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File: 43 KB, 325x325, does-anyone-know-of-a-mr-coffee-industrial-coffee-maker-21547177.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2532175 No.2532175 [Reply] [Original]

this is pretty irrelevant, but how 'bout a thread about coffee?

what kind of coffee do you guys drink?
what do you use?
what would you recommend to drink?

>> No.2532187

for ultimate relaxation:
rainymood and

>> No.2532188

Either express, or a french press at home.

>> No.2532191

I drink black coffe made in a mr. coffee. I don't care what kind as long as it's caffinated and whole bean.

>> No.2532192

how is french press? is it better than using a coffee machine?

>> No.2532196

I drink instant Nescafe coffee. I don't drink it for pleasure. I bolt the coffee down, and then settle in with Jasmine tea if I need it.

>> No.2532202

double shot of espresso, black

>> No.2532205

It takes the most out off coffee, simple, economic, portable, I love it.

>> No.2532208

i drink tea. i'm extremely sensitive to caffeine. sometimes i drink decaf. i prefer heavy roasted stuff like french/italian roast.

>> No.2532210

I think french press is much better than percolating personally. It has a fuller, richer taste.

>> No.2532212

I own a french press and an auto drip. I prefer the press, but the drip machine is programmable and I can set it to automatically make coffee for me at whatever time I want. It's great for early mornings where you don't want to deal with prep time.

>> No.2532214

my grandma brews like prescription strength coffee by cramming grounds into the percolator until they're packed rock solid and then we go over for dinner and she says she's worried the coffee is too weak and why don't i have more coffee and another biscotti and then we go home and i'm shaky and nervous but i get a heck of a lot of writing done and then it's 4am

it's like the little italian grandma version of a meth lab

>> No.2532219

does anyone know a brand that helps you stay awake and taste good?

>> No.2532221
File: 32 KB, 291x300, smith1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drinking coffee more than twice a week leads to addiction
>Each cup of coffee reduces sperm production by 5% short term, but has long term implications as well
>Coffee discolors teeth to be much darker than normal
>Coffee is linked to 15-20% of obesity cases

>mfw I don't drink coffee

>> No.2532223

Any non-decaffinated brand of coffee should do the job. You just need to mix up a bigger dosage while being careful not to OD on it.

>> No.2532224

wow that is pretty neat.

>> No.2532227

>mfw nobody cares that you don't drink coffee

>> No.2532228
File: 58 KB, 300x356, 1332211453127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool sources bro.
Now let me give some fucks.

>> No.2532230


good thing i'm overflowing with outrageously virile seed

>> No.2532242

Nice justifications. But I'm not going to judge. To each his own.

>> No.2533090

espresso.Black.Dont't dare to touch it with sugar or milk.Black coffe is also good

>> No.2533099

how do you OD on it?

>> No.2533109

>mfw he thinks health and fertility matters

>> No.2533112

Nice sources. But I'm not going to judge. To each his own.

>> No.2533120
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>> No.2533131





>> No.2533136

I only drink fair-trade, single-source, micro-batch, local-roasted, whole bean coffee brewed through aero-press.

And the sad thing is I'm totally serious.

Dem flavors, dat body

>> No.2533142
File: 69 KB, 400x523, senseo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately, this shit.
It's a senseo, the coffee is shit but its made in about 5 seconds. Also, its cheap as hell: 20 cups of coffee = €1,-.

>> No.2533143

I stopped drinking this year because of all the heart palpitations and shit I was getting, but I used to love Berbera Coffee in latte and Lavazza or Delta for espresso.

Now my espresso machine and my french press lie dormant and my wife uses the senseo. It makes me baww a little.

>> No.2533144

poorfag approved Jacobs Cronat Gold

>> No.2533152

Instant Nescafe.

>> No.2533154

I drink tea w/ milk and la LOT of sugar.
Coffee's horrible to my mouth.

>> No.2533158


I don't want to have babies, so I am cool with this.

