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23324837 No.23324837 [Reply] [Original]

Hegel? Heidegger? Plato? Aristotle? Who?

>> No.23324840


>> No.23324844


>> No.23324845


>> No.23324847


>> No.23324850


>> No.23324852


>> No.23324857

Philip K Dick

>> No.23324859

Camus, and Buddha.

>> No.23324867


>> No.23324870

Buddha, unironically

>> No.23324875


>> No.23324876

For real.

>> No.23324879

Christian metaphysics mogs Buddhists and Vedanta

>> No.23324883

or Whitehead

>> No.23324902

Heidegger + Jung is everything you need tbqh

>> No.23324906

I think it was Steve Donahue who said that you can’t take any philosopher seriously who wrote before the discoveries of Charles Darwin.

>> No.23324910
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none of them

>> No.23324912

Actually not a philosopher but social psychologist Gustave Le Bon.

>> No.23324913

Rollo Tomassi

>> No.23324931
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>> No.23324943

Nah, falsehood can't mogg truth and reality.

>> No.23324947


Failed old grifter

>> No.23324954
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>> No.23324990

>word salad

>> No.23324998

Why don't you ever post anything of substance? You've reposted this shit dozens of times but you never make any actual arguments or engage with post-Hegelian thought or do anything of interest. All you do is jerk yourself off for being part of the cool mysterious German Idealism fanboy club.

>> No.23325053

More like Gaygel

>> No.23325115

Adi Shankara (pbuh)


>> No.23325119
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>> No.23325124

Lone individual? Augustine. Collective? Christians and especially Church Fathers.

>> No.23325195

>Christianity is true

Low IQ take

>> No.23325205

Low IQ people tend to breed more

>> No.23325207

Darwin was off base about sociobiology and so was Kropotkin

>> No.23325468

Me but it won’t be published because I’m while and the world only cares about gay people stories

>> No.23325530

Yeah Hume literally got it right which meant staying in his lane, which makes him kind of boring to discuss.
It's not a *complete* picture, but it's a completely correct one.

>> No.23325704

Aristotle and that's it. All philosophy is the echo of Plato and Aristotle's bickering, and Aristotle won.

>> No.23325760
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>> No.23325770

Guenon unironically

>> No.23325809

As painful as it is to admit, Buddha.

>> No.23325823


>> No.23325838


Why? You already know. Proving that is something else.

>> No.23325854

Charles Darwin discovered very little. He theorized (probably accurately) that living “species” evolved based on their inherent traits, environments, and relative isolation. He synthesized more ideas (of greater minds) than he discovered himself. At least as far as I see things.

>> No.23325870

Nietzsche may not have said anything about how knowledge is possible or whatever, but he wrote extensively seeing that it is. I find that kind of endeavor much more true in my world.

>> No.23325872

Nietzsches greatest quality is that he wrote with his feelings.

>> No.23326203

>doesn't know that ancient Indian philosophia and ancient Greek philosophia are essentially the same.
> I said christe- heavily inspired by neoplatonic thought

>> No.23326207

And then Plotinus came and essentially reconciled the two since they weren't necessarily in opposition
Read more and slowly this time.

>> No.23326209

A blight that ruined philosophy.

>> No.23326211

Bergson and Whitehead
In terms of contemporary philosophers there's only really Iain McGilchrist who is continuing what Bergson and Whitehead started

>> No.23326252
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Beatrix Potter.

>> No.23326255

Define truth

>> No.23326263


>> No.23326478


>> No.23326497

Hegel of course, but you can't understand Hegel if you have not already come to an understanding of the Truth on your own

>> No.23326540
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>> No.23326570

Actually Heidegger. I will not elaborate.

>> No.23326592
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>> No.23326635
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This. t's his birthday today, by the way.

>> No.23326692

Bro you have got to advocate for The One harder. This is just embarrassing and makes us look like deusional retards read your Lacan and write your proofs.

>> No.23326713
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>inb4 but he's a scientist and not a philosopher
Science is natural philosophy. Therefore, logically every scientist is a philosopher.

>> No.23326728

It’s funny because your take is the low IQ take. The triune God and Christian theologians overcame every philosophical problem that’s ever been posed, including modern ones. It’s the only philosophy which doesn’t contain necessary logical contradictions, baseless belief systems, or just a general failure to account for how any knowledge about anything is known. It’s the ultimate midwit filter because midwits will read modern philosophers and their strawmen or worse, new atheist media personalities while the highwits will go to the source. “What did Augustine say about the triune nature of God and why is that important for epistemology?” And once you do, you realize that the claims of the gospels are literally true, that the Church solved philosophy, and that there’s never been a more complete or more justified philosophical system ever on this planet.

So I just count you as one of the midwits who has never read Augustine, never read the Church Fathers, never read the gospels, never read the councils, and you never will. You’ll resort to strawmen and ad hominem forever and trap yourself in the midwit trap because that’s what you are, not because it’s in your nature but because it’s what you choose, over and over again even when the truth is right under your nose.

>> No.23326734

Emmanuel Cunt.

