person engaged in journalism; especially : a writer or editor for a news medium
>b : a writer who aims at a mass audience

>a person who keeps a journal

>> No.6260943


I'm here for fun, and because the board is called /lit/ and on the intermittent occasions I want to post here, I always do it for lit.

>> No.6260944

>blind to apparatus containing theory
>projects claims into reality instead of acknowledging their theoretical content
>argues as if his normative racialism is at stake rather than a shitting 19th century concept of humanity

Mate, you are everything wrong with scienticm. And you are almost certainly why "scientific" racism is rejected on cultural grounds of distaste rather than on the basis of any attempt to falsify claims.

>> No.6260946

Going postal tv movie was breddy good

>> No.6260950

This is one of the worst threads I've ever seen on 4chan.

>> No.6260951

>Why disrespect him in such a manner?
You're posting on a Laotian weaving site dedicated to masturbating to needlepoint images of Cambodian adolescent girls, and you're asking why this website vomits shit on everything that everyone else claims to love?


>> No.6260958

Who cares? He's not even a good writer.

>> No.6260959



>> No.6260960


I don't know, I don't post here very often, but I like him. I mean, I think he was a better fictional prose writer than Orwell, hence my view of the reason for their relative status.

>> No.6260961

He wasted his talent.

>> No.6260962

>If you can't perceive the difference, I'll be very surprised.
I can perceive the difference between two books by two different authors, thank you. I don't think how that is relevant.

You can't divide books into two categories: "books that adhere to a genre" and "books that have literary merit". The dichotomy makes no sense because there can be books that adhere to a genre and have literary merit, or books that do neither.

And certainly therefore calling people "genre authors" or "genre readers" in a derogatory way is meaningless.

>> No.6260965


Could you please just clarify if you have tested as being on the autistic spectrum? It will save a lot of time. Not snark I just want to cut to the chase rather than do this 'what are aesthetics' thing.

>> No.6260969

>whether or not you're a journalist isn't dependent on whether or not you write news
please, please tell me you're trolling.

>> No.6260972


I thought it was Terry Wogan they got to commentate?

>> No.6260974



>> No.6260975
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>> No.6260977

Are we going to have a sticky when Stephen King dies, too?

How about Tom Clancy? Or James Patterson?

>> No.6260978

not the board, I mean this thread specifically

>> No.6260981


No. It's measurably a different kind of writing. There is absolutely no point in pretending otherwise.

>> No.6260983

I don't like the world "scientism". I prefer the phrase "being right".

I'm amazed that you expect me to prove to you the concept of fucking mental tasks. It's asinine.

"nothing can ever be right or wrong! everything is subjective! whether or not the scientists were white is more important than the result of their studies"

Hume is a worthless hack who despised science and wants to stop its progress, and you are too.

>> No.6260987


Follow the exchange back, I'm referring to cases where journalists write novels but their prose remains a journalist's prose, as opposed to cases where novelists

>> No.6260988

>Tom Clancy
I have some news for you.

>> No.6260991


.... write journalism but keep their novels' prose distinct.

>> No.6260993

>feeling sympathy for a coward who killed himself and abandoned his family because he was such a fuck up.

>> No.6260994

Maybe it is that sticky threads are not handed out based on literary merit, but on how much disruption the death would otherwise cause the board.

>> No.6260997


>yfw you figure out this guy was gibbering about IQ for the last several hours

>> No.6261001

>I don't like the world "scientism". I prefer the phrase "being right".

Which is kind of the point exactly. Despite all Popper's failings, he at least knew that he would never, ever, be right. You have taken your place alongside Aristotle and the Scholastics today. Go be "right" with the joy of the religious in certitude of the resurrection of your theory from any critique, protected by your epicycles of confirmationalism.

>> No.6261003

eh, there's never any point in screaming into the wind or personifying tornadoes but we still give them names and call them bastards for eating farmhouses. If 4chan's response to death of a popular figure can be said to be just a natural deterministic expression of its inherent nature, than surely the response to its response is just as deterministic.

some kind of reflexive on the "haters gonna hate" axiom, like "meta-haters gonna hate haters hating"
eh, that doesn't flow as well.

>> No.6261004

Isn't Tom Clancy that video game guy?

>> No.6261009

I won't cry. It just means less published crap.

>> No.6261013

undergraduates gonna undergraduate.

>> No.6261014

Carpet people.

I still love it

>> No.6261015

Okay, this isn't even an argument.

You are just telling me "you are wrong and I am right".

g factor is different from IQ

g factor is literally "some people are smart" and this autist argues against the very concept

The difference between my point of you and yours is that my point of view achieves actual results.

I say: "This is how we go to the stars" and you say "you can't prove that the stars exist"

>> No.6261016


He's a prolific writer of gunwank that has naturally trickled into video game adaptations.

>> No.6261023

>my point of view achieves actual results

I haven't put a point of view. You're functionally illiterate.

By the way, we didn't get to the stars on confirmationalism. We got their on post-Popperian Kuhnian refutationalism.

>> No.6261024


Same reason, fun. Sport.

>> No.6261026


I'm not anon but fuck you. His point is still valid.

>> No.6261029

You're disdain is noted, you get a biscuit for hating who literary critics tell you to hate. But you still need to work on salivating whenever you hear a bell ring, no sense in only having a partially trained Pavlovian response.

>> No.6261032
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>> No.6261034

That flows even worse

>> No.6261041

No, we actually got there by exploding things and pointing the explosion the right way while you guys were talking about Hume and Popper.

>I haven't put a point of view.
More of a high-pitched whine. "scientism is bad" "empirical evidence is bad" "observing anything and not assuming it's a meaningless racist hallucination is noumenal" "prove that mental tasks exist"

>> No.6261046


They're two different kinds of work for the writer, there's no two ways about it. You can usually tell whether someone's reading a genre book or a literary one from the shape of the paragraphs, before you even get near enough to see the specific words. When people express this view that there's literally no difference between the two I can only assume they avoid literary fiction entirely.

>> No.6261050

Keep it up mate.

>> No.6261058


> You're

Heh heh!

>> No.6261064

Why can't yellow cunts who aren't as human as they think they are start dropping off?

>> No.6261065
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>> No.6261068


Terry Pratchett fan there.

>> No.6261072

Sleep well Terry. I read Men at Arms and loved it. Perhaps now I'll get to read the rest.

>> No.6261077

>When people express this view that there's literally no difference between the two I can only assume they avoid literary fiction entirely.
Well I guess then people whose entire career is literary criticism have never touched literary fiction before since Kurt Vonnegut is considered to be literary fiction despite writing obviously sci fi and JRR Tolkien is considered literary fiction now despite being shat on by his contemporary critics and being so obviously high fantasy that he literally defined the genre.

With that in mind, prove that books that adhere to a genre do not have any literary merit.

>> No.6261087

RIP in peace

>> No.6261090

Neither Kurt Vonnegut or JRR Tolkien are considered to have any literary merit, on this board or otherwise.

>> No.6261096


They really came out of the woodwork for this one. However it seems to be more than usual. I'm guessing there's contingents from other boards commenting on this thread in particular.

>> No.6261108


The proof is that your first sentence didn't include a single piece of punctuation, and you were mouthing it as you typed it.

>> No.6261115


It's mostly me, I find you cunts fun.

>> No.6261120

Crossboarder death tourist here.

This thread has confirmed for me that /lit/ is psuedointellectual cancer

>> No.6261121

You want a non-edgy evaluation?

His sci-fi and gnomes juvenalia is shit and derivative.

His first three discworld novels are confused, under edited and trite.

His core works are formulaic and situation comedic.

His later works suffer from his degenerative condition, and from self-satire, particularly in Ankh Morpork novels, that are basically fan gratification. He basically should have dropped his work a very very long time ago and has been publicly gratifying himself on his readers.

With the exception of the Aching novels that are actually good.

His humourism is trite when compared to a master like PG Wodehouse.

>> No.6261131


Bear in mind I wrote most of this and I'm usually on /tv/ these days.

>> No.6261132

That's not proof. That's just you complaining about my punctuation instead of offering an actual argument.

Not even spelling. Punctuation.

>and you were mouthing it as you typed it.

And prove this. Objectively.

>> No.6261133

Celebrity deaths usually don't get to me, but reading those final tweets from his daughter brought me to tears. The world is a darker place today.

>> No.6261136

New person here. How can people determine literary merit? Isn't it just, like, a person's opinion that determines whether a work is good or not?

>> No.6261137

cross boarder detected, fuck off back to >>>/Nepalese Pedophiles/

>> No.6261139


Every fucking line of your rant is subject to opinion, besides your claim his disease hindered him, which could possibly be proven.

>> No.6261140


Thank you for this.

>> No.6261146

>How can people determine literary merit?
New Criticism

In general "literary criticism."

>Isn't it just, like, a person's opinion

Isn't whether litmus is blue or pink a person's opinion.

>> No.6261147

People who read literary fiction determine literary merit.

>> No.6261153

"Good boy! You spotted a grammatical error. We thought it would have taken much longer to ingrain that into you, but you're developing wonderfully. But next time respond just a hair faster, remember you're looking to react predictably AND automatically, without thinking and contributing nothing. Timing is a factor."

>> No.6261154


>Thinks there's an objective truth

Ha ha. Good one anon.

