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5678306 No.5678306 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of the growing trend of siding with and supporting Christianity and especially Catholicism? What do you think causes it?

>> No.5678313

Dont know, taoist master race.

>> No.5678317

what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.5678323

>What do you think causes it?
It's limited to /pol/

>> No.5678324
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It's called metatrolling

>> No.5678330

Belief in God.

>> No.5678384

Trolling, mostly.

>> No.5678408

When a lot of people started using the internet the possible opinion pool started to change. It used to be most of the people shared views on certain topics, not anymore because there's more of them and they're not like minded people. But the way people express their ideas on the internet didn't change. This causes enmity between two or more schools of thought.
Also the new blood tends to internalize stereotypes about these instead of knowing what they actually do (or even caring), so they just mock whatever side they find funnier. Atheists have been in the media for a while now so people are getting tired of them and their inconscious reaction is to just say that they have bad fashion sense and post stupid aphorisms on messaging boards. Give it a little time and it will be the same with feminism and whatever else is popular right now.

>> No.5678425

That trolling is a cry for help, a plea for God's love you aren't yet willing to accept.

>> No.5678427
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>growing trend of siding with and supporting Christianity and especially Catholicism
Do you really believe that siding with and supporting Christianity and especially Catholicism is a new thing?

>> No.5678434

>four gospels
>apparently jesus only dies in one of them
>jesus doesn't spoil it himself multiple times

>> No.5678435

It's a growing thing

>> No.5678474

Man, it's hard not to want to support Christianity after you read the Bible. This in any time and place

>> No.5678486


As always with sudden, apparently inexplicable trends, I blame the phenomenon of homosexual identity.

>> No.5678488

>tfw the Gospels were the original Rashomon

>> No.5678541

Because people tend to feel empty and soulless in a highly materialistic society like ours, so they're returning to the spiritual values.

>> No.5678557


>> No.5678566

Pissing off neckbeard, atheist types.

>> No.5678583

>What do you think causes it?

On 4chan? Ironic metacontrarianism.

Everywhere else? Child indoctrination and lack of education.

>> No.5678619
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I came across recently a statistic of conversions to Catholicism and declarations of apostasy on the global scale along with linear function of general number of Catholics worldwide. It was very strange to me. I knew for the long time that number of believers in Europe and US is declining, however worldwide... the number of Catholics is... increasing and the centre of the rapid growth of this religion is China (southern part of the coastline and mainland especially). Conversion rates are amazingly high. Then a thought occured to me, namely that people long have been saying that China will dominate in the world starting from second half of 21st century and people, naturally, are often reluctant to this notion as they deem Chinese as something alien and robotic.

Perhaps, perhaps if this scenario happens and the conversion rate keeps up then Chinese won't be so alien and robotic after all. Funny how even if West loses economic hegemony it will still influence the reigning champion changing its religious/cultural paradigms.

>> No.5678647

I dont side with catholicism but i'm a agnostic who just really hopes there really is a god.
chances not looking good tho

>> No.5678698

The future is Catholicism v. Atheism. Protestantism is kill.
Dat growing hispanic population will change America's faith.

>> No.5678709

It's called government propaganda.

Even the /pol/tards who think they are smart and not under government control have fell for the Islam hate bait.

>> No.5678761


Oh yes. Hispanics are on the great rise and their value their faith immensly, sometimes even while dubious of God's existence they choose to follow the ritual out of cultural significance and Church's teaching. Add Chinese into equation, South America and Ireland, Poland, Italy, Spain, not surprisingly countries from Europe with highest birth rates.

>> No.5678767 [DELETED] 

fedoras caused it

>> No.5678769

You know how those New Age spiritualists are always saying shit like "I'm spiritual but not religious." I think a good portion of the population wants the reverse: religion without spirituality. That is, they want a Christendom with Christian customs. And Catholicism has always been the king of that.

