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5087361 No.5087361[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I just picked up the trilogy.

What am I in for?

>> No.5087366

Bretty gud fantasy trilogy with a unique, finely-crafted magic system.

Pick up Alloy of Law afterwards too.

>> No.5087368

Highly recommended

>> No.5087568

>Vin sat uncomfortably for a moment. Eventually, Kelsier nodded to her mug of ale. “You aren’t drinking.”
>“You might have slipped something in it,” Vin said.
>“Oh, there was no need for me to sneak something into your drink,” Kelsier said with a smile, pulling an object out of his suit coat pocket. “After all, you’re going to drink this vial of mysterious liquid quite willingly.”
>He set a small glass vial on the tabletop. Vin frowned, regarding the liquid within. There was a dark residue at its bottom. “What is it?” she asked.
>“If I told you, it wouldn’t be mysterious,” Kelsier said with a smile.

Okay, I'm loving this already.

>> No.5087617

Hand holding and bad pacing, mostly in the second and third book, those are the biggest problems, I think.

However, the setting, lore, and magic is excellent. I really love these books despite the missteps, have fun, I wish I could read it for the first time.

>> No.5087688

Is that a girl? Why does she have such a huge crotch bulge?

>> No.5087721

That box set has the worst fucking covers, I hate it. I'm tempted to get the new edition and throw the old ones out.

>> No.5087734

Bad pulp fantasy covers are kind of what makes it such a great thing in the first place. The only thing better are misguidedly sexy Golden Age science fiction covers, like, you know, green and blue women with torpedo tits.

>> No.5087738

Decent ideas expressed through piss poor writing and uneven pacing!

Sanderson probably has a thing for traps.

>> No.5087757

Usually it's the publishers who supply those covers. Sometimes the authors are allowed some input on it, especially if they become sufficiently famous.

Still, a dark fantasy series about feisty dual-wielding traps in elaborate costumes sounds like the best thing ever.

>> No.5088125
File: 107 KB, 1200x893, ShallanPainting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that they use real cosplaying people is what gets my latent autism to flare, drawings just work better for fantasy covers. Pic related

Kelsier is mah nigga. His fight scenes are really well done, when I read it it's like a movie or chinese cartoon playing in my mind.

>> No.5088138

>crotch bulge

That's the knot in the cloth she's wrapped around her.

But god damn fantasy books have the worst covers.

>> No.5088142


My favourite is every fantasy novel that tries to aim at women using a cover with some He-Man type guy with no shirt and long hair blowing in the wind.

>> No.5088619

>tfw Kelsier is still alive lurking about hanging out with Harmony

Man I want to read modern Mistborn already.

>> No.5088691


All of the twists are quite obvious and sometimes when they're explaining how the magic works, it comes off as reading a grocery list. Despite this and the frequently awful pacing, the trilogy ends up being a good read.
6.9/10 for me personally

Allow of Law, the first book in a sequel series to the Mistborn trilogy, is a 7.5/10

Overall, I think they are Sandersons best works and are worth reading.

>> No.5088736

Alloy and it's one planned sequel are basically side stories. Modern Mistborn trilogy and Future Mistborn trilogy are the hard sequels in the Mistborn line.

>> No.5089012
File: 242 KB, 1012x1096, Mistborn series.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hard covers are best covers

>> No.5089070

>Overall, I think they are Sandersons best works
>stormlight archive
>emperor's soul
>mistborn his best work

>> No.5090799

pretty meh

read stormlight archive instead

his best yet

>> No.5091125

follow up mistborn with stormlight same writing style totally different universe

>> No.5091762

I own them all digitally, but prefer the bottom covers simply because they match the cover used for Alloy of Law.

>> No.5091769

A decent, if astoundingly shallow and cliche first book.
The second book is more of the same, except the mormonism starts creeping in, and he introduces a Twilight love triangle.
Third book is just pretty garbage and is mostly a love letter to the Mormon church.

Overall, Sanderson isn't a very good author and his only readable work so far is Stormlight Archive.

