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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.92 MB, 4128x2322, 20140705_183624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5100068 No.5100068[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

to be judged and insulted

>> No.5100090

The only good volumes on your shelf are Watamote. You should probably kill yourself for buying all that 40k shit.

>> No.5100115

>Ian Banks
>The Hobbit

go back on /v/

>> No.5100118
File: 333 KB, 1280x960, books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5100125

Meme shelf xDD epic.

>> No.5100177

Is the thread now a challenge to create a worse bookshelf than the OP?

>> No.5100266

Looks neat, OP.

I didn't like Andy Weir, because he was too jokey-jokey and bitchy about his serious situation, and it was unbelievable considering how skilled and professional astronauts are.

>> No.5100285

oh gross, the weeaboos are bonding.

>> No.5100311
File: 55 KB, 570x760, tyler durden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are not your bookshelf.

>> No.5100318
File: 9 KB, 222x216, 1404564799559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you've been posting this for months

You're a fucking disgrace.

>> No.5100321
File: 13 KB, 147x223, this man is repelled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just leave the thread, they might start posting yellow women or typing chinese messages to one another

>> No.5100329
File: 28 KB, 425x282, girls-laughing-lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all of his books are in the same langauge

>> No.5100345 [DELETED] 
File: 204 KB, 610x899, dickhead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i noticed that too, what a tard

and it's all manga

>> No.5100355


he's still clearly in his teens

>> No.5100381
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>> No.5100395

good pic

>> No.5100408

I didn't realize it was so blurred

Will fix later

>> No.5100429

What can I say? I hate bookshelf threads, and I think Tyler's juvenile mantra is really pertinent.

Why post your bookshelf? To show off the things you've purchased? To show off your sense of decor? Do you think I look at these shelves and think "wow, I want to have a beer with that Anon," or "good on you, you own Gravity's Rainbow" or "way to alphabetize, Anon?"

I really don't get it. These threads wouldn't be so bad if they discussed the books on the shelves, but you never do. You never do. Instead of talking about books you take photos of books. What's next? You're going to take photos of your dinner instead of eating it?

Every time I see a bookshelf thread I'm going to post Tyler Durden. Laugh and call me a kid. Tell me to tip my fedora. At least I'm not Sasha Fucking Grey taking a selfie with "An Intro to Existentialism" like everyone else in this thread.

>> No.5100443
File: 1.98 MB, 2448x3264, 2014-07-05 21.56.49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


tip it, kid

I like these threads because I'm a voyeur who enjoys seeing the way people live. I love seeing people's rooms. Deal w/it nerd.

>> No.5100447

You do understand that hiding threads is a part of 4chan, right?

You don't have to ruin a thread you don't like, most of the time it's better to ignore it. You're essentially that dude on Reddit(tm) screaming that this or that is a repost, which is less of a problem than the discussion destroying posts that you take part in. Though I'm not sure how far that analogy goes.

>> No.5100452

I like looking at physical books

>> No.5100453

>physical books

Go ahead, support deforestation.

>> No.5100454
File: 32 KB, 360x480, existentialist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5100459

me too, probably because my library consists of mostly textbooks.
most of my recreational reads are on the kindle

>> No.5100465

We are our bookshelves tho. It's 2014, the horrible cyberpunk future. We are defined by the things we consume

>> No.5100469

I will buy a kindle when there is one with color e ink. Even then, I will still buy mostly physical

>> No.5100473

I don't see how posting "you are not your bookshelf" once ruins a thread.

Unless the disillusionment it causes is so great that you find yourself unable to cope with the reality of your love for ikea nick-knacks that it ruins the entire thread for you. But that's just silly.

You know there are some guys who spam gore and CP and "LOLOLOL" in great text blocks to ruin threads, right? I'm not doing that. One post. Five words. That's all. I don't see why I should be silent on a forum for public discourse just because my opinion is in the minority. Or are you just upset that this isn't reddit and you can't downvote my post?

>> No.5100477

You can post it all day but I have to question why?

>> No.5100480
File: 372 KB, 685x1024, 1389152744289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I really don't get it.

And yet as easy as it would be to hide the thread and pass this all over if it isn't for you still you can't.

>Laugh and call me a kid. Tell me to tip my fedora.

Both would probably be warranted. You have made your shitposting habitual in these threads out of sheer insecurity.

>> No.5100482

Is that post-normcore?

>> No.5100485
File: 53 KB, 700x404, 1404259228892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being THIS fucking autistic

>> No.5100491

Because I can't help but shake the feeling that people who post their bookshelves are just attention whores seeking psychological validation, like a guy on /k/ showing off his katana collection so everyone knows he's a bad ass, or like Sasha Grey posing with a book on existentialism so people know she's really deep and cultured. That's the feeling these threads give me.

>> No.5100495

Also known as Cobain-core.

>> No.5100497


It takes a special kind of loser to want to continually police a board on 4chan.