What did Protestanism bring us, anyways? America? Modern capitalism as we know it? A society keen on feasting on bread alone? I think the pessimistic truth is that you can't have spirituality without religion, or what you wind up with is shit like Protestanism, or New Age hippyism.

>> No.5678774



Also our birth rate peaked in '80 IIRC.


>> No.5678813

>hat does /lit/ think of the growing trend of siding with and supporting Christianity and especially Catholicism?
I like it. More opposing oppositions need to be discussed.
>What do you think causes it?
Probably the influx of militant Atheists at every corner of the internet inspired more religious people to take their faith seriously and study/defend it. Its most certainly not "everyone that disagrees is just contrarian" like certain individuals are so desperate to believe.

>> No.5678821

Catholicism is just having a bump because they have a pope for once who isn't a cunt. They got through the serial pedophile thing relatively unscathed and now they are feeling smug and proselytizing. It won't last, even the pope is getting btfo by his clergy when he tries to say nice things to the gays. Meanwhile they decide to have a synod on "the family", because large families are the secret of their new catholics statistics, a synod entirely consisting of middle-aged, celibate (mostly gay) men. Yep catholicism is doing great.

>> No.5678828

>Its most certainly not "everyone that disagrees is just contrarian" like certain individuals are so desperate to believe.

Overall, for sure. In places like 4chan, where the general sensibility is largely hostile to Christian sentiments and there exists a strong culture of contrarianism/trollishness, it has to account for a fair chunk, no-one can seriously think otherwise.

>> No.5678830

The only Christian died on the cross, faggots. Check that edge. We don't need God, this is just a small reaction to a larger atheistic trend that will still prevail once the tide realizes that pictures of fat kids in fedoras isn't an actual valid argument against atheism. Atheism in turn will come back less proud and more dignified thanks to this small swing of the pendulum.

>> No.5678841


Ireland fertility rate is 2.0 and at this rate 3rd in Europe after Faroe Islands and France. My statement was valid.

source: 2014 List by the CIA World Factbook

>> No.5678850

From what I've seen, most of the trolls are pretty easy to weed out.
It goes for both sides, there are people that pretend to be Atheist just to feed into the euphoric meme, but its usually pretty blatant trolling.

>> No.5678906


One thing I will say is that I watch a fair amount of TV of the stripe regarded as 'high quality' and Jesus Christ I am so sick of Americans and God and God and Americans and Americans and God. And it's all the fault of the fedora-tippers.

Look back to the same stripe of TV 10 - 15 years ago. Religion in The Sopranos is comic relief. It's just not there at all in The Wire. I assume from cultural osmosis (never a fan) that it featured non-trivially in Six Feet Under, but I'm hard pushed to name any other 'prestige' show from that era that treated it seriously.

Can't fucking move for it now. Is God real? Is he not real, but important? No, seriously? No, I mean really seriously? No, I mean SUPER DUPER MEGA I HAVE NO PLANS TO SHUT UP ABOUT THIS ANYTIME SOON seriously?!?!?!?!?!

And as I say, it's a reaction to the sudden spike in discussion of atheism. Annoying.

>Ireland fertility rate is 2.0
>not realising this is replacement rate
>3rd tallest dwarf

I know exactly one person under 35 who attends Mass. The Church has completely lost my generation and those younger. Catholicism here ain't dead. But it's very, very ill.

>> No.5678923

>there are people that pretend to be Atheist just to feed into the euphoric meme

Sure, trolls gonna troll. Bet atheists pretending to be theists way outnumber theists pretending to be atheists, though. No evidence beyond a hunch, but do you really think I'm wrong?

>> No.5678936

No, I think you're right. I'm just saying that its usually easy to weed out the trolls. They're usually not very good trolls.

>> No.5678944

>Religion in The Sopranos is comic relief.
it's just another thing the characters do, nothing comedic about it
there's no god in breaking bad either

>> No.5678955


And? I was talking about cultural implications of certain religion. Replacement rate on a continent of demographic wasteland should be considered really high. Don't act like Catholic paradigm had nothing to do with your relatively high birthrates.