>> No.23326735

>It’s funny because your take is the low IQ take. The triune God and Christian theologians overcame every philosophical problem that’s ever been posed, including modern ones
This is explained by Augusto del Noce. In short, pre-Christian theology solved the problems of the pre-Socratics onward and the of post—Christian modern philosophy is actually not a refutation of Christian theology but is rather just a refusal to engage with theological questions, a mere choosing ignorance as the epistemological basis of philosophy, which is obviously a game for midwits.

>> No.23326879

very interested in Kierkegaard, where should I start

>> No.23326917

What is "world working" even supposed to mean

>> No.23326956

Madhusudana Saraswati is probably the greatest

>> No.23327038


>> No.23327074

Where does Del Noce write about this? I say this as someone currently receiving a traditional Catholic education: the opposite appears to be true; it appears rather that the Church is unwilling to engage with modern philosophy.

>> No.23327076

St Paul and Jesus

>> No.23327079

Isn't Hume's entire philosophy to say we can't actually know how the world works but we kinda guess and that's okay.

>> No.23327081

Fear and Trembling

>> No.23327091

Refuted by Ockham

>> No.23327268

>Get mogged by the problem of evil

>> No.23327282

How is HS going?


>> No.23327342 [SPOILER] 
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My Teacher.


-Elohim, the Night Dragon

>> No.23327913


>> No.23327952

essentially? maybe. But they are missing the key components of Christ and the Holy Spirit.
Reaching Nirvana is just being annihilated, and Brahman is inferior to the Trinity.

>> No.23327953

Looks like Keith Woods.

>> No.23328146

only a little

>> No.23328168

True enough

>> No.23328171

He is literally the Tathāgata of course he’s right about the nature of reality.

>> No.23328209

i have been depressed lately. I feel worthless and anything i do doesn't carry any purpose. I feel human consciousness is an illusory cope and souls are a lie. I feel like nothing matters. Any philosophical books that reject all faith and still end with "just live happily man."
I need literal copium

>> No.23328240 [SPOILER] 
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You’re good, man.
I virtually certain, that the only real issue, that you’re suffering, from, is that you feel coping makes you weak.

It does not.

-Elohim, the Night Dragon

>> No.23328325

Some of it, kind of. His being very careful to examine how and whether our commonsense understandings of the world are grounded are super valuable, and honestly btfo tons of "philosophers" who pretty much spend all their time trying to justify their prephilosophic understanding based on nothing real.
Acknowledging the dead-ends of sense information and the fact that our reasoning based on experience is pragmatic rather than directly received saves a lot of time and effort otherwise wasted arguing about fake shit.

>> No.23328364

>I feel worthless and anything i do doesn't carry any purpose.
Worth and purpose are qualities that people invest in things, not discover as innate qualities. You define worth and purpose, or receive it from others you've already invested with worth.
>I feel human consciousness is an illusory cope
This is a different issue. Conciousness isn't illusory, I'm just not aware of any reason to believe its distinct from being a certain kind of object. Illusion is understood by its being different from a real state, but conciousness is exactly itself, and really is how you experience. It's like the one thing that IS like that.
>souls are a lie.
Probably, I haven't heard a coherent account of them where they DO anything (nonphysical at least)
>I feel like nothing matters.
This is the same as problem one. Nothing matters until someone invests something with meaning. For your perspective, you're the only one who can do that, although you can do it indirectly by assigning worth to some person or institution and adopting their value assessment as your own.
If you're having trouble getting started with your own value system, I recommend starting with aesthetic judgments. That which is beautiful, pleasant, or intriguing is valuable, that which is ugly, unpleasant and uninteresting is valueless.

>> No.23328610

based incel loser

>> No.23328617


>> No.23328749

Jesus Christ

>> No.23328840

>I feel human consciousness is an illusory cope and souls are a lie. I feel like nothing matters.


Watch that

>> No.23328854

Charles Peirce and its not even close.

We need more Peirce threads. In fact if one of you makes a Peirce thread I have some material to contribute that I think would be beneficial to those interested in semiotics.

Sincerely, Gnostic Peircefag.

>> No.23329392

Dat nigga Rousseau was right about everything

>> No.23329442

Wittgenstein. He's the only philosopher you need to read

>> No.23329831

old or new?

>> No.23329863

Nigga, why didn't you just say so?

t. Peripatetic Peircefag

>> No.23330023

Reaching nirvana, liberation isn't 'annihilation' it's about realizing that which you truly are. Annihilation isn't the correct term because you're aren't destroying anything in the first place. Platonic recollection. The negation of objective identity to reach Subjective Synthesis is the main aim. The holy trinity and advaita vedanta aren't at complete odds with each other, and you can trace the roots of the idea of Trinity all the way back to pythagoras and who knows before that I.e sumerians, Babylonians perhaps?
But I do love early Christian metaphysics like Augustine, eriugena, origen, etc.

>> No.23330283

You experience it directly. There is no good philosophical ground to call it illusory.

>> No.23330607
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The Vedic sages

>> No.23330615

but can you be a person when you're in nirvana? no. so you're annihilating yourself

>> No.23330659

Nietzsche, Evola, Foucault.