>> No.6261155

>is subject to opinion
That's the nature of literary criticism. I could, however, textually substantiate these claims if we weren't in a 3000 character per post format. Other users of /lit/ can of course freely introspect on my claims based on their reading of Pratchett and replicate them. Generally the users of /lit/ have at least the most basic training in literary criticism.

Replicable opinion is the greatest that humans can aspire to, by the way.

>> No.6261170


We're not always like this, just altogether too often.

>> No.6261171

>New Criticism

>being focused 100% on analyzing form
>implying these are the only two possible approaches to criticism
>implying they are objective in the first place

jesus fuck

>Isn't whether litmus is blue or pink a person's opinion.

Oh, okay, so you can't prove that genre fiction can never have literary merit, but whether something has literary merit is objective rather than dependent on opinion and subject to discussion? Haven't you considered the fact that it's the other way round?

Also don't bring science analogies into this. Science >>>>> literary criticism.

>> No.6261172

He was in Inherent Vice though

>> No.6261173


Yes, its proof. A literary reader wouldn't have done that. They appeal to different kinds of attention. Most Pratchett fans who've commented have made kid-level spelling errors, repeatedly. That just doesn't happen with literary readers - they make typos, sure, but not like getting 'they're', 'their' and 'there' mixed up. Genre readers like repetition. They're apt to be slow learners.

The objective proof that it's true is your reaction to my saying it. If I was wrong you'd have swatted it aside.

>> No.6261187

>actually reacting to these homonym errors.
Not him, but wow, you're not just new to 4chan, you're new to the internet altogether. Is it everything the salesperson at best buy promised it would be?

>> No.6261190

I was going to write a lengthy refutation of your Anglocentric worldview, but:

>Yes, its proof.
Oh the fucking irony… genre reader.

>> No.6261194

>>implying they are objective in the first place
You use the word "objective" and you have no fucking idea whatsoever what it means.

You also have no understanding, none, none-what-so-ever, of New Criticism.

I also didn't imply anything about the limits of literary criticism, but supplied two evidence points, of two wildly different interpretive methods, of supplying stable interpretive meanings.

>so you can't prove that genre fiction can never have literary merit.

Of course not, that's the black swan example perfected you fucking cretin.

>but whether something has literary merit is objective
No of course it fucking isn't you stupid cunt, learn what "objective" actually means. Stable interpretive frames aren't fucking objective.

>Science >>>>> literary criticism.
Only after 1970. And only due to the French. Which is precisely why I didn't specify post-structuralism and reader reception as valid forms of interpretation.

>> No.6261196


>Anglocentric worldview

>> No.6261207
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>Science >>>>> literary criticism
>there are people who LOVE SCIENCE on /lit/ right now

>> No.6261208

You're welcome. I think the Aching series have enduring merits for distilling the essence of the Witches cycle on female identity as a resistance space, and applying it to the classical fantasy subject of the hero-on-cusp-of-adulthood.

Black Cauldron grade YA fiction. Which is quite an achievement for a brain degenerated genre half-competent humourist who churned out cookie cutter masturbation for the US geek-culture public's onanism.

>> No.6261213


If I can put you in your place using those errors, why try harder?


I'm glad you agree it's important. Getting you to do that is why I included that error. You won't believe that, but the main thing is you've just concurred with me. So why exactly should I take that run-on gabble seriously?

>> No.6261219
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>> No.6261229


Well he liked young girls. ;)

Know what I mean?

>> No.6261237

Consider this:

English is not most people's first language. It is not mine, for example.

>I'm glad you agree it's important.
I never said that. I am a proponent of linguistic descriptivism and don't believe that posts on the internet need to strictly adhere to rules of punctuation and capitalization. At the end of the day, rules exist so that there is no confusion. There was nothing confusing in my post.

I focused on that error because it's satisfying to see a self-important shitface who nitpicks the opponent's punctuation confuse its and it's.

>Getting you to do that is why I included that error.
Yeah, you were only pretending.

Totally not Muphry's law, you stupid cunt.

>If I can put you in your place using those errors, why try harder?
Actually, you can't put anyone in their place because you have no argument, that's why you nitpick punctuation.


Here, have some commas ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

>> No.6261238

I don't know why I thought this board wouldn't be filled with pretentious faggots.

>> No.6261242

"Hogfather" was his trip on cunny boards. It referred to his wide cock.

>> No.6261244

Not too long ago great fiction writer died, yet mod made a sticky of a fantasy writer dying.

>> No.6261251

>If I can put you in your place using those errors, why try harder?
Well, one, you weren't arguing against me, and two, because a spelling error isn't support for a cogent argument for or against anything. It's the syntactic equivalent of someone claiming victory in chess because the other person bumped the board; crowing in superiority because you think a real grandmaster wouldn't make such an error. It proves nothing, it disproves nothing, and if you genuinely believe it does, and are not just being pedantic for the sake of sport, then you're really new to the internet or really naive, or just really petty.

>> No.6261253

>Of course not

Well, this argument was short. Glad you conceded the fact that genre fiction can have literary merit.

> Only after 1970. And only due to the French.

You mean only after 6 000 000 000 BC, because literary criticism hasn't done crap for humanity compared to science. You don't get to be a worthless parasite on science's findings after shitting on it.

>> No.6261255
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I completely agree. One of his better books, Thief of Time, is pretty enjoyable, but it suffers from a formulaic plot.


I personally think his best works are the Tiffany Aching books. They're simple, fun and Prachett doesn't try to be funny.
All of his books are childish, so fuck anyone who says the Tiffany Aching books are trash and still likes Pratchett.

I guess we'll never see the fifth Tiffany Aching book, The Shepherd's Crown.


>> No.6261256


>> No.6261257


> I never said that. I am a proponent of linguistic descriptivism and don't believe that posts on the internet need to strictly adhere to rules of punctuation and capitalization.

Of course you are, you're an idle fucking illiterate. Rules exist so you will know how lacking you are.

The error was deliberate so you'd agree with me. It worked. Deal with it.

>> No.6261262

>Muphry's law


>> No.6261263

>because literary criticism hasn't done crap for humanity compared to science.
Ha ha ha. Science was invented in the 19th century, with the exception of physics which developed largely in the 18th century.

Go read Needham you fucking dickwit.

>> No.6261267


'You' as in all the pedophile vermin who admire Terry Pratchett on this alleged /lit/ board.

>> No.6261271

/lit grieves weird.
I just realized that though I've lurked /lit a long while, I've never been here for a death before.
It's like other boards' death threads, but elongated. Really verbose.

>> No.6261272


>> No.6261274

> popular author dies, will be missed by a great many people.
> cancerous fuckwits on 4chan talk about how he wasn't as good as (x).

4chan confirmed for too far gone down the try hard rabbit hole. Fuck this place.

>> No.6261280


He wasn't as good as the back of a fucking smoothie bottle!

>> No.6261283

>You mean only after 6 000 000 000 BC, because literary criticism hasn't done crap for humanity compared to science. You don't get to be a worthless parasite on science's findings after shitting on it.

m8, I'm a scientist, I've been reading some this back and forth going "holy shit I'm sure these concepts are easy enough to understand but I don't even have the background to read some of these posts" and even I think you're just being a cunt. The whole point of science is to be shat on by someone that knows more than you do in the future.

>> No.6261284

>Of course you are, you're an idle fucking illiterate. Rules exist so you will know how lacking you are.
My major is in linguistics, you stupid cunt. Not your art theory history or whatever.

Rules exist because of us. We write the rules. And we say that descriptivism is correct. Prescriptivism is seen in our community as a joke at best. Specifically because we're aware of the process that goes into fucking writing them.

And then we enjoy seeing pseudo-intellectuals idolize said rules.

>The error was deliberate
i was only pretending.jpg

>> No.6261287


Joyce was never, as you so coarsely put it, a may may.

>> No.6261289

No one cares nerd

>> No.6261294

>I guess we'll never see the fifth Tiffany Aching book, The Shepherd's Crown.

Here's a quick summary. Aching discovers the cock's function (in female sexuality) in a deferred largely off-screen manner focusing on her relationship with an object of desire. The novel focuses largely on object/subject relations within psychosexuality. The evil is a form of human sexuality and death that can only ever be negotiated with, and only with permanent loss (hymen/mortality). Despite the fact that the reader perspective anticipates Aching being tainted by this, she comes through with an intact identity (though not virgo intactus) in a manner that anticipates and replicates Weatherwax and Ogg as positions of female identity, without being subject to the hardness of them.

Aching is once again compared to chalk.

Bravo-bravissimo, a man was capable to uncovering contemporary female british sexuality through the lens of a fantasy adolescent girl.

Something about killing lambs. Might have an abortion anti-climax. cf: Nanny Ogg knowing how to work the King of the Elves.

>> No.6261296

Using a fallacy to defend a fallacy. Not raising people's opinions of you. But don't stop trying, I'm sure you'll manage to convince someone that you're intelligent today, and failing that you can always leave with a smug sense of superiority and that's the same thing as intelligence for you anyway isn't it?

>> No.6261301

>The whole point of science is to be shat on by someone that knows more than you do in the future.
Sir, you are a scientist. We form the base of a pyramid, so that others can see further than we, and defecate on our faces.

>> No.6261308

>Science was invented in the 19th century
Ridiculously false. The concept of science constantly evolves. Bashing rocks against another rock to see if it becomes sharper was science.

