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File: 419 KB, 500x689, BAWW old man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3997803 No.3997803 [Reply] [Original]

Death anxiety for the Atheist.

When I first saw this picture I Thought about
this man being myself.

I have no friends or anyone to interact with but this picture makes me
think about losing all of those to time whom I have ever thought well of.

I can't be that old man. It is despair. How does he endure it?
If he was a man like me who believes death would be the end of
everything. How do people endure it?

I am 19 and I recently became an atheist through some study
of philosophical literature and anthropology study.

The only way to get my mind off of this is thoughts of cryonic preservation.
The thought of being frozen and being brought back to life.
That is what I tell myself. I will be frozen and brought back to life.
The irony is that I don't have any intention of being preserved but just the simple thought relieves me
for a short while. I already understand anxiety over it is pointless but I can not let go of it when
I see things involving death.

I don't understand how all people born before my time Got past it.
Did they Immerse themselves in pleasure and distraction?

>> No.3997823

Generally there are two routes: either don't think at all, or think obsessively about death until the subject is boring. I did the latter and I'm not too concerned anymore.

>> No.3997838

>Did they Immerse themselves in pleasure and distraction?
Work, more commonly. I'd bet that overall that's more effective as a distraction than pleasure.

>> No.3997844

...oh, and religion, of course. Mass disbelief in an afterlife is quite a new thing, I think.

>> No.3997842

Are you saying you cut yourself and listened to death metal?

>> No.3997845

I tend to find some strange comfort in the fact that everyone dies, not just me.

>> No.3997848

well no, but I was an angsty teenager once

>> No.3997849

>I can't be that old man. It is despair
He looks alright to me. Dude's just sitting on a bench.

>> No.3997869


How is that comforting?


I wonder what he is thinking.
He no longer has the ability to think
about the importance of his life. Does
he still take life seriously?

>> No.3997873

>He no longer has the ability to think about the importance of his life
...I don't follow.

>> No.3997878

Not sure. It just is. That's why it's strange.

>> No.3997884


When you go to the hospital for a check up and there
is something wrong you ask the doc if its bad.

When you ask this you mean is it relative
to the length of your own existence and
does it have the ability to shorten it.

The importance of life and what you can experience,
This man is at the end of his life. He doesn't contemplate
when he will find something else meaningful. All he
does now is watch people around him die and wait.

There is nothing left.

>> No.3997885


>I recently became an atheist through some study of philosophical literature

If you keep at it you might find yourself circling right back around to theist. Not that it's a given that you will, but you'd be surprised how the years can continue to shape your philosophical outlook on life.

>> No.3997902


>There is nothing left.

take a deep breath and understand that you are just a teenager going through an existential phase. consider that you might not have life as worked out as you think you do right now.

you're 19. you're in those golden few years when you're old enough to have real fun and young enough not to be burdened with legitimately taxing responsibilities yet.

you've the rest of your life to be a fatalistic bore, if an older version of yourself could reason with you now he'd tell you to cheer the fuck up and stop fretting your youth away

>> No.3997907

>buying in to YOLO culture

carpe diem is a shit

>> No.3997910

Only thing you can do is to learn to accept your own mortality.

>> No.3997913


>he thinks this is all that can be meant by "real fun"

you're the one with the compromised perspective, m8

>> No.3997915

agreed, real fun is worshiping God Almighty

>> No.3997918

"A little philosophy inclineth man's mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth men's minds about to religion."
-Francis Bacon

>> No.3997919



real fun is worshipping false idols while doing coke lines of manwhore cock

>> No.3997922


>> No.3997925
File: 25 KB, 601x607, 1370830927846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I have no friends or anyone to interact with

I'm no detective, but I think I've honed in on a possible clue behind your recent foray into existentialism.

>> No.3997927

yeah, an atheistical life is a sort of self-defeating life, a life that goes on as a matter of course rather than by will.

OP, all these problems you are talking about have been addressed by very intelligent persons for thousands of years. Go look in to a religion.

>> No.3997928

>Implying Francis Bacon knew anything about modern science

>> No.3997931

>implying he didn't invent it

>> No.3997935
File: 943 KB, 2432x1824, poetry reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've read it as a poem and i piss myself laughing

I am 19 and I recently became an atheist through some study
of philosophical literature and anthropology study.