>> No.23330772

What is the point of this thread other than saying who you route for?

>> No.23330803

You can be a person. The point of nirvana is to stop expecting things, because that's unreasonable, to stop retreating back into the past in your mind, because you cannot change it, to stop desiring things, because you probably won't get them, to stop projecting your madness on to others, because others aren't you.
Basically, the point is to see reality for the first time, and to lose attachment. It doesn't mean you stop acting in the world or being yourself. It means being able to do this without shooting yourself in the foot and constantly spewing venom and insanity at others.
Its a tool for being more effective as a person, not less.

>> No.23330966

This is a retarded question and you should stick to harry potter

>> No.23331342

Again 'annihilation' isn't the correct word as that means to completely destroy your ego, what advaita vedanta teaches is that your persona, I.e the psychophysical is an illusion, a perturbation and the goal of wisdom is the subjugation of being in order to realize that which you truly are. Thus doesn't mean you will melt with the universe in some bizarre dmt trip 24/7, we still need a 'persona' to navigate this world. As someone with a Christian perspective 'Be in the world, not of it'

>> No.23331357


Quite right.

Read Chesterton's The Dumb Ox.** The starting point of Thomas's philosophy is that we can trust the senses. The starting point of Kant's theory is that we *can't* trust the senses. Kant reasons from this assumption to his idea of the noumena, or the "noumenal realm." But it is a dubious inference that can never be proven, certainly not empirically.

Chesterton talks about all modern philosophies needing to start with a "queer twist" -- an idea that does not correspond to a common-sense view of reality, such as that of St. Thomas wrt trusting the evidence of the senses.

In turn, an elaborate overarching philosophical superstructure is then built upon the initial "queer twist." Kant's system of philosophy is an archetypal example of this process.

>Since the modern world began in the sixteenth century, nobody's system of philosophy has really corresponded to everybody's sense of reality: to what, if left to themselves, common men would call common sense. Each started with a paradox: a peculiar point of view demanding the sacrifice of what they would call a sane point of view. That is the one thing common to Hobbes and Hegel, to Kant and Bergson, to Berkeley and William James. A man had to believe something that no normal man would believe, if it were suddenly propounded to his simplicity; as that law is above right, or right is outside reason, or things are only as we think them, or everything is relative to a reality that is not there. The modern philosopher claims, like a sort of confidence man, that if once we will grant him this, the rest will be easy; he will straighten out the world, if once he is allowed to give this one twist to the mind.

Thomas stands in opposition to these modern philosophies because, as an initial matter, he trusts in the evidence of the human senses, because the senses were created by God. (Of course, if the senses are merely a product of mindless evolution, all bets are off; you would have no particular reason to trust them; why not be a Kantian?)

If you trust in the senses, Thomas's moderate realism makes sense. If not, you will end up lost in space in the noumena.

**Online here: https://gutenberg.net.au/ebooks01/0100331.txt

>> No.23331361

which is why youre terribly wrong

>> No.23331363

really bad philosphers lmao

>> No.23331370

ya got filtered bud. ockham hasnt been relevant since 2010. even the dumb biologists dont use it anymore.

>> No.23331374

This unironically. Been saying that by the time we get Descartes philosophy went down the drain and the German idiots just oblitered to the point of no return.
Only thing I disagree is that Thomas Aquinas was one of the last true philosophers however you can go back further like plotinus, prophery, iamblichus,Plutarch, Syrianus, plato

>> No.23331378

Hans Blumenberg

>> No.23331482

Are you retarded? Ockham was a devout theologian who criticized scholasticsm in favor of fideism and kickstarted humanism. My comment had nothing to do with Nu Atheism and Ockham's contribution to philosophy far exceeds what the those morons misused him for.

>> No.23331587

>trust the senses
what's that supposed to mean? It's impossible to "distrust" the senses - the question is, what do the senses actually show? The senses do not interpret their own data, they don't just construct the phenomenological world out of raw data, the mind orders it in a particular way whether we like it or not, and it's perfectly appropriate to ask if this is the only possible or just one incidental way.

Chesterton is peak boomercringe btw, muh common sense muh normal man-in-the-street, let's just all be normal folks... what's supposed to be the point here, that it's bullshit because it demands breaking routine patterns of thought? why didn't he have the common sense to not eat like a fat slobbering hog?

>> No.23331629

>It's impossible to "distrust" the senses
It's extraordinarily easy to distrust the senses. If your vision is blurry, your hearing impaired, if your nose is stuffy, or your tongue burned, you cannot be sure of the accuracy the data your senses give you. If you've ever thought you heard someone call your name when no one did, or thought you saw motion where there was none, then you have ample reaspn to distrust your sense data.

>> No.23331647

>The starting point of Kant's theory is that we *can't* trust the senses.
That is actually not Kants philosophy, but a pretty gay misrepresentation of it

>> No.23331673

old or young?

