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5211921 No.5211921 [Reply] [Original]

I've been hearing a lot of vocal whiney assholes lately complaining about how much life sucks today and how our generation is worse than others. I think it's just bullshit perpetuated by a few whiney high schoolers and people that want the pockyclipse to happen so they can escape the boring careers they chose. Even you disagree, let's put that aside and talk about the good things that are happening today. I'll start, with a literature one first, since this is lit and I don't wanna get banned again.

-I'm genuinely grateful to be alive while cormac mccarthy is still writing. We may have missed out on Joyce and hemingway, but goddam I love looking forward to his work and wondering what's next. Our kids are gonna be jealous.

-we experience the dawn of the internet. This is literally probably the single most important technological achievement in the history of humanity. It makes learning and communication exponentially more available and has broken down more barriers, including oppressive governments, in ten years than centuries of rifles.

-Were really earnestly advancing toward a society without traditional prejudices. Sure there are road bumps, but interracial relationships are finally widely accepted and we got a black president. And the gay thing isn't as big a deal as the civil rights movement, but it's still pretty historical.

If I can see a cure or vaccine for HIV and/or a man walk on Mars in my lifetime, I will die with complete faith in humanity.

Let's hear it for us and our world guys.

>> No.5211932

>-Were really earnestly advancing toward a society without traditional prejudices. Sure there are road bumps, but interracial relationships are finally widely accepted and we got a black president. And the gay thing isn't as big a deal as the civil rights movement, but it's still pretty historical.

here comes /pol/ to shitpost you into oblivion

>> No.5211945


>I'm genuinely grateful to be alive while cormac mccarthy is still writing. We may have missed out on Joyce and hemingway, but goddam I love looking forward to his work and wondering what's next. Our kids are gonna be jealous.

So what?

> This is literally probably the single most important technological achievement in the history of humanity. It makes learning and communication exponentially more available and has broken down more barriers, including oppressive governments, in ten years than centuries of rifles.

So what?

>Were really earnestly advancing toward a society without traditional prejudices. Sure there are road bumps, but interracial relationships are finally widely accepted and we got a black president. And the gay thing isn't as big a deal as the civil rights movement, but it's still pretty historical.

So what?

>If I can see a cure or vaccine for HIV and/or a man walk on Mars in my lifetime, I will die with complete faith in humanity.


>> No.5211954

Miscegenation sucks, homos suck, ancient cultures are being ruined by western filth and the internet is too fucking pervasive.
Also, 21st century cars have mostly been fucking boring to look at, and they're harder to work on

>> No.5211958

>I will die with complete faith in humanity.

You still have faith?

poor bastard.

>> No.5211970

Was this really worth your time?>>5211954
21rst century cars are harder to work on, that is a big shame that has driven a wedge between the owner and enthusiast. There's some pretty fantastic things happening in auto tech now though (once again thanks to computers) and you gotta admit there are more than a few gorgeous new cars.

>> No.5212007

I wonder more about the generation after us. The toddlers with smart phones. What will become of them? Nothing? Something terrible? Or is their near constant playing of Flappy Bird some sort of preparation for interfacing with technology, and then they become god-like machine men?

>> No.5212012

Interfacing with future super technology I should say.

>> No.5212017


*tips fedora*

>> No.5212023

Whatever happens happens, they'll be alright even if we don't understand them. They said the same thing about television, the radio, and even books. Humans are tough and adaptable. We use technology to enhance our lives, not replace it, despite the reasonable cautions otherwise.

>> No.5212032


well, go and play flappy bird. Flappy bird will not induce your god-like machine phase.

>> No.5212040

>-Were really earnestly advancing toward a society without traditional prejudices. Sure there are road bumps, but interracial relationships are finally widely accepted and we got a black president. And the gay thing isn't as big a deal as the civil rights movement, but it's still pretty historical.

Prejudices exist for a reason and will always exist.
Modern civilization thinks it's too good for it's own shit and thinks we can change all this because "it feels right". We as a species are not ready for this total globalization yet.

>> No.5212042


>tfw future generations won't need art or games because their brains will be hooked up to some sort of computer system which provides a constant stream of pure pleasure without any harm to the actual body

>> No.5212061


read De Officiis yet?

we're doomed like the republican rome was. forget all that nonsense about the cyclical nature of empires, Cicero knew what was up.

>> No.5212068

I haven't, now I'm interested though.

>> No.5212074

I like the Dodge Challengers, and the Mustangs
It seems to me that cars are just recently starting get more stylish, so maybe shit'll get better, it's already all better looking than 90's cars

>> No.5212079

>traditional prejudices
Sure there will be issues with class and wealth in the future, but 100 years from now people are gonna start looking all the same and petty bullshit about skin color won't be an issue.
It'll never happen. You forget that humans inherently blur the line between pleasure and pain, that's how we get S&M, and people paying good money to go exercise. Don't tell me you don't enjoy chopping wood or digging a hole or driving or fixing the sink every now and then. If we had all the pleasure we could want we'd still naturally unplug from it.

>> No.5212081

race and skin color aren't the same :--)

>> No.5212091

>race is skin deep

Moving on, I doubt within 100 years we'll all be the same.
Some hatred is centuries old.

Some anecdotal evidence incoming:
My friend moved to America from Moldova. Him and his family, and all the people where he was from absolutely hate the Turkish. Why? Because for decades, Hell, centuries, they raped, pillaged, and conquered that part of Europe. All because of prejudices.
Yes, violence is terrible, but that was a long time ago and the hate still runs deep.

It's looking like a liberal paradise is incoming with no diversity and all one pool of sameness, but Nationalistic parties are gaining traction in countries more often nowadays.
People don't want to become something they're not, they don't want to forgo their ancestry so they can be "one big happy species".

There's only so much you can push someone before they push back.

I'm not trying to advocate for Nationalism or anything like that, I'm just saying that removing "traditional prejudices" isn't going to easy, if it can happen at all.

>> No.5212107

I agree that this is the best age to be alive ever in the history of humanity.

Life itself is still a flimsy thing filled with horror though.

>> No.5212136

Lol keep dreaming.

Prejudices are based on ignorance and isolation, and the internet and jet travel are knocking down those barriers. It's easy to be like your Moldovan friends ancestors when they can't get on youtube and watch a video of a Turkish kiddo teaching his pet monkey how to smoke cigarettes (or whatever they do), and when he can't jet on over there and hang out. You really only proved my point when you said that "he was taught to be that way". Well, moreso than ever before, we can challenge those teachings and find out for ourself if what those few vocal assholes are pushing is true. Do you think the average Iranian hates the average American? They don't, no more than the average American hates them.

I believe the parties you are referring to are called "fringe groups", and any traction they have is considerably less than they have in the past.

Also you talk about race mixing like it's something people are forced to do. It's not. People fall in love and have families just like they always have, only, once again thanks to the internet and planes, they can find people who don't look like them. It's less like the Turner Diaries and more like Napoleon Dynamites cousin.

Also, it's not a matter of culture here, gone tomorrow. Mixing ethnicities doesn't result in more of whichever ethnicity you don't like, it results in a new hybrid culture that is free to pick and choose whatever parts of their ancestors culture they enjoy. Which is their right because the world will belong to them at that point.

Literally everything you're saying is just angry fringe speak that comes from deep seated insecurities and not any scientific or psychological basis. Yes there are people with those attitudes and there always will be but they are few and far between and will never be taken MORE seriously as communication and education increases.

>> No.5212149

>We as a species are not ready for this total globalization yet.

We as a species have never been ready for anything. Walking out of our elementary hunter-gather communities into big-boy agriculture was a massive fucking leap that drove countless societies into chaos. Medicine shot the population limit through the roof. Written word made us go bananas. No one is ever properly prepared for the next step, but like some cosmic inertia, we find it impossible to come to a stop.

>> No.5212151

>but 100 years from now people are gonna start looking all the same and petty bullshit about skin color won't be an issue.

This isn't true at all. It will take many more generations than we can even properly predict for humanity to fully blend, if it will ever happen at all. Races are self-selective to a rather high degree. Interracial mating will probably occur more often, but not nearly enough for the 3rd or 4th generation after us to be anywhere close to fully mixed.

>> No.5212156

>ally everything you're saying is just angry fringe speak that comes from deep seated insecurities and not any scientific or psychological basis.

I believe deep seated insecurities and anger are psychological topics. And people do still hate other people in the middle of knowledge.

>> No.5212164

Not fully maybe, but you realize it's the kind of thing that happens exponentially right? As each generation becomes more and more mixed, it will be more acceptable and more common, and basically, easier. After all there are people who would never date a purple assed pure black person, but someone mixed, like that chick "of the future" on national geographic? I doubt many people would have a problem putting a ring on that.

>> No.5212173
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>Seriously being a character straight out of a novel

>> No.5212183

Seeing a Turkish kid teaching a monkey to smoke isn't going to erase the brutal history of the Turks. Jet travel and the internet may make other cultures more accessible but that doesn't mane they are good or even worthwhile cultures.

If you're mixed you can't just say "yeah, I like this part about this part of me, but not this part, so I'll ignore it". People aren't going to mix with people they don't agree with or that they hate.

This hate isn't stemmed from ignorance, the modern Moldovan knows their history, probably a lot better than any other country would, even with the internet.

And I know race-mixing isn't forced, but you make it seem like it's something everyone is going to do and want to do with no problems in the future.

>> No.5212184

This is a bad thing. I'm not the least bit racist. I live in Vancouver for Christ's sake. But race mixing to the point of homogeneity is a very bad thing that should not happen.

>> No.5212198

>Walking out of our elementary hunter-gather communities into big-boy agriculture was a massive fucking leap that drove countless societies into chaos.
Which societies?

>> No.5212204

>talking history
Sure, that's why the US and japan and Germany all still hate each other right? That's why blacks and whites NEVER get along in the US and aren't getting better, cus all those sins of the father really matter to people on an everyday basis.

The only ones who give a shit about who fucked who in history are those who abuse the facts in their speeches to play on people's emotions and drum up support for their bullshit movements.

Get up, get out, and get outside and you'll see that the things that make us human are pretty universal.

>> No.5212220

Just shut the fuck up you child. The United States and Germany were at war for a paltry amount of time before the USA pumped millions into repairing it. Japan and the USA are separated by an ocean. China and Japan will never get along. Pakistan and India will never get along. Islam is the closest thing you can get to an antithesis for the Western world. Not everything mixes. China is the oil to Japan's water. Where old divisions are blurred, new divisions are created. The world is not inherently good and progressing. It's just getting fucked up in a different way than before.

>> No.5212224

The Cold War is over.
America and Russia love each other right?

And I do go outside, I've met and interacted with people from different countries, states, races, sexualities and everything else.

Most people I meet fit their respective stereotype, some don't, but most do.
I never treat someone as anything other than a human, but when I notice that they act so differently from me and my own it's obvious that we are different.

We shouldn't be forced to blend cultures, it should be a healthy respect for your own culture and everyone else culture.

If you want to mix, go ahead, but don't think that makes you better or that people are going to agree or have to agree.

This isn't me(the gu you responded to)>>5212220

But, he does make a good point, if crudely.

>> No.5212225

All of them? Try going through a notable lack of nutrients and children a full foot shorter than you in return for larger populations and more stable living conditions. We don't really have much record of the times, but I can't imagine it being calm transition.

