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3736569 No.3736569 [Reply] [Original]

Women dominate and dictate the publishing industry and the direction it heads--hence why it's so shit.

Brove me wrong.

>> No.3736578

Well, women buy most of the books. But the publishing industry isn't shit: there are still plenty of great books written and published and freely available. I think the availability of good books has never been greater. There's still plenty of crap out there,of course, and there always was, but there's more good lit available than ever, and it's easier to get and cheaper.

>> No.3736586

Why do you guys even pay attention to fads like Twilight and Hunger Games and all that? It occupies an entirely separate realm to the type of books we read, demographically and artistically.

>> No.3736595

well for popular lit sure, but most reviewers are still men and they invariably review more men than women.

>> No.3736599

This. The only place I hear about these authors is /lit/. I wouldn't fucking know who Suzane Collins, GRRM and Tao Lin were if I didn't come here.

>> No.3736604


I don't know why I came to think of this. Thank me later.

>> No.3736607

Because some of us have pipe-dreams of making a lot of money through writing, and the dream would be oh so better if what actually sold was stuff with literary merit.

In other word, we mad.

>> No.3736639

The bestseller list != publishing industry.

On a slightly related note, do you know how much Scott Fitzgerald earned in his lifetime from The Great Gatsby? Five dollars and ten cents.

>> No.3736642

He did pretty good with his other stuff though. This Side of Paradise was an instant hit.

>> No.3736648

From what I've read of the submissions on this board, an excess of unappreciated literary merit ain't exactly what's dragging us down...

>> No.3736655

It earned 15000 dollars.

Then at his best form he earned 4k per a short story, which is about 30k in today's money. And he still managed to live from hand to mouth(though in pretty glorious places)

>> No.3736697

lol look at all these cunts in denial and making up excuses on behalf of the horribleness of their gender.

Jesus, you gunts make me sick.

You do realize that YA sells very well too right? To those little girls who are prettier than you who do book reviews on youtube.

But you're on /lit/ because your edgy and 6.5/10 at best. LOL BOYFRIEND DUMPED YOU!

>> No.3736706

>Every single woman I meet reads bullshit

Cunts, you have to start taking responsibility for your actions. I think a spanking is in order. Assume the position.

>> No.3736717

Anyone who posts their best stuff on /lit/ is an idiot, and I'd like to think most people realize that.

>> No.3736734

okay, explain this if you don't mind. Why would someone post subpar stuff and ask for critique? Why not your best stuff? Fear of plagiarism?

>> No.3736738

what the fuck are you guys on about

>> No.3736745


someone could copy + publish

not the guy u were talking to, but I would never publish my best song on /mu/. 1) because i never show my true power 2) because i would be so pissed if i heard my song on the radio after being stolen by some faggot

>> No.3736749

They are terrible and delusional, and would never make it as writers in the first place, hence they don't realize posting their "best stuff" is probably not in their best interests.

As for subpar stuff, I don't know. Good writers who subconsciously know the piece they are working on currently is shit and seeking confirmation maybe? Or they could be lonely, again, I don't know

>> No.3736754


>> No.3736764

I'd actually see it as a marketing breakthrough. I'm the one with the copyright. If they put your song on the radio, or publish my book, all I have to do is send a polite cease and desist letter along with my proof of copyright (just a publication example, including a dated and signed copy, is all it takes. You can put all your stuff in one document and get it notarized, including sheet music. costs about ten bucks) and even that's overkill. If they disregard the cease and desist, you get all the money they make. and you know your stuff is publishable/recordable.

>> No.3736766

Fear of plagiarism partly, but also your text lives on in the archive forever and how are you going to prove you didn't just steal that yourself? I'm not sure if pastebin gets around this or not.

I don't post my stuff at all, but if I did, they would merely be writing exercises to work on certain specific facets of my writing, rather than anything I'm looking to get published.

Also, most of the great writers weren't writing anything that great in their early twenties, aka the primary age group of /lit/.

>> No.3736771

Because a period piece about the 1920's wasn't really that interesting to people living in the 1920's.

>> No.3736782

i put my stuff on facebook and dated forums before i post it here. That way if anyone wants to steal it, i have priority of publication i can point to. Also, what would be the point of stealing and publishing a short story or poem off here? there's no way they can duplicate the quality in another piece.

>> No.3736794

They could always just publish it under a different name and collect the money off of it.