>> No.5091775


They don't even match, disgusting.

>> No.5091851

I like Warbreaker and Stormlight better. Also, book 12 of Wheel of Time was pretty impressive for a handover.

>> No.5092483

>totally different universe

>> No.5093195

We'll get 2 more Wax and Wayne books first and 3 more stormlight books, by then it'll be 2020, just gotta stay alive anon.

>tfw Vin has no heir

>> No.5093681

We're only getting one more Wax and Wayne book.

>tfw gonna take 30 years for the entire meta to finish

>> No.5093696

why do people buy these books, come to lit to ask "what am I in for?". Just read the book

>> No.5093871

Just finished the Gurren Lagann anime.
They have stolen some major plot points from Mistborn.

>> No.5094027

Don't feel like making a thread for this.

What's the benefit of making a magic system?
It's fun and all, but what is the actual purpose of it?

>> No.5094030

>this post
>two days in a row

Come on now, stop this.

>> No.5094108

>not hiding the thread and moving on.

>> No.5094252

Once you get past the ridiculousness of the power armor and chinese cartoon swords I think the Stormlight Archive is pretty good. I really like the world its on. Unique plant and animal life and whatnot.

>> No.5094261 [DELETED] 

Shut the fuck up you cancer defending moron. Thread hiding was truly a shit feature, enabling retarded faggots like you to defend repost of repost shitposting for the sake of defending strangers online. Kill yourself.

>> No.5094269 [DELETED] 


these boards might be more to your liking.

>> No.5094276 [DELETED] 

>Uh-oh, he's pointing out that I'm needlessly defending spam for no reason other than someone pointed out it's spam
>I'd better shitppst hyperlinks
>That'll show them

You're a fucking dumb nigger

>> No.5094615

>chinese cartoon swords
This "chinese cartoon" shit has been thrown around a lot lately(saw some minor incidents last year), is it some redshit or tumbgay invasion that has this going on?

>> No.5095081

>being new

>> No.5095083


>> No.5095086

>not remembering the gaia fags that called it chinese cartoon
>shit posted in /a/ /b/ etc
When someone says chinese cartoons they are the newfags

>> No.5095087

Poor wording, I should have said more lately instead.

>> No.5095093
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>> No.5095100

hey babe wanna /ss/?

>> No.5095146

Bro, please just stop and do not keep digging deeper.

>> No.5095235

>We're only getting one more Wax and Wayne book.


>> No.5095459

Yeah but that changes fairly often. However, I asked around and it seems that according to his agent's twitter, there will be three. Although who the fuck knows when the third will be out. I wish he'd work on the Elantris and Warbreaker sequels instead of Mistborn side-stories.

Sixth of the Dusk is out. I didn't even know about that one.

>> No.5095655

The first book was pretty good, but the rest suffer from Sanderson Syndrome in the same way that the Stormlight Archive is.

The first book sets up a world with an interesting setting with compelling characters that makes you excited to read more.

It turns out in the later books, though, that it was just a Anime fanfiction about a small girl who flies around with a giant sword hitting ugly monsters and battling evil incarnate.

There is nothing redeeming about the second and third books besides the Kandra city.

Stormlight went down exactly the same fucking way. I nearly threw the second book out of a closed window after I read it.

The first book was the best thing he's ever written. He takes his time on all of the seemingly separate threads, and creates a beautiful world full of genuine characters and manages to avoid his typical hamfisted bullshit.


>> No.5096015

The Wax and Wayne stories are going to be a good primer to flow into the modern Mistborn trilogy, but a warbreaker sequel would be nice.
I've been wondering what happened to Vasher and why/how he hopped off his planet, went to Roshar, then lost nightblood.
So many questions yet to be answered.

Were you really surprised at the power levels?

You have to be an inattentive reader to not notice the direction the story is headed after the first book and this is just the tip of the iceberg, there is going to be so much more than just falling around.

Szeth revival is a point I agree with, for now, that may change after the next book (we get his backstory.) As an aside, Roshar has the highest investure of any other planet thus far, which is why the magic in Stormlight is so potent.