>> No.5212231

>the world is not inherently good and progressing

Congratulations, you have totally failed at life in the only way possible.

Humans are naturally cooperative and every generation is little bit better than the last. If everyone thought like you we wouldn't have penicillin, cars, running water, or any of the other things that you're too immature to realize make the world pretty damn sweet.

>> No.5212235

In what way? Were there rebellions? Population collapses? Periods of lawlessness and anarchy?
Can you name a culture which went through this transition?

>> No.5212241

>-Were really earnestly advancing toward a society without traditional prejudices. Sure there are road bumps, but interracial relationships are finally widely accepted and we got a black president. And the gay thing isn't as big a deal as the civil rights movement, but it's still pretty historical.
Maybe. I don't think prejudices are going away any time soon, we'll just develop new ones.

Space travel will be pretty neat. Asteroid mining will be even cooler.

I don't think the future is getting worse and I don't see it getting better either; every solution brings up new problems. Also, there's no guarantee that something unforeseeable won't happen and fuck us all up.


Something like this would've really shifted the global power dynamic.

>> No.5212243

Easy for you to say living in your bubble middle class Western life. The world is just as fucked up. For every good piece of technology there is a piece of technology that hurts millions. Like your car? Carcinogens and pollution. The atom bomb. Firearms. Humans are naturally violent and each generation finds a way to kill more than the last. Two hundred years ago the tragedy that was World War I could not have happened. Half of the world is payed less a month than I earn an hour working a minimum wage job.

It's clear who needs to grow up here.

>> No.5212244

>humans are naturally cooperative
That explains all those time diplomacy prevailed.
Good thing Hitler was content with just Austria.

>> No.5212245

>"I have very opinionated Views™ that basically come from my anus and anyone who disagrees with them must come from tumblr or reddit." -Anonymous poster on 4chan

>> No.5212246

Of course people shouldn't be forced. The point is the have the option, where in the passed they were forced NOT to. I do think prejudice and hate are inherently negative and love and charity and kindness are postive when it comes to humans, but I don't really give a shit who marries who. I even admit that at this point, it is still generally much easier to marry and mate within your race, I just think it's a win for humanity that we are no longer constrained and can produce a person with the intellectualism of an Anglo, the work ethic of a Mexican, the musical abilities of a negro, and the math skills of an Asian. And, uh, the... beards? of an Arab.

>> No.5212249

All of those traits are cultural, not racial you fucking moron

>> No.5212251
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>Let's hear it for us and our world guys

>> No.5212254

yeah i'm sure someone will find out the work ethic genes somewhere
why don't people pick up a fucking book and take some fucking biology courses before spouting their retarded views about "human nature" and all that bullshit

>> No.5212260

Humans are cooperative. The world wars and things are the exception that proves the rule. Are you people really too dumb to realize that if humans really were more naturally violent then we would have ceased to exist long ago? We just focus on the violence because it is relatively rare and therefore more entertaining. And you need to actually look at some research instead of foxnews, global poverty has been reduced by an incredible amount since globalization. Despite having an exponentially growing population, we have the lowest rates of starvation and the highest standard of living in history. In fact, as of last year we officially eradicated polio in India. So keep on seething in your moms cave about the world is one big constant Blood Meridain. I can guarantee you'll never do anything productive and will never be happy with that attitude.

>> No.5212267

Oh right because the two world wars are the only two wars that happened right
It's not like I could literally list over a hundred wars thay occured in the last 200 years off the top of my head or anything.
War would be impossible if humans were not naturally violent. We are drawn to it. It is a lifestyle for some people.

>> No.5212273

I agree with you 100% but you picked the absolute worse place to try and discuss this. You're on an internet message board full of antisocial high school NEETs that think they are smarter than everyone else. What the actual fuck were you think?!

>> No.5212279

You do realize that deaths from war have been decreasing for centuries and are at an all time low?

>> No.5212283

You do realize you have provided no sources and your claims are exceedingly unlikely as 60 million died due to the Second World War, while before the industrial revolution a city of over a million was very rare?

>> No.5212286

I'm beginning to think this entire thread is an elaborate ruse.

>> No.5212287

I have been sayingbthis forever: the periods of peace in collective human history are so much longer than periods of war.
Most of us just want to do our thing.

>> No.5212294

ffs, this is common knowledge. just google it

>> No.5212297

>It makes learning and communication exponentially more available and has broken down more barriers, including oppressive governments, in ten years than centuries of rifles.

Technology does not break down barriers. Technology, yes even your precious #twitterrevolution, is wielded by those in power against those without it. It reinforces those barriers.
Because the Silicon Valley is in the US, and because the US is interested in seeing governments favorable to Iran and China destabilized, the US government and it's media dogs are willing to praise and experiment with firewall breaking and social media induced unrest. This doesn't make the internet a liberating force anymore than Reagan's dicking around in South America made crack cocaine and assault rifles a liberating force.
Open source software and the whole telecommunications revolution have primarily served to increase inequality (both in the US and around the world), to prolong civil war in the Congo, and to further confuse any attempt to distinguish between propaganda, entertainment and information.

>Were really earnestly advancing toward a society without traditional prejudices
No we're not.
The internet means that no matter how unpopular or insane your reactionary ideas are, you can find a group (/pol/, stormfront, websites dedicated to fundamentalist jihad) who will circlejerk with you.
Fundamentalists, especially, are tech forward. Just because the US and Europe are wallowing happily in a post-post-ironic malaise where no one cares enough about anything to hate or love, doesn't mean the world is improving.
India has elected a fascist prime minister. Russia is, well, being Russia. ISIS continues to gain ground (that's the face of your fucking social media revolution right there). And as the world burns, you sit around jerking it because you and your hipster friends don't say "nigger" as much as you imagine people used to. Oh, and you can take online courses in basket weaving.

>> No.5212302

If it's so easy to come up with a reliable source to support your thesis why don't you link one? I do it all the time when I make statements I know I need to back up. Or is it that you only assume there are sources, but don't actually know of one?

Regardless, a world where the Samson Option and global thermonuclear warfare is minutes away at any given time due to religious zealots in Isreal, Iran, Pakistan, India and the United States is not a better world at all than that of isolated tribes. I refuse to say that.

>> No.5212303

In terms of comparative population sizes he is absolutely correct. Also, the 19th century was the first century where bad things happened to civilians during wartime and people said "this is bad," before that, civilians were either enemies or the spoils of war

>> No.5212305

I'm sure the Palestians are just so pleased that they live in a century where people say "this is bad" after they and their families are blasted into meaty chunks by Israeli missiles.

>> No.5212307

>people are mean! There's still violence! And cancer! And have you seen that youtube video of the marines throwing the puppies off the bridge? Think about how many people in china have to work in factories! Think about how tough it is to work at mcdonalds here! The kids at school make fun of me! And the ring came off my pudding can!

Cry about it you dumb bitch. Or better yet, check out OPs image and harden the fuck up.

>> No.5212308

Also, pic "The Better Angels of our Nature" by Steven Pinker. He's a psychologist, but a Harvard psychologist, with a knowledge of statistics and history.
Times are really good right now, we just don't realize it because weapons have gotten bigger and every time somebody dies we see it on tv, whereas back in the good old days you could eat food in front of the fire and swap fart jokes without giving any fucks about dead kids on the other side of the world

>> No.5212309

>or the spoils of war

How is this not an awful thing. That is terrible.

>> No.5212314

Well, given climate change and dwindling oil supplies, combined with the coming realizations that commercially viable fusion is still fifty years out, the rise of the corporatocracy, overpopulation and cultural separation combined with underfunded education, I'd say, if not our kids, our kids' kids are gonna be fucked, with our with out their consumer goods

>> No.5212318

>psychologists who work at Harvard automatically become reputable historians

I'll keep this in mind, thanks

>> No.5212336

You should you dumb cunt-funtler
>hurf durf we have guns now everything bad
Seventy-five years ago we would have been at war with Russia if they were pulling this same shit. Now we just stop buying AK-47's and call it good.
Face it man. The world's looking pretty good. Have you forgotten the inquisition? The burning of the Library at Alexandria? Every stupid war over territory acquisition? Every city burnt to the ground because somebody called the emperor's wife a whore?
The world's really looking up goofus, stop being so blindly cynical

>> No.5212341

if israel wasn't under scrutiny of whining schoolteacher NATO and such the palestinians would have been fully removed.

>> No.5212346

>everything is going great in my mother's basement. Obviously everyone else is just whining because me and my idiot, sheltered friends only have to worry about pudding cans and working at McDonalds

How very wonderful for you.

>> No.5212350

Stop trying to paint people who disagree with you as emo downers who think everything is terrible. I certainly do not. But I'm not juvenile enough to look at the world as it stands and honestly say to myself the future is bright.
>ocean acidification
>bees dying
>climate change
>ressource depletion
>water depletion
>new technology facilitating propaganda and dehumanization

No, things aren't looking up.

>> No.5212354

If Israel weren't being being funded by the US, the Palestinians would still have their homes.

>> No.5212357

It is an awful thing. The point I was making is that times are great. All modern militaries are told that they aren't allowed to rape local women, which, while there still is a rape problem that always occurs when you give 18 year old boys guns and put them in a foreign land filled with people you've deliberately dehumanized, it's a step in the right direction.
We're still a ways from "world peace and economic stability forever" but god damn I'm glad I wasn't around for the burning of Athens

>> No.5212365

ITT: People whose grasp of history reaches back 100 years, not 10,000.

>> No.5212379

>Environment's fucked
Yeah, we're in the sixth great extinction. The hell of it is, we'll probably survive it too. The dinosaurs couldn't say that.
>New technology facilitating propaganda and dehumanization
Straight up wrong. Ready access information has made war and violence incredibly unpopular in developed countries.
For Christ's sake, U.S. press is reporting heavily on Palestinian civilian casualties. That doesn't usually happen. It is only in this era of freedom of access of information that propaganda machines have failed so miserably.
Nuclear energy is one of mankind's greatest discovery, and nuclear weaponry prevented a third world war involving communism and ended a LONG era of squabbling and warfare in Europe.
Get your shit together fuckface

>> No.5212381

What do you mean by that, exactly?

>> No.5212397

He means people have no idea how shitty it was to live in ancient egypt, where everyone was starving, smelled like shit, and the question wasn't "should we own slaves" but "how hard can we work them without killing them?"

>> No.5212403

Just that things were ridiculously worse in earlier times: armies taking cities to tax the civilians; diseases like the plague; executions for disagreeing with the king; public cat burnings for entertainment, where the cats were slowly lowered onto flames; witch burnings; ignorance, practically enforced by the church; etc. It's not the best right now, but it's a lot better than, say, 400 years ago, and definitely better than 10,000 years ago when you could just kill someone for the hell of it, or die of a broken leg.

>> No.5212407

This too. It sucks now, but it sucked more in the past, and this modern world is a significant improvement on the past, no matter how much it still sucks. Utopia? No. Better though? For sure.

>> No.5212415

>cat burnings for entertainment, where the cats are slowly lowered onto the flames

This disturbed me more than anything else you listed off, but also kind of made me smile.