>> No.2533161

you must drink some shit tea to put all that in it. tea is so subtle (compared to coffee) the more you add to it the more you ruin it. try going whole-leaf tea without any additions.

>> No.2533164

>ITT uneducated superstitions about coffee

Science has no clue about long term effects of caffeine atm. Stop making up bullshit.

>> No.2533167

oops, my bad, milk is for black teas and earl grey.
Other teas, fine or not: still a fuckton of sugar.
Whether it is a 2euro random tea or a 20euro special composition, that's how like it, deal with it.
Believe me, I've tasted enough tea to know for a fact that I prefer my tea with sugar.

>> No.2533189

I used to drink lots of italian espresso from my moka pot, but it became too strong for me. Now I drink Nescafe Latte Macchiato. And plenty of tea. Dogadan herb tea makes my body elevate.

>> No.2533192

I can't even taste sugar in tea or coffee. A childhood of fizzy drinks has made sure I don't recognise sugar unless it constitutes like half the drink

>> No.2533198
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>> No.2533201

>30 years old
>always thought coffee was disgusting

i will drink tea from time to time. i only got into it recently. peppermint for upset stomach, chamomile to help me sleep.

>> No.2533206

Whole beans that I crush.
French press. Black with just a little cream or

At cafe I drink espresso beans, usually
Macciato or something similar.

>> No.2533209


>Milk and sugar in Earl Grey

Why bother? You may as well use PG Tips.

>> No.2533210

>what kind of coffee do you guys drink?
I don't
>what do you use?
marijuana or black tea if I wanna stay awake
>what would you recommend to drink?
I'm not specific about this.

>> No.2533212


>Black with just a little cream or

>with milk

Seriously, do you even read what you type?

>> No.2533213

>babby drinks mostly sodas since birth
>cannot drink anything without sugar in it
>can't handle big boy drinks without sugar
>thinks tea bags is "real" tea

seriously. a little sugar...maybe. a fuckton? i'd slap the cup out of your hand if you put a fuckton of sugar in tea i made at my house, little boy. keep it real mothafucka.

>> No.2533215

Everyone in this thread is a homosexual. I drink coffee made from beans that I have ground with my own alpha-teeth, and which I have reduced to submission by shouting at it for an hour. Then I pour boiling water into my mouth, swish a couple of times and swallow.

This is how men drink coffee.

>> No.2533217

I got some Blue Mountain coffee for my birthday once, supposed to be the best coffee in the world or something.

Afterwards, I bought Tropicana orange juice, expensive sausages and bacon from the butcher's, oyster mushrooms and quails' eggs and enjoyed the most exquisite breakfast know to man alongside the world's best coffee. I want some more of that coffee.

>> No.2533221

Most people say they drink coffee with milk. Then they pour more milk than actual coffee in the cup. I have a really black cup of coffee and then add a small tablespoon of milk.

>> No.2533224

black coffee doesn't have any milk at all. stop kidding yourself. you're a raging homosexual who can't handle strong bitter tastes

>> No.2533225


I have never known anyone to drink coffee with that much milk in it.

>> No.2533250

>Blue Mountain Coffee
>Best in the world
>Doesn't comprehend marketing schemes

Never procreate, Mouth-Breather

>> No.2533256
File: 100 KB, 800x533, kopi_luwak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>has no idea what kopi luwak is.

I piss on your Jamaican filth.

>> No.2533276

mmm, dat fecal bacteria.

I don't know if there are any fans of fine and rare beers lurking this thread but Mikkeller from Denmark has a stout that has been brewed using Kopi Luwak beans. Yes it is amazing, but that particular beer was a limited release small batch and has become quite difficult to find.

>> No.2533287

Ethiopian, free trade, organic.

>> No.2533292
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I just went from complete ignorance of its existence to full on pic related in less than one second. I'm going to have to find out if there's a bottle of this shit somewhere in my town.