>> No.23331710

yes, that's all true, and if that's the meaning intended by the post I replied to that would make Aquinas philosophy, or that reading of his philosophy, even dumber.
I assumed it to mean that the senses in their usual functioning show "the real thing", as opposed to some illusion - but that's really a false dichotomy because the senses don't show you "things" anyway, they transfer signals without inherent meaning which are assembled by another instance than the senses into a version of the world you could trust or distrust.

>> No.23331711


>> No.23331993

also plato is a faggot nigger retard

>> No.23332191

Kant refutes the atman with his notion of trascendental aperception

>> No.23332193

Christian theology couldn't even solve the problem of evil

>> No.23332209

No need to posit the noumena if we can trust the phenomena.

>> No.23332556

Kant's entire project was to show that we in fact can trust the phenomenal in spite of being able to know the noumenal.

>> No.23332557

In spite of NOT being able to know the noumenal

>> No.23333692

Correct answers.

>> No.23333709

It matters less than you think (I think). Start with TLP because it is short, and has a certain clarity, and I think his later work is more about complicating the overly rigid picture of language in the tractatus. The common thread through Wittgenstein's work is the unasking of questions that appear to be profound but are in fact specious, and identifying most of philosophy as falling into that category (TLP concludes by identifying itself as nonsensical, it is very strict).

He was definitely a complete loon, and I don't think any of his defenders will really deny this. But he was good at identifying problems and expressing them in a pithy way, and in testing things to their absolute limits.

>> No.23333716

pseuds have killed /lit/

>> No.23333718

... and he is definitely not the only philosopher you need to read, he's a big weirdo and Plato eg is much more congenial. But you should read Wittgenstein, even if you hate him he is very bracing and willing to go places that make philosophers particularly uncomfortable, for obvious reasons.

>> No.23333725
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>> No.23333742

The Aperion is the cosmos.

>> No.23333755

Ockham committed basic logical fallacies

It’s not a problem. The Christian account is one where evil exists as the result of personal will. In so far as it’s a “problem” at all, it’s only so for a total strawman of theology.

>> No.23333763

This dude is so misrepresented.
But he was ultimately correct.

>> No.23333772

Yes, i don't get why he's always put on the same camp as Thales.

>> No.23333774

I don’t quite remember. I think it was the Crisis of Modernity or the Age of Secularization, but he doesn’t have that many books and this theme runs across multiple. I would just point out here that when del Noce speaks to modernity refusing to engage with theological questions he’s first of all not referring necessarily to the Church but to the thought leaders of the modern age, philosophers, academics, the media, artists and writers, the general thinking public. It’s on full display with the New Atheist writers and speakers, for example. But as for the church, it’s important here to note that just because he sees a modern trend of denying the basic questions (which frankly the church does in my view, as the problems of logical contradiction of atheism were mainly taken up by Protestants) that doesn’t necessarily mean that they are engaging with secular philosophy. Obviously, the secular philosophers do that the church may not necessarily. My view is that the church has refrained from engaging with philosophy in favor of mysticism and moralistic perversion of former dogmas. It doesn’t quite engage with philosophy but it doesn’t quite engage with theology either. It’s all apparitions and “be a good person or whatever” (unjustified legalism - reinterpretations of religious law without asking questions about the fundamental justification for the laws).

>> No.23333792

What bothers me is when they go:
"oh we don't know what he meant by "Aperion" and im like:"what other thing is boundless that's not the fucking cosmos?"
It drives me insane.

>> No.23333906

You can't /thread your own post newfag

>> No.23333987
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>> No.23334060
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Ted Kaczynski

>> No.23334260

How much evil would you be able to see and genuinely say that it's the work of an omni-benevolent God? Is there simply no limit?

>> No.23334315

Nietzsche and Schopenhauer

>> No.23334367

nta, naively it would have to be that more than half the non-neutral events in the universe, witnessed over the lifetime of the universe.
If the balance across all time is more bad than good that would be a strong indicator there isn't.
But even then there's an out because my understanding of how much evil is necessary for a logically consistent universe. If the actual universe is as good as it can possibly be, it may be the work of an omnibenevolent God.
But there's another out because my personal understanding of justice may be lacking. Certainly, honest people can disagree on what is fundamentally good and bad. My subjective place in the cosmos might make my understanding of good and evil wrong, and consequently my judgment of how much I've seen relative to how much is necessary might be wrong in an objective sense.
So ultimately "how much" is the wrong question. It's about understanding the problem of evil in the context of what "possible" alternatives there are and whether I'm capable of judging from a cosmic perspective what actually IS good and evil.
If we stipulate that my personal judgment will be correct based on the evidence, AND that I get a quantitative good/evil summary across all time, then the answer would be "more than is necessary"

>> No.23334685

>Ockham committed basic logical fallacies
Now that's some cope

>> No.23334688

Romans 8:28

>> No.23334701
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Who was in the wrong here?

>> No.23334737

I'd sooner believe in hollow earth than flat earth

>> No.23334745

>hollow earth
Globetard version or koreshan version?

>> No.23334770

More like Esoteric Hitlerism version

>> No.23334989

Why is it painful to admit.
Pls tell me you are a priest.