>> No.5212427

>Written word made us go bananas.
Not really, in fact it was used rather sparingly at first, and nobody would write about how awesome it was for many centuries afterwards, but your sentence choice is so great, I'm not going to judge you too hard

>> No.5212432

The only thing that book proves is that if you start out wanting a particular conclusion, you can massage the numbers to get it.
First, let's base everything on percentages, because that looks better.
Second, we totally know how most hunter-gatherer's died 10,000 years ago because many of the skeletons we found had some manner of physical trauma. Also, every one of those traumas was a "war death." This guy's skull was cracked open? Maybe he fell down? Nah, war death. An arrowhead lodged in the bone. War death. Definitely, the arrow killed him, because no one has ever lived with shrapnel inside him. Just believe us. Believe us about all this war death.

>> No.5212443

It's from the book I'm reading right now: What Are You Optimistic About?

A bunch of scientists and the like talking about how much the world has improved. Relevant to this topic, pretty good book, light reading, comparing the shitty past with the present.

All in all, the present is bad, but the past was worse. I think there's a logical fallacy going on in this thread - and I wish I knew which one - where because the present isn't perfect, people jump to conclude that it must be horribly flawed. As in, if it's not utopia, it must be getting worse.

>> No.5212462

False dichotomy, I think is the fallacy you're thinking of. Not an expert though.

>> No.5212472

I haven't bought my Critical Thinking books with all the definitions yet. Was hoping someone else could answer that question.

>> No.5212496

I got lucky. False dichotomy is literally the only logical fallacy I know. (STEM baby here)

>> No.5212505

Haha. It's something along the lines of this: Because things ARE bad now, they must be getting worse; instead of Just because things are bad now, doesn't mean they have always been getting worse. I can't pinpoint it with my limited knowledge. Gotta get those Critical Thinking books.

>> No.5212529

See how you feel in a couple of decades, when shit's really starting to go down.

>> No.5212535


>so brave new world

>> No.5212770
File: 795 KB, 248x184, girl bye.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm genuinely grateful to be alive while cormac mccarthy is still writing.
Yeah, as far as our generation goes, I'm pretty sure you're nearly alone on that one.
Besides, how does how does your personal preference reflect on the whole generation?

>we experience the dawn of the internet.
Just experincing something doesn't make you gr8, m8.
Besides, it shortens our attention spans and severly undermined journalism.

>Were really earnestly advancing toward a society without traditional prejudices.
Yeah, that is pretty nice. But the real progress will be made when people stop hating pedos, the homeless, and druggies, and instead recognize that they're people who are in need of help, rather than trying to ostracize them.
Those are the real traditional prejudices.

>interracial relationships are finally widely accepted and we got a black president
Yeah, that is a pretty big deal for America.

>And the gay thing isn't as big a deal as the civil rights movement, but it's still pretty historical.
No, no it really isn't.
The civil rights movement was historical because (1) this was a group of human beings being acknowledged as persons for the first time, (2) they had to do a fuckload of organizing and demonstrating to protest laws, oragnize boycotts, and march on washington, which (3) usually got them beaten, set after by dogs, and sprayed with firehoses.

I haven't seen gay people do any of that stuff.

>> No.5212772

OP you are one mega-tier deluded retard

>> No.5212779


>disagreeing with me = ur a fedora :^y

fucking kill yourself vermin. why is it that people who call others fedoras are, without exception, desperate to be considered normal, despite arguably being even more risible freaks than the edgelords are?

>> No.5212786

One question, OP: you'll die in complete faith in humanity to... what exactly? Genially welcome your reincarnation? Let's not pretend this isn't hell.

>> No.5212787

ITT: 'If we forget our history then everyone will get along fine and there'll never be any more disagreements!'

Its like I'm actually on reddit, or any other site on the internet.

>> No.5212790

>If I can see a cure or vaccine for HIV and/or a man walk on Mars in my lifetime, I will die with complete faith in humanity.
>technology: Humanity
You Heidegger, now

>> No.5212795

ikr. Also, we may develop some new ways of killing and eating low orders of life. And life from Mars perhaps!

>> No.5212806

be happy and single get a career yada yada
I fucking hope the sun will blaze earth

>> No.5212811


Here's hoping we just start eating one another.

>> No.5212904


>> No.5212916

i like you man, i want my descendants/ spiritual successors to be as like me as possible (looks and personality which are both genetic) Cultural marxists need to be burned at the stake alive.

>> No.5212922

This post is so thoroughly psychopathic and illustrative of all that is wrong with the world it's unreal.

>> No.5212948
File: 129 KB, 1046x534, Glacial Period Europe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

During the Last Glacial Maximum, much of the world was cold, dry, and inhospitable, with frequent storms and a dust-laden atmosphere. The dustiness of the LGM atmosphere is a prominent feature in ice cores; dust levels were as much as 20 to 25 times greater than at present.[3] This was probably due to a number of factors: reduced vegetation, stronger global winds, and less precipitation to clear dust from the atmosphere.[4] The massive sheets of ice locked away water, lowering the sea level, exposing continental shelves, joining land masses together, and creating extensive coastal plains.[5] - Wikipedia

>> No.5212952

be more tolerant faggot

seriously though. has anyone else not noticed the fallacy. to be tolerant you cannot tolerate the non-mixers

>> No.5212958

The entire ocean has been filthy for millennia. Occasionally, clean drops of rain will fall from the sky, but they are immediately washed away in the filth.

>> No.5212959

It's just like how we arrest kidnappers and put them in prison. Sheer hypocrisy! Like, are you pro-imprisoning people or not?

>> No.5212962

A few decades after our death we'll have perfected immortality/the Matrix/eternal youth/beauty, so fuck you OP, I wish I were born like 30 years from now.

>> No.5212974

Ever heard of the concept of total war? It didnt fucking exist aside from mongols in the past

>> No.5212978
File: 97 KB, 960x532, bookchin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ecological systems are collapsing, slavery is more widespread today than in any point in history, global unfettered capitalism is in its late and final stages, everything has been turned into a commodity, culture has become mediocre and homogenized, art is dead, we are on the brink of a world war, Israel is committing genocide, Transformers 4 has grossed over 1 billion dollars and reality has been replaced with hyperreality.

But you're happy Cormac McCarthy is still writing.

>> No.5212980

what the fuck are you blathering about; kidnappers?

In all earnestness, Europe is going to be inhospitable for the non-Eskimo/non-Wild Scandi. Us Basque-people are going to have to move back south into the Mediteranean where we come from.

>> No.5212982

I'm grateful that I have websites like Goodreads, LastFM, and Letterboxd to help me establish myself as a bonafide pseudo-intellectual and with Amazon Plus I don't even have to leave my house to beef up my collection of used (or what I like to call Pre-Read) books, obscure vinyls and foreign collector's films. I work at a local garden centre where I spend most of my time slacking off (and sometimes even jacking off!) for a paycheck fat enough to support my consumerism-fueled ego and then I come home to my loving parents that bought into the coddling, discipline-free alternative methods of parenthood instilled by our liberal media in the boomer generation. When the 'rents kick the bucket I'll rely on whatever they leave me and if worse comes to worst, I'll flop into the streets with a 'progressive' outlook on life and collect my cheques from the ol' dog Presidon't Obooma! We are the ninety-nine percent! I'd be working if I had the ABILITY! The EGO of successful men is what's destroying this country! Raid them for everything they've got! Send out your secret police, Dotcom style! Kick the doors down! Rape the women and children - or better yet let me! I'm sorry judge, it was temporary insanity! Send me away to be reformed now, eating yoghurt in the California sun getting under the table blows from some local hired jaws. When I say I want equality, I really mean I want MY TURN. I didn't deserve it? What the hell's that supposed to mean? Success isn't earned, success is not a privilege of hard work! It's a commodity for the government to hand out! And it's finally my turn! That's what I love OP. Where else? When else but here and now?

>> No.5212983

>Transformers 4
holy shit 1 billion daaraa. Seriously though, most of that is from asians, why do giant robots make them go full retard.

>> No.5213041
File: 184 KB, 1200x872, yotsubato-149748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we could really minimize the potential for word wide disaster with nukes and the environment, so much of my anxiety would just dissipate.

I seriously will scare myself shitless just looking out the window imagining that I wont even notice the blast.

But then it doesnt happen.

>> No.5213065

Tfw i want another WW to see the new technology and actually do something useful

>> No.5213072

if anyone is a fedora on here its you

>> No.5213074
File: 69 KB, 600x719, 1405903122332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google Holocene extinction

It's funny how shit like social justice takes the front seat over stuff like this. just shows how fucking self-involved humans are

>> No.5213381

why do you think that?

>> No.5213387

This, Gandhi a shit.

>> No.5213391
File: 61 KB, 1000x393, schops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contemporary first world living is a lot better than the past. I have a clean dwelling, healthy food, good medical care and I don't have to toil for it.

Still, life as a human is still inherently unsatisfactory.

>> No.5213398

You're my nigga. OP is a starry eyed teen.

>> No.5213404

>Were really earnestly advancing toward a society without traditional prejudices. Sure there are road bumps, but interracial relationships are finally widely accepted and we got a black president. And the gay thing isn't as big a deal as the civil rights movement, but it's still pretty historical.

back to reddit muddafuka kike imma kill u!! heil htiler

>> No.5213429

I dislike playing the old guy card all the time, but everything really was far, far worse at every other point in history. When I was a kid, when Hitler was a kid, when Charlemagne was a kid. Everything is getting steadily better for everybody on earth. Even the slaves have it better. There are more of them because they're not dying in childhood or from overwork and malnutrition. I really don't get why this is not obvious. Also, As a scientist, I can tell you that whatever problems the environment is having now, with carbon surpluses and habitat loss, they were FAR worse in the sixties with indiscriminant pollution, and unfettered use of dangerous and inefficient agricultural techniques.

>> No.5213431



>> No.5213444
File: 123 KB, 400x277, Adorno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faggots like you fail to realize that tolerance is a spectrum.

So, for example, on the lowest end of our tolerance spectrum would be to "put up with something". Meaning that I despise your opinion/way of living/whatever, but still respect your personal rights. Can't lock you up for being a stupid cunt, even if I'd like to.

On the other extreme end, we would have acceptance. That means not only tolerating you as a person, but also accepting your ideals, etc.

So yeah, I tolerate you.
You're still a stupid cunt, tho

>> No.5213457

>If I can see a cure or vaccine for HIV and/or a man walk on Mars in my lifetime, I will die with complete faith in humanity.


>> No.5213478
File: 135 KB, 600x600, vaap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait for STDs to be abolished and get my dick snipped.

Orgy-porgy, Ford and fun,
Kiss the girls and make them One.
Boys at One with girls at peace;
Orgy-porgy gives release.

>> No.5213781

>Slavery is more widespread today than in any point in history
Where do you read this shit? Just because people now lock sex slaves in basements doesn't mean there's more slave than when owning a sex slave was encouraged by the upper class and we needed to build ourselves some pyramids
Also, the concept of a genocide being a bad thing has only been around for like 200 years max.

>> No.5213787
File: 126 KB, 400x400, a kawaii heart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I really hope this is Anti Nowhere League or Cool Guy Has Chill Day
>It's Anti Nowhere League

>> No.5213793

>-Were really earnestly advancing toward a society without traditional prejudices. Sure there are road bumps, but interracial relationships are finally widely accepted and we got a black president.