>> No.2533328

I watched a documentary on the History Channel about coffee and all these coffee snobs were talking about how french presses bastardize the coffee and how their an abomination. I've never tried one. Are they that bad.

Also why the fuck do people in you'reop put cream and sugar in tea. Don't you faggots drink tea all the time. I drink black tea strait with the bag still in the cup like someone who has a penis. Also my girlfriend calls me a faggot for drinking hot tea. Fuck her cold tea with a shit ton on sugar in it.

>> No.2533335

>I drink black tea strait with the bag still in the cup like someone who has a penis.
Having a penis =! not having tastebuds. You're stewing it, but you probably don't realise this since most tea outside of UK & Eire is weak as shit.

>> No.2533423
File: 34 KB, 587x441, folgers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't go wrong with Folgers.

I have a coffee maker that isn't built with planned obsolescence (I have a feeling it will last forever). My coffee maker is a straight forward, simple, brew style doo-hicky. I buy cheap coffee filters and use precise measurements (cups and a special spoon designed for taking an exact amount of coffee grains per each cup), exactly as it instructs on the packaging. Remember, a cup is not the size of a mug or cup, it's an exact unit of measurement. The closer to perfect the measurements, the better the coffee.

I add about 1 tablespoon of sugar for each cup of coffee. Sometimes I add a douse of milk, and sometimes not, depends on my mood.

I take my coffee seriously. I have yet to taste coffee made better than me.

>> No.2533444
File: 20 KB, 323x425, MokaPot2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I buy beans from any number of local roasteries.
I've got a moka pot (pic related), and I usually have it with just a bit of cream. I've never drank coffee with sugar, it's nasty.

Stovetop 'espresso' is awesome, so dark and roasty.
I love getting a red eye/shot in the dark when I go out for coffee.

>> No.2533465

I always wondered, is the taste actually so good as to make it worth time and money for a coffee grinder and french press? I'm a practical man, and more importantly a student. Perhaps I will save those bourgeoisie luxuries for when I graduate my english program and work at staples.

>> No.2533467
File: 21 KB, 325x275, tu_coffee_giftset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you so uncivilised /lit/?

>> No.2533478

>turkish coffee?
Pig disgusting. Tastes like mud (butt)

>> No.2533481

It doesn't really cost that much money, its cheaper than buying coffee at some sort of coffee house, and the quality is like 7.4 leagues better than folgers or something.

>> No.2533483

>hasn't had actual Turkish coffee
You might as well say you hate cooked food because it tastes burnt. You're just no good at making it.

>> No.2533492

I take it you've never enjoyed the wonder that is steak tartar, everything else is burnt by comparison.

>> No.2533493
File: 7 KB, 236x252, 1288419977750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when people think bagged tea is worth drinking at all

it's the shit they sweep off the floor after packaging the whole leaf tea. have fun drinking your shit-tier tea. no wonder you fucks put so much sugar and shit in it.

>> No.2533500

>not being a level 12 vegan

>> No.2533510

>Insulting Folgers
Hey, fuck you buddeh! We've got loads of independently owned coffee shops in my city that import and grind their own beans, fair trade, ethiopian, cappa frappa mocha-lante, different roasts etc.

But no coffee house, has yet to to make a coffee as equally balanced and perfected as my Folgers shit. Fuck you and everyone that looks like you.

>> No.2533520

>Coffee is linked to 15-20% of obesity cases
This number isn't even remotely true.

>Doesn't account for third party critical appraisal.

Granted, most "blue mountain" is not blue mountain (or blended). But according to critics (and take that as you will, I'm not going to seriously advocate that we take subjective criticism too seriously) it *is* the tastiest coffee.

I use a french press. Whole beans stay fresher for longer and the delicious oils get extracted more thoroughly.

I'm interested in trying cold-drip though, I hear that's good.

>> No.2533533

eastern european reporting in
i drink like 5-8 cups of hot, dark tea a day

yep, it's normal here

>> No.2533539

Maybe if you're ill

>> No.2533540

I enjoy both, deal with it.