>> No.5678988

>paulie scared of the cat
>paulie dismissing some absurd number of years in purgatory ("I'll do it standin' on me head!")
>not comic relief

There is the weird Mex-Catholic mutation of drug-dealer patron saints, but I won't say it's not its own form of comic relief, ultimately, so BrBa is a fair point. Still, though. That rapture one with Officer Stubbleshades whose wife is in the smoking cult. Rectify. Priesty McConscience from the failed V reboot. No denying an upward tick.

>Don't act like Catholic paradigm had nothing to do with your relatively high birthrates.

Oh, I'm not. Just saying: Don't expect it to last.

>> No.5679048

You mean among edgy youths? The fact that hating on religion has become so common, that being for it is the new counter-culture.

>> No.5679105

because I live in liberal new england and they feel like a minority around here whereas the atheists of my age group are vociferous, and I'll always defend an underdog.

>> No.5679130

>christ was a christian


>> No.5679154

He believed in himself, and so should you

>> No.5679217

4chan is the new church

>> No.5679261

just because it happens on /lit/ doesn't mean it happens in real life. you'd do well to keep this axiom in mind as you browse this website.

>> No.5679295

I think there's a generation of religious young people aware of Christianity's marred reputation and are eager to set a better example by trying to be more intellectual and understanding.

>> No.5679330

I think it's partly due to the media portrayal of the current pope.

>> No.5679435

Calm down Wise Blood

>> No.5679445

You retards do realize outside of trolls on 4chan christianity is dying in the west due to being a cult right?

>> No.5679553

Life is scary when the chips are down, so most people sit back and hope their favorite Jew does the rest of the work for them

>> No.5679609

That's deep anon.

>> No.5679627

Genuinely, OP, I think people are tired of hating. It's unsustainable, and the internet shows us that. Hell, 4chan shows us that very well indeed. I think people are turning toward something refreshingly new, despite it's age, and that is Christian love.

>> No.5679689

Jesus dies at the end.

>> No.5679696

Actually, he comes back at the end. Do u even read?

>> No.5679702


What about people who weren't indoctrinated as children, are highly educated, and yet still are Christians? How much education have you personally had?

>> No.5679704


Religion is simply a means of organizing spirituality. Without a spiritual core it's completely hollow.

>> No.5679731

Actual fact contradicts this statement

>> No.5679747

every great civilization takes some things from the ones that came before it

>> No.5680279

This is from the perspective of a Catholic very bad. The synod was close to a few heresies and this pope is a cat in a bag.

>> No.5680302

actually a dude has a vision of his return

>> No.5680351

Isn't it dying in Europe?

>> No.5680446

It's a resurgence of Christianity.
This pleases me greatly.

>> No.5680644
File: 548 KB, 1600x1005, hf-john-brown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I much prefer religious types to those annoying Hitchens wannabe dicks.

Sign me up for John Brown's cruasde any day of the week

>> No.5680649

Holy Bible is biggest bullshit in history. And people likes to read bullshit. Fucking stupid shiteaters.

>> No.5680667

People always like to side with "the underdog"
Until recently that was any kind of atheism, agnosticism etc. However since society has become more secular the sides are changing again and more traditional and spiritual perspectives are seen as deserving of understanding

>> No.5680686

Being edgy. Atheism is just too mainstream.

>> No.5680695

If anything, feminism has replaced religion for many college/university students in North America. Sin has been rebranded as privilege, hell is the patriarchy and Satan is the white straight male. Though you can ask forgiveness by praying (checking ones privilege) or supporting feminism (pass the collection plate). It's kinda amusing from some angles.

If you look to the past women are typically the most religious and devout because there's something in them that needs that. Christianity is stigmatized in university and it's a faux pas to discuss it outwardly so women have moved to this cult of feminism to fulfill that need.