>> No.23335178

My brother this made me so euphoric. Le HECKIN TRUTH OF YAHWEH makes my penis so fucking hard, I think about Yeezus Krist all day and whack my penus, I’m so pious it’s crazy. Kike. Is. King.

>> No.23335358

Because Buddhists despite following some relatively solid frameworks set out by the Buddha manage to be the biggest midwit faggots on earth.

>> No.23335692
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>In spite of NOT being able to know the noumenal
Exactly. A tortured theory that rests on an unproven and unprovable hypothesis. His "entire project" (>>23332556), thus, a tortured mental exercise in devising a rationale for common sense ("we in fact can trust the phenomenal") that is built on sand -- a noumenal world that is "strictly unknowable."

>> No.23335794

This guy

>> No.23335950

>"more than is necessary"
Seems like a reasonable answer. I don't think that the problem of evil is a knockdown argument, there are none in philosophy of religion IMO and there is no consensus amongst philosophers either but I like to think about it in Bayesian terms. Is the amount of suffering that I observe more expected on a theistic world-view or on an atheistic world-view? I would say it's more expected on an atheistic world-view, so it slightly shifts my credences towards atheism.

I also think our intuitions about suffering are still important, even if they are subjective. If we just say that God is good and the good is whatever God does, then this is pretty circular and breaks down to "God does what God does".
If the concept of God is completely detached from our thinking, then there is even less room for trying to figure out if he exists, the hypothesis becomes even harder to falsify or unfalsifiable.

>> No.23335965

I find the sovereignty of God argument pretty convincing. By being the only non contingent God is therefore the only truly free acting agent. This radical freedom makes him unrestrained from our conventional view of morality, or in other words, makes God the author of that morality. I recommend reading the whole chapter of Romans 9 for the subject.

Rom. 9:20
But rather, O man, who are you who answer back to God? Shall the thing molded say to him who molded it, Why did you make me thus?

>> No.23336441

>Is the amount of suffering that I observe more expected on a theistic world-view or on an atheistic world-view?
Yeah I guess the crux of it is that there just isn't enough information for me to make a confident guess from. I haven't seen any examples of coherent universes that I know to be theistic or atheistic. The only one I have access to is this one, and that's the one I'm trying to make a determination about. I'm curious what you think grounds your expectations.
My guess would be intuitions about theistic universes largely stem from fiction, but then it would be unsurprising that the real universe resembles those fictional universes less than atheistic ones (which are usually copies of the real one). It is what it is, wheras fictional "universes" don't have the burden of being genuinely coherent every instant across unfathomable time and space. We can't really conclude anything from them.

>> No.23336670

An exceptional post, 100% correct.

OP, you have your answer here.

>> No.23336685


>> No.23337719
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Albert Camus and Jean-Paul Sartre 100%

>> No.23337736

Yeah it's impossible to tell your nose is stuffy without double blind studies by physicists with microscopes

>> No.23337781

What are you even talking about?

>> No.23337799

dogen , nisargadatta maharaj
and your mom in my bed

>> No.23337850

You're still relying on your senses in order to distrust them in the first place, so you're not generally distrusting your senses but a particular sense.

>> No.23337860

You got any books?

>> No.23337983

That's a scientific problem.

>> No.23337999

*nods assertively at your quiet observation beneath the profane cacophony of barbarous chitter-chatter*

>> No.23338089


>> No.23338148

science can't define the world.

heidegger did. and succeeded.

>> No.23338259

Your mom is a scientific problem

>> No.23338296

I solved that problem last night. You need a cylinder whose radius is twice that of embedded aperture. The rest is just sine waves.

>> No.23338312


>> No.23338322

Dr Basedstein Scienceberg director of World Working Real Life studies

>> No.23338545

What the fuck? I didn't say basedstein, I said basedstein.

>> No.23338985
File: 234 KB, 466x660, Absolutely disgusting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayn Rand. Nearly all the world's problems are caused by trying to make the malevolent morality of altruism work.

>> No.23339023
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>this retard actually latched onto the weakest of all Rand's ideas
I never thought I'd meet someone like you...

>> No.23339026

Do Randians still exist?

>> No.23339105

They're rich almost across the board and are relatively influential for how hostile the layman is to the ego.

>> No.23339143


>> No.23339933

I'm pretty randy right now ;)

>> No.23341711

Werner Heisenberg.

>> No.23341776

The Bible

>> No.23341847

Schoppy, and its not close.

>> No.23343170

schopenhauer and we cant bear it

>> No.23343239

>you know thing you like? IT'S ACTUALLY PART OF GROUP YOU DONT LIKE
are these weak gaslights all you got, rabbi?

>> No.23344420

Yeah,um...Kant right? Then hagel ? Was it Hagel then Kant ? The rest is just semantics.

>> No.23344660

Kant + Hegel = Kagles

>> No.23344669

god I love Jung

>> No.23344688 [DELETED] 

The Buddha was frequently asked if Nirvana was Annihilation. He always said no. He said people who reach that conclusion misunderstand his teachings. There is nothing to annihilate because you and I are not real. Like how the Diamond Sutra says other people don’t exist. This life as we think we know it, is illusory.