>i put my stuff on facebook and dated forums before i post it here.
I can't be bothered, I wouldn't want to get involved in a legal battle in any case.

>> No.3736801

>Brove me wrong.
OP is a fag.

Case closed.

>> No.3736825

I hate women so much. I like porn like this but sometimes when I watch it, it makes me realize how much I hate women, and how disgusting they are for participating in things like this.

>> No.3736841

I do stuff like this with women all the time and we all love it and have a good time. You know what's disgusting? Shrimp.

>> No.3736851

>I do stuff like this with women all the time and we all love it and have a good time.

I don't really care whether you enjoy the filth you commit with whores.

>> No.3736860

yeah, cumming in your own mouth is much more high brow and worthy of respect

right, faggot?

>> No.3736866

your previous post contradicts this, idiot

>> No.3736867

Men in porn is fine. Stop acting as if men and women are the same.

No it doesn't. I don't care what men do.

>> No.3736869

what the fuck


>> No.3736874

Hey, these girls are my friends and they're happy, working single women. I was going to make a thread on/hc/ and link you all, but now....

(joke: I never post their pics without permission)

>> No.3736877

Your friends are disgusting whores.

>> No.3736881

Your trolling is half-assed, I'm actually embarrassed for you. Please stop already.

>> No.3736883

I think they're sweet. And I intend to get them flowers and take them out to eat tomorrow night (working late tonight).

>> No.3736885

why do you even share your shitty personal sensibilities

no one gives a fuck

>> No.3736888

you seem to be in a dire need of some good ol czech porn, m8

>> No.3736894

I'm not trolling.

I feel sorry for them that people like you validate their vile life choices.

Yes it looks like the slut defense force is out today. I'm done.

I'll let you resume trying to justify whorishness to yourselves.

>> No.3736900

Make sure you keep the lights off tonight when you masturbate. Wouldn't want the Virgin Mary to see you, would you?

>> No.3736902

well, have a nice day. And by the way the last time you were marching with your sign in front of the Hustler store? your fly was open. Just struck me as funny, so I thought I'd mention it.

>> No.3736919


hurr why are thar only shit books now DAE fuggen hate 50 shades of GAY? lmao XD upboat pls

>> No.3736941

>2012 + 1
>being a misogynist, especially on the internet

It's the equivalent of wearing a sign that says 'I am sexually frustrated'

>> No.3736956

>Caring about what anonymous people think on internet

>> No.3736985


You were the one to bring it up, you were the one trying to defend yourself when confronted. I think it's fairly obvious that you do care.

>> No.3736988

Not the same person.

>> No.3736996

Look at the hip hop community for contrast. They get all the 'bitches' yet is misogynistic. Dealing with women you tend to have these natural misogynistic thoughts about 'em, that can be simply a harmless thought.

>> No.3737005
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Being a misogynist is proof that you have had plenty of interaction with women or that you have not had enough.

>> No.3737012

And might I add, misogynist or misandrist is just another abstraction to the word 'hate'. People just find a reason to make it worse by making that 'hate' speech hit , say, one of their identifying prominent traits, gender being one of them.

>> No.3737058

Does anyone else like BDSM porn because you like seeing women hurt and degraded, and wouldn't want to do it in real life because you'd have to care about the well-being of the slave and use things like safewords?

>> No.3737065

No. I like bdsm because in that fantasy I can do whatever I will with a fully eager and compliant partner.

You might want to go get your misogyny checked out.

>> No.3737068

>You might want to go get your misogyny checked out.

No thank you.

>> No.3737082

Women are dirty. They have poison juices inside them.

>> No.3737119

>Brove [sic] me wrong.

Since you're the one making the claim, the burden of evidence is on you.

Go back to

>> No.3737149

I've been doing BDSM for ten years and I'm yet to hear a safeword. I do hear a lot of giggling though.

>> No.3737171

Women are easier to market to than men.

>> No.3737180

If men did the same, GRRM and Heinlein would take the place of James and Meyer. It wouldn't be any better.

>> No.3737240

Martin and Heinlein are better than James and Meyer, though.

>> No.3737243

Also, ASOIAF's fandom has always been equally split between men and women. Perhaps slightly favouring women, actually.

>> No.3737274

since women are the dominating readers, shitty books like that will be bought frequently - true.

does that affect people actually writing good books? no, they just don't get promoted as much when they target the more intellectual, literature-appreciating men who frankly are the minority in the overall target audience "readers".