4/10, too obvious

>> No.5213808

No, he's right: Africa has gone in for slavery in a huge way, using slaves for mining, manufacture and drug agriculture as well as exporting sex slaves. It's far worse than the old serf/sharecropper system that used to exist. Now this is not all of africa of course, and India, Pakistan and bangladesh are infamous for child labor slavery, as well as China, which basically uses all it's prison population, including political prisoners and those awaiting trial, as contract laborers for export manufacture.

>> No.5213832
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Yeah our children will surely be left in good hands.

There is no possible downside to undermining centuries of tradition in 50 years. Anyone who suggests there are any possible negative social consequences is a bigot. Plain and simple.

And who cares if whites are displaced. I'm sure the foreign hordes will pick up right where we left off. We're all equal right?

>> No.5213844


No one cares about your /pol/ ramblings.

You may bitch all you want, and we all know that you don't have any solutions to modern day problems apart from simple minded racism and arguments that amount to "Dey took our Jobs!"
No one will take this lazy thinking seriously,thankfully.

The relevancy of conservativism to the problems of today is zero.

>> No.5213850


most of those things in the image are complete non-issues dude. I still hate the progressive mindset though.

>> No.5213859


take a step back and realize that a conservative would say the same thing to liberals in the 60s, and try to alter your argument beyond a borderline appeal to popularity.

>> No.5213872


The conservative will say the same thing no matter the era. From the time of of Monarchism and Burke the same argument ad finitum is placed when fundamental problems are raised, namely,the apeal to tradition and authority.

>> No.5213874

>taking the daily mail seriously
where do you people come from?

anyway, tradition has no value beyond what we decide it has if the majority of people want to abandon tradition then thats what's going to happen, as for 'negative consequences' you're going to have to be more specific because i cant see transgender MMA fighters lowering living standards any time soon.

also what do you mean 'displaced' for what or where?

>> No.5213878


again, you can flip the argument entirely and say that liberals only run contrary to established traditions for the sake of it. you should make your arguments more nuanced.

>> No.5213887

Well sure, you don't think those things are a problem. I won't try to convince you otherwise. But there are people out there who care about those things, so that should be enough of a reason for you to look deeper into why they care rather than dismiss them with generic John Stewart level insults.

You don't strike me as particularly intelligent, but I'm sure we could find plenty of things we agree need to be dealt with. Wealth inequality, a hedonistic consumerist culture, globalism eating unique cultures alive.
Social cohesion is a fragile thing. The more we break down the common bonds(including morals) between people, the further people will atomize themselves.

Conservatives who see that shit think "wow I don't want anything to do with that world and I hope my kids never see that". This pandering is unnecessarily provocative. All for the sake of making a small minority of people comfortable.

>> No.5213892

Hey, moron. If the daily mail was filled with lies and shit, I'm pretty sure someone would have sued them by now.

Why are they still up and running as a world-known newspaper?

>> No.5213899

>anyway, tradition has no value beyond what we decide it has if the majority of people want to abandon tradition then thats what's going to happen
It has no value if a majority of people decide they want to abandon it? What kind of reasoning is that?

>also what do you mean 'displaced' for what or where?
Mass immigration mostly. There are also discriminatory laws against the white populations in quite a few western countries, as well as laws that favor minority groups.

>> No.5213902

>liberals only run contrary to established traditions for the sake of it
you dont actually think this do you?

since you definition of liberals is basically people who are contrary to established traditions than obviously they're all going to be that way aren't they, if had half a brain you would realize there's a world of liberal thought out there providing very solid justification for opposition to tradition

>> No.5213905


I believe you guys know very little of conservatives, at least of the modern stripe. I am a conservative republican who remembers the sixties, and supported Goldwater against Johnson. And if he were running today, I'd support him against anybody the Democrats could field.

I think you guys get your idea of conservatives from /pol/, from talk radio and Fox news and from the inflammatory press pundits. Those guys are cartoons of most conservatives, and they, as well as their opponents, point up the fringes of the group because it's good T.V. If you're really interested in an actual conservative viewpoint instead of wild eyed rhetoric, ask me anything.

>> No.5213926


the same thing can be said about conservatives, you complete idiot. my whole point is that your lazy blanket statements apply to both political affiliations.

>> No.5213931

There's nothing wrong with /pol/'s conservatism.

Your old fashioned brand of "appeasement conservatism" gets nothing done. You're likely out of touch with what the common person wants and what conservatism is about.

Look how eager you are to attack your only allies in an attempt at looking "reasonable" to these leftists.

>> No.5213949


>It has no value if a majority of people decide they want to abandon it? What kind of reasoning is that?
simple, people only create tradition based on things they value, if they cease to value those things, the traditions die. i shouldn't really have said 'value' because that automatically causes the 'what is value' debate.

>Mass immigration mostly. There are also discriminatory laws against the white populations in quite a few western countries, as well as laws that favor minority groups.
so you think white people are going to be displaced from europe and north america? seriously? i mean really? you actually think that? you know that most european nations are 90-95% white

well, liberals certainly will not 'stay the same no matter the era' so no they dont

>There's nothing wrong with /pol/'s conservatism.
yes there is

>> No.5213968

/pol/ are not conservative. They are reactionary.

The difference is that conservatives actually have jobs, whereas the douchenuggets in /pol/ live in their mother's basement and constantly complain to her that the Jews are keeping them from moving out.

>> No.5213970

>simple, people only create tradition based on things they value, if they cease to value those things, the traditions die.
You seem to be ignoring the possibility that tradition can have value beyond what's immediately obvious to the people trying to get rid of it.

>so you think white people are going to be displaced from europe and north america? seriously? i mean really? you actually think that? you know that most european nations are 90-95% white
Their influence in their own countries is already significantly diminished. Once the older generation dies off, the percentage of white people will be significantly lower. If current immigration and birth rates continue, they will be a minority in their own countries in the coming century.

You act like you've never looked this up.

>yes there is
Let's hear it.

>> No.5213980

You guys at /pol/ are further left than me, you just mask it with a bunch of Jew-baiting and hate rhetoric. And I've been reasonably active in the party since the Dole campaign. I have, I think, some credibility on the subject of american conservatism.

>> No.5213981

What a stupid post. You almost make me glad your sterile, ineffective form of conservatism didn't win.

>> No.5214001

Good for you.

Tell me why you guys failed so fucking hard.

It's because your brand of conservatism is weak and apologetic.

>mexicans are natural conservatives

>ey ese, I was going to vote democrat because they offer me free shit and will put my kids through college and refuse to deport me, but gay marriage y'know?
>yeah homie, GOP all the way

>> No.5214007

>You seem to be ignoring the possibility that tradition can have value beyond what's immediately obvious to the people trying to get rid of it.
not really man, most traditions that are being gotten rid of have been analyzed in extreme depth by those seeking to end them and, naturally, they found nothing of value

>Their influence in their own countries is already significantly diminished
no, they have chosen to implement tolerant and acceptant policies towards immigrant populations

>If current immigration and birth rates continue, they will be a minority in their own countries in the coming century.
white populations in many developed countries have stopped growing and stared shrinking anyway, the same will happen to immigrant populations once they reach second and third generations, plus there are good reasons to promote immigration, they preform low paid jobs that no one would otherwise do and keep the economy moving.

>You act like you've never looked this up.
you act like you knowledge is acquired entirely from images and rants posted on /pol/ (maybe thats because it is)

>Let's hear it.
it is almost all based on extreme distortions of the truth of not outright falsehood, as well as excessive strawmanning and conspiracy theorism that makes the demiurge seem reasonable. moreover a culture of almost total rejection of all criticism has emerged, which is simply never good.

>> No.5214043

I'm not sure you get it: you guys are NOT conservatives. You seem to be a bunch of loonies, fascists, or pretend fascists, racists, anti-semites and liberatrians. None of those things are conservative, they're not even reactionary: they're radical, and pretty stupid. If you sifted through american conservatives you might find two or three percent who even leaned in that direction. You can consider us weak or compliant if you like, but we are, at least, conservative. I don't know what the fuck you guys are.

>> No.5214045

>the more we break down the common bonds (including morals)

What the fuck are you talking about? Are you seriously suggesting that interracial marraige is immoral?

>people will atomize themselves.

So... they'll spray themselves in an ultrafine mist to facilitate combustion and chemical reaction?

Tradition IS what we make it, I said that in the beginning of the thread with >>5212136
We are free to pick and choose what qualities from our ancestors we want to survive and which we want to die. Thats how society advances. The question is, what do you want to leave for your kids to choose from? A bunch of whiney misanthropic buzzquotes from dead philosophers? Grow up lol, once you get out of high school you realize cynicism is for cowards.

EXAMPLE: I'm proud of my America heritage and like to keep alive the traditions of individualism, freedom of expression, welcoming immigrants, etc and also our culture (which is the best), but I'm pretty okay with leaving the American tradition of institutional racism in the past.

>> No.5214054
File: 314 KB, 1600x1100, SlutWalk web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not really man, most traditions that are being gotten rid of have been analyzed in extreme depth by those seeking to end them and, naturally, they found nothing of value
So the liberal destruction of tradition stems from a nuanced analysis of the long term pros and cons of said destruction, and not a bratty reaction against being told what to do?

Their policies have displayed a complete lack of understanding of the purpose behind various traditions and institutions.

Casual sex isn't bad because it feels good, it's bad because it has undesirable consequences and is one of humanity's biggest vices. Marriage isn't about love, it's about creating incentive for stable families. Homosexuality isn't disgusting because it's not to their taste, homosexuals have hugely unhealthy sexual habits and rates of disease and mental illness. Nationalism is a natural reaction, preserving your in-group in the face of a foreign group in a world of natural resources. Religion creates a common morality, helping with societal cohesion and issuing a form of control that doesn't involve the state.

>white populations in many developed countries have stopped growing and stared shrinking anyway, the same will happen to immigrant populations once they reach second and third generations, plus there are good reasons to promote immigration, they preform low paid jobs that no one would otherwise do and keep the economy moving.
So you went from "they're not going to be displaced" to "well it's OK if they're displaced because..."

>> No.5214063

>What the fuck are you talking about? Are you seriously suggesting that interracial marraige is immoral?
I don't have a problem with it. Why are you ignoring my main point?
>So... they'll spray themselves in an ultrafine mist to facilitate combustion and chemical reaction?

So just to be clear: you ARE ignoring my major points so you don't have to argue against them. Bitch made is the only term that comes to mind. I'm sorry.

>> No.5214079

Humanity is like a sea of piss and shit. If you piss in an ocean of piss and shit the shit doesnt get all that much shittier.

>> No.5214090

>Humans are naturally cooperative and every generation is little bit better than the last

Every generation is exactly the same as the last.
There are a few geniuses that fall in love with the world and give it their whole soul.
There a few saints ready to set themselves apart from the world and give their souls to God.
And then there are a whole lot of people that can't make their minds up and keep their souls to themselves, maybe they flirt sentimentally with romance once or twice, and then rot and die.

That's it. That's every generation. All of the "technological progress", "political progress", all of it is an illusion. "Civilization" does not progress, only the individual human being progresses (or more often than not retrogresses).