>> No.23344726

>There is nothing to annihilate because you and I are not real.
This is a nihilistic interpretation of his teachings which he never endorses

>> No.23344750

reading Buddha without understanding the hindu context (gitas, upanishads) that he is teaching from within makes it feel more nihilistic than it is

>> No.23344820

You also neglect the fact he preached mostly to the isrealites for the first 20 years and also said the pharisees were in the seat of Moses and should be obeyed, just not to follow their example as they were hypocrites

>> No.23344828

>first 20 years
Didn't Jesus only start preaching at age 33 and then died later that year

>> No.23344974

Anon probably means how he was preaching in the temple at age 12 arguing with rabbis.

>> No.23344981
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St. Thomas Aquinas

>> No.23345025

What's the difference betwixt his and Aristotelian metaphysics?

>> No.23345046 [DELETED] 

No. The Buddha was asked about that too, if the implication meant that it’s nihilistic. He said that is also wrong view. There were those who asked if what he said was Nihilistic because Some people reacted the way you are reacting right now. People who said the implication that this is not real is nihilistic. He said that is also wrong view. Nihilism means everything is meaningless. Just because this life’s not real doesn’t mean nothing matters. Because it’s still conventionally real. We still have to deal with karma and rebirth if we’re not enlightened. So, as long as you’re in the fake world, there are consequences, even if this isn’t ultimate reality

>> No.23345084 [DELETED] 

Gita has a lot of Buddhist terms like Nirvana so it was likely made after Buddhism. For example, the part where Krishna defends the warrior caste seems like a historical response to Buddhism.
Regarding the Upanishads, early Buddhist texts don’t ever mention it existing at the time of the Buddha. None of the thousands and thousands of suttas have any mention of it. So it was probably after Buddhism too.
Even the term “Brahman” referred to rituals and ceremonies in the early portions of the Upanishads, as opposed to meaning God. It wasn’t until after Buddhism with the later portions of the Upanishads where the term Brahman morphed into a term for God.
There are some mentions of early Brahmanism in early Buddhist suttas. But most of the time, it was the Jains that the Buddha encountered and debated. So, a lot of the time, “Brahmin” could just mean a Jain in early Buddhist texts.
Most of the early schools of Brahmanism seemed to be dedicated primarily to Shiva or Indra. So Brahminism, was very different from what is called Hinduism today. Modern Hinduism was heavily influenced by Shankara and he was a Shaivite. He worshipped Shiva. A lot of people into Advaita Vedanta don’t seem to realize that. Shankara and Advaita Vedanta were heavily influenced by Mahayana Buddhism which emphasizes that the physical material world is an illusion, as opposed to Theravada Abhidhamma where Samsara is physical

>> No.23345089

Hobbes, and I will not elaborate further

>> No.23345155

The absolute state of /Lit/...

>> No.23345208

>you know thing you like? IT'S ACTUALLY PART OF GROUP YOU DONT LIKE
yes yes get new material

>> No.23345322

Rand is totally right about altruism, but its definitely not right that the world's problems are cause by trying to make altruism work. Altruism is the principle underlying most of the errors in religious and secular moralities. It's way too narrow to think that people are actually trying to make altruism directly work. They're trying to make their chosen morality, which is at least partially wrong due to its altruistic element, work.

Haters can be ignored, probably don't even know what Rand meant by altruism.

They're rich because its the rare philosophy that gives real guidance for living a good life

>> No.23346370

Brainless fanboying...

>> No.23346424
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>Just because this life’s not real doesn’t mean nothing matters.
Says who?

>> No.23346444

I've read him. It's called
>my diary desu

>> No.23346694

Tha doesn't count as part of his ministry.
I really don't know what you're talking about. Jesus didn't preach for 20 years.

>> No.23346701

Aquinas mixes in a lot more Platonism because he cannot ever outright contradict Augustine.

>> No.23346712

But as Martin Luther will point out, Thomism eventually does contradict Augustine outright lol

>> No.23347795


>> No.23347887


>> No.23348678


>> No.23348714

Brainless reply

>> No.23349528

I truly think no one because truth is infinitely far away from regular, human perception

>> No.23350027

In metaphysics or ethics?

Aquinas disagrees with Augustine on the papacy regarding the whole Peter or his confession as the rock thing, but that's the only thing I can think of. As well, you have Church Fathers on either side of that debate, so Aquinas can't be faulted too much.

I don't really consider Augustine's whole "divine illumination" thing to be a major piece of his thought, which Aquinas obviously does disagree with. But maybe that?

I'm a Lutheran myself, so am well aware of how much Luther disliked Aquinas. Or, rather, the interpretation of Aquinas. I'd love to see where exactly Luther criticizes Aquinas, and on what grounds, because I think Aquinas is more a Lutheran than anything else, much like Dorsch.

>> No.23350124
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>> No.23350151

Hard question. I'm sure some of them got close before that torch got passed to other fields.

>> No.23350155

Mainly on the point of grace, free will, and works.