And you are making all of these high-minded pontifications on 4chan remember. I just thought you might have forgotten that.

You keep fighting the good fight, killer.

>> No.5100500

literally autistic

>> No.5100501


Whenever I'm in someone's house for the first time, I head straight for their bookshelves. I like to see what other people read. I like to see how they arrange their shelves. I also like photographs of libraries, and of writers in their study. It's a thing for some people. Learn to cope or else learn to hide a thread.

>> No.5100504


Autism has a voice too, check your privilege.

>> No.5100506

It's a losing battle, I'm afraid.

Now I'm off to check the catalog and see if there's a "post pictures of your feet and say the title of your favorite book" thread that I can ridicule. It honestly wouldn't surprise me.

>> No.5100515 [DELETED] 

>Using the term weeaboo unironically

Please go back to /v/ and never come back.

>> No.5100517

Well that's sort of silly, isn't it?

I have a copy of Atlas Shrugged on my bookshelf. You'd see it and probably think I'm an objectivist or some shit, when in fact I thought it was a terrible book and honestly wouldn't recommend it anyone. You wouldn't get this, though, if I posted a picture of my bookshelf. I'd have to tell you what I thought about it.

>> No.5100520
File: 68 KB, 960x768, 1392848407651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Every time I see a bookshelf thread I'm going to post Tyler Durden. Laugh and call me a kid. Tell me to tip my fedora. At least I'm not Sasha Fucking Grey taking a selfie with "An Intro to Existentialism" like everyone else in this thread.

>> No.5100525
File: 948 KB, 959x767, Mehrunes Betagon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5100532


No, it isn't actually. I'm going to ask you what you thought about it and whether or not you liked it. If you had wall to wall westerns or gay porn or multilingual collector's edition annotated copies of the Twilight Saga, then yes, I am going to make certain assumptions about you. However, I'm not going to shame you over one single lousy book. I'm just going to look at all your other books.

>> No.5100537


Don't get mad.

Just stop trying to police 4chan boards.

>> No.5100544
File: 337 KB, 1280x960, 2014-07-06 15.11.32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, what the hell.

>> No.5100549
File: 65 KB, 640x777, 1401860131878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Learn to cope or else learn to hide a thread.

No, I don't think you understand.

Everyone is insecure apart from him and everything must be exactly the way he wants it.

>> No.5100550

I'm not mad. Just disappointed.

>> No.5100558
File: 268 KB, 1280x960, 2014-07-06 15.12.02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5100559

who is this cutie

>> No.5100560

you are such a narcissistic little dweeb

>> No.5100566


You are one of the most consistently insecure posters in a thread that is intentionally materialistic. Think about that for a sec.

>> No.5100567


For some weird reason my computer is flipping these around and absolutely refusing to let me righten them. Give us a sec.

>> No.5100570

What the fuck?
Dude, how do you balance your books like that? That is amazing!

>> No.5100575
File: 346 KB, 1280x960, 2014-07-06 15.12.11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ah, screw it. I'm just going to roll with it.

>> No.5100582

What gave you the impression that I'm insecure? Or do you think the only possible reason anyone would refuse to take a photo of their bookshelf is out of fear?

>> No.5100583
File: 328 KB, 1280x960, 2014-07-06 15.11.43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5100589
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>> No.5100595
File: 302 KB, 1280x960, 2014-07-06 15.12.57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Second one.

>> No.5100598
File: 357 KB, 1280x960, 2014-07-06 15.13.03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5100599


>What gave you the impression that I'm insecure?

People have told you this already. Instead of hiding the thread you impose your frustrations upon others. Every single time.

People like to read and collect books. It's a hobby and a passion. They like to share pictures of what they have collected sometimes on a board with other collectors.

You apparently can't accept this because you are a profound spaz of a person.

>> No.5100602
File: 314 KB, 1280x960, 2014-07-06 15.13.44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And now for the lolfaggot little three.

>> No.5100607
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>> No.5100608
File: 338 KB, 1280x960, 2014-07-06 15.13.53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm done. Off to figure out why my fucking computer is having a spaz and refusing to post pictures properly.

>> No.5100616
File: 72 KB, 981x736, muhbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't hate plz

>> No.5100620

What the hell are any of those?

>> No.5100623
File: 106 KB, 990x617, Jaffa grave desecration May 25, 2010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the ancient language of God's chosen people, man.

>> No.5100626

>Hugo Boss
[repairations intensify]

>> No.5100632

Why does other people's desire for connection bother you?

Does it bother you that there is no deeper meaning to communication?

>> No.5100642

there's a hide button you insufferable mong.

>> No.5100660

What are you doing to help put trees back in the ground, anon?

>> No.5100673

>actually thinking that your computer is rotating images on-the-fly just before posting them
Do you even technology?

