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/lit/ - Literature

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3568158 No.3568158 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a cut off point for the shortness of a novel you'll buy? For me, 300 pages, although I break it from time to time if I want something badly enough. I dunno, any less feels like a rip-off.

Here we go with the e-book fanboys.

>> No.3568162

I normally get anything under 400 pages from the library. It isn't set in stone or anything, I just only buy books that I think might take me awhile.

>> No.3568161

You're unemployed and you live with your parents.

You're not really in a position to buy frivolous things.

>> No.3568164


Funny, I thought I just said that.

To say nothing of the fact that books are cheap.

To say also nothing of the fact that you, too, are NEET and live with mommy and daddy.

>> No.3568185

>you, too, are NEET and live with mommy and daddy.

Wrong and wronger.

>> No.3568188

What's wrong with living with your parents?

>> No.3568189

>To say also nothing of the fact that you, too, are NEET and live with mommy and daddy.
Shut the fuck up, Sunhawk, you obnoxious, basement-dwelling landwhale. Most of us are students living in halls or student houses, a few are semi-professionals with their own places, and a small minority, such as yourself, are disgusting middle-aged social rejects who let mummy do all the cooking and cleaning.

God I shudder to imagine you. Mummy brings breakfast in at noon, sponges you down with a flannel, then winches you out of the bed to go to Watersones.

>> No.3568199
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>> No.3568202

this, monsieur, is a clever ruse. as callimachus has said...

>> No.3568215

What the fuck is your problem with Crying of Lot 49

You really going in on Pynchon like that

Really suncawk

>> No.3568218

>What's wrong with living with your parents?
Nothing, but Sunhawk is nearly 30 and clinically obese.

He still lives at home, is unemployed, has all his meals made for him, and leaves the house occasionally to purchase books from Waterstones. He has the intellect of a large gastropod, and would be euthanized by the moral standards of even the most bleeding-heart human rights activist.

>> No.3568227

I only buy books UNDER 300 pages. Then again, I exclusively read non-fiction. If you can't say all you need to say within that amount of space, it's not worth reading.

>> No.3568246

There are lots of huge mediocre novels that have a great novella struggling to get out of them.

>> No.3568249


Very little of that is true. And even if some, or all, of it was true, what baring does it have on my original question? None.

>> No.3568256
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Which parts are false?

>> No.3568259

When you trip, you invite people to attack you, the person.

It doesn't matter what you post, because everyone remembers all the posts you've made in the past, and they respond accordingly.

>> No.3568262

Ok, I accidentally came here from the front page, and as a resident of /b/, I simply must say that I'm surprised that people on /lit/ accuse each other of low intellect and personal worth when the people here ACTUALLY READ. FOR ENJOYMENT. REGULARLY.
You guys are probably the classiest people on the site. You might be basement dwellers, but at least you read books instead of exclusively jacking off to loli.

>> No.3568264

Yeah, Sunhog is a passive Ignatius J. Reilly with a low IQ.

>> No.3568282
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That's actually how I imagine sunhawk.

>> No.3568284

Ignatius is something Sunhawk would have to work hard to attain.

He reminds me more of some teenaged Korean girl who sits on her ass watching Hollywood DVDs all day, understanding very little of them, and going on-line professing to be some sort of learned authority on film.

>> No.3568289

It is Sunhawk.

>> No.3568298
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>Nothing, but Sunhawk is nearly 30 and clinically obese.

>He still lives at home, is unemployed, has all his meals made for him, and leaves the house occasionally to purchase books from Waterstones. He has the intellect of a large gastropod, and would be euthanized by the moral standards of even the most bleeding-heart human rights activist

I make some of my own meals, and am good in the kitchen.

I may be dumb, but not I'm not that dumb.

I'm not clinically obese. This was a joke I started a few months ago, but I guess /lit/ took it seriously. I'm actually very thin, bordering on skinny. I've always been this build.

>> No.3568304

what the fuck, I wish I could mooch off my parents like that


>> No.3568318

So, if we make some changes, you agree to the following?

>Nothing, but Sunhawk is nearly 30 and thin.

>He still lives at home, is unemployed, has most of his meals made for him, and leaves the house occasionally to purchase books from Waterstones. He has the intellect of a large gastropod, and would be euthanized by the moral standards of even the most bleeding-heart human rights activist

>> No.3568324

What's wrong with living with your parents when you're nearly 30?

>> No.3568326


If you make changes, yes.

What's the problem? /lit/ isn't even in a position to criticise.

>> No.3568327

Wasting away by being a parasite off your parents is not "living the dream."

It's pretty much proof positive that you are a waste of life, useless to society, and that you have absolutely no skills worth having.

>> No.3568330


>> No.3568339

>/lit/ isn't even in a position to criticise.

Don't let a few lazy NEETs fool you, a lot of us have excellent jobs and pay for our own housing.

>> No.3568407
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>feeling obliged to sacrifice your life to society
Sure is haunted in here.

>> No.3568425


elel this gets the stan award for shithawk insult of the month, good show

apart from that this post even re-opens a rather interesting topic in medical ethics, like, would we be doing the immobile object a disservice through euthanasia, or would a utilitarian pull (considerations of not only funfrock's own deliverance from le suncondition, but also of his parents' burden) drive us to pull the plug? enter quality of life arguments and analogies rendering a knife around the vast sunthroat circumference an act of terri schiavo-esque humanism.

>> No.3568585

>quantative measuring of literature

le schopenhauer suicide suggestion.svg

>> No.3568595

life has no meaning outside of the social context

>> No.3568596
File: 24 KB, 720x535, 1362855024286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll buy anything if it's good and I know I want it in my collection. I'll even buy novellas on occasion. 'Too Loud a Solitude' and 'Letters to a Young Poet' are good examples of shorter books that I consider invaluable to me.

>> No.3568598


who's the cutie of the pic?

>> No.3568605


>implying you're even ready to discover an intellectual of that magnitude

Heh. No.

>> No.3568617


Hey, you masturbatory acne-faced teenager living in mom's basement, I made a simple question and I'd appreciate either fucking silence or an answer, not just some insecure virgin empowered by the safety of the internet taking some sneer at me.

So fuck off, you loser. Even in this shithole there is some basic decency.

>> No.3568624

You just lost

>> No.3568625

I prefer to read longer books, but I don't disqualify shorter ones or anything. I pirate all my books anyway.

>> No.3568629
File: 33 KB, 600x450, 1362661344842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>sperging out like a total manchild

Joke worked better than I could've ever hoped.

Great success.

>> No.3568960

No, not particularly. I wish Sasha Grey had dressed like that in one of her human reproduction documentaries.

>> No.3568978

>Bumping a suncawk thread from a few pages back.