>The whole point of science is to be shat on by someone that knows more than you do in the future.
You can't circlejerk for 1500 posts about how science is shit because empirical evidence isn't a thing and how scientists are washing machine repairmen and then compare objectively determining things to litmus paper.

>> No.6261313


Unfortunately, I've studied linguistics and know that descriptivism is lazy bullshit for cultural traitors and the more intellectually dishonest sort of immigrant pisstaker. So by all means fuck off and get acid in the face from a Muslim.

>> No.6261317


> calling someone a nerd in a terry Pratchett death thread.

Fuck you.

>> No.6261318
File: 25 KB, 373x378, 1352485979342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, fuck you /lit/. I don't know why so many of you felt you had post snobbish faggotry. You might not read genre fiction but I bet every single one of you guys enjoys a shitty TV show, a shitty movie or a shitty game. I bet Discworld is much better than your secret shame.

>> No.6261319

Take a look at /mu/.
Yes it can. It can get a lot worse.

>> No.6261320


Here for sport, dog. You're not people.

>> No.6261321

>Bashing rocks against another rock to see if it becomes sharper was science.
No, friend, it isn't. Do bother with the history of ideas. You might verily enjoy Needham. It is about China.

>and then compare objectively determining things to litmus paper.
Oh it is the man-child who doesn't know what objective means. I'm out. Don't read Needham, I want you to die in a ditch drowning in your own vomit.

>> No.6261324

Whatever you say nerd

>> No.6261326
File: 181 KB, 500x750, Terry_Pratchett.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He lived a good life, brought joy to many and died a knight. What more can you want from life?

>> No.6261328

Yes. I think, which is why all the sceintists who cling to their theories when they seem more and more tenuous over time make me sad. I'm looking at you Dark Matter supporters!

I'll fucking repair your washing machine in a minute.

>> No.6261329


He was fully a pedophile, right?

>> No.6261330

>the opinion of the literary establishment over whether something has literary merit is law even when it's self-contradictory
>but the scientific consensus of linguists? they are muslim cocksuckers anyway

You religiously adhere to SHIT WE LITERALLY MADE UP. On a whim.

>> No.6261333


Shitposter detected. On /lit/ no less.

>> No.6261340

No one cares about your nerdy opinion

>> No.6261341

>He was fully a pedophile, right?
No, you're thinking of Roald Dahl.

Pratchett had no interest in what he had to write about to tell stories about female autonomy.

>> No.6261343
File: 56 KB, 589x638, Noli Timere Messorem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CouMdɴ't tHeʏ Hᴀve eɴᴀʙMed smᴀMM cᴀps ᴀt Meᴀst ғoR tHJs occᴀsJoɴ?

>> No.6261348


The problem is, that isn't true and we both know it, so why are you wasting your time? Even if it had been once, you're now descriptivists, which means your job is making recordings of the small talk of illiterate people at bus stops.

>> No.6261350

Here is the difference between a /lit/ard and a smart person.

Guy: here is a claim.
Smart person: I disagree with your claim and here is an argument to support my position.

Guy: here is a claim.
/lit/ard: a guy i idolize wrote words about this so ima just namedrop him, you're supposed to automatically agree at this point
No, YOU don't know what objective means.

>> No.6261352


Nah, this is an English speaking board.

>> No.6261355

That sounds a hell of a lot more interesting than deciding it yourself to me.

>> No.6261356

>Yes. I think, which is why all the sceintists who cling to their theories when they seem more and more tenuous over time make me sad. I'm looking at you Dark Matter supporters!
What makes me sadder is undergraduates and engineers who think that positive statements are the content of science, that science is a saviour to man-kind rather than being a human practice, and that "everything is better with" [a reductivist US middle class view of science].

It is an ignorance so readily cured, but one clung to as a religion.

>> No.6261357


Autonomy, or.... anatomy?

>> No.6261360

Constitute yourself as someone able to identify the most basic features of the discussion of science as a social practice before you open your fucking mouth.

Particularly the content of the word "objective."

>> No.6261367

Autonomy. Magrat is obviously a prefiguration of Aching.

>> No.6261373

I've not met many engineers/scientists who I'd call followers of the "cult of science" i.e. the kind of guy that will idolise "sceince" in a vague way. But I'm in bongland, and in a proper working man's city, so maybe it's more of a thing down south.

>> No.6261374

>The problem is, that isn't true and we both know it
I'm pretty sure I know more than you: about most things, but especially about linguistics.

You: oh my god this rule is so important, it's integral to our existence as a culture
We, some time before: hey i think this shitty language makes too much sense and doesn't have enough shoehorned Latin influences, let's fix that

>> No.6261377
File: 579 KB, 1000x1795, Discworld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6261387


It wasn't on a whim that any of those decisions were made; maybe you should have listened harder or got a better translator.

>> No.6261388

But we will, it was announced as finished a while ago so I assume it will still be published.

>> No.6261392

>But I'm in bongland, and in a proper working man's city, so maybe it's more of a thing down south.
Yeah, strayacunt from a workers city. Same deal with the engineers who know science's place.

I think it is more a problem amongst the sepcunts and the declassed.

>> No.6261394

People disagreeing with your Hume-inspired shit isn't ignorance, it's a different point of view.

One that produces results.

>> No.6261395


Roald Dahl? Really?!

What's the dope on that?

>> No.6261400

>One that produces results.
Look for them in central europe.

>> No.6261401

>It wasn't on a whim that any of those decisions were made
Explain to me why prepositions are not a thing you're supposed to end a sentence with.

And this rule's central importance to the British culture, without which the empire will crumble to dust and get muslimed by muslims.

>> No.6261404

Why is this shit still stickied? At least half of /lit/ doesn't even read genre fiction. These mods sticky the death of Christopher Hitchens but not Gore Vidal or Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

Also, fuck off, cross-boarders.

>> No.6261405

Vaccines work in central Europe.

Hume was not involved.

>> No.6261408

>sepcunts and the declassed.

wat, I do not understand.

>> No.6261413

>Why is this shit still stickied?
Because an author knighted for his achievements in literature died.

>At least half of /lit/ doesn't even read genre fiction.
Chicken, egg.

>> No.6261416

for some reason, though first my grandparents on my father's side died and i flew overseas for their funeral, then i got back to find my 18 year old cat i'd gotten when i was five and who'd been closer to me than my siblings was riddled with openly bleeding tumors, having contracted cancer, and she was put to sleep a month later, then my grandmother on my mom's side had multiple strokes, lost her capacity to speech (half her brain having been destroyed) and died, then a month after this my perfectly hearty and healthy grandfather fell down in his home among the pipes of his basement, hit his head on a pipe with a nearby faucet on and lay unconscious crumpled between the machinery in a growing pool of freezing water for a day and a night, then was rushed to the hospital and died, i was unable to actually shed tears. i have an incapacity to cry when people are either watching me or expecting it of me, probably since i've always been the one who comforts my family and is always in control. but i don't understand. when my house emptied of visitors, i cried pretty damn hard for the first time in i don't know how many years, for this author.

>> No.6261417

And Agnes Perdita X was another attempt

>> No.6261418


Of course you don't, you can't write the language we're doing this in properly, which was what I pointed out. You're a poor student.

I'm more than 'pretty sure' you've twice lied about what linguists do on the assumption it would impress me the way it impresses those English people you date-rape. It doesn't. I know you're dross.

>> No.6261424


Fuck off, I assume you must be a nigger if you're going to be this insolent about the country you're squatting in. Fuck off and get knifed, coon.

>> No.6261426

Never understood his appeal. The only comedic value seemed to be him poking fun at beaten fantasy cliches, and there was nothing else special about it, as far as I could tell.

>> No.6261430

/pol/, kindly fuck off, will you?

>> No.6261432


You didn't listen when they told you? I suppose they told you some progressive lie about it being arbitrary because they hate beauty and order. You wasted your money there.

>> No.6261435

A lot of people died of Typhus.

>> No.6261436


He wasn't knighted for achievements in literature, he was knighted for selling crap to dullards.

>> No.6261437

I'm noticing this rationale as a defense of several different shitposts in this thread. Either there are several people with the same shitty attitude, or, the more likely alternative, there's one jackass who not just likes to shitpost and troll, but likes to brag about shitposting and trolling and who thinks he's superior for shitposting and trolling.

Well sport, not going to feed the troll like other people. Die in the fire of your choice at your convenience.

>> No.6261439

Yanks. People who don't come from workers cities.

>> No.6261440


>“Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”
>C.S. Lewis
Calm down, and stop trying to look smart. If you don't like Pratchett's books, don't read them.

>> No.6261441

>Of course you don't, you can't write the language we're doing this in properly
Still bitching about punctuation?

Rules exist to be broken and subverted, especially in literature, but doubly so on a Taiwanese gymnastics newsgroup.

>which was what I pointed out
And fucked up its/it's in the process, and then pretended that it was intentional.

You still failed to address the crux of the argument.

>> No.6261447
File: 47 KB, 400x400, christopherlee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too soon.

>> No.6261449

>so many of you felt you had post snobbish faggotry.
I think it's more about one or a handful of idiots who like to stir shit. Don't feel bad, a lot of us respected him.

