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/lit/ - Literature

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23338032 No.23338032 [Reply] [Original]

>Asian American diaspora female literature
This. This is the distillation of every bad trope in modern fiction made manifest.

>> No.23338045
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I hate Asians, Americans, Asian Americans, diasporas, females, and Asian American diaspora females

>> No.23338109


The movie made me cry so much tho

>> No.23338117

You read it tho huh

>> No.23338122

why are asian american girls so smug about being asian american and the guys dont give af

>> No.23338132
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Because women are by nature collectivists and men are individualists.

>> No.23338147

They are some of the worst pronouns in bio people.

>> No.23338157


t. asian

>> No.23338161

Asian chicks are highly desired sexually. Asian men are basically at the bottom of the food chain.

>> No.23338230

My mother she like lotus flower hidden away but I catch the reflection of the moon in my backyard pool the same moon she saw in a lake in China my white husband he does not understand I must get a divorce I wish my mother could've gotten a divorce my brother drowned I am Chinese ching chong Bing bong!

>> No.23338302

White kids said my lunch smell bad

>> No.23338323
File: 331 KB, 1600x900, Yiyun Li 00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys know Yiyun Li? I've brought her up a few times, but it rarely seems like anyone knows her. If you do, what do you think of her? I just listened to her most recent short story for the New Yorker on The Writer's Voice (the New Yorker mostly sucks; huge amounts of obvious propaganda in the selection of authors and works, but still). It was called Wednesday's Child. I'm not sure what I think of it. That probably means I like it, or like aspects of it. Anyway, I haven't settled my thoughts about it or her as an author yet. Thoughts?

>> No.23338325

Yet here you are.

Oh, but they do.

>> No.23338329

That'll show 'em beta! Bond with a guy who just professed his hatred for you! Why are Asian men like this?

>> No.23338395

>Asian men are basically at the bottom of the food chain.

Is this true anymore? I thought zoomers are very woke now and this doesn't seem woke to discriminate against Asian males

>> No.23338449

Women just like to champion a cause. Beta males just like to feel proximity to women. They're both as changeable as the wind and neither actually gives a flying fuckaloo about the plight of Asian males.

>> No.23338483


Are there some good books about being an Asian male in the US or West?

>> No.23338502

I haven’t read it but I’m sure it focuses around chasing white men, wahh why doesn’t white chad want me, omg I wish I had blue eyes like Stacy, etc.

That is the only thing that runs through Asian Americans heads and it’s reflected in their books

>> No.23338506
File: 5 KB, 191x249, IMG_8887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My twisted world by Elliot Rodger

>> No.23338510

He isn't an Asian male
He's a hapa, hapas are not asian nor are they white

>> No.23338515
File: 120 KB, 651x1024, IMG_9394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hapas are typically viewed as Asian by society. When the cops were trying to find Elliot they were radioing “Asian male suspect on the loose”. His parents tried to dye his hair blonde because classmates were racist to him

>> No.23338520
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>> No.23338610

I don't know, but >>23338506 is not me.

>> No.23338616

I'm not trying to bond I literally want to kill myself

>> No.23338626

I remember the seeing the picrel tweet, and knowing absolutely nothing about whose Twitter account it was, still knew instantly that it was cope and lies. I don't even think that Asian guys can't be tall or handsome. I just knew that it wasn't true in this particular instance. Why? Something about the way the tweet was worded?

>> No.23338636

Maxine Hong Kingston is based as fuck

>> No.23338639


The boy in the pic looks 100% Asian though. Some hapas look more white, others look more asian. Some do look like they sit right in between.

But boy in pic is probably not even really his son. He should do a DNA test. No resemblance at all.

>> No.23338647

>knew that it wasn't true in this particular instance

Somebody probably put up a pic of the kid ten years earlier or it's not the same son but his younger brother.

>> No.23338651


You should just read Three Kingdoms. Things will get better.