Point is if you hate fantasy with powerful magic these books aren't for you and you're a STORMING fuck for reading the type of books you don't enjoy.

>> No.5096100

But Szeth with Nightblood, though.
Szeth with fuckin' Nightblood.

Plus who only knows what the second half of SA will be about.

And never forget that Kaladin is likely going to Braize at some point since calculations have been done to see how fast he has to be accelerating to break orbit.

Shit is gonna get real.

Me too. I want my pre-SA stuff before I read the entirety of fucking SA already. I'm glad Brandon writes fast and writes side stories to keep himself from becoming burnt out but fuck I wish he'd keep it to Cosmere stuff.

>> No.5096210

There is so much too look forward to, we've had a good look into two out of ten surges, just scratching the surface. Then you have the Parshendi forms, thunderclasts, and Odium spren.

It's all going to hit the fan and it will be glorious.

Yeah, I only read the Cosmere stuff, I love the whole over-arching plot and connectedness of it all. It blew my mind when I learned about Hoid.

>> No.5096300

Same here. I love meta and this is easily my favorite series of all. Only wish it wouldn't take so long to get into the nitty-gritty but the convergence will be glorious.

>> No.5096335

You know the term Sanderson avalanche? When the meta plots start to converge the Sanderson avalanche is going to shake the entire fantasy genre.

Btw how has you're reading been going OP?

>> No.5096383

Spoilers....I finished the second book in the SA last week. I thought the flying was a bit ridiculous. Just the way he can traverse great distances like that so quickly seemed kind of broken, and how he has a spren that can morph into any piece of armament he needs in a fight. Plus he can heal like Wolverine, even from shard blade strikes.

I guess I'll have to wait and see how it balances out and what he is up against. I'm glad that Dalinar survived. While it was cheesy in a way to have Kaladin swoop in like Superman at the end and save him, part of me actually likes the impossible heroics. That duel in the stadium between Adolin and the other shardbearers was great too. I knew Kaladin would save him...but still I had to reread it multiple just to register in my mind everyone's reactions, especially Amaram's. I loved that, exposed for the dishonorable man he is.

The one thing I hated about the book was Kaladin's involvement in the Assassination plot. I just didn't feel like that is something that he would involve himself in...like it seemed like something that Sanderson put in in order to create a moral dilemma for Kaladin and in order to deprive him of his powers for plot purposes, so that he could stage his grand return at the end. And plus he didn't even kill Moash and Graves like I wanted him to...

The other thing that bothered me was Taravangian and how he kept saying how smart he was on the day he proposed that all people who tested below a certain intelligence not be allowed to breed. It seems to me that if Taravangian were truly super intelligent he would have been able to devise a plan that would allow him to achieve the end he wanted, but that was insidious enough that the populace wouldn't catch on to what he was doing. Kind of like how Sadeas always weasled his way around to try and Kill Adolin/Dalinar.

>> No.5096424

Oh yeah it definitely will. There's already at least a novel's worth of information we know purely from Q&As and interviews and book signings and the like. The fansite forum theorycrafts like fucking mad. The numerical code from the book Taravangian wrote that was in one of the WoR Epigraphs was solved within a few weeks. All kinds of crazy stuff. I can't wait for the reveals, the further explanations, Hoid being a main character, everything.

>> No.5096504

The first point was addressed here>>5096015
>Roshar has the highest investure of any other planet thus far, which is why the magic in Stormlight is so potent.

You can be sure the opposition will match the KR's power, we haven't even seen the real Voidbringers yet.

I wanted to strangle Kaladin when he was brushing off Syl and not taking his oaths seriously. However, he needed to learn to get over his prejudice against lighteyes. That moment when he realized Elhokar was like Tien is a growth of character that he needed to experience.

Notice the differences between Shallan's interaction with her spren and Kaladins.
Kal is short sighted concerned only with his men, unaware of the implications of his bond with Syl (ignoring her), unaware of the signs of coming doom, and untrusting.
Shallan frequently interacts with pattern, knows the Voidbringers are returning, and is willing to trust others.

