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6054364 No.6054364 [Reply] [Original]

>When Wallace confesses, in a beautifully written (or transcribed?) scene, that he feels more and more like a fraud with each new accomplishment, there’s not a writer watching who won’t feel a chill of some recognition. It’s a film for wordsmiths, but also for anyone who’s ever talked away a few days, saying too much too soon but not regretting it.

>> No.6054367

Absolutely pig disgusting, but you can't blame the studio for wanting to make it. Wallace's fraudulent self-promotion as a "grunge genius" is to blame for this crappy movie.

>> No.6054395

I-I want to see it

are there any clips, or trailers or anything?

>> No.6054408

What is moot doing there?

>> No.6054434

Asking if he can be postmodern now he is kill too dfw say no ;_;

>> No.6054449

Not being an admin to 4chan..

It's been three days and I just realized you're gone.

>> No.6055082

it just came out at sundance, it'll prob be out in the fall or winter if they're going to push segel for best actor awards

>> No.6055109
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> YFW this shit is driving Franzen insane

Can't wait for the butthurt essay

It'll probably be really good

>> No.6055112

>The David Foster Wallace Literary Estate has not endorsed the film,[9] stating that Wallace would have never agreed to any filmic portrayal.[10]

>> No.6055144

Is it true that people who wear bandanas like that lose their hair quicker?

>> No.6055146

That reviewer had never seen or heard an interview with DFW or read any of his work lmao

>> No.6055149


>and they still do it


>> No.6055174

How does he speak in the film?

>Ah, jeez
>Okay I'm trying to parse this
>Does this make sense to you?
>You're going to edit this out, right?
>sweating intensifies

>> No.6055177

I need some help about this too

>> No.6055183

Are they gonna show him fucking underage girls and beating the shit out of Mary Karr or is it going to be some hipster jesus whitewash?

>> No.6055198

Do you have sources for both claims? I can't find anything on domestic violence or underage sex (but lots of "young fan" sex)

>> No.6055214

I would watch it were it like this

>> No.6055257

lol don't be naive, it was in the bio and I'm not surprised if it was a little worse than the bio let on
(the poster exaggerated a little bit, it wasn't underaged girls as far as reported and it was more being a scary possessive dude and throwing things and 'almost' causing a lot of damage v 'beating the shit out of' m. Karr)

i bet they don't even keep in his gross dip habit

>> No.6055262

>he beat the shit out of her
>he fucked underage girl
>lol dont' be naive, it was in the bio
>shows that it wasn't in the bio

make up your mind anon

>> No.6055265

My hairl oss seemed to slow down when I quit wearing hats altogether (after hearing the same theory).

>> No.6055268

his St. David screed is underrated and I love seeing crying fanboys being like why is Franny so mean about my thoughtless worship after only reading this is water ;_;

>> No.6055274

what's up with the hate for this film? honest question. why such vitriol?

>> No.6055276

i said the specific claims were exaggerated for humorous effect (also known as a joke, why do I have to explain this?) and then said what the bio actually said...not hard to follow
df slept with students and behaved in scary fucked up ways to M. Karr, no one has ever disputed this

>> No.6055280

>He tried to push one girlfriend in front of a moving car, he threw a coffee table at her; once he even arranged to buy a gun to kill her husband. Then there was the sheer number of his relationships. He once told a friend that he had slept with an underage girl


Can't be bothered to look through the Max book to find the exact passages but it's in there. Also iirc there's a bit about him hiring a hooker but getting to scared and not fucking her which is pretty funny.

>> No.6055288

If anything the biography was probably sensationalised to make a rather ordinary private life more tantalising to mainstream audiences. Now, I don't buy the whole "Saint David" image, but I am also highly sceptical of D. T. Max; he strikes me as a shameless huckster. And, as mentioned above, Wallace himself was expressly against this sort of approach to literature in general (see for example the essay "Borges on the Couch".)

>> No.6055298

so basically he was a normal dude with relationship issues? nothing to see here...

>> No.6055306

I wonder how the film will make it clear that df was lying throughout the interview about his depressrion/mental health/drug issues (iirc, the interview dude spent a bunch of time trying to get David to admit that he was in AA or rehab etc) or if they'll change it from the transcripts or what
I thought the bio was a bit short of a hagiography and downplayed a lot, the ' sensationalized' bits are from maybe a combined page or two, I didn't come out of reading the bio thinking DF was a monster or even a bad person or anything, but he did some very fucked up stuff

>> No.6055313

It's a particularly powerful scene to those who want to kill themselves because they know they haven't any talent.

>> No.6055321

>but he did some very fucked up stuff

You must be pretty sheltered if this petty shit qualifies as "very fucked up" to you. I do worse on an average Friday night.