>> No.23338662

That’s wrong, gen z girls go wild for k pop guys

>> No.23338682
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This anon literally wrote a book on this subject.


>> No.23338744

they go wild for kpop guys who wear makeup and have had an ungodly amount of surgery and have money (attractive) and confidence
they don't like Xing who is scrawny, insecure, autistic, nerdy and gets bullied

>> No.23338825

I can see the half white now that it’s been pointed out but you gotta know where to look
A lot of the guys are OK but all of the whining comes from women with a last name of Nguyen or Tran
One exception: Wesley Yang whined in public for a bit before he started reading Jordan Peterson, chilled out a bit, and started getting worried about trans mania (he’s a divorcé with a daughter)

>> No.23338883
File: 2.94 MB, 2292x3381, hapas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, it depends
I only have this one and not the pro-AMWF counterpart, but a lot of these people could be viewed as one or the other depending on the lighting/angle whatever
Unless you develop an eye for “half asian”, and even then, some of them just look Hispanic or mystery meat

>> No.23338893

Where is Elliot Rodger in the WMAF section? You can literally cherry pick anyone you want to manufacture whatever conclusion you want out of this?

>> No.23338899

>Xing who is scrawny, insecure, autistic, nerdy and gets bullied

But doesn't that also apply to Poindexter?

>> No.23338903

Will always remember when the author of The Sympathizer tried to grift that fake “StopAsianHate” movement by posting videos of blacks punching Asians and then blaming White people

>> No.23338905


blacks do not control the media or narrative though. somebody else does.

>> No.23338949

That’s why I mentioned there’s another one that tries to get the viewer to draw the opposite conclusion, retard.
I posted this one because it has a lot of hapas on it. If I had the other one I’d post it too.

>> No.23339512

You dumbasses don't read...

>> No.23339526
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>This is the distillation of every bad trope in modern fiction made manifest.
Absolutely true.

>> No.23340800


You have a link?

>> No.23340807

what even is Jay Ran Xhiao or Xhao or Zhao or 魔鬼賊.

>> No.23340871
File: 252 KB, 827x1237, IMG_9215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90% of hapas look asian. Only a few lucky ones turn out white looking.
No wonder they’re so mentally ill, both of their parents hate asian males and they’re an asian male born to them. Fascinating and disgusting phenomenon

>> No.23340880

Because it looks like bad boy demon war if you squint.

>> No.23340888

White incels could just not procreate instead of doing this sad shit.

>> No.23340896

This might've been true in the 90's or 2000's but ever since Indians started immigrating en masse, Asian guys have gotten more breathing room

>> No.23340919


women like this should never return to china

>> No.23340930

Indian males and east Asian males will go extinct. Their own women don't want to fuck them after they've been exposed to Western style feminism. Indians at least have the cope that no one wants to fuck their women either. IMO this is why these two demographic are obsessed with posting BBC on 4chan.

>> No.23340942

I find it funny that Asian American female literature is entirely within the tradition of Western literature and has absolutely nothing to do with Asian literature
My aunt reads Asian American literature in order to feel connected to her roots but she'd never consider reading anything actually written in Asia

>> No.23340952

She started identifying as "they/them" and rose to fame by making a video about how Disney's live action Mulan remake was racist and sexist. She's also one of the authors the Hugo Awards self-censored so as not to piss off China lol

>> No.23340969
File: 14 KB, 200x255, 200px-TangXianzong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought Asians looked cooler than white men when they have facial hair.

Whites literally look like aliens to me with their sharp features. Their women also look like whores with manjaws. Their race doesn't impress me given the only thing they're good at is cucking to Jews and making life miserable for both themselves and the rest of the world.

>> No.23340970

>Their race doesn't impress me
Sometimes I forget you guys actually think like this. We are aliens when compared.

>> No.23340992
File: 461 KB, 835x1178, Kaiser_Wilhelm_I._(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought Whites looked cooler than Asian men when they have facial hair.