>> No.5100678


>buying an e-reader that isn't naturally bio-degradable like physical books are

environmental terrorist pls go

>> No.5100679
File: 371 KB, 2688x1520, IMG_20140706_023028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mein nigger

So do you think the VN is great, or amazing?

>> No.5100681

yo dog why your copy of Dune so thick

>> No.5100688

Dunno, maybe because it's less tall then other editions?

>> No.5100690

>being this retarded
The picture was taken at a 90 degree angle. Ground is to the right.

>> No.5100733

Pls visit /fa/

>> No.5100742
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>> No.5100748
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>> No.5100760
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>> No.5100762
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>> No.5100765

>that unused copy of war and peace
>that shitty leatherbound barnes & noble
the heck nigga

>> No.5100766
File: 30 KB, 600x450, vomit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>B&N Leatherbound

>> No.5100767


B&N leather bound is best bang for buck. Only a pleb would see differently

>> No.5100770

Why dont you have any horus heresy books?

>> No.5100771
File: 19 KB, 300x282, gunhead23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jim Cramer

>> No.5100773

B&N leather bound is an overpriced shitty-looking bang. They're always shitty translations, the binding is subpar, they look like shit and they cost more than $15. Waste.

>> No.5100775


>if you havent destroyed the spine you havent read it

>> No.5100777

Does your potato have a flash?

>> No.5100778

>B&N Leatherbound Crime and Punishment
>Constance Garnett Translation


>> No.5100781

Nah, I only own a couple(Lovecraft,Sherlock) but the translations are great. Binding is just as good as any $18 hardcover and most look good, though some are gross.

>> No.5100782


and most of my shelves have 2 tiers of books, because i'm too lazy to buy another bookshelf

>> No.5100784


>B&N leather bound is best
>Only a pleb would see differently

3/10 there is no way you can be this pleb.

>> No.5100787

ofc, cause B&N CAN'T translate Lovecraft&Sherlock

>> No.5100788

Nice strawman

>> No.5100791


>I'm trying to bait you here
>please get mad

>> No.5100792

Well, the first edition of Lovecraft was butchered.

>> No.5100797

I was like you once
Then I turned fifteen

>> No.5100811

I own the B&N Frankenstein, Dorian Gray and Alice in Wonderland. They are the smaller ones. I think they are great, very well made. Nice thick pages. And imo those ones look really good. Well worth the $10 I paid for them.

>> No.5100815

>applied mathematics for electronics
Did you ever read this?

>> No.5100818

10$ worth of slave labor yay

Alice and Wonderland is definitely on the shittier end of B&N leatherbound

anything that uses a Burton-esque font and uses thematic elements from movie posters is garbage aesthetically

>> No.5100819

a couple times when i used to make circuits, but not for years. it was my grandfathers

>> No.5100825
File: 7 KB, 334x182, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I doing this right?

>> No.5100826

Also, if you're not reading the Annotated Alice then you're getting a subpar reading from that book.

>> No.5100828
File: 26 KB, 260x362, 9781435142886_p0_v5_s260x420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not talking about that one. I'm talking about the one pictured, though I do not think the bigger one looks bad.

>> No.5100830

Out of curiosity how many of those have you actually read? I have a feeling I got an ereader it would be too easy just to over-download given how accessible and cheap it is.

>> No.5100831

Eh, it's not terrible, I would like it if the blue was deeper and they cut back a bit on the goldleafing

>> No.5100834

tbh around 200. i like knowing ive got at least 50% of what i need there for free

>> No.5100836

That's pretty cool. Making circuits sounds like some form of arcane magick to me.

>> No.5100840

Is the temptation to overdownload an issue then because I dont have a real sense of scale is 200 a decent chunk of your total collection?

>> No.5100842

Not that guy, but I've downloaded a 50GB library of Ebooks and read not a one of them. If there was a torrent of every book ever written in every language, I'd download that too. Yes, overdownloading is an issue.

>> No.5100843

it's not as hard as it sounds, if you can do undergraduate math you can can make basic circuits. though it can seem like voodoo at times.

>> No.5100847

dude don't focus on the number, ofc it isn't a 'decent chunk' considering the fact there still is a megafuckton to read from now on.

>> No.5100850

I can compare an actual library with a virtual one. When having a considerable number of books you're mostly assured you can pick something decent out of it.

>> No.5100858

>criticising people's books because of the covers and ignoring the content

Stay classy, /lit/. *tips fedora*

>> No.5100860
File: 2.24 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best edition of Alice & looking glass. The books contain many political and social references that are completely lost on most people who read the book at face value

This is why I generally scoff at people who buy "classics" without appropriate companion material.

>> No.5100861

Also inb4
>gott ist tot written on door massive plebe

Yeah, I wrote Nietzsche on my door like a massive plebe. Deal wit it

>> No.5100871

Hebrew, i still don't read in english but i bought the first harry potter as you can see, i learned my english from video games so i need to practice it more before i can read a normal book

>> No.5100881

>God is dead on your door, arguably for the wrong reasons and a misinterpretation of Nietzsche
>Tripfag on 4chan
>Incredibly childish tripfag name at that

Are you 14? or just incredibly incompotent mentally?