*Listen to classical music the volume really low because you hate it, but hey it's classy and distinguished. (vinyl and $10000 speakers)
*Have Ulysses, the Bible, Obscure Analysis of Confucius on your bookshelf. ($400 because germano-japaneese wood+hardcover editions). You read 300 pages of them but can't fucking finish them.
* Talk a lot about Renoir, Truffaut, Marker but Haneke is shit (he's not dead, that's why)
*Never ever mention 4chan when he comes out of his sophisticated palace.
* & then some...

it's okay to brag about your classy lifestyle..when you're 40 accomplished and in real life, not when you are a 21 random motherfucker on an anonymous imageboard ^^

Gosh...I'm a college student...

>> No.2533552

I didn't know people like you exist. Now I do know that people like you exist.

>> No.2533559

Coffee is a revolting drink for douches.

Adequate people only drink tea.

>> No.2533562

>eating cooked food
No not quite.
Raw Foods Vegan here. You can never attain my level

>> No.2533567
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This is true. They'll package random shit that's just dyed green and include a tiny amount of proper tea, then market it as green tea.
Really, the only legitimate excuse for drinking tea from tea bags is when it's the morning and you're too tired to make a proper cup. And even then, it better be black tea and only just to get enough caffeine in your system to make loose leaf tea.

>> No.2533573

lol nice try trying to be an amazing combination of clever and insightful but not one of those describes me at all. whole leaf tea isn't even "fancy" or "elitist"...it's just the way you're supposed to fucking drink tea. it's fucking basic. it's not even much more expensive. bags taste like shit and are a waste of money.

>> No.2533582

>third party critical appraisal.
as sponsored by blue mountain. you really don't understand anything about marketing, do you?

Folgers chars their beans en mass for invalids just like you.

>> No.2533591

>as sponsored by blue mountain
Citation needed.

>> No.2533592

There are perfectly good tea bag brands out there.
>only drink cheap tea bags
>try a more expensive loose leaf
>omg this loose leaf is so much better
What did you expect?

>> No.2533595

Outside of Liptons tea bags, I've found most loose leaf tea to be about the same price as tea bags. Especially considering you can steep it multiple times, something you can't do with bags.
And really, there's no such thing as "expensive" or nice tea bags. They're used for convenience.

>> No.2533597


>according to critics
No citation given, obviously none needed for a rebuttal

>> No.2533606

Hey, I'm new to both Tea and Coffee. I'm interested in making a very nice Tea but they end up tasting incredibly bitter or just like water. Right now I have a shitton of tea bags around the house. Any tips for making something delicious?

>> No.2533616

Start with Celestial Seasonings Good Earth herbal tea, then move into green tea or black tea with milk, then straight tea. I've found tea to be an acquired taste (one certainly worth acquiring) but it does take time to get there.
The other reason it might taste bitter is based on steeping time. It varies wildly depending on the blend, but don't steep green tea longer than 3 minutes at most, and black teas no longer than 5 minutes.

>> No.2533627

go to sites like adagio.com and just get loose leaf. pre-boiling water for greens and boiling water for blacks. on average, these are the best brewing parameters (one of the things that scares people away from whole-leaf):
>3 grams or so per 6oz of water
>3 minute steep
>increase each additional steeping by 1 minute
>can get 2-3 steeps at least out of most teas
after you get the hang of it all you don't necessarily have to measure anything, you'll just know.

>> No.2533630

If you're interested in making great tea you have no business fucking around with teabags. Buy loose tea. It's like the difference between a longfiller cigar and a cigarette.

>> No.2533639

>Especially considering you can steep it multiple times, something you can't do with bags.
You have no taste, you steeping monster.
>And really, there's no such thing as "expensive" or nice tea bags. They're used for convenience.
There certainly is. Clipper, Twinings or Taylors all produce exellent teas. You'd have to go out of your way to find equivalent loose leaf (which of course exist, but not in a supermarket). The main problem with loose leaf is really consistency of product.