>> No.5214101

Our generation is NOT REPRODUCING I gurss because somehow we came to believe that not doing chores such as raising kids is our right as spoiled fucken brats. This is the LAST GENERATION.

>> No.5214104

>So the liberal destruction of tradition stems from a nuanced analysis of the long term pros and cons of said destruction, and not a bratty reaction against being told what to do?

>Their policies have displayed a complete lack of understanding of the purpose behind various traditions and institutions.
you clearly haven't read any actual liberal philosophy or literature

>it's bad because it has undesirable consequences
not if you use a condom
>humanity's biggest vices
>Marriage isn't about love, it's about creating incentive for stable families
45% of marriages end in divorce, so it clearly doesnt work does it
>homosexuals have hugely unhealthy sexual habits and rates of disease and mental illness
so what? if they want to do that to themselves why stop them? i dont see you speaking out against smoking
>Nationalism is a natural reaction
nothing wrong with nationalism, just dont go overboard with it
>Religion creates a common morality, helping with societal cohesion and issuing a form of control that doesn't involve the state.

>So you went from "they're not going to be displaced" to "well it's OK if they're displaced because..."
i never said they would be displaced, i explained the justifications for mass immigration, and also how displacement isnt going to happen

>> No.5214109

Hot opinions, breh
Demonstrably false

>> No.5214121

No, Knowledge and technology definitely progress, and rapidly these days, and by and large improve the quality of life for most of us.

>> No.5214123

How so? A mere HALF of adults who've finished college have jobs/are seeking full-time jobs. Nearly all of those have not had kids/have stated they will not have kids.

>> No.5214128

Well what do you stand for then? It sounds to me like your loyalty is to your ideology. A meaningless categorical label.

If I'm wrong, tell me what you stand for. I guarantee we agree on most thing. Yet you're so eager to dismiss my ideas because they would embarrass you in front of your liberal masters.
Liberals are not reproducing*

They live for themselves and themselves only. Having kids is "irrational", which to them means it doesn't further them materially.

>> No.5214132

The only thing that matters is what you do with your life on a daily basis.You can sit in the basement and bitch and seethe and look up statistics about how the world is terrible and liberals are trying to gay marry our aborted fetuses, but I have literally never known a single social conservative that has does anything useful for anyone. Most of them actually turn out to be leeches that live off their parents or their schools or the government or suckle at the tit on the lowest rungs of some corporation. Do you volunteer? Do you give to charity? Do you smile and chat with people you meet in public just to make both of yalls days a fraction better or do you avoid eye contact? Does your career benefit your neighbor or anyone besides yourself?

Seriously, harden the fuck up. Life is good, and if you have a problem with how others are handling wars or climate change, go out there and do something. Otherwise, fall by the wayside and shut up so the real men can get shit done.

>> No.5214133

Also, look no further than Japan to see what happens to a society that doesn't reproduce and for proof that such societies can and do exist.

>> No.5214141

Lol yeah I saw Idiocracy too. I think your big problem is how you define "our generation".

>> No.5214145

>Knowledge and technology definitely progress

Knowledge progresses in that the encyclopedias become fatter, but that doesn't make men any wiser.
Technological progress is often evil, as it becomes a tool in the hands of tyrants.

> by and large improve the quality of life for most of us.

No. The quality of your life depends upon the disposition of your soul. To say that people's lives are improved by technology and so on only makes sense to people whose soul's are disposed towards comfort and idleness (although in the Middle Ages the peasants actually worked less than the average man today, and probably had a lot less stress all around). Point being, that a Saint who lives in extreme poverty has a better "quality of life" than a modern man sat in his cozy home on his computer all day with his senseless entertainment and his moments of "ennui".

>> No.5214153

Souls aren't real and neither is god

>> No.5214160

>not if you use a condom
Not if everyone uses a condom 100% of the time*

And even then, most STDs have a significant chance of spreading, even with a condom.

>humanity's biggest vices
Religion isn't a "vice". It's not a natural drive comparable to hunger or sexual desire.

>45% of marriages end in divorce, so it clearly doesnt work does it
Your statement is only valid if it's been like this since the beginning of time. Marriage works. Society is broken.
>so what? if they want to do that to themselves why stop them? i dont see you speaking out against smoking
So my disgust reaction shouldn't surprise or offend you. Most people would not want their children to be around homos if they knew the realities. Homosexuality is more harmful and disgusting than smoking.

>i never said they would be displaced, i explained the justifications for mass immigration, and also how displacement isnt going to happen
And what happens when the immigrant birth rate goes down? You think big business is going to tolerate a decrease in productivity? They're going to do their best to import more foreigners.

You seem like a libertarian though, so I doubt you have a problem with that.

>> No.5214168

Smarter people and liberals tend to have less kids.

>> No.5214170

See, knowledge hasn't progressed that much after all.

>> No.5214172

You're 17 aren't you? Just answer honestly so I can stop trying to get through to you.

>> No.5214175

I believe in small government, a strong military, no tariffs, a low progressive tax system, states rights, Individual responsibility, and support of the economic infrastructure without playing favorites. I believe in one-man-one-vote, strict constructionism, and all levels of government keeping their hands off anything that doesn't directly affect the safety of the community at large.

I'm against discrimination on any basis except merit, I'm against gun control, wage and price controls, religion in the schools or the statehouse and government meddling in the churches. I'm against censorship, spying on american citizens and conscriptive service. I'm okay with foodstamps, social security and medicaid. I have no opinion on abortion, immigration, or school funding. I hate communism, fascism, bigotry and favoritism.

I want free markets, free citizens and freedom of choice, i''m okay with the death penalty, tolerate the income tax, and prefer rehabilitation to imprisonment, but I'm nobody's fool either.

I also like porn, cheeseburgers with bacon and watching "Cops". but those arent on the platform really. And I hate Organic food.

>> No.5214177

So you're saying everyone has less kids?

>> No.5214179

*at this cross-sectional point in time.

Also, intelligence has been shown to generall not be inheritable, so it doesn't matter.

Not that I'm agreeing with you because seriously, everything you're saying seems to be based only on Idiocracy.

>> No.5214187


>> No.5214189

>Also, intelligence has been shown to generall not be inheritable, so it doesn't matter.
By what measure?

I can smell the 17 year old "enlightened atheism+" on you.

>> No.5214191

No one cares about your politics. If you think you have it all figured out why don't you go run for office?

>> No.5214192

Technology is inherently oppressive. The only way one can say that we are "making progress" is if one believes a return to pre-technological society can happen only by developing technological society to the point where it implodes on itself.

>> No.5214197

Nigger Hitler

>> No.5214199

Thanks for the laugh.

>> No.5214203

I was asked about my politics by the guy I linked. And I have held local office twice.

>> No.5214208

y/w bb :^)

>> No.5214210

Explain. without too many contortions, how the lever, the inclined plain and the mold board plow oppress anybody please.

>> No.5214211
File: 131 KB, 800x583, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Optimism is disgusting.

>> No.5214216
File: 70 KB, 500x667, 1406030195386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we agree on almost everything except you throw me to the curb because my opinions are mean and inclusive.

You'll be in for a big surprise with the next generation of conservatives. They aren't going to play nice. You were too lenient.

>> No.5214217

>Not if everyone uses a condom 100% of the time*
so basically you think premarital sex should be banned because of the risk of STDs? lol

>Religion isn't a "vice". It's not a natural drive comparable to hunger or sexual desire.
vice as a concept makes zero sense unless justified by >religion
>Your statement is only valid if it's been like this since the beginning of time. Marriage works. Society is broken.
uh, no, society is society, it cannot be broken or fixed because it does not have a function it merely is. marriage has ceased to 'work' and arguably never did, society has changed and it seems that marriage is going to eventually be left behind in the west a a redundant social system
>So my disgust reaction shouldn't surprise or offend you
no really, some people are just like that.
>Most people would not want their children to be around homos if they knew the realities
what realities?
>Homosexuality is more harmful and disgusting than smoking.
yeah, no, the only really 'harmful' bit of homosexuality is anal sex and that's simply because of the increased risk of STDs, homophobia a fairly stupid position based mainly on being grossed out by something. ts nowhere near as harmful as smoking, both to individuals and to society.

>And what happens when the immigrant birth rate goes down? You think big business is going to tolerate a decrease in productivity? They're going to do their best to import more foreigners.
so? unlike you i dont view immigration as inherently bad, an eventually, when most of the world has developed, mass immigration will cease to be a phenomenon

>You seem like a libertarian though, so I doubt you have a problem with that.
im a socialist

>> No.5214218

>-we experience the dawn of the internet.
Even so, I wish i was younger, I would give my virginity to re-experience the internet for the first time.

>> No.5214222

Well, the inclined plane obviously creates an oppressive artificial hierarchy between the slopes of the surfaces. Check your geometric privilege.

>> No.5214223

All I want to do is engage in some revolutionary politics for a few years before moving to some serene mountainside where I can do maths in peace

Technology will ultimately be used to exploit mankind and I want no part

>> No.5214226

Huh? I never understood why people always say technology is neutral or evil or whatever. Like it doesn't matter. Optomistic people worked their asses off to give us technology, and it has most definitely improved our lives. Seriously, yeah we all gotta die from something, but do you seriously think there is no difference between passing away quietly from systemic organ failure at age 90 after having the chance to do most things you wanted to, make your peace with god, and watch your grandchildren grown, and dying at age 30 from leprosy you've had since you were 10? Or that there is no value in not wondering whether the water you're about to drink is gonna muder you? Or that not only can I go to the store and buy whatever kind of food I feel like enjoying, that we have access to a variety foods that prevent the nutritional deficiencies that have plagued humanity forever? Do you have any fucking idea how terrible pellegra or scurvy are?!?!

>> No.5214232

Fair enough. Good job and thanks!

>> No.5214236

You are confusing tools with technology. Even animals use tools, but they do not have technology. By "technology", I mean a unified, interdependent system, such as the internet, electricity, running water, the modern sciences.... Anything that a single man can forge with his own hands is not oppressive, but a system that depends on the unified efforts of many men to sustain itself will necessarily oppress them and restrict their autonomy.

>> No.5214243

>so basically you think premarital sex should be banned because of the risk of STDs? lol
We shouldn't have permissive attitudes toward casual sex.
>vice as a concept makes zero sense unless justified by >religion
If you accept that sex has negative consequences, and everyone has a strong natural sexual drive, then you should understand that sexual desire is a vice that needs to be controlled.
>uh, no, society is society, it cannot be broken or fixed because it does not have a function it merely is. marriage has ceased to 'work' and arguably never did, society has changed and it seems that marriage is going to eventually be left behind in the west a a redundant social system
You think single motherhood is good for society? You don't seem to think beyond the direct action itself. Actions have consequences.
>what realities?
That homos are sexual deviants with high rates of disease and dysfunction.

>so? unlike you i dont view immigration as inherently bad, an eventually, when most of the world has developed, mass immigration will cease to be a phenomenon
So do you accept that mass displacement in white countries is happening or do you not? You seem to fluctuate back and forth.
>white displacement isn't happening!
>but if it is, it's because this... so we need it.
>I never said it was happening!
>but who cares if it is?

>when most of the world has developed, mass immigration will cease to be a phenomenon
pipe dream.