>> No.6261451

>CS Lewis
The same man who punished a woman for copulating with an eternity in hell, because he was so ignorant of Christ's infinite forgiveness and the impossibility of man comprehending God's total sacrifice of himself.


>> No.6261452

Can you please stop feeding the retard troll?

>> No.6261453

Let me check:

>Knights Bachelor
>Terence David John Pratchett, OBE, for services to literature.

No mention of dullards here. Guess it's for service to literature after all!

Man, winning discussions with you is easy.

>> No.6261458

Right gotcha.

>> No.6261461

Dahl was serially molested as a child. His attempts to produce children's literature always involve an immediate libidinal threat to the child from adults who seek to abuse the space of childhood and claim it for their own.

Willy Wonka,
most obviously.

Sadly his adult works are yet more disturbing, in that they're anti-libidinal in a way yet more terrifying than Blair's own sexual loathing. It is pretty good evidence that Dahl's sexual orientation was pedophile.

>> No.6261462


I crossed from /tv/ to do this, yes. That's fine, there's always more coming.

>> No.6261468


You don't have an argument, and no, in British English rules exist to show up outsiders.

>> No.6261476


Lewis had read adult books though, which most of the people who misapply this quotation haven't.

>> No.6261478

>in British English rules exist to show up outsiders.
Je ne parle pas français, je parle parisienne.

>> No.6261481

Fucking normaliens.

>> No.6261482

RIP. His documentary coping with his Alzheimer's was absolutely brutal


>Terry Pratchett: "It could have been worse, it could have been my wife"

>> No.6261483


Not that anon, but you aren't doing literature here dude.

>> No.6261490


You've never won a discussion with me or anyone else, you're a toy. I mean, look at yourself. You thought it was meaningful to check the citation. You're a failed adult.

>> No.6261493
File: 24 KB, 321x489, I_Shall_Wear_Midnight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All of his books are childish, so fuck anyone who says the Tiffany Aching books are trash and still likes Pratchett.

>write a sub-series of your books for young adults
>put the most disturbing Discworld sequence into it.

>> No.6261494


Pratchett lives on.

hopefully it has some sort of conclusive ending to Tiffany's story

>> No.6261497

>You don't have an argument
No, it's you who doesn't argument.

I posit that genre fiction / literary fiction is a false dichotomy and your arguments are "no you're wrong that is incorrect and not right" and "how dare you not use perfect punctuation on the internet".

>in British English rules exist to show up outsiders.
Outsiders? English is a mongrel language consisting almost entirely out of loanwords, its rules written by people with a massive Mediterranean fetish.

People defending its "purity" by guarding these rules are, for lack of a better word, cucks.

>> No.6261498


I don't think being abused means one's own hangups are going to take that form. Are there any childlike images of sexuality in the adult stories? They always seemed pretty grown-up kinky to me.

>> No.6261503

>You thought it was meaningful to check the citation.
You said he wasn't knighted for achievements in literature. According to my citation, he was!

It means you're incorrect in that regard.

>> No.6261507


Yep. Tu es né pour être violée.

>> No.6261513

>hopefully it has some sort of conclusive ending to Tiffany's story
She's raped to death by the boy she loves; as a warning to young women about trusting their own trust in themselves.

Because the only conclusion is in death. You want a conclusion for Aching, you're asking for that.

>> No.6261519


It's not a false dichtomy because everyone knows the difference until they're lied to. These books are stocked in different parts of the bookstores, their paragraphs are different shapes, their approach to action is different. Also, there's the issue of hierarchy. Read my previous posts before you butted in with your autistic unpunctuated bullshit.

>> No.6261520

>I don't think being abused means one's own hangups are going to take that form.
IIRC Dahl's abuse was heterosexual. Dahl's writing fixation was predominantly homosexual.

>Are there any childlike images of sexuality in the adult stories? They always seemed pretty grown-up kinky to me.

The graveyard in the clouds is purely asexual homophile. The Greek/Cyprus Latrine sequence is clearly a child sexual response. In all other respects IIRC, Dahl conceals sexuality behind a layer of Chummy-Military-Behaviour. It is the concealing of sexuality that is so telling about his pedophile orientation. If he was merely aware of the libidinality of all humans, then his adult works would be as sexually driven as his works for children.

They're great books for kids because Dahl is a pedo.

>> No.6261526


But surely his adult stories ARE fairly sexually driven? I remember them being pretty kinky.

>> No.6261534

>These books are stocked in different parts of the bookstores, their paragraphs are different shapes

Quality literary criticism. I knew formalism is cancer but I didn't know this is what we will end up with.

>Also, there's the issue of hierarchy.
Oh, it's you again. There's no issue of hierarchy. It's something you made up.

>> No.6261540

Stop projecting, we're not in a movie theater.

>> No.6261542

Maybe we have different structures of sexual response. I found them to be utterly sexless.

We can, of course, agree that Dahl's stories for children are pedophile, regardless of Dahl's own sexual preference.

>> No.6261549

>My hermeneutic method is to cling to the cliff face, shouting abuse at everyone else, looking down helplessly into the void.

Oh knight of infinite resignation, how sad you are.

>> No.6261552


The thing is, those physical differences are real differences. Formalism is the only basis of any remotely interesting criticism.

You really know very little about the English language if you think I invented hierarchy.

>> No.6261562

This thread is a perfect example of why people come to this board with a love of reading and genuine interest in books - in books, not in which philosopher is shit and why the curtains were blue - and don't end up staying for more than five minutes, leaving you deluded two-bit intellectuals wallowing in their own filth and namedroping in each other's general direction.

I wish there was a board about literature.

This is a board despite literature.

>> No.6261569


'Neck' is pretty sexy, can't remember finding the others sexy as such, but sex seemed to be an element of the characterisation and motivation. I suppose what makes them eerie on that subject may be a flatness or occlusion.

With regard to the children's stories, I don't remember, it's been years since I read them. I don't remember finding Wonka a rapey presense, but I don't know. Interesting idea anyway, thanks for that.

>> No.6261573


>> No.6261574


You mean you just want somewhere to go 'eeeee, books is good'? Analysis is inevitable in these communities.

>> No.6261580

>This thread is a perfect example of why people come to this board with a love of reading and genuine interest in books - in books, not in which philosopher is shit and why the curtains were blue - and don't end up staying for more than five minutes

And thank fuck for that

>> No.6261584
File: 361 KB, 500x283, 1417930002403.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know where you can listen to the good omens radio dramatization?

>> No.6261586

>all genre fiction is shit and not Real Art because i said so
>Pratchett is evil because that one unrelated guy committed suicide that one time
>i'm so happy that he finally died
>Dahl is obviously a pedophile, discussion settled

Fuck you.

Read your own post and think about you've written, knobhead.

>> No.6261590
File: 86 KB, 481x700, tumblr_mc08imvbUt1rbvd4ro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shall always remember Pterry... with his spatulate thumb... in a groupie's vag.

He was the drood, the druid, the Ptarth Ptaydar.

rest in peace mate

>> No.6261592


HAHAHAHA! That is brilliant. The sheer groundless meanness of it! 7/10.

>> No.6261593

Not circlejerking about how bad all genre fiction is... is "eee books is good" to you? '

What a two-bit piece of trash. How do you even live.

>> No.6261597

>Read your own post and think about you've written, knobhead.

People who LOVE BOOKS don't post here and people who are interested in serious analysis and philosophy do, this is clearly a good thing. There are enough places on the internet for people who love Pratchett and Vonnegut and ASOIAF already.

>> No.6261599


It's not that, the guy said

"in books, not in which philosopher is shit and why the curtains were blue"

- this is an anti-analytical statement, surely?

>> No.6261602

True story:

Because of Terry Pratchett, we've had to buy 2 entire additional bookshelves, just to hold the astounding amount of work he put out. Rearranging our entire house to fit those bookshelves in and even doing some remodeling in the basement because of it.

>> No.6261604


Yeah, ^ this.

>> No.6261608
File: 373 KB, 974x1000, 1425805703192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>curtains were blue

>> No.6261609


Is your roof a giant fedora? When people ring the doorbell, does it go 'Philip Pullman says his books aren't fantasy but reality, for goodness' sake!'

>> No.6261611

>I suppose what makes them eerie on that subject may be a flatness or occlusion.

You sound like someone who would be very interesting to have sex with.

>> No.6261619
File: 1.88 MB, 427x240, 1400123076772.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post would have been valid if it weren't for
>and why the curtains were blue

>> No.6261631

"That's a nice song," said young Sam, and Vimes remembered that he was hearing it for the first time.
"It's an old soldiers' song," he said.
"Really, sarge? But it's about angels."
Yes, thought Vimes, and it's amazing what bits those angels cause to rise up as the song progresses. It's a real soldiers' song: sentimental, with dirty bits.
"As I recall, they used to sing it after battles," he said. "I've seen old men cry when they sing it," he added.
"Why? It sounds cheerful."
They were remembering who they were not singing it with, thought Vimes. "You'll learn. I know you will.”

>> No.6261634

Why, look, the puerile post-Falklands nostalgia of the Labour Party Hack.

>> No.6261638


Thank you, you're quite right.

>> No.6261643

> people who are interested in serious analysis

Don't make me laugh. People here commonly juggle concepts they don't actually understand. Ultimately /lit/ consists of people who aren't as smart as they think but make use of their ample free time and piracy to invest themselves in a hobby that makes them feel special or sophisticated, allowing them to mentally compensate for their lack of social skills and failures in concrete or academic pursuits.

