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/lit/ - Literature

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4507819 No.4507819[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does reading as a hobby has improved your social abilities, or enlarged your circle of acquaintances?

>mfw by reading really fast, I understand really easily what people want to tell me, hence my capacity to respond to their expectations.
>mfw by knowing references, verses, some philosophical thesis, I always have a subject or things to say that are able to enhance conversations.
>mfw I've never had such great relations but since I read massively.

>> No.4507827

>Does reading as a hobby has improved your social abilities, or enlarged your circle of acquaintances?
>Does reading as a hobby has improved your social abilities
>hobby has improved your social abilities
>has improved

>> No.4507829



>> No.4507831


>> No.4507836

Hell. I'm sorry. Sometimes I translate in a dash without noticing such mistakes.

>> No.4507856
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>social ablilities

>still posting on /lit/

>> No.4507875
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>mfw I'm an obnoxious sperger who tries to explain obscure principles and ideas that I found interesting two years ago when I read them every time they are even tangentially related to a conversation
>mfw I can't make human connections because mundane personal problems all seem petty next to the GREAT PHILOSOPHICAL QUANDARIES i read in my bathroom that morning and have convinced myself are the major problems of my life
>mfw the government is passing legislation to ban me from telling more than three consecutive historical anecdotes or going on for more than ten minutes
>mfw the looks on the faces of my victims after they have been subjected to a two hour rant about something that had nothing to do with what they asked for originally

>> No.4507909

Yeah I'm sorta like that. You gotta learn to simplify, man. Find real-world applications for your philosophical ramblings, and hope that people put the pieces together. For example, if you're a feminist (inb4 this turns into a horrid 4chan feminist discussion, this is just an example) instead of spouting feminist theory at people in the hopes of converting them to your way of thinking, say that you personally believe in feminism because you had strong female role models in your life or some shit like that.

>> No.4507929
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>strong female role models

>> No.4507934

sorry not everyones got mommy issues bruh

>> No.4507937


If you had a strong female role model you wouldn't be a feminist.

>> No.4507938

>Yeah I'm sorta like that.
No, you are not.

>> No.4507940

who hurt you? couldn't get laid in high school?

>> No.4507948


>mfw trade stock markets, /fit/ and worth a lot of money, wear nice clothes, expensive watch
>mfw obese mouthbreathing neckbeard with his obese mouthbreathing neckbeard friends, some of whom are wearing video game t shirts and are several years older than me start an argument with me at the bus stop and starts ranting about philosophy and how i'm a materialist fool etc.
>continues this for the entire 1 hour bus ride, his voice was extremely loud and nasally

Was this you?

>> No.4507952
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>by reading really fast, i'm often impatient in conversations, occasionally finishing people's sentences for them (and i'm as yet unaware of the fact that this is generally seen as an annoying behavior that makes people like me less and not want to hang out with me)
>i always take an opportunity to derail conversations with topics of interest to myself only
>as time progresses, I've become ever more blinded to the unsociableness of my behavior through rationalizations, wich serve to perpetuate and reinforce these traits

>> No.4507965

what an irrelevant comment

why is that? I had strong female role models, and therefore respect and value women a great deal, and feel that our society should as well. I'm guessing you think all feminists are like the ones on tumblr?

>> No.4507970

nope. all its done is made me more antisocial/lonely

>> No.4507971

Take your femdom fetish to /d/. There are no women here to pat you on the head for it.

>> No.4507975

/lit/ has probably among the highest female poster population on the site.. I've been here since shortly after the board was created. I probably read more than most of the people here.

>> No.4507973


It's probably a woman, there a handful on /lit/

>> No.4507979


oh so you're one of those "men are only feminists to get laid" folks. Great logic. Very sound.

>> No.4507982


So you really are a dude? hohoho

>> No.4507985

It's OK, anon. Women won't hurt you if you treat them like ordinary people. They're people too.

>> No.4507986


Male feminists tend to be emasculated mommies boys

>> No.4507987


I think men deserve respect and I value them greatly. Who gives a shit?

>> No.4507990

>I think men deserve respect

Because constant war is so cool!

>> No.4507997


What war? What are you talking about?

>> No.4507999

You can think that. I simply enjoy living a life where I do as I please without worrying about being confined to trying not to be an emasculated mommy's boy. If some mouthbreathing /pol/tard thinks that about me, then I really don't give a shit, because I'm pretty content with myself.