>> No.5100882

You unabashed faggot, you should look into Harry Clarke if you like Beardsley. Poe's Tales of Mystery and Imagination with his illustrations is in print in a new edition, but his illustrated Anderson's fairy tales or Goethe's Faust are probably more twisted if you can find them.

>> No.5100895

Why would I be trolling?

I like the phrase God is dead because of how many deep and pervasive thoughts arise from a simple three words; you cannot make that statement on 4chan without ruffling feathers. I hope to someday make a statement so powerful as to engage people as deeply as that. It's more beautiful in German, too.

>My name

hardly has any meaning at all. "trole" is a combination of "troll" and "prole", and faec is spelled that way to stuff in the word fae. But I never put much thought into it because it really doesn't matter what my name is

>> No.5100908

Do you live in space?

>> No.5100917

git off muh lit chink

>> No.5100925

>Harry Clarke

Ah, very nice. Thanks for the rec, anon.

>> No.5101060

>it really doesn't matter what my name is
Try ''Anonymous''

>> No.5101066

No. I like being able to track debates easily. I don't care if you like it or not or if I violate your sense of imageboard culture.

>> No.5101068

Maybe you should "debate" on reddit then.

>> No.5101076
File: 686 KB, 2560x1920, powerlevel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No bookshelf picture, but I am trying to organize my thoughts on pic related.

>> No.5101097



i am glad when tripfags show up so i can filter them

get the fuck off 4chan and take your crappy debates with you, nothing a tripfag ever said was worth reading and it is not going to change

>> No.5101115

>We are defined by the things we consume

This is too cynical. It is more accurate to say that in modern society, there is such a massive abundance waiting to be consumed that those items which we do consume will accurately reflect us as a person.

>> No.5101128

So it does matter what your name is then.
I could see why you'd want to track debates more easily, you seem to forget what you said one post ago.

>> No.5101133

That is hebrew. You must feel so fucking stupid right now.

>> No.5101142

>this many unique and its own copies
wtf are you doing m8?

>> No.5101146

>all dat pinko literature
u should post a not horrible picture so i can see what u got

>> No.5101155

Is this thread a competition for the worst bookshelf imaginable?

>> No.5101157

>those stumpy fingers

yep, youre an uggo

>> No.5101159

Oh okay. Thank you for expressing your feelings

>> No.5101161

My fingers are long and skinny comparatively. The lens is probably playing tricks on you

>> No.5101166

post face

>> No.5101169
File: 404 KB, 900x1318, DCS_20140117_196473.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5101179

The things you have and the way they're organized bothers me. I feel like I wouldn't enjoy your company.

>> No.5101183

I had the same thought.

>> No.5101187
File: 734 KB, 3264x2448, IMAG0079.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5101190

spotting a virgin

>> No.5101192


The whole thing works for me, in general. The pictures are cool. The cameras, though; that'd give me the raging creeps every time I turned around to see all of them staring at me like that.

>> No.5101194

When's your next booktuber vid coming out?

>> No.5101207

I for one, enjoy your presence even though you renounced full anonymity. Even if it might be narcissism, its form doesn't bother me in this case. Your are among the few anons here who are able to admit when they're wrong and you also do not shy away from steering discussion towards the legitimacy of perspectives when bipolar views are held. Your kind of tripfaggotry should be legalized.

>> No.5101213

It's easy to tell with the Penguin editions if it's been read or not. There's no way you could read that without damaging the spine, especially considering the size.

>> No.5101214

Fuck you, me and my wife just bought a house. What about you?

>> No.5101215

I don't need to buy women property to get them into bed.

>> No.5101217

>>this many unique and its own copies
It's just one, the rest is secondary literature, they like using the scribble as well.

>u should post a not horrible picture so i can see what u got

The vast majority of that is German secondary literature to Stirner. One issue of Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies, a Turkish art magazine's special issue on Post-Anarchism, Post-Anarchism: A Reader, three German books on Post-Anarchism, and two big binders of articles I printed out for free while worked at the English Department.

>> No.5101227

LMAO never mind. I wasn't aware I'm talking to someone who still goes to high school.

>> No.5101229


Well played, anon, well played.

>> No.5101230

the red stuff is a publication by the Max Stirner Archive in Leipzig, before the foundation of the Max Stirner Gesellschaft. The coloured ones with the picture of Stirner standing are the yearbooks by MSG. The green ones are Bernd Laska's stuff on the reception of Stirner. I also have some stuff here that is not on the picture because they are library books, one of them is Giorgio Penzo's book on Stirner and existentialism (Heidegger).

>> No.5101232

>LMAO never mind. I wasn't aware I'm talking to someone who still goes to high school.
Well, that speaks for itself.