Asians literally look like aliens to me with their buggy features. Their women also look like whores with down syndrome. Their race doesn't impress me given the only thing they're good at is status seeking and making life miserable for both themselves and the rest of the world.

>> No.23341002

jesus christ I feel bad for the kid

>> No.23341006
File: 16 KB, 320x320, i (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought Blacks looked cooler than all non-black men when they have facial hair.

Non-blacks literally look like aliens to me with their weak features. Their women also look like whores with no ass. Their race doesn't impress me given the only thing they're good at is thinkin' and making life miserable for both themselves and the rest of the world.

>> No.23341053

>Their women also look like whores with no ass

but latinas tho

>> No.23342007

6' and a fast swimmer isn’t the worst hand to be dealt
He’ll probably turn out OK if he’s not dumb

>> No.23342010

I listened to it on the app Castbox, which is free, but you might be able to listen on here without a sub.

>> No.23342874

Which one of these books will help me get an Asian gf?

>> No.23343185
File: 69 KB, 998x450, Kpop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No they don't. Only a few mentally ill teenagers. A white woman went on r/asianmasculinity who was trying to help them and literally told Asian guys they were delusional for thinking kpop would get them laid.

>> No.23343321


What women want are men who have the money to be a provider. THe advantage that Asian men have over whites is their higher IQ and consequently their higher status, higher income occupations. The question is why a successful Asian man would reduce himself to settling for a disgusting BBC-stretched, cock-carousel white roastie when he could have any woman in the world.

>> No.23343691

>just be an internationally famous celebrity bro!

>> No.23343750

Based and agreed

>> No.23343819

>consequently their higher status, higher income occupations
Absolutely hilarious cope. Being a code monkey is not a desirable occupation and status doesn't matter much of you're 5'5".

>> No.23343823


>> No.23344903

Are there any actually good Asian-American female writers?

>> No.23345068

I mean, if you put it that way it sounds bad. But I quite enjoyed the book. It's a sobering reminder of the struggles that immigrants and their children face, in different ways. I think the most important thing that Tan argues in this novel is that each struggle is valid, and that the issues that trouble a parent-child relationship are sometimes (if not often) nobody's fault except the result of unresolved traumas and circumstances outside anybody's control.

Much of the novel centers around trauma and the difficulties of language: the mothers and daughters each face great misfortunes beyond their control: the suicide of their mother, or a stillborn son, or a drowned brother, or being married as a child. And while it is easy to see that some struggles are greater and more painful than others, no struggle is less valid than any other. The real trouble is communicating that struggle, that pain, that trauma.

I'm usually not one to pull the race card, but if this were written about white immigrant fathers and their sons I think you would all be a lot kinder to this novel. Also, if you guys are really as smart as you all like to pretend to be, you'd realise that boiling down a book to buzzword tropes and categories is the exact thing that Booktok does.
>t. ABC

>> No.23345252

Good post anon

>> No.23345256
File: 102 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_9273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don’t need help, asian women will chase the leftover white guys nobody wanted with a vengeance.
It’s all they think about, and all of their books are seething about how most white men don’t want them. Just make sure she aborts the asian elliot rodgers sons

>> No.23345261
File: 93 KB, 937x501, AFWM and AMWF propaganda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>23338949 (me)
I found another one with the polarity reversed, but it's not nearly as big as the other one I saw

>> No.23345299

Trump’s “poisoning the blood” has fuckall to do with how his son looks. So either he doesn’t understand what it means, or it’s some Freudian thing revealing that he knows his son looks like a mong and he has to compensate for it.

>> No.23345303

The woman logic spiral of
>you’re unsuccessful because you’re not confident
When the causality is they’re not confident because they’re unsuccessful, will never not be funny. Next up we solve poverty by asking “have you tried being rich”?