>> No.5680697


It started with AMDG, the greatest namefag to grace these boards. He was actually a Protestant but the Catholic imagery he used stuck with people. His relentless posting (still unknown whether he was a troll or sincere) actually planted some seeds.

More generally it's a reaction to the hedonism and emptiness of the modern world. Pure "rationality" as a director of your life is just a web of delusion because it's unprincipled. Some people are reacting by embracing one of the most IRrational institutions imaginable, the Catholic Church.

>> No.5680703

*el tippo di fedora*

>> No.5680704

In Spain, if you're under 60yo and talk about Christianity and specially Catholicism, people will think you're either a right-wing nutjob or just a regular nutjob.

>> No.5680705

Nice meme. I really, really like it. Do you mind if I use it, friend?

>> No.5680722

I think it's fucking retarded and people need to shut down religious shitposting as it starts

>> No.5680727

Because these kids https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8obTqBa4ZY have grown up and now they are raiding the internet.

>> No.5680757

Haha. Bravo.

>> No.5680765

Stop with this fucking "oh so wise" middle ground bullshit, I always hear this fucking posturing like belief in Christianity is easily defensible and cool, it's fucking not, I have read so much they have to say and they never say anything convincing. Over and over again the Christians ramble incoherently about retarded shit like biblical truth which they have no coherent defense for, the nature of god which they have no coherent defense for, tough theological questions which they have defense for, then fucking faggot fucks like you always come up to bat for them like "WHOA WHOA ATHEISTS, be nice now, Christianity is totally reasonable, WLC was totally justified in saying god orderin the death of children was justified, religion is fine"

Religion is the most retarded form of Platonist ontology and defending it in 2014 is just fucking retarded

>> No.5680768

Yeah, verses like Ezekiel 23:20 really make me feel the glory if God :-)

>> No.5680770

The online support of Christianity has to do with trolling, plain and simple. Most people that attack atheists on 4chan/reddit aren't religious. In such a sense that it's not even a thing to talk about anymore. Probably 2nd/3rd generation atheists who never had this stepping away from the church thing, were never raised christian and thus never considered christianity anything to attack.

Then there's the new pope, whose media portrayal is positive, in contrast to other recent popes.

The third reason is the islam and contrasting it.

>> No.5680784

>influx of new atheists

Only your retarded delusions do people become religious over such petty aestheticism

>> No.5680798

>it's all the fault of the fedora tippers

How? How the fuck is it their fault?

No matter what, in every debate you fucking guys blame "fedoras" for everything, like it's some catch-all source of all problems

>> No.5680807


>> No.5680809

Kids rebelling against their increasingly secular parents. And it's barely a trend.

>> No.5680815

Yeah fuck women!

>> No.5680817

Christianity is pure rationality you fucknuts

>> No.5680831

>mysteries everywhere
>blind faith
>"you can't understand God because he's 2clever4u"
Of course.

>> No.5680855

People want to be on the minority on the internet to show their snowflake uniqueness. Atheism became the dominant belief on 4chan, Reddit and Tumblr where Christianity became scrutinized, especially Catholicism.

Over time the minority of atheism grew to the majority (on the internet). Again the majority was scrutinized and people are abandoning the majority to become Agnostics, Protestants and Muslims to show what free thinkers they are. In a few years 4chan will be trolling / talking about why agnostics are retarded not choosing a side.

>Still being agnostic
>Not realizing agnostics still go to hell
>Being this pleb

Then newfags and anons trying to impress their fellow anons (not mutually exclusive) will jump ship to the majority, creating a cycle of faggotry.