>> No.5101244

Whatever kiddo. Enjoy your holiday. Real life starts soon enough.

>> No.5101245

Every time you respond to me, you're making yourself look worse.

>> No.5101250

Not as stupid as you made yourself look in the first place.

>> No.5101251


>> No.5101254

Your wife must love having all that crap right next to the bed.

>> No.5101258

u got him good man

>> No.5101261

Okay Spencer. How're the kidneys?

>> No.5101263

You do realize that you are responding to a troll, right? That pic of the shelf with the gasmask is old as fuck and comes originally from Reddit.

>> No.5101266

>>5101245 >>5101244
wow mayne. you must really not get/like humour.

>> No.5101272

Thanks. Real talk, I'm just shitting on him to deal with my own insecurities.

>> No.5101281
File: 1.03 MB, 1398x2000, DSC_0009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just my crappy little shelf while I'm at uni. At home I have probably ~1000 books, mostly in storage.

Also, guess my degree.

>> No.5101291

It was a joke my friend. Notice the spelling mistakes and usage of 'muh'. But of course just resort to 'pretending to be retarded' meme and delude yourself into thinking you could never make a mistake you literal autistic fuck.

>> No.5101317
File: 2.37 MB, 3264x1836, 20140706_214443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should probably clean this up a little.

>> No.5101432
File: 708 KB, 1632x1224, sorryaboutthepicturesize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn't get up close and personal if it was all going to fit. Those are comics on the bottom right in case anyone doesn't know what sleeved issues look like (wait, this is 4chan; never mind).
Anyway, how am I doin', anons?

>> No.5101464

A-are you reading Chekhov's plays as a med student?

>> No.5101475

You make me sick.

>> No.5101487

Thanks, anon. Care to elaborate so I can focus in on these traits and become the most insufferable faggot ever?

>> No.5101496

These aren't even your books, it's a repost from r/bookshelves.

>> No.5101506

except, that this is wrong. Every interaction/statement forms our identity. So the books we read or even own form our identity as we identify or have contrasting opinions with them. It is the same it is with clothes or vidiya, whatever someone is into. His actions, opinions in that field. The groups someone joins ( group as some category you fit yourself in) are that someones identity. So yes you are your bookshelf, you are your clothes and yes you are your fucking bank account.

>> No.5101509
File: 444 KB, 960x1280, image (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Care to rephrase that, anon?

>> No.5101529

You look like shit. Get some exercise and some fresh air.

>> No.5101532

Oh, I'm sorry. I assumed since I shitposted pics from there in this thread, someone else might be doing the same. Congratulations on your pipe collection.

>> No.5101546

Nicca, it's July

>> No.5101547

I'm sorry my paper-white complexion has offended you. I'll agree that I need more exercise though. It's difficult to find the time between working 60 hours a week, having a social life, and going to poetry readings in my city.

>> No.5101560
File: 82 KB, 988x800, killmenow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Far too poor and itinerant to have much of a physical library. Anyway, Its mostly YA and self help from my mid twenties crisis.
Now I'm working my way through the sticky and Buddhist stuffs.

>> No.5101570
File: 397 KB, 960x1280, fuckyoutooanon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This better?

>> No.5101574

>my life is so hard!
If you have time to post photos of your bookshelves on /lit/ you have time to work out.

>> No.5101575

nice wifebeater

>> No.5101582

Btw I recommend everyone who's in need of a good laugh to visit this subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/bookshelf
also this:

>> No.5101592

It's all good. And thanks. I know the owner of a brick and mortar pipe shop in the area. He cuts me some sweet deals.
>implying I implied my life is hard
It's really not. Having a good job and an active social life isn't hard at all.
But, you're right; if I have time to argue with you, I have time to work out. Congratulations, anon. You're a bigger faggot than Tao Lin.

>> No.5101593

hey, Breakfast!
I'm reading that now, depressing as all fuck. one of the last i have left on my Vonnegut list.

>> No.5101595


>> No.5101604

Anon, you seem like a nice enough guy. Obviously not as bitter and cynical as the rest of us. Leave now, it's not too late for you yet.

>> No.5101606

Those are all good books

>> No.5101636

Nah. 4chan is my bread and butter (which I've been told I eat a little too much). Anon there is just buttblasted that he can't get to.

>> No.5101643

*get to me.

>> No.5101680

How's 'From Here to Eternity'?

>> No.5101709

i see lucifer there. Very nice. Ive read sandman but lucifer is on my list o read next. Hopefully its as good as Sandman was. What did you think ?

>> No.5101725

I read the file name as "sexistentialist" at first.

>> No.5101732

Thanks again for the life advice. Playing tennis with my friends and walking my dog wasn't enough to keep me fit. As per your advice, I went out and jogged for thirty minutes this morning. Heck, I even found a couch to 5k workout program that I'm going to start. You changed a life today, St. Anon. You should be proud.