>> No.23346194

>THe advantage that Asian men have over whites is their higher IQ and consequently their higher status, higher income occupations
It doesn't work like that, white men are, on average, higher status than Asian men because they're just better-looking, much better looking. Women caring about money is an outdated trope, it doesn't apply anymore as women are now financially free.

>> No.23346459


Aside from the tiny percent of the population that are actual Nordic chads (which probability implies doesn't include you, anon), white men are no more attractive and are even ugly in many respects, tending towards being overweight, having pasty or dotted skin, overly hairy, having more body odor and so on. Not to mention their boorishness, in terms of personality. There's a reason the Japanese and Chinese upon encountering whites, immediately viewed them as disgusting barbarians. As the global shift to the East happens this is going to become more and more the universal opinion.

>> No.23346465

Yes Xiang one day a woman will look at you with something other than disgust in her eyes

>> No.23346482

Thanks anon, much love

>> No.23346657

In the same way that they used to go crazy over The Jonas Brothers and Bieber, maybe.

>> No.23346757
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Today in the New York Times

>> No.23346799
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>> No.23346804

>Conjures worlds
I.e writes about mangos, white kids said my lunch stinky, and her White husband

>> No.23346816

dude looks alright too. Tall with a strong beard. He would easily pass for an ainu japanese. Just say he's from hawaii and has japanese blood in him.

>> No.23346838

Still not White. Asian genes are ok for women but awful for men.

>> No.23346895
File: 179 KB, 1270x650, Screenshot 2024-05-02 at 2.22.54 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this NYTimes really think this is groundbreaking or good literature? Are the writers at NYTimes really that blind to the growing cliches and stereotypes around Asian-American female lit?

>> No.23346926
File: 154 KB, 1284x568, Screenshot 2024-05-02 at 2.29.38 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Asian woman's son with white chad is a white chad who doesn't look Asian at all.
This book sounds ridiculous. It really has everything, including hapa cope. I don't know why the NYTimes is pushing this shit.

>> No.23347006

Why is there an entire billion-dollar industry centered around telling the stories of Asians feeling mildly salty about nothing in particular?

>> No.23347117


>> No.23347141

The memes write themselves. This is just derivative porn for Asian women.

>> No.23347158
File: 2.79 MB, 5000x5000, Asian foids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every Asian woman's dream is to have a pure White child while supporting BLM and replacement migration in White countries. It's a personality disorder or something.

>> No.23347167

imagine being the person who made that image, imagine their inner life.

>> No.23347178

Asians and Hispanics act like that because they have no standards.

It is just so hard to meet people. Not being attracted doesn’t matter really when they all like that.

>> No.23347185

They worship Whiteness while denigrating Whiteness. POCs act yandere towards Whites because they covet what they can't have.

>> No.23347187


That's rich coming from a guy that in all likelihood looks like this


Of course you could upload your own picture, but then we might all laugh at you.

>> No.23347190

>This is just derivative porn for Asian women.
I might actually pirate this book just to see how the Asian MC describes and behaves toward the chad and her chadson.
It's almost like Asian-diaspora women hate themselves for being so attracted to white men. Why can't they just accept their feelings?

>> No.23347202

I don’t care at all what they do. I don’t wanna end up like officer clown. That guy is a fucking clown. A real woman would never want a guy like that.

>> No.23347256
File: 550 KB, 2342x1461, imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-4whSAteLluPd4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23347281

1000 pages of some slitty eyed cunt whinging about her fucking violin lessons.

>> No.23348231

What this thread proves is that /lit/ is slowly becoming no better than /pol/ if a misogynistic racebait thread gets more traffic than /clg/ in less time

>> No.23348382

I agree, they can't act, write or make love without that annoying screeching.

>> No.23348390

Amy Rand

>> No.23348583

Asian American is not a race, so it's not racist.

>> No.23348586

Race mixing is child abuse. Race mixing is cultural and biological terrorism. Hang all race mixers.

>> No.23348693
File: 14 KB, 657x527, 1703082339391919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Khong conjures chongs by
pink, paddy, kissy-lipped loops
wrapping around rock.

