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/lit/ - Literature

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5215957 No.5215957 [Reply] [Original]

What are you currently reading?

>> No.5215967

The New Testament
Shakespeare's Sonnets
Merchant of Venice
Shakespeare's Politics by Allan Bloom
Biography of Ahmed Ibn Hanbal

>> No.5215972

I suppose I'm going to start Catcher in the Rye because my high school didn't assign it and I want to read about some bitter faggot who hates everyone. Plus it should be a quick read and I could use something breezy.

>> No.5215973
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>> No.5215974

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.5215981

How's that Fitz doin' for ya, OP?

Trying to finish Invisible Man

>> No.5215988

I hope this is a subtle troll because I was making fun of you for not finishing that book like a month ago.

>> No.5215989

James and the Giant Peach.

It's pretty complicated. I wouldn't expect you plebs to get it.

>> No.5215992

Nice, how do you like it?

>> No.5215995

dermaphoria by clevenger to get ready for the film. i miss the days when i could just read neo-noir 4ever

>> No.5215999
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For the first time.

>> No.5216003


>> No.5216012

deserves the praise

>> No.5216013

I have neglected it for some unfathomable reason.
/lit/ too interesting, grumpy about my arm, reading a couple other things, movies, w/e.

>> No.5216020
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I'm finally nearing the final pages of this book. Has pathetically taken me much longer than I thought it would because of all the other books I've been reading.

>> No.5216025
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>The New Testament

>> No.5216029


I am almost finished with Book 3 and so far it is amazing. Fitzgerald makes the poem come alive and flow well. His translation of Book 2, in which Troy falls and Aeneas flees I found particularly moving. Favorite bit:

With this,
To the altar step itself he dragged him trembling,
Slipping in the pooled blood of his son,
And took him by the hair with his left hand.
The sword flashed in his right; up to the hilt
He thrust it in his body.

That was the end
Of Priam's age, the doom that took him off,
With Troy in flames before his eyes, his towers
Headlong fallen - he that in other days
Had ruled in pride so many lands and peoples,
The Power of Asia.

On the distant shore
The vast trunk headless lies without a name

>> No.5216042
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Cities of the Plain, I love McCarthy's works
Cien anos de soledad, to work on my spanish
rereading bits of Suttree daily
along with some poetry Leopardi, biliingual text, Keats

>> No.5216056

>Cien anos de soledad

That's a beautiful book

>> No.5216087
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I started reading this today because some anon recommended it to me and this guy elevates chronicles to such high standards that makes them look like the second coming of Joyce.
I'm also reading 100 años de soledad.

>> No.5216123
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I'm in the beginning, in the chapter where Fortville meets with his father in Paris, but I already love it, and I can't wait for Dantes to get his revenge.

>mfw Fortville
worse than Danglars, he better not live to the end.

>> No.5216132


>> No.5216137

Im reading jr by iwlliam gaddis its good lots of funny jokes.

>> No.5216155

Villefort, I meant.

I should really go to sleep

>> No.5216167

Get some rest mane


>> No.5216183
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Worst book I've read in a while. How does a thriller manage to be so boring.

>> No.5216504

The Odyssey. It's a journey alright.

>> No.5216538


>> No.5216558
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last 30 pages

>> No.5216566


Sweet. Is Mann as good as his reputation suggests?

>> No.5216615

He has very talented for having 26yo, if you like '800 classics like WaP or Les Mis or Balzac it's an interesting read.
You (+ or -) will learn what happens in that time in lubeck. also was printed before the WW1 so without the modernist style (that i don't like very much).
It isn't an immortal masterpiece but is the novel that every 25yo guy dreams to be able to write.

>> No.5216629

Finnegans Wake
The Skeleton Key to Finnegans Wake (sort of, mostly just when I can't figure out the main idea of the chapter)
The Plague
Gravity's Rainbow re-read

>> No.5216658
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cat's cradle, started and finished today

i was expecting something funny

>> No.5216693

Sons and Lovers - Lawrence

>> No.5216694

r u a grill

>> No.5216697

Hunger by Knut Hamsun.

>> No.5216711

The Heart is a Lonely Hunter.
Pretty good book. Love the characters in it.

>> No.5216713
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>> No.5216716

am not

y u asking dat

>> No.5216720

fugg, >>5216716 was meant for >>5216694

>> No.5216725
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I'm trying to re-read Calvino's 'Invisible Cities', but in the Italian this time

>> No.5216733

Crime and Punishment

>> No.5217170

Against the Day - Pynchon
Hegemony or Survival - Chomsky
Collection of Kafka's short stories

Someone mentioned above that they were reading Moby Dick. I just finished that a week ago and holy shit it is fucking amazing, like just for its structure alone, and the level of detail w/r/t the whaling industry is remarkable, along with being The Great American Novel for a million other reasons. "Whiteness of the Whale" is a remarkable chapter (one of very many).

>> No.5217377

"Against the Day" is great. I love the theme of quaternions/mathematics in general and how it relates to the overall structure of the novel. I actually think it is contention with "Gravity's Rainbow" for his best book. Like the best moments from the historical sections in "V" but for a thousand pages

>> No.5217408

Yeah it's so good. I'm loving the themes of light and electricity. Pynchon finds the most interesting and influential subjects and events in science and history and weaves them into his novels seamlessly. I'm enjoying it just as much as Gravity's Rainbow, which I can't say for Inherent Vice or Bleeding Edge.

>> No.5217477

I just finished Solaris for the first time. I don't really know what to read next.

>> No.5217478

Lem has other book. Also Star Maker.

>> No.5217504
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Just finished this.
The third act on this fucking thing.
I think I just saw the concept of the novel murdered right in front of me.

>> No.5217508

>sort of, mostly just when I can't figure out the main idea of the chapter

so all the time

stop you pretentious cunt
don't even try to defend yourself
you understand nothing
dumb cunt

>> No.5217512


>> No.5217517
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(in the best way possible.)

>> No.5217521

>The concept of the novel murdered right in front of me

Read If on a winter's night a travelerz

>> No.5217534
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i am very interested in this, and i'm very glad I learned that being meta is optimally more than just confusing fuckery.

>> No.5217553


To Kill a Mocking Bird, a lot of it reminds me of Faulkner's stuff but that's maybe because it's set in the southern states of America and family is a big theme.

>> No.5217565
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Aurélia by Gérard de Nerval

>> No.5217654

dervish is digital - pat cadigan
i've always been a fan of her style

the secret garden - burnett

treasury of new england folklore - botkin
full of great yarns

language of the robe: american indian trade blankets

>> No.5217804
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The republic.
You guys always went on about starting with the Greeks so I did.

>> No.5217809

Should have started with the pre-Socratics.

>> No.5217822

farewell to arms, someone was cried at the end and it motivated me to read it.

>> No.5217823

>Not beginning with the Babylonians

>> No.5217829

Starting with the Greeks mean the iliad or hesiod

>> No.5218302
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Or 4chan: The Manchild/NEET Archetype, explained.

But jokes asides, damned woman knows how to write complex psychological analysis with such simplicity that they plain hurt you if you're a manchild like the ones depicted, that is - and even if you're not her style is quite piercing in very insightful way along the read. Jung's texts read like novels in a lot times, which is great in its own regard, but her rational style is much more suited to gear up on studying whenever you're in the mood for it, whereas a lot of times Jung takes some actual study prep for it.