I know :)

>> No.4508000

>I've been here since shortly after the board was created. I probably read more than most of the people here.

your inferiority complex is reeking

>> No.4508006

>If womyn ruled the world, there would be no war!!!11!!!
You can't be serious

>> No.4508008

>I don't care if others judge me, because I'm happy being a grovelling beta male.

have some pride, dude.

>> No.4508019

please eat a hearty helping of cock

>> No.4508014

>I think men deserve respect and I value them greatly.

as do I. I think men should be allowed to do what makes them feel happy (so long as no one is harmed) without having to worry about being too feminine or not masculine enough

>> No.4508017

back you go

>> No.4508023


What's stopping you from putting on a skirt and being as feminine as want? I don't get it.

>> No.4508026

I have plenty of pride in myself.

What do you think qualifies someone as a beta-male?

>> No.4508029

just because you're feminine as fuck don't lower the standards for other men who are actually trying to be masculine (and thus benefit society)


>> No.4508036

male anti feminists tend to be emasculated mommas boys (or just faggots with mommy issues)

>> No.4508037

If I wanted to do that no one would be holding a gun to my head, but I'd be constantly ridiculed and shamed by my community. It'd be nice, and very possible to live in a world where that doesn't happen, because when you really think about whether or not people dress according to gender is pretty insignificant. I prefer to dress in shirt and pants, but if it made me feel comfortable to do otherwise, why should anyone care?

>> No.4508042


>but I'd be constantly ridiculed and shamed by my community.

Rightfully so because you would look ridiculous.

>> No.4508043

I'm not saying you have to be feminine. If you're a naturally masculine person, then do whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.4508044

This messageboard has gone to the dogs. Reddit's literature board is streets ahead.

>> No.4508049

Remember this post boys and girls

This is how projection really works when you get down in the nitty gritty.

Never forget why prominent homophobes tend to be debauched self loathing homosexuals themselves

>> No.4508050

But the ridicule would be more harsh than that directed at someone simply wearing a goofy looking t-shirt. People tend to get really hostile over people going outside of gender norms. If the ridicule were simply just "hey you look like an idiot" I wouldn't really care, because honestly a man wearing a skirt would look pretty dumb.

>> No.4508054

the dude was making fun of the guy he was quoting though...

>> No.4508058


>Never forget why prominent homophobes tend to be debauched self loathing homosexuals themselves

I think there's more myth to that than anything. I could name a handful of loud anti-gay people that were caught but if you compare that to the millions who aren't sucking cock it's nothing.

>> No.4508059

>People tend to get really hostile over people going outside of gender norms.

Yes, people tend to get upset by people airing their sexual fetishes in public.

>> No.4508070


>But the ridicule would be more harsh than that directed at someone simply wearing a goofy looking t-shirt.

Would it really? There's a bum that walks around my neighborhood dressed like a pirate and he laughed at way harder than the tranny that occasionally wanders down the railroad tracks.

>> No.4508071

Check your landlubber privilege

>> No.4508080

what a retarded analogy faggot.

>> No.4508082

>calling autogynephilia a fetish
>an analogy

pick one

>> No.4508129

Trannies are fucking uncanny. It's not my fault my programmed response to them is to be repulsed by them.

One thing I never understood about trannies is why they chose to do a ridiculously difficult operation/hormone therapy that really gives the desired results, rather then attempt to change the definition of gender they have in their heads and suck it up.

Honestly I sometimes think transsexualism (as well as shit like hysteria, hypochondria), is just an evolutionary tactic of extracting resources by exploiting empathy gone very wrong because of modern science. People making self-destructive choices and holding self-destructive beliefs could inspire people to empathize with you throughout history (you have tons of both males and females with saviour fetishes), but nowadays that their irrational longings can actually be fulfilled it's just broken.

inb4evopsych bingo

>> No.4508133
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Folks, what about the original subject ?

>> No.4508135

*rarely gives

>> No.4508198

my sides

>> No.4508213
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Sure you weren't arguing with your own reflection?

>> No.4508253

Having things to talk about and being able to carry a conversation are entirely two different things. While reading helps expand the breadth of things you can talk about it doesn't necessarily make you a good conversationalist. That can only come from actually being in social settings.