>> No.5101764

Are you legit autismal?

>> No.5101765
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i like non-fiction ok

>> No.5101855

The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying states otherwise. Stay atheist

>> No.5102027
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>> No.5102100

Nice hardcover Inherent Vice. Im jelly as shit.

>> No.5102239
File: 1.64 MB, 2448x3264, 20140706_121030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a lot

>> No.5102251
File: 1.54 MB, 2448x3264, 20140706_121107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also have another box, but I was too lazy to take a picture of it.
>tfw you get books from the 1950s

>> No.5102271
File: 70 KB, 500x680, 195557ce32b13af2f5d5dacdcdac54b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the advice friend.

Pic related, it's me now.

>> No.5102272
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>> No.5102461

Did you raid an infoshop?

>> No.5102478
File: 1.99 MB, 240x180, asp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cheap dad cologne
>dirty ass floor
>tumblr level framed pictures

>> No.5102487

>It's really not. Having a good job and an active social life isn't hard at all.
>It's difficult to find the time between working 60 hours a week, having a social life, and going to poetry readings in my city.
>Playing tennis with my friends and walking my dog wasn't enough to keep me fit.


>> No.5102518

>responding to him at all
Don't feed the normalfags. they're not welcome.

>> No.5102524

>Portal gun
>Buster sword
H-hey guys! What a virgin? Right? Ha ha, yeah, I b-bet he's a wizard by now!
>Liking JRPGs
St-stay pleb!
That is some top-notch decoration, Anon.

>> No.5102548
File: 66 KB, 750x751, pipe-fedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's worse than that. The pasty, pipe smoking fatty is trying really hard to come off as a normalfag and making sure to stress this over an anonymous image board.

>> No.5102591

Fair nuff. But then you're the cock'n'balls that just posted three responses to pictures insulting them, and making baseless claims. That takes it up a notch in my autism handbook. I guess you can have fun being a fag with them.

>> No.5102617
File: 134 KB, 1024x768, nietzsche-shelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some philosophy for you…

>> No.5102629

That's fuckin' hot right there.

>> No.5102634

It... It's beautiful, anon. Thank you for showing me this.

>> No.5102638
File: 859 KB, 4596x1106, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shelf doesn't have music theory books on it but w/e

>> No.5102641
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>> No.5102647
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>> No.5102654
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A pleasure. Care for the 2nd board from top? Dostojewski, Kafka and some religion-related stuff.

>> No.5102659
File: 232 KB, 1000x1000, 1404537925344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the bible
>the qu'ran
>the god delusion

pot qeq

>> No.5102664

how is the caine mutiny?

>> No.5102672

is the bottom shelf middle row 4th book to the right henrik ibsen's plays?

btw that is the most tryhard interior design I have seen in a long while

>> No.5102676

>only one bible
>it's king james
>you're german
>tyndale, luther, and erasmus all roll in their graves
>I smile and thank God I'm not Protestant.

>> No.5102678

They sort of belong to the same category, don't they? Also notice "De tribus impostoribus" and the "Manifesto of Evolutionary Humanism".

>> No.5102680

binding is top tier though

>> No.5102684

I was in an english-speaking country and poor when I decided to read the bible cover to cover. So I got a used one from some street vendor.

>> No.5102698

I'm so jellly.

>> No.5102699

this is ridiculous

it takes 20-40 minutes a day to work out and it is the best thing you can do for yourself

it makes you look better
feel better
feel healthier
and stronger

just cut out some 4chan time, or better yet cut out the social life

>> No.5102710

First world problem, but this bothers me:

If you read a lot, say two to three thin books or one thick book every week, you’ll need a new shelf after like 2–4 months. I don't like empty shelves, neither do I like books piling up.

How do you go about this?

>> No.5102713

I have that same shakespeare's complee works

>> No.5102722


Please be a joke.

>> No.5102725

it's pretty nice
mine was given to me after my grandfather died so i'm a bit attached to it

>> No.5102741
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Since you seem to like large, uniform editions... how about some Musil?

>> No.5102777
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>> No.5102780
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>> No.5102782

You haven't read enough Nietzsche to understand my aesthetics, anon; I care nothing for your trinkets.

>> No.5102786
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>> No.5102789
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>> No.5102790


>> No.5102792
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>> No.5102796

Anyone at all can buy these books. Who cares about this stuff.

Talk about the ideas and text inside, don't take these lousy pictures.

>> No.5102797
File: 491 KB, 1280x720, 20140706_160030 (1280x720).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5102798

You definitely just assembled that bookshelf for this thread. Why would you bother?

>> No.5102801

>In America people are so uneducated that it's considered a symbol of status to speak another language

>> No.5102805


nah fuck you he's right. It's like a current body thread on fit. If you could actually acknowledge your pretension you would be ahead of 95% on this board. But you can't can you

>> No.5102808

Break out of that master slave dialectic, villager, and actually read the fucking books.