>> No.5214290

Holy crap, this thread turned into a shitfest overnight.

I thought you guys on /lit/ were supposed to be, y'know, more civilized.

>> No.5214292

how is the conservative viewpoint not upholding the status quo

>> No.5214293

>We shouldn't have permissive attitudes toward casual sex.
>If you accept that sex has negative consequences
again, not if you wear a condom
>sexual desire is a vice that needs to be controlled
what do you have against sex? seriously how is what people get up to with the opposite or same gender in their free time any of your business?
>You think single motherhood is good for society?
no but i dont think reinforcing the tradition of marriage is the solution
>That homos are sexual deviants with high rates of disease and dysfunction.
firstly, being sexually deviant is in no way wrong or bad on its own
secondly simply because they put themselves at greater risk of getting STDs doesnt make them bad
thirdly maybe the reason psychological conditions are more common in homosexuals is not because of their sexuality but because of the discrimination, alienation and fear they feel because many people with opinions like your exist in society?
>So do you accept that mass displacement in white countries is happening or do you not?
i dont see white people being forced to leave their country of birth so no it isnt happening

mass immigration is a thing, and while it has some negative consequences, it also has many benefits

>pipe dream.
im going to laugh long and hard at you people when the already quickly developing world reaches current western standards of living and social development

>> No.5214301

Those people think that society/the status quo has been hijacked by muh libruls

>> No.5214308

Well, liberals (in the american sense) are also part of the status quo, they're just not so hypocritical about it.

There are noreal "left" parties anymore in the West that can be taken seriously.

>> No.5214317

>There are noreal "left" parties anymore in the West that can be taken seriously.

>> No.5214321

Wow people like you exist. So please explain to me what the "many benefits" are of mass immigration into all white countries and only white countries, despite white people being the actual minority on the planet? Why should the citizens of that country be forced to support people who did not contribute to the system? Why is "white privilege" in fucking Europe even a thing?

>> No.5214328

I don't really consider social democrats to be left.

>> No.5214336

>Wow people like you exist

Yeah, the world is actually full of people who don't see things the same way that you do. Scary, huh?

>> No.5214338

What is the status quo now?

Anti racism, feminism, secularism, casual sex, pro-homosexuality. Almost nothing about mainstream culture these days is conservative.
Because we can't expect the population to wear condoms 100% of the time. We've been over this.
>what do you have against sex? seriously how is what people get up to with the opposite or same gender in their free time any of your business?
It has negative consequences. You can't dismiss this issue by saying "not if you do it the right way", because you can't expect people to always do it the right way. Casual sex is harmful for society.
>no but i dont think reinforcing the tradition of marriage is the solution
What other institution promotes stable families? What else could we incentivize to give people a reason to start families together? Marriage seems like the only one to me.
>firstly, being sexually deviant is in no way wrong or bad on its own
Yes it is. It goes back to the breakdown of commonly held social mores, which is bad when it happens too much and too fast.
>secondly simply because they put themselves at greater risk of getting STDs doesnt make them bad
It amplifies people's disgust response to homosexuality.
>thirdly maybe the reason psychological conditions are more common in homosexuals is not because of their sexuality but because of the discrimination, alienation and fear they feel because many people with opinions like your exist in society?
Grasping. If that were the case, they'd be perfectly functional in their own communities and cities like San Fransisco. Instead, their pathologies multiply when they get positive feedback. The problem is obvious.
>i dont see white people being forced to leave their country of birth so no it isnt happening
So if we imported 1 billion people from China into the US, you wouldn't consider that a displacement of the population? White people are losing sovereignty in their own countries. This is indisputable. You keep fluctuating back and forth on this.
>mass immigration is a thing, and while it has some negative consequences, it also has many benefits
It benefits the 1%. The long term effects of population displacement are more damaging then temporary, unsustainable economic gains.
>im going to laugh long and hard at you people when the already quickly developing world reaches current western standards of living and social development
If your political views are based on a hypothetical utopian scenario, they're not based in reality.

>> No.5214351

You didn't address anything I said because you don't have any good reason save for your brainwashing, which "took" because you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.5214352

well, i can actually see what you mean, social democracy has spent the last 20 years getting more and more centrist, and real socialist parties are pretty dead in western europe and north america

>despite white people being the actual minority on the planet?
what does this have to do with anything?
>Why should the citizens of that country be forced to support people who did not contribute to the system?
ah, i see, you get your opinion on immigrants from the extreme right sources. well, had you a brain you would know that immigrants make a net contribution to practically every economy they enter. the main benefit of immigration is that immigrants are will to do a plethora of jobs that the local population are often unwilling to do, driving taxis, cleaning, babysitting and flipping burgers. this keeps the cost of labour down and allows you to have your taxi rides and burgers cheap. i dont actually agree with this model of importing cheap labour, but not because i think that 'white people have to support immigrants'. i dont really have a problem with living with people of a different religion and culture and i dont give a fuck about the racial makeup of the country im in.
>Why is "white privilege" in fucking Europe even a thing?
because you listen to crazy internet SJWs too much

>> No.5214354

I think what he meant was that there are people that naive on 4chan. Buying the mainstream propaganda that mass immigration and displacement benefits us somehow.

They actually don't even pretend it benefits us anymore. They just shout you down as a bigot if you have a problem with losing your sovereignty.

>> No.5214358

I never understand why so-called conservatives are hostile against things that are "harmful for society" when they ought to vehemently oppose society altogether and uphold the autonomy of the individual.

>> No.5214369

>immigrants make a net contribution to practically every economy they enter.
Temporary economic benefits by a huge underclass that feels no loyalty or connection to the country they're "contributing" to.

>Immigrants are will to do a plethora of jobs that the local population are often unwilling to do, driving taxis, cleaning, babysitting and flipping burgers.
A common myth. The reason wages for the jobs immigrants do are so low is because the immigrants have inflated the work force. They live 10 people to an apartment and drive wages down for the citizens. Of course they can't do those jobs and still live a normal life.

You seem surprisingly tolerant of capitalist greed for a socialist.

>because you listen to crazy internet SJWs too much
Diversity quotas, protective discrimination laws that don't apply to whites, white privilege bracelets being handed out to students, white privilege being taught at universities.

The concept influences modern leftist thought significantly.

>> No.5214370

>What is the status quo now?
Society gives way to hyperindividualist tendencies because of how the current superstructure works. This tears apart the social fabric. I consider conservative parties hypocritical because they condemn said tendencies and plea for more "traditional" christian values like love thy neighbour, yadda yadda yadda....
But their socio-economic policies directly stimulate these same hyperindividualist values.
>Anti racism, feminism, secularism, casual sex, pro-homosexuality. Almost nothing about mainstream culture these days is conservative.
These are only mainstream culture in a very small part of the world, even in america most of these are still quite controversial.

>> No.5214373

Yes that's what I meant.

>> No.5214375

I'm not a libertarian. I hate libertarians more than socialists. I'm socially conservative with nationalistic populist tendencies. Social safety nets and government incentives/disincentives aren't the end of the world.

I care about the people. Not ideology or economic efficiency.

>> No.5214378

>Parrots what is essentially a propaganda script based on anecdotes and assumptions

Even you initial response is cookie cutter and drone-like. You have no thoughts of your own whatsoever.

>> No.5214387

>I consider conservative parties hypocritical because they condemn said tendencies and plea for more "traditional" christian values like love thy neighbour, yadda yadda yadda....But their socio-economic policies directly stimulate these same hyperindividualist values.
I agree emphatically. Mainstream conservatism has been hijacked by libertarians and made as unpalatable to the average person as is probably possible.

>These are only mainstream culture in a very small part of the world, even in america most of these are still quite controversial.
Not if you judge by the mainstream media narrative. You are aware that Brendan Eich was essentially fired for a political position he held against homosexual marriage right? The cultural push against tradition is massive. You don't see it every day because you aren't looking for it. If you cared like I do you would see how widespread it is.

>> No.5214389

>Why is "white privilege" in fucking Europe even a thing?
Do you even live in Europe

There is no talk of "white privilege" at all here.

>> No.5214394

>fattest in history
>every country in irrepairable debt
>running out of fuel
>entire continents getting fucked right up the ringer with trade embargos
>most jobs in the West don't produce anything, they just have you pay them to hand shit to you (Hotels, cinemas, restaurants, shops, job centres, parking, etc.

I don't care wether people are okay with the gay. The majority of people are still getting forced into depravity, by depriving them of all their products and opportunities.

>> No.5214398

>Because we can't expect the population to wear condoms 100% of the time. We've been over this.
this is one of the most retarded arguments i have ever heard, if people want to have sex they can, basically everyone is aware of the consequences and basically all sex in the western world no involves some form of birth control, just because a small minority dont use birth control (which is something they are completely free to choose not to use) doesnt mean we have to fucking outlaw it
>It has negative consequences. You can't dismiss this issue by saying "not if you do it the right way", because you can't expect people to always do it the right way. Casual sex is harmful for society.
basically the same as above, just because a minority choose to practice unsafe sex does not mean we should ban it, really your arguments seems to be that we should just totally ban sex altogether to prevent the spread of STDs.
>What other institution promotes stable families? What else could we incentivize to give people a reason to start families together? Marriage seems like the only one to me.
first of all i have already explaind why marriage no longer promotes stable families, and secondly, who even needs families, i know many people who were raised by separate parents or single moms who are very well adjusted, the main problem with single moms is the financial burden, which i think that the state should make more effort to cover and less effort to just force fathers to pay.
>the breakdown of commonly held social mores
do you know why these morals broke down? not because gay people invaded and implemented tolerant policies, but because people started rationally analyzing these morals, and also religion, and realized they were complete bullshit, so instead we have created a society based on individualism where we dont force people to accept social morals invented hundreds of years ago by religious morons but allow them to formulate their own perspective. to far it seems to have turned out great to me.
>It amplifies people's disgust response to homosexuality.
yeah well, deal with it.
>If that were the case, they'd be perfectly functional in their own communities and cities like San Fransisco
which they are
>So if we imported 1 billion people from China into the US, you wouldn't consider that a displacement of the population?
a displacement of chinese people out of china, not white people out of the US
>White people are losing sovereignty in their own countries
in basically every western nation the government, both elected officials and public servants are vast majority white, white people are not losing control
>It benefits the 1%. The long term effects of population displacement are more damaging then temporary, unsustainable economic gains.
i actually somewhat agree with this, the wealthy benefit the most and the economic gains are unsustainable, though thats just as much to do with our economic model as it is to do with immigration.

>> No.5214405

What a fucking shithead.
You have no idea what you're talkign about.
You can't compare years with and without war and then say that if years without war outweight the years with war then humans are OK. War is a little more complicated than that. Even if it worked like that, take a look at the world history and tell me there was a 10 year period where everything was fine and no wars were waged. Tell it to Poland which got ripped apart for nearly 150 years between Russia, Germany and Austria. Don't tell me they it was a 123-year peace period for the polacks.
You wanna know why there's less war than peace periods? Because wars are fucking disastrous and the worst thing to happen. Do you know that if the third world war would break out, then there most probably be an apocalypse? Surely, you can't call 1945-1989 a peace period. There's always some serious shit going on in the world which affects all of us.

>> No.5214407

This right here.