The scene where she reveals herself to Dalinar is a huge indicator of these things.

Kaladin angst should be over with now, since he has accepted his place, unless some terrible shit happens when he returns home.

Yeah the forums are insane. They exam every shred of info, calculating map sizes and decoding everything, interesting stuff.
I just wish they wouldn't try to claim every other character is bi or gay. I was laffin when Renarin fans got asshurt over Shallan's treatment of him.

>> No.5096522

Kind of off topic, but I'm looking for books similar to these? I really enjoyed the whole fantasy part and I want to experience some more. I'm going to read the stormlight archive asap, and I'm reading the Prince of Thorns at the moment and it's pretty good. I'd love some recommendations.

>> No.5096525

You're in for some pleb material. Hope you are a teenager.

>> No.5096538

>Hope you are a teenager.
gb2 ur Lolita threads pedo.

>> No.5096597

Yep they seem to make a lot of something out of nothing in some situations like reading too far into Adolin killing Sadeas.

>Sadeas wants the throne
>legitimately betrays Dalinar
>on top of the piles of sketchy and distrustful behavior he already displayed

And they think Adolin, who was also betrayed and son of the man Sadeas wants dead, killed him for an ulterior reason.

It was natural and forthcoming.

>> No.5098986

Sanderson built up such a hate in me for Sadeas, I never wanted someone dead like I wanted his dead.

>> No.5099028

Oh my god, you are so insensitive

>> No.5099109

Not the anon you replied to but if I asked why someone who looks like a girl, has a bulge in their pants, would I be insensitive?

Take some time and answer carefully, it wil tell us who you are.

>> No.5099143

Sadeas had that coming for a long time, I was so hype when it happened. Adolin did fuck up by trying to hide it, I don't think his dad will like that.

At least they're passionate, but often misguided.

Some sick fuck went too far when he said Syl is malevolent and evil. SYL, the most honorable and pure character in the book, EVIL?

>> No.5099579

In one thread about Taravangian, I offered that the 'boon' the Nightwatcher granted him was a mental disorder such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.

Some guy replied basically saying, "As a schizophrenic, I'm going to say... no." So I linked about five articles showing otherwise.

Why people believe anecdotal opinion trumps academic work is beyond me. Never got a reply either.

>> No.5100248

You mean Taravangians curse, his boon was the capacity to save the world. I don't know much about schizophrenia, so I can't comment on that, I would like to know why you think that's his curse.

I'll take the academic work over the word of a schizo anyday. They must have taken your links as a personal attack, a sensitive bunch there.

>> No.5100634

>I would like to know why you think that's his curse.
I don't have any speculation aside from the fact that his behavior (intelligence) changes daily and this could easily be a symptom of psychosis (say, bipolar disorder as one example.) I doubt he has an actual mental illness but it was merely something I thought of.

>I'll take the academic work over the word of a schizo anyday.
Don't go that route. There have been several high-functioning schizophrenics who have produced substantial work in the field of academia (like John Nash). It's more the fact that people think personal opinion > proven studies, really.

>> No.5100859

If you like non-D&D high fantasy, the first book is a must.

>> No.5100896

>t's more the fact that people think personal opinion > proven studies
Right, I intendid to reiterate the sentiment, my wording was off.

It does seem to be a form of mental illness, though caused by magic. I'm just wondering if Tv will side with Dalinar or try to undermine him, when he arrives at Urithuru, he is a sly character. I can see Dalinar trusting him then getting betrayed, it'll be like Sadeas all over again.

>> No.5100916

Yep. I think that Tara means well but he's a "sacrifice a few for the betterment of everybody" person and while that is not a bad thing, it all depends on WHO he wants to sacrifice.

I think his storyline will be interesting.

>> No.5101351

Who wants to delve into Jasnah Kholin's juicy feminist cunt?

She would demean you and make you hard at the same time.

>> No.5103009

>I can see Dalinar trusting him then getting betrayed
Also how the fuck did he bind the storm father? did that seem out of the blue to anyone?