>> No.3997938
File: 19 KB, 220x302, newton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying this even matters

>> No.3997940

Apeskull Darkdick?

>> No.3997951


On a scale of 1-10 how euphoric are you?

>> No.3997960
File: 315 KB, 555x513, 1369078565403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am 19 and I recently became an atheist through some study of philosophical literature and anthropology study.

>> No.3997973

Old age is absolutely full of things that have the ability to shorten your existence, anon. Just because you have fewer years left, that doesn't mean exactly how few isn't important to you.

>He doesn't contemplate when he will find something else meaningful. All he does now is watch people around him die and wait
These are all assumptions/projections.

>> No.3997980

I was like you OP, once. Then I joined the army, killed hajis like it was cool.
Sure, it will all be terribly irrelevant when i finally die, but what the hell, life is all we have. We don't really have any other options.

Although, I have grown increasingly indifferent to pedestrian morals in my search for pleasure and experience. Altruism and interest in the success of society has really lost its grasp during the last couple of years.

>> No.3997984

>Altruism and interest in the success of society has really lost its grasp during the last couple of years
Shooting at and getting shot by people will often do that, I've heard.

>> No.3998012
File: 25 KB, 579x329, orangoutan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did the latter myself, I couldn't stop thinking about it and eventually I guess I became adjusted to the idea.

I just look at death and the moments before death as something I can't know. I do fear death at the moment, but that should be how things are, I'm young and there are still so many things I want to do. But I have no idea how I'll feel about death when my life is near it's end, I may even look forward to it.

Now the portion maybe atheists won't like, I look at death as a new experience. Once again, I don't know how this new experience will be like, in the same way my younger self couldn't comprehend what my adult self and life would be and feel like. So for me basically, when death comes it comes.

>> No.3998014


>Altruism and interest in the success of society has really lost its grasp during the last couple of years.

>I joined the army, killed hajis like it was cool.

Understandable. I hear that people need to make light of the atrocities they commit in war in order to live with themselves.

I mean if you truly thought on the gravity of evil you have committed against your fellow man you'd probably unravel completely.

Repentance works just as well as joking to cope with it, plus there is the added bonus of actually growing as a human being, but then that would take real courage, wouldn't it?

>> No.3998049

>gravity of evil
Properly trained soldiers do their job, and don't see this act of taking a life as "evil". Nor should you.

> but then that would take real courage, wouldn't it?
Real courage should be to man the top 12,7, having every vital part in your body exposed to fire at all times.
Real courage should not be to face some cunt's arbitrary conception of 'evil' when you come home.

>> No.3998060

>my job involves killing people
>b-but that's not a bad thing to do at all
>it made me a MAN

>> No.3998066


>Real courage should not be to face some cunt's arbitrary conception of 'evil'

The fact that you'd even consider taking a life as "arbitrary" shows that you're not yet ready to really ask yourself some hard questions about what it is that you've done.

You've said that killing someone is permissable because you were "properly trained" to do so.

You've equated taking the life of a human being as merely a "job".

What is one to think of a mindset like this?

>> No.3998068

Two very different subjects. Nonetheless, taking lives when you're told it's ok is suprsingly easy, I've been told. It's not evil until you tell them it's evil.
And who sais anything about becoming a 'man'?

>> No.3998073

I'm not that guy, but I've served with plenty of vets.
Taking a life is not arbitrary, however calling it evil is. Who told you this was evil?

>You've said that killing someone is permissable because you were "properly trained" to do so.
what? where do you get this from? It is permissable because it's your job, not because you're trained.
Soldiers are trained not to look at their jobs as evil - thus "properly" trained.

>You've equated taking the life of a human being as merely a "job".
Some jobs does indeed involve taking lives.

>> No.3998085


>Soldiers are trained not to look at their jobs as evil - thus "properly" trained.

You act like the very act of being trained to kill proficiently isn't an inherently dehumanising process.

The skewed moral relativism in this thread is too much. I'm astounded that either of you think any of your points could be ethically sound.

>> No.3998089

the freezing winds of the nihil yea sure but life is all you will ever know you faggot, you poor idiot, now shove off and go make some friends wetwipe

>> No.3998093

>I'm astounded that either of you think any of your points could be ethically sound.
Like how don't agree that killing is inherently evil?