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4566110 No.4566110 [Reply] [Original]

>read the republic
>don't understand anything

What do

>> No.4566115

Kill ze jews

>> No.4566124

read fight club instead

>> No.4566161

Write French philosophy.

>> No.4566172

You should have started lighter, pick up sidhartha or Sophie's world. You have to have some knowledge before reading something 2500 years old, what did you expect?

>> No.4566210

Read it again.

Also try reading this


And maybe search the bibliography for a different translation.

>> No.4566386

go back to mu

>> No.4566393

i wish there was a video of Lauren kissing that sexy black man at the festival

>> No.4566517


Read little pieces of it, with someone that does. Speak of the things you don't understand, or of the tuings you thought to understand, exchange points of view, illustrate mutually.

>> No.4566526

Read it again. Write down interesting or confusing things. Find someone else to read it with and talk with them about it. Read other Platonic Dialogues. Start reading Aristotle too, especially Nichomachean Ethics and Politics.

Most of all, think about what anything said in this works might have to do with you and your life. In a very real way, these works were written for you, about you. Have fun.

>> No.4566527

ew, no. Lauren would never cheat on me.

>> No.4566899

holy shit that was a good one

>> No.4567014

>read Shakespeare
>don't understand anything

What do

>> No.4567058

act like you do anyways and get that qt-patooty to give you a smooch on the cheek

>> No.4569119

>the rule of their city will be supported by the mystical sanction of the myth of 3 metals; gold silver and iron.

What does this mean?

>> No.4569126

Watch the lectures of the Pen look alike on youtube about it.

>> No.4569133


it means exactly what it says

>> No.4569137

Get the Allan Bloom translation and let him tell you what everything means.


The foundation myth/'noble lie' (described in the dialogue) will justify the sociopolitical structure of the city.

>> No.4569184
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>> No.4569193
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>> No.4569215


>> No.4569218

>let him tell you what everything means
Holy shit, why do you even bother to read a book at all? Just read summaries and be content to believe The Prince is a satire and On the Road is about freedom.

>> No.4569226

I'm taking a class on it right now and I really love it.
I don't think it's that hard, but you might want to read the spark notes summary along with each book. And, more importantly, discuss it with other people who are intelligent. Socrates and Plato are discussion junkies. These ideas are supposed to create conversation with an ultimate goal of truth. Take it from an analytical philosophy perspective, not existential, it just won't work.

>> No.4569235
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Hey guys, I heard something fascinating the other month.

Apparently, the alloy analogy Socrates talks about (how some people are inherently better like some allows are inherently more valuable, like gold, silver, and iron. etc).

Anyway, in this alloy analogy, Socrates says that some people who are silver, can give birth to someone who is gold, and someone people who are gold can give birth to iron.
His solution, Socrates says, is that the political system should function in such a meritocratic way that the best allows rise and the faulty ones step down.

Apparently this whole meritocratic axiom is (as some intellectuals assert) fallacious propaganda to advance an inherently tyrannical regime (Timocracy--which is the chief political system Socrates propounds).

To bring Zizek into this, Zizek says ideology is like a kinder suprise egg. The chocolate on the outside is something most everybody will love (like meritocracy), which acts as sort of propaganda for the true ideology (the toy inside which you may not actually like).

Plato's republic (or more correctly, timocracy) is inherently undemocratic and gives power to a select few, but the meritocratic alloy analogy wets the appetites of those considering the validity of the political ideology.

Thought this thought was fascinating.

>> No.4569237
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Do like everyone else does who said they read The Republic.
Act like you do.
You think if people understood it that there would be thousands and thousands of different assumptions?

>> No.4569244

who is this lauran you speak of?

>> No.4569431
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>> No.4569565

Spark note it.