>> No.5102817

>Things a faggot would say

>> No.5102826

"The Anti Chomsky Reader", any good? Have you read Chomsky? Did you like him?

>> No.5102839

Some of you guys need to lighten up and stop being such miserable cunts. I know it must be hard to be virgins well past 21, but it will happen one day, you just need to believe in yourselves.


>> No.5102843

>actually reading Nietzsche
hide your pleb taste, m8

>> No.5102847

baby you haven't read the good books if you haven't done some biblical bowel moving things with an iced down hooker only opiates could cure you of.

>> No.5102853

lol faggots it's bookshelf not comicshelf

>> No.5102856

You're paying money to not read shit that at best might minimally insulate your bedroom? Oh pls, for once, let 4chan be real and this nigga has bought eight foot of Nietzsche for the privilege of not reading him.

>> No.5102862

I've read a lot of Chomsky, he's my favorite modern intellectual. I find myself agreeing with the virtual totality of his political arguments - I don't know enough about linguistics or philosophy of the mind. It's always important to question everything, especially the people you agree with, so I purchased the Anti-Chomsky reader in search of criticism. Needless to say, half of it is Alan Dershovitz making shit up, a third is devoted to perpetuating the "He denied the Cambodian genocide" accusation, which is absurd given that although Chomsky underestimated the scope of the genocide, he was one of only a dozen people in America to even acknowledge it was occurring at the time.

My love for Chomsky's work ends up making me also kind of uncomfortable, because I keep searching for a flaw in his political arguments, but can never find any. I try to avoid falling into blind affirmation of any figure, which is something even Chomsky goes on at length about, but in his case I can't really find anything that proves he's incorrect on any political matters.

Anyway, I'd highly recommend him. Manufacturing Consent is his Magnum Opus (with Edward Herman) but there are others worth checking out:
Profits Over People
Gaza in Crisis
Hegemony or Survival
New Mandarins
Power Systems
Failed States

>> No.5102866

If you want a good challenge to Chomsky, check out Foucault's work on power.

>> No.5102871

I've been meaning to watch their debate, is it worth it?


>> No.5102874

nigga, are you retarded? I'm lambasting him for basically being a Nieztschean

>> No.5102876
File: 667 KB, 2560x1920, IMG_20140503_195642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How's Blue Mars and the other two books in the Mars trilogy? I have been interested in it myself.

I need to update these pictures and get another shelf since books are starting to form their own cluster of piles on the floor.


>> No.5102878


Thanks for the reply. Yeah I read like 10 of his books too and tend to agree with most of what he says. That's why I was asking. I'll have a look at the Anti reader.

Your recommendation list looks good, though I would include Year 501: The Conquest Continues.

>> No.5102882


whoops I meant >>5102866

>> No.5102885
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>> No.5102899

Read Nietzsche because that is neither lambasting nor a good reason to do so.

>> No.5102912
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>> No.5102913

go away

>> No.5102915
File: 2.81 MB, 2448x3264, bookshelf1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got some embarrassing books on there, but others that I really cherish. I think it's time to make a new bookshelf though. I'm starting to grow out of it.

>> No.5102923
File: 770 KB, 2560x1920, IMG_20140503_195739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I fucked that one up, I meant 3/5.

Here's 4/5

>> No.5102929

>being this obtuse
I'm sorry, son, you are retarded.

>> No.5102932

>voyeur who enjoys seeing the way people live
>love seeing people's rooms

Fuck, me too. It's as good as any porn. I have a folder with battlestations from /g and /wg, workshops from /diy, bookshelves from /lit, collections from /mu, etc.

Also, you're running out of room. You should sell/donate your 30 least desirable imo. You'll appreciate the ones you have left that much more

>> No.5102956
File: 796 KB, 2560x1920, IMG_20140503_195749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's a fuck tonne of Stephen King books along with Gulag volume 2 first edition.


>> No.5103067

Philip K Dick my man

>> No.5103094


Only got on my shelf The Man in the High Castle, Valis and Martian Time Slip. All of them where enjoyable, i've been trying to get more of his stuff but i've only managed to find Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep at my local used bookshop, hopefully it might still be there on Wednesday since it was going for £3 last time I saw it and chances are it's probably gone.

>> No.5103105
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>> No.5103117
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>> No.5103125

Not really, the barrier to communication is too strong. They mostly talk past each other

>> No.5103128
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>> No.5103130

I've read a few Chomsky books. He gets your mind working, though I don't agree with all of his discourse

His work on the American media is by far the most important

>> No.5103136

Of course it's pretentious and an exercise in meaninglessness. I still do it because that fact doesn't transcend my need for approval. Talk all the shit you want, your extreme introversion is not a serious ground to mock the extroverted

>> No.5103137
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>> No.5103145

got mine for a dollar

>> No.5103146

i got ur mom for a dollar

>> No.5103147
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>> No.5103149

Definitely get it if you have a chance, it's my favorite book of his. I would also recommend A Scanner Darkly and Ubik.