>> No.5214409

my only problem with this (my) generation is that it resorts to label thinking far more than any other generation. even when discussing politics or philosophy, people tend to view ideas as having the same sort of aesthetic that a heavily marketed product does and go on to derive discussions and conclusion from there. also, identity politics man, it sucks. I am aware that certain social groups and classes have nothing to gain from how they are represented but splitting into militias who police language and representation is not a solution. even people who condemn identity politics, ultimately resort to it and give birth to memes like le fedora-tipper and such.

it's this label-thinking and marketing of ideas that bothers me most. and self-indulgency, as it always leads to unalduterated, narcissistic disgusting self-indulgency.

>> No.5214410

No, en masse faggots do retarded things like fuck in the streets
>Deal with it
No. Fuck faggots, they're disgusting and in general a bunch of dramatic, narcissistic idiots. I don't give a shit who they fuck, at all. They as individual human beings tend to follow this same pattern, suck and I hate them.

>> No.5214411

>this is one of the most retarded arguments i have ever heard, if people want to have sex they can, basically everyone is aware of the consequences and basically all sex in the western world no involves some form of birth control, just because a small minority dont use birth control (which is something they are completely free to choose not to use) doesnt mean we have to fucking outlaw it
I didn't say we should outlaw it. I said we shouldn't be permissive and tolerant of it. You keep managing to misunderstand my arguments. It's like you're trying your hardest to do so.
>first of all i have already explaind why marriage no longer promotes stable families
In its current form. And in a society that promotes casual sex as normal. Men have no reason to get married anymore. I'm suggesting giving government incentives to encourage young people to marry and start families.

>who even needs families,
Okay I'm sorry I can't do this. Goodbye.

>> No.5214415

If you support the existence of society at all, you support an ideology. Society is the enslavement of individuals to abstractions. (Of course, societies don't really exist - only people exist. Believing they exist and treating them like they do is the crime.)

>> No.5214418

>I said we shouldn't be permissive and tolerant of it.
So what you're aiming for is social conditioning.

You seem like a grand person

>> No.5214428

Why shouldn't we shame harmful behavior? Shaming is an effective method for keeping people in line.

>> No.5214431

>The cultural push against tradition is massive.
traditions come and go I don't see the problem

>> No.5214441

>Shaming is an effective method for keeping people in line.
You sound very authoritarian.

>> No.5214447

I'm not him, but you're a complete fucking idiot. He probably won't respond, because he seems to have had a similar revelation after your last post.

>> No.5214455

How do you prevent people from expressing racist, sexist, or homophobic opinions? Shaming is used in every culture by every side. This is because it's effective and useful.

You seem to hate any form of control. Extremely childish.

>> No.5214463

>No, en masse faggots do retarded things like fuck in the streets
so do straight people

>No. Fuck faggots, they're disgusting and in general a bunch of dramatic, narcissistic idiots. I don't give a shit who they fuck, at all. They as individual human beings tend to follow this same pattern, suck and I hate them.
so basically you make no effort to actually understand these people, essentially you just hate them for no real reason and base your image of them on silly generalizations.

have fun watching more and more people being willing to tolerate homosexuals.

>I didn't say we should outlaw it. I said we shouldn't be permissive and tolerant of it.
there is very little difference between those two things, both are essentially just creating massive disincentives to do it in an effort to stop it
>In its current form. And in a society that promotes casual sex as normal. Men have no reason to get married anymore. I'm suggesting giving government incentives to encourage young people to marry and start families.
but these are massive government incentives for young people to get married, tax breaks and all kinds of assistance, as well as different financial and banking systems.

>Okay I'm sorry I can't do this. Goodbye.
and stay gone

>> No.5214488

>certain adjectives mean you're an edge-lord

Pleb please.

>> No.5214496

I haven't seen anything inclusive in your opinions, in the traditional sense, and "mean" is never going to be a virtue. Not playing nice is fine, but play for the right goals. Don't get sidetracked by the bright lights and dancing clowns. We have real enemies. Remember we want to maximize security, freedom, and opportunity for everybody, and give them as much justice and fair play as they will sit still for. Happy, healthy, well-educated people working for themselves and to maximize their own potential for their own befit and societies should be everybody's goal. But don't be mean...

>> No.5214499

What's with all the conservatives and /pol/tards
I thought this board was fairly left (sometimes plain marxist)

>> No.5214509

A lot of /pol/lacks visit /lit/ nowadays, so I'd say it's a bit more of an even left right split

>> No.5214512

there's a /pol/ patros that seeks out threads that go near topics like immigration and stuff and start debates, they dont go anywhere near the marxism threads because they would have to back up their beliefs with credible ideological works, of which their are none because the /pol/ ideology is as retarded as it gets.

>> No.5214514

>/pol/lacks actually reading
I don't know wether to think this is a good or bad thing

>> No.5214519

It's a good thing.
What's funny is that you think just because they come here they read.

>> No.5214522

>It's a good thing.
You think they're automatically going to see the light or something?

>What's funny is that you think just because they come here they read.
oh, nevermind

>> No.5214524

I disagreed with him at first, but the more I spend time doing nothing, the more I'm inclined to agree with Tolstoy. The human mind isn't meant to drink red wine and foreign cheeses. It's not meant to be tamed. True life is that of hard manual labour. That's what we were made for. Society serves to weaken us. We grow comfortable. When we grow comfortable we grow lazy. When we grow lazy, we grow depressed. And by the time depression has hit, it might be too late to that sense of performing true hard labor.

But I'm still here, doing nothing, when I know I should be doing something. So in a way, I am exactly the type of person he despised with all his heart.

>> No.5214529

I'm not really a "conservative", faggots are annoying and generally do hard drugs and mass immigration is retarded when we have unemployment problems. Gay people and brown people can do whatever the fuck they want to do, I don't need to or want to know about it or support it.
Good lord just shut up.

>> No.5214531 [DELETED] 

xD i kno right bro? Upvoted.

>> No.5214549

>so basically you make no effort to actually understand these people, essentially you just hate them for no real reason and base your image of them on silly generalizations.
>have fun watching more and more people being willing to tolerate homosexuals.

You act like you've never see a pride parade.

>> No.5214552

Well reading can't certainly hurt.

Did I strike a nerve?

>> No.5214556

>You act like you've never see a pride parade.
so, like once a year a bunch of gay people go out dressed in BDSM gear, what's so bad about that? i think its fine, its actually pretty funny

>> No.5214561

This thread reflects just fine why modern day mainstream philosophy and politics is fucking boring. It always ends up coming back talking about gays/feminists/racism.

There's so much happening in this world. There is so much that has happened. Yet people are stuck on the same three subjects always. Funny how the Internet Revolution has done shit to contribute in a more nuanced perspective.

>> No.5214565

Judging the homosexual community by the pride parade is like judging all conservatives by the tea party

>> No.5214570

Well tell the gays, feminist, and immigrants to shut the fuck up, and then we can try to focus on actual problems.

>> No.5214573

i actually specifically whip up the whole gays/feminism thing with /pol/lacks that come here to piss them off, its fun and it reminds me that there are people out there who are completely stupid and wrong

if i wanted to have a serious discussion about the world and all the serious stuff that goes on in it 4 chan would be the last place i would go

>> No.5214579

seems to me that at least on 4chan its the homophobes, misogynists and racists who need to shut up and not get buttmad and shitpost at every opportunity

>> No.5214584

>They aren't monthly
>Conservatives aren't more diverse and complex then a bunch of cookie-cutter homosexuals

You liberals sure our predictable.

>> No.5214589

can you try posting this again but in a way that makes sense

>> No.5214701

I am now going to design and market a line of gay-themed cookie cutters. Thanks for the tip ! yay capitalism!

>> No.5214736

>Were really earnestly advancing toward a society without traditional prejudices. Sure there are road bumps, but interracial relationships are finally widely accepted and we got a black president. And the gay thing isn't as big a deal as the civil rights movement, but it's still pretty historical.
Sure OP, nothing wrong with this generation.

>> No.5214758


It makes sense, rightwing people usually read a lot.

>> No.5214763


What? That's buggery!

Men evolved to hunt deer in the forest and build tools, while woman evolved to collect berries and rase children.

>> No.5214782

I'd say most people who are serious about politics read a lot.

>> No.5214794


I don't agree, most people who are serious about politics, are usually into mainstream politics and rarely read anything more then blog posts, or some simple biography.

It's my experience that it's usually libertarians, far-rightists, communists and anarchists that read a lot, because their ideas are outside the mainstream and you need to read a lot to go out of the mainstream.

>> No.5214813

Your generation is awful, your post is awful, your thread is awful, and you are awful.

>> No.5214834


Was Ghandi a dumbass?

>> No.5214857

But those guys are all fucking dipsticks.
Also, I generally vote blue, because, while I really disagree with a lot of left-wing policy, I can't get over the homo-hate from the right. There's no reason gays shouldn't be allowed to marry in the land of the free, fuck the rest.

>> No.5214881

Brutal history of the turks has zero thing to do with current Turks since its history.

Why does your hateful mind keep on bringing it up?

>> No.5214891

>I'm take pride in things I did not do or influence in anyway
nice fedora.

>> No.5214935


5 minutes to midnight.

>> No.5214947

not a complete dumbass, just a career politician who took it to a die hard level, and convinced half fooled himself into believing he was great human being because Hinduism/Vedas/his heritage wasn't absolute trash and had some nuggets.
Also was attracted to underage grills and abstained from sex/ loving his wife which was sure to fuck with his mind more than fasting ever did.

>> No.5214961

>It's not a natural drive comparable to hunger or sexual desire.
How so?

>> No.5214980
File: 306 KB, 500x405, 1360254240237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and has broken down more barriers, including oppressive governments, in ten years than centuries of rifles.

Which oppressive governments have been bought down explicitly by the internet again?

>> No.5214984

>It always ends up coming back talking about gays/feminists/racism.
Only because these very minor things (Well not racism) is the favorite love interest of /pol/ who cant stay at their containment board.

>> No.5214987

>Try going through a notable lack of nutrients and children a full foot shorter than you in return for larger populations

Bring out your citations please. What was the average size of the typical hunter-gatherer vs the typical inhabitant of an agricultural geared society - also it's not as though meat and it's aquisition disappeared - instead of hunting we also started animal husbandry and farms for animal rearing which is far more efficient you know.

>> No.5215002

>Also, the 19th century was the first century where bad things happened to civilians during wartime and people said "this is bad,"


>> No.5215013

>Still, life as a human is still inherently unsatisfactory.

All our advances have been superficial, window dressing right? We've just been finding new ways to mask our living satisfaction and be comfortably numb.

>> No.5215018

Well ignoring the sarcasm of your post, it is still kind of true.
As individuals we consume more than we create.

>> No.5215023


Except that's been going down amongst almost all 'first world' countries and the only reason why they even have population growth is because of immigration and immigrants raising families.

>> No.5215029

Immigrants are pretty based, keep working for my country, making delicious pizza, working on even sundays when fags of my country are still in their beds.

but seriously they make sick pizza.

>> No.5215049

-Were really earnestly advancing toward a society without traditional prejudices. Sure there are road bumps, but interracial relationships are finally widely accepted and we got a black president. And the gay thing isn't as big a deal as the civil rights movement, but it's still pretty historical.