>> No.6055328
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>> No.6055329

>He tried to push one girlfriend in front of a moving car, he threw a coffee table at her; once he even arranged to buy a gun to kill her husband.

not v. chill of him
but again I don't think DFW is a monster, just that acting shocked and defensive (which isn't so much happening in this thread, but happens too often) that he did anything bad is a bit much

>> No.6055334
File: 400 KB, 653x459, dfw34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He refers to the women he sleeps with as the “bimbo brigade.”

>He takes full advantage of the “audience pussy” that becomes available to him after the publication of Infinite Jest; telling Jonathan Franzen he wonders whether his only purpose is “to put [his] penis in as many vaginas as possible.”

>He dismisses one woman he’s slept with by telling her, “I told you not to come here,” as she approaches him after a reading, and refers to another one (“unchivalrously,” Max notes) as “A three-day weekend I’m still paying the credit card bill on.”

>He tells one single mother he’s dating that he is jealous “her breasts [are] ‘no longer public property.’”


>> No.6055335

>see for example the essay "Borges on the Couch"

An essay DFW wasn't qualified to write, among a slew of others he wasn't qualified to write.

>> No.6055339

how the hell does the stuttering sweating freak who wrote infinite jest have sex with that many women

>> No.6055342

tbf- the 'audience pussy' phrasing was M. Karr's, not D.F's iirc

>> No.6055345

All of his nonfiction (excepting the autobiography) is underrated.

>> No.6055346

>A three-day weekend I’m still paying the credit card bill on

>> No.6055347

lol if anything this makes me warm to him somewhat

although i'm sure every artist gets up to similar stuff with groupies

>> No.6055353

as if the likes of you are qualified to judge dfw's qualifications, lol

>> No.6055368

You can judge someone's qualifications even if you don't have them yoruself. You can tell that a boy without arms isn't qualified to be a fireman even if you are a scared fucker who would never jump into a fire intentionally.

>> No.6055369
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"And but so uhm, how do I parse this, I'm cumming?"

>> No.6055379
File: 24 KB, 648x450, mmmmmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being all close to that face in bed. Mmmm. "This whole thing's tricky"

>> No.6055387

Icky, more like.

>> No.6055397

>DFW is tenderizing your supple asshole with his dick which is the size of a tennis racket
>he is close to cumming*
>starts muttering a bizarre string of words
>and but so, and but so, and but son, AND BUT SO...ah, and but so
>*cumming of course referring to the male process of ejaculation, often referred to in the negro** community as "nutting"
>**negro being a totally un-PC term used to describe an African American*** gentlemen
>a nigger

>> No.6055400

>Also iirc there's a bit about him hiring a hooker but getting to scared and not fucking her which is pretty funny.

I have done this a lot. Also I have fucked hookers for 2 straight hours so go figure

>> No.6055401

If you're a writer being like that makes you more appealing to a certain kind of woman. If you appear nervous and sensitive and "not like other men" you can get away with being a total player without anyone noticing, China Mieville does the same thing apparently.

>> No.6055407

i meant Jonathan Frazen's New Yorker essay that came out a couple years ago, people cite that as him being just jealous or whatever when he had some good points on how people are turning David into some guru saint (which has increased and will increase with the movie if it catches on)
I love DFW, but the blind deification from people who have only read This Is Water is pretty irritating and insulting to his work n life (and the work and live of all writers, artists I would argue)

>> No.6055409

whens wallace string?

>> No.6055410
File: 218 KB, 450x498, CheckEm(1) - The act of checking doubles[a] in the imageboard 4chan[a]When the last two numbers of the post number are the same.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually read "sticky", that works too.

>> No.6055417

you see the same thing play out in the tech world and pretty much any field, being good (or perceived at being good or a genius or whatever) is attractive even if you're a total nerd weirdo (which DF kind of played up to some degree)

>> No.6055420

Do they freak out when you tell them you changed your mind? Can you play with them in non sexual ways for the same price? Can you make them act in a short film about maoist youngsters that's mostly dialogue?

>> No.6055424

I made noises, anon. Bravo.

>> No.6055429

>Can you make them act in a short film about maoist youngsters that's mostly dialogue?

Anon, that's gross.

>> No.6055438

That's why I'm asking before risking it.

>> No.6055439

>China Mieville does the same thing apparently.

Isn't he gay?

>> No.6055735

when can i watch this movie

>> No.6055907

the same pseudo science behind anti hair loss lasers would support not wearing hats being helpful. however, any affect from either is pretty much negligible. if you want to stop it you need to change your diet and maybe get yourself 5-α reductase inhibitors

>> No.6055927

>Isn't he gay?

>> No.6055946

>>He tells one single mother he’s dating that he is jealous “her breasts [are] ‘no longer public property.’”
oh god my sides