>> No.5681019

Majority of people are always religious and there's a legit need for spirituality in a world where people aren't aquainted with it since birth like the average urban child. Someone who wasn't raised with religion and found it latter is more likely to be defensive about it than someone that has been religious since day 1.
>inb4 some western anglo retard brings out his anglo-centric views on atheism in east-asia

>> No.5681034

>where the general sensibility is largely hostile to Christian sentiment
When? In the golden economic era of the 2000s till 2008, where there was objective prosperity in all the corners of the world? Also people do grow up. You can wager that a lot of the pathetic NEETs that really didn't improve their lives since the start of this site, the early chapmions on Internet atheism, were the first ones to even consider religion. The people who are currently on /b/ are likely to be atheist than theism, thus the whole "newfags are theists" theory seems unplausible.

>> No.5681043

>In a few years 4chan will be trolling / talking about why agnostics are retarded not choosing a side.
Religion is a livetime thing mate, you can't remove it like you can any secular ideologies.

>> No.5681152

"Rationality" noncolloquial. You have to adapt the rationalist presupposition that mind precedes reality to justify god, as materialist explanations for everything are so potent now. "God created the universe lol" is simply unconvincing. Thus Christians try to establish a priori bases for God.

I agree, except atheism has ALWAYS been the dominant belief on 4chan. Where do people keep coming up with this story that atheism is "new" or "progressing"? It's getting "stronger" but it's not like 5 years ago 80% were Christian and now they're a struggling minority. The demographics haven't changed that quickly

>> No.5681156

>this is what theists actually believe

>> No.5681181

What does any of that have to do with my post?

>> No.5681218

wow touched a nerve there kiddo
maybe you should drop the hat and edge

>> No.5681223

lel atheists
when will they learn

>> No.5681227

I remember AMDG
where did that guy go

He always posted crusade pics

>> No.5681239

Again proving thag atheists are just raging against the machine because they're forever bitter about going to church on sundays

>> No.5681255

Agnosticism has always been a joke.

Poor man's atheist.

>> No.5681262

>having a knee jerk reaction to anything anglo with no provocation

>> No.5681295

How does jesus die on page 681 when page 681 is in the old testament?

>> No.5681308


>> No.5681324


>> No.5681329

2.1 is replacement rate because of fatalities. So, 2.0 is barely hanging in there.

>> No.5681509

>How the fuck is it their fault?

'Fault' is a strong word. But it wouldn't be the case if not for them.

>> No.5681542


Since inception to the present. Like I say, I don't think anyone can seriously disagree. And I mean, on a side note, there has never been 'objective prosperity in all corners of the world', but that's not important.

>Also people do grow up.

Well, yeah. But that frequently entails leaving (though alas, not always). Point is, *here* the general sensibility is decidedly un-Christian.

>The people who are currently on /b/ are likely to be atheist than theism, thus the whole "newfags are theists" theory seems unplausible.

I never said "newfags" were theists. I said a large proportion of avowed theists in places whose overall climate is inconsistent with Christian values and sentiments can be explained as trolling and/or contrarianism.

"Christology" would be the superior answer.

>2.1 is replacement rate because of fatalities.

Fair point. Also heavy emigration over the last few years and not nearly all of them will be coming back.

>> No.5681714
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In Spain?
That's sad.

>> No.5681720
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>> No.5682059

Then it's pure RATIONALISM not rationality.

>> No.5682147

historians agree Christ wasn't a christian. Christianity was a reinvention of the image of jesus. He was as jewish as the rest of rabbis

>> No.5682277

In the short time the atheists too kover, they left such a bad reputation behind that atheist posters just shut up or pretend to be christian in discussions out of the possibility to be countered with a Fedora picture derailing the discussion.

>> No.5682293

The internet in general and 4chan in particular are, above all else, contrarian. Just as we bashed Fox News and fundies back in the Bush era, we bash fedoras and SJW's now.

/pol/ will probably always be right-wing, but you might see more Marxism threads if a Republican wins the White House.

>> No.5682344

>Marxism threads if a Republican wins the White House

The idea that a committed Marxist would see more than a millimeter of daylight between the Dems and the GOP is a bit ridiculous, tbh.