The real kicker is that in the end the vast majority of /lit/ is a hivemind ruled by a handful of online tastemakers mostly concerned with maintaining a balance between supporting "alternative" books that will appeal to misunderstood teenagers and maintaining their cred among bored college students as being "intellectual".

>and philosophy
goes to /sci/

>this is clearly a good thing.
Surely not, because no one in this thread could give me a half-decent fucking argument as to why genre fiction is irredeemable garbage.

Except for that guy who brought up shape of paragraphs as proof.

>There are enough places on the internet for people who love Pratchett and Vonnegut and ASOIAF already.

But there is only one literature board on 4chan. And it should be far better than this.

>> No.6261645

True Story.

I used to go to Hay-on-Wye, which is a village in Wales famous for second hand bookshops and book festivals. By chance, the day I was there one year coincided with a festival at which Terry Pratchett was giving a talk. I'd been to a couple of his book signings, so recognized the man himself, his distinctive hat and leather jacket, and watched him as he browsed one of the larger bookshops there.
When he bought a few books, the woman at the till recognized him at once, and informed him that a customer who had been in earlier had accidentally left a bag of purchased books in her shop, which contained several Discworld novels.
This person had phoned for their whereabouts, and said they were coming back for them but both Terry and the woman saw the opportunity for some fun, and Terry wrote a note on a piece of paper, chastising her for forgetting one of his own books...
I can only imagine the look on the person's face when the bookstore owner told them to look in the bag...

>> No.6261648

there's a difference between death of the author and

>we all agree dahl is a pedophile just like me right?

sometimes the curtains really ARE blue after all.

>> No.6261655

There's some good discussion going on, but you're too much of a sensitive cunt and care too much about shitposters or people with different opinions than yours.

>> No.6261657

how are politics even related

>> No.6261664

You really think you're something special don't you?

>> No.6261665

>how are politics even related
So Pratchett's early writings were press releases for the UK nuclear power plant system. He grew tired of the fictive nature of the genre, largely because of the political conflicts in himself, and turned elsewhere.

The social-democratic streak throughout his books is obvious, which makes the maudlin state supporting jaded "At least Veterinary doses the horse" all the sadder because of the crisis of imagination of New Labour.

Much like science fiction is a constant critique of contemporary society, so too is fantasy a critique of the limits of our political imagination.

The amusing thing about the narrative voice in Pratchett is that it believes itself to be moral.

>> No.6261668

I come to /lit/ from time to time and end up disappointed every time. Made a thread about Remarque - "nazi propaganda" "worthless trash", ">genre shit" Cook - "two-bit jingoistic trash", ">genre shit", ">muh swords", etc, etc, etc.

>> No.6261673


Bullshit. Entirely pulled out of nowhere.

The shape of the paragraphs is crucial - that's the stuff of literature, the words, the forms. There's nothing else IN literature. Where do you think the book is happening if not on the page?

/lit/ has nothing wrong with it that better threads wouldn't solve. Make them if you can think of them.

>> No.6261677

Given that Dahl was mates with Gary Glitter and Jimmy Savile I'd be amazed if he wasn't a nonce

>> No.6261679


Not really, but I am something different to his target demographic and there's no point lying about that.

>> No.6261684 [DELETED] 



Not really, but I am something different to his target demographic and there's no point lying about that.

>> No.6261686


>Take Dahl's most famous work, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: its boy protagonist's family is immiserated, his carers are incapable of looking even after themselves – so salvation comes through luck, and the arbitrary beneficence of a deranged feudal-capitalist with a happily mancipated workforce. Of course, the spur that initially drives Charlie on is a lust for sweet things that, were it transferred to an adult plane, could only result in a work entitled something like "Charlie and the Huge Seraglio full of Compliant Nymphomaniacs". The NAACP slated the black pygmy Oompa-Loompas in the original text – and so Dahl changed them to a fictional light-skinned subspecies – but he couldn't get rid of the brown sugar. My equation of sweets with sex is not facetious; in Dahl-world, oral gratification is pretty much the only thing that matters.

>> No.6261693

>/lit thinking it's more academic because it shits on books that other people like, and not the other way around.
>/lit aggressively arguing this point.
Talk about having something ass backwards, there are actually people here who think hating bad fiction makes them literary critics, instead of being critical of literature and therefore hating bad fiction when it comes along. No wonder they feel the need to post crap in a sticky like this. They derive their literary validation not from what they study, not even from what they read, but from what they don't read. Their desire to be taken seriously is so strong you can almost smell it through the modem.
Rest in peace Pratchett, you earned it.

>> No.6261694

/fit/ here paying his respects.
RIP good sir

>> No.6261696

>pedophilia by association
people know as little about sexuality here as they do about books

>My equation of sweets with sex is not facetious
Ah, because you said so.

>> No.6261697


Dahl knew Savile?! The plot thickens. Any more info on this?

>> No.6261705

>Ah, because you said so.
Who do you believe I was quoting?

>> No.6261706

>instead of being critical of literature and therefore hating bad fiction when it comes along
That is what we are doing. Genre fiction is trash by definition, it's not that we hate Pratchett's fiction, we just understand it's garbage because he writes genre fiction.

>> No.6261707


Nobody cares whether Pratchett fans take them seriously.

>> No.6261710

Some idiot whose article you linked.

You're a nobody, and you do care.

>> No.6261716

>Some idiot
I see you too like to shit all over Will Self. Personally I prefer shitting over North London Book of the Dead.

>> No.6261728

Holyshit, you're a fucking faggot, you uncultured swine.

Go read Poul Anderson, Mervyn Peake, and Lord Dunsany

>> No.6261729
File: 116 KB, 1252x1252, 1393270849234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this whole thread

>> No.6261745

The subjective is the objective in art, read it and you'll see you fucking retard.

>> No.6261748

>pedophilia by association

He was hanging around members of an elite paedophile ring, he wrote loads of creepy shit about children and there are loads of rumours about him being a paedophile.

>> No.6261754

I'm subjectively right though

>> No.6261768

Kind of like the intellectual masturbation you're taking part in by coming to 4chan's /lit/ and criticising a dead dude as if it's some kind of laudable achievement?


>> No.6261782



If he were alive, he could conceivably prosecute a libel over my suggestion that he was a war-mongering Thatcher supporting arsehole. You might want to look into Stirner, because you seem to have a spook about death.

>> No.6261783

Because the mods are plebn
>muh citations
Fuck off retard, nobody cares about your "facts"

>> No.6261789

Literally who?

>> No.6261794

How old are you?

>> No.6261795

If you read it you would know how to prove that you are subjectively right so by default I win :^)

>> No.6261801

Older than you, fucking sperg.

>> No.6261803

Some random nobody

>> No.6261812

He had some crazy ideas about turtles and elephants.

>> No.6261813

Typical /lit/ poster right here, ebin absolutely ebin :^)

>> No.6261815

Mad fa/tv/irgin detected
Get fucked

>> No.6261819

was there anyone in Britain in the 70s and 80s who wasn't a paedophile

>> No.6261824
File: 667 KB, 3323x768, OC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quote's from "Reaper Man".
The background should portray how Pratchett, after departing from this world (on the left) now post-mortemly exerts influence through the Discworld created by him (on the right) and with the Discworld's turtle still flying...

>> No.6261828

So why was he so popular ?
I read few of his books last year, and best way i can describe them is "mediocre" and "disappointing".
Also the fact they are children books dont help, but still, where his fame came from? Definitively not from the quality or originality of his novels.

>> No.6261833

Is there anyone in Britain today who isn't a pedophile?

>> No.6261836

/sci/ needs to gtfo because they keep getting btfo

>> No.6261844

>So why was he so popular ?
> ?

>"mediocre" and "disappointing"
Fantasy had prior to Pratchett tended to be reactionary or conservative in nature. Pratchett's swan song for the departed welfarism of Labour Britain had a cultural echo.

So Pratchett gave labourite readers an imaginary world to live out their power fantasies where Parliament might be cruel, but at least regulates us in our own interests, etc etc etc.

His comic mode was also fresh when first introduced.

So largely Pratchett made it big by wanking his readership's pathetic needs.

>> No.6261846

fuck off you blue-curtain piece of shit

>> No.6261847

>Pratchett's swan song for the departed welfarism of Labour Britain had a cultural echo.
The Fantasy Novel of Adrian Mole, Aged 44 and one half.

>> No.6261875

>Fantasy had prior to Pratchett tended to be reactionary or conservative in nature.
The fuck is that even supposed to mean.

Prachet started writing in 1982, he wasnt really a pioneer when it comes to ... anything really, by that time the market was already drowning in Tolkien inspired books.

>> No.6261887

>The fuck is that even supposed to mean.
It means you need an education in Western Culture since 1789 for starters.

>the market was already drowning in Tolkien inspired books.
You seem to have a strange understanding of what makes a book valuable, or in fact, what makes a book different to other books on the market.

>> No.6261898

thank mr skeltal

>> No.6261901

I don't care at all

>> No.6261909

Literally shit on a bagel and eat it.
>muh dfdubya

>> No.6261919

I'm ashamed of these "intellectuals" that think their opinions on what is good literature matters. When this many people love the books of a man who wrote great genre fiction who are you to criticize?

