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4351321 No.4351321[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This was touched on in a deleted thread, but I think it's worthy of a discussion. No intelligent person these days would do something as stupid as smoking, but for some reason there are still modern day authors that feel the need to do it to emulate their literary heroes. Personally I will not read any author that smokes currently or has smoked since the 70s. Why would I read the work of someone so intellectually inferior as to subject themself to cancer to be "cool"? Do you read the work of smokers?

>> No.4351322

*blows smoke in your face*

>> No.4351327

Stop being so sensitive.

>> No.4351331

>epic xD

I'm about as insensitive as it gets, it's merely a matter of time management. I can only read so much, why would I waste my time on the writing of a moron?

>> No.4351338

Because you're equating somebody smoking with their intelligence. That's such a rash judgement that it borders on childish. If you can't look past a person smoking, which doesn't impact their writing in any way, then that's your problem. You're probably alone on this one, with the exception of straight edge faggots

>> No.4351343

Any notable cannabis smoking author

>> No.4351344

how do you know they smoke "to be 'cool'" ? or that they smoke to "emulate their literary heroes"?

>> No.4351347

Smoking is something that troubled people do to let other people know that they are troubled. It's become a fashion statement.

>> No.4351348
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>Do you read the work of smokers?
Why shouldn't I? Am I going to a date with them?
I don't care if the author is someone I'd hate if I knew. I just read their works.
This reminds me of a communist friend who doesn't read anything that's not pro-commie.

>> No.4351349

Smoking is a choice, if you choose to smoke you aren't intelligent, therefore not capable of producing quality writing. I'm far from straight edge, I'm a long time oxycontin user, but I would never smoke as I am smart enough to understand what risk:reward is

>> No.4351354

Like I said, that's such a childish response to a smoker that it's hard to even take it seriously. Also you're a hypocrite if you think popping oxys is any better for you than smoking

>> No.4351357

Would you read the work of a heroin addict? What about cocaine? Where is the line? What makes smoking so terrible to you? Did somebody you love die of lung cancer or something?

>> No.4351361

there are a lot of smokers here who are going to get riled up about being called idiots

not as many smackheads

>> No.4351364

this is a nice post

>> No.4351370
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deal with it, nerd

>> No.4351368

I don't think it's better for you at all, I think the risk:reward is high enough to make it sensible.

Of course I would, seeking pleasure at the cost of health is understandable, doing something damaging to your body as a cry for attention is not

>> No.4351365

>getting riled up on the internet
this actually happens?

>> No.4351367

how do you know?

>> No.4351378

I smoke because I like to smoke and you bet your ass I look cool while doing it

fuck you by the way

>> No.4351383

yes but thats entirely your opinion

I hate pills so in my eyes you're the fool for popping them, and liver failure is going to hurt alot worse than my chronic cough and increased chances of lung cancer.

>> No.4351397

You're for drugs as long as it isn't smoking. You might as well be against coffee, tea and soda while you're at it. What about chocolate? They all are stimulants. You sound like a child that has a vendetta against smoking and smokers for no reason other than "they're trying to be cool!" Go read catcher in the rye again and jerk off over you whiney baby messiah Holden Caufield

>> No.4351399
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and I thought trolls stayed away from /lit/

>> No.4351413

The "you're a child," thing is pretty amusing, especially when you post it 4 times in 10 minutes. Ironically if you ask the average 6 year old these days they could tell you smoking is fucking retarded, while if you ask a smoking adult they will give you some tryhard, convoluted excuse why they do it rather than admit how desperate they are for attention. Perhaps we should refer to children on this subject.

>> No.4351420


>> No.4351427

>You shouldn't call me childish because 6 year olds agree with me.

Okay, guy.
Does naive sound better? Either way, you're making a sweeping generalization based on nothing more than your personal feeling about smokers. Also, equating your argument to something an uneducated 6 year old would say is not exactly helping you.

>> No.4351425

Top ten smoking authors?

>> No.4351432

Let me rephrase it for you, I forgot how stupid smokers are-
Even a child can tell you only an idiot smokes, only a smoker can be so delusional and dumb as to think smoking could ever be excusable

>> No.4351436

can we just prune this thread already? jesus.

>> No.4351437

Keep popping pills and trying to act superior

>> No.4351438

I am just over two years into not smoking. I believe smoking is retarded, but not nearly as retarded as you insisting that you know why they do it. the truth is smoking is enjoyable, until it's not of course. Even though I am glad to now be a non-smoker, I think the smell of FRESH cigarette smoke is actually kinda nice. The stale smell is terrible and smokers generally smell like trash without knowing it since the smell is really hard to get rid of once it sets in.

>> No.4351440

In order to classify smoking as a rationally "stupid" thing, you are assuming that all people value the same things as you, mainly the idea of living into old age. You are going to miss a great deal of very interesting people by rejecting them for something as meaningless as their choice to or not to smoke.

>> No.4351450

Wrong. I don't value the idea of living to an old age in the slightest, I have no intention of doing that. That doesn't mean I will decrease my V02 max and general cardiovascular ability in the meantime in a desperate plea for attention, for nothing in return.

>> No.4351456

This is pretty much exactly what I was coming into this thread to say. Not everybody values old age or their health or the health of others the same. There are pros and cons to smoking, and people choose to smoke or not based on their own analysis of the pros and cons according to their value system. Writing off everyone who smokes as automatically unintelligent is an embarrassingly unintelligent thing to do.

>> No.4351459

I don't smoke consistently, but every once in a blue moon I will crave a cigarette the same way every once in a blue moon I will crave a soda. There are many vices that were once or continue to be accepted norms. Energy drinks have their day coming, but as of now they are in the comfortable position cigarettes once inhabited before the current hatred of the object took hold of the popular conscience.

Anyway: today, due to fearing that the roads would be icy and knowing my car's inability to handle properly in such conditions, I walked to work. Leaving at 9PM, and in the cold, I bummed a cigarette off my co-worker and walked home smoking it. I haven't had a cigarette in months, and I just wanted something to idle my time with while I walked. The cigarette had a pleasant smokiness to it while you inhaled, and it felt very cool, as well. I know it's bad for my health but so is the occasional purchase of a mountain dew or my running outdoors and possibly slipping and twisting my ankle.

The only issue that should arise out of a writer's personal vice and/or philosophy is if he glorifies it to the point of it inhabiting and effecting detriment within his writing. If it is something merely indulged in their own time, there is nothing wrong with it.