>> No.2533649


Yes, I have green and white teabags in abundance. So I let it in the cup for some 3 minutes and then remove it? What can I add to it? I tried adding some milk but boy... that tasted horrible, I don't know what I did wrong.


I'll definitely try to get some loose tea leaves. I have never bought any of those. I'll try to buy some varied brands to see what tastes nice.

>> No.2533656

Never put milk in anything but black tea. It's not going to come out well. Greens and whites (my guess though is that you don't have actual white teas, just what the tea companies call white tea) are subtle and delicate, adding anything really messes with the balance of flavours.

>> No.2533663

Re-steeping certain teas brings out flavours you don't taste on the first round. Go into any proper tea house and have a flight of teas, they'll steep everything multiple times for you.

I've had Twinings and it's good... for bagged tea. It still doesn't compare against comparably priced loose leaf teas.

>> No.2533665

ITT: People trying very hard to be "cultured"

>> No.2533676

>Re-steeping certain teas brings out flavours you don't taste on the first round.
It brings out tannins. Everything brings out tannins. Also caffeine. You'll only get good results with vacuum distillation kit if you want to isolate different notes.
>It still doesn't compare against comparably priced loose leaf teas.
Well, whatever your opinion, but it's sounding like expectation bias from here.

>> No.2533689

Resteeping is an ancient and succesfull method to bring out different aspects of each tea with every steep. No science projects necessary. It's known as kung fu and I'm not even kidding.


>> No.2533699

I drink whole bean dark roast coffee, nothing fancy about they way I brew it. I usually drink it black and smoke a cigarette.

>> No.2533717
File: 8 KB, 493x402, 1284441024693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not the one saying critics are paid off by the companies they critique.

Here's a critical review of blue mountain coffee...

There you go?

Take the critic's word however you will, but could you provide some evidence to support the claim that they are being "paid off" by companies?

I might be wrong! I'd like to know if I'm wrong. But you have yet to convince me.

>> No.2533718

>smoking a cigarette
God, I love smoking a cigarette after a month without smoking, but then I have a whole pack to get through before it goes stale, and then by the end, I hate smoking and the stickyness that envelopes my brain.

>> No.2533723

Your point is moot unless you happen to live in China. I'm unaware of anything on that level outside of E Asia. Those guys are like bakers who go "Oh, it's a little cold outside, and the room humidity is a bit off, better give the loaf another half a minute", it's a whole other level to everyday use.

>> No.2533724

>God, I love smoking a cigarette after a month without smoking

oh that self control! I am terrible, i smoke a lot.

what brand of cigs do you like?

>> No.2533742

anyone here who has quit coffee after several years of heavy drinking? I drink 4-6 cups of very strong coffee every day, have for 6-7 years now. If I don't get any for ~18 hours I get a headache.

I tried quitting a few years ago but I had a constant nagging headache and some massive constipation. I caved after a few days.

>> No.2533753

Quitting caffein can be like quitting cocaine. You just need a weekend where you can go cold turkey, drink plenty of water (but not too much) and sleep it off without seeing anyone.

>> No.2533761

I know many a tea lover who takes his brewing this seriously. Not the ceremonial part, but a bit obsessive about the conditions and all.

I'm not a tea snob myself, I enjoy a teabag in a mug too most days, but I don't dismiss the more elaborate processes. It all has it's place.

>> No.2533768
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I get a headache after 5~ hours of not drinking coffee. Consider yourself lobster. I can barely concentrate without constant nicotine and caffeine all up in me.

>> No.2533779
File: 911 KB, 171x141, not amused.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw a ton of professional bodybuilders drink a cup of coffee everyday to maximize workouts.

>> No.2533808

I used to work at a tea lounge, so teas are my thing. Also, if you need milk/sugar and other stuff added to enjoy tea you are a giant baby. After you've tried water mixed with Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds a few times, every liquid tastes delicious.