>> No.5103150

go make me a sandwich

>> No.5103152

Every time I see this I'm stunned. The pretentiousness of this guy.. Odds are he hasn't cracked a single one of those B&Ns

>> No.5103154

why do you post in every one of these threads

>> No.5103160

>Includes CD's in Bookshelf
>No Head Hunters

>> No.5103168

>Every time I see this I'm stunned. The pretentiousness of this guy..

you are a silly person to say that

>> No.5103170


Next time i'm in my local Waterstones getting a job application i'll pick up either since I see Ubik quite a lot whenever i'm browsing the Sci-fi section.

>> No.5103174

Do you actually think that guy is pretentious?
With Eragon and anime in his bookshelf?
I think I'll filter you, you sound like a pleb

>> No.5103197

They're really good, if you can deal with the occasional long digression about Martian Islam or Olympus Mons

Don't read The Martians

>> No.5103198

> filtering on 4chan


>> No.5103203

Am I pretentious? How do you think that?

>> No.5103207

Given that he has bought so many "classics" and has nearly certainly never studied them, yes.

>> No.5103214


i'll buy them at some point.

My face when the UK editions have praise from the Daily Male.


Thelonius Monk? MY NIGGER, I just have his complete Colombia Studios album collection but he's done some fantastic stuff. You've reminded me I haven't bought a Jazz album or two in a while.

>> No.5103224

>No Mwandishi

Fixed that for you.

>> No.5103230

You read the cancer that is Warhammer. Fucking pleb. You're fat, over 40 and work a public affairs job in the army to tell the girls you're a solider.

>> No.5103235

Luckily I don't work there anymore. I just finished college, and it looks like I'm going to be starting Americorp soon.

>> No.5103274

Have fun making no money, not using chainsaws and being bossed around in the woods by a 20 y/o passive-aggressive girl from Claremount College

>> No.5103295

It's a community health education position actually. You're right that I'll be making no money, but the working conditions will be considerably different. If that doesn't pan out, I have an interview to be a library assistant coming up too. These plans are all just something to do for a year to help me decide what I actually want to do.

Did you do one of the labor intensive Americorp positions? I've heard mixed things about those.

>> No.5103331

Jealous of your collection! So many of those names intrigued me, going to have to look through Amazon and wikipedia for info on:
>Blood done sign my name
>cities of the red night
>dark as the grave wherein my friend is laid
>living at the movies

Seems like you just go to bookstores and pick up whatever looks cool. How do you choose books?

>> No.5103400

why isn't Hugo Boss blacklisted in Israel?

>> No.5103410
File: 27 KB, 265x285, Nigga Dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Superman - Grounded

>> No.5103419
File: 1.30 MB, 2592x1944, DSC_0041[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plz dont hate.

>> No.5103430


>Elfen Lied.
>Not buying your Poe in a massive collection.

You just made me bust a nut.

>> No.5103465

you are silly for looking down on him and feeling stunned

"stunned" is a word saved for who you look up to

>> No.5103613

Mailman I written by my dad's friend. I was in daycare with his son. Blood done sign my name was given to me by Amy Reading when I was in the mental hospital. Living at the movies is my favorite book of poems written by Jim Carrol, my favorite heroin addict poet. I bought it at a used bookstore in Akron. Firebirds is a fantasy short story collection I've had since I was 8. I keep it bc I guess sentimental value. Neotopia is a shitty digital manga from the same time period.

>> No.5103619

Oh yeah and cities of the red nite and dark as the grave wherein my friend is laid are classics that everyone should kno, tsk tsk

>> No.5103625



>> No.5103775

bumpin, I will post my bookshelf once I finish organizing it.

>> No.5103966
File: 577 KB, 1851x620, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1st Shelf/4

>> No.5103973
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>> No.5103979

Graphic Novels & Poetry

>> No.5103982
File: 966 KB, 1675x1040, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic...

>> No.5103987
File: 760 KB, 1920x1280, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently reading

>> No.5104005

Congrulations, you have the shittiest taste.

>> No.5104012


>> No.5104019

>World war z
>aynd rand

>> No.5104113


>> No.5104420

I need an actual bookshelf, all my shit's just piled around. Unfortunately everything's either balls expensive of cheap shit.

>> No.5104711

I Don't know and I don't care, I fucking hate perfumes but everyone keeps buying me those stuff for my birthday.
The only perfume i like is a cheap perfume called silver scent

>> No.5104767
File: 43 KB, 391x594, ArnoldBöcklinSelfPortraitWithDeathPlayingTheFiddle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this guy gets it.

i once lived in sin, and still do, but have now ended this one--thanks in part to interesting anon like you.

>> No.5105657

Could you suggest anything similar to Jeff Limire?