>> No.23350300
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>philosophy is obsolete because of science

>> No.23350432

>obsolescence, a philosophical concept
they can’t even, bros

>> No.23350739

>Regarding the Upanishads, early Buddhist texts don’t ever mention it existing at the time of the Buddha. None of the thousands and thousands of suttas have any mention of it. So it was probably after Buddhism too.
Professional scholars who are able to date the language of texts pretty much all agree that the early Upanishads predate Buddhism, it's basically a mainstream consensus that at least the Brihadarnayka and Chandogya Upanishads predate Buddhism and possibly some other ones too.

Buddha also mentions the name "Chandoka" in the Tevijja Sutta which mentioning different Vedic portions which can only refer to the Chandogya Upanishad, showing that it predates Buddha, the "Addharaiya" is likely a reference to the Aitareya Upanishad which is in all likelyhood also pre-Buddhist

>There are so many kinds of Brahmins who teach different paths: the Addhariya, the Tittiriya, the Chandoka, the Chandava, the Bramacariya.

>It wasn’t until after Buddhism with the later portions of the Upanishads where the term Brahman morphed into a term for God.
That's simply untrue, you are either lying or you are grossly and woefully ignorant. The Taittiriya Aranyaka portion of the Vedas predates even the Upanishads and says

"By knowing Brahman one attains immortality here. There is no other way to its attainment" - Taittiriya Aranyaka 6-1-6

>Modern Hinduism was heavily influenced by Shankara and he was a Shaivite. He worshipped Shiva.
In his authentic works he doessn't say he particularly worships Shiva over other forms
>A lot of people into Advaita Vedanta don’t seem to realize that. Shankara and Advaita Vedanta were heavily influenced by Mahayana Buddhism which emphasizes that the physical material world is an illusion,
It wasn't, the pre-Buddhist Upanishads like Brihadaranyaka and Chandogya mention the unreality of multiplicity and this is where Shankara gets that idea from.

>> No.23350941

What the Buddha Taught
Mindfulness in Plain English

>> No.23350946
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Ayn Rand

>> No.23351081

Kek. Tell me, anon-- how does the world work?

>> No.23351296

All this diarrhea about western philosophers when Zou Yan solved this years ago. He wrote the most about YinYang theory from the YinYang school. Any of you anons arguing can feel your own qi if you bother to learn how to in less than one days time. After you do feel it you won't bother with all the pointless word masturbation that is western philosophy. I've gathered such an excess of yang chi when I first started with NeiGong that it was detrimental to my health.

And just think about it logically. The Chinese have the highest average IQ out of any country or population today. IQ is genetic. That means the Chinese were likely always among the highest IQ people. It would follow that their philosophers would be pushing the bounds more than any other country. Their geniuses would be likelier to have 160+ IQs than Western ones.

>> No.23351446

Bernard Lonergan.

>> No.23351460

ignoring latter additions about the afterlife and reincarnation, I agree, no intrinsic value, codependence, the relational nature of everything, everything decays

>> No.23351465

“Just live happily” almost always amounts to help others. See the two commandments of Christ. Have “ears to hear” and soften your heart. Imagine if you will, a very nice person coming up to you, and something tells you he wants nothing from you other than to be a good person, and he smiles at you and tells you he loves you and forgives you for not being perfect. Imagine yourself being that person for someone else. That’s Jesus. Just read the New Testament and don’t worry about “believing” in it or not. Just read what Jesus said, be open to it, and if you want to reject it, fine, but just consider it before you do.

>> No.23351481

I think it's very unfair to call this a "queer twist", since there are undeniable arguments showing the self-contradictory of common sense, sense-perception, etc., starting from the skeptic dream argument, up to Descartes.
It is also incorrect to state that this "queer twist" is a characteristic of modern philosophy alone, since acknowledging that things are not what they seem seems to be the beginning of western philosophy and of every intellectual inquiry in general (if things are what they seem, what is there to discover and to know?). Thales' claim that all that exists really changes starting from one substance and returning to it is already a "queer twist", since common sense would tell us that a thing A can change into a thing B and this is all that we see and can talk about, while claiming that A turning into B, and in fact for any one thing to change into another requires a common substrate to both (e.g. "water") is deeply counterintuitive and a big leap of the imagination.
If you see it like this, questioning your own senses seems to be a fairly normal thing that humans do, and I don't see why it shouldn't be a starting point for philosophical or scientific inquiry.

>> No.23351490

Souls are the perfect form that the body is supposed to ascend to. Imagine your life as you would have it given a wish from a genie. Now imagine instead how you would attain that life through any means that are actually available to you. The soul is the substance of your perfection, but it is clothed in its unknowing of how to achieve perfection or even what perfection might mean. It does know that it loves. It loves above all things that are like it, soul, but it is navigating the purifying furnace of material being to understand its own true nature. Just examine what it truly loves, what it cherishes most of all (other souls obviously, you wouldn’t speak if not seeking communion) and look to how you will better give what it cherishes most that which it cherishes desires most (again souls want each other more than anything, and truly loving something is to do whatever you can to make it happy, again in the knowledge that material stuff is only the conduit for souls and souls are the most important thing and further recursively reinforcing that teaching other souls that they should cherish other souls by teaching them to cherish other souls ad-infinitum is the only true path to happiness). Anyhow, reincarnation is bullshit 1. because souls are eternal and will ultimately end up together and 2. because reincarnation nullifies the meaning of your very real, very true, and very unavoidable death here.