>> No.2533812

Anyone who has spent more than five minutes on the /fit/ synchtube has seen this video. I don't own one but it looks like a nice alternative to a french press.


>> No.2533814

I dunno. The larger variables in tea making in most places are water quality/chemistry/temperature and similar atmospheric variables. Tea flavour as you know is often delicate, even more so than most water flavours.

This is starting to be removed from my own view on this though. I'm not so bothered about making great tea with the finest ingredients in the world, I'm more interested in what can be done with more standard ingredients. And in this sense the main difference between loose leaf and bag is size of particles/surface area and containment, and most simple techniques for evening out certain water variables (particularly aeration) are not possible, not as effective or not as easy with loose leaf because of this.

>> No.2533817
File: 65 KB, 430x286, dale-cooper1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know how I like it, Diane.

>> No.2533819


Tons of weightlifters also have low sperm counts.

>> No.2533827
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Coffee's for closers.

>> No.2533831 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2533833
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>> No.2533837


>> No.2533856

>Worrying about sperm count
Its not like you'll ever get laid anyhow. You can stop pretending now.

>> No.2533864

Oh shit
Fuck me now. Fucking do it. Call me Diane the whole time. Record the whole thing on your tape recorder.

>> No.2533867
File: 318 KB, 500x416, herman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I posted "Coffee's" and you can't read.

>> No.2533868

If you're getting laid you'd want low sperm count.

>> No.2533873


>> No.2533877

Now post yfw now you know about the archiver.

>> No.2533885
File: 25 KB, 400x289, twin-peaks-cooper-and-bob2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I bring a friend?

>> No.2533897

Maybe. Let me ask the log.

>> No.2533924

The best stuff: DuMaurier.

The last pack of ciggs I bought were players, I fucken hated them to death. A good way to quite smoking is to look at it from the point of view of climbing a mountain. When you gain an addition/habit, you reach a peak/plataeu. If you want to get "off', you can't quite cold turkey, you have to slowly and gradually climb down.

Reduce intake incrementally (not exponentially). It's a good and sure way of quitting anything. Players ciggs are horrible, and I suggest buying and smoking brands you don't like, or aren't your favourite, to help in the quitting process (because you reduce enjoyability in the habit that way).

I'm pretty sure I'm not going to buy a pack for a long long time (perhaps the rest of my life).

>> No.2533958
File: 198 KB, 634x649, Picture 14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have what could charitably be called a "basic model" drip coffee maker that my ex gf kicked me down when I broke my french press. I never took a head-to-head taste test, but I don't notice a difference. I have a budget model grinder. I'll grind a week's worth of beans on my day off and put them in the fridge. I buy whatever whole beans are the cheapest--AS LONG AS THEY ARE ARABICA--with preference for the darkest roast. So, I buy a lot of Kroger-brand Columbian, Kroger French Roast, and Eight-O'Clock. (Kroger=supermarket house brand=cheap) Spot of milk, except not now because I'm sick. This is all I require.

I used to work where there was an espresso machine, and oh man, did I get used to that quickly. used to PACK them grounds in that fuckin' thing. I had a particular way of making cappuccino that has never met it's match.

I also like tea sometimes. I found Taylors Scottish breakfast in a bargain bin recently, shit's pretty good.

also, wtf is with pic related?

>> No.2533967
File: 55 KB, 500x316, cooper thumbsup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love you guys

>> No.2533973
File: 4 KB, 187x140, 059441003521_187x_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you sound like a practical person.

I like twinings tea personally.

Also, Trestelle makes the best feta cheese, hands down.

>> No.2533998

I like to think that I'm nothing if not practical.

glad to see twinings reviewed favorably by you and others, since that's what I've been getting for earl grey (it's priced well).

feta is certainly tasty but nothing i ever buy for myself. how did we go from coffee/tea to feta, exactly?

>> No.2534006

As the guy posting Baldwin, I wish I knew. I think the guy misread it and confused himself.