>> No.6261921

The one who lets the other have the last word is the bigger man.

>> No.6261923
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Took care of someone very close to me who had Alzheimer's for about 7 years. Watching my hero and best friend deteriorate because of it was one of the worst experiences of my life.

They don't feel much pain. They simply become more and more confused until they can longer speak, think, move or open their eyes. It's not like ALS where your mind stays in tact, the patient doesn't know how sick they really are and feels little to no pain.

>> No.6261925


Bullshit. If you create art for the monetary gain then it will most certainly not be "high art". Any artist creates for the work. That's it. End of. "High Art" never dies. No matter how vague and nebulous a term it is. Good day to you sir.

>> No.6261929

>The one who lets the other have the last word is the bigger man.

>> No.6261946

I think his point was that even artists need to eat

>> No.6261955


>> No.6261971

as usual mods are illiterate retards

>> No.6261972

He invented art.

>> No.6261982

Donde estaba el sticky para Garcia Marquez? Gringos culeros.

>> No.6261987

>458 posters
lol look at all the faggots who never even post here suddenly flooding into the board because their dorky fantasy author died

>> No.6261993

Spam, Spam, Spam the Thread.

In a distant and second-hand set of dimensions, in an astral plane that was never meant to fly, the curling star-mists waver and part... See... Great A'Tuin the turtle comes, swimming slowly through the interstellar gulf, hydrogen frost on his ponderous limbs, his huge and ancient shell pocked With meteor craters. Through sea-sized eyes that are crusted with rheum and asteroid dust He stares fixedly at the Destination. In a brain bigger than a city, with geological Slowness, He thinks only of the Weight. Most of the weight is of course accounted for by Berilia, Tubul, Great T'Phon and Jerakeen, the four giant elephants upon whose broad and startanned shoulders the disc of the World rests, garlanded by the long waterfall at its vast circumference and domed by the baby-blue vault of Heaven.

>> No.6261994

wtf i didn't even know he was dead

>> No.6261996

Yeah, wasn't "Wyrd Sisters" basically one giant wink at Shakespeare's kings plays' tropes?

>> No.6261997

What a bunch of losers lol

>> No.6262000

That's nto what the word "trope" means, you were probably thinking of "topos"

>> No.6262004


We might be losers, but at least we have a sense of humour.

You duck's minge.

>> No.6262008

you have the lamest sense of humor imaginable

>> No.6262011

Get a load of this loser

>> No.6262014

As he says on his death bed with his old slow voice "oh ha ha ha 66 doubles checkem!" and slowly laughed away to his death

>> No.6262017

This thread has sealed it.
/lit/ is the most retarded board on 4chan.

>> No.6262018


time for bed /v/

>> No.6262021

I like how the mod always stickies the death of some author no one has ever mentioned on the board before

most of /lit/ doesn't read anything, rip and everything but theres no need for this thread

>> No.6262026


I fart in your general direction.

>> No.6262027

the mod who stickied this thread obviously doesn't even read the board

>> No.6262035

thx bb :)

>> No.6262042

Good night.

>> No.6262044


Confirmed for unable to take a joke.

Super-serious reading going on in this board folks. Better not get in their way.

>> No.6262046

You are a parody

>> No.6262055

thx bb :)

>> No.6262058


Magnificent, the anon can recognize an obvious archetype! How marvellous!

Come on everyone, let's have a round of applause for our dear friend.

>> No.6262068

look at these pitiful nerd attempts at condescension everyone lmao

>> No.6262084


Actually i'm just emphasizing the gentle wit that I came to love when reading Terry Pratchett when I was growing up.

He never tried to be clever or cruel when it came to making jokes, and that's something rare these days imho.

I wasn't being condescending btw, I was trying to cheer you up. Clearly your "lmao" is a desperate plea for attention to the crowd.

>> No.6262100
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>> No.6262114

>He never tried to be clever or cruel when it came to making jokes
Fucking pleb

>> No.6262115


I see you are unable to even respond on equal grounds - using written language - on /lit/.

>> No.6262124


It gets boring anon. Even if you change the words you're just doing the same thing again and again.

A bit of honest wit is quite refreshing actually.

>> No.6262129

>A bit of honest wit is quite refreshing actually.
Of with Pratchett had none.

>> No.6262155


Do not try to duel words with me, pitiful one. I see from this thread alone I am in the presence of desperate fools mutually polishing one another's prose.

How does it feel to sharpen your tongue for no real reason other than masturbating your own ego?

>> No.6262157

>How does it feel to sharpen your tongue for no real reason other than masturbating your own ego?
Great, it's what you're supposed to do if you want to make good art you fucking idiot.

>> No.6262174


Who decides what is good art though anon?

I find it interesting that people here so voraciously dump on Terry Pratchett and the people who grew up reading his books without looking at the subject in relation to things like Twilight or 50 Shades.

Next you'll be telling me Harry Potter is better than his stuff.

>> No.6262195

There's good meat on those, you know.

>> No.6262197

>Who's next, anon?

Keith Richards, Michael Palin, or Paul McCartney.

>> No.6262205
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>reading genre fiction

At least read the prime shit

>> No.6262209


> no summary, no explanation.
> just "read this".

Yeah no thx.

>> No.6262217

If that's what you want. It's your choice to be a pleb.

>> No.6262220


Not at all, I just refuse to do so at your recommendation, you utter tit.

>> No.6262255

>Who decides what is good art though anon?
The critics, and how right they are is measured by how good their critique is.
>inb4 who decides what a good critique is
You should be skilled enough to

>> No.6262265

>Insult people and then recommend a book that's been recommended many times on here before.
I'll bet you felt so helpful reposting that.

>> No.6262279

The Turtle Moves

>> No.6262286


Critics criticize critics and develop a intellectual monopoly on criticism, which is why the only person whose opinion should count is yours and yours alone.

That said, nothing said in this thread means a damn thing except those posts saying how much they enjoyed his writing.

>> No.6262288

>without looking at the subject in relation to things like Twilight or 50 Shades.
>other shit exists

So your argument in favour of your favourite flavour of shit is that there's stuff out there that tastes much much worse?


See me after class.

>> No.6262293

Critics know more than you.

>> No.6262297
File: 87 KB, 480x451, 1360904374195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Circular logic is the best kind of logic because the best kind of logic is circular logic."
"We know what is acceptable to read because we are well read and we are well read because we only read what is acceptable to be read."
"We're fit to judge what's literary because we read literary works"
"We have a refined palate because we only taste things we already know are good."

>> No.6262298


No, i'm saying we should look at this in a much broader context if we're to attempt to be objective in our analysis of Terry Pratchett's works.

I would argue the first step in doing this would be to take it into context the contemporary works of the time.

The more I post on /lit/ the more sure I am the board is populated by a bunch of narcissistic fuckwads.

>> No.6262305


About forming an argument?

I doubt it. I'll have you know i've been trained to differentiate shit at a molecular level.

>> No.6262307

>"We're fit to judge what's literary because we read literary works"
>"We have a refined palate because we only taste things we already know are good."
Yes that's how it works, it's called intuition

>> No.6262310


>> No.6262311

How well educated you must be, all those books you read just by looking at the cover.

>> No.6262312
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>> No.6262315


Any value derived of intuition has value only to the person and using it as a means of recommendation or review is therefore subject to intense skepticism. It's nice that you have intuition and all but we're all strangers here, anon.

>> No.6262317

Yes, I am
Wrong, btw if u autists think that u can get the last reply think again ill just reply hours later so give up

>> No.6262322


Then let it be known NOW that I believe, based on my experience of people and dealing with faggotry, that you sir are a hopeless cad and an ignoramus.

The exact opposite of a scholar and a gentleman indeed.

>> No.6262324

>Reads reviews, googles authors, and pours himself over book lists and listening to what critic's tell him to read.
>Thinks he has an intuitive ability to sense what is worth his precious time.
Yeah, I know your type, the same type that think they got refined taste from sucking Harold Bloom's cock.

>> No.6262329

Yeah, because that's the final arbiter of taste and sophistication, getting the last fucking word in.

>> No.6262338

Been posting on /lit/ for years, that was hilarious.

>> No.6262350


Thought it was rather droll, myself. Was never really a big fan of Python humour but the situational quality has it's value.

>> No.6262424

David Bowie, really, don't be stupid he's a fucking Fae they don't die of old age

>> No.6262432

>objective in our analysis
You know that's impossible.

>I would argue the first step in doing this would be to take it into context the contemporary works
You mean to take into context.

Secondly if the texts can't stand without comparative reference, they they are absolutely shit. If I want a hypertext I go to [s4s].

>The more I post on /lit/…
Maybe you should have taken a literary criticism course before you opened your shite-gob in public fuck-stick.

>> No.6262436

>I'll have you know i've been trained to differentiate shit at a molecular level.

Yes, and we need bio lab techs in sewer plants, how does this relate to your capacity to interpret texts?

>> No.6262441

bit slow, also should have called him Herman Melville to complete the meme.

>> No.6262447
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Fly on, you galactic turtle.

>> No.6262502


> you know that's impossible.

Then there is no means of deciding the quality of anything beyond it's physical value and the ability of the text to communicate it's meaning. In which case, i'd say contemporary prose has much more value than that of archaic texts. Might as well read the goddamn bible if that's your thought.

I thought we were finished btw, but I see you're still determined to argue for the sake of arguing.


Art and Science come from the same intellectual foundation. Look at Da Vinci's diagrams, or at the epic capabilities of Michelangelo.

>> No.6262506
File: 13 KB, 215x335, OfMiceAndMen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah woah, we're all experts on that particular matter m88.

>> No.6262584

>Art and Science come from the same intellectual foundation. Look at Da Vinci's diagrams, or at the epic capabilities of Michelangelo.

A undemonstrated, B doesn't follow.

>Then there is no means of deciding the quality of anything beyond it's physical value
Time for you to read your Marx.

>the ability of the text to communicate it's meaning.
Finally you're starting to get it.

>Might as well read the goddamn bible if that's your thought.
We all do around here dickhead, it is one of the most important works of fiction in the world, and in the form of the KJV one of the most important hypertexts in English literature.

>I see you're still determined to argue for the sake of arguing.

This is /lit/ dickhead. What do you think we do around here, masturbate our pathetic needs for a social-democratic father figure using poorly filked comedic fantasy written by failed advertising agents with degenerative conditions?

Tell me about the rabbits.

>> No.6262592


> this is /lit/ dickhead.

Is there a single original thought in your brains or do you simply spout empty rhetoric all day long?

I take it no, otherwise there'd be an awful lot more people of the stature you associate with Karl Marx around here.

Think on that.

>> No.6262600

>I take it no, otherwise there'd be an awful lot more people of the stature you associate with Karl Marx around here.

>Think on that.

Cheap ad hom, poorly constructed, not grounded in observation.

>> No.6262604


Then answer the supposition.

Do you consider yourselves followers of authors such as Karl Marx, or do you aspire to beat him?

>> No.6262614

>Do you consider yourselves followers of authors such as Karl Marx, or do you aspire to beat him?


Unspecified pronoun.

>or do you aspire to beat him?

Deliberately ambiguous, or are you thinking about beating something else at the moment?

>> No.6262624


You have evaded any attempt and honest intellectualism twice now, provided to you with great expediency on behalf of myself.

I see you are merely stubborn, perhaps a little dull even.

Answer the question, then ask your own. Tis' a simple conversational technique.

>> No.6262635

>any attempt and honest intellectualism
>great expediency on behalf of myself.

I hope you're from the great sub-continent, or were trained in sub-continental English. Because otherwise you bought a fucken dog.


You bought a dog.

I am not going to respond on behalf of all of fucking /lit/ you cretin, and one doesn't "beat" a dead author except in a sexual manner.

In the words of the immoral Bard, "English, motherfucker, do you speak it?"

>> No.6262645


Then why is it you do the things you do?

To what is it that you aspire?

Also, frankly, If you understood my meaning then this rudeness is simply unnecessary.

You slovenly cur.

>> No.6262665

>why is it you do the things [that] you do?
Except for the Catholics, nobody here believes in free will.

>> No.6262675


Why not?

Give me a reason that will adequately explain that free will does not exist within the limitations bequeathed to us via our physical forms.

>> No.6262695

Hey, a /lit/ sticky. When's the last time that happened?

Haven't read Pratchett in years, but I remember having fun when I did. RIP.

>> No.6262704

why jodorowsky naked?

>> No.6262706

Why does he deserve a sticky ?

>> No.6262720

>getting enjoyment from things

>> No.6262726

But Lacan is dead.

>> No.6262731

>night watch
>thief of time
>reaper man
>going postal
>making money

>> No.6262752

I just found out. I feel like I've been stabbed in the heart.

RIP, good sir. I hope Death guides you to the paradise you deserve.

>> No.6262772
File: 100 KB, 535x600, jesus2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check em

>> No.6262776

Holy shit please no. Take Varg or someone else who deserves it.
1. Monstrous Regiment
2. Color of Magic/Light Fantastic
3. Sourcery
4. Unseen Academicals
5. The Last Continent

>tfw currently reading Mort

>> No.6262781 [DELETED] 
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fugg almost got tripps

>> No.6262784

>Take Varg or someone else who deserves it.

They all deserve it. Wolfe and Pratchett especially.

>> No.6262788

like the rest of 4chan content specific boards, there is always a try hard.

>> No.6262797 [DELETED] 
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nice dubs

>> No.6262804 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6262817

Fuck this.

>> No.6262855

>Lying in bed with mourners all around
>Suddenly, Terry opens his eyes again
>Looks around the room in bewilderment
>"Sorry, I just needed some hands-on experience for the new novel I'm writing."

i-if only ;_;

>> No.6262865
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>> No.6262875

All three is genre fiction.

>> No.6262876


Free will is a purely metaphysical concept. Without faith, there's no reason to presume upon it.

>> No.6262898
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>> No.6262904

you are making me feel the feels again..

>> No.6262938

by the looks of what everyone is trying to do on 4chan and this thread, yeah it is :^)

>> No.6262995

Jesus, just learned about this now. I was really looking forward to another Discworld book.

RIP Terry.

>> No.6263067

I just finished Wyrd Sisters, starting Pyramids, reading in release order.
What am I in for?

>> No.6263076
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damn, his latest books were not up to par to his earlier work but he was one of my favorites authors, pic related was his best book IMHO

>> No.6263107

Fuck me, I managed to keep it together until I read this.

>> No.6263134

Of course, it goes with arse later on...

>> No.6263141
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Crying in the mall.

I will have a bit of thinking to do.

>> No.6263163

I held my feels well until I had to phone my gf and she asked why the grim mood. Stating the fact out loud made me break.

BTW... people, I do realise this had been a long, frustrating day and many have to let some steam go over the fact, but don't pollute this thread with hatred. It really lacks taste.


>> No.6263184

>but don't pollute this thread with hatred. It really lacks taste.

Like shoving right wing social democracy down the guts of idiotic geeks until they love the veterinarian that is putting them down.

He never stopped writing propaganda for British capitalism.

>> No.6263188

you bastard
i'm at work
why would you do that to me?
not a single post on 4chan has ever made me cry
there's always a firs

>> No.6263202

I can't see how this is relevant. As Pratchett wrote in his statement 'Shaking hands with Death', CHOICE is very important in this matter. Whatever you choose to believe - believe. Why bother to belittle the choices and beliefs of others? They don't threaten yours in any way.

Any kind of imposing your convictions on others might be considered distasteful and hate-inducing, right wing, left wing, or any other wing.

>> No.6263207

>Any kind of imposing your convictions on others might be considered distasteful and hate-inducing, right wing, left wing, or any other wing.
I'm glad you agree that Terry Pratchett is distasteful and hate-inducing.

>> No.6263227

Pray tell, how did a 66y old late bugger manage to impose his beliefs on you?

>> No.6263246


>> No.6263248


With the high level of literary skills that you've evidenced, I think you demonstrate my point that the reading public is blind to the ideology being imparted by Pratchett's tripe while consuming and internalising it.

>> No.6263271

Ok, stop for a while.
I get (at least I hope so, as English is not my first language) that it pains you that people are falling subject to Pratchett's beliefs on euthanasia just because it came out of Pratchett and not because they truly share those convictions.
Regardless if that statement is correct or not... why bother? Why are you writhing in rage over what other people believe? The only thing that you change this way is you own health (that change being to your disadvantage).

I happen to share Terry's belief on euthanasia, on having the choice to go down however you like. It has nothing to do with the fact I have about 23 of his books on my shelves.

>> No.6263279

>I get (at least I hope so, as English is not my first language) that it pains you that people are falling subject to Pratchett's beliefs on euthanasia

It shows that English is not your first language.

Vetinari is an analogue of Thatcher, who destroyed the grounds of labourism in Britain by telling people she was doing the unlikeable necessary. This is the "putting down," that I am talking about, the justification of the destruction of autonomy by the "rule of law."

>Why are you writhing in rage over what other people believe?

Because people accept, for example, the destruction of mining communities and permanent poverty because of ideology like Pratchett's.

This isn't about euthanasia, friendo. This is about the structure of British society and politics.

>> No.6263295

>feeding the trolls

Just stop replying to these dipshits.

>> No.6263299

"All the little angels rise up, rise up.
All the little angels rise up high!
How do they rise up, rise up, rise up?
How do they rise up, rise up high?
They rise arse up, arse up, arse up, they rise arse up, arse up high!"

>> No.6263313

Ok, mate, I misunderstood you then. Not being British myself, my English education lacked the social/cultural heritage part yours undoubtedly didn't. Up until now I didn't see the connection between Vetinari and Thatcher.

That being said... I cannot see why that would be a problem. He never did state that Ankh-Morpork is the place to be, ay? He did admit that people are often unhappy, and often feel oppressed.
What I see in Ankh-Morpork is not an example, and I don't think Pratchett meant this place to be an example of perfect society. It is just one of them. Core one, yes. The same way London, of NY, or... I dunno, Dubai is. The growth enhanced by the potent fertilizer of rotten morality.

>> No.6263316

Can we get this thread stickied?

>> No.6263318

that doesn't make it any less moving

he always took death with a nod and grin
he was the first writer who interested me in the subject of mortality and what it entails

>> No.6263319

Good night, dumb thread, and may a choir of shitposts sing thee to thy 404.

>> No.6263332

It was. Not sure why it isn't anymore.

>> No.6263335

thanks anon

>> No.6263336

He has some more or less valid points, mate. And apart from many a Pratchettian here, he states them in a 'to the point', if a little abrasive, manner.

I reply, because such conversation, even if we're on different sides, is way more civilised than most of the content of this thread. Terry doesn't deserve the state of this thread as it is now.

>> No.6263340


And now that we're mentioning it, what happened to all those other stickied threads over the past few months?

>> No.6263376

Mining in GB was not profitable. Who should pay for sustaining those mines?

>> No.6263386

>Up until now I didn't see the connection between Vetinari and Thatcher.
there isnt any. You are arguing with a moron.

>> No.6263391

I talk about people and you see objects.

>> No.6263441

Welp, that was a clusterfuck of a thread, but it had nice things

>> No.6263497


If you're still here, read Night Watch. It is an amazing inner experience of a failed revolution, and high ideals crumbling or otherwise. Pratchett was not a fascist.

>> No.6263502

This may be the most ignorant and anti-intellectual thing I have ever read on this board ever.

Even though I don't like memes, Im literally not even mad, this is fucking amazing.

>> No.6263534



>> No.6263540

agreed. i kek'd hard at that one even though i was in tears at the time

>> No.6263556

fuck you

>> No.6263578

how do i become knowedgeable?

>> No.6263583

RIP, great man

I'm probably going to read the whole Discworld series agan as a tribute

>> No.6263632

I'm going to reread them, and I'm going to share it with my gf, she has been looking forward to start for a few months

>> No.6263639

He was shit. His daughter I'd fuck but I wouldn't tell anyone.

>> No.6263643


Hint: it won't seem as funny now you're having sexual intercourse regularly.

>> No.6263714


I see what you did there, pharaoh.

>> No.6263734


>Thinks Stan Lee dying would kill comics

Hey idiot, Stan has transcended that by making Marvel a movie franchise and having a role in every Marvel movie made. If he dies before the world gets bored of the movies he becomes a martyr and everyone buys commemorative editions of everything, guaranteeing comics decades of further life. If anything you should hope one of the 4 or 5 good current writers or artists dies because no normies know the name to care and one more of the thin threads supporting the skeletal hope of how great comics *could* be would be cut.

>> No.6263755


My main board is /bane/ but I'm here for this too, and I must say I am less than impressed with this place.

>> No.6263766


Yes, but the dad's misquoting on purpose and replacing characters with parodies of people you know, that's what makes it great.

>> No.6263772


Haha, oh my, your standards are so high! Poor little half-chan

>> No.6263788


He just invented a machine that would translate the lonely despair of his rotting corpse into literary imagery. He's actually been dead for decades

>> No.6263794


Even in the face of despair and death, the fire rises.

>> No.6263797




>> No.6263803


Pratchett's writing = able to get you through 36 hours of nonstop orifice evacuation.
Seems pretty impressive to me.

>> No.6263816


People keep correcting you.
I love it.

>> No.6263823

*tips fedora respectfully*

>> No.6263838


That's what makes it weaksauce. The jokes about of-the-moment trends are going to make it like Sanskrit within about thirty years.

>> No.6263866


A beautiful garden grows better in shit.

Intelligent people see value in fun and in satire because they provide different perspectives and ideas, and even the worst book can change the way you see the world or show you how much better other books are. Only stagnant and self-conscious proles pretend otherwise.

>> No.6263893


Fun is subjective. I read a little Terry Pratchett once and it felt like there was a fly in the lampshade.

>> No.6264427







>> No.6264457


>never come back

Says the illiterate visitor to the Glorious Enlightened. Go back to /co/, your picture books aren't welcome here.

>> No.6264499

(The Anon you replied to)

I love it when /x/ comes here, you guys are welcome.

But, what did your Wicca pickle of a brain imagine that I don't sleep surrounded by vévés and symbols of old Celtic Gods? Bitch nigga, I'm only 3 hours away from Brocéliande, and I regularly take strenghtening baths in the Barenton foutain under the moonshine, and then proceed to wipe my dick on bicentenial oaks.
What made you underestimate me enough to think that I did not insert, in the preconised order and in my rectum sublimae, sixteen different kind of gems and stones? You really expected your little ooga booga to be of any effect on me? It's going to backfire on your hyppocamp so hard that your parents are going to hear your third eye pop from the basement you touch yourself/live in.
You goofed big this time.

And in the next days, when you try to get used to your newly acquired perpetual drooling and to never be able to plane-drift again, I'll be up my neck into Rimbaud and a blue-eyed cutie (admire how good my zeugma is, by the way)

>> No.6264561


I think he's saying that since Terry Pratchett was a weird guy anyone who gets his humor must be delusional? Or he can't differentiate between a writer and his works? I'm not sure, he's really getting excited about the serious side of life though, maybe just point him to Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee or 1493? Something with stories about real people inflicting and experiencing unbelievable amounts of pain and suffering merely because it's the most effective way they can think of to reach their goals? Things without much humor too, just picture the least "amusing" moments of your life as if they were how life should be and every laugh or smile that wasn't at someone's expense is a personal failure, that should help us get where he's coming from.

>> No.6264697


Well you say things like "The truth remains the truth", but as an outside observer it looks more like you think "truth" means "things people say when talking down to others", not actual Truth. My suspicion is that you recently got your shit together a bit more than it had been and are feeling great about it, so now you feel above everyone else online because you changed and your brain won't let you think the faceless nameless words you interact with online might be from people who dynamically change in real life as well (brains are like that). So now here you are, newly self-improved, with all this golden wisdom to share with your mental inferiors who are stuck in delusions and habits you've overcome. Now you get to act like that no-nonsense guy from your life (or favorite show or movie or book or whatever) who always says profound things in a gruff and unwavering way! Yay!

Only they are people.
I bet there's a ton of overlap between a lot of people here and man-child stereotypes, but I'm equally certain you have a bunch of stereotypical traits too. At most you might be different enough to not have overlapping stereotypes with anyone else in the thread. You are a person. I am a person. You breathe. I breathe. You interact with other people. I interact with other people. You hate unmerited suffering. I hate unmerited suffering. You think people should have to deal with the consequences of their actions but have a mental hierarchy setup in such a way that there are glaring omissions on that list. You know things I don't and have experiences and habits in your life that would change me completely if I experienced or adopted them. Those are all true of everyone else you ever interact with, including me. Without guiding a person through your journey to arrive at a belief how can you expect them to accept it?

Point being I'd love to learn a new thing from you, but the way you're doing everything makes you sound like exactly the bitter idiots you claim to hate.

>> No.6264783


I see what you're saying and you are as right as you are inflammatory in some ways. Genre fiction being like refined sugar is an accurate assessment, but like sugar it can be part of a healthy diet (though no diet lacking it will ever be less healthy for its absence). Just don't forget that white powder in a jar marked sugar doesn't automatically mean it's something you want sprinkled on your french toast.

>> No.6264805

Ha, okay, first name me everything you classify as genre fiction or give me a definition of genre fiction you'll stick to so when I do you don't scoot the goalpost back a few.

>> No.6264847


Particular boards are the laughingstock and not 4chan itself? This whole site has had ups and downs, but it actually died a few months back before moot left. Pretty much every mind of value (and /pol/ too) left so when the next crop of newfags came in to be initiated nothing but bitter fucks and mindless children were left to teach them, the great creators of OC left to inspire at greener and more infinite pastures. I mean Jesus, it's like no one here even knew there was an exodus.

>> No.6264870

To where, and why would you still be here?

>> No.6264888


Trips for truth. Not sure I'd be against legal euthanasia, but death is the deceiving comforter of our stories. It's cessation of life, not some old friend come to spend eternity with you. Death is the name for when your mother or Allen from accounting or your best friend is replaced with a slowly rotting perfect meat sculpture and they never come back or even send a letter saying why. We wrap it in poetry and purpose because it scares the ever-living hell out of us to think about it truthfully.

>> No.6265014


God this. It's the same type of people who are convinced that anything other than realism means an artist was "just throwing around paint and then bullshitting those dumb art people about how it represents "emotion", my kid does better art than that and I don't even HAVE a kid hyuckhyuck"

Or the people who say "I don't watch cartoons, they're for children."

Really any sort of knowledge that could imply superiority becomes part of "What, you think you're better than me? You think you can come here with your big words and 'education' and tell me my uninformed opinion was both uninformed and an opinion? You're shit and everything you love is shit and almost everyone who has ever agreed with me is infinity times better than the best person who ever agreed with you!"

>> No.6265178


The interesting post here from the Patient Man goes unanswered. I'm as unsurprised as I am sad. I wanted to believe his story about BS Johnson, but it's too made-up sounding a name and too inelegant a dig for a satire writer, even a supposedly "genre fiction" writer by the crazy guy's standards.
The comments about the tight-knit nature of British writing are about the only thing he's said that's worth investigating so far :/

>> No.6265260


People think Dickens transcended genre? I mean my mom loves him, and the effort involved in reading a work from so different a time should prove valuable to modern readers, but he's really just the king of tangents.

>> No.6265281

You seem worthwhile, so I'll just recommend you recognize 4chan's death and give 8ch a shot. It's got more nazi's, but it's the only place left with consistently worthwhile boards I've seen so far.