>> No.23351496

Schoppy fucked, my guy.

>> No.23351519

To say that visual apparatus should be mistrusted entirely because blurry vision is less accurate than “unblurred” vision is a self-defeating argument. You say you should pluck out your eyes because you don’t have God’s eyes. That’s the logical conclusion of your argument. You’re already conceding that better eyesight than blurred exists, but because an eye is blurred it is no more valid than having no eyes at all. A sense apparatus that “correctly” deduces 20% of information it analyzes is infinitely better than one that deduces 0% of the information. Yes local maxima might exist, but local maxima are better than nothing, and they could turn out to be global maxima. No one quite knows, but like you, we have to trust what we have because we can’t trust what we don’t have

>> No.23351520

Didn’t Plato like write nearly everything we read about what Socrates said?

>> No.23351524

Christians don't play video games. Ironic considering that one may consider video games about choice.

>> No.23351540
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This is definitely not true. Catholic philosophy is like its own big school aside continental and analytic. It deals with both and they won't take anything that mentions God in it remotely seriously.

>> No.23351747

I don't mean to be rude, but Hume is utterly overrated, the man just could not write. Read some Locke, then some Hume and you start vomiting, if you have any sense left in your brain.

>> No.23352335

>Anyhow, reincarnation is bullshit 1. because souls are eternal and will ultimately end up together and 2. because reincarnation nullifies the meaning of your very real, very true, and very unavoidable death here.

Reincarnation wasn't an idea thought up by philosophers talking together at a table. It's a real phenomenon that people have experienced. Even to this day there are stories of kids recounting past lives of real people that were documented or remembered by their original family. The Dalai Lama is 'picked' by similar means to this day. You can hate it all you want, but that doesn't change the fact it exists. Even the Celts believed in a similar concept called Metempsychosis.

And reincarnation was a basic belief of nearly every culture around the world ala Shamanism. The belief system that existed nearly everywhere before any religion or philosophy existed. It's also one of the only belief systems that actively values the Earth and ecosystem over human achievement.

>> No.23352961

Reincarnation is a false name for the true phenomena of resonance. All souls are a part of the same soul sea, and parts of souls can be re-uptook after their “dissolution”, but one to one reincarnations don’t happen because the arrow of time can only ever collapse the infinitude of the multiplicity of being at the end of time, which clearly hasn’t occurred yet. Of course souls speak through the dead, that’s what mythology and artwork and literature and even biological genetics and the causality of events is, a ledger of soul in the fabric of time. Some of these souls may even speak through supernatural means as revelations of the future or past (what you’re referring to) but those who have been “reincarnated” are still in fact their own individual selves and souls. Sorry.

>> No.23352978

You should read Aquinas' actual writings on grace, free-will, and works.

On grace, he states that all of man's salvation is of grace, God is the mover of man's salvation, man is only the moved.

On free-will, he states that God so reveals Himself to the elect by His grace that their wills are so healed as to will freely the goodness of God. The will of itself is always free, in that it is not coerced. However, it can only will the greatest good that is proposed to it by the intellect. If that greatest good is a good subordinate to the goodness of God, it wills that subordinate good necessarily. Luther's Bondage of the Will is near identical to Aquinas' own thoughts. Though in characteristic fashion, Luther states his position in EMPHATIC terms.

On works, he very clearly states that they are only the effects of grace, the contingent building up ourselves in sanctification.

>> No.23353031

Time is not an arrow as all states are happening simultaneously. Just because entropy exists does not mean time only ever goes forward.

>but those who have been “reincarnated” are still in fact their own individual selves and souls. Sorry.
Why are you apologizing for agreeing with me? The fact is you will still come back to the physical if you don't make an active effort to escape the cycle. It is up to you to attempt to break the cycle in this lifetime. Or you could be passive and try to do it in many lifetimes.

>> No.23353075

Nick Bostrom.

>> No.23354332
File: 366 KB, 550x1300, Aquinas on Predestination-Reply.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nta, nice post.

how do you assess the accuracy of the admittedly rather polemically phrased blue text in pic related? And/or thoughts on any of the points raised in that pic.

>> No.23354403

Is this Apu supposed to be Pablo Escobar? QRD?

>> No.23354432

Weird. The medieval catholic church seems like it got really far away from Christian teaching. Seems like Reformed Theology is more consistent with Aquinas than Catholics are

>> No.23354440

A reliable belief making process cannot be self justified as it doesn't have a normative for true knowledge outside of itself.

>> No.23354539

buddha is the only correct answer

>> No.23354580

>t. retard

>> No.23354584

Of course they do. Although that is becoming more of a challenge. Video games are becoming very blasphemous.

>> No.23354586

>I really don't know what you're talking about
I know...nor was I talking about it, rather, I implied it.

>> No.23354614

Smug retards are the worst retards