>> No.2534014

Sorry to make you think there were multiple people here worth loving. Just little old me.

>> No.2534025
File: 37 KB, 988x489, asdasd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wouldn't let me post this because /lit/ thought my post was spam.

Fucken nazi /lit/.

>> No.2534031

what a tool. typo aside, though
"Coffee is" becomes "Coffee's." It's a legit contraction, so even his re-post makes no sense, right? But also, I was under the impression that we can't post the same pic multiple times anymore.

this whole business is really quite vexing

>> No.2534032
File: 11 KB, 1359x339, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ is of capitalist censorship.

>> No.2534033

>"Coffee is" becomes "Coffee's." It's a legit contraction

Not it is not good sir. Carry on. Sage.

>> No.2534045

lol I was jealous for a second. I *wish* a girl would tell me to call her Diane and tape-record the sex.

>> No.2534047

This is like piss poor trolling.

If you are just being retarded, you need to brush up on your grammar.

>> No.2534050

>people discussing tea
>claim to enjoy pleb-tier supermarket shit like twinnings
Do you nerds even use loose leaf? Premium longjing-from-a-yixing-pot master race reporting in, feel free to talk once you stop putting sugar in your artificially flavored bagged tea, babbies.

>> No.2534055

irrespective of grammar, that is how the line is delivered in that dramatization.

oh, and nice typo, fag.

>> No.2534067

>Premium longjing-from-a-yixing-pot master race reporting in
>still uses shitty water
Money bonfires are also good fun.

>> No.2534068

OK CHILDREN! Wikipedia will now have to educate you on the grammar rules of contraction http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contraction_%28grammar%29

Now you know how to harness the power of contractions! Isn't it exciting? Also, sage for you.

>> No.2534073

but... i don't use sugar. looseleaf tea is fine, but they don't even sell it at my store and I'm not gonna make a separate trip because i obviously don't care as much as you. a friend gave me some classy looseleaf tea from the mall once and yeah, it was better. happy now?

>> No.2534083

Have you read it?

>> No.2534094

order it online nerd

>> No.2534120

Coffee shows ownership?

>> No.2534179

it is=it's
ownership of it=its
coffees=multiple cups of coffee
coffee's=something belonging to coffee, like a spoon or its taste

SO WHAT THE FUCK IS THE SPELLING OF THE CONTRACTION "COFFEE IS"? we all say shit like "coffees for closers" every day. how i just spelled it is wrong, and if the "it's" rule is wrong, then what is it?

gah, english is retarded

>> No.2534196

the contraction is still "coffee's hot". The difference in meaning will be contextual and easily picked up by a listener.

Status your jimmies:
[ ] unrustled
[ ] moderately rustled
[X] rustled

>> No.2534205

It's still apostrophe s for the contraction. Standard contractions require an apostrophe, but interesting point is that in transcription of dialects it's considered bad form to put in apostrophes (because you're making assumptions about whether the speaker is trying to speak the standard dialect or not). In this case there's no confusion over why the apostrophe is used. Compare:
>Coffee's for closers
>Coffee's foreclosures
Foreclosure is a noun, and so can be possessed. Confusion arises with something like:
>Coffee's foreclosure
Is it the foreclosure of coffee or that coffee is foreclosure? I guess we'll never know.

>> No.2534215

I'm not a fucking worthless stew brained drug addict, so I don't drink coffee. Anyone who does is pathetic. Go to bed earlier you dumb fucks.

>> No.2534230


i'm going to tell myself this post is mitt romney letting off steam

>> No.2534246


fuck yeah Word Of Wisdom

>> No.2534487

I love "cowboy coffee". Just boil the coffee grinds straight in the water, and when the water boils, simmer the coffee for around ten minutes or so. It's also pretty easy to control how strong or weak you want to make your coffee, varying the amount of water, the intensity of the fire and the amount of coffee you put in, after a little practice.

>> No.2534490

That's poor man's Turkish.