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File: 47 KB, 512x328, Explosion in Pakistan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3553131 No.3553131[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

[wrong place but lit moreintellectual]

Hey /adv/ I'm Pakistani and no white girls want me :'(

I've been in the US for 8 months now and haven't fucked a SINGLE white girl.

I was just listening to some music and feel such melancholy over this.

How do I surmount this barrier? Climb this peak? Cross this river? Brave this chasm?

How do I get a WHITE GIRL? (with blonde hair and blue/green eyes) I need a full plan. I'm willing to put everything into this now. My life feels so empty and incomplete as I sit here without a gf.

Help!!!! I'll give internetz in return.

My friend asked me to read "The Game". He has a white gf. Reading that now.

It works?

>> No.3553147

>a pakistani

You are an Indian, aren't you
You dirty Indian, go back to Indonesia or somethin

>> No.3553143

shut the fuck up

>> No.3553157
File: 379 KB, 1920x1280, 1339277290411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Master race women don't want hairy pseudo-arabs with no money and less taste

>> No.3553158

Im Pakistani

>> No.3553156

God has a sick sense of humor

>> No.3553161

White girls don't like to date brown muslims.

Sorry if you had the wrong impression of our country.

>> No.3553163

I have money and I eat anything.

>> No.3553170

I know not long-term. I don't mind if just for a few days.

>> No.3553185

It's always safe to assume people of different races prefer their own kind for one reason or another. Sure there are thousands of exceptions but that's not the rule.

>> No.3553189


>> No.3553190


> It's always safe to assume people of different races prefer their own kind for one reason or another. Sure there are thousands of exceptions but that's not the rule.

Yeah, evolution. Familiarity is a large cause of empathy and social order.

Of course, those that aren't pleb savages can refine their instincts with higher order thinking.

>> No.3553224

>my life feels so empty and incomplete as I sit here without a gf

Seriously, seek help. If your life is incomplete without a gf, your life won't be complete with one.

Getting a gf does not automatically solve all of your problems. It just provides you with new and more difficult ones.

>> No.3553222

Go to nevada. pay for hooker. or amsterdamn, or ontario. If all you want is a notch on a bedpost just pay for it. Prostitution is legal in plenty of places
If you want something more you need to look past skin colour and hair colour

>> No.3553244
File: 403 KB, 398x320, 1347654106663.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude you can't obsess over shit like this. When the moment comes you'll be too lost in your thoughts and won't be able to play The Game at your best. Just play your way through as many as possible, your time will come.

>> No.3553248

i seriously hope you're not a real person

>> No.3553253


unless you're a poor american without health insurance, just go to a shrink. It's literally a disease than you're not treating because you're a fuck.

>> No.3553257


How would you feel if you see white girls around you and you've never had sex with any of them before?

You will feel the same.

>> No.3553285
File: 135 KB, 807x861, 1262964144379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>How would you feel if you see girls around you and you've never had sex with any of them before?


>> No.3553290
File: 17 KB, 210x240, char_63235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How would you feel if you see white girls around you and you've never had sex with any of them before?

You are preaching to the choir here.

>> No.3553306

are you good looking? zyzz is also some kind of sandnigger yet he was adonis superbeast regardless

looks are everything

source: im super fucking good looking

>> No.3553308
File: 19 KB, 426x648, thegame-bookcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this book good? I dont like reading so i want to make sure.

>> No.3553311
File: 57 KB, 1024x512, propergutted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't mean to be insulting, but everything i've seen you post tonight has been completely retarded and worthless

>> No.3553315

I remember talking to an Indian taxi driver and just randomly he started talking about he spends all his pay on prostitutes. So there's your solution m8.

>> No.3553317

Only he who can live without a girl can live with one. You're not yet ready.

>> No.3553321

I dont want marriage just dating. YOu talk as if so serious.
Build up skills first then find wife.

>> No.3553323

If you read that book, your life has gone so far into the toilet that once it emerges from the sewage system, it will be polished and filmed and put on display as the world's funniest black comedy.

>> No.3553320

no, he really sucked. he had good insertions and knew how to roid, but in the gym he was pretty much a retard. he also seemed to have based his hairstyle off of animes.
overall, he looked good, but otherwise was a retard, which confirms your point mostly.

>> No.3553327

I'm white with blond hair and blue eyes and I've fucked both Indians and Pakistanis while I've been in grad school. (Indians are waaaaaaay better.)

Now that I have belittled your people...

You need to interact with the correct group of white people in order to fuck a white girl. You need to find a group of international students that also have white people, or a group of hippy type art students.

All my Indian, Pakistani, and Chinese friends in engineering hang out with other Indian, Pakistani, and Chinese men bitching about how they can't get laid. Hanging out with other men will not get you a woman. You need to expand your circle of friends until it has women in it, then you can ask the women with help in getting a girlfriend. Women are better wingmen anyway.

>> No.3553329

consider suicide

>> No.3553335


>> No.3553339

You haven't belittled.
And I don't understand your way of talking.
Men fuck women. Women get fucked. So the correct sentence is:
I've been fucked by both Pakistanis and Indians.
As with the Greeks, the dominant position is the penetrative one, both in hetero and homosexual encounters. The dominant fucks the non-dominant.

>> No.3553344


I wasn't implying marriage. The point I was making is essentially the same thing >>3553224 said. Work on your confidence and self-esteem and you will find it a lot easier to find a date.

>> No.3553346

That's because I have a penis idiot. I put my white penis in Indian and Pakistani mouths and vaginas.

Yeah the noko was funny.

>> No.3553348 [DELETED] 

okay i change my mind i like you now

you're great

if you want to get laid she gave pretty good advice though

>> No.3553355

what was the point of the first part of your post then?

i seriously hope you realize that you don't need to use noko anymore btw

>> No.3553371


yeah he was heavily retarded but this has nothing to do with the topic.
like, i won't go around quoting foucault and derrida when its time to mac,

>> No.3553379

Just dickishly stating success with a strategy, then explaining that strategy.

I realize the sexes are reversed, and that past results are no indication of future results, but I believe it is an appropriate strategy regardless of sex or ethnicity.

Yeah I don't post enough to no I don't have to noko. I am usually a permanent lurker.

>> No.3553384


>time to mac

Time to what?

>> No.3553389

know. Wow I can't type or preview.

>> No.3553392



>> No.3553424

that song is pretty lame

>> No.3553443


that song goes in

>> No.3553451

idk brah.

>> No.3553465

> I've been in the US for 8 months now and haven't fucked a SINGLE white girl.
Nigras stealing our wimmenz. Protip: if you want to act like a nigra, you have to have the big dick that comes with it. White girls won't be impressed by the economy-sized subcontinental dick.

>> No.3553468

fuck stan even has patrish taste what the fuck

>> No.3553481

Yo but cop that view count bro some cloud rap itt yo yo yo big up satan "killer allusion" yeye

>> No.3553490

I want to act like a Paki