>t. day 11 no fap

>> No.23348704

That's the /pol/ spillover. Didn't you know? /Pol/, and racists in general, are the biggest narcissistic pseuds in the world. Of course they've infected /Lit/ and /Sci/, their ideology literally requires validation of their intellectual superiority (kek, vain quest), so they try to feel smart by hanging around here. As far as I can tell, they haven't learned a thing. This thread, as you've said, is a good example of how vacuous they all are.

>> No.23348708

There are exceptions.
Certain robust and high cultures were created by waves of race mixing. In fact, European genome was created by invading Yamnaya Aryans that mixed with Anatolian Neolithic Farmers.
Granted, race mixing was rare. What I am trying to say is some blends can surpass the original race, but there was a typically a complex cultural construction going on.
I would agree race mixing in modernized, industrialized countries is bad. It's entirely different when compared to the past.
Anyways, I don't like European culture at all because you're pathetic Christcucks. If you were pagan or Buddhist, I would have more respect for you.
I view your cultural influence on this world as negative in the same manner I view Muslims with disdain.

>> No.23348709

To the one who is reading me: If the tagged post's obviously poor logic doesn't strike you as being, "for idiots by idiots," then you should abandon everything you think you know and start over. You've taken a wrong turn. Better turn around.

>> No.23348711

>pagan or Buddhist
That's because you're low-to-middling intelligence.

>> No.23348716 [DELETED] 

There are ofc many other better options than Christcuckery or Pisslam, but case in point, you didn't pick any of them. You're just a bunch of pathetic cucks to Jews unfortunately.

"Salvation is of the Jews."

>> No.23348720

There are ofc many other better options than Christcuckery or Pisslam, but case in point, you didn't pick any of them. You're just a bunch of pathetic cucks to Jews unfortunately.

"Ye worship ye know not what; we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews."

>> No.23348729

So you think, little shrub.

>> No.23348730

Go cry about it to your Jew on a stick.

>> No.23348750

hypothetically if you had one chance to say something flirtatious to a woman this age what would you say

>> No.23348752

Tears on your mind, eh? Good sign maybe. Weep for the life you've wasted and then turn around. Some shrubs manage to grow tall in the light.

>> No.23348756

Ok chink

>> No.23348799
File: 37 KB, 743x570, 1704931845955245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conging Khong's chongs—as a great ape I thronged! Held her thong like reins, bulging at every vein! They clapped, they bonged, sweat-flecked, they donged, like jellyfish catching light, her waves ridden all night! LOOK HO! THAR SHE BLOWS! Cresting her big O, I'm near to the throw, but the last drop, I'll let go! Can't drink it, not I, while these breasts bash my eye! Plumeous vest! This naiad puts me to test, and my dragon, plunging like the Kraken he jests, his chin—dragging and thwacking with zest! Bing bong! A great roar! Fingers groping for more! Click, clock, shlick, shlock, Baoding's tingling knock! Tomorrow, she'll walk like the Lady of the Loch—picked, for shoes tied just right, they'll say to themselves, her toists were too soft and white, his crusts too hard, her measure too tight! And oh, how her father, farther than ever, will ship her for stock to my pasture, what's better: I'll make munch of her heather, with a lecherous champ and a lip buzzing tamp and lascivious, whorling, wilding, flail of the most useful and devious twin ends and twin tails!

>t. 11 days of no fap

>> No.23349755

Kys, sanctimonious Christcuck retard.
I'm not East Asian.

>> No.23349782

Shut the fuck up you stupid fuck

>> No.23349817

Don't you lot ever get tired of proving me right? It's gotten almost too easy.

>> No.23349829
File: 98 KB, 1110x1239, hate wins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She sounds like she fucks white guys.

>> No.23349840

If whites and Christians are so bad then why are you typing in our language?