Actually, racism in the US has been on the increase since 2008. Far-right parties won their biggest victory in the EU and the people of Europe are rioting against jews in the streets quite possibly as we speak. The internet has never had as much vitriol toward women and feminists as it does now.

Keep thinking what you're thinking though. You deserve to suffer when the next conservative era arrives.

>> No.5215053

>Far-right parties won their biggest victory in the EU
You do know how irrelevant they are in EU? They basically take no part in the actual political discussion/decision making inside European Union and spend most of their time just doing PR and achieving nothing?

You must be some USclapper to post this as if its relevant.

>> No.5215061

Before that raping the populace was normal.

>> No.5215067

lel the far right rise is only due to blatant populism.
They just blame the EU for all the niggers that come over in boats across the mediteranean.

The bubble will burst in the next year or 2

>> No.5215080

That's not true at all.

They were elected in France, Golden Dawn is gaining popularity massively even after police raids and shootings and UKIP is already a major UK party according to some recent polls.


>> No.5215124

You know, russians usually like Americans. One gets the feeling that their cultural gusto has some appreciation for our cultural enthusiasm for almost everything

For what its worth

>> No.5215272

>ukip is a major UK party
>he doesn't know what protest votes are
they will get less than 5% in the GE

>> No.5215302

Might very well happen. I'm not british either way and I hope to have moved to UAE by then.

>> No.5215311

FN will never gain any meaningful power; they're restricted to provincial councils. GD is purely an Athens phenomenon in and out of court and on the verge of being banned; UKIP is not "far right" but a geriatric populist protest party whose voters will go back to the Tories at the first sign of a Labour election win.

>> No.5215315

>I'm not british either way
don't comment if you have no idea what you're talking about then
everyone thinks of them as a massive joke

>> No.5215319
File: 361 KB, 925x679, walled-world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

\What bothers me about this time is that people are so ungrateful with the resources at their disposal.

Instead of penetrating the depths of science, literature, and good music and food they are simple performing tasks for a corporate task master in exchange for cheddar (money).

Meanwhile we are consuming at a rate impossible to sustain with our finite resources. We are continually be brainwashed and hypnotized to consume.

We are subjugating our fellow man instead of creating technology to ease his work load.

We are bombing people under circumstances war profiteers engineered to happen.

Then there is this disney land in the western world, where people brainwash themselves about the horrendous shit going on around the world.

Even when people do try to get political, they are too stunted and feeble to actually tackle the problem head on, with ethics, logic, and reason, but instead band-wagon on to identity politics (which is controlled opposition).

In the end, it's a great few living it up at the expense of the great many, and these great few are no longer earning their keep (by providing the people with exquisite art and advancement).

The world is better now than ever before, but it could be even better.

>> No.5215329

>don't comment if you have no idea what you're talking about then
What I said was factually true.

>everyone thinks of them as a massive joke
Irrelevant to the facts.

>FN will never gain any meaningful power; they're restricted to provincial councils.
We will see, now won't we?

>GD is purely an Athens phenomenon in and out of court and on the verge of being banned
It's been on the verge of being banned several times now. I'm going to enjoy their current existence instead of worrying about their possible demise.

>UKIP is not "far right"
It's not, but it's far enough for what we have now. I don't expect giant leaps.

>voters will go back to the Tories at the first sign of a Labour election win.
Again, we will see. For now, I like what I am seeing.

>> No.5215330

>moved to UAE by then.
Dude, I lived there for 2 years.
It's not worth it, unless you're filthy rich and a hedonist.

Especially for young people there is fuck all to do.

>> No.5215342

>life expectancy highest ever
>murder rate lowest ever
>average wealth highest ever
>technology advancing at extreme pace
>very few war deaths (except syria)
>polio,smallpox etc. basically eradicated
>scientific and medical breakthroughs constant
>robots on fucking mars
>probe left solar system
>all the host of the world's art, history, literature music etc. from all of the past to enjoy
>boyfriend to suck my dick and boypussy to fuck whenever i want

jeez it's perfect

>> No.5215344

Oh, you mean no drinking and whoring? That's absolutely horrible, but I think I'll manage.

>> No.5215345

What you see is them being a television and papers but the right wing in EU parliament has achieved absolutely nothing. They dont take part into any sort of political discussion outside media which has in the end no effects.

>> No.5215351

He's a teenage UKIP supporter; 18 going on 80. He's not going to miss out on anything.

>> No.5215352

Fascinating picture. Thank fucking God I was born on the good side of the wall sweet Jesus I seriously love being a suburban Canadian this is great

BRICS are making their own wall though, we'll see how that ends up.

>> No.5215354

>Instead of penetrating the depths of science, literature, and good music and food they are simple performing tasks for a corporate task master in exchange for cheddar (money).

Hey, guess what. I have to eat. I have to not die from exposure to the elements. This requires money in a capitalistic system. That means "performing tasks for a corporate task master". Sorry I can't spend all day reading and creating art. Believe me, I'd love to.

>> No.5215357

I wish.

I'm not a supporter of UKIP explicitly either.

>> No.5215359


>> No.5215362

You can do both of those and still have free time

>> No.5215367

Why the fuck are you moving to UAE then.

Honestly, it's not worth it.

>> No.5215368

probably the tax free income

>> No.5215371

I support pretty much everything Right-Wing, be it UKIP or Islamists.

>> No.5215375

why is that?

>> No.5215376

Cheap, enjoyable, no disgusting shit like trannies.

I have pretty good qualifications too and will very likely be paid more than I am now.

>> No.5215380

I don't think he's saying that. I think what he means is that while some people will always end up making and selling foot-long subs, that doesn't mean they have to be owned, just so they can work for the cheddar of whoever's working above them, who in turn work for the cheddar of whoever is above them and so on. While Subway will always exist, it doesn't have to be a slave-farm whose productivity doesn't take the form of sandwiches, but that of a catapult which propels the cheddar to the top of the pyramid.

>> No.5215381

>Sorry I can't spend all day reading and creating art. Believe me, I'd love to.
There are plenty of boys who spend hundreds of hours playing vidya, who could have used that time to constructively add humanity.

Likewise, there are plenty of girls who spend hours texting and posting pictures of themselves on the internet who could have used that time better to contribute to humanity.

Sometimes too much liberty can be a bad thing.

I know this scares you, but just look a somalia and other parts of africa with "total liberty".

>> No.5215385

>Cheap, enjoyable
I fear you will be severely dissapointed

>> No.5215386

so you're moving to desert no sex religious shithole for slightly more money and 'no trannies'
what a brilliant life choice

>> No.5215392

Because I am male, white and straight, hence it's in my interest that those three categories I belong to have more power? It's pretty easy to figure out.

Oh, and also I don't like most minorities because I find them aesthetically unpleasant.

>> No.5215394

Dubai is the antithesis of cheap.

>> No.5215399

> because I find them aesthetically unpleasant.
says the neckbeard virgin kipper

>> No.5215406

Way fucking cheaper than where I'm at.

No sex is easily fixable. The better part is no drinking, no drugs, etc, meaning no people acting like tards most of the time.

>> No.5215411

That's Supreme Gentleman to you, peasant.

>> No.5215413


>-Were really earnestly advancing toward a society without traditional prejudices. Sure there are road bumps, but interracial relationships are finally widely accepted and we got a black president. And the gay thing isn't as big a deal as the civil rights movement, but it's still pretty historical.

but anon, this is one of the worst things about contemporary times. or rather, canaries signifying the presence of deeper deleterious dynamics that are the worst thing about contemporary times.

>> No.5215424

you're forgetting
>no cussing
>no public eating during ramadan
>fines for "explicit" gestures
>lifetime sentences if you get caught whoring

>> No.5215431

>It makes learning and communication exponentially more available and has broken down more barriers, including oppressive governments
only idiots think that the internet is fighting oppressive governments. It may have been that for a short time but it has already been turned into their most powerful tool.

>> No.5215432

Not a problem at all for me. I've actually stopped cussing quite a while ago. The rest is easy.

>> No.5215434

>everyone is muslim
>everyone speaks a weird dialect of arabic
>fucking hot
>oil money gonna run out in ten years

>> No.5215440

you must live a wonderful life

>> No.5215441

bahahah, holy shit, is being mentally disturbed acceptable now? if not a troll, you need help dude. it's not too late, really. also, if for whatever reason you find minorities 'aesthetically unpleasant' you're in for a shitload of aesthetic gore in the UAE. In case I was, presumptuous and by minorities you didn't mean non-white, but ethnic groups that do not form the natonal majority, then just avoid looking in the mirror while in UAE.

>> No.5215454


lel, not even that

Dubai's majority population are neo-slaves from bangladesh and pakistan.
The sikhs are full of them.

>> No.5215468

You don't even know, trust me.

>is being mentally disturbed acceptable now
Christ, I hope it's not. Last thing I need is a retard acceptance movement or whatever.

Why do I need help though? Is what I'm saying incorrect?

Also, yes, I have nothing against arabs. I will be the immigrant, yes, but I will lack certain privileges compared to the native population, so it's all fair. Not that I care though.

>> No.5215479

better cut that out, apostate, don't want the religious police cutting of your hands in UAE

>> No.5215482

Good point, actually. I don't think they do that anymore though.

>> No.5215503

blasphemy laws and pro jewish or christian sentiment is still in effect and can land u years in jail
best just keep your trap shut out there tbh

>> No.5215507

>hat's why blacks and whites NEVER get along in the US and aren't getting better
blacks and whites are way worse off now than they were in the 80's

>> No.5215519

I meant the cutting hands part.

I'm an atheist, so it shouldn't really be a problem. Thinking of pretend-converting to Islam though.

>> No.5215533

ITT: people who think technological progess implies social progress.

Protip: the murder rate was 40 times lower in Victorian England than modern England.

Question: what do you think the murder rate would be for Victorians if they had cameras and DNA testing? What would it be for moderns if they had Victorian era technology?

>> No.5215543

>Protip: the murder rate was 40 times lower in Victorian England than modern England.

you don't think that has anything to do with the increased reports and increased forensic skills to identify murders?

>> No.5215546

Also, 30% of women in US will be unmarried in 10 or so years.

That's gonna be quite the clusterfuck. In fact, I kinda want to see what it will look like.

>> No.5215549

They should be. In any other century, they'd be summarily exterminated and peace would reign. In ours, the Jews are so civilized that they warn the people who pay Hamas and vote for Hamas and live next to Hamas and birth Hamas' employees before bombing their houses, so as not to harm Hamas' support infrastructure.

>> No.5215621

Kek, do you have any idea just how disgustingly terrible Victorian England was? And I seriously doubt your claim anyways; the point is it was a much shittier place to live. You want to live in Victorina England you can basically move to present day India. Also, see>>5214226

>> No.5217135


you have even less of an idea it seems.

>> No.5217793

>Sure there will be issues with class and wealth in the future, but 100 years from now people are gonna start looking all the same and petty bullshit about skin color won't be an issue.


first world european nations aren't asian or african or middle eastern nations.

we're the only places where 'diversity' is important. The only race that's going to stop existing is white people, and only in nations that don't keep their immigration in check. Iceland, Greenland, Switzerland, etc. which all have anal retentive immigration requirements are going to remain white for a looong time.