>> No.3737290

yeah women are "in charge" of some things now. mostly by fighting tooth and nail, yelling a lot, and being neurotically obsessed with being strong, independent career women

who gives a fuck

>> No.3737391

Who are literary agents that are friendly to men?

They're all women, and I imagine female agents at the top would fuck up my shit in terms of censorship. Straight up truth on women wouldn't get past female agents, you know?

That's why we keep getting Time Traveler's Wife and other bullshit like that.

>> No.3737413

How come writers like Houllebecq and Ellis aren't censored by their publishers, then? (Spoiler: because they have talent.)

>> No.3737418

>i put my stuff on facebook
You know realise that anything you post on Facebook becomes their property. Read their ToS.

>> No.3737459

>Straight up truth on women wouldn't get past female agents

Tell all the truth but tell it slant,
Success in circuit lies,
Too bright for our infirm delight
The truth's superb surprise;

As lightning to the children eased
With explanation kind,
The truth must dazzle gradually
Or every man be blind.

>> No.3737512

I read it. All it means is they can re use it, not that I'm prevented from using it, selling it, or marketing it in any way. and any plagiarism is a violation of their rights too.

>> No.3737510

I wouldn't call the rap sub-culture misogynistic. They don't hate women, they just objectify them and consider them inferior, which is sexism, not misogyny.

>> No.3737574


You can fuck whores and hate them simutaneously. But for real doe ship the puritans back to england

>> No.3737629

I don't know who Hollie's agent is, but BEE is done by Amanda Urban, the top agent in the U.S. (She also owns Tobias Wolff, Cormac McCarthy, Toni Morrison, etc.)

BEE gets immunity for his controversy because he's gay. He did have talent, but not anymore. And he's more of a gore guy than misogyny, though he is misogynistic.

What I'm saying is that there isn't a full on straight male who can get away with bashing women in the climate.

Franzen, Diaz, who else is hot in contemporary lit now? They are all faggots. You think Schopenhauer could get published right now if he were American?

I only know of one male agent, Wylie or something, who is at the top. He represents Martin Amis.

>> No.3737658

So that's why McCarthy barely has any male on female rape!

Thanks anon, you be da bestest posta eva today.

>> No.3737661

>BEE gets immunity for his controversy because he's gay.
Gay=immunity and freedom to write necro-rape fantasies?

Wow this world is truly fucked up.

>> No.3737669

Women dominate and dictate the posting on /lit/ and the direction it heads--hence why it's so shit.

Brove me wrong

>> No.3737682

You're right. In between pillow fights and lesbian make out sessions we post threads about DFW and Catch 22. Then we slowly strip in front of the mirror and masturbate to pictures of Moot. But why am i telling you all this? you're probably one of us.

>> No.3737686

The more privileges you're not granted with at birth, the more you get later in life. That's just how it works, cis scum.

>> No.3737694

See, look, I made a serious post about the evolution of language based on its abuse by the transgender tumble crowd, and I had about 20 posts, most of them redirecting me to either /b/ or /pol/

>> No.3737697


>> No.3737709

I don't mean misogyny on that sense. Rape, butt rape, whatever. What I mean is pretty much /r9k/ and complaints about sluts in this modern age. Men's rights, political correctness, etc.

Anyone active in the market, whether they're the agents or writers, are above 40. People above 30 can barely touch the surface in terms of what gen. y and millies are going through.

who's going to listen? can the agents handle all this remarriage, step siblings, girls whoring around, straight up truth? or does it have to be filtered and censored in the name of commercial success?

>> No.3737719


Sunhawk makes a good point >>3736443

>> No.3737758

hardly, anybody can publish their work so other than advertising it (which is largely unnecessary in literature) there are no barriers to entry

>> No.3738021

publishers would sell soiled toilet paper if that made money...
personally i would too if it helped me pay my debts...
i don't see why pulling women into it.

>> No.3738037

50 shades isn't a blight on literature - it's just that the people who promote it as anything other than smut are the same people who crusade against actual smut

>> No.3738044

>publishers would sell soiled toilet paper if that made money...

Perhaps you have not yet become acquainted with the books of Tao Lin.

>> No.3738051

>woman friend proudly declares that she feels dirty after reading Fifty Shades of Grey
>let her read a few pages of 120 Days
>"I feel physically ill, Anon."

Edge: 1
Women: 0

>> No.3738053
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>> No.3738058
