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5126819 No.5126819[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is possessing a sense of humor one of the most immediate indications of intelligence?

>> No.5126823

No, but the opposite is an indication of lack of.

>> No.5126835

Humor is one of those things that instantly tells you how a person thinks. Often times humor has to do with the observations a person makes, so it's very revealing. Is it an indication of intelligence? Ehhhhh, I think personality is too influential to judge it by that.

I would take a person that knows they're not funny above any sort of person with ill-conceived notions. Nothing gets my goat more than when people brag about their wit.

>> No.5126860

Wit is definitely a sign of intelligence. To use metaphores, wordplay and comparisons in quick reply to banter takes skill.

Pretty sure there's an Aristotle quote on this actually.

>> No.5126866

How does someone develop a sense of humor/

>> No.5126873

By being funny/hanging out with the right people.

I can laugh plenty with mates, I don't even dare make a joke around some people because they'll go straight over their heads.

Just observe the people for a second and wait for someone to make a joke and gauge the response. Then just pick from the following catagories:

Sex joke (believe it or not, people with low education barely make any other jokes)
Absurdity (taking something to the extreme, make sure you're not the ''weird one'' because they'll fail to see you're dramatizing)
Topical humour
Related worldplay

This won't work if you're not actually funny, btw.
captcha 1776 with a German flag next to it..

>> No.5126874

stressful upbringing + sharp perception + critical thinking skills

>> No.5126880

It really comes down to observation. Observe what goes on around you and try to amuse yourself. If you can laugh about you own jokes, other will do so too.

>> No.5126881

Ya don't

>> No.5126905

my humor relates directly to an individual person. I dont "make jokes", but rather use a person or entity as the source of my humor, at their or my own expense.

i can find humor in nearly anything. I generally say funny things in the form of a sentence, or some type of rhetorical comment.

I think that "telling jokes" is a low form of humor, compared to storytelling, or situational humor being more amusing and genuine. aannd it takes a bit of intelligence to "get' situational humor, because it is right in the moment, and people take a few minutes to catch on.


also straight faced jokes are best jokes

>> No.5127031

>also straight faced jokes are best jokes

all my jokes are deadpan

people think im weird

>> No.5127048

>Find out that a girl on my uni course lives on the next road to mine.
>Offer to drive her home.
>Cut through a small wooded area behind the uni.
>Pull over to get the CD case from under my seat.
>Before I get it she says "Why have we stopped?"
>Leave the case, sit up slowly, look at her dead in the eyes and say "This is where I buried the others."
>She gives a slight laugh
>Still stare dead pan. "I'm not joking. Do you see those two mounds?"
>Point to two small mound things
>Click the doors locked. "Now hold still."
>Reach toward her
>She panics, pulls the lock up on her door and jumps out.
>Still wont talk to me.

>> No.5127121

> Pretty sure there's an Aristotle quote on this actually.
sorry m8 Borges destroyed the last copy of the second book of Poetica

>> No.5127139

There's a reason why the muh IQ crowd are total autists.

>> No.5127144


>> No.5127150


Not necessarily. I've known quite a few stupid people who were funny and I don't mean that in a making fun way, I mean they were legitimately funny. I've also known a lot of really smart people with shit senses of humor. At the same time though, I think that to be a "funny person" it generally requires the person to be decently intelligent. Maybe not completely related but it seems like character has a lot to do with it too. I can say and do certain things that people will find hilarious but that they wouldn't laugh at if others did it and vice versa.


I think this guy: >>5126874 has it right. Most comedians had terrible childhoods. I'll say that I've always thought I was more weird than funny and definitely not witty but I've had a lot of people tell me I'm the funniest person they've met. When I think about the things they like that I've said, it's definitely based on the fact that I had a terrible childhood and my brother and I would pretty much always be forced to joke around in order to cope. I think people could develop like this in adulthood but it might be more difficult.


I think you're right so long as by "telling jokes" you mean the typical set-up/punchline thing. I think those can be done artfully as well but I typically think that comedians who are better story tellers are better comedians.

>> No.5127181

I like to think I'm funny, but people never seem to get my jokes...

>> No.5127207


Then you aren't funny.

>> No.5127828

That was pretty funny.

>> No.5127892

Amusement is found in peculiar orderings, and so yes, the larger your intelligence, the larger your potential for having a "sense of humour". That said, however, stupid people can laugh at really stupid ordering.

>> No.5127960

>tfw humor and wit is probably the only redeeming quality about yourself

>> No.5127987

tfw used to be really funny but you sit inside all day and your wit has dulled

>> No.5128002

4chan has improved my wit by a longshot. It inspires me as a comedian. I do stand up because even though I'm creative the way some of you look at problems inspired me to look outside the box. Especially /pol/ because they take the bad guys side most of the time and blame the good guy. I honestly don't know how you can be unfunny when you go on 4chan.

>> No.5128019
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>I've known quite a few stupid people who were funny

>Often times humor has to do with the observations a person makes, so it's very revealing. Is it an indication of intelligence? Ehhhhh, I think personality is too influential to judge it by that.

Niggers are hilarious. their observational humor is non-stop. they can almost be, dare I say, witty with their insults.

but intelligent? come on...

>> No.5128195


>> No.5129386


No. Think back to all the nerds at your school. Did they ever actually make you laugh, or were they fucking cringeworthy with nostalgia critic style jokes?

>> No.5129395

No. Commences to think up fudged joke

>> No.5129420

>nostalgia critic style jokes
I liked old Nostalgia Critic

>> No.5129991

To me what Nature has in charms denied,
Is well by Wit’s more lasting flames supplied.

>> No.5130001

A sense of humor can be anything, most people laugh at awkward pauses and saying nigger or faggot loudly. Though I'm inclined to say glibness and wit are byproducts of intelligence.

>> No.5130006

>the more easily amused someone is, the less intelligence they possess
Seems like a pretty solid correlation.

>> No.5130017

>tfw used to be very clever and witty but haven't really socially interacted in any meaningful way in a while and wonder if you still are

>> No.5130022

>tfw used to read a lot as a kid
>tfw haven't read a book in forever
>tfw your intelligence has taken a toll most likely because of it
I can feel myself falling further and further into idiocy, and I feel there's no way back up.

>> No.5130049

Well if you only browse /lit/ I could understand that the effect might be mitigated, but I agree.

>> No.5130154

I dont know man I am pretty hilarious. :^)

>> No.5130166

Depends what kind of humor but generally yes.

>> No.5130170


Not all of mine is, but I love the ability to constantly force people to guess if you're extremely serious or simply joking. It's almost like a superpower.

>> No.5130201

Same here. It actually takes awhile for people you meet to catch on. They look at you
unsure if you're joking so you have to give em a grin at least.

>> No.5130254

Most humor is subjective and, partially, limited to other people's ability to "catch on" which depends on their ability to notice, and understand certain concepts, ideas, situation etc. >>5126873 makes a good point on how to proceed when in doubt. Also, even if you're technically making a joke, the timing and delivery can play a major role.

>> No.5130259

Perfect answer, should have ended the thread.

>> No.5130370
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I guess you could say that you're... nostalgic over it?