>> No.5682403

I used to think this, but I've noticed that a lot of the new Christian movement on the internet is Catholic. I'm convinced that the same people who hated Fox and Bush were just never exposed to theology that doesn't try to discredit empirical science. If the same teens were starting to become Young Earth creationists, I'd still think it was pure contrarianism.

>> No.5683003

/pol/ is pro islam, anti brown people

>> No.5683127

It's just a reaction to the equally growing trend of disagreeable athiests and anti-christians.

What I don't understand is why Catholicism (and Eastern Orthodoxy to a much lesser extent) is championed in this movement. I'm beginning to think that 4chan is mostly populated by Italians and spics.

>> No.5683136

>implying any italian 4chan poster gives a shit about catholicism

>> No.5683210

...I-I give a shit about catholicism

>> No.5683230
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>> No.5683269

i'm sure the pope appreciates you dedicating your excrement to your beliefs

>> No.5683402

Evangelicals and Mormonism are exploding in Hispanic and African populations

>> No.5683413

Jesus was a Jew preaching to other Jews. Even the Samaritans were separatist Jews

>> No.5683422

Not in mark...

>> No.5683453
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It's all because of pic related.

>> No.5683613

>What I don't understand is why Catholicism (and Eastern Orthodoxy to a much lesser extent) is championed in this movement.

Because they have authority over Christian tradition. The art and the culture are important. Former non-denominational speaking.

>> No.5683736
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>pictures of fat kids in fedoras isn't an actual valid argument against atheism

>> No.5683749

>being so angry that you went and spent a bitter half hour making this pic
how unseemly

>> No.5683760



>> No.5683774

eeeyy whats wrong with eastern orthodoxy
theyre legit

>> No.5683797
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>reddit and 4chan hates religion
>these ideas become popular (see growth in /r/athiesm
>4chan wishes to differ from reddit, it looks at reddit as inferior and wishes to have differing opinions to it and the mainstream in general
>4chan hates athiests (fedora tippers) and becomes Christian

looking forward to when this comes full circle again so I can be athiest wihout tipping my fedora

>> No.5683815

but le hat meme begun on reddit.

>> No.5683838

No one became christian, we just dont think we need to debate metaphysics with dumb 14 year olds.
I'm agnostic, my tip to you is : just dont talk about religion at all

>> No.5683845

>Aetheists became dominant on Tumblr, Reddit and 4chan
>Bitter toxic feminists and cisshetlords, MRAs and video game playing edgy teens, and anime horse fetishists Moroccan sandal bulletin board

And OP wonders why no one takes atheists seriously tippy top kek

>> No.5683846

You could expand that to: Don't talk about anything that will start a discussion you don't care about.

>> No.5683855
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Ok. But lots of 4chan these days literally has become Christian (or at least thats what they say, but theyre ALL TROLLIGN RITE) purely because of /r/athiesm. You can even deny that m9

>> No.5683865

fedora started because some atheist tool posted a stupid post about making a quote about being euphoric

It perfectly personified teenage atheists it's just Reddit being full of lame faggots got the heat the most

>> No.5683883

People grow up, opinions change and the fact the stereotype atheist is mentally challenged doesn't help converting people to it, no christian has ever tried to convert me to christianism, a lot of atheists have.
Christians dont think atheists are fucking stupid douchebags because they chose not to believe in god, Atheists do think that about most christians tho.

>> No.5683891

>because of r/atheism
you really can't comprehend people not living on the internet can you

you know Christianity has been around before computers right?

>> No.5683990

>Christians dont think atheists are fucking stupid douchebags

Sure they do. Source: this thread, every other similar thread, every other similar conversation on the internet and Romans.

>> No.5683997

>on the internet

>> No.5684005

Nah, they think edgy atheists are douchebags, you know you can chose not to believe in god and you dont necessarily have to rub it in everyone's face?