>> No.23349848

I was pretty clear all of Abrahamism is bad, illiterate moron

>> No.23350016

Aren’t you that schizo who threatens people with genocide if they claim your persian culture as white/indo-aryan?

>> No.23350025

I care about honesty, truth, and integrity. The devil is always in the details. You myopic narcissistic edgelord Zoomer cunts only care about identity politics and LARPing. You don't care about higher ideals like truth, enlightenment, self-reliance, and compassion.

>> No.23350766

based demented coomer

>> No.23350925
File: 384 KB, 472x786, mini_magick20210815-32057-q5a12j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trans Tex/Mex/Mestizo diaspora - if I ever decide to kill myself, I will first find the undergraduate professor I had that made me read this and do something something in Minecraft. Literally the worst thing I've ever read in my entire life, and I still want revenge despite this happening to me 20 years ago.

>> No.23350950


Had that as assigned reading about the same amount of time ago. I didn't hate it as nearly much as you, but I understand clearly the reasons for hating it.

I've read other feminist texts which operate in similar ways: just whining in random ways about subjective experience. Anzaldua herself explained in an intro or author's note IIRC how the academic staff/publishers she was dealing with at the time (late 80s or so) were still predominantly white (and consequently ratioanal) and therefore very skeptical of the whole book and wanted her to present some sort of rigorous argument and she was like nope, it's gonna be a poem here and an essay there and that's how it's going to be, and somehow the thing got published and undergrad professors everywhere started rubbing her clit for it, assigning it all over the place. The professor who assigned it in my class? An israeli jew, of course.

>> No.23350962

I hate ethnic group writing. You're a goddamn individual

>> No.23351001
File: 35 KB, 300x466, thousand yrs good prayers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like her. read this story collection a while back and I remember being impressed.

>> No.23351005
File: 238 KB, 940x635, joyce alone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you hate me, anon

>> No.23351006

My mother she like lotus flower hidden away but I catch the reflection of the moon in my backyard pool the same moon she saw in a lake in China my white husband he does not understand I must get a divorce I wish my mother could've gotten a divorce my brother drowned I am Chinese ching chong Bing bong!

>> No.23351030

Nobody cares what some shitskin like you thinks in all honesty

>> No.23351203

I own that collection, actually. Same anon to whom you're replying.

>> No.23351211
File: 257 KB, 1024x1001, 1688679643488373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live to please, sir, and to endure the torture of my shackled libido under the sadist's tyranny of Woman's Beauty.

>> No.23351216

Could never really get into brapman

>> No.23351218

Literally every single time.

>> No.23351224

>higher ideals like truth, enlightenment, self-reliance, and compassion.
Nigga you're here seething on 4chan, the fuck are you talking about higher ideals? Crawl out of your asshole for a second and get real.

>> No.23351331

Shut the fuck up

>> No.23351345

hee hee meltdown

>> No.23351629

it sucks not to be white huh? You must be so angry

>> No.23351634

>Asian men are less masculine than men of other races
>this is specifically because of white people though
that makes no fucking sense. How is it just white supremacy? How is it also not black, brown, etc supremacy?
Did she forget that there are other races besides white and Asian?

>> No.23351654

This but unironically

>> No.23351659

WMAF is a mind virus

>> No.23352603

>so attracted

They're not. It's just a consequence of being around more white men than any other race. They live in America so what do you expect? There are twenty white men for every Asian man.

>> No.23352789


I read the sample and it reads 100% like typical Romance category slop complete with the sexy young billionaire with blue eyes who immediately whisks her off to Paris for a whirlwind romance.

I guess this counts for "literature" these days.

>> No.23353709

Yes but instead of something so derivative being coded as harlequin romance, it is bestowed the weight and seriousness of a Dostoevsky novel due to the writer's "authentic" lived experience of merely existing as an ethnic woman.

>> No.23353801

The Learned Disguise - R.C. Waldun

>> No.23353949

refreshing to see this here

>> No.23354515

based roastinator