>> No.5103026

The Rithamist sucks!

>> No.5103047

Too lazy to type out the reasons why. If you're genuinely curious, Google "Sanderson's Magic Laws"

>> No.5103052

It was entertaining. It had me thinking about some book or movie when I saw with the chalk men...

>> No.5104269

He didn't exactly 'bind' him; it's more of a partnership. IIRC, Bondsmiths are partnered with 'godspren' only which is what makes them so special.

>> No.5104438

>I think his storyline will be interesting.
Same. I'm really digging the way Brandon is handling the Interludes, you can tell he gets 'loose' when introducing new and varied characters. They also break up the primary narrative nicely, showing you the rest of Roshar's culture, while pulling the scope back.

Axies The collector is my personal favorite, right now.

Well if Dalinar was going to get a spren, theSF was the natural pairing.

>they've had a (low level) bond ever since the visions.
>Dalinar is at the head of the greatest nation on Roshar, making him the most powerful man.
>SF is the most powerful spren.
>both stubborn as fuck and slighty insane.

Their bond is very different than what we have seen before, so I was slightly surprised, but very excited.

>> No.5104829

A lot of stuff is revealed through Interludes too like
>Galladon/Demoux/random from White Sand being worldhoppers in the Seventeenth Shard looking for Hoid
>Lift (who is going to be a main character in the second half and have her own book)
>stuff with Rysn who is speculated to be a worldhopper or some such
>something about Investiture having relations to Belief and scientists measuring spren were an example of this
I can't even remember everything off-hand but they're great.

>> No.5104849

How much Dalinar is there in Words of Radiance? He was the only character I was even remotely interested in Way of Kings.

>> No.5104854

>White Sand
Is there a version of this online? I seem to remember not being able to find it on /bookz/ a while back.

Also, what was up with the whole Nalthis leakage bit in WoR?

>> No.5104860

Fuck yeah, this is why I love his books, you can enjoy it on the surface level and/or you can dig deep, finding all the little easter eggs that are interwoven within the narrative.

>> No.5104872

In Taravangian's chapter they talk about how he's more compassionate on his dumber days. I strongly suspect that the intelligence will be revealed as the curse and the compassion as the boon. It's kinda dumb, but it just fits so well with the other themes of the books.

>> No.5105226

Quite a substantial bit. He will be fairly active in the first half (unless he dies) and his book is the fourth book.
>Kaladin -> Shallan -> Szeth -> Eshonai -> Dalinar

You can email him and you'll get a copy sent your way (may take months for a reply, mind you). It's completely unfinished. It was only ever a draft. White Sand itself is going to be a graphic novel but fuck knows when that will come out.

And what do you mean about Nalthis leakage? I know what Nalthis is but I don't know what you're asking about.

>> No.5105232

fifth* My bad. I originally thought it was going to be the fourth but I looked it up to make sure and I guess it was changed.

Lift and Jasnah will have their own books in the second half. I forget whom else will, if anyone was actually revealed.

Yep. Like Talenel.
>the person who is thought to be Taln

>> No.5105290

Sanderson is boring to be honest. Loads of coming of age hero stories.

>> No.5105403

Thanks. I remember when Dalinar's book was supposed to be the second volume. I lost interest when it was postponed, but I'm glad it hasn't been scrapped. I guess I'll pick WoR up eventually, then.

Szeth book, oh dear.

>> No.5105748

The whole series is going to be something ridiculous. May as well read WoR asap.

>> No.5106313

You're just jelly, that no one wants to read your "boring" works but thousands flock around to read Sanderson's.

How's the book coming along anon? Finished yet?

>> No.5106314

> And what do you mean about Nalthis leakage?
Vasher and Nightblood.

>> No.5106382

I know you shouldn't judge a book by the cover, but in some cases it's doable.

>> No.5106617

Oh. We don't really know yet since Warbreaker sequel will be out Soon(TM).

Vasher can feed off Stormlight in replacement of a Breath since it is still Investiture.