>> No.5684019


Yeah, like we're talking about.

>they think edgy atheists are douchebags

Everyone thinks edgy atheists are douchebags. I bet even a fair percentage of edgy atheists would agree in the abstract (the way bores never think they're bores).

Do ALL Christians think that? Hell no. My point stands.

>> No.5684059

>growing trend
>children are thrown out of class for saying "God bless you" when someone sneezes

Pick one.

>> No.5684392

Clearly not on 4chan

>> No.5684431
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That's true it has always been dominant on the internet. Though Christianity is more popular when including the numbers outside the Tumblr/4chan/Reddit demographic. So when our forefathers A.K.A the oldest of fags, flocked to 4chan, the special snowflakes and actual atheists started voicing their atheism by bagging the real world majority.

Now atheism is such a dominant majority on the interwebs that trolls start trolling by pretending to be the minority or agnostics just because. Basically 4chan comes down to this picture.

>> No.5685038

>I know one person who attends Mass
>Neckbeard on 4chan using who they know as an example
And this is why anecdotal/personal evidence is fallacious

>> No.5685053

Why can't atheists and use correct grammar and spelling?

>> No.5685066

Show me the statistics that you're talking about.

>> No.5685077

I was agreeing with your argument until you said "trolls", which is the hallmark of a bad argument along with "shills" [see any commenter over 50, not understanding the term 'troll' and using it as a term for anyone disagreeing with them on the Internet].

Now that atheism is the majority, real theists and agnostics are coming out of hiding, as well as trolls. It isn't just trolls.

>> No.5685114
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People got tired of "anti-Christian" new Atheists and realized that most of it was just a bullshit trend people latched onto to look cool or more intelligent.

More than half of the people I've spoken to defending Christianity aren't even Christian, they're atheists. They're just tired of angsty butthurt atheists going around acting like dumb-asses and generally being aggressively ignorant.

>atheists spend all their time yelling about Christianity
>end up getting more people interested in and defending Christianity

>> No.5685128

>You have to adapt the rationalist presupposition that mind precedes reality to justify god
That's so funny, because 19th century Rationalists accused the Church of not being rationalist ENOUGH and Aquinas' proofs are based on many of the same axioms that empirical science relies on, like our sensory experience being reliable, for example.

Not starting a fight, I really just think it's funny that you would make that claim about the Christianity. It seems that in every age people are making contradictory complaints about them.

>> No.5685137

>Aquinas' proofs are based on many of the same axioms that empirical science relies on, like our sensory experience being reliable, for example.
Sorry, It would have been more accurate to just say that Aquinas' arguments and proofs are a posteriori.

>> No.5685233

>using Marxism in any American context ever

>> No.5686314

Completely wrong, what intellectual Catholics take pride in is the Church's great education ability and serious theology/philosophy, the last Pope to represent this was Benedict, Francis is doing really badly at it and just aims at making the Church look more appealing to undecided liberals.

Honestly I'm not a Christian but I'd vastly prefer living in a climate of dialogue between Catholicism and culture than divisive Protestant denominations that lead to subjectivism and "Jesus was a hipy they just ruined it!!!"

I had a hunch for a long time but I'm convinced Catholics are really fucking based at philosophy after enrolling in a Jesuit university. I'd take them over pretentious eastern spiritualists any day.

>> No.5686333

>19th century Rationalist
Like who?

>> No.5686354


Recent data from The Sunday Times Behavior and Attitudes poll is in line with the international findings, showing that 34 per cent attend Mass weekly. This poll also found important age and political affiliation differences in church attendance, with higher levels among older age categories and people who support Fine Gael. **Among 18–34 year olds, weekly church attendance is about 14 per cent.**


FYI your identification of me as 'a neckbeard' ranks well below 'anecdotal evidence' on the hierarchy of argumentation. Just so you don't go harbouring ideas above your station.