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/lit/ - Literature

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6214700 No.6214700 [Reply] [Original]

Do you browse any other literature forums?

>> No.6214715

Yeah, /r/books

>> No.6214721

No, when am I supposed to, you knwo, actually read stuff?
Is that place as horrible as I instinctively believe it is?

>> No.6214729


meh, it has its up and down, like /lit/

the discussion threads tend to be more pleb/high school, but they link to interesting articles about lit every now and then

>> No.6214738

there are no good literature forums

>> No.6214743

You may like /r/literature, it's less plebby/automatically more pretentious to the point of being painful to read, the "What are you currently reading" threads usually have some good books to read next

It's also slower than /r/books, but that may be a good thing

>> No.6214751

I like /r/askliterarystudies, /r/truefilm, and /r/artporn

>> No.6214760

I also like /r/philosophyofscience, /r/badhistory and of course /r/juicyasians

>> No.6214770

and finally, the /r/history wiki has a really good reading list: http://www.reddit.com/r/history/wiki/recommendedlist

>> No.6214772

I don't know, but 4chan might be the worst model a message board could have:

-people can easily pretend to be other people and game discussions toward whatever direction they want
-because of the above and things like memeposting, people are easily bullied into changing their minds without even being given an argument
-nobody is held accountable for previous opinions or statements, so nobody feels any pressure to change their mind in an argument

The fact that some people think anonymous posting is some glorious revolutionary outlet of free expression is hilarious. I mean, I guess it is "free expression" in the sense that you're free to act like children and do so on a regular basis.

>> No.6214777


go away
you don't get it

>> No.6214783


>> No.6214785

I have gone away for the most part. Three months cold turkey and I come back to the same exact board. Same topics, same way of posting about them, absolutely no progress. I don't know why or how you idiots do it. I guess repeating the same thing without any progress whatsoever is a common psychological problem.

>> No.6214790
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kill yourself
you're not even in on the joke, normie

>> No.6214791

>calling people normie outside of /r9k/

how many GBPs have you collected recently, and did you acquire chicken tendies?

>> No.6214796

i'm in on the joke and i assure you it changes none of your criticisms

>> No.6214800

what is the joke? our lives?

>> No.6214816


I have years of accumulated GBP circling in futures as diverse as a varied and sharp portfolio will allow. I've been trending upward in GBP shares for over a decade, my return is stellar, all while tendies are on a steady at-rate purchase price decline (thanks to the efforts of the proud manufacturers at Swanson [Pinnacle Group LLC] and Hungry Man Productions) in international and local markets.

I am a good boy.
I will end you.

>> No.6214830

I can smell the pissbottles from here

I hope your mummie's new boyfriend doesn't throw them away, they surely must increase in value over time. Like my collection of Beanie Babies from 1995 to 1999.

>> No.6214833


nice, where did you put your honorary So It Goes tattoo?

>> No.6214839

No, really, go away.

>> No.6214855

/r/cinephile for film theory, though its tiny af

>> No.6214859

I browse the discordianist forums, they aren't really /lit/ but they are very book oriented.

They're like some mix of 4chan, normies, punks, all kinds of philosophy, and a touch of 'le so ranbum', but the good kind.

>> No.6214861

>Three months cold turkey and I come back to the same exact board.

lel, i went away for two years and had the same experience, some of the tripfags had changed was the only difference.

I like the Poetry Foundation myself, but it's not much of a forum.

There used to be a forum called Poetry without pity or something similar, but that seems to be dead now.

>> No.6214882


>> No.6214990

Titan Cronus is so dumb why is he eating them and not simply kill them with his bare hands?

>> No.6215013

Death is the punch line

>> No.6215027

because that would be wasteful, you dolt. i bet you throw your semen in the garbage too.

>> No.6215053

/r/books is fucking dreadful unless you are underageb&

/r/literature is acceptable, they actually encourage talk of uncommon books.

>> No.6215091


>> No.6215126
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easily the most autistic thing I've yet experienced on the internet

good christ

>> No.6215170

they were